姓名 | 哈斯巴干 |
教师编号 | 60394 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 上海师范大学 |
部门 | 发明专利包写包过 加急申请 |
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学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
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哈斯巴干 基本信息 性别:男 部门:环境与地理科学学院 聘任技术职务:研究员 学位:理学博士学位 学历:博士研究生毕业 毕业院校:中国科学院遥感应用研究所 联系电话: 电子邮箱: 办公地点: 通讯地址:上海市徐汇区桂林路100号 研究方向 从事遥感数据处理算法开发和实际应用研究。(1)算法开发方面,主要进行图像融合、人工神经网络和子空间等算法开发研究。(2)在应用方面,利用光学、合成孔径雷达、激光雷达、热红外等遥感数据获取城市内部及其外延的土地覆被状况和变化趋势等;结合遥感、GIS和社会统计数据,研究城市扩张问题。在“Remote Sensing of Environment”、“IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing”、“PE&RS” 等遥感领域的SCI国际期刊,“Environment and Planning B”和“Environmental Research Letters” 等环境方面的SCI/SSCI国际期刊,以及在《中国科学》,《中国图象图形学报》等国内外核心刊物上以第一作者发表多篇论文。教育背景1991 北京大学 数学系 本科1996 北京航空航天大学 应用数学系 硕士2004 中国科学院 遥感应用研究所 博士工作经历1991 内蒙古师范大学 数学系助教1996 ERDENET矿业公司 职员2004 日本 国立环境研究所 水土壤研究领域 NIES postdoc fellow2006 东京大学 生产技术研究所 研究员2008 日本 国立环境研究所 地球环境研究中心 NIES fellow2013 澳大利亚Flinders大学 MLFP研究员2013 日本 茨城大学 农学部 研究员2013-今 日本 国立环境研究所 地球环境研究中心 客座研究员2017-今 东京大学 生产技术研究所Research fellow科研项目哈斯巴干. 国家自然科学基金 (面上基金项目): 结合样本优化和核学习子空间的多源异质遥感数据分类及城市应用,在研。哈斯巴干. 上海市2018年度“科技创新行动计划” (高新技术领域项目): 多源遥感数据融合与核子空间方法相结合的城市扩展研究,在研。 英文期刊文章 (*: Corresponding author)Hasi Bagan, Habura Borjigin, and Yoshiki Yamagata. “Assessing nighttime lights for mapping the urban areas of 50 cities across the globe,” Environment and Planning B:Urban Analytics and City Science, 2018. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/2399808317752926 (SSCI)Zhaoling Li, Hasi Bagan*, Yoshiki Yamagata. “Analysis of spatiotemporal land cover changes in Inner Mongolia using self-organizing map neural network and grid cells method,” Science of the Total Environment, in press, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.361 (SCI)Temulun Tangud, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara, Habura Borjigin, Hasi Bagan. “Land-cover change in the Wulagai grassland, Inner Mongolia of China between 1986 and 2014 analysed using multi-temporal Landsat images,” Geocarto International, 2018, doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2018.1478457 (SCI)Abdul Aziz Mohibbi, Hasi Bagan, Motoko Inatomi, Tsuguki Kinoshita. “Land Cover Change in Bamyan, Afghanistan from 1990 to 2015: land degradation induced by lack of land management,” Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research, 2018, 53(1).Hasi Bagan, Huilong Li, Yonghui Yang, Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshiki Yamagata. “The sensitivity of subspace method for land cover classification,” The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, 2018. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.12.003.Hasi Bagan, Ram Avtar, Hajime Seya, Huade Guan. “Mathematics in utilizing remote sensing data for investigating and modelling environmental problems,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 7430658, doi: https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/7430658. (SCI)Wudabalaqiqige, Tetsuji Ito, Hasi Bagan, Yuji Kuwahara. “Analysis of Natural and Social Environment Issue in Arhorchin Banner, Inner Mongolia,” Journal of applied survey technology, 2016, 27:131-142.Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Analysis of urban growth and estimating population density using satellite images of nighttime lights and land-use and population data,” GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2015, 52(6): 765-780. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Land-cover change analysis in 50 global cities by using a combination of Landsat data and analysis of grid cell,” Environmental Research Letters, 2014, 9(6): 064015. (SCI)Tana Qian, Hasi Bagan*, Tsuguki Kinoshita, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Spatial–temporal analyses of surface coal mining dominated land degradation in Holingol, Inner Mongolia,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014, 7(5): 1675-1687. (SCI)Masato Hayashi, Yoshiki Yamagata, Habura Borjigin, Hasi Bagan, Rikie Suzuki, and Nobuko Saigusa, “Forest biomass mapping with airborne LiDAR in Yokohama City, Japan,” Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013, 52(6): 306-315. Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Landsat analysis of urban growth: How Tokyo became the world’s largest megacity during the last 40 years,” Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012, 127: 210–222. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Tsuguki Kinoshita, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Combination of AVNIR-2, PALSAR, and Polarimetric Parameters for Land Cover Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2012, 50(4): 1318–1328. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Improved subspace classification method for multispectral remote sensing image classification,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 2010, 7611): 1239-1251. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Wataru Takeuchi, Tsuguki Kinoshita, Yuhai Bao, Yoshiki Yamagata. “Land Cover Classification and Change Analysis in the Horqin Sandy Land From 1975 to 2007,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2010, 3(2): 168-177. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshiki Yamagata, Xiaohui Wang, Yoshifumi Yasuoka. “Extended Averaged Learning Subspace Method for Hyperspectral Data Classification,” Sensors, 2009, 9(6): 4247-4270. (SCI)Yoshiki Yamagata, Wataru Takeuchi, Hasi Bagan, Akihiko Ito, Minaco Adachi, “Forest carbon mapping using remotely sensed disturbance history in Borneo,” IEEE Earthzine, Sep.21, 2010.Hasi Bagan, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Takahiro Endo, Xiaohui Wang, Zhaosheng Feng, “Classification of Airborne Hyperspectral Data Based on the Average Learning Subspace Method,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2008, 5(3): 368-372. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, Masataka Watanabe, Satoshi Kameyama, Yuhai Bao, “Land-cover Classification Using ASTER Multi-band Combinations Based on Wavelet Fusion and SOM Neural Network,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 2008, 74(3): 333-342. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, Yonghui Yang, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Yuhai Bao, “Land cover classification using moderate resolution imaging spectrometer-enhanced vegetation index time-series data and self-organizing map neural network in Inner Mongolia, China,” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2007, 1, 013545. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Masataka Watanabe, “Synergetic use of MODIS, ASTER and Landsat data for land cover classification and its calibration in north China,” Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 2007, 7(3): 15-20. Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, Masataka Watanabe, Yang Yonghui, Ma Jianwen, “Land cover classification from MODIS EVI times-series data using SOM neural network,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2005, 26(22): 4999-5012. (SCI)Ma Jianwen, Hasi Bagan, “Remote Sensing Data Classification Based on Tolerant Rough Set and Neural Network,” Science in China Series D - Earth Science (Science China Earth Sciences), 2005, 48(12): 2251-2259. (SCI)Hasi Bagan, Ma Jianwen, Li Qiqing, Han Xiuzhen, Liu Zhili, “Self-organizing feature map neural network classification of the ASTER data based on wavelet fusion,” Science in China Series D - Earth Science (Science China Earth Sciences), 2004, 47(7): 651 – 658. (SCI)ianwen Ma, Hasi Bagan, “Land-use classification using ASTER data and self-organized neutral networks,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2005, 7(3): 183-188. (SCI)JW Ma, Han XZ, Hasibagan, Wang CL, Zhang YL, Tang JY, Xie ZY, Deveson TMonitoring, “Monitoring East Asian migratory locust plagues using remote sensing data and field investigations,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2005, 26(3): 629-634. (SCI)中文核心期刊戴芹, 马建文, 欧阳赟, 哈斯巴干. 