姓名 | 童庆军 |
教师编号 | 11963 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 湖南大学 |
部门 | 物理与微电子科学学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
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基本信息 研究领域:理论凝聚态物理、量子光学、量子信息。目前的研究兴趣包括:二维材料和范德瓦尔斯异质结中的自旋以及能谷现象,平衡以及非平衡量子系统中的拓扑性质,开放量子系统中的退相干及其抑制等。办公室:物电院A栋214E-mail: tongqj@hnu.edu.cn 教育背景教育背景 2010.9—2013.6: 兰州大学, (导师: 罗洪刚 教授,安钧鸿 教授), 博士2007.9—2010.6: 兰州大学, (导师: 安钧鸿 教授), 硕士2003.9—2007.7: 安庆师范学院, 本科 工作履历工作履历 2018.10: 湖南大学物理与微电子科学学院,教授2014.8—2018.9: 博士后, 香港大学 (合作导师: Prof. Wang Yao) 2014.4—2014.7: 访问学者, 香港大学 2013.9—2013.12: 博士后, 新加坡国立大学 (合作导师: Prof. C. H. Oh) 2013.4—2013.9: 研究助理, 新加坡国立大学 2011.1—2012.7: 研究助理, 新加坡国立大学 研究领域学术兼职 湖南省物理学会常务理事 学术成果学术成果 (非正式统计)[29] Qi Yang and Qingjun Tong*, 'Light-induced topological phases in two-dimensional gapped Dirac materials', Phys. Rev. B 106, 115406 (2022).[28] Feiping Xiao and Qingjun Tong*, 'Tunable Strong Magnetic Anisotropy in Two-Dimensional van der Waals Antiferromagnets'. Nano Letters 22, 3946 (2022).[27] K. Li, F. Xiao, W. Guan, Y. Xiao, C. Xu, J. Zhang, C. Lin, D. Li, Qingjun Tong*, S.-Y. Li*, A. Pan*, 'Morphology Deformation and Giant Electronic Band Modulation in Long-Wavelength WS2 Moiré Superlattices'. Nano Letters 22, 5997 (2022).[26] L. Tong†, Qingjun Tong†, L. Yang, Y. Zhou, Q. Wu, Y. Tian, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, Z. Qin, and L. Yin, 'Spectroscopic visualization of flat bands in magic-angle twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene: Coexistence of localization and delocalization'. Physical Review Letters 128, 126401 (2022), Editors' Suggestion.[25] K. Hu, Qingjun Tong, L. Guan, D. Wang, and J. Yu, 'Crystal structure evolution and superconductivity of the ternary hydride CSH3 under pressure', Physical Review B, 105, 094108 (2022).[24] L Wu, C Ge, K Braun, M He, S Liu, Qingjun Tong, X. Wang, A. Pan, 'Polarized photoluminescence spectroscopy in WS2, WSe2 atomic layers and heterostructures by cylindrical vector beams' Chin. Phys. B, 30, 087802 (2021).[23] Feiping Xiao, Keqiu Chen, and Qingjun Tong*, ‘Magnetization textures in twisted bilayer CrX3 (X=Br, I)’, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013027 (2021).[22] Qingjun Tong, Mingxing Chen, Feiping Xiao, Hongyi Yu and Wang Yao, ‘Interferences of electrostatic moiré potentials and bichromatic superlattices of electrons and excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides’, 2D Materials 8, 025007 (2021).[21] Chengxin Xiao, Jianju Tang, Pei Zhao, Qingjun Tong*, and Wang Yao, 'Chiral channel network from magnetization textures in two-dimensional MnBi2Te4', Phys. Rev. B 102, 125409 (2020).[20] D. Zhang, Y. Liu, M. He, A. Zhang, S. Chen, Qingjun Tong, L. Huang, Z. Zhou, W. Zheng, M. Chen, K. Braun, A. J. Meixner, X. Wang, and A. Pan, 'Room Temperature Near Unity Spin Polarization in 2D Van der Waals Heterostructures', Nat. Commun. 11, 4442 (2020).[19] D. Zhang, Z. Zeng, Qingjun Tong, Y. Jiang, S. Chen, B. Zheng, J. Qu, F. Li, W. Zheng, F. Jiang, H. Zhao, L. Huang, K. Braun, A. J Meixner, X. Wang, and A. Pan, 'Near Unity Polarization of Valley Dependent Second-Harmonic Generation in Stacked TMDCs Layers and Heterostructures at Room Temperature', Adv. Mater. 32, 1908061 (2020).[18] Yawei Lv, Qingjun Tong, Yuan Liu, Ling Li, Sheng Chang, Wenguang Zhu, Changzhong Jiang, and Lei Liao, ‘Band-Offset Degradation in van der Waals Heterojunctions’, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 044064 (2019).