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姓名 孟祥晨
教师编号 91617
性别 孟祥晨
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 材料科学与工程学院
学位 孟祥晨
学历 孟祥晨
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
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基本信息 科学研究 学术论文 专利 个人新闻 学术著作 ... 学术著作 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 孟祥晨,研究员,硕士研究生导师,籍贯辽宁省喀左县。工作于哈尔滨工业大学材料学院材料结构精密焊接与连接全国重点实验室。面向轻质高强铝合金、镁合金、钛合金、高强钢和复合材料等航空航天、轨道交通、新能源汽车用同种和异种焊接关键需求,近年来,申请人主持国家部委、国家自然科学基金、航天创新基金、中国博士后特别资助(站中)等项目,在《Prog Mater Sci》(IF: 48.165)、《Energy Storage Mater》(IF: 20.831)、《Adv Sci》(IF: 17.521)、《ACS Appl Mater Inter》(IF: 10.383)、《Compos Part B》(IF:11.322)、《Compos Sci Technol》(IF: 9.879)、《Compos Part A》(IF: 9.463)等期刊发表SCI检索论文60余篇,6篇入选ESI高被引论文,SCI引用3000余次,单篇最高引用197次,H因子30,入选《ACS Appl Mater Inter》、《Adv Eng Mater》、《焊接学报》期刊封面3篇;出版学术著作2部《搅拌摩擦焊接基础及应用》和《Friction Stir Welding and Processing》,入选“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目、“双一流”建设精品出版工程、黑龙江省精品图书出版工程和工信部“十四五”规划专著。获评2021年度哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文。任国际SCI期刊《Front Mater》和《Metals》专刊主编,获得国际期刊《J Manuf Process》与《Thin-Wall Struct》等杰出审稿贡献奖3次;申报国家发明专利15项,已授权9项。获得优秀学术报告4次,如全国搅拌摩擦焊与加工学术会议优秀报告奖等。 团队成员 名称 更多详情,请见团队主页:http://www.hitfswp.com/ 所在团队成员: 团队负责人: 黄永宪 教授——http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/hyxhit 团队成员: 吕世雄 教授级高级工程师 万龙 教授——http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/LWAN 谢聿铭 助理教授——http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/ymxie 主要学习与工作经历 名称 2024年2月~至今:哈尔滨工业大学,焊接系,研究员 2022年5月~至今:哈尔滨工业大学,焊接系,硕导 2021年12月~2024年2月:哈尔滨工业大学,焊接系,副研究员 2020年07月~2021年12月:哈尔滨工业大学,焊接系,讲师 2020年06月~至今:哈尔滨工业大学,机械工程,博士后(导师:曹健 教授) 2016年03月~2020年04月:哈尔滨工业大学,焊接系,博士(导师:黄永宪 教授) 2009年09月~2016年03月:沈阳航空航天大学,航宇学院,本科、硕士(导师:刘占军、姬书得 教授) 2006年09月~2009年07月:辽宁喀左县一中,高中 2003年09月~2006年07月:南公营子/县蒙初,初中 荣誉奖励 名称 国家部委科技进步二等奖,2022年 黑龙江省高等教育教学成果奖二等奖,2022年 哈工大教学成果奖一等奖,2022年 哈工大“集群优秀学风班”212L0315班(班主任),2022年 哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文,2021年 全国大学生焊接创新大赛二等奖(指导教师),2021年博士研究生国家奖学金,2018年 第四届南钢杯 RAL材料加工工程研究生学术论坛学术报告一等奖,2019年 全国第二届搅拌摩擦焊接与加工学术会议优秀报告,2018年 工信创业奖学金特等奖,2016年 硕士研究生国家奖学金,2015年 学术著作 名称 (1)黄永宪, 孟祥晨, 周利. 《搅拌摩擦焊接基础及应用》. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 2021. ISBN 978-7-5603-9321-6(入选“十三五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目、“双一流”建设精品出版工程、黑龙江省精品图书出版工程) (2)Yongxian Huang, Xiangchen Meng, et al. 《JOINING PROCESSES FOR DISSIMILAR AND ADVANCED MATERIALS》. ELSEVIER WOODHEAD PUBLISHING. 2021. ISBN 978-0-323-85399-6 (3)黄永宪, 谢聿铭, 孟祥晨.《Friction Stir Welding and Processing》. HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PRESS. 2022. ISBN 978-7-5767-0505-8(入选工信部十四五规划专著) (4)姬书得,孟祥晨,熊需海. 《搅拌摩擦焊接新技术及增效机制》.辽宁科学技术出版社. 2023(入选辽宁省优秀自然科学著作) 学术兼职与期刊审稿 名称 1. 《Frontiers in Materials》国际SCI期刊《Joining and Welding of New and Dissimilar Materials 》专刊主编; 投稿网址:https://research-topic-management-app.frontiersin.org/manage/37261/dashboard2. 《Metals》国际SCI期刊《Studies on Aeronautical Metals by Friction Stir Welding》 投稿网址:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/metals/special_issues/Aeronautical_Metals_Friction_Stir_Welding3. 《Coatings》国际SCI期刊《Friction and Friction-Based Techniques》 投稿网址:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/coatings/special_issues/64Z6F480S0 3. 国际期刊《J Manuf Process》、《Thin-Wall Struct》、《J Mater Eng Perform》、《Materialia》杰出审稿专家4. 