利用贝叶斯网络进行遥感变化检测; 中国图象图形学报, 2005, 10(6): 41-45(+3). 哈斯巴干, 马建文, 李启青, 陈雪, 戴芹. 容差粗糙集与神经网络结合的遥感数据分类方法; 中国科学(D辑:地球科学), 2004, 34(10): 967-974.哈斯巴干, 马建文, 李启青. 模糊c-均值算法改进及其对卫星遥感数据聚类的对比研究; 计算机工程, 2004, 30(11): 14 - 15.哈斯巴干, 马建文, 韩秀珍等. 多波段遥感数据的神经网络降维分类研究; 武汉大学学报.信息科学版, 2004, 29(5): 461 - 465.李启青, 马建文, 哈斯巴干, 韩秀珍, 刘志丽. 基于遥感数据特征和像元替换技术的边缘提取方法; 计算机工程, 2004, 30(8): 151-152.马建文, 韩秀珍, 哈斯巴干, 王志刚, 燕守勋, 戴芹. 基于东亚飞蝗生育周期的遥感蝗灾监测新模式; 遥感学报, 2004, 8(4): 370-377.刘志丽, 马建文, 张仁健, 王志刚, 哈斯巴干, 李启青. 利用遥感综合分析西风引导气流与地形对沙尘运移路径的影响; 中国沙漠, 2004, 24(3): 330-334.哈斯巴干, 马建文, 李启青, 韩秀珍, 刘志丽. 基于小波融合的ASTER数据自组织特征映射神经网络分类研究, 中国科学(D辑:地球科学), 2003, 33(9): 895-902.哈斯巴干, 马建文,周其江, 李启青. 基于气象数据与AVHRR热红外数据的人工神经网络分类方法研究;中国科学院研究生院学报,2003, 20(3): 328-333.哈斯巴干, 马建文, 李启青. ASTER数据的自组织神经网络分类研究;地球科学进展, 2003, 18(3): 346-350.李启青, 马建文, 哈斯巴干, 刘志丽, 韩秀珍. 一种可扩展四叉树结构及其先序遍历算法; 计算机工程与应用,2003, 28: 22-24.李启青, 马建文, 哈斯巴干, 韩秀珍,刘志丽. 基于贝叶斯网络模型的遥感数据处理方法; 电子与信息学报,2003, 25(10): 1321-1326.李启青, 马建文, 哈斯巴干, 刘志丽, 韩秀珍. 遥感数据的遗传超平面算法;遥感学报,2003,7: 485 – 489。马建文, 韩秀珍, 哈斯巴干, 张跃进, 汤金仪, 谢志庾. 东亚飞蝗灾害的遥感监测实验;国土资源遥感,2003,1: 51-55.李启青, 马建文, 哈斯巴干, 刘志丽, 韩秀珍. 基于遥感数据光谱和空间特征的边缘提取方法; 计算机应用, 2003, 23(9): 53-55.哈斯巴干, 马建文, 李启青, 刘志丽, 韩秀珍. 小波局部高频替代融合方法;中国图象图形学报,2002, 7A(10): 1012-1016. 马超飞, 马建文, 哈斯巴干 韩秀珍. 基于RS和GIS的岷江流域退耕还林还草的初步研究; 水土保持学报,2001,15(4): 20-24冯兆生, 哈斯巴干. 关于微分方程的有理式解的存性问题; 南京航空航天大学学报, 1996, 28(3): 86-91.论著Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, Book chapter “Urban growth mapping of mega cities: multi-sensor approach” in Book “Remote Sensing Handbook,” Editor-in-Chief: Prasad S. Thenkabail; Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN 9781482217919, pp. 581-598, Nov. 2015.Yoshiki Yamagata, Hasi Bagan, Akihiko Ito and Minaco Adachi, “Development study of the forest carbon monitoring system using remote sensing,” Forests for People (United Nations Forum on Forests Secretariat), Leicester, Tudor Rose, ISBN 978-0-9568561-1-14, pp. 78-80, Feb. 2012. (联合国国际森林年专著)马建文,李启青,哈斯巴干,戴芹. 遥感数据智能处理方法与程序设计. 北京:科学出版社,标准书号:7-03-015094-5/P.1546,出版日期:2005-08-01。国际学术会议大会邀请报告Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Combination of PALSA-2 and multispectral images for land cover classification,” The Joint PI Meeting of Global Environment Observation Mission FY2017 (The 3rd ALOS-2 PI Workshop), January 22 - 25, 2018, Tokyo, Japan. (日本宇航机构第三次专家会议; session chair;英语20分钟)Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Integration of optical and SAR data for land cover classification,” IPCC Expert Meeting: Role of Remote Sensing in Forest and National GHG Inventories, Hayama, Japan, 23 - 25 October 2012. (联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会专家会议; 英语25分钟),网址:http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/meeting/pdfiles/1210_Participants_list_RS.pdf Hasi Bagan, Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshiki Yamagata, “Subspace method for remote sensing data land cover classification,” Subspace 2010 in conjunction with MIRU2010, Kusiro, Hokkaido. 26 July, 2010. (2010日本图像识别和理解年会;日语60分钟),网址:http://www.cvlab.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp/~subspace/ss2010d/ Hasi Bagan, Yoshiki Yamagata “Land cover land use mapping and change detection in Mongolian plateau using remote sensing data,” International Symposium on “Impact of Climate Change on Region Specific Systems”, Hokkaido University, 6 November, 2009. (气候变化对区域的影响国际会议;英语45分钟), 网址:http://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2115/39904 学术成果(以下信息源于科研管理系统) 教学工作 教职工课程信息开课学年开课学期课程名称2023-20241环境遥感2022-20231环境遥感2021-20222概率论与数理统计2020-20212概率论与数理统计2019-20201概率统计 荣誉奖励 社会兼职 |