姓名 | 王长国 |
教师编号 | 92186 |
性别 | 王长国 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 航天学院 |
学位 | 王长国 |
学历 | 王长国 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 informations Research Courses Publications Patents My groups Contact us ... Patents My groups Contact us 新建主栏目 My Curriculum Vitae 名称 Prof. Dr. Changguo Wang Ph.D Supervisor in Engineering Mechanics Deputy Director of Center for Composite Materials National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments School of Astronautics Harbin Institute of Technology ------------------ 王长国,辽宁大连人。 国家级高层次人才 长聘岗教授,博士生导师。 复合材料与结构研究所 副所长 哈工大力学学科 副主任 哈工大 航天学院 青年科学家工作室 学术带头人 近年来,主要围绕柔性复合材料与结构力学及其在航天航空、新能源与功能器件等领域的应用开展研究,作为项目负责人主持承担国家自然科学基金和国家重大科技专项等项目。授权发明专利100余项,技术转化应用10余项。成果发表于JMPS、IJSS、JAM、EML、Roy. Soc. Proceedings A、IJES、IJMS、CSTE、Compos Part A, AIAA J., AA和CJA等力学与航天领域学术期刊。主编出版专著3部。担任Front. Mater. (2015-)、J.Appl.Comp.Math.(2016-)、J. Textile Sci. Eng.(2019-)、Curr. Mech. Adv. Mater.(2019-)、航空学报及CJA(航空学报英文版)(2020-)、J. Aerospace Eng. Mech.(2020-)、应用力学学报(2022-)、Sci. China Phys. Mech.(中英文, 2023-)等学术期刊编委/青年编委。担任黑龙江省力学学会和复合材料学会两个学会的理事、中国复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员等职务。担任哈尔滨工业大学校督导组督导专家、校素质教育委员会委员、力学学科大类委员会委员、力学学科副主任、航天学院教授委员会委员、航天学院教学委员会委员、航天学院教师发展指导委员会委员等职务。担任航天科工某部顾问专家,航空工业哈飞复合材料工程应用研究实验室技术专家。曾获教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第一)等省部级科技奖励6项、黑龙江省青年科技奖。提名全国百篇优秀博士学位论文。曾先后入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、国家级青年人才计划和国家级高层次人才计划。 Overview 名称 Changguo Wang is a tenured professor in Center for Composite Materials, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments, School of Astronautics at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. Professor Wang was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China. He received the B.S. degree in Engineering Management from Shenyang Jianzhu University, China in 2002; the M.E. and Ph.D degrees in Engineering Mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2004 and 2007, respectively. Wang was a visiting scholar in Institute of Lightweight Structures, Technische Universit?t München in Munich in 2009. His current research interests are focused on the mechanics of flexible structures and its applications on the field of aerospace spacecraft and aircraft, new energy resources, functional devices etc.. Professor Wang currently serves as the member of councisl in Society of Mechanics and Society of Composite of Heilongjiang Province, a member of young working committee of Chinese society for composite materials. He is the senior member of the Chinese society of theoretical and applied mechanics, a member of AIAA, IASS, IJAM and ShellBuckling. He is the Editoral board of Front.Mater.(2015-), J.Appl.Comp.Math.(2016-), J. Textile Sci. Eng.(2019-), Curr. Mech. Adv. Mater.(2019-)、CJA(2020-), J. Aerospace Eng. Mech.(2020-), Chinese J. Appl. Mech.(2022-), Sci. China Phys. Mech.(2023-). He has served as an organizing committee member, technical program committee member, or scientific committee member for several international conferences, such as MECHCOMP3, M2D2017, MDCE 2016, MEME2016, MSCE2016, and CAC2014, etc.. He was the keynote/session speakers for several international conferences, such as MME2016, MSCE2016, IAC2014, AIAA SDM2013, and TCIS2013, etc.. He is the first or corresponding author of over 100 papers in top academic journals such as JMPS, IJSS, JAM, EML, Roy. Soc. Proceedings A, IJES, IJMS, CST, AIAA J., AA, and CJA, etc.. He is a referee for thirty international journals, such asNC, IJSS, JAM, IJMS, Strain, JAE, MAMS, Carbon, NS, AIAA J., IJNME, AMS, CJA, etc.. He was supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (2011) and National Talents Program (2018,2022). Honors(荣誉和奖励) 名称 2007.09, the second prize of scientific and technological progress award 省部级科技进步二等奖; 2008.09, 哈工大第十届优秀博士学位论文; 2009.09, the nomination award of top 100 outstanding doctoraldissertations in China 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名; 2009.11, 哈工大第三届青年教师教学基本功竞赛一等奖; 2011.01, 航院2010年度何鸿燊奖教金(SHAFT); 2011.11, the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”; 2012.07, 哈工大基础研究杰出人才培育计划III类; 2012.11, the third prize of scientific and technological progress award 省部级科技进步三等奖; 2012.12, 校优秀专兼职工作者; 2013.09, 哈尔滨工业大学教学新秀奖; 2013.11, the second prize of Technology Invention Award 省部级技术发明二等奖; 2013.12, the outstanding youth talent plan of HIT 哈工大“青年拔尖人才选聘计划”; 2013.12,黑龙江省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师; 2014.10, the second prize of scientific and technological progress award 省部级科技进步二等奖; 2017.02,黑龙江省高等学校科技发明奖一等奖; 2017.05,全国创新争先奖牌(核心成员); 2017.12,国际级科技创新团队奖(团队核心成员); 2018.01,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖技术发明奖二等奖; 2018年,入选国家级青年人才计划; 2019.07,黑龙江省“头雁”团队(核心成员); 2020.01,第十四届黑龙江省青年科技奖; 2020.12,黑龙江省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师(研究生,刘猛雄); 2021.07,哈工大立德树人先进个人; 2021.09,哈工大优秀博士学位论文指导教师(研究生,刘远鹏); 2021.09,哈工大青年科学家工作室学术带头人; 2022.01,省优秀硕士论文指导教师(研究生,王珂),省优秀博士论文指导教师(研究生,刘远鹏) 2022年,入选国家级高层次人才计划; 2023年,教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖; 2023年,校优秀博士学位论文指导教师; Work(工作经历) 名称 Time Institution 2007.11-至今 CCMS, School of Astronautics, HIT哈工大航院复合材料与结构研究所(2007.11-2009.12讲师;2009.12-2013.12副教授;2013.12-拔尖教授;2016.12-长聘岗教授) 2007.6-2011.3 Post-doctorial Stations, School of Materials, HIT哈工大材料学院博士后流动站 2014 University of Manitoba, Q. Wang院士课题组,交流访问 2009 Institute of Lightweight Structures, Technische Universitat München, Munich, Germany (TUM-LLB)慕尼黑工业大学轻型结构实验室,H.Baier教授课题组,访问学者 Education(教育经历) 名称 2004.4-2007.4, Engineering Mechanics, HIT, Ph.D 哈尔滨工业大学,博士 2002.9-2004.4, Engineering Mechanics, HIT, M.E. 