期刊审稿人《Composites Part B》、《Materials & Design》、《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》、《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《Journal of Materials Science and Technology》、《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》、《Journal of Material Research & Technology》、《Results in Physics》、《Alexandria Engineering Journal》、《Journal of Manufacturing Processes》、《Thin-wall Structure》、《Materials Letters》、《Materials Characterization》、《Heliyon》、《Advanced Engineering Materials》、《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》、《Defence Technology》、《Materials Today Communications》、《Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English letters)》、《Archieves of Metallurgy and Materials》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Welding in the Word》、《Vacuum》、《Experimental Techniques (EXTE)》、《Measurement and Control》、《Intermetallics》、《Materials Chemistry and Physics》、《Microelectronics Journal》、《Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering》、《Sientific reports》、《Materialia》、《Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering》、《机械工程材料》、《Materials Science and Technology》、《International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture》、《Journal of Mechanical Engineering》、《Machines》、《Metals》、《Materials》、《Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing》、《Metals》、《航空制造技术》、《Crystals》、《Materials Today Sustainability》 研究方向 名称 搅拌摩擦焊接基础理论; 特异性材料固相焊接(铝/镁、铝/钢、铝/聚合物等); 基于搅拌摩擦的绿色再制造技术; 基于大塑性变形的超细晶新材料制备; 焊接接头组织调控与性能评价。 科研项目 名称 1. 中国博士后科学基金第14批特别资助(站中),主持 2. 中国博士后科学基金第69批面上资助,主持 3. 黑龙江省博士后科学基金面上资助,主持 4. 河北京车委外项目(焊接接头组织与性能评价),主持 5. 中国航天科技创新基金(SAST基金),主持 6. 河钢集团重点科研项目,主持 7. 哈飞,XXX结构搅拌摩擦焊,主持 8. 上海航天精密机械研究所,XXX搅拌摩擦焊技术,主持 论文代表作 名称 1. Xiangchen Meng, Yongxian Huang*, Jian Cao*, Junjun Shen, Jorge F. dos Santos. Recent progress on control strategies for inherent issues in friction stir welding. Progress in Materials Science. 2021,115:100706 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmatsci.2020.100706) IF: 39.560 (ESI高被引和热点论文) 2. Yuming Xie, Xiangchen Meng, Dongxin Mao, Zhiwei Qin, Long Wan, Yongxian Huang*. Homogeneously dispersed graphene nanoplatelets as long-term corrosion inhibitors for aluminum matrix composites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021, 13: 32161–32174. (https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c07148) IF: 9.229 (ESI高被引和热点论文) 3. Yuming Xie, Xiangchen Meng, Yulong Li, Dongxin Mao, Long Wan, Yongxian Huang*. Insight into ultra-refined grains of aluminum matrix composites via deformation-driven metallurgy. Composites Communications. 2021, 26: 100776 ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coco.2021.100776 ) IF: 6.617 (ESI高被引和热点论文) 学术论文 名称 2021年 Meng Xiangchen, Huang Yongxian*, Cao Jian*, Shen Junjun, Dos Santos Jorge F. Recent progress on control strategies for inherent issues in friction stir welding[J]. Progress in Materials Science, 2021, 115: 100706. Xiangchen Meng*, Bingqi Cao, Yang Qiu, Huizi Chen, Yuming Xie, Long Wan, Yongxian Huang*. Equal-load-bearing joining of alclad AA2024-T4 alloy stringers and skins in aviation via friction stir lap welding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2021. Li Junchen1, Meng Xiangchen1, Li Yulong, Wan Long, Huang Yongxian*. Friction stir extrusion for fabricating Mg-RE alloys with high strength and ductility[J]. Materials Letters, 2021, 289: 129414. Xie Yuming1, Meng Xiangchen1, Li Yulong, Mao Dongxin, Wan Long, Huang Yongxian*. Insight into ultra-refined grains of aluminum matrix composites via deformation-driven metallurgy[J]. Composites Communications, 2021, 26: 100776. Yuming Xie1, Xiangchen Meng1, Dongxin Mao, Zhiwei Qin, Long Wan, and Yongxian Huang*. Homogeneously Dispersed Graphene Nanoplatelets as Long-Term Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum Matrix Composites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c07148 孟祥晨,曹炳琪,李玉龙,谷 晨,万 龙,黄永宪. 聚合物与铝合金特异性材料搅拌摩擦焊. 航空制造技术[J]. 