
主页 > 湖南省 > 湖南大学


姓名 朱慧明
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 湖南大学
部门 工商管理学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
联系方式 zhuhuiming@hnu.edu.cn
邮箱 zhuhuiming@hnu.edu.cn
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基本信息   ◆ 朱慧明,教授、博士生导师;  管理科学与工程专业博士、控制科学与工程博士后;教育部新世纪优秀人才、湖南省统计学学科带头人、湖南省        优秀博士学位论文指导教师、湖南省优秀研究生指导教师,英国伦敦Brunel大学访问学者(2007-2008,  虞克明教授);  国家自然科学基金创新        研究群体成员,Applied Economics和Applied Economics Letters期刊副主编; 研究方向:金融工程与风险管理,机器学习与金融计量.               主持了国家自然科学基金项目、国家社科基金项目和教育部人文社科规划项目等科研课题的研究工作;同时,参与了国家自然科学基金创新        研究群体项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目和教育部创新团队项目的研究工作. 在《统计研究》、《数理统计与管理》、《管理科学学报》、       《中国管理科学》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《系统仿真学报》、《计算机集成制造系统》、《Economic Modelling》等学术期刊和世界          统计学大会(ISI World Statistics Congress)等学术会议发表论文;研究成果获湖北省社会科学成果一等奖、全国统计科学技术进步二等奖.   ◆ 教育部新世纪优秀人才(2005)、湖南省统计学学科带头人(2005)、湖南大学岳麓学者特聘教授(2016)、湖南大学科研标兵(2014)   ◆ 湖南省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2021, 2022)、湖南省优秀博士学位论文指导教师(2018, 2020)、            湖南省优秀研究生指导教师(2019)   ◆ 英文主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Huiming-Zhu-3   ◆ 联系方式: zhuhuiming@hnu.edu.cn


研究领域   从事管理科学领域的量化分析理论、方法及其应用研究, 包括时间序列机器学习理论与方法, 时频域分位数建模理论与算法、金融工程与风险管理、   在线数据爬虫与NOWcasting序贯建模及其应用. 研究方向:金融工程与风险管理,机器学习与金融计量;研究主题包括:   ◆ 时间序列机器学习与金融市场时频分位数行为研究;   ◆ 在线数据爬虫、机器学习与预测预报分析;   ◆ 贝叶斯时域、频域机器学习序贯分析算法及应用研究.


讲授课程   讲授课程:《高级管理统计》,《高级计量经济学》和《金融随机过程》


科研项目   ● 主持课题   [1] 国家社科基金项目:金融时间序列的时频域分位数建模理论及其应用研究(22BTJ023),主持人:朱慧明;研究期限:2022-2025   [2] 国家自然科学基金项目:基于贝叶斯极端分位数回归的金融风险度量理论及应用研究(71671062), 主持人:朱慧明;研究期限:2017-2020   [3] 国家自然科学基金项目:基于贝叶斯分位回归的面板数据建模、算法及应用研究(71171075), 主持人:朱慧明;研究期限:2012-2015   [4] 国家自然科学基金项目:随机波动预测模型的贝叶斯分析及其在金融领域中研究(70771038),主持人:朱慧明;研究期限:2008-2010    [5] 教育部人文社会科学规划项目:时间序列计量经济模型的贝叶斯分析及其应用研究(06JA910001), 主持人:朱慧明;研究期限:2007-2009   [6] 国家社科基金项目:贝叶斯经济时间序列预测模型及其应用(04CTJ003),主持人:朱慧明;研究期限:2004-2005   ● 参与课题    [1] 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体:金融创新与风险管理(71521061), 主持人:陈收,研究期限:2016-2018    [2] 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体:金融创新与风险管理(71271075),主持人:陈收;研究期限:2013-2015    [3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:战略导入的投资决策与风险管理(71031004),主持人:陈收;研究期限:2011-2014    [4] 国家自然科学基金重点项目:高维度、非线性、非平稳及时变金融数据建模和应用(71431008),主持人:马超群;研究期限:2015-2018    [5] 教育部创新团队:经济管理复杂系统中的建模、优化与决策研究),主持人:马超群; 研究期限:2010-2012


科研论文   ◆ 2023   [1] 朱慧明, 邢崭明, 任英华*, 陈奕雯, 郝立亚. Frequency domain causality and quantile connectedness between investor sentiment and cryptocurrency         returns[J]. International Review of Economics and Finance, 2023, 88, 1035-1051   [2] 朱慧明, 李双, 任英华*, 黄紫珊. Frequency Domain Quantile Spillover Connectedness between Crude Oil and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Oil-Importing         and Exporting Countries. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance,  2023, 90, 1-30   [3] 毛玮芳, 朱慧明*, 吴昊, Lu Y, Wang H. Forecasting and trading credit default swap indices using a deep learning model integrating Merton and LSTMs [J].           Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 213(B), 119012   [4] 乔幸芷, 朱慧明*, 张中青扬, 吴昊. Time-frequency Extreme Risk Spillover Network of Cryptocurrency Coins, DeFi Tokens and NFTs [J]. Finance Research         Letters, 2023, 51, 103489   [5] 吴昊, 朱慧明*, 陈奕雯, 黄飞. Time-frequency connectedness of policy uncertainty, geopolitical risk and Chinese commodity markets: Evidence from rolling      window analysis [J]. Applied Economics, 2023, 55(1): 90-112   [6] 郝立亚, 朱慧明*, 孙伍琴, 虞克明. Flight-to-quality or not? Evidence from China’s green bond and green equity markets during COVID-19 crisis [J].         Applied Economics Letters, 2023, 30 (13): 1798-1804   [7] 吴昊, 朱慧明*, 黄飞, 毛玮芳. How does economic policy uncertainty drive time-frequency connectedness across commodity and financial markets? [J].        North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2023, 64, 101865   [8] 邓茜, 唐文琳, 朱慧明*, 邢崭明. Influencing factors of China’s direct investment in RCEP Countries: Evidence from panel quantile regression [J]. Applied         Economics, 2023, 59(29): 3347-3364   [9] 黄紫珊, 朱慧明, 郝立亚*,邓茜. Time-Frequency Co-movement and Network Connectedness between Green Bond and Financial Asset Markets: Evidence        from Multiscale TVP-VAR Analysis[J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2023, 67, 101945   [10] 毛玮芳, 朱慧明*, 吴昊, 张中青扬, Chen J. The influence of equity market sentiment on credit default swap markets: Evidence from wavelet quantile           regression. Complexity, 2023, 2023, 3475079   [11] 郝立亚, 朱慧明, Shahbaz M, HuangshanK*. Quantile Dependence between Crude Oil and China's Biofuel Feedstock Commodity Market. Sustainability,           2023, 15(11), 8980   ◆ 2022   [1] 朱慧明, 陈奕雯, 任英华*, 郝立亚. Time-frequency Causality and Dependence Structure between Crude Oil, EPU and Chinese Industry Stock: Evidence         from Multiscale Quantile Perspectives[J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2022, 61, 101698   [2] 朱慧明, 余东洧, 郝立亚*, 叶芳羽, 吴昊. Time-frequency effect of crude oil and exchange rates on stock markets in BRIC countries: Evidence from wavelet         quantile regression analysis [J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2022, 61, 101708   [3] 陈麒同, 朱慧明*, 余东洧, 郝立亚. How does investor attention matter for crude oil? Evidence from time-frequency quantile causality analysis [J]. North         American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2022, 59, 101581   [4] 邓超, 周晓莹, 彭成, 朱慧明*. Going green: Insight from asymmetric risk spillover between investor attention and pro-environmental investment [J]. Finance         Research Letters, 2022, 47, 102565   [5] 郝立亚, 朱慧明*, 余杨, 余东洧. Time-Frequency Coherence and Quantile Causality between Trade Policy Uncertainty and Rare Earth Prices: Evidence from        China and the US [J]. Resource Policy, 2022, 75, 102529   [6] 任英华, 谭安琪, 朱慧明*, 赵万茹. Does economic policy uncertainty drive nonlinear risk spillover in the commodity futures market? [J]. International         Review of Financial Analysis, 2022, 81, 102084   [7] 汤月丽, 朱慧明*, 杨静. The asymmetric effects of economic growth, urbanization and deindustrialization on carbon emissions: Evidence from China [J].        