姓名 | 李文强 |
教师编号 | 3507 |
性别 | 男 |
学校 | 西北工业大学 |
部门 | 航天学院 |
学位 | 工学博士学位 |
学历 | 博士研究生毕业 |
职称 | 副高 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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个人经历 Personal experience 教育经历 B.S. 2003-2007 西安交通大学 热能与动力工程 M.S. 2007-2010 西安交通大学 工程热物理 Ph.D 2010-2014 西安交通大学 工程热物理 教育教学科学研究 Scientific Research 研究方向: 1. 发动机再生冷却技术 2. 高效强化换热技术及在发动机高温部件热防护中的应用 3. 飞行器电子器件热防护和高效能量管理 荣誉获奖学术成果 Academic Achievements 在Journal of Power Sources, Energy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering等顶级国际期刊共发表SCI论文16篇,含ESI高被引论文1篇,论文引用近300次。 [1] W.Q. Li, M.H. Wang, G.Q. He, F. Qin. Thermal analysis of a high-efficiency internally-cooled strut injector for scramjet engine. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, under review. [2] Wenqiang Li, Duo Zhang, Tingting Jing, Mingyu Gao, Fei Qin. Nano-encapsulated phase change material slurry (Nano-PCMS) saturated in metal foam: A new stable and efficient strategy for passive thermal management. Energy, 165, 2018: 743-751. (中科院1区,IF: 4.92) [3] W. Q. Li, H. Wan, T. T. Jing, Y. B. Li, F. Qin. Microencapsulated phase change material (MEPCM) saturated in metal foam as an efficient hybrid PCM for passive thermal management: A numerical and experimental study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 146, 2019: 413-421. (中科院1区,IF: 3.77) [4] W.Q. Li, D. Zhang, X.B. Feng, S.S. Feng. A new PCM composite with microencapsulated phase change material slurry saturated in metal foam for passive thermal management. Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2018, Beijing, China. [5] Wenqiang Li, Hao Wan, Pengkun Zhang, Peijin Liu, Fei Qin. A method to evaluate natural convection heat transfer in microencapsulated phase change material (MPCM) slurry: An experimental study. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 96, 2018: 1-6.(中科院2区,IF: 4.46) [6] Dekun Yan, Guoqiang He, Wenqiang Li, Duo Zhang, Fei Qin. Thermal analysis of regenerative-cooled pylon in multi-mode rocket based combined cycle engine, Acta Astronautica, 148, 2018: 121-131.(中科院2区,IF: 2.26) [7] Wenqiang Li, Ruifeng Hou, Hao Wan, PeijinLiu, Guoqiang He, Fei Qin. A new strategy for enhanced latent heat energy storage with microencapsulated phase change material saturated in metal foam. Solar energy Materials and Solar Cells, 171, 2017:197-204. (中科院1区,IF: 5.01) [8] Wenqiang Li, Hao Wan, Haijian Lou, Yuliang Fu, Fei Qin, Guoqiang He. Enhanced thermal management with microencapsulated phase change material particles infiltrated in cellular metal foam. Energy, 2017, 127: 671-679. (中科院1区,IF: 4.92) [9] Jing Tingting, He Guoqiang, Li Wenqiang*, Qin Fei, Wei Xianggeng. Flow and thermal analyses of regenerative cooling in non-uniform channels for combustion chamber. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 119: 89-97. (中科院1区,通讯作者,IF: 3.77) [10] Z.Y. Hou, G.Q. He, W.Q. Li*, F. Qin, X.G. Wei, Numerical investigation on thermal behaviors of active-cooled strut in RBCC engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 822-830. (中科院1区,通讯作者,IF: 3.77) [11] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He. Experimental study of a passive thermal management system for high- powered lithium ion batteries using porous metal foam saturated with phase change material. J Power Sources, 255, 2014, 9-15. (中科院1区,IF: 5.211) [12] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, B.L. Zhang, K. Zhao, W.Q. Tao. Thermal behavior of porous stainless-steelfiber felt saturated with phase change material. Energy, 55, 2013, 846-852. (中科院1区,IF:4.159) [13] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu*, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao. Experimental and numerical studies on melting phase change heat transfer in open-cell metallic foams filled with paraffin. Applied Thermal Engineering, 37, 2012, 1-9. (中科院1区,IF: 2.624,ESI高被引论文) [14] W.Q. Li, Z.G. Qu. Experimental study of effective thermal conductivity of stainless steel fiber felt. Applied Thermal Engineering, 86, 2015: 119-126.( 中科院1区,IF:2.624) [15] Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, W.Q. Tao. Numerical model of the passive thermal management system for high-power lithium ion battery by using porous metal foam saturated with phase change material. Int J Hydrogen Energy, 39, 8, 2014, 3904–3913. (中科院2区,IF: 2.93) [16] Z.G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, J.L. Wang, W.Q. Tao. Passive thermal management using metal foam saturated with phase change material in a heat sink. Int Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39, 2012, 1546-1549. (中科院2区,IF: 2.124) [17] Zhong-wei LIU§, Wen-qiang LI§, Jun-kui WANG, et al. Zirconium oxide ceramic foam: a promising supporting biomaterial for massive production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B, 15(2),2014, 1013-1022.(“§” 为共同一作,IF:1.29) [18] Z. G. Qu*, W.Q. Li, Y. H. Bai, W. Q. Tao. Tao. Numerical study of heat conduction with chemical reaction at moving frontal surface for a graphite plate. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 67(2), 2015:189-209.( 中科院2区,IF:1.85) [19] Wenqiang Li, Zhiguo Qu*, WenQuan Tao. A Modification of 1-D Model of Stefan Problem with Chemical Reaction at the Leading Edge. The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. Kyoto, Japan. [20] Wenqiang Li, Zhiguo Qu*, Jieli Wang, Wenquan Tao. Experimental study on the enhanced heat transfer of phase change material in open cell metal foam. ICCHT2012-The 6th International Conference on Cooling & Heating Technologies. Xi’an, China. 科学研究学术成果综合介绍 |