2021 2020年 Xie Yuming, Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Wang Feifan, Wan Long, Dong Zhibo, Cao Jian. Friction rivet joining towards high-performance wood-metal hybrid structures[J]. Composite Structures, 2020, 247: 112472. Xie Yuming, Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Li Junchen, Cao Jian. Friction stir spot welding of aluminum and wood with polymer intermediate layers[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 240: 117952. Xie Yuming, Huang Yongxian*, Wang Feifan, Meng Xiangchen, Li Junchen, Dong Zhibo, Cao Jian. Deformation-driven metallurgy of SiC nanoparticle reinforced aluminum matrix nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823: 153741. Li Junchen, Li Yulong, Wang Feifan, Meng Xiangchen, Wan Long, Dong Zhibo, Huang Yongxian*. Friction stir processing of high-entropy alloy reinforced aluminum matrix composites for mechanical properties enhancement[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 792: 139755. Li Junchen, Huang Yongxian*, Wang Feifan, Meng Xiangchen, Wan Long, Dong Zhibo. Enhanced strength and ductility of friction-stir-processed Mg–6Zn alloys via Y and Zr co-alloying[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 773: 138877. Liu Yanchao, Huang Yongxian*, Guan Meng, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming. Grain Refinement in Surficial Cryogenic Grinding[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51(7): 3349–3353. Zhang Yanxin, Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Li Junchen, Xie Yuming, Fan Qiang. Friction stir lap welding of AA2024-T4 with drastically different thickness[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(9–10): 3683–3691. 马潇天, 闫德俊, 孟祥晨, 万龙, 黄永宪. 铝/钢搅拌摩擦焊金属间化合物调控研究进展[J]. 焊接学报. 2020, 41(07): 1-11. 黄永宪, 马潇天, 王丽娟, 孟祥晨, 万龙. 基于搅拌摩擦焊接固有模式的创新性技术[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报. 2020, 40(04): 105-115 2019年 Li Junchen, Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming. A Review on High Entropy Alloys Coatings: Fabrication Processes and Property Assessment[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 21(8): 1900343. Meng Xiangchen, Huang Yongxian*, Liu Shuai, Xie Yuming, Li Junchen, Zhou Li*. Functionally Gradient Coating of Aluminum Alloy via In Situ Arc Surface Nitriding with Subsequent Friction Stir Processing[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 21(1): 1800841. Meng Xiangchen, Huang Yongxian*, Xie Yuming, Li Junchen, Guan Meng, Wan Long, Dong Zhibo, Cao Jian. Friction self-riveting welding between polymer matrix composites and metals[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2019, 127: 105624. Xie Yuming1, Meng Xiangchen1, Huang Yongxian1,*, Li Junchen, Cao Jian. Deformation-driven metallurgy of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced aluminum composite for the balance between strength and ductility[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 177: 107413. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Li Junchen, Wan Long. New technique of friction-based filling stacking joining for metal and polymer[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 163: 217–223. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Li Junchen, Si Xiaoqing, Fan Qiang. Improving mechanical properties of composite/metal friction stir lap welding joints via a taper-screwed pin with triple facets[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 268: 80–86. Ji Shude*, Niu Shiyu, Liu Jianguang*, Meng Xiangchen*. Friction stir lap welding of Al to Mg assisted by ultrasound and a Zn interlayer[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 267: 141–151. Niu Shiyu, Ji Shude, Yan Dejun, Meng Xiangchen, Xiong Xuhai. AZ31B/7075-T6 alloys friction stir lap welding with a zinc interlayer[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 263: 82–90. Huang Yongxian*, Huang Tifang, Wan Long, Meng Xiangchen*, Zhou Li. Material flow and mechanical properties of aluminum-to-steel self-riveting friction stir lap joints[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2019, 263: 129–137. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Lv Zongliang, Huang Tifang, Zhang Yabin, Cao Jian, Zhou Li, Feng Jicai. Microstructures and mechanical properties of micro friction stir welding (μFSW) of 6061-T4 aluminum alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 8(1): 1084–1091. Huang Yongxian*, Xie Yuming, Meng Xiangchen, Li Junchen, Zhou Li. Joint formation mechanism of high depth-to-width ratio friction stir welding[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35(7): 1261–1269. Ma Zhongwei, Jin Yanye, Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen*, Ma Lin, Li Qinghua. A general strategy for the reliable joining of Al/Ti dissimilar alloys via ultrasonic assisted friction stir welding[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35(1): 94–99. Guan Meng, Wang Yuhua, Huang Yongxian*, Liu Xin, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Li Junchen. Non-weld-thinning friction stir welding[J]. Materials Letters, 2019, 255: 126506. Huang Yongxian*, Xie Yuming, Meng Xiangchen, Li Junchen. Atypical grain coarsening of friction stir welded AA6082-T6: Characterization and modeling[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 740–741: 211–217. Huang Yongxian*, Wan Long, Si Xiaoqing, Huang Tifang, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming. Achieving High-Quality Al/Steel Joint with Ultrastrong Interface[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2019, 50(1): 295–299. Qi Song, Wen Qi, Ji Shude, Meng Xiangchen, Wu Baosheng, Qi Weiwei. New technique of radial-additive friction stir repairing for exceeded tolerance holes[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 105(11): 4761–4771. 黄永宪, 陈磊, 谢聿铭, 孟祥晨. 搅拌摩擦焊缝缺陷固相修复技术研究进展[J]. 辽宁石油化工大学学报. 2019,39(02): 88-93. 2018年 Liu Zhenlei, Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen*, Li Zhengwei. A practical strategy for improving the weldability of ultra-thin Al/Mg sheets by ultrasonic-assisted friction stir welding[J]. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2018, 57(2): 181–185. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Lv Zongliang, Wan Long, Cao Jian, Feng Jicai. Friction spot welding of carbon fiber-reinforced polyetherimide laminate[J]. Composite Structures, 2018, 189: 627–634. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Li Junchen, Wan Long. Joining of carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic and metal via friction stir welding with co-controlling shape and performance[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018, 112: 328–336. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Wan Long, Lv Zongliang, Cao Jian, Feng Jicai. Friction stir welding/processing of polymers and polymer matrix composites[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018, 105: 235–257. Liu Zhenlei, Meng Xiangchen*, Ji Shude*, Li Zhengwei, Wang Lin. Improving tensile properties of Al/Mg joint by smashing intermetallic compounds via ultrasonic-assisted stationary shoulder friction stir welding[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 31: 552–559. Huang Yongxian*, Wan Long, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming, Lv Zongliang, Zhou Li. Probe shape design for eliminating the defects of friction stir lap welded dissimilar materials[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 35: 420–427. Liu Zhenlei, Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen*. Improving Joint Formation and Tensile Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys by Solving the Pin Adhesion Problem[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(3): 1404–1413. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Wang Yuhua, Xie Yuming, Zhou Li. Joining of aluminum alloy and polymer via friction stir lap welding[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 257: 148–154. Huang Ruofei, Ji Shude, Meng Xiangchen, Li Zhengwei. Drilling-filling friction stir repairing of AZ31B magnesium alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 255: 765–772. Huang Yongxian*, Xie Yuming, Meng Xiangchen, Lv Zongliang, Cao Jian. Numerical design of high depth-to-width ratio friction stir welding[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018, 252: 233–241. Meng Xiangchen, Jin Yanye*, Ji Shude*, Yan Dejun*. Improving friction stir weldability of Al/Mg alloys via ultrasonically diminishing pin adhesion[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34(10): 1817–1822. Huang Yongxian*, Li Junchen, Wan Long, Meng Xiangchen, Xie Yuming. Strengthening and toughening mechanisms of CNTs/Mg-6Zn composites via friction stir processing[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 732: 205–211. Liu Zhenlei, Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen*. Joining of magnesium and aluminum alloys via ultrasonic assisted friction stir welding at low temperature[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97(9–12): 4127–4136. Meng Xiangchen, Xu Zheng, Huang Yongxian*, Xie Yuming, Wang Yaobin, Wan Long, Lv Zongliang, Cao Jian. Interface characteristic and tensile property of friction stir lap welding of dissimilar aircraft 2060-T8 and 2099-T83 Al–Li alloys[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 94(1–4): 1253–1261. Ji Shude, Huang Ruofei, Zhang Liguo, Meng Xiangchen, Lv Zan. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Repaired Al–Cu Casting Alloy[J]. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2018, 71(8): 2057–2065. 黄永宪, 吕宗亮, 万龙, 孟祥晨, 曹健. 钛/铝异质金属搅拌摩擦焊技术研究进展[J]. 航空学报. 2018,39(11): 6-17. 2017年 Wang Yaobin, Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Wan Long, Feng Jicai. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Mg Zn Y Zr alloy during friction stir processing[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 696: 875–883. Ji Shude, Huang Ruofei, Meng Xiangchen, Zhang Liguo, Huang Yongxian*. Enhancing Friction Stir Weldability of 6061-T6 Al and AZ31B Mg Alloys Assisted by External Non-rotational Shoulder[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(5): 2359–2367. Huang Yongxian*, Meng Xiangchen, Zhang Yabin, Cao Jian, Feng Jicai. Micro friction stir welding of ultra-thin Al-6061 sheets[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 250: 313–319. Huang Yongxian*, Wang Yaobin, Meng Xiangchen, Wan Long, Cao Jian, Zhou Li, Feng Jicai. Dynamic recrystallization and mechanical properties of friction stir processed Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloys[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 249: 331–338. Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen*, Liu Zhenlei, Huang Ruofei, Li Zhengwei. Dissimilar friction stir welding of 6061 aluminum alloy and AZ31 magnesium alloy assisted with ultrasonic[J]. Materials Letters, 2017, 201: 173–176. Liu Zhenlei, Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen*, Huang Ruofei. Improving joint formation and tensile properties of friction stir welded ultra-thin Al/Mg alloy sheets using a pinless tool assisted by a stationary shoulder[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(5–8): 2071–2079. 黄永宪, 孟祥晨, 王耀彬, 冯吉才. 聚合物及其复合材料搅拌摩擦焊/处理的研究现状[J]. 焊接. 2017, (07): 32-37. 