Energy Reports, 2022, 8(S7): 513-521   [8] 任英华, 赵万茹*, 游万海, 朱慧明. Multiscale features of extreme risk spillover networks among global stock markets. North American Journal of Economics        and Finance, 2022, 62, 101754   [9] 张中青扬, 朱慧明*, 周忠宝, 邹凯. How does innovation matter for sustainable performance? Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises[J]. Journal        of Business Research, 2022, 153: 251–265   [10] 朱慧明, 吴昊, 任英华*, 余东洧. Time-frequency effect of investor sentiment, economic policy uncertainty, and crude oil on international stock markets:          Evidence from wavelet quantile analysis [J]. Applied Economics, 2022, 54(53): 6116-614   [11] 乔幸芷, 朱慧明*, 张中青扬, 毛玮芳. Time-frequency Transmission Mechanism of EPU, Investor Sentiment and Financial Assets: A Multiscale TVP-VAR          Connectedness Analysis [J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2022, 63, 101843   [12] 朱慧明, 陈麒同, 余東洧. 全球经济政策不确定性对我国通货膨胀的冲击效应研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2022, 38(2): 134-139   ◆ 2021   [1] 朱慧明, 陈维艳, 郝立亚*, 陈麒同. Time-Frequency connectedness of crude oil, economic policy uncertainty and Chinese commodity markets: Evidence        from rolling windows analysis [J]. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2021, 57, 101447   [2] 郝立亚, 朱慧明*, 孙伍琴. Does transaction activity predict Bitcoin returns? Evidence from quantile-on- quantile analysis [J]. North American Journal of        Economics and Finance, 2021, 55, 101297   [3] 朱慧明*, 张中青扬, 黄媛, 毛玮芳. Quantile heterogeneous impact of R&D on firm growth in Chinese manufacture: How ownership, firm size and sectors         matter? [J]. Applied Economics, 2021, 53(28): 3267-3287   [4] 黄媛, 吴昊, 朱慧明*. Time-frequency relationship between R&D intensity, globalization, and carbon emissions in G7 countries: evidence from wavelet       coherence analysis [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(37): 51908-51927   [5] 李荣, 李素芳*, 苑迪*, 朱慧明. Investor attention and cryptocurrency: Evidence from wavelet-based quantile Granger causality analysis [J]. Research in        International Business and Finance, 2021, 56, 101389   [6] 朱慧明*, 张中青扬, 吴昊, 邹凯. 创新价值链视角下制造业技术创新效率测度及影响因素研究. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版), 2021, 35(6): 37-45   ◆ 2020   [1] 朱慧明*, 黄瑞, 汪宁丽, 郝立亚. Does economic policy uncertainty matter for commodity market in China? Evidence from quantile regression [J]. Applied        Economics, 2020, 52(21): 2292-2308   [2] 乔幸芷, 朱慧明*, 郝立亚. Time-frequency co-movement of cryptocurrency return and volatility: Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis [J].  International         Review of Financial Analysis, 2020, 71, 101541   [3] 任英华, 郭静, 朱慧明*,应万明. The effects of economic policy uncertainty on China’s Economy: Evidence from time-varying parameter FAVAR [J].         