姓名 | 胡连喜 |
教师编号 | 92398 |
性别 | 胡连喜 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 胡连喜 |
学历 | 胡连喜 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 新建主栏目 联系方式 名称 胡连喜教授 电 话: 0451-86418613 E-mail: hulx@hit.edu.cn 邮 编: 150001 主要从事微纳米晶镁合金、 TiAl金属间化合物、高性能NdFeB稀土永磁材料、钨合金、高强高导电铜基合金等材料的制备与塑性加工成形理论及工艺研究,讲授本科生《弹性与塑性力学基础》、博士研究生《粉末成形理论与工艺》等课程。作为主要完成人,曾获国家技术发明奖一项及省部级科技进步一等、二等奖多项。参与编写本专业通用教材《弹性与塑性力学基础》以及《锻压手册》锻造卷第五篇、《热加工技术简明手册》锻压分册、《轻量化成形技术》等专著。获国家发明专利12项,在学术期刊上发表论文110多篇,其中SCI收录论文70余篇。 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 1994.09-1996.08: 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院/讲师 1996.09-1999.06: 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院/副教授 1999.07-2001.05: 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院/教授 1999.09-2000.09: 英国伯明翰大学/访问学者 2002.12-2004.09: 加拿大魁北克大学/访问教授、高级研究员 2001.06-目前: 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院/教授、博士生导师 教育经历 名称 1979.09-1983.07:江苏大学学习,获工学学士学位 1985.09-1988.07:哈尔滨工业大学学习,获工学硕士学位 1990.09-1994.09:哈尔滨工业大学学习,获工学博士学位 主要任职 名称 中国机械工程学会粉末冶金分会 常务理事、副秘书长 中国金属学会粉末冶金分会 理事 中国材料研究学会粉末冶金分会 理事 中国粉末冶金产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会 委员 中国有色金属学会粉末冶金及金属陶瓷学术委员会 委员 中国钢构协会粉末冶金分会纳米粉末委员会 副主任委员 研究领域 名称 镁合金塑性加工与成形 金属间化合物及难熔金属材料塑性加工与成形 机械合金化与粉末新材料制备与成形 纳米晶金属材料制备与成形 高性能NdFeB稀土永磁材料 金属氢化物与储氢材料 论文专著 名称 [1] Xu Yan, Hu Lianxi, Deng Taiqing, Ye Lei. Hot deformation behavior and processing map of as-cast AZ61 magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 559 (2013): 528-533 [2] Yan Xu, Lianxi Hu, Yu Sun. Processing map and kinetic analysis for hot deformation of an as-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 578 (2013): 402-407 [3] Xiaoya Liu, Lianxi Hu, Yi Mei. Kinetics of mechanically activated disproportionation of NdFeB alloy during reactive milling in hydrogen: experimental studies, mechanism and modelling. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013): 13694-13701 [4] Xiaoya Liu, Lianxi Hu, Li Yuping, etal. Grain texture, Nd content and processing condition effects on magnetic properties of NdFeB composite magnets. Modern Physics Letters, 27 (19) (2013): 1241026-1 [5] Xiaoya Liu, Lianxi Hu. MC simulation of desorption-recombination reaction and grain growth of nano-structured disproportionated NdFeB alloy. Computational Materials Science, 67 (2013): 417-423 [6] Xiaya Liu, Lianxi Hu. Desorption-recombination kinetics and mechanism of a mechanically milled nano-structured Nd16Fe76B8 alloy during vacuum annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 558 (2013) : 142-149 [7] Liu Xiaoya, Li Yuping, Hu Lianxi. Nanocrystalline NdFeB magnet prepared by mechanically activated disproportionation and desorption-recombination in-situ sintering. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 330 (2013): 25-30 [8] Yan Xu, Lianxi Hu, Yu Sun. Deformation behaviour and dynamic recrystallization of AZ61 magnesium alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 580 (2013) : 262-269 [9] Wenzhen Chen, Xin Wang, Lianxi Hu, Erde Wang, Fabrication of ZK60 magnesium alloy thin sheets with improved ductility by cold rolling and annealing treatment, Materials and Design, 40(2012): 319-323 [10] Xin Wang, Lianxi Hu, Kai Liu, Yinlin Zhang, Grain growth kinetics of bulk AZ31 magnesium alloy by hot pressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 527(2012): 193-196 [11] Hu Lianxi, Wang Heng, Wang Xin, Hydrogenation kinetics of ZK60 Mg alloy during solid-gas reaction milling in hydrogen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 513 (2012): 343-346 [12] Wang Hailu, Wang Guojun, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Effect of hot rolling on grain refining and mechanical properties of AZ40 magnesium alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21(S2) (2011): 229-233 [13] Wang Xin, Chen Wenzhen, Hu Lianxi, Wang Guojun, Wang Erde, Microstructure refining and property improvement of ZK60 magnesium alloy by hot rolling, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21(S2) (2011): 242-246 [14] Deng Taiqing, Ye Lei, Sun Hongfei, Hu Lianxi, Development of flow stress model for hot deformation of Ti-47%Al alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21(S2) (2011): 308-314 [15] Liu Xiaoya, Wang Xin, Sun Hongfei, Hu Lianxi, MC simulation in microstructure evolution and grain growth during desorption-recombination processing of NdFeB alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21(S2) (2011): 412-416 [16] Miao Qing, Hu Lianxi, Wang Guojun, Wang Erde, Fabrication of Excellent Mechanical Properties AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheets by Conventional Rolling and Subsequent Annealing, Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (22-23)(2011): 6694-6701 [17] Miao Qing, Hu Lianxi, Wang Xin, Wang Erde, Grain growth kinetics of a fine