哈尔滨工业大学,硕士 1998.9-2002.7, Engineering Management, SJU, B.S. 沈阳建筑大学,本科 Others 名称 王长国教授荣获哈尔滨工业大学立德树人先进个人 http://today.hit.edu.cn/article/2021/07/28/87928 【致敬百年-第四届教学节】在线教学质量保障专家组研讨会顺利召开 http://jyc.hit.edu.cn/2020/0521/c3519a239406/page.htm 疫情大考下,在线教学何以“规格严格,功夫到家”? http://news.hit.edu.cn/2020/0321/c1510a218136/pagem.htm?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0 有幸参与学校网课质量保障工作,并通过听课不断增进认识和提高能力,我们学校的网课“规格严格,功夫到家”,我们也一定会打赢这场“仗”。 王长国教授获得第十四届黑龙江省青年科技奖(2019.11公示) http://www.hljgqt.gov.cn/index/article/content.html?id=38328 http://www.hljkx.org.cn/art/2019/10/28/art_582_82659.html 王长国教授入选黑龙江省“头雁”团队 http://m.hljedu.gov.cn/tzgg/201907/t20190703_137966.html https://heilongjiang.dbw.cn/system/2019/07/03/058226152.shtml 学校文化素质教育委员会及创新创业教育委员会召开成立大会 王长国教授(右四)被学校聘任为首届文化素质教育委员会委员。 http://today.hit.edu.cn/article/2019/05/17/67258 刘远鹏入选第一届优秀博士研究生预留师资博士后 http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146290/n1146402/n1146445/c6394326/content.html http://hitgs.hit.edu.cn/2019/0103/c3330a220159/pagem.htm?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0 哈工大在薄膜褶皱研究领域取得重要成果(工信部报道) http://www.miit.gov.cn/n1146290/n1146402/n1146445/c6394326/content.html 我校王长国教授课题组在薄膜褶皱研究领域取得重要成果 http://news.hit.edu.cn/2018/0918/c1510a215134/page.htm http://today.hit.edu.cn/article/58303 我校复合材料与结构研究所王长国教授与美国布朗大学高华健教授合作研究成果《薄膜/塑性基底的褶皱和棘轮行为:锂电池中固态电解质界面的失稳》(Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries)发表在固体力学领域顶级期刊《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》(JMPS,影响因子3.566)上。该论文首次实现了薄膜/塑性基底弹塑性失稳问题的理论建模与求解,揭示了褶皱、棘轮与安定的多模式耦联作用机制。论文第一作者为航天学院2014级博士生刘远鹏,导师为王长国教授,我校为第一完成单位,王长国教授和高华健教授为论文的共同通讯作者。 特种环境复合材料技术创新团队 荣获首届全国创新争先奖牌(团队) http://www.toutiao.com/i6420656865557873153/ (从全国227个团队推选出10个) “设立全国创新争先奖,是坚持贯彻习近平总书记科技创新思想、团结带领广大科技工作者推动创新驱动发展、向世界科技强国进军的重要举措,是继国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科学技术进步奖之后国家批准设立的又一重大科技奖项,是国家科技奖励体系的重要组成部分和补充。” 复合材料与结构研究所荣获“全国工人先锋号”称号 http://news.hit.edu.cn/b8/39/c1510a178233/page.htm 航天学院复合材料研究所梯队建设:优秀团队是怎样炼成的 http://news.hit.edu.cn/articles/2014/01-03/01165332.htm 2013教学新秀奖教师介绍 http://cetl.hit.edu.cn/news/Show.asp?id=4162 【美国航空技术发展动向】第四辑——用“布”做的飞机:X-55A先进复合材料货运飞机 转自 http://blog.renren.com/share/231505137/12421601364 2011年度校科技茶话会 http://news.hit.edu.cn/articles/2011/12-31/12111533.htm 2009校和院教学竞赛一等奖的相关信息 http://today.hit.edu.cn/articles/2009/06-01/06110055.htm http://wenku.baidu.com/view/7f7228f24693daef5ef73ddf.html 20240426-热烈祝贺文章Deep learning of buckling instability in geometrically symmetry-breaking kirigami (张云策)被International Journal of Mechanical Sciences录用 名称 Abstract: Kirigami, subjected to escalating strain, frequently exhibits pronounced instability, coupled with remarkable flexibility and extraordinary extensibility. This behavior holds significant relevance for domains associated with malleable and reconfigurable surfaces, including stretchable electronics and modifiable functional devices. Nonetheless, conventional design methodologies, anchored in geometric symmetry and governed by minimum energy principles, tend to manifest buckling instabilities restricted to symmetric and anti-symmetric modes. To scrutinize the mechanisms of buckling behavior that disrupt geometric symmetry and comprehend the influence of geometry on programmability during reconfiguration, we propose an innovative strategy for kirigami's design. This strategy capitalizes on advanced deep learning methodologies, employing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for categorizing buckling modes and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for prognosticating constitutive relationships. Our approach furnishes a programmable design solution adept at identifying optimal kirigami patterns, characterized by their superior tensile strength and distinct buckling conformations, thereby fulfilling a diverse array of functional necessities. Our results illustrate that the proposed method displays a high level of precision in distinguishing between buckling modes of geometric symmetry and patterns that deviate from such symmetry. The buckling mode space has been extended and rediscovered, allowing unique modes to have the potential to be adopted into functional devices. Additionally, it demonstrates minimal losses in predicting constitutive relationships. Intriguingly, we discovered that tensile responses are geometry-centric and adjustable. Buckling modes showcase a dependency on geometry, with certain geometric parameters either significantly augmenting the sensitivity of buckling modalities or causing the buckling instability modes to become apathetic and unresponsive. Guided by the principle of target-led pattern parameter design, we proffer prospective tactics for the design of kirigami capable of delivering the desired mechanical performance. Moreover, we explore the feasibility of employing alternative biological materials in these designs. 