
主页 > 湖南省 > 湖南大学


姓名 陈舒拉
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 湖南大学
部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
联系方式 实用新型1875包写包过
邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳



教育背景 2004.09-2008.07      复旦大学,学士学位(B.Sc.)                                 信息科学与工程学院光科学与工程系2009.01-2014.02     瑞典Linkoping (林雪平) 大学,博士学位(Ph.D.)                                 物理, 化学与生物系 (IFM) 功能电子材料组,导师:Irina Buyanova教授


工作履历 2014.02-2014.12      瑞典Linkoping (林雪平) 大学,博士后研究员                                   物理, 化学与生物系 (IFM) 功能电子材料组,导师:Irina Buyanova教授2014.12-2016.03      日本Hokkaido (北海道) 大学,博士后研究员                                  信息科学与技术学院电子信息器件研究室,  导师:Akihiro Murayama教授2016.03-2017.10      瑞典Linkoping (林雪平) 大学,博士后研究员                                  物理, 化学与生物系 (IFM) 功能电子材料组,导师:Irina Buyanova教授2017.10-2018.12      瑞典Linkoping (林雪平) 大学,助理教授                                  物理, 化学与生物系 (IFM) 功能电子材料组


研究领域 基于半导体/金属的纳米光学天线/光波导器件:米氏谐振微腔(Mie-resonance),  米氏增强的光-物质线性与非线性相互作用。 半导体纳米线及二维材料光电子器件:纳米线激光器/光探测器,二维范德瓦尔斯异质结晶体管等。 低维钙钛矿纳米结构光电子器件:钙钛矿微纳发光/激光器件。   运用高空间/时间分辨技术,如:泵浦探测/微区荧光/时间分辨光谱技术等研究低维纳米光电材料及相关器件中的载流子/激子动力学过程。   科研项目: 7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目                2022.01-2025.12,主持 6. 湖南省自然科学基金杰青项目             2022.01-2024.12,主持 5. 武汉光电国家研究中心开放课题         2021.01-2022.12,主持 4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目                2020.01-2022.12,主持 3. 中科院上海技术物理研究所     红外物理国家重点实验室开放课题      2020.01-2021.12,主持 2. 湖南省‘湖湘英才计划’项目             2020.01-2022.12,主持 1. 湖南大学人才引进计划启动项目         2018.10-2022.12,主持


