姓名 | 单汨源 |
教师编号 | 13093 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 湖南大学 |
部门 | 工商管理学院 |
学位 | 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请 |
学历 | 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
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基本信息 单汨源:男,汉族,1962年9月生。1982年6月中南矿冶学院(现中南大学)机械工程专业本科毕业,获工学学士。1989年1月华东工学院(现南京理工大学)系统工程专业研究生毕业,获工学硕士。2001年3月中南大学管理科学与工程专业博士研究生毕业,获管理学博士学位。2004年5月北京大学工商管理博士后科研流动站出站。单汨源教授长期从事运营管理、项目管理、信息管理与信息系统教学与理论研究,所撰写的博士学位论文“面向敏捷制造的协同生产管理及其系统研究”获得同行专家好评,在此基础上所申报的“基于敏捷制造的多智能体协同生产管理及其系统研究”项目获得2001年度国家自然科学基金资助。以博士后出站报告“大规模定制企业快速反应制造战略及其在美菱冰箱的应用研究”为基础申报的“大规模定制产品的逻辑BOM实现方法研究”项目获得2005年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助,“大规模定制下基于MRP的敏捷BOM快速生成系统”项目获得2007年度国家自然科学基金资助。其后,所从事的“多项目运作环境下的项目族工作分解结构及其应用研究”项目获得2009年度国家自然科学基金资助、“多项目管理方法与应用研究”获得2013年度国家社会科学基金资助。所提出的逻辑BOM和GWBS思想已分别应用于产品定制化设计和多项目环境下项目WBS的快速生成。单汨源教授在开展理论研究的同时还积极倡导管理实践,曾身体力行先后承担并完成各级政府规划项目和各类企业(包括世界500强与中国500强企业,如中国移动、中国电信、中石化、中国五矿、中联重科、三一重工等)管理咨询项目100多项。所构建的“以战略为导向,以组织、流程和人力为支柱,以文化、信息化为基础的一三二”执行力屋理论,已广泛应用于企业管理体系变革;所创建的华清泰污泥处理处置模式,已成为中国国内污泥处理处置新趋势,得到业界广泛认可并广泛应用,所开发的天心种业发展模式,为天心公司发展提供了有力支持,获得行业的认同,并获得国家管理创新成果二等奖、湖南省管理创新成果一等奖。由于工作突出,单汨源教授于1995年被破格晋升为副教授,2000年破格晋升教授,2002年被遴选为博士生导师。曾任中南大学商学院副院长(1996~2002)、湖南大学系统工程研究所副所长(2002~2004)、湖南大学工商管理学院副院长(2004~2011),现为湖南大学工商管理学院教授、博士生导师、项目管理研究中心主任、国际IPMP项目管理专家,同时兼任中国优先法统筹法与经济数学学会系统模拟与信息技术分会副理事长、湖南省管理科学学会副会长、长沙中大畅想管理咨询公司董事长、多家公司独立董事和管理顾问。 教育背景研究领域 先进运营模式及其管理中小企业发展战略管理企业信息管理及信息系统IT/信息化项目管理 工作履历讲授课程 本科:电子商务硕士:运营管理博士: 研究领域研究成果 1、论文[1]单汨源,李林凤,张人龙. 互联网环境下产业园集成平台构建及其应用研究[J]. 管理学报,2015,v.12;No.11112:1832-1839. 摘要:产业园及其发展是目前研究热点领域,同时也是产业园管理急切需要解决的重要课题。通过分析产业园发展现状、问题及特征,在产业集群、产业链以及产业园等研究基础上,提出互联网环境下产业园集成概念。同时,基于数码仓建立了产业园集成平台及其运行机制,在金融、物流、科技创新和人力资源等服务支撑下,实现跨产业园信息发布、查询统计、分析发现和评估优化,有效解决产业园重复建设、产业关联度不高、产业配套服务薄弱等问题,达到推动产业园快速发展,培育产业园核心竞争力的目标。Abstract: Industrial parks and their development are important topics that need to be studied. This paper proposes the concept of industrial park clusters under an Internet environment based on the analysis on the existing problems of industrial park and the research on industrial cluster,industrial chain and industrial park. We constructed an industrial park cluster platform and developed its operation mechanism based on the digital warehouse technology. The constructed platform can provide the functions of information issuance,inquiries and statistics,analysis and discovery,evaluations and optimization under the service support of finance,logistics,scientific and technological innovation,and human resources. The findings will help solving such problems as the re-construction of industrial parks,the low degree of industry correlation,and weak industrial support services,and will contribute to a rapid development and cultivation of the core competitiveness of industrial parks.[2]单汨源,张晓君,张人龙. 基于有限理性的服务补救质量改进研究[J]. 经济经纬,2015,v.32;No.16603:108-113. 摘要:服务失误与顾客不满的增加,使B2C企业持续关注服务失败,希望通过服务补救措施来改进服务质量。笔者在考虑消费者有限理性假设条件下,结合KANO模型和模糊聚类方法,识别B2C服务补救质量的必备属性、一元属性与魅力属性,并导入顾客满意系数调整因子,以确认质量因素改进的优先次序。研究结论为B2C企业采取质量改进措施以实现最佳补救效果提供了有益的参考。Abstract: The increment of service failures and dissatisfied customers promote B2C enterprises to focus on service recovery and take all kinds of recovery measures to improve the quality of service. In this work,all the discussions were conducted under the assumption of consumers bounded rationality and basing on the Kano model and the fuzzy clustering method. The B2C service recovery qualities,such as must-be quality,one-dimensional quality and attractive quality were identified while the customer satisfaction adjustment factor was imported to confirm the priority of the influence factors. The conclusion services the B2C enterprises with a best quality-improving method which can provide the most useful remedial measures.