20240407- 热烈祝贺文章Thermal conductivity of wrinkled graphene ring with defects (李勃含)被Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter录用 名称 Abstract: Graphene rings have great prospects in the fields of biological modulators, electrochemical biosensors, and resonators, but are prone to wrinkling which can affect their physical properties. This work establishes a theoretical model predicting the torsional wrinkling behavior of defective monolayer graphene rings, which provides direct understanding and reliable accuracy of the wrinkle levels. Then the thermal conductivity of wrinkled graphene rings is studied considering different wrinkle levels, defect concentrations and radii. It is found that with increased radius, defect concentration and torsional angle, the ratio of wrinkle amplitude to wavelength increases gradually. Vacancy defects and radii have more significant influences on the thermal conductivity than torsional wrinkles. The main influence mechanism of wrinkles and defects on thermal conductivity is revealed by phonon density of state. This work provides theoretical guidance for thermal manipulation based on the wrinkle-tuning approach. 20240301-热烈祝贺文章 Large-scale sandwich structures optimization using Bayesian method (刘洪威)被International Journal of Mechanical Sciences录用 名称 Abstract: Benefiting from advanced features like high stiffness-to-weight ratios, sandwich structures are widely used in aerospace for primary and secondary structures. As tasks grow more complex and structures increase in scale, high-dimensional design spaces inevitably arise. Optimizing large-scale sandwich structures efficiently and intelligently presents certain challenges. Additionally, functional requirements and constraints, such as thermal deformation, should be fully considered in the design of practical structures like solar arrays, which involve a large expensive analysis and make the problem more complicated. This paper proposes to use efficient Bayesian optimization with the active subspace (AC) method to address this type of problem. The active subspace method, combined with the adaptive kriging and global sensitivity analysis (GSA), is employed for dimension reduction and reconstructing the design space. Then the structure is optimized within the reconstructed design space using the efficient Bayesian method. The proposed optimization strategy is applied to a case study of solar array with sandwich panels, demonstrating that the developed framework is feasible and effective for structural optimization of large-scale sandwich structures. 20231220-热烈祝贺文章 Thermal conductivity and nonreciprocity in wrinkled monolayer graphene ring (李勃含)被Thin-walled Structures录用 名称 Abstract: We explore an external tunable approach to produce thermal nonreciprocity, by means of controlling wrinkle characteristics in graphene rings. The wrinkling formation and evolution law of graphene rings under torsional deformation is studied. Results show that wrinkle patterns of monolayer graphene can be flexibly tuned by controlling mechanical torsion. We further study the dependence of graphene rings’ thermal conductivity on sizes, temperatures and torsional angles, and reveal the influential mechanism by phonon density of states. Specifically, the thermal conductivity is reduced by 20.4% when the torsional angle increases from θ = 0° to θ = 10.3°. Finally, nonreciprocal conductive heat transfer is demonstrated in torsion-wrinkled graphene rings. It is found that thermal nonreciprocity effect is dependent on both torsional angles and temperature differences, i.e., the thermal nonreciprocity factor increase from 1.9% to 4.5% as temperature difference varies from 100K to 400K under torsional angle θ = 6.9°. Our work paves new avenues for the design and implementation of thermal metadevices by mechanical tuning approach. 20231020-热烈祝贺文章An inverse method for curing process-induced eigenstrain reconstruction of laminated composites (张藻旭) 被 Composites Part A录用 名称 Abstract: Accurate acquisition of the curing process-induced eigenstrain distribution is vital for predicting residual stress of laminated composites. In this work we develop a novel inverse method for full-field PIE reconstruction of laminated composites. We design standard laminates to obtain the PIE of unidirectional and woven lamina which are key ingredients of full-field PIE. Then an inverse model is established to accurately calculate lamina’s PIE from the measured residual middle-plane strain and curvature of standard laminates. Full-field PIE of validation laminates are then reconstructed by the obtained lamina’s PIE. Experimental results are in good agreement with the reconstructed results, verifying the accuracy and effectiveness of our proposed method. Finally, we implement the inverse method in accurately reconstructing full-field PIE of a hybrid laminated composite I-beam. We also observe that the PIE is process dependent, indicating that PIE can be used to evaluate the effect of curing process on residual stress. 20230903-热烈祝贺赵字会顺利通过博士答辩,未来可期! 名称 20230903-热烈祝贺张佳伟顺利通过博士答辩,未来可期! 名称 热烈祝贺张则依获得哈工大优秀博士学位论文提名论文奖 名称 20230508-热烈祝贺张则依顺利通过博士答辩,未来可期! 