学术成果 Highlighted Publications (* Corresponding author)An Efficient Deep-Subwavelength Second Harmonic Nanoantenna Based on Surface Plasmon-Coupled Dilute Nitride GaNP NanowiresZ. Luo, C. Ma, Y. Lin, Q. Jiang, B. Liu, X. Yang,......, I. A. Buyanova, S. L. Chen*, A. L. Pan*,Nano Lett. 21, 3426 (2021).An Electrically Controlled Wavelength-Tunable Nanoribbon LaserX. Yang, Z. Shan, Z. Luo, X. Hu, H. Liu, Y. Zhang,......, X. Wang, S. L. Chen*, and A. L. Pan*,ACS Nano 14,3397 (2020).Wavelength-Tunable Mid-Infrared Lasing from Black Phosphorus NanosheetsY. S. Zhang#, S. W. Wang#, S. L. Chen#, Q. L. Zhang, X. Wang,......, R. M. Ma, W. Lu*, and A. L. Pan*,Advanced Materials DOI: 10.1002/adma.201808319 (2020).Near-Infrared Lasing at 1 μm from a Dilute Nitride-Based Multishell NanowireS. L. Chen*, M. Yukimune, R. Fujiwara, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*,Nano Letter 19, 885 (2019).Room-Temperature Polarized Spin-Photon Interface Based on a Semiconductor Nanodisk-in-Nanopillar Structure Driven by Few DefectsS. L. Chen*, Y. Huang, D. Visser, S. Anand, W. M. Chen*, and I. A. Buyanova,Nature Communication 9, 3575 (2018).Dilute Nitride Nanowire Lasers Based on a GaAs/GaNAs Core/Shell StructureS. L. Chen*, M. Jansson, J. Stehr, Y. Huang, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova,Nano Letter 17, 1775 (2017).All Publication List (* Corresponding author)Z. Luo, C. Ma, Y. Lin, Q. Jiang, B. Liu, X. Yang,......, I. A. Buyanova, S. L. Chen*, A. L. Pan*, An Efficient Deep-Subwavelength Second Harmonic Nanoantenna Based on Surface Plasmon-Coupled Dilute Nitride GaNP Nanowires, Nano Lett. 21, 3426 (2021).X. Yang, Z. Shan, Z. Luo, X. Hu, H. Liu, Y. Zhang,......, S. L. Chen*, and A. L. Pan*, An electrically controlled wavelength-tunable nanoribbon laser, ACS Nano 14,3397(2020)Y. S. Zhang#, S. W. Wang#, S. L. Chen#, Q. L. Zhang, X. Wang,......, R. M. Ma, W. Lu*, A. L. Pan*, Wavelength-Tunable Mid-Infrared Lasing from Black Phosphorus Nanosheets, Advanced Materials DOI: 10.1002/adma.201808319 (2020).Q. Bian, F. Ma, Shula Chen, Q. Wei, X. Su, I. A. Buyanova, W. M. Chen,......,A. Yartsev, and O, Inganas, Vibronic coherence contributes to photocurrent generation in organic semiconductor heterojunction diodes, Nature Communication 11, 617 (2020).S. L. Chen*, M. Yukimune, R. Fujiwara, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Near-Infrared Lasing at 1 μm from a Dilute Nitride-Based Multishell Nanowire, Nano Letter 19, 885 (2019).S. L. Chen*, Y. Huang, D. Visser, S. Anand, W. M. Chen*, and I. A. Buyanova, Room-temperature polarized spin-photon interface based on a semiconductor nanodisk-in-nanopillar structure driven by few defects, Nature Communication 9, 3575 (2018).S. L. Chen*, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova, Effects of Strong Band-Tail States on Exciton Recombination Dynamics in Dilute Nitride GaP/GaNP Core/Shell Nanowires, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 19212 (2018).D. Qian, Z. Zheng, H. Yao, W. Tress, T. R. Hopper, S. L. Chen et al., Design rules for minimizing voltage losses in high-efficiency organic solar cells, Nature materials 17, 703 (2018).J. E. Stehr*, S. L. Chen, B. G. Svensson, I. A. Buyanova*, and W. M. Chen, Efficient Auger Charge-Transfer Processes in ZnO, Physical Review Applied 9, 054014 (2018).X. H. Zhang, S. L. Chen, X. Wang, and A. L. Pan*, Controlled Synthesis and Photonics Applications of Metal Halide Perovskite Nanowires, Small Methods 3, 1800294 (2019).S. L. Chen*, M. Jansson, J. Stehr, Y. Huang, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova, Dilute Nitride Nanowire Lasers Based on a GaAs/GaNAs Core/Shell Structure, Nano Letter 17, 1775 (2017).A. Higo, T. Kiba, S. L. Chen, Y. Chen, T. Tanikawa, C. Thomas et al., Optical Study of Sub-10nm In 0.3 Ga0.7N Quantum Nanodisks in GaN Nanopillars, ACS Photonics 4, 1851 (2017).S. L. Chen*, T. Kiba, X. J. Yang, J. Takayama, and A. Murayama, Power-dependent spin amplification in (In, Ga)As/GaAs quantum well via Pauli blocking by tunnel-coupled quantum dot ensembles, Applied Physics Letters 108, 152103 (2016).S. L. Chen*, T. Kiba, X. J. Yang, J. Takayama, and A. Murayama, Temperature-dependent spin injection dynamics in InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dot tunnel-coupled nanostructures, Journal of Applied Physics 119, 115701 (2016). J. E. Stehr*, S. L. Chen, M. Jansson, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Defect formation in GaAs/GaNxAs1-x core/shell nanowires, Applied Physics Letters 109, 203103 (2016).S. L. Chen, M. Jansson, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Core-shell carrier and exciton transfer in GaAs/GaNAs coaxial nanowires, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 34, 04J104 (2016).S. L. Chen, Weimin M. Chen, Fumitaro Ishikawa, and Irina A. Buyanova*, Suppression of non-radiative surface recombination by N incorporation in GaAs/GaNAs core/shell nanowires, Scientific Report 5, 11653 (2015).S. L. Chen, S. Filippov, F. Ishikawa, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Origin of radiative recombination and manifestations of localization effects in GaAs/GaNAs  core/shell nanowires, Applied Physics Letters 105, 253106 (2014).S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Spin dynamics of isoelectronic bound excitons in ZnO, Physical Review B 89, 235202 (2014). J. Stehr, S. L. Chen, N. K. Reddy, C. W. Tu, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Turning ZnO into an efficient energy upconversion material by defect engineering,  Advanced Functional Materials 24, 3760 (2014).S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Dynamics of donor bound excitons in ZnO, Applied Physics Letter 102, 121103 (2013). A. Dobrovolsky, S. L. Chen, Y. J. Kuang, S. Sukrittanon, C. W. Tu, W. M. Chen, and I. A.   Buyanova*, Optical properties of GaP/GaNP core/shell nanowires: a temperature-dependent study, Nanoscale Research Letters 8, 239 (2013).J. Stehr, S. L. Chen, S. Filippov, M. Devika, N. Reddy, C. W. Tu, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Defect properties of ZnO nanowires revealed from an optically detected magnetic resonance study, Nanotechnology 24, 015701 (2013).S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Zeeman splitting and dynamics of an isoelectronic bound exciton near the band edge of ZnO, Physical Review B 86, 235205 (2012).S. L. Chen, J. Stehr, N. K. Reddy, C. W. Tu, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Efficient upconvertion of photoluminescence via two-photon-absorption in bulk and nanorod ZnO, Applied Physics B 108, 919 (2012).S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Long delays of light in ZnO caused by exciton-polariton propagation, Physica status solidi B 249, 1307 (2012). A. Dobrovolsky, J. Stehr, S. L. Chen, Y. J. Kuang, S. Sukrittanon, C. W. Tu, W. M. Chen, and I.A. Buyanova*, Mechanism for radiative recombination and defect properties of GaP/GaNP core/shell nanowires, Applied Physics Letters 101, 163106 (2012).Q. Ren, S. Filippov, S. L. Chen, M. Devika, N. Reddy, C. W. Tu, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Evidence for coupling between exciton emissions and surface plasmon in Ni-coated ZnO nanowires,  Nanotechnology 23, 425201 (2012).S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Donor bound excitons involving a hole from the B valence band in ZnO: Time resolved and magneto-photoluminescence studies, Physical Review B 83, 245212 (2011).S. L. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Slowdown of light due to exciton-polariton propagation in ZnO, Physical Review B 83, 245212 (2011).S. L. Chen, S. K. Lee, W. M. Chen, H. Dong, L. Sun, Z. H, Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, On the origin of suppression of free exciton no-phonon emission in ZnO tetrapods, Applied Physics Letters 96, 033108 (2010). S. K. Lee, S. L. Chen, H. Dong, L. Sun, Z. H. Chen, W. M. Chen, and I. A. Buyanova*, Long lifetime of free excitons in ZnO tetrapod structures, Applied Physics Letters 96, 083104 (2010).