[3]单汨源,张忍传,张人龙. 基于多主体仿真的网上市场价格离散研究[J]. 统计与决策,2015,No.42808:51-54.摘要:文章基于搜寻理论和厂商异质理论,运用多主体建模与仿真方法,构建了基于Repast的网上市场价格离散仿真模型,设计了相应的仿真参数与规则,并对仿真结果进行了分析。结果表明:商家异质情况下,价格离散是网上市场均衡价格状态;市场上商家数量越多,平均价格水平越低,价格离散度越大;市场上消费者数量越多,平均价格水平越高,但价格离散度不变;消费者搜寻效率越高,平均价格水平越高,价格离散度也越高,并且商家数量越多时,搜寻效率对市场均衡的影响越小。[4]单汨源,欧翠玲,张人龙. 预售与正常销售集成模式下B2C企业退货策略[J]. 系统工程,2015,v.33;No.25705:48-53. 摘要:销售模式和退货策略是现代B2C企业赢得市场的两个重要方面。针对B2C企业在预售与正常销售集成模式中退货问题,构建了基于退款和分担退货费用退货组合模型。通过仿真分析发现,在预售折扣和退货组合制约下B2C企业为实现利润最大化应分别采取以下三种策略:对于低价商品要控制企业分担费用,采取宽松退款策略;对于高价商品则控制企业退款,提高分担退货费用比例的策略;对于中间价格商品需根据市场退款和退货费用偏好合理调整退货组合策略。Abstract: Sale mode and return policy arc the two important aspects of modern B2C enterprises concerning to win the market. In this paper, a return combination model based on refund and return cost sharing is built to deal with the problem of returning in advance sale and normal sale integration mode of B2C enterprise. Through simulation analysis, we have found that in order to maximize profits in the constraints of the advance selling discounts and return combination, these enterprises should take the following three strategic respectively. For low-price goods,a generous refund policy can be adopted to control enterprises cost sharing. For high price goods、better control enterprises' refunds and improve the cost sharing ratio of return. For middle price goods,it is suggested adjust return combination strategy reasonably based on market refund preference and return preference.[5]陈妍,单汨源,王秋凤. 多车型集配货一体化车辆路径问题研究[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,v.46;No.24905:1938-1945.摘要:针对客户存在收货和发货双重需求的物流配送问题,讨论具有多种车型的集配货一体化车辆路径问题。在综合考虑各车型的固定成本和可变配送成本的前提下,以总成本最小为目标,以尽可能提高车辆满载率、减少出行次数为思路,构建多车型集配货一体化车辆路径优化模型。基于最小插入费用法设计初始可行解生成算法,通过引入基于概率的多算子邻域操作、最优解记忆装置、多准则终止原则对模拟退火算法进行改进,给出求解思路。设计算例并对多车型单/双向集配货模型的求解结果进行比较,以验证模型的实用性和算法的有效性。研究结果表明:使用改进后的模拟退火算法对构建的多车型集配货一体化车辆路径问题模型求解更直接简便,对多车型集配货一体化车辆路径优化后能有效降低配送成本。 Abstract: Considering that heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries (HFFVRPPD) in logistics distribution is a widespread NP problem, which is more complex than single/multi vehicle with one way routing problem, HFFVRPPD optimization model was established to improve the load rate of vehicle, and reduce travel times. The algorithm of producing initial feasible solutions of the model was constructed, the improved simulated annealing algorithm was designed, which includes the operation of multi operators neighborhood based on the probability, embedding of memory devices, and the termination of many standard ways. The multi vehicle routing with one way problem and HFFVRPPD were compared to verify the effectiveness of the model and algorithm. The results show that the improved simulated annealing algorithm solving the HFFVRPPD is more convenient, and the HFFVRPPD optimization can effectively reduce the distribution costs.[6]单汨源,陈立立,张人龙. 基于KMV和关联规则算法的行业供应链信用风险传染研究[J]. 科技管理研究,2015,v.35;No.33513:211-217. 摘要:从行业供应链视角,以钢铁行业和医药流通行业供应链中上市企业市场数据为研究对象,上市公司信用风险大小以KMV模型中的违约距离值代替,利用Apriori算法挖掘上市公司信用风险传染的关联规则。研究结论表明,医药流通行业供应链中企业信用风险传染频率和传染强度均高于钢铁行业供应链中企业;供应链中上下游企业整合以及信用技术引进是影响供应链企业信用风险传染重要影响因素。Abstract: From the perspective of the supply chain industry,this paper studies the market data of the listed companies selected from the steel industry and the pharmaceutical distribution industry which come from the same supply chain. The credit risk indicators of listed companies are measured by the distance to default calculated through KMV computational method. Besides,Apriori algorithm is used to dig the transmission of credit risk between the listed companies. The result indicates that: compared with the steel industry supply chain,the frequency and intensity of supply chain credit risk contagion were higher in pharmaceutical distribution industry supply chain; supply chain integration and information sharing in the supply chain are important influence factors for reducing credit risk contagion between the enterprises in supply chain.