名称 20230425-热烈祝贺文章Bioinspired Smart Helical Antenna: Variable Configuration Design and Application(张则依)被AIAA Journal录用 名称 HELIX, which is ubiquitous in nature, exhibits a combined set of excellent mechanical properties and provides much inspiration for bio-integrated devices, reconfigurable electronics, and soft robotics. Especially, the helical structure in the biological system often changes the motion modes or functional characteristics by adjusting configurations. Inspired by the deformation behavior of the biological helical structures, we hope to study the influence of variable configurations on the electromagnetic properties and provide advice for the structural design of the helical antenna. The fundamental principles and the characteristics analysis of helical antennas have been presented in several comprehensive articles . The existing works to boost the performance of the helical antenna mainly depend on attaching add-ons to the general helical antennas or improving preparation technology. Furthermore, the three-dimensional helical antenna has a complex configuration, large deformation, and significant nonlinearity. It remains challenging to lead to any analytical solution or scaling law to describe the deformation process of a general helical antenna. In addition, there has been little research on the intelligent, reconfigurable, and high-performance helical antennas from the perspective of combining structural design with material innovation yet. This Note presents a kind of smart helical antenna, based on the shape-memory material and exploited the temperature trigger of the variable configurations, to shed light on the underlying relationship between the geometric configuration and the electromagnetic properties. These results pave the way to easy-to-handle tunable electronics. 热烈祝贺吉庆祥老师获聘硕士生导师 名称 热烈祝贺团队(王金良等)参加首届“同飞杯”全国复合材料智能技术创新大赛并获奖 名称 基于增材制造的微尺度热控机械臂设计 简介:本作品利用双材料梁微结构变形原理设计了一款微尺度热控机械臂。设计了热驱动微结构单胞构型,优化其节点特征,明确其承载和热驱动形变机制,通过单胞的级联和组合设计微机械臂结构,探究其末端姿态控制方法;研究了多材料热驱动微结构的高精度成形方法,为微机械臂结构设计研制试验验证一体化提供指导;最后基于增材制造技术制备微机械臂典型部件并开展试验验证,验证设计方案有效性。 指导教师:王长国,吉庆祥 团队成员:王金良,张佳伟,张藻旭,王珂 20230316-热烈祝贺文章Interlayer Torsional Sliding and Strain Localization in Bilayer Graphene (吉庆祥)被Proceedings A录用 名称 Abstract: Twisted bilayer graphene can demonstrate extraordinary optical and electrical characteristics due to its interlayer interactions. The strong coupling of normal and tangential van der Waals interactions at the interface results in inhomogeneous interlayer deformations and further changes the bilayer graphene’s physical properties. Herein theoretical and numerical models are established to study the torsional deformation behavior of twisting a graphene flake over a rigid graphene substrate. It is found that in-plane deformations have significant influences on the interlayer potential energy density of AA stacking, but seldom affect other stacked domains. The deformation process is thus approximated by first twisting the graphene flake rigidly, and then relaxing the rigid constraints. The bilayer graphene system minimizes its energy by reducing (enlarging) the size of high-energy (low-energy) domains through additional rotations. The additional angles of the graphene flake are derived analytically based on a mechanical model following the principle of minimum potential energy. Results show that the influences of graphene film deformations get significant at small-twist-angles (typically less than 2°). This work reveals the torsional deformation evolution mechanism of bilayer graphenes and provides beneficial guidance on achieving intriguing physical properties. 20230203-热烈祝贺文章 Anomalous wrinkle propagation in polycrystalline graphene with tilt grain boundaries(赵字会)获评2023 HOT PCCP article 名称 20221223-热烈祝贺文章 Anomalous wrinkle propagation in polycrystalline graphene with tilt grain boundaries(赵字会)被PCCP录用 名称 Abstract: Understanding the propagation of dynamic wrinkles in polycrystalline graphene with grain boundaries (GBs) is critical to the practical application of graphene-based nanodevices. Although wrinkle propagation behaviors in pristine graphene (PG) and some defective graphene have been investigated, there are no studies on the dynamic behaviors of graphene with tilt GBs. Here, nine tilt GBs are constructed in graphene and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to investigate anomalous wrinkle propagation. The MD simulation results show that a larger misorientation angle α first enhances the shielding effect of tilt GBs on wrinkle propagation before it weakens. The maximum Δz root mean square (RMS) shows that a greater misorientation angle α first increases the maximum RMS of GB region (RGB) before it then decreases, while the maximum RMS of R80 exhibits the opposite trend. Moreover, approximately 96% of C60 kinetic energy is converted into kinetic and potential energies in graphene, and the potential energy in graphene presents two evolution modes. Phase diagrams are plotted to study the effect of distance d1 and rotation angle β on the wrinkle propagation and sensitivity of the maximum RMS value to d1. It is expected that our results could provide a fundamental understanding of defect engineering and guidelines to design protectors, energy absorbers, and defect detectors in nanodevices. 20221219-热烈祝贺文章 基于能量法的褶皱构型非均匀性研究与调控(张佳伟) 获得第五届可展开空间结构学术会议大会优秀论文 名称 摘要:本文针对大型空间薄壁结构的局部失稳问题,将褶皱面外几何特征与变形能相结合,通过能量稳态的方式,在不依赖特定几何构型和高阶偏微分方程的情况下对薄膜结构的面外几何特征和后屈曲演化过程进行了求解,预报并验证了褶皱后屈曲的在主方向几何构型和横向幅值的非均匀性分布,以及对整体能量的影响,对大型空间薄膜结构的失稳特征研究提供了有效的分析和调控方法。 