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姓名 肖运粮
教师编号 11675
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 湖南大学
部门 工商管理学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

基本信息 教育背景:1985-1989   华中师范大学 电化教育 学士2002-2004   湖南大学 财务管理 硕士工作经历:1989-2000   湖南财经学院教务处电教中心2001至今  湖南大学工商管理学院助理教授INTRODUCTION: Xiao yun-liang  Master degree  Hunan University Teacher as  Business ManagementMajor research field Stock exchange data mining   Company Valuation. have four papers published in domestic and foreign academic journals. Education:1985-1989   Central China Normal University Bachelor in audio-visual education2002-2004   Hunan University  Master in Financial management  Practice Experiences:1989-2000   Hunan College of Finance and Economics  Office of audio-visual center2001-     Hunan University Teacher as  Business Management 1997.7――2 002.9 Panzhihua University Teacher as instructor in chemical engineering


研究领域 证券交易数据挖掘,公司估值研究。


讲授课程 本科:计算机会计 课程内容:会计软件的操作使用excel在会计中的运用课程内容:用excel进行会计核算COURSES:Computer accounting . Course content:Operation of accounting software  The application of excel in accounting Course content:use excel to financial accounting


研究成果 1、水上安全事故上报及统计业务信息系统的设计, 湖南安全与防灾 2006 第12期摘 要: 水上安全事故上报及统计是海事部门的一个重要的业务内容。传统的安全事故上报及统计是采用人工及传真的办法进行,要耗费大量的人力和物力,现在各海群部门都在进行海事信息化建设,以提高办事的效率。  2、高校扩招由规模型向质量型转变,新闻天地 2005第1期摘 要:高校扩招已经过五年,它取得哪些成绩,存在什么问题,今后又应采取什么对策 3、基于WEB的数据库在销售管理信息系统的应用,企业技术开发 2003第6期摘 要:文章介绍了一种基于Web的销售信息管理系统的构建方法及其特点。 4、将书上的原理图录入到PowerPoint中的技巧,《中国电化教育》2003第11期摘 要:文章介绍了将书上的原理图录入到PowerPoint中的几种方法 研究项目参与国家社科基金重点项目:国家自科基金面上项目:基于网络留言的投资者情绪测度模型系统及应用(71171076 ),主持人,兰秋军2012-2015 基于RFID物联网技术的城乡二元公共交通信息采集与发布系统研发及应用示范(201135520142),主持人:邓爱民,2011-2011SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: 1.Water safety accident reporting and statistical design of business information systems, security and disaster prevention in Hunan 2006.12 Abstract: water security incident reporting and statistics is an important business in the maritime sector.  Traditional security incident reporting and statistics is carried out manually and fax solution, to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, now all sea group of departments in the informatization construction of marine, in order to improve the efficiency of police services. Design of reporting and statistical information system for water safety incidents,Hunan Safety and Disaster Prevention 2006. 12  2.University spread enrollment by scale type to quality type change, News World 2005 1th period Abstract:analysis has University spread enrollment five years Hou, made which results, exists what problem, future should take what countermeasures 3.Based on WEB of database in sales management information system of application, enterprise technology development 2003. 6 Abstract: articles introduced has a based on Web of sales information management system of building method and features  4.Skills of Principle catalogue of book into PowerPoint . China Audio-Visual   2003. 11 Abstract:the article introduces the principle of book catalogues into PowerPoint some way Research project:Key project of national social science fund :、Investor sentiment measure model based on network message systems and applications(71171076) Based on RFID technology of Internet of things of urban and rural public transportation information collection and release system research and development and application demonstration (201135520142)