[7]单汨源,龙腾,张人龙. 基于TAM的互联网金融品牌延伸影响机制研究[J]. 管理评论,2015,v.2708:190-199. 摘要:互联网金融情境下的品牌延伸研究是目前的研究热点。本文基于技术接受模型(TAM),结合传统品牌延伸因素与互联网金融背景构建了互联网金融品牌延伸理论模型,并对从支付宝到余额宝与存金宝的品牌延伸进行了实证研究,旨在探究互联网金融品牌延伸的关键因素及其影响机制。研究结果表明:母品牌态度能被转移到延伸产品上,正向影响品牌延伸评价,同时品牌信任和母品牌与延伸产品间的感知契合度显著正向影响品牌延伸评价;在互联网金融情境下,用户的感知联结度正向影响品牌延伸评价,母品牌态度显著正向影响用户品牌信任、感知契合度和感知联结度。研究成果为互联网金融产品的市场推广提供了策略借鉴。Abstract: Brand extension in the context of internet finance has attracted increasing scholarly attention in the past few years. By considering both the traditional brand extension factors and internet financial context,the current study builds the internet financial brand extension theoretical model based on the technology acceptance model. Then we test our model using the Alipay’s extension to YuE Bao and Cun Jin Bao to find the key factors and the mechanism influencing internet financial brand extension. The results indicate that the attitude of parent brand can be transferred to its extended products,and positively influences the brand extension evaluation. In addition,both the brand trust and the perceived fit between the parent brand and the extension product positively influence brand extension evaluation. In the context of internet finance,the perceived tie positively influences brand extension evaluation,and the attitude of parent brand positively influences the brand trust,perceived fit and perceived tie. The results provide some implications for promoting internet financial product.[8]单汨源,王晓明,张人龙. 基于技术接受模型的线下商家移动商务采纳研究[J]. 广西社会科学,2015,No.24309:66-71.摘要:以技术接受模型为基础,结合技术—组织—环境模型以及创新扩散理论构建研究模型,以生活服务领域线下商家对移动商务的采纳为例,研究影响移动商务采纳的关键因素。研究发现:感知易用性显著影响线下商家对移动商务的感知有用性和采纳态度,感知有用性显著影响线下商家对移动商务的采纳态度和采纳意向;个体创新性与线下商家对移动商务的感知风险呈负相关,同时显著影响线下商家对移动商务的采纳意向,而感知风险与移动商务的采纳态度和采纳意向呈负相关;消费者采纳和竞争压力分别显著影响线下商家对移动商务的采纳意向。研究结果对移动商务开发和推广具有一定的借鉴意义。 [9]Ren-Long Zhang, Mi-Yuan Shan, Xiao-Hong Liu, Li-Hong Zhang .A Novel Fuzzy Hybrid Quantum Artificial Immune Clustering Algorithm Based on Cloud Model Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence .Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ,2014 (35):1–13.Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel fuzzy hybrid quantum artificial immune clustering algorithm based on cloud model (C-FHQAI) to solve the stochastic problem. Fuzzy hybrid quantum artificial immune algorithm can be developed with some of the advantages of information processing where there is a certain amount of indeterminism with qubits, i.e. quantum bits, replacing classical neurons having deterministic states and also in place of the classical artificial immune algorithm with quantum operators. The fuzzy combinatorial fuzzy hybrid quantum artificial immune clustering algorithm (C-FHQAI) is more expressive than the other fuzzy theories and methods. Finally, numerical examples show that the clustering effectiveness of the C-FHQAI algorithm is fast convergence and improves the accuracy of the fuzzy calculation. We find that the C-FHQAI clustering algorithm has the perspective of widespread application.[10]单汨源,张瑞敏,张人龙. 双渠道环境下基于参考价格效应的制造商动态定价研究[J]. 湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版),2014,v.17;No.8604:90-95. 摘要:随着制造商日益盛行开辟网络直销渠道,双渠道环境下制造商的定价问题显得尤为重要。采用斯坦伯格博弈构建制造商在双渠道环境下基于参考价格效应的两阶段动态定价模型,并通过数值算例分析参考价格效应各参数对定价及整体收益的影响。研究结果表明:在双渠道环境中,批发价格与渠道交叉价格弹性系数、直销渠道的销售定价相关,间接受到参考价格效应影响;记忆系数和参考价格系数对制造商定价及收益的影响受到初始参考价格调节。