20221130-热烈祝贺文章 Smart Helical Swimmer: Nested and Uncoiled Designs(张则依)被IJMS录用 名称 Abstract: Micro- and nanobots capable of controlled propulsion at low Reynolds number are expected to change many aspects of medicine by enabling targeted diagnosis and therapy and allowing minimally invasive surgery. Several types of helical swimmers with different actuation mechanisms have been proposed. As materials become smarter and more advanced, the boundaries between robots and materials have become less apparent. The goal of the present work is to develop a smart nested design or uncoiled design of temperature-sensitive helical swimmers adapted to low Reynolds number. The regulation of swimming velocity should provide numerous options for designing various small-sized, high-speed, motion-controllable robots for environmental and biomedical applications. To investigate the thermomechanical properties of swimmers, we present systematically theoretical modeling, experiments, and numerical calculations of temperature-sensitive shape-memory helical structures. Moreover, this work demonstrates differences in movement attributed to single or nested, folded or unfolded, and coiled or uncoiled helical structures with diverse configurations, which provide a reliable design strategy. The swimming capability can be regulated by the configurations, especially the swimmer radius. We also provide an intuitive Ashby selection map and explain the mechanical mechanism by which structure affects locomotion capability. The proposed smart helix-based swimmers should find thermomechanical coupling in applications involving active matter, biomedical sensing, and targeted drug delivery. 20221130-热烈祝贺张季顺利通过博士答辩,未来可期 名称 20221004-热烈祝贺专利“一种伸缩杆可两阶段展开支撑的微纳卫星薄膜天线”(邱星翰)授权。 名称 摘要:本发明公开了一种可两阶段展开气弹杆支撑的微纳卫星薄膜展开天线,所述薄膜天线包括贴片薄膜天线、碳纤维支撑杆件、气体发生器、三向调节装置和形状控制绳带。其中:所述碳纤维支撑杆件用于薄膜天线的折展与支撑固定,一端与微纳卫星上的气体发生器进行装配,另一端通过三向调节装置与薄膜天线的形状控制绳带相连;所述气体发生器固定在微纳卫星上,轴向对应薄膜天线的4个端角方向,并且与碳纤维支撑杆件之间存在装配关系;所述三向调节装置设置在薄膜天线的端角处,实现碳纤维支撑杆件与形状控制绳带的链接;所述形状控制绳带设置在薄膜天线的外围边缘处。本发明中提出的微纳卫星薄膜展开天线在展开驱动方式提出了创新,即“气弹杆方式”利用气体发生器对支撑杆系的冲击使其逐级伸展,带动天线面的展开,可以很大程度地提高当前薄膜天线的展开可靠性,极大地缩短展开所需时间实现快速部署。同时,使用微米级膜材制备薄膜天线,可以在运载火箭储存空间有限的情况下,实现天线口径的最大化。 20220928-热烈祝贺文章Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Actuated by Inflated Triangular Structure: Design and Analysis(郭佳铭)被CJA录用 名称 Abstract: This paper proposes a frequency reconfigurable triangular antenna actuated by an inflated triangular structure. The open path antenna is transformed from an open type to a closed path structure by inflating. Inflatable structures are easy to manufacture by fusing 2 inextensible membranes together along a defined pattern of lines. However, the prediction of their deployed shape remains a challenge. To solve the pattern changed problem, guided by geometric analyses and local buckle characteristics, the inflated triangular structure has been designed and verified by experimental and simulation. In the process of transformation of the antenna, the resonant frequency of the antenna is changed because this frequency is determined by the conformational change. The resonant frequency changes from GHz to kHz when the design of initial structure sizes is the millimeter to the meter. The measured peak gains, the frequency, and the radiation direction are also reconfigurable by the initial size. Finally, the reconfigurable resonator array is presented, which is coupled to electric fields to absorb all incident radiation. In this work, the changed pattern design by inflating is applied to the antenna design, and its frequency reconfigurability is achieved. Through the electricity performance analysis of the reconfigurable antenna, precise manufacturing will be possible and provides guidance for manufacturing frequency reconfigurable antennas. 20220909-热烈祝贺文章“Mesh/membrane composite with superior mechanical performance: A deep learning-based design”(张云策)在CST发表 名称 Abstract:The mesh/membrane composite structure in aerospace and engineering applications is often susceptible to degradation or failure due to lack of stiffness and strength. Here, we propose a method to design the mesh/membrane composite based on deep learning technique, trained with a database of thousands of structures from finite element simulations. Our method provides a programmable design solution to screen out desired candidates of mesh with superior fracture strength in specified relative density and porosity. Results show that the method can offer designs with different failure modes and crack regions for various target functionalities, while maintaining light weight and superior fracture strength. Building on the paradigm of smart design, we suggest potential strategies for designing the mesh/membrane composite with desired mechanical performance. 20220909-热烈祝贺专利“一种基于调和边界下的充气管弯折的计算方法”(郭佳铭)授权 名称 摘要:本发明公开了一种基于调和边界下的充气管弯折的计算方法,所述方法包括如下步骤:一、在外载荷作用下,计算充气管在不同位置产生的截面弯矩M;二、计算充气管初始褶皱的横截面C'?C'上各点轴向方向的应力;三、计算临界起皱载荷;四、求起皱界面上的轴向应力;五、计算充气管结构的起皱弯矩;六、计算在第一次弯折时横截面上每个点环向与横向的应力分布、截面上产生弯折时所对应的弯矩、弯折程度、弯折角的大小;七、进一步增加荷载,计算二次弯折角的大小、二次弯折弯矩。本发明考虑了在可调和的边界的情况下,能够计算出任一薄膜充气管在受载作用下从屈曲到褶皱到弯折以及二次弯折的弯矩,为空间充气结构保持稳定性具有良好的借鉴意义。 20220902-热烈祝贺郭佳铭顺利通过博士答辩,未来可期。 名称 20220804-热烈祝贺文章“Helical Micro-Swimmer: Hierarchical Tail Design and Propulsive Motility”(张则依)在Soft matter发表。 