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姓名 徐莹
教师编号 11579
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 湖南大学
部门 公共管理学院
学位 发明专利包写包过 特惠申请
学历 版权登记666包过 代写全部资料
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个人简介 湖南大学公共管理学院教授、副院长,博士生导师,香港理工大学建筑及房地产系博士(2007-2011),主要从事城市发展和管理,住房管理和政策领域的研究,入选湖南省青年骨干教师,湖南大学“岳麓学者”等,在 “Cities”、“Population,Space and Place”、“Urban Studies” 等国际知名期刊发表论文近20篇,主持国家社科基金项目1项、省部级项目3项。学术兼职        SSCI 期刊《Journal of Housing and the Built Environment》副主编        香港理工大学可持续城市发展研究中心(Research Institute of Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD)兼职研究员        湖南省房地产行业智库联盟专家委员会成员        致公党湖南省委参政议政委员会副秘书长        湖南省国土空间规划学会学术工作委员会委员


学术成果 Xu, Y. (徐莹) & Luo, D. (2021). Is China's public housing programme destined to fail? Evidence from the city of Changsha, Population, Space and Place, 27(1), e2375. 徐莹,城市群成为国家治理新单元的进路探析,人民论坛,2020年第23期,68-71. (CSSCI)Xu, Y. (徐莹) & Heikkila, E. J. (2019). How can cities learn from each other? Evidence from China's five-year plans, Journal of Urban Management, 9, 216-227.Xu, Y. (徐莹),Zhang, X. L. (2017). The residential resettlement in suburbs of Chinese cities: A case study of Changsha. Cities, 69, 46-55. (SSCI)Jiao, S. Zhang, X. L., Xu, Y. (徐莹) (2017). A review of Chinese land suitability assessment from the rainfall-waterlogging perspective: Evidence from the Su Yu Yuan area, Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 100-106. (通讯作者,SCI)Xu, Y. (徐莹), Li, J. & Jiao, S. (2016). Impacts of Chinese urbanization on farmers’ social networks: evidence from the urbanization led by farmland requisition in Shanghai, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142(2): 05015008. (SSCI)Li, Jing, & Xu, Y. (徐莹). (2015). Evaluating restrictive measure containing housing prices in China: a data envelopment analysis approach. Urban Studies, 53(12), 2654-2669 (SSCI)Xu, Y. (徐莹), Chan, H. W., & Yung, H. K. (2015) The overwhelming farmland conversion for urban development in transitional China: a case study of Shanghai, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 141(2), 05014013. (SSCI)Yung, H.K., Chan, H.W. & Xu, Y (徐莹). (2015). Assessing the social impacts of revitalizing historic buildings on urban renewal – a case of local participatory mechanism, Journal of Design Research, 13(2), 125-149.Jing Li & Xu, Y. (徐莹). (2014). Property Price and Housing Affordability: A Regional Comparison Dimension, Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 13(3), 405-435.Xu, Y. (徐莹), Chan, H.W. & Yung, H.K. (2014). Analysis of the mechanisms contributing to spatial mismatch in transitional Chinese cities, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 140(2), 1-7. (SSCI)Heikkila, E. J. & Xu, Y. (徐莹). (2014). Seven Prototypical Chinese Cities, Urban Studies, 51(4), 827-847. (SSCI)Yung, H.K., Chan, H.W. & Xu, Y (徐莹). (2014). Sustainable development and rehabilitation of historic urban districts – Social considerations in the case of Tianzifang in China, Sustainable Development , 22(2), 95-112. (SSCI)Yung, E. H., Chan, E. H. & Xu, Y. (徐莹). (2014). Community-Initiated Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings and Sustainable Development in the Inner City of Shanghai. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 140(3), 05014003. (SSCI)Xu, Y. (徐莹), Chan, H.W. & Yung, H.K. (2012). Neighborhood change in semi-urbanized villages: A case study based on Shanghai, China, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 174(3). 235-243 (SSCI)Xu, Y. (徐莹), Tang, B.S. & Chan, H.W. (2011). State-led land requisition and transformation process of rural villages in transitional China: a case study of Shanghai, Habitat International, 35 (1), 57-65. (SSCI)Xu, Y. (徐莹) & Chan, H.W. (2011). The “Community Question” in Transitional China, a Case Study of State‐Led Urbanization in Shanghai, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 173(4), 416-424. (SSCI)


研究项目 1.国家社科基金青年项目(2015-2020),失地农民安置区“贫民区化”的防治对策研究,主持2.教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(2014-2019),我国城市居住-就业空间失配研究,主持3.教育部博士点基金(2013-2017),我国城市化进程中的空间失配问题研究,主持4.湖南省科技计划项目(2014-2016),空间失配问题与可持续城市规划发展——以湖南为例,主持5.长沙市城市管理和行政执法局委托项目(2017),城市管理绩效考核体系研究,主持6.湖南省住房和城乡建设厅委托项目(2019),工作绩效如何评,主持


