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姓名 李臻
教师编号 3977
学校 西北工业大学
部门 电子信息学院
学位 工学博士学位
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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综合介绍 General Introduction     李臻,分别于2018年、2023年在西安电子科技大学获得学士、博士学位。2023年7月入职西北工业大学电子信息学院,研究方向为射频/毫米波集成电路设计、高速有线通信芯片设计。 个人相册


个人经历 personal experience 工作经历 教育经历 2023.07-至今,西北工业大学,电子信息学院,博士后 2018.09-2023.06,西安电子科技大学,微电子学院,工学博士(直博)2014.08-2018.06,西安电子科技大学,微电子学院,工学学士


科研成果 Scientific research results 论文成果 [1] Zhen Li, Zhenrong Li, Xudong Wang, Zeyuan Wang and Yiqi Zhuang. A Low Jitter Sub-Sampling Phase-Locked Loop with Sampling Thermal Noise Cancellation Technique.International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,51(1), 2023. [2] Zhen Li, Zhenrong Li, Xudong Wang, Xing Quan, Zeyuan Wang, Xinyu Li and Yiqi Zhuang. A 22.7- to 44.2-GHz Darlington dual-injection injection-locked frequency tripler with 35dBc harmonic rejection for multiband 5G communication systems.International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,50(4), 2022. [3] Zhen Li, Zhenrong Li, Xing Quan, Zeyuan Wang, Xinyu Li and Yiqi Zhuang. A 0.6 V 2.7 mW 94.3 Locking Range Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Using Modified Varactor-less Colpitts Oscillator Topology.IET Circuits, Devices & Systems,17(7), 2021. [4] Zhen Li, Zhenrong Li, Xing Quan, Zeyuan Wang and Yiqi Zhuang. A 21.6-30.3 GHz Injection-Locked Frequency Tripler with Darlington Injection for 5G Communication Systems.International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,49(2), 2020. [5] Zhen Li, Yiqi Zhuang, Zhenrong Li, Xing Quan and Zeyuan Wang. A 26.1-38.2 GHz injection-locked frequency divider with current phasor synthesis technique.AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,117, 2020. [6] Zhenrong Li, Yiming Duan, Zhen Li, Zeyuan Wang and Yiqi Zhuang. A 0.3-6 GHz Noise and Distortion Cancelling LNA Achieving an NF of 2.8±0.3 dB in 0.18-μm SiGe BiCMOS Process.Microelectronics Journal,105, 2020. [7] Zhenrong Li, Simin Wang, Zhen Li, Hualian Tang and Yiqi Zhuang. A 0.5 to 6 GHz wideband cascode LNA with enhanced linearity by employing resistive shunt-shunt feedback and derivative superposition.Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,62(10), 2020. [8] Zeyuan Wang, Zhenrong Li, Yuxin Wang, Zhen Li and Yiqi Zhuang. Design of high-isolation and low-loss single pole double throw switch based on the triple-coupled transformer for ultra-wideband phased array systems.International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications,49(10), 2021. [9] Zhenrong Li, Xiayu Cheng, Zeyuan Wang, Zhen Li and Yiqi Zhuang. A Digital Controlled Accurate Linear-in-Db Variable Gain Amplifier Based on Current-Steering Structure with Compensation Circuit.Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing,40(2), 2021. [10] Zhenrong Li, Boyu Liu, Yiming Duan, Zeyuan Wang, Zhen Li and Yiqi Zhuang. A 6-18 GHz High dB-Linear Attenuator Based on Variable Gain Amplifier for Ultra-Wideband Phased Array Systems.Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,64(2), 2021.


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