Applied Economics, 2020, 52(29): 3167-3185   [4] 黄媛, 朱慧明*,张中青扬. The heterogeneous effect of driving factors on carbon emission intensity in the Chinese transport sector: Evidence from dynamic        panel quantile regression [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 727, 138578   [5] 任英华, 刘力思, 朱慧明*,唐睿. The direct and indirect effects of democracy on carbon dioxide emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from panel        quantile regression [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 33085–33102   [6] 朱慧明*, 孟亮, 葛雅婧, 郝立亚. Dependence relationship between Chinese commodity markets and the international financial market: Evidence from        quantile time-frequency analysis. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2020, 54, 101256   [7] 郝立亚, 朱慧明*, 黄瑞, 马翔. Heterogeneous dependence between crude oil price volatility and China’s agriculture commodity futures: Evidence from        quantile-on-quantile regression [J]. Energy, 2020, 213, 118781   [8] 朱慧明*, 葛雅婧, 吴昊, 张中青扬. 投资者关注对金银期货市场收益影响的时频分位研究[J]. 财经理论与实践, 2020, 41(6): 35-42.   ◆ 2019   [1] 朱慧明*, 陈秀云. Asymmetric effects of oil prices and exchange rates on China's industrial prices[J]. Energy Economics, 2019, 84: 188-199   [2] 朱慧明*, 段容, 彭成, 贾相华. The Heterogeneous Dependence between Global Crude Oil and Chinese Commodity Futures Markets: Evidence from Quantile         Regression [J]. Applied Economics, 2019, 51(28): 3031-3048   [3] 黄媛, 陈晓春, 朱慧明. The Heterogeneous Effects of FDI and Foreign Trade on CO2 Emissions: Evidence from China. Mathematical Problems in         Engineering, 2019, 9612492   [4] 苏显方, 朱慧明, 杨新霞. Heterogeneous causal relationships between spot and futures oil prices: Evidence from quantile causality Analysis. Sustainability,         2019, 11(5), 1359   [5] 朱慧明, 段容, 贾相华. 原油价格与经济政策不确定性对大宗商品市场非对称冲击效应研究[J]. 财经理论与实践, 2019, 40(1): 70-76   [6] 朱慧明, 王向爱, 贾相华. 社会责任和研发投入对企业绩效影响的分位关系研究[J]. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版),2019, 33(5): 47-55   ◆ 2018   [1] 彭成, 朱慧明*, 郭亚伟, 陈秀云. Risk spillover of international crude oil to China's firms: Evidence from Granger causality across quantiles [J]. Energy         Economics, 2018, 72: 188-199   [2] 邓超, 曾旭东, 朱慧明*. Non-zero-sum stochastic differential reinsurance and investment games with default risk[J]. European Journal of Operational         Research, 2018, 264: 1144–1158   [3] 朱慧明*, 李铮, 郭鹏. The impact of income, economic openness and interest rates on housing prices in China: Evidence from dynamic panel quantile        regression[J]. Applied Economics, 2018, 50(38): 4086-4098   [4] 朱慧明*, 夏  杭, 郭亚伟, 郭鹏. The heterogeneous effects of urbanization and income inequality on CO2 Emissions in BRICS Economies: Evidence from         panel quantile regression [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(18): 17176–17193   [5] 朱慧明*, 唐一丁, 彭成,虞克明. The heterogeneous response of stock market to emission allowance price: Evidence from quantile regression. Carbon         Management. 2018, 9(3): 277-289   [6] 汪宁丽, 朱慧明*, 郭亚伟, 彭成. The heterogeneous effect of democracy, political globalization, and urbanization on PM2.5 concentrations in G20 countries:         Evidence from panel quantile regression. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 194: 54-68   [7] 郭鹏*,朱慧明,游万海. Asymmetric dependence between economic policy uncertainty and stock market returns in G7 and BRIC: A quantile regression         approach , Finance Research Letters, 2018, 25, 251-258   [8] 朱慧明*, 汪宁丽. 基于极端分位数回归模型的国际原油与天然气市场相依关系研究[J]. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 32(2): 73-80   [9] 朱慧明,杨柳,游万海,黄仁存. 基于贝叶斯HMM异质面板模型的金融发展与能源强度协整关系研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2018(15): 162-165.   ◆ 2017   [1] 朱慧明*, 汤月丽, 郭鹏. Asymmetric spillover effects between the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets: Evidence from quantile lagged regression[J].          Applied Economics, 2017, 49(9): 886-902   [2] 朱慧明*, 苏显方, 游万海, 任英华. The asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on stock returns: Evidence from a two stage Markov regime-switching         approach. Applied Economics, 2017, 49(25): 2491-2507   [3] 朱慧明*, 邓超. Optimal financing and dividend policy with Markovian switching regimes[J]. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods;          2017, 46(5): 2161-2180   [4] 彭成, 朱慧明*, 游万海. Stock price synchronicity to oil shocks across quantiles: Evidence from Chinese oil firms [J]. Economic Modelling,         2017, 61: 248-259   [5] 游万海*, 郭亚伟, 朱慧明. Oil price shocks, economic policy uncertainty and industry stock returns in China: Asymmetric effects with quantile regression,         Energy Economics, 2017, 68:1-18   [6] 朱慧明*, 蒋超, 刘利枚. 基于极端分位回归的股市收益与交易量相依性研究[J]. 财经理论与实践, 2017, 38(4): 39-44   [7] 朱慧明*, 蔡朝勇, 贾相华. 基于分位回归模型的证券市场流动性溢价研究[J]. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 31(2): 55-61   [8] 朱慧明*, 樊梦婷, 贾相华. 基于极端分位回归模型的原油股市动态相依关系研究[J]. 经济数学, 2017, 34(2): 63-69.   ◆ 2016   [1] 朱慧明*, 郭亚伟, 游万海, 徐雅琴. The heterogeneity dependence between crude oil price changes and industry stock market returns in China: Evidence from         a quantile regression approach [J]. Energy Economics, 2016, 55(3): 30-41   [2] 朱慧明*, 段立军, 郭亚伟,虞克明. The effects of FDI, economic growth and energy consumption on carbon emissions in ASEAN-5: Evidence from panel         quantile regression [J]. Economic Modelling, 2016, 58: 237-248   [3] 朱慧明*, 彭成, 游万海. Quantile behaviour of cointegration between silver and gold prices[J]. Financial Research Letter, 2016, 19: 119-125   [4] 朱慧明*, 苏显方, 郭亚伟, 任英华. The asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on Chinese stock market: Evidence from quantile impulse [J].         Sustainability, 2016   [5] 朱慧明*, 黄娅, 周杰明, 杨向群, 邓超. Optimal Proportional Reinsurance and Investment Problem with Constraints on Risk Control in a General         Jump-Diffusion Financial Market [J]. Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 2016, 57(3): 352-368   [6] 朱慧明, 郭鹏*. Are shocks to nuclear energy consumption per capita permanent or temporary? A global perspective [J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy,         2016, 88(4): 156-164   [7] 苏显方, 朱慧明*, 游万海, 任英华. Heterogeneous effects of oil shocks on exchange rates: Evidence from a quantile regression approach [J]. SpringerPlus,         2016, 5(1): 1-21   [8] 邓淇中, 朱慧明*. Economic development and eco-environment coordination degree evaluation and optimization of coal cities in China [J]. Journal of Mines,         Metals and Fuels, 2016, 63(12): 604-611   [9] 朱慧明, 汤月丽,  张聪,  贾相华. 