Abstract: Currently,the problem of manufacturers' pricing has become very important,as manufacturers are more likely to develop their own online channel. The paper adopts the Stackelberg game to develop a two-stage dynamic pricing model,which based on the reference price effect under the environment of dual channel supply chain ( the manufacturers sells their products via both online and traditional retail channels) .Meanwhile,the numerical example method is used to analysis the impact of the reference price effect parameters on both pricing decision and the overall revenue. The research results show that the wholesale price depends on channel cross price elasticity coefficient and the price in online sale,which will also be affected by reference price effect indirectly. The memory coefficient and reference price coefficient affect the pricing decision and revenue with the adjustment of the initial reference price.[11]单汨源,徐加振,张人龙. 基于模糊粗糙集的项目族工作分解结构模型构建[J]. 统计与决策,2014,No.40610:17-20. 摘要:文章在充分理解项目族及项目族工作分解结构基础上,提出了基于模糊粗糙集构建项目族工作分解结构方法。该方法利用模糊粗糙集中属性约简和属性依赖度知识对可交付成果和工作包进行筛选,确定基本WBS元素和可选WBS元素,完成项目族工作分解结构构建。最后通过实例分析项目族工作分解结构模型构建过程,拓展了多项目环境下构建WBS的方法。 [12]单汨源,冯彦,张人龙. 基于Multi-Agent的创新型组织隐性知识传播模型研究[J]. 科技管理研究,2014,v.34;No.31517:92-95. 摘要:在深入分析创新型组织中隐性知识传播过程及特点的基础上,构建基于多主体的隐性知识传播模型,并运用Netlogo软件对创新型组织中传播者、学习者和免疫者3种类型主体的知识传播行为进行仿真,分析各因素随时间变化的规律及对隐性知识传播的影响程度,提出包括建立知识共享激励机制、提高组织成员学习能力等促进隐性知识传播的方法和建议。 Abstract: By analyzing the process of tacit knowledge transfer,this article constructs a tacit knowledge transfer model in the innovative organization based on Multi agent. The article uses the Netlogo software to make a simulation analysis of the knowledge transfer behavior among the 3 types of tacit knowledge agents,that is,the transmitter,the study and the immune types of tacit knowledge agents in the innovative organization. It analyzes the change laws of factors over time and the impact of factors on the tacit knowledge transfer. And methods have been proposed to promote tacit knowledge transfer,including the establishment of knowledge -sharing incentive mechanism and the improvement of members ‘learning ability.[13]单汨源,杨沛,张人龙. 网络预售模式下消费者购买意愿的影响因素[J]. 经济经纬,2014,v.31;No.16205:98-102. 摘要:通过问卷调查和回归分析,结合消费者的个人特征,研究网络预售模式下产品因素和情境因素对购买意愿的影响作用。结果表明,产品的功能价值、享乐价值、财务鼓励和消费情境中的信息质量、信誉能够决定消费者购买意愿;消费者自我效能感和时间偏好的差异影响产品因素对购买意愿的作用程度。 Abstract: The internet advanced sale refers to the C2B model which the supply chain makes optimization from back-to-front,that before the completion of the production of the product,rapidly gathers the consumers ‘demands by showing products information in the online shopping platform. This study explores the influence of product factors and situational factors on consumers ‘purchase intention,combined consumer personal characteristics though questionnaire survey and regression analysis.The results show that the functional value,hedonic value,financial incentive in product factors and information quality,reputation in situational factors decide whether to buy,but the brand awareness and time pressure have no significant effect on consumers ‘willingness to purchase. The results of multiple hierarchical regression further show that consumers ‘differences in self-efficacy and time preference can affect the influence of product factors on consumers’ purchase intention. The conclusion can provide a useful reference for the business making better use of the internet advanced sale.[14]单汨源,邓青瑞,张人龙. 基于顾客心理契约的服务保证与消费者行为意向关系研究[J]. 商业研究,2014,No.45010:100-105.摘要:本文采用结构方程构建了服务保证之基于消费者心理契约的中介模型,对C2C环境下服务保证、消费者心理契约和行为意向间关系进行实证研究。结果表明:条件限制性和承诺适度性对消费者交易心理契约有显著的正向影响,条件限制性与利用便捷性对关系心理契约有显著的正向影响,承诺适度性对关系心理契约有显著的负向影响;条件限制性只能通过心理契约影响行为意向,承诺适度性只能通过交易心理契约影响交易型行为意向,但承诺适度性和利用便捷性不仅能通过关系心理契约间接影响关系型行为意向,而且能直接影响关系型行为意向。