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姓名 王世良
教师编号 31480
性别 曾获荣誉:
学校 中南大学
部门 联系方式:shiliang@mail.csu.edu.cn shiliang.wang@uq.edu.au
学位 2009年度湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象
学历 学位:博士学位
职称 教授
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急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介 王世良,博士,中南大学物理与电子学院 教授。主要从事纳米材料,纳米力学,表面与界面力学,微纳操纵技术、纳米制造与仿生技术等方面的研究。曾获全国优秀博士学位论文提名奖,湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖,湖南省自然科学优秀论文一等奖,澳大利亚昆士兰大学博士后研究员基金(UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships,约200万人民币,2013-07至2016-06)。主持包括3项国家自然科学基金项目和1项澳大利亚研究会探索项目(ARC Discovery Project)在内的十多项研究课题。作为第一作者或通讯作者在Advanced Materials, Advanced Science,Small, Carbon, Nanoscale, Applied Physics Letters, Applied Surface Science和Nanotechnology等国内外知名期刊上发表论文100多篇。  研究课题1:基于光学显微镜纳米操控技术的纳米力学表征。利用光学显微镜中的纳米操纵器(课题组自主搭建的光学显微镜纳米操纵平台),对单根纳米线/纳米带/纳米管进行可视化实时操纵;结合扫描/透射电子显微镜和原子力显微镜等分析手段,定量表征和研究单根纳米线/纳米带/纳米管的力学性能,及其与接触基底之间的黏附行为。  研究课题2:仿生黏附材料的研制及其初步应用。通过各种材料合成和加工手段,制备出宏观尺度的仿生微/纳纤维阵列结构(平方厘米量级),定量研究微/纳纤维阵列结构的黏附性能和机理;将研制的仿生微/纳纤维阵列结构应用于新型爬壁机器人和软体夹持器等。  研究课题3:具有核/壳结构的磁性合金纳米颗粒的制备及其电磁波吸波性能研究。通过化学气相沉积方法,合成出碳包覆的磁性合金纳米颗粒,并对其电磁波吸波性能进行系统研究,探究和评估其在雷达波隐身技术中的潜在应用价值。 代表论文: [1] Wang S*, Ma L, Mead J, Ju S*, Li G, Huang H*. Catalyst-free synthesis and mechanical characterization of TaC nanowires. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron 2021, 64: 254612. [2] Yibibulla T, Jiang Y, Wang S*, Huang H*. Size- and temperature-dependent Young's modulus of SiC nanowires determined by a laser-Doppler vibration measurement. Appl Phys Lett 2021, 118: 043103. [3] Mead J L, Wang S*, Zimmermann S, Huang H*. Interfacial adhesion of ZnO nanowires on a Si substrate in air, Nanoscale, 2020, 12 (15): 8237-8247 (This article is part of the themed collection: 2020 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection). [4] Yu B, Wang F, Wang S*, Hu Y*, Huang H*. The Adhesion of Mica Nanolayers on a Silicon Substrate in Air. Adv Mater Interfaces 2020, 7: 2000541. [5] Kuang D, Hou L*, Wang S*, Luo H, Deng L, Mead J L, Huang H, Song M*. Large-scale synthesis and outstanding microwave absorption properties of carbon nanotubes coated by extremely small FeCo-C core-shell nanoparticles, Carbon, 2019, 153: 52-61. [6] Kuang D, Hou L*, Wang S*, Luo H, Deng L, He J, Song M*. Facile synthesis of Fe/Fe3C-C core-shell nanoparticles as a high-efficiency microwave absorber, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 493: 1083-9. [7] Hou L, Lee Mead J, Wang S*, Huang H*. The kinetic frictional shear stress of ZnO nanowires on graphite and mica substrates, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 465: 584-90. [8] Yu B, Hou L, Wang S*, Huang H*. Environment-Dependent Adhesion Energy of Mica Nanolayers Determined by a Nanomanipulation-Based Bridging Method, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6 (2): 1801552 (内封面论文). [9] Mead J L, Xie H, Wang S*, Huang H*. Enhanced adhesion of ZnO nanowires during in situ scanning electron microscope peeling, Nanoscale, 2018, 10: 3410 - 3420. [10] Wang S, Shan Z, Huang H*. The mechanical properties of nanowires, Advanced Science, 2017, 4: 1600332. [11] Yu B, Zhang Q, Hou L, Wang S*, Song M*, He Y, Huang H, Zou J*. Temperature-dependent chemical state of the nickel catalyst for the growth of carbon nanofibers. Carbon, 2016. 96: 904-910. [12] Wang S, Wu Y, Lin L, He Y, Huang H. Fracture Strain of SiC Nanowires and Direct Evidence of Electron-Beam Induced Amorphisation in the Strained Nanowires. Small, 2015. 11(14): 1672–1676. [13] Wang S, Hou L, Xie H, Huang H. The kinetic friction between a nanowire and a flat substrate measured using nanomanipulation with optical microscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2015. 107(10): 103102. [14] Wang S, He Y, Huang H*, Zou J*, Auchterlonie JG, Hou L, Huang H*. An improved loop test for experimentally approaching the intrinsic strength of alumina nanoscale whiskers. Nanotechnology, 2013. 24(28): 285703 (IOP-select Paper) [15] Wang S, Chen G, Huang H*, Ma S, Xu H, He Y, Zou J. Vapor-phase synthesis, growth mechanism and thickness-independent elastic modulus of single-crystal tungsten nanobelts. Nanotechnology, 2013. 24(50): 505705 (封面论文). [16] Wang S, Huang X, He Y*, Huang H, Wu Y, Hou L, Liu X, Yang T, Zou J, Huang B. Synthesis, growth mechanism and thermal stability of copper nanoparticles encapsulated by multi-layer graphene. Carbon, 2012. 50(6): 2119-2125 (Top 25 most downloaded paper, Carbon Features) [17] Wang S, He Y*, Liu X, Huang H*, Zou J*, Song M, Huang B, Liu CT. Novel C/Cu sheath/core nanostructures synthesized via low-temperature MOCVD. Nanotechnology, 2011. 22(40): 405704 (封面论文) [18] Wang S, He Y*, Fang X*, Zou J*, Wang Y, Huang H, Costa PMFJ, Song M, Huang B, Y., Liu CT, Liaw PK, Bando Y, Golberg D. Structure and field-emission properties of sub-micrometer-sized tungsten-whisker arrays fabricated by vapor deposition. Advanced Materials, 2009. 21(23): 2387-2392. 工作经历 [1]   2015.10-至今 中南大学物理与电子学院  |  教授 [2]   2013.7-2016.6 The University of Queensland  |  School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering  |  获UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships资助,从事纳米力学专项研究 [3]   2011.2-2012.1 The University of Queensland  |  School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering  |  访问学者 [4]   2009.10-2015.9 中南大学物理与电子学院  |  副教授 [5]   2003.10-2009.9 中南大学物理与电子学院  |  讲师 [6]   2001.7-2003.9 中南大学物理与电子学院  |  助教 研究方向 [1]  纳米材料 [2]  纳米力学 [3]  纳米操纵与纳米制造 其他联系方式 [3]  通讯/办公地址: 中南大学(新校区)物理楼417室
