姓名 | 刘继磊 |
教师编号 | 12528 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 湖南大学 |
部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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基本信息 The In-Situ Spectroscopy Electrochemical Energy Storage Lab 课题组网站:https://www.x-mol.com/groups/Jilei_Liu 原位拉曼测试 高精度电化学测试 原位红外测试 Research Field Our research is focusing on electrochemical energy storage evices with special emphasis on the new electrode materials/ rechargeable battery systems, interfacial properties and fundmental device electrochemistry First Second Third To gain more insights into the fundamental device electrochemistry by using various in-situ spectroscopic techniques To design new rechargeable battery systems with improved charge storage capability To search for novel electrode materials for advanced batteries Principal Investigator Jilei Liu (刘继磊) Professor College of Materials Science and Engineering , Hunan University Hunan joint international laboratory of advanced materials and technology for clean energy Hunan province key laboratory for advanced carbon materials and applied technology Location: South Lushan Road, No. 2, Changsha, China, 410082 Email: liujilei@hnu.edu.cn ORCID: 0000-0003-0571-323X Jilei received his Ph.D. degree in Physics & Applied Physics (2015) from NTU, Singapore. His B.S and M.S training were received in Hunan University (2004-2008) and Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS (2008-2011). He was honored with several international awards including the “Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad”(2014), “Springer Theses Award” (2016), “ISE Travel Award for Young Electrochemists” (2017) , “Oronzio andNiccolo De Nora Foundation Young Author Prize” (2017), "ISE Prize for Electrochemical Materials Science" (2020) and DCM Early Career Research Award (2021). His research interests include the green production of high-quality carbon allotropes(CNTs, GF, GF/CNT hybrid films), the sustainable development of high-performance electrochemical energy storage devices (Li/Na/K-ion batteries, alkaline rechargeable batteries, asymmetric supercapacitors) for renewable energy storage and delivery, and the in-depth understanding of fundamental device electrochemistry. Dr. Liu is a member of International Society of Electrochemistry and The Electrochemical Society. He has authored over 100 refereed and well-cited publications and 1 book. H-index is 46. 成员 职员 高鹏 刘辉 吴剑芳 同步辐射 硅/碳负极 固态电解质 gaop@hnu.edu.cn smarthui.liu@gmail.com jfwu@hnu.edu.cn 唐睿 段祖勤 郑亚玲 碳材料 电解液 固态电解质 tangrui01@hnu.edu.cn dzqxtu2016@126.com yalingzheng@hnu.edu.cn 在读研究生 符庆丰 陈雨晴 王子兴 易淑宏 周望 qingfengfu@126.com zcyuqing@163.com wangzixing817@hnu.edu.cn hello_suhn@163.com zhouwang@163.com 李美辰 岳利娟 莫英 崔叶颖 邓诗维 limeichen@hnu.edu.cn yue_lijuan0601@163.com 1549190850@qq.com yeyingcui@126.com a1305092829@163.com 罗康 郑彪 蒲丽华 张溢林 柯金龙 luokang99@163.com Flyskyzl@163.com lihuapu0108@163.com 934521546@qq.com jinlong_ke@hnu.edu.cn 资顺 肖力力 孔梓祥 郑鹏 钟琴 zishun@hnu.edu.cn 2024671942@qq.com 1076898134@qq.com 791045931@qq.com zhomngqin0220@163.com 袁湘英 杨文文 2538779767@qq.com 1154942835@qq.com 已毕业学生 张睿 肖逵逵 彭玉凡 唐培 李维则 zrui0810@163.com 山东理工大学 (副教授) xiaokuikuihnu@163.com 温州大学 (教师) pengyufan@hnu.edu.cn 厦门大学 (博士后) 1013799340@qq.com 中山大学 (在读博士) 820784683@qq.com 宁德时代 张洁松 冉佳淼 曾迎 马瑞 熊喆 193675901@qq.com 670595679@qq.com 260373356@qq.com 2385338653@qq.com xiongzhe1998@163.com 深圳中兴 重庆质量检测研究院 深圳冠宇 青海选调生 深圳比亚迪 杨柯柯 369920177@qq.com 深圳比亚迪 教育背景教育背景 2011-2015:博士 新加坡南洋理工大学2008-2011:硕士 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所2004-2008:学士 湖南大学 工作履历工作履历 2018-至 今:博士生导师 湖南大学2015-2018:博士后研究员 新加坡南洋理工大学 研究领域学术兼职 国际电化学学会(International Society of Electrochemistry)会员;美国电化学学会 (The Electrochemical Society)会员;新加坡-中国科学促进会会员;多次受邀参加国际/国内学术会议包括第68届(美国)和第69届(意大利)国际电化学学会年会等;作为session chair参与第69届(意大利)国际电化学学会年会的筹办;长期受邀担任Nat. Commun、Chemical Society Reviews、Angewandte Chemie 、Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Materials等国际知名期刊独立审稿人。 学术成果研究领域 主要研究方向为高性能电化学储能材料和器件设计、优化和机理研究,具体包括:1. 原位光谱-电化学表征(电极材料相转变和衰减机制、电极/电极质匹配效应等)2. 新型电化学储能材料和器件设计和优化 (锂/钠/钾离子电池,水系杂化可充电电池,超级电容器等)3. 碳基功能材料的制备和应用(石墨烯泡沫/薄膜、碳纳米管、多孔碳等) |