Abstract: This paper makes an empirical study on the relations among service guarantee,customers' psychological contract and customers' behavior intention in the C2C environment by adopting the structural equation model to build a mediation model of service guarantee based on consumers' psychological contract. The result shows that the restrictive conditions and moderate commitments have a significance positive effect on customers' psychological agreement in a trade. The convenient utilization and restrictive conditions favorably influence their relational inner contract,but the suitable promise makes the opposite situation. It's also found that the restrictive conditions can influence their behavior intention only by psychological contract,and the proper commitments affect their behavior intention in a trade just by transactional psychological contract,but the convenient utilization and moderate commitments influence customers' relational behavior intention,both indirectly and directly.[15]Mi-Yuan Shan, Ren-Long Zhang, and Li-Hong Zhang.Combinatorial Clustering Algorithm of Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Cloud Model.Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 406047, 11 pages.Abstract: In this paper we propose an combinatorial clustering algorithm of cloud model and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (COCQPSO) to solve the stochastic problem. The algorithm employs a novel probability model as well as a permutation-based local search method. We are setting the parameters of COCQPSO based on the design of experiment. In the comprehensive computational study we scrutinize the performance of COCQPSO on a set of widely used benchmark instances. By benchmarking combinatorial clustering algorithm with state-of-the-art algorithms, we can show that its performance compares very favorable. The fuzzy combinatorial optimization algorithm of cloud model and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (FCOCQPSO) in vague sets (IVSs) is more expressive than the other fuzzy sets. Finally, numerical examples show the clustering effectiveness of COCQPSO and FCOCQPSO clustering algorithms are extremely remarkable.[16]Wencai Cao, Miyuan Shan.Dynamic Mechanism Analysis of Sustained Innovation in SMEs of Science and Technology.International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics,2013, Volume 47:311-319.Abstract: Sustainable innovative ability in high-tech industry is a significant factor that insures high-tech industries R and D performance. In this paper, we formulate a model to investigate the inner mechanism of sustainable innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology. The results reveal that, since both parities have asymmetric information of the quality of human capital investments, the high ability human investments are insufficient, which thus cuts down the fund investment in small and medium-sized enterprises of the science and technology. This negative impact of asymmetric information on human capital and fund investments expands considering the different specialty for them. At last, an empirical study of the sustainable innovative ability in of high-tech industry of science and technology is conducted. Countermeasures and suggestions are finally drawn out for the small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology.[17]曹文才,单汨源. 科技型中小企业持续创新能力影响因素[J]. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2013,v.15;No.7906:70-76. 摘要:分析科技型中小企业持续创新能力影响因素及有关理论基础和假设,建立了科技型中小企业持续创新发展能力计量模型。采用经济普查数据进行实证分析。结果表明:企业管理层教育年龄比、企业年龄、监事会规模、企业规模、企业所在地区高校以及科研院所数量对科技型中小企业持续创新能力均有不同程度影响。科技型中小企业创新投入、产出和发展能力存在多种影响因素。强化企业创新主体地位,建立技术创新激励机制是主要因素。 