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姓名 姬志行
教师编号 4130
学校 西北工业大学
部门 动力与能源学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 招收2023级推免生,考研生,详情咨询jizhixing@nwpu.edu.cn。


科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向:氢能航空动力系统;燃料电池航空混合动力系统;燃料电池、电解池。主持参与项目:基础科研燃料电池混合动力项目,装备预研氢能航空混动项目及自然基金等多个项目发表论文:Zhixing Ji*, Jiang Qin, Kunlin Cheng, Silong Zhang, Zhanxue Wang.A comprehensive evaluation of ducted fan hybrid engines integrated with fuel cells for sustainable aviation[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2023.Zhixing Ji*, Fafu Guo, Tingting Zhu, et al.Thermodynamic Performance Comparisons of Ideal Brayton Cycles Integrated with High Temperature Fuel Cells as Power Sources on Aircraft[J]. Sustainability, 2023. 15(3), 2805. 185: 113567Jiang Qin*, Zhixing Ji, Fafu Guo, et al. Review of Aviation Fuel Cell and Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems[J]. Journal of propulsion Technology, 2022. 43(07)Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, He Liu, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Advanced exergy and graphical exergy analyses for solid oxide fuel cell turbine-less jet engines[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 456: 227979.Zhixing Ji, Marvin M Rokni, Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Performance and size optimization of the turbine-less engine integrated solid oxide fuel cells on unmanned aerial vehicles with long endurance[J]. Applied Energy. 2021, 299: 117301 Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, He Liu, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Thermodynamic analysis of a solid oxide fuel cell jet hybrid engine for long-endurance unmanned air vehicles[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 183:50-64. Zhixing Ji, Marvin M Rokni, Jiang Qin*, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Energy and configuration management strategy for battery/fuel cell/jet engine hybrid propulsion and power systems on aircraft[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 225: 113393.Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, Fafu Guo, Silong Zhang, Chaoying Zhou, Peng Dong. Determination of the safe operation zone for a turbine-less and solid oxide fuel cell hybrid electric jet engine on unmanned aerial vehicles[J]. Energy, 2020, 202: 117532.Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, Fafu Guo, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Thermodynamics analysis of a turbojet engine integrated with a fuel cell and steam injection for high-speed flight[J]. Energy, 2019, 185:190-201.Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, He Liu, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Performance evaluation of a turbojet engine integrated with interstage turbine burner and solid oxide fuel cell[J]. Energy, 2019, 168:702- 711.Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, Fafu Guo, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Performance characteristics of a solid oxide fuel cell hybrid jet engine under different operating modes[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 105:106027.Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin*, Kunlin Cheng, Fafu Guo, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Comparative performance analysis of solid oxide fuel cell turbine-less jet engines for electric propulsion airplanes: Application of alternative fuel[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 93:105286.Zhixing Ji, Jiang Qin, Kunlin Cheng, Silong Zhang, Peng Dong. Performance assessment of a solid oxide fuel cell turbine-less jet hybrid engine integrated with a fan and afterburners. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2021.