2016年 Ji S D, Meng X C, Li Z W, Ma L, Gao S S. Experimental Study of Stationary Shoulder Friction Stir Welded 7N01-T4 Aluminum Alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(3): 1228–1236. Liu Zhenlei, Cui Hutao, Ji Shude, Xu Minqiang, Meng Xiangchen. Improving Joint Features and Mechanical Properties of Pinless Fiction Stir Welding of Alcald 2A12-T4 Aluminum Alloy[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2016, 32(12): 1372–1377. Ji Shude*, Meng Xiangchen, Zeng Yaming, Ma Lin, Gao Shuangsheng. New technique for eliminating keyhole by active-passive filling friction stir repairing[J]. Materials & Design, 2016, 97: 175–182. Huang Yongxian*, Wang Jichao, Wan Long, Meng Xiangchen, Liu Hongbing, Li Hao. Self-riveting friction stir lap welding of aluminum alloy to steel[J]. Materials Letters, 2016, 185: 181–184. Ji S D*, Meng X C, Huang R F, Ma L, Gao S S. Microstructures and mechanical properties of 7N01-T4 aluminum alloy joints by active-passive filling friction stir repairing[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 664: 94–102. Ji Shude*, Wang Yue, Liu Jianguang, Meng Xiangchen, Tao Jun, Zhang Tiancang. Effects of welding parameters on material flow behavior during linear friction welding of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy by numerical investigation[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 82(5–8): 927–938. Ji S D*, Meng X C, Ma L, Gao S S. 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Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiangchen-Meng-2 申报国家发明专利20余项,已授权12项。 专利名称 一种抑制焊缝减薄并增厚焊缝的搅拌摩擦焊方法 专利号 ZL201910212166.2 发明人 孟祥晨,黄永宪,谢聿铭,李峻臣,王丽娟 申请时间 2021-01-05 专利类别 简单介绍 专利名称 一种通过磁力实现背部随动支撑的搅拌摩擦焊接方法 专利号 ZL201910221940.6 发明人 黄永宪,孟祥晨,谢聿铭,李峻臣 申请时间 2021-03-12 专利类别 简单介绍 专利名称 一种适用于金属与聚合物之间的搅拌摩擦焊接方法 专利号 ZL201910225037.7 发明人 黄永宪,孟祥晨,谢聿铭,李峻臣 申请时间 2021-03-12 专利类别 简单介绍 专利名称 一种原位增大孔壁厚的双层同步摩擦拉拔方法 专利号 ZL201910221957.1 发明人 黄永宪,孟祥晨,李峻臣,谢聿铭,王丽娟 申请时间 2020-05-12 专利类别 简单介绍 专利名称 一种焊接同步二次再成形无减薄搅拌摩擦焊具及焊接方法 专利号 ZL201911076229.2 发明人 黄永宪,马潇天,孟祥晨,周荣林,王丽娟,邵天全,郝永宽 申请时间 2021-02-19 专利类别 简单介绍 专利名称 一种组分可调同步送料的摩擦头及摩擦增材制造方法 专利号 ZL201910550014.3 发明人 黄永宪,邹明达,孟祥晨,谢聿铭 申请时间 2021-03-12 专利类别 简单介绍 专利名称 一种实现大深宽比低阻抗焊接的搅拌摩擦焊焊具 专利号 ZL201910221955.2 发明人 黄永宪,谢聿铭,于江祥,孟祥晨,陈磊 申请时间 2021-03-12 专利类别 简单介绍 个人新闻 新闻标题 先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室在搅拌摩擦焊接领域获重要技术突破 发布时间 2020-07-15 在国家自然科学基金项目和我校青年科学家工作室建设项目的支持下,我校先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室黄永宪教授、曹健教授团队在国际材料科学研究领域著名期刊《材料科学进展》(Progress in Materials Science,影响因子31.560)发表了题为“搅拌摩擦焊固有模式及其控制策略”(Recent progress on control strategies for inherent issues in friction stir welding)的长文综述,这是我校首次在该期刊上发表焊接领域的论文。材料学院青年教师孟祥晨博士为第一作者,黄永宪教授和曹健教授为共同通讯作者,我校为第一单位;论文作者还包括德国亥姆霍兹材料研究所的沈俊军博士和Jorge F. dos Santos教授。 http://weld.hit.edu.cn/2020/0715/c1650a244048/page.htm 新闻标题 材料学院第十五届研究生模拟国际会议-会议评委 发布时间 2020-12-31 在我校研究生院的大力支持下,由材料学院主办的材料科学与工程学科第十五届研究生模拟国际学术会议于2020年12月28日在我校邵馆205报告厅顺利召开。以各分会场评审委员会主席孟祥晨、方虹泽、邵斌和郭逢凯老师为代表的15位评委老师分别对所在分会场学生的口头报告和墙报做了深入的点评。 http://mse.hit.edu.cn/2020/1231/c3826a250637/page.htm 新闻标题 第十三届博士生学术论坛-优秀学术报告奖 发布时间 2018-05-24 在我校研究生院的大力支持下,由材料学院主办,学院研究生会以及17级博士生联合会承办的材料科学与工程学科第十三届博士生学术论坛于2018年5月19日在我校材料楼胜利召开。经过评审委员会的严格评审,最终孟祥晨等15名博士生获得“优秀学术报告奖”。为表彰先优,本次论坛还为获奖的各位博士生同学举行了隆重的颁奖典礼。 http://today.hit.edu.cn/node/55991 新闻标题 Special issue "Joining and Welding of New and Dissimilar Materials" in Frontiers in Materials 发布时间 新闻标题 我校第二十三届 优秀博士学位论文评选 发布时间 根据《哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士学位论文评选办法》,经各学位分委员会初选及校学位委员会第178次会议评审,共评选出我校第二十三届优秀博士学位论文26篇。 http://hitgs.hit.edu.cn/2021/0712/c3333a256879/page.htm 新闻标题 ACS AMI┃形变驱动冶金制备GNPs/Al复合材料长效耐腐蚀机制 发布时间 Homogeneously Dispersed Graphene Nanoplatelets as Long-Term Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum Matrix Composites Yuming Xie1, Xiangchen Meng1, Dongxin Mao, Zhiwei Qin, Long Wan, and Yongxian Huang* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c07148 相关论文发表在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 上,哈尔滨工业大学博士研究生谢聿铭和孟祥晨讲师为文章的共同第一作者,黄永宪教授为通讯作者。 名称 1. 搅拌摩擦焊接基础及应用. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2021.04.(入选省精品图书) 2. 搅拌摩擦焊接新技术及增效机制. 辽宁科学技术出版社. (入选省优秀自然科学著作)