Abstract: Continuous innovation capability is one of the key factors in achieving sustained economic growth and development for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of science and technology. This paper investigates impact factors of continuous innovation capability for SMEs of science and technology, analyzes the basic theory and makes related assumptions. Furthermore, quantitative model of continuous innovation development capability is constructed. On this basis, this paper makes empirical study based on the economic census data. The results show that education attainment to age ratio in enterprises management, firmware, board of supervisors 'size, firm size, the number of universities and research institutes for the located firms have different degrees of significant influence on continuous innovation capability for SMEs of science and technology. Besides, innovation input, output and development capability of SMEs of science and technology have many impact factors. Our paper can provide theoretic foundations and references for governments to support the SMEs.[18]曹文才,单汨源,李果. 基于DFQFD模型的科技型中小企业可持续创新能力评价体系研究[J]. 科技与经济,2013,v.26;No.15606:36-40. 摘要:可持续创新能力是科技型中小企业实现经济效益持续增长和发展的动力核心,同时也是目前研究的热点领域。回顾了有关可持续创新能力的基础理论,构建了科技型中小企业可持续创新能力评价指标体系,在QFD基础上提出了改进的DFQFD模型,其为科技型中小企业可持续创新能力评价提供了较好的理论基础。研究表明改进型DFQFD模型对可持续创新能力的评价具有有效性和可行性。研究结果能为科技型中小企业可持续创新能力的提高提供较好的参考和决策依据。 Abstract: Sustainable innovation capacity,as one of hot research topics at present,is the key factor of sustainable development and economic growth for small and middle-sized technology-based enterprises. In this paper,we review the basic theory of sustainable innovation capacity,then construct evaluation index system of sustainable innovation capacity for small and middle-sized technology-based enterprises. Moreover,we propose improved DFQFD model based on QFD model,which provides the important theoretical basis for the evaluation of sustainable innovation capacity of small and middle-sized technology-based enterprise. The results show that our improved DFQFD model for sustainable innovation ability evaluation is effective and feasible. Besides,our research provides the reference and decision basis for small and middle-sized technology-based enterprises to improve sustainable innovation capacity.[19]李冠南,单汨源. 自适应遗传算法优化模糊变权重的复杂系统时间序列组合预测方法[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版),2013,v.44;No.23111:4542-4547.摘要:针对复杂系统时间序列预测精度不高问题,将复杂系统时间序列组合预测模型的权系数视为模糊数,以模糊区间的大小作为模糊变权重复杂系统时间序列组合预测模型目标函数,利用自适应遗传算法优化复杂系统时间序列组合预测模型目标函数的权重系数,建立基于遗传算法优化模糊变权重的复杂系统时间序列组合预测方法。仿真结果表明:此模糊自适应变权重非线性组合预测模型的精度较高,并且平均误差和预测平方根误差均较小;所提出的基于遗传算法优化模糊变权重组合预测模型的最大相对误差为2.89%,小于各预测模型中最小的最大相对误差3.24%,且平均误差和平方根误差均较小。Abstract: As for the low forecasting precision problem about time series in complex system, a time series combined forecasting model of complex systems was established based on the method of fuzzy variable weight optimized by adaptive genetic algorithm, meanwhile the model was handled by using of some measurements such as combined forecasting model of weight being regarded as fuzzy numbers, objective function of combined forecasting model on time series of complex systems due to fuzzy variable weight based on the fuzzy interval size and the weight of the combined forecasting model optimized by adaptive genetic algorithm. The simulation results show that the precision of nonlinear combined forecasting model is higher than that of every single combined forecasting model. The most relative error value of the combined forecasting model is 2.89%, which is less than the least value 3.24% of the most relative error of the single forecasting model, and the mean error and square root error of the combined forecasting model is less.[20]单汨源,袁晋宛,彭丹旎. 基于行为经济学的知识型项目成员工作绩效实证研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2012,v.29;No.30109:118-124. 