名称 Abstract: Helical micro-swimmers have markedly extended the reach of human beings in numerous fields, ranging from in vitro tasks on lab-on-a-chip to in vivo applications for minimally invasive medicine. The previous studies on the propulsive motility optimization of the micro-swimmers mainly focused on the distinct actuation principles (e.g., chemically powered, magnetic or ultrasound energies driven), and paid little attention to the structural design of these swimming machines themselves. The improvements of the structure can assist the externally powered motors in providing propulsion in tiny scale and satisfy the agile locomotion demands. This paper presents the design, mechanics modeling and available experiments of a novel type of hierarchical helical swimming robot that significantly enhances the motility of the helix-based swimmers. Validated by the Resistive Force Theory, our numerical model can well analyze the mechanical properties with a variety of geometric parameters. The motion performance of the hierarchical and conventional helical structures in low Reynolds regime is presented, highlighting the advantages of hierarchical swimmers over the existing typical swimmers. In addition, the stability and resilience of the hierarchical swimmers can be maintained at a decent level. Moreover, the variable forward velocity resulting from the combined hierarchical structures is investigated here, which can thereby serve as a reliable design strategy. The proposed hierarchical helical design enables enticing opportunities for various device systems of medical robots and bio-integrated electronics. 20220701-热烈祝贺文章“Machine learning assisted wrinkling design of hierarchical thin sheets”(邱星翰)被CMS录用 名称 Abstract: Wrinkling in thin sheets is a long-standing subject in mechanics. Although the mechanism and morphologies of wrinkles in homogeneous sheets have attracted intense interest and been well-studied, they have been elusive in inhomogeneous sheets. Here, we propose a data-driven framework for wrinkling design by trained back-propagation algorithm with a database of one hundred hierarchical thin sheets structures from finite element analysis. Results show that the wrinkling patterns can be classified into three categories, e.g., scattered wrinkling, decreased wrinkling and increased wrinkling. We further show that the “entropy” of wrinkle has an important role in wrinkling design in the hierarchical thin sheets. This study provides a novel mechanism and strategies for wrinkling design, broadening the promising wrinkling application of hierarchical or programmable thin sheets. 20220627-热烈祝贺文章“Inflated Pillow with Flexible Bistable Kink: Snap Design and Application”(郭佳铭)被AIAA J录用 名称 Abstract:This work presents an inflated pillow with the flexible bistable kink (FBK), which acts as a unit for the electromagnetic application. The paper extended, deepened, and gave a complete resolution to the experimental results. The proposed inflated pillow with FBK was realized, the design of FBK is related to the size, pressure, and stiffness of FBK, and has nothing to the shapes and size of the inflated pillow. The inflated pillow with FBK can keep on to two different kink angles, due to the differential pressure and wrinkles and kinks in the FBK region. The overall value of the force in FBK Ⅱ is greater than that in FBK Ⅰ, and the snap-through of FBK Ⅰ is slower than FBK Ⅱ. Then, the multistable antenna of the array inflated pillows with FBK can be realized. The multistable antenna can be applied to the wave beam of a specific forming. A high-frequency antenna chooses the closed circular pattern; High absorptivity chooses the wire combination d. In addition, the frequency can be reconfigured with different scales by adjusting the dimensions. The electromagnetic performance of the inflated pillows with FBK promotes potential opportunities in wide applications of antenna. 20220619-热烈祝贺文章“Kresling origami-inspired reconfigurable antenna with spherical cap”(张季)被IJMS录用 名称 Abstract: Foldable and reconfigurable helical antennas change shape to adapt and reconfigure their electromagnetic properties. In order to realize the frequency reconfigurability of helical antennas and increase frequency bandwidth, this paper adds a spherical shell to the top of the Kresling origami, so as to achieve maximum frequency reconfiguration and electromagnetic stealth. First, the mechanical properties of the designed antenna during the smart deployment process are analyzed, which can be helically deployed, with super-large compressibility and torsion-contraction coupling effect. Then, the accuracy of the calculation method of Kresling origami-based reconfigurable helical antenna is analyzed, and its geometry is changed to control the performance parameters over time and achieve versatility. Third, the effects of the length of the metal strips and different instability configurations of the spherical shell on the frequency reconfigurability of the antenna in deployable and folded configurations are analyzed. Fourth, multi-port and omnidirectional bending and twisting are used to explore the effect of antenna geometry reconfiguration on electromagnetics. Finally, multiple antennas working at different frequencies but with similar radiation characteristics are concentrated into the same combined antenna aperture through reconstruction, so that the antenna has the capability of multi-frequency operation. Designed antenna has the advantages of compact stowage, easy deployment, light weight, enhanced electromagnetic performance, and multi-functional practicability, which can be widely used in wireless communication systems to provide various services. 