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姓名 邹海林
教师编号 3638
学校 西北工业大学
部门 力学与土木建筑学院
学位 博士
学历 博士研究生毕业
职称 副高
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综合介绍 General Introduction 力学与土木建筑学院,副教授;日本东京大学,JST博士后;新加坡国立大学,博士;西安交通大学,本科和硕士。 个人相册


教育教学 Education and teaching 招生信息 教育教学 研究方向:软体机器人的变刚度和变阻尼结构设计;基于3D打印技术的软体机器人制备和设计;软体机器人的力学建模和仿真;典型复杂系统的动力学分析和控制等。欢迎有力学专业背景或者机械专业背景的同学报考和咨询。  联系方式:zouhailin@nwpu.edu.cn;  QQ: 12892488  (欢迎咨询) ●所讲授课程包括: 《理论力学》《流固耦合》《专业英语》《力学导论》等。●指导学生参加各类比赛, 获得省一等奖, 校级二等奖等多项.


科学研究 Scientific Research 科研项目:主持国家自然科学基金面上项目, 青年基金, 陕西省自然科学基金,教育部留学回国启动经费, 以及中央高校基本业务费等项目, 参与国家自然科学基金重点项目一项.科研论文:研究主题涉及软体驱动器变刚度、变阻尼,刚柔耦合动力学分析,介电弹性体的非线性力学分析,脉冲耦合网络动力学,不稳定吸引子以及部分不稳定吸引子,非规则长瞬态动力学,非线性系统的全局分析方法以及全局流形分叉等。 发表二十多篇SCI论文,其中第一作者或通讯作者论文分别发表在Soft Robotics,Nonlinear Dynamics (2篇),Smart Materials and Structures,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Physical Review E (3篇),Chaos,以及Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics等国际著名期刊和国内重要的权威刊物《中国科学》等。此外在Springer出版的专著中负责其中一章。部分文章列表如下: ●Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng and Hongyuan Zhou, Revisited chaotic vibrations in dielectric elastomer systems with stiffening, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022. ●Si-Qi An, Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng, and  Dong-yun Guo, Damping effect of particle-jamming structure for soft actuators with 3D-printed particles, Smart Materials and Structures, 29 095012 2020.●Si-Qi An, Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng, A dielectric elastomer membrane integrated with protective passive layers under explicit and implicit prestretch, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 16 733-748, 2020.●Qiang Wang, Hai-Lin Zou and Zi-Chen Deng, Snap-through of a pinned-clamped elastica with arbitrarily movable support at the clamped end, Mechanics Research Communications, 110 103617 2020.●Qiang Wang, Hai-Lin Zou and Zi-Chen Deng, Snap-through of an elastica under bilateral displacement control at a material point, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 36 727-734, 2020.●Qiang Wang, Hai-Lin Zou and Zi-Chen Deng, Critical Points for Variable Length Elastica With a Fixed Point Constraint Under Displacement Control, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 87 2020.●Si-Qi An, Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng. Control instability and enhance performance of a dielectric elastomer balloon with a passive layer. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019 ●Si-Qi An, Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng and WeiPeng Hu, Dynamic analysis on hub–beam system with transient stiffness variation, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019   ●Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng, Attractors with controllable basin sizes from cooperation of contracting and expanding dynamics in pulse-coupled oscillators, Chinese Physics B, 28 10502 2019.●Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng, WeiPeng Hu, Kazuyuki Aihara,  Ying-Cheng Lai, Partially unstable attractors in networks of forced integrate-and-fire oscillators, Nonlinear Dynamics,2017.  ●Weipeng Hu, Mingzhe Song,Zichen Deng, Hai-Lin Zou, Bingqing Wei, Chaotic region of elastically restrained single-walled carbon nanotube, Chaos, 27(2), 023118, 2017.●Hai-Lin Zou,  Yuichi Katori,  Zi-Chen Deng, Kazuyuki Aihara, and Ying-Cheng Lai, Controlled generation of switching dynamics among metastable states in pulse-coupled oscillator networks, Chaos, 2015。 ●M.H. Li, H.L. Zou, S.G Guan, X.F. Gong, K. Li, Z.r. Di & C.-H Lai, A coevolving model based on preferential triadic closure for social media networks, Scientific Reports, 3, 2512 (2013). ●Hai-Lin Zou, M.H. Li, C.-H. Lai, Ying-Cheng Lai, Origin of chaotic transients in excitatory pulse-coupled networks, Physical Review E, 86, 066214 (2012).  ●Hai-Lin Zou, Xiaofeng Gong, C.-H. Lai, Unstable attractors with active simultaneous firing in pulse-coupled oscillators,  Physical Review E, 82, 046209 (2010).  ●Hai-Lin Zou, Shuguang Guan, C.-H. Lai,  Dynamical formation of stable irregular transients in discontinuous map systems , Physical Review E, 80, 046214, (2009).●Hai-Lin Zou,Jianxue Xu, Improved generalized cell mapping for global analysis of dynamical systems , Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52(3):787-800, (2009).    ●Hai-Lin Zou, Jianxue Xu, Jun Jiang, New bifurcations of basin boundaries involving Wada and a smooth Wada basin boundary , CHINESE PHYSICS B, 17(1):117-124, (2008) Book Chapter: ●Hai-Lin Zou, Jianxue Xu. “Unstable Invariant Sets in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems”, chapter 6, p139-160, in “Global Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics” (Editors: JianQiao Sun, Albert C.J.Luo), Springer, 2012.  期刊审稿人:Nonlinear dynamics,   Advanced Intelligent Systems,   Small Methods,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,  Journal of ocean engineering,   Europhysics Letters,   Scientific Reports,   Neural Networks,   Nano Select,   International Journal of Dynamics and Control等.