摘要:随着项目管理应用领域的广泛延伸,知识型项目也逐渐增加,项目成员的行为、情感等软因素成为影响项目成功的关键因素。为了了解知识型项目成员有限理性条件下的进度拖延和公平偏好对工作绩效的影响,进行了实证研究。数据分析表明:各量表具有良好的信度和效度;个体背景变量对进度拖延和工作绩效有一定影响;进度拖延和公平偏好对知识型项目成员工作绩效有显著影响。最后对实证结果进行了分析,并提出了针对性的建议。[21]张人龙,单汨源. 基于定制-NETDEA模型的大规模定制质量链协同效度及其实证研究[J]. 软科学,2012,v.26;No.14905:55-60. 摘要:针对大规模定制质量链的定义、特点以及过程协同,在传统DEA模型理论基础上构建了定制-NETDEA模型,应用该模型测定了大规模定制质量链协同效度,最后进行实证研究并得出结论。Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of Mass Customization ( MC) and its process cooperation,the paper builds an Order-NETDEA model based on traditional DEA model and uses it to evaluate MC quality chain’s validity of cooperation. Finally it empirically analyzes it and gets the conclusion.[22]单汨源,姜容,宋泽宇. 大规模定制下基于改进GBOM的物料需求计划模型[J]. 统计与决策,2011,No.33107:55-57. 摘要:文章以产品族为对象,以改进后GBOM为基础,对比传统MRP,基于预测需求、客户订单、可存等变量的逻辑运算,构建了GMRP模型。通过GMRP生产活动流程分析,推导出GMRP两阶段运算过程,即面向类BOM结构节点的BOM中心算法阶段和选择树的选择子集前序遍历阶段。[23]刘梦麒,单汨源,汪小京. 生产控制系统中库存偏差消除策略研究[J]. 中国机械工程,2011,v.22;No.32614:1694-1698+1714. 摘要:在生产控制模型APIOBPCS(automatic pipeline,inventory and order based production con-trol system)中,当企业估计的生产时间与实际生产时间不符时,实际库存水平与目标库存水平之间存在一定的偏差。通过在库存反馈环中加入PI(proportional plus integral)控制机制,构建了PI-API-OBPCS系统。该系统能够有效地消除库存偏差,但会使生产率和库存水平波动扩大。通过在生产控制环节中加入PD(proportional plus derivative)控制机制,构建了PID-APIOBPCS系统,该系统不仅消除了由生产时间估计误差所造成的库存偏差,而且抑制了生产率和库存水平波动的扩大,可使生产控制系统较快到达平稳状态。 Abstract: When there is error in estimating the production delay time, inventory level will drift from the target in the/automatic pipeline, inventory and order based production control system0(APIOBPCS) model. By adding a PI control in the inventory feedback loop, a PI-APIOBPCS model was proposed, which could eliminate the inventory errors, but productivity and inventory levels fluctuated significantly. And by adding the PD controller in the order rate policy, a PID-APIOBPCS model was proposed, which can effectively eliminate the inventory drifts, and smooth the productivity and inventory levels, and reach the steady state quickly.[24]单汨源,兰海丰,毛超. 基于GBOM的供应链合作伙伴选择[J]. 统计与决策,2011,No.33612:45-48. 摘要:大规模定制环境对供应链的竞争力提出了更高要求,基于通用物料清单(GBOM)构建供应链能有效提高供应链应对市场需求的能力。文章从供应链合作伙伴选择角度出发,讨论了基于GBOM的供应链网络的结构,在此基础上建立了供应链合作伙伴选择的数学模型,给出了模型的求解方法,并通过算例进行了验证。结果表明,该方法是选择供应链合作伙伴有效的定量方法。Abstract: Without regard for commonality among products,an optimization of scale-based product family was equivalent to the optimization of the product in the family independently. Considering the complexity of optimization design of product family,CDSMUA,a multi-objective genetic algorithm based on crowding distance sorting was proposed to solve the optimization problem of product family. The feasibility and effectiveness of proposed CDSMUA were demonstrated by the optimizes tion design of universal motor families. The simulation experiments also show that the whole performances of universal motor families obtained from CDSM()UA are evidently better than that in the previous literatures.[25]单汨源,李仁茂,任斌. 基于成组技术的复合工作分解结构及其配置方法[J]. 统计与决策,2011,No.33814:44-47. 摘要:大规模定制环境对供应链的竞争力提出了更高要求,基于通用物料清单(GBOM)构建供应链能有效提高供应链应对市场需求的能力。文章从供应链合作伙伴选择角度出发,讨论了基于GBOM的供应链网络的结构,在此基础上建立了供应链合作伙伴选择的数学模型,给出了模型的求解方法,并通过算例进行了验证。结果表明,该方法是选择供应链合作伙伴有效的定量方法。[26]单汨源,王克喜,袁际军. 无公用平台下的参数化产品族多目标智能优化![J]. 中国机械工程,2011,v.22;No.33220:2428-2436. 摘要:在忽略产品间共性约束的条件下,参数化产品族整体性能的优化实际上等价于产品族内系列产品的独立优化。基于参数化产品族优化问题的复杂性,提出了一种基于拥挤距离排序的多目标多约束遗传算法(CDSMOGA),并将其用于求解无公用平台下的产品族优化问题。通用电动机产品族设计实例的仿真试。Abstract: Without regard for commonality among products,an optimization of scale-based product family was equivalent to the optimization of the product in the family independently. Considering the complexity of optimization design of product family,CDSMUA,a multi-objective genetic algorithm based on crowding distance sorting was proposed to solve the optimization problem of product family. The feasibility and effectiveness of proposed CDSMUA were demonstrated by the optimizes tion design of universal motor families. The simulation experiments also show that the whole performances of universal motor families obtained from CDSMUA are evidently better than that in the previous literatures.