20220613-热烈祝贺文章“Flexible kirigami with local cylindrical shell design for stretchable microstrip antenna”(张季)被CS录用 名称 Abstract: This paper proposes a flexible kirigami structure. It has rotating rigid squares and cylindrical shells to improve the flexibility of the structure and produce snap-through instability. First, a mechanical spring model based on a quarter of unit cell was established to predict the mechanical characteristics of its deployment. The elastic deformation energy stored in the mechanical system was calculated, and the applied force was obtained after deriving the displacement. By assuming that the rotational stiffness of the spring is related to the length, elastic modulus, and thickness of the cylindrical shell, the coefficients used to quantify the stiffness of the rotational spring were obtained through a finite element calculation and the mechanical characteristics of the structure were obtained. The accuracy was verified through experiments and the finite element method. Then, the deployment mechanism and parameterization of the structure were analyzed. The snap-through characteristics of the cylindrical shell were analyzed, and the curvature of the second steady state was obtained using the minimum potential energy. The influence of the geometric parameters of the unit cell, such as its length, thickness, and the center angle of the cylindrical shell, on the snap-through instability was analyzed. By stretching or compressing it at different positions, different mechanical characteristics of the deployment were obtained. Finally, based on the designed structure, a stretchable microstrip antenna was designed to achieve high gain while the center frequency remained fixed. An antenna was fabricated and measured, and the test results are in good agreement with the simulated results. This work may provide theoretical guidance for the design and application of deformable structures. 20220609-热烈祝贺文章Vibrational Frequencies and Modes of a Kinked Inflatable Beam被 Thin-Walled Structures录用(郭佳铭) 名称 Abstract: Inflated beams are under increasing application in various structures. Many inflatable structures have kinks during use due to folding or initial material defects. A specific emphasis is often placed on determining the static characteristics of inflated beams in bending and wrinkling. From the perspective of mobility, a kink is needed to realize the movement of the structure, namely the vibration-containing kink. There is a lack of knowledge in dynamic conditions, especially for simple and accurate solutions for kinked inflatable beams. This paper studies the vibrational frequencies and modes of kinked inflatable beams and deals with the theoretical analysis of the natural frequencies of kinked inflatable beams. The first-order natural frequency of the kinked inflatable beam is predicted by introducing the kink parameters, and the inflated pressure into the vibration equation of the beam. The predictions on the natural frequency agree well with the vibration test. Results reveal that the kink decreases the first-order natural frequency of the inflated beam greatly, and the beam has no global vibration mode but only a higher mode. The present results can provide meaningful guidance for innovative inflated structure design. 20220519-热烈祝贺文章"Design and Analysis of Large-Area Membrane Antenna Reflector for CubeSats"被AIAA J录用(张云策) 名称 Abstract: For over 20 years, CubeSats have been limited to low Earth orbit applications. One of the challenges preventing CubeSats from adventuring into deep space is the inability to obtain sufficiently large radio frequency aperture for communication. To address this challenge, a radio frequency and structural design method of the membrane reflectarray reflector is developed. Based on this design method, the membrane reflector prototype is fabricated, and deployment tests are performed to verify its feasibility. The effect of the tension on the surface accuracy of the membrane reflector and the wrinkles on the electrical performances due to possible tension failure is analyzed. Results show that as the tension increases, the membrane surface becomes flat until the RMS value reaches 0.539 mm at a tension of 50 N. The electrical performance of the membrane reflector with tension failure case is reduced in terms of antenna bandwidth and amplitude compared to the case without tension failure. The design method in this study can provide potential strategies for designing the membrane reflectarray reflector with large radio frequency aperture and desired electrical performance. 20220330-热烈祝贺团队主研的某型薄膜展开结构作为我国天平二号某星配试任务主载荷成功入轨。 名称 3月30日10时29分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征十一号运载火箭,成功将天平二号A、B、C卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。 