grained AZ31 magnesium alloy produced by hot rolling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 493(1-2)(2010):87-90 [18] Wang Xin, Wang Heng, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Nanocrystalline Mg and Mg alloy powders by hydriding-dehydriding processing, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 20(7) (2010): 1236-1330 [18] Wang Heng, Hu Lianxi, Yuan Yuan, Wang Erde, Desorption behaviour and microstructure change of nanostructured hydrided AZ31 Mg alloy powders, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 20(4) (2010): 597-601 [19] Hu Lianxi, Li Yuping, Yuan Yuan, Mechanically Activated Disproportionation and Microstructure Nanocrystallization of a Nd14Fe66.9Co11B8Zr0.1Ga1.0 Permanent Magnetic Alloy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9(12)(2009):4404-4409 [20] Miao Qing, Hu Lianxi, Sun Hongfei, Wang Erde, Grain refining and property improvement of AZ31 Mg alloy by hot rolling, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 19(S2) (2009): 326-330 [21] Miao Qing, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Liang Shujing, Chao Hongyin. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31magnesium alloy sheet by hot rolling. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2009, 23(6-7): 984-989 [22] Yuan Yuan, Wang Heng, Hu Lianxi, Sun Hongfei, Fang Wenbin. Hydriding and microstructure nanocrystallization of ZK60 Mg alloy by reaction milling in hydrogen. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2009, 19 (S2): 363-367 [23] Hu Lianxi, Li Yuping, Yuan Yuan, and Shi Gang, Desorption-recombination and microstructure change of a disproportionated nano-structured NdFeB alloy, Journal of Materials Research, 23 (2) (2008): 427-434 [24] Hu Lianxi, A. J. Williams, I. R. Harris, Effect of microstructural orientation on in situ electrical resistance monitoring during S-HDDR processing of a Nd16Fe76B8 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 460 (2008) : 232-236 [25] Wenxiong He, Erde Wang, Lianxi Hu, Yang Yu, Hongfei Sun, Effect of extrusion on microstructure and properties of a submicron crystalline Cu-5 wt.%Cr alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 208(13) (2008 ): 205-210 [26] Hu Lianxi, Wu Yang, Yuan Yuan, Wang Heng, Microstructure nanocrystallization of a Mg-3 wt.%Al-1 wt.%Zn alloy by mechanically assisted hydriding–dehydriding, Materials Letters, 62 (2008): 2984-2987 [27] Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Guo Bin, Shi Gang. Microstructure and magnetic properties of Nd2Fe24B/α-Fe nanocomposite prepared by HDDR combined with mechanical milling. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 434-536 (2007): 1349-1352 [28] Wang Erde, Hu Lianxi. Nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained materials by mechanical alloying. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 434-536 (2007): 209-212 [29] Shi Gang, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde. Preparation, microstructure, and magnetic properties of a nanocrystalline Nd12Fe82B6 alloy by HDDR combined with mechanical milling, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 301 (2006): 319-324 [30] Yu Yang, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Microstructure and mechanical properties of a hot hydrostatically extruded 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 435-436 (2006) : 620-624 [31] Hu Lianxi, Li Yuping, Wang Erde, Yu Yang, Ultrafine grained structure and mechanical properties of a LY12 Al alloy prepared by repetitive upsetting-extrusion, Materials Science and Engineering A, 422 (2006): 327-332 [32] Hu Lianxi, Yuan Yuan, Luo Shoujing, Fabrication, microstructure and mechanical properties of a SiCw/ZK51A Mg composite by semi-solid extrusion directly following liquid infiltration, Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 116-117 (2006): 354-357 [33] Zhiming Du, Weiwei Shan, Yuntao Cui, Qiucai Peng, Lianxi Hu, Numerical Simulation of Pressure Influence on Workpiece Properties during Thixoforging, Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 116-117 (2006) : 167-172 [34] Shi Gang, Hu Lianxi, Guo Bin, Sun Xiudong, Wang Erde. Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposites prepared by mechanically activated disproportionation and subsequent desorption -recombination, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 475-479 (2005): 2185-2188 [35] Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of nanocrystalline MgH2 and MgH2-based composites, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2005, 15 (5): 965-969 [36] Fang Wenbin, Hu Lianxi, He Wenxiong, Wang Erde, Microstructure and properties of a TiAl alloy prepared by mechanical milling and subsequent reactive sintering, Materials Science and Engineering A, 403 (2005) : 186-190 |