[27]单汨源,吴宇婷,任斌. 一种服务供应链拓展模型构建研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2011,v.28;No.28921:10-16.摘要:随着全球服务经济时代的到来,服务供应链逐渐成为供应链管理和服务运营领域的研究热点,但服务供应链的定义和模型尚未有统一的界定。通过对服务供应链相关理论的梳理,提出以往服务供应链模型未考虑服务供应链要素,如顾客双元性、内部服务供应和服务质量链等问题。在Ellram专业服务供应链模型和IUE-SSCM模型的基础上构建服务供应链拓展模型,分析其构成主体以及服务集成与传递过程,并提出服务供应链拓展模型管理要素框架,为系统研究服务供应链基本理论奠定基础。 2、科研项目近年已承担或完成的部分国家级省部级项目: 近年已承担或完成的部分企业管理咨询项目: 近年承担的部分横向课题: l水口山矿务局CIMS研制与开发,湖南省九五重点攻关项目,1999年10月-2000年12月,总体设计组成员,质量管理、生产管理、科技管理、能源管理子系统项目负责人。l民航湖南省局资产管理总体设计方案,2000年6月-2000年8月,负责人,排名第一。l力元新材料有限公司人力资源管理与信息系统总体设计,2000年12月-2001年12月,负责人。l涟源钢铁集团公司管理模式设计,2001年4月-2001年12月,总负责人。l涟源钢铁集团公司企业文化与形象设计,2001年4月-2001年12月,总负责人。l湖南省电力公司战略调整方案设计,2001年10月-2002年2月,总负责人。l面向敏捷制造的协同生产管理系统研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2001年11月-2003年11月,排名第二。l美菱股份快速反应战略研究,博士后基金,2002年7月-2004年6月,排名第一。l中国家用电器制造企业快速反应战略研究,湖南大学人才基金,2002年5月-2004年4月,排名第一。l面向ERP的制造企业快速反应机制与运行模式研究,湖南省制造业信息化示范工程项目,2002年11月-2004-10月,排名第一。l大规模定制产品报价需求快速反应系统研究,国家自然科学基金,2004年1月-2005年12月,排名第一。l湖南湘珠化工有限公司业务流程再造方案设计与实施,湖南湘珠化工有限公司,2003年5月-2003年12月,负责人。l风险投资与高新技术成果转化互动机理及其应用研究,湖南省科技厅,2003年10月-2004年5月,负责人。l湖南郴州柿竹园有色金属科技工业园福源公司发展规划设计,2003年9月-2004年4月,负责人。l华菱涟钢薄板工程项目管理咨询与改善,湖南涟源钢铁集团公司,2003年10月-2004年5月,负责人。l湖南黄沙坪铅锌矿主业发展战略与辅业改制方案设计,湖南黄沙坪铅锌矿,2004年9月-2005年8月,负责人。l中国核工业二七二厂信息化规划方案设计,中国核工业二七二厂,2004年5月-2004年12月,负责人。l中国石化湖南销售分公司组织与人力资源管理体系改革方案设计与实施,中国石化湖南销售分公司,2004年9月-2005年5月,负责人。l面向ERP的企业信息化人才培养体系建设,湖南省教育厅,2004年10月-2005年12月,负责人。l电力城网改造项目管理软件设计与开发,湖南艾因泰克科技股份有限公司,2005年3月-2005年12月,负责人。获奖: l企业微机局域网络应用研究,中国有色金属工业总公司科技进步奖,三等奖,排名第二,1995年11月。l面向市场培养实用型管理人才——管理工程专业教改实践与创新,中南工业大学教学改革成果奖,二等奖,排名第二,1995年11月。l基于CIMS的企业管理系统重组与信息系统总体方案设计,中国有色金属工业总公司科技进步奖,四等奖,排名第一,1998年8月。l计算机实用软件,湖南省社会科学成果奖,三等奖,排名第二,1997年12月。l计算机通信与网络实用技术,湖南省教学成果一等奖,排名第三,2000年11月。l基于MRPII/JIT并面向CIMS的管理模式及系统的研究与开发,中国有色工业学会(部级)科技进步二等奖,排名第三,2001年12月。近年发表的部分论文: l一种JIT综合物料采购模型,中南工业大学学报,1998年10月,第29卷第5期,P508-510,第一作者(EI检索)。l敏捷制造及其对企业改革的启示,中南工业大学学报(社会科学版),1999年3月,第5卷第一期,P60-63,第一作者。l一种敏捷制造系统体系结构,机械工业自动化,1999年第3期,P4-8,第一作者。l论企业管理的发展趋势,建设机械技术与管理,1999年第3期,第一作者。lEconomics Analysis of Synergic Production(英文), Procedings Of ‘99international Conference On Management Science &Engineering,Harbin Institute Of Technology Press,1999.12,P313-316,第一作者(ISTP检索)。l面向敏捷制造的协同生产管理研究,管理工程学报,2000.1,第一作者。l战略联盟的稳定性分析,管理工程学报,2000.3,第一作者(EI检索)。l敏捷制造系统体系结构与实施研究,中国机械工程,2000年第6期,第一作者。l一种协同生产管理系统实现模式,中国机械工程,2000.7,第一作者(EI检索)。l供应链管理与应用研究,中南工业大学学报(社会科学版),2000.3,第一作者。l网上交易——证券经纪业务的明天,管理现代化,第109卷第4期,2000年8月,P23-25,第一作者。l一种多级制造系统的协同生产管理机制设计,控制与决策,2001.8,第一作者(EI检索)。l协调生产制造资源的选择决策模型研究,管理工程学报,2002年第2期,第二作者。l编写JDBC代码访问数据库,管理信息系统,2001年第11期,P50-51,第一作者。l供应链管理:现代企业的新型管理模式,建设机械技术与管理,2002年第2期,第一作者。l面向ERP的企业快速反应制造模式研究,武汉理工大学学报,2003年8月,第一作者。l二次搏弈下的供应链的数量折扣策略,中国机械工程,2003.9,第一作者(EI检索)。l大规模定制产品多级神经网络成本估算方法研究, 中国机械工程,2004.6,vol15(11), 第一作者(EI检索)。 l协作型项目组织环境下的知识管理 , 管理评论,2004.4,vol.16 (4),第二作者。 lA Pair-working Model for Knowledge Management in a Project Team Management Sciences and Global Strategies in the 21st Century, 2004.5 ,Volume1,第二作者(ISTP检索)。lManufacturing Enterprise Supply Logistics System and its DEAEfficiency Evalution Orient Acadmic Forum Special,Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering ,2004.9,第一作者(ISTP检索)。l双项目管理研究, 中国管理科学,2004.10 ,vol.12(专辑) , 第一作者。 教材著作: l计算机实用软件,经济科学出版社,1997年5月,参编l计算机网络原理与实用技术,中南工业大学出版社,1998年8月,参编。l计算机实用软件自学辅导教材,经济科学出版社,1999年11月,参编。l代物流管理,湖南大学出版社,2003年8月,主编。lIT信息化项目管理知识体系与国际化项目管理专业资质认证标准, 电子工业出版社,2004年5月,第1篇主编 。 学术成果 |