20220330-热烈祝贺文章Selective Thermal Emission and Infrared Camouflage Based on Layered Media(吉庆祥)被CJA录用 名称 Abstract:Infrared camouflage based on artificial thermal metasurfaces has recently attracted significant attention. By eliminating thermal radiation differences between the object and the background, it is possible to hide a given ob-ject from infrared detection. Infrared camouflage is an important element that increases the survivability of air-crafts and missiles, by reducing target susceptibility to infrared guided threats. Herein, a simple and practicable design is theoretically presented based on a multilayer film for infrared stealth, with distinctive advantages of scalability, flexible fabrication, and structural simplicity. The multilayer medium consists of silicon substrate, carbon layer and zinc sulfide film, the optical properties of which are determined by transfer matrix method. By locally changing the thickness of the coating film, spatial tunability and continuity in thermal emission is demonstrated. A continuous change of emissive power is further obtained and consequently implemented to achieve thermal camouflage functionality. In addition, other functionalities, like thermal illusion and thermal coding, are demonstrated by thickness-engineered multilayer films. 20220317-热烈祝贺“Pressure-induced instability and its coupled aeroelasticity of inflated pillow”入选CJA 2022年第2期封面。 名称 简介:CJA 2022年第2期封面文章由哈尔滨工业大学王长国教授团队完成。研究了气枕充气展开过程,分析了与失稳形关联的气枕气弹耦合特性及由负压吸合导致的整体失稳。引入内支撑张力体系,提高气枕稳定性。可带动力保型长时滞空飞行。 链接:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zsSqdJDAOulyWPWf9prYeg 20220301-热烈祝贺文章“ A general theory and analytical solutions for post-buckling behaviors of thin sheets”(张佳伟)被JAM录用 名称 Abstract: A robust and general theory is of great importance to understanding the mechanism of wrinkling, describing its behaviors and guiding the design of thin sheets. Two widely-accepted theories, tension-field theory (Wagner, 1929) and thin film theory (Cerda and Mahadevan, 2003), have been successful used in predicting the location and pattern of wrinkling and defining critical conditions for its onset, but they have failed to describe the post-buckling behaviors (i.e., bifurcations, increasing wavenumber and corresponding changes in morphology). In this paper, we propose a new theory of wrinkling that considers the effects of both mechanical and geometrical characteristics of thin sheets on the spatial variation in wrinkles, and is valid for the general problems of post-buckling analyses. By circumventing the F?ppl–von Kármán equations, the theory offers a compelling complement to thin film theory and provides analytical details of wrinkles, especially for closed-form of post-buckling behaviors. An energy barrier, is introduced to assess the configurational changes of wrinkles as they evolve. Three typical examples are selected for validating the robustness of the theory and exploring its implications. More broadly, the present work provides important guidelines for eliminating wrinkles in thin sheet structures. 20220301-热烈祝贺专利“一种由多稳态曲梁智能驱动展开的太阳帆”(张季)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201910661773 摘要:一种由多稳态曲梁智能驱动展开的太阳帆,涉及一种太阳帆。四根伸展臂以支撑轴为中心呈十字形排布进行铰接,四个复合型负刚度单胞组合固定成复合型负刚度蜂窝结构,八个复合型负刚度蜂窝结构固定围合为正八边形组成伸展臂单体,多个伸展臂单体沿轴向固定组成伸展臂,四个帆面设置在四根伸展臂之间,帆面的直角顶点与支撑轴侧壁固接,帆面的两个锐角顶点与对应的伸展臂外端固接,支撑轴上下两端分别固定有上压缩装置及下压缩装置,伸展臂、上压缩装置及下压缩装置均通过温度控制实现轴向伸展。可以通过温度控制实现二阶段智能展开,具有形状记忆功能,能够实现多个稳态,可靠性强、保型好、稳定性强。 20220118-热烈祝贺专利“一种基于形状记忆聚合物的零泊松比多稳态伸展臂”(张季)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201910662844 摘要:一种基于形状记忆聚合物的零泊松比多稳态伸展臂,涉及一种伸展臂结构。复合型负刚度单胞包括曲梁结构及三个支撑结构,曲梁结构两侧对称设置有两个刚性块以改变横截面尺寸,每四个复合型负刚度单胞组合固定成复合型负刚度蜂窝结构,每相对的两个复合型负刚度单胞的曲梁结构中间固定有弹簧,每八个复合型负刚度蜂窝结构组成支臂单体,多个支臂单体固定组成多稳态支臂,多稳态抓手与多稳态支臂一端通过黏合剂固定连接,手指与多稳态支臂结构相同并缩小,通过温度控制实现伸展或弯折。具有形状记忆功能,通过温度控制实现伸展或弯折,具有零泊松比效应,质量轻、变形能力强、更能够适应狭小空间条件下的作业。 20220106-热烈祝贺专利“一种恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元”(王亚飞 邱星翰)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201811593938 摘要:本发明公开了一种恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元,所述浮空材料单元包括立方框架、内部支撑骨架、外气阀、功能凝胶体贮存室、内气阀、弹性蒙皮,其中:所述立方框架的每个面均覆盖弹性蒙皮密封;所述外气阀设置在弹性蒙皮边缘区域;所述内气阀设置在弹性蒙皮中心区域;所述内部支撑骨架设置在立方框架的内部且与每个面的弹性蒙皮中心区域相交,形成镂空的半弹性蒙皮;所述功能凝胶体贮存室设置在内部支撑骨架的内部;所述功能凝胶体贮存室的内部充满功能性凝胶材料。本发明的充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元可以极大地提高当前浮空器的服役稳定性、可靠性和服役时间,实现长时间稳定驻空。 20220106-热烈祝贺专利“一种分体式弱关联模块化浮空平台”(王亚飞 邱星翰)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201811593936 摘要:本发明公开了一种分体式弱关联模块化浮空平台,所述浮空平台包含恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元模块、升力平衡控制单元模块和模块之间弱关联结构,其中:所述恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元模块由多个恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元构成;所述升力平衡控制单元模块由多个升力平衡控制单元构成,升力平衡控制单元的数量与恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元的数量相等;所述恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元模块与升力平衡控制单元模块之间通过模块之间弱关联结构进行布置连接。本发明的浮空平台兼具自适应特性和刚度支撑特性,极大地提高了当前浮空器的服役稳定性、可靠性和服役时间,从而实现长久驻空、稳定驻空的目标。 20220105-恭喜刘远鹏和王珂,分别获得黑龙江省优秀博士学位论文和优秀硕士学位论文。 名称 20211210-热烈祝贺文章"Lateral constrained wrinkling of the film with partial contact ?"被IJMS录用 名称 20211201-热烈祝贺文章“Controllable bistable smart composite structures driven by liquid crystal elastomer”在SMS发表 名称 20211128-热烈祝贺文章“Mechanics of Strain-limiting Wrinkled Kirigami for Flexible Devices: High Flexibility, Stretchability and Compressibility”(王亚飞)在IJSS发表 名称 Abstract: Flexible devices that provide elastic responses to ultrahigh deformations are