机构持股对房地产股票收益波动的影响研究—基于面板数据的门限分位回归模型[J]. 湖南大学学报(社会科学版),        2016, 30(2): 73-80   [10] 朱慧明,  李小依,  游万海,  彭成.  基于贝叶斯PSECM模型的非线性协整能源需求研究[J]. 统计与决策, 2016(7): 122-127   [11] 朱慧明,  黄旻茜,  欧阳文静. 亚太地区股票市场羊群效应的实证检验[J]. 统计与决策, 2016(13): 122-127   [12] 朱慧明,  董丹,  郭鹏.  基于Copula函数的国际原油价格与股票市场收益的相关性研究[J]. 财经理论与实践,2016,37(2): 32-37   [13] 朱慧明,王春晗,任英华,彭成. 基于贝叶斯极端分位数回归的金融风险相依性研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2016, 24(SI): 480-488.   ◆ 2015   [1] 朱慧明*,  郭亚伟,游万海. An empirical research of crude oil price changes and stock market in China: evidence from the structural breaks and quantile        regression[J]. Applied Economics,2015,47(56): 6055-6074   [2] 朱慧明*,  邓超,  邓迎春,  乐胜杰. Optimal reinsurance and investment problem for an insurer with counterparty risk[J]. Insurance: Mathematics and        Economics, 2015, 61(2): 242-254   [3] 朱慧明*, 李招来,游万海,曾昭法. 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A note on the long-run determinants of economic growth [J], Applied Economics Letters. 2014, 21(2): 99-102   [2] 朱慧明,  李荣* , 李素芳. Modelling dynamic dependence between crude oil prices and Asia-Pacific stock market returns[J]. International Review of         Economics and Finance. 2014, 29(1): 208-223   [3] 朱慧明*,  黄娅,  扬向群,  周杰明. On the expected discounted penalty function for the classic risk model with potentially delayed claims and random         incomes[J], Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol.2014   [4] 吕志科*,  朱慧明. Health care expenditure and GDP in African countries: evidence from semiparametric estimation with panel data[J], The Scientific World         Journal . 2014, 6 pages   [5] 吕志科*, 朱慧明,  虞克明. Robust variable selection for nonlinear models with diverging number of parameters [J]. 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朱慧明,韩玉启.多元质量特性的贝叶斯过程能力指数[J].哈尔滨工业大学学报.2005,37(4):498-500   [2] 朱慧明,韩玉启,吴正刚.多重线性回归模型的贝叶斯预报分析[J].运筹与管理.2005,14(3):44-48   [3] 朱慧明,韩玉启,郑进城.基于正态—Gamma共轭先验分布的贝叶斯AR(p)预测模型[J].统计与决策,2005(2):8-9   ◆ 2004   [1] 朱慧明.基于Minnesota共轭先验分布的贝叶斯VAR(p)预测模型[J].统计研究.2004(1):44-48   [2] 朱慧明,韩玉启.基于正态-逆Wishart先验分布的多总体贝叶斯分类识别方法[J].工程数学学报.2004,21(1):86-90   [3] 朱慧明,刘智伟.时间序列向量自回归模型的贝叶斯推断[J].统计与决策,2004(1):11-12   [4] 朱慧明.WTO框架下我国中小服务性企业的发展战略研究[J].美中经济评论.2004,4(3):30-34   [5] 朱慧明.解读2003年诺贝尔经济学奖[J].统计与预测,2004(2):18-19   [6] 吴正刚,韩玉启,朱慧明.基于能力的企业组织范式研究[J].科技进步与对策,2004,21(4):66-68   [7] 朱慧明,韩玉启.基于随机参数的贝叶斯统计质量控制模型[J].南京理工大学学报(自然科学版),2004,28(4):445-448   [8] 朱慧明,韩玉启,吴正刚.基于随机参数的贝叶斯过程能力指数模型[J].湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2004,31(6):105-109   [9] 朱慧明,韩玉启.矩阵正态统计分布的一个性质[J].经济数学,2004,(4):355-360   ◆ 2003   [1] 朱慧明.现代贝叶斯统计理论的基本观点与研究现状[J].江苏统计,2003(1):12-13   [2] 朱慧明,韩玉启.扩散先验分布下贝叶斯分类识别方法的构造[J].数理统计与管理,2003,22(1):33-37   [3] 朱慧明,韩玉启.产业结构调整与经济增长关系的实证分析[J].运筹与管理, 2003, 12(1): 68-72   [4] 朱慧明,韩玉启.随机误差序列自相关的贝叶斯诊断及其单位根检验[J].山西大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 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