
主页 > 湖南省 > 湖南大学


姓名 程龙
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 湖南大学
部门 物理与微电子科学学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
联系方式 lcheng@hnu.edu.cn
邮箱 lcheng@hnu.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

基本信息 程龙:教授 研究领域:计算材料科学,电输运,热输运,缺陷物理等 主要研究方向包括开发并应用理论和原子尺度模拟来解决材料问题,尤其是电子学,能源材料等相关问题。电子学方向,主要研究材料中的室温电子传输以及它如何受到原子振动(声子),缺陷和界面的影响,这些主题对电子和光电器件等非常重要。能源材料方向,主要研究一些新材料电子,声子及热电输运性质,这些主题对解决环境污染以及能源危机等具有重要意义。研究兴趣还包括自旋电子学,缺陷物理等。 目前在研主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,参与国家重点研发计划。近年来以第一/通讯作者在Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Phys. Rev. B等期刊发表论文十余篇,Google Scholar引用1900余次。 欢迎本科生,研究生,博士后等加入课题组。 联系方式:lcheng@hnu.edu.cn 办公室:物理楼A202 课题组成员:2021级:杜鸽鸽;2022级:陈菡文 学生获奖:杜鸽鸽, 2023年研究生国家奖学金                  杜鸽鸽,物理与微电子科学学院2022-2023学年度优秀研究生


教学工作 本科生课程: 普通物理     2021, 2022, 2023 热学    2022, 2023 研究生课程: 凝聚态理论中的数值方法    2021


教育背景 2011年-2016年        武汉大学,    凝聚态物理,        博士 2007年-2011年        武汉大学,    物理学基地班,     学士


工作履历 2020.11-至今              湖南大学,物理与微电子科学学院,         教授 2017.10-2020.11        The University of Texas at Austin,        博士后 2016.11-2017.09        RWTH Aachen University,                    博士后


学术成果 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_uug9IUAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1 * denotes corresponding author    39. Gege Du(杜鸽鸽)+, Chunhui Li+, Lei Shan*, and Long Cheng*, High-throughput predictions of two-dimensional dielectrics with first-principles calculations, Physical Review B 108, 235409 (2023) 38. Gege Du(杜鸽鸽), Chunhui Li*, and Long Cheng,* Origin of contrasting trends of intrinsic electron mobility with tensile strain in hexagonal MoS2 and triangular PdSe2, Physical Review B 107, 085422 (2023) 37. Long Cheng*, Chunhui Li*, Searching for High-Performance Two-Dimensional Channel Materials from First-Principles Calculations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 21149 (2022) 36. Chunhui Li, Long Cheng*, Intrinsic electron transport in monolayer MoSi2N4 and WSi2N4, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 075111 (2022) 35. Long Cheng, Chenmu Zhang, Yuanyue Liu, Intrinsic Carrier Mobility of 2D Semiconductors, Computational Materials Science 194, 110468 (2021) 34. Chenmu Zhang, Long Cheng, Yuanyue Liu, Role of Flexural Phonons in Carrier Mobility of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors: Free Standing vs On Substrate, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 234003 (2021)   Before 2020 18. Long Cheng, Chenmu Zhang, Yuanyue Liu, Why two-dimensional semiconductors generally have low electron mobility, Physical Review Letters 125 (17), 177701 (2020) (Highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion) 17. Chenmu Zhang, Long Cheng, Yuanyue Liu, Understanding high-field electron transport properties and strain effects of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, Physical Review B (2020) 102 (11), 115405 16. Long Cheng, Chenmu Zhang, Yuanyue Liu, The Optimal Electronic Structure for High-Mobility 2D Semiconductors: Exceptionally High Hole Mobility in 2D Antimony, Journal of the American Chemical Society, DOI 10.1021/jacs.9b05923(2019) (reported by “The Daily Texan”,  and “UT Engineering School News”) 15. Long Cheng, Chenmu Zhang, Yuanyue Liu, How to Resolve a Phonon-Associated Property into Contributions of Basic Phonon Modes, Journal of Physics: Materials, 2 (2019), 045005 (Dphon code, email me if you are interested in having a copy of the code) 14. Long Cheng, Yuanyue Liu, What Limits the Intrinsic Mobility of Electrons and Holes in Two Dimensional Metal Dichalcogenides?, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140 (2018) 17895-17900.  13. X. Yu, L. Cheng, Y. Liu, A. Manthiram, A Membraneless Direct Isopropanol Fuel Cell (DIPAFC) Operated with a Catalyst-Selective Principle, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 13558-13563 11. S.-Y. Yue, L. Cheng, (equal contribution) B. Liao, M. Hu, Electron-phonon interaction and superconductivity in the high-pressure cI16 phase of lithium from first-principles, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, (2018) 27125-27130. 7. L. Cheng, Q.-B. Yan, M. Hu, The role of phonon–phonon and electron–phonon scattering in thermal transport in PdCoO2, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 21714-21721. 6. L. Cheng, H. Liu, J. Liang, J. Zhang, J. Wei, P. Jiang, D. Fan, Effects of topological edge states on the thermoelectric properties of Bi nanoribbons, Physics Letters A, 381 (2017) 3167-3172. 4. L. Cheng, H. Liu, J. Zhang, J. Wei, J. Liang, P. Jiang, D. Fan, L. Sun, J. Shi, High thermoelectric performance of the distorted bismuth (110) layer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (2016) 17373-17379. 2. L. Cheng, H. Liu, J. Zhang, J. Wei, J. Liang, J. Shi, X. Tang, Effects of van der Waals interactions and quasiparticle corrections on the electronic and transport properties of Bi2Te3, Physical Review B, 90 (2014) 085118. 1. L. Cheng, H. Liu, X. Tan, J. Zhang, J. Wei, H. Lv, J. Shi, X. Tang, Thermoelectric properties of a monolayer bismuth, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118 (2013) 904-910.