[17] Qingjun Tong*, Mingxing Chen, and Wang Yao,‘Magnetic Proximity Effect in a van der Waals Moiré Superlattice’, Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 024031 (2019), Editors' Suggestion. [16] Qizhong Zhu, Qingjun Tong, Huazheng Sun, Yong Wang, and Wang Yao,‘Coulomb effects on topological band inversion in the moiré of WSe2/BAs heterobilayer’,2D Materials 6, 045037 (2019).[15] Qizhong Zhu, Wei-Yuan Tu, Qingjun Tong and Wang Yao,‘Gate tuning from exciton superfluid to quantum anomalous Hall in van der Waals heterobilayer’,Science Advances 5, eaau6120 (2019).[14] Qingjun Tong, FeiLiu, Jiang Xiao, and Wang Yao, ‘Skyrmions in the Moiré of van der Waals 2D Magnets’, Nano letters 18, 7194 (2018).[13] Yuwei Shan, Yingguo Li, Di Huang, Qingjun Tong, Wang Yao, Wei-Tao Liu, Shiwei Wu, ‘Stacking symmetry governed second harmonic generation in graphene trilayers’, Science Advances 4, eaat0074 (2018).[12] Qingjun Tong, Hongyi Yu, Qizhong Zhu, Yong Wang, Xiaodong Xu, and Wang Yao, ‘Topological mosaics in Moiré superlattices of van der Waals heterobilayers’, Nature Physics 13, 356 (2017).[11] Yue Wu, Qingjun Tong*, Gui-Bin Liu, Hongyi Yu, and Wang Yao, ‘Spin-valley qubit in nanostructures of monolayer semiconductors: Optical control and hyperfine interaction’, Phys. Rev. B 93, 045313 (2016).[10] Hongyi Yu, Yong Wang, Qingjun Tong, Xiaodong Xu, and Wang Yao, ‘Anomalous light cones and valley optical selection rules of interlayer excitons in twisted heterobilayers’, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 187002 (2015).[9] J. You, X. Shao, Qing-Jun Tong, A. H. Chan, C.H. Oh, and V. Vedral, 'Majorana transport in superconducting nanowire with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings', J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 225302 (2015).[8] Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, L. C. Kwek, Hong-Gong Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Simulating Zeno physics by quantum quench with superconducting circuits’, Phys. Rev. A 89, 060101 (Rapid Communications) (2014).[7] Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Jiangbin Gong, Hong-Gong Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Generating Many Majorana Modes via Periodic Driving: A Superconductor Model’, Phys. Rev. B 87, 201109 (Rapid Communications) (2013).[6] Hai-Bin Liu, Jun-Hong An, Chong Chen, Qing-Jun Tong, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Anomalous decoherence in a dissipative two-level system’, Phys. Rev. A 87, 052139 (2013).[5] Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gong Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Quantum phase transition in the delocalized regime of the spin-boson model’, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174301 (2011).[4] Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Entanglement distribution over the subsystems and its invariance’, Quantu. Inf. Comput. 11, 0874 (2011).[3] Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gong Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Mechanism of entanglement preservation’, Phys. Rev. A 81, 052330 (2010). [2] Juan-Juan Chen, Jun-Hong An, Qing-Jun Tong, Hong-Gang Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Non-Markovian effect on the geometric phase of a dissipative qubit’, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022120 (2010). [1] Qing-Jun Tong, Jun-Hong An, Hong-Gong Luo, and C. H. Oh, ‘Decoherence suppression of a dissipative qubit by non-Markovian effect’, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 155501 (2010). |