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姓名 王芸芸
教师编号 4062
学校 西北工业大学
部门 生态环境学院
学位 理学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
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个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2023-至今    西北工业大学生态环境学院   副教授2018-2022   中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院   讲师2017-2018   北京大学城市与环境学院    博士后 2008.9-2012.6     沈阳农业大学                                        本科2012.9-2017.7     中国科学院大学沈阳应用生态研究所      硕博连读2014.1-2014.4     加拿大阿尔伯塔大学可更新资源系         访问学生2016.11-2017.4   英国谢菲尔德大学动植物系                   联合培养


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 欢迎生态学,林学、自然地理学、遥感及相关专业的同学报考硕士研究生。


学术成果 Academic Achievements 主要的研究领域为生物多样性、植物功能地理学、繁殖生态学、宏生态学与气候变化。以被子植物-传粉者相互作用响应气候变化及其对植物多样性时空格局的影响为研究主线,以有性繁殖特征包括花、果实和种子为研究对象,开展被子植物有性繁殖特征在群落、区域及全球尺度的多样性格局和形成机制等一系列工作。 发表论文1        YY Wang, A Luo, T Lyu, D Dimitrov, YP Liu, YC Li, XT Xu, RP Freckleton, ZQ Hao, ZH Wang*. 2023. Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems, Science Advances. 9, eadg2555.2        YY Wang#, A Luo#, T Lyu, D Dimitrov, XT Xu, RP Freckleton, Y Li, X Su, Y Li, YP Liu, D Sandanov, QJ Li, SG Liu, ZH Wang*. 2021. Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems, Ecology Letters. 24(9), 1835-1847.3        YY Wang, YC Li, A Luo, D Dimitrov, ZH Wang. 2023. Evolutionary history and climate explain why wind pollination is more common in temperate zones. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32(12): 2189-2198.4        YY Wang, T Lyu, N Shrestha, L Lyu, Y Li, B Schmid, RP Freckleton, D Dimitrov, S Liu, ZQ Hao, ZH Wang*. 2020. Drivers of large-scale geographical variation in sexual systems of woody plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(3), 546-557.5        YY Wang, T Lyu, A Luo, D Dimitrov, ZH Wang. 2023. Geographic patterns in range sizes and their drivers of endemic angiosperms in China. Ecosphere, In press.6        YY Wang, T Lyu, A Luo, RP Freckleton, ZQ Hao, ZH Wang*. 2020. Spatial patterns and drivers of angiosperm sexual systems in China differ between woody and herbaceous species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 1222.7        YY Wang, SJ. Mazer, RP Freckleton, ZQ Yuan, XG Wang, YJ Du, L Lin, X Wang, WG Sang, ZQ Hao*, 2019. Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(3), 413-426.8        YY Wang, J Zhang, JM LaMontagne, F Lin, B Li, J Ye, ZQ Yuan, XG Wang, ZQ Hao*. 2017. Variation and synchrony of tree species mast seeding in an old-growth temperate forest. Journal of Vegetation Science. 28(2), 413-423.9        YY Wang, JM. LaMontagne, F Lin, ZQ Yuan, J Ye, XG Wang & ZQ Hao. 2019. Similarity between seed rain and neighbouring mature tree communities in an old-growth temperate forest. Journal of Forestry Research. 2020. 31(6): 2435-2444.10    YY Wang, RP. Freckleton, BJ Wang, X Kuang, ZQ Yuan, F Lin, J Ye, XG Wang, & ZQ Hao. 2018. The role of breeding system in community dynamics: Growth and mortality in forests of different successional stages. Ecology and Evolution, 8(15), 7285-7296.11    王芸芸,郝占庆. 被子植物性系统的多样性、生态功能及分布规律. 生物多样性, 2022. 30(7): 22065, 1–12.12    王芸芸,师帅,蔺菲,原作强,叶吉,王绪高,郝占庆. 长白山阔叶红松林木本植物繁殖特性特征及其关联性. 科学通报, 2014, 59(24): 2407-2415.合作发表文章1.  J Usinowicz, Chen Y, Clark J, Fletcher C, Garwood N, Hao Z, Johnstone J, Lin YC, Metz M, Masaki T, Nakashizuka T, Sun IF, Valencia R, YY Wang, Zimmerman J, Ives A, Wright J, Chang-Yang C. 2017. Latitudinal differences in coexistence contribute to geographic variation in forest diversity. Nature. 550, 105–108.2. MH Zhu, de Andrés EG, YY Wang, Xu ZC, Ye J, Yuan ZQ, Lin F, Fang S, Mao ZK, Wang XG, Hao ZQ*. 2022. El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation affects the species-level temporal variation in seed and leaf fall in a mixed temperate forest. Science of The Total Environment, 850(06): 157751.3. BJ Wang, Fang S, YY Wang, Guo QH, Hu TY, Mi XC, Lin LX, Jin GZ, Coomes DA, Yuan ZQ, Ye J, Wang XG, Lin F, Hao ZQ*. 2022. The Shift from Energy to Water Limitation in Local Canopy Height from Temperate to Tropical Forests in China. Forests, 13(5):639.4. T Lyu, YY Wang, A Luo, Yaoqi Li, Shijia Peng, Hongyu Cai, Hui Zeng, Zhiheng Wang*. 2021. Effects of Climate, Plant Height, and Evolutionary Age on Geographical Patterns of Fruit Type. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:604272.5. Zuoqiang Yuan, Arshad Ali, Shaopeng Wang, Xugao Wang, Fei Lin, YY Wang, Shuai Fang, Zhanqing Hao, Michel Loreau, Lin Jiang*. 2019. Temporal stability of aboveground biomass is governed by species asynchrony in temperate forests. Ecological Indicators, 107:105661.6. X Kuang, Zhu K, Yuan ZQ, Lin F, Ye J, Wang XG, YY Wang, Hao ZQ*. 2017. Conspecific density dependence and community structure: Insights from 11 years of monitoring in an old-growth temperate forest in Northeast China. Ecology and Evolution, 7(14).7. ZQ Yuan, Gazol A, Wang XG, Lin F, Ye J, Zhang ZC, Suo YY, Kuang X, YY Wang, Jia SH, Hao ZQ*. 2016. Pattern and dynamics of biomass stock in old growth forests: The role of habitat and tree size. Acta Oecologica, 75:15-23.8. Zhang S, Lin F, Yuan ZQ, Kuang X, Jia SH, YY Wang, Suo YY, Fang S, Wang XG, Ye J, Hao ZQ*. 2015. Herb layer species abundance distribution patterns in different seasons in an old-growth temperate forest in Changbai Mountain, China. Biodiversity Science, 23(5):641-648.出版专著尹秋龙, 贾仕宏, 原作强, 王芸芸. 2023. 秦岭生态学野外实习指导. 西北工业大学出版社,西安。学术兼职《生态学杂志》青年编委,为国内外主流学术期刊Global Ecology and Biogeography、Journal of Ecology、Annals of Forest Science、植物生态学报、生物多样性等杂志审稿。  主持或参与项目情况1、国家自然科学基金青年项目‘中国被子植物性系统空间格局及其形成机制’(2020.1-2022.12),24万,主持;2、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目‘中国被子植物性系统生态相关性的系统发育分析’(2021.1-2022.12),5万,主持;3、中央高校基本科研业务费,2023.1-2024.12,20万,主持;4、国际(地区)合作与交流项目,31911530102,欧亚大陆东部种子植物多样性格局及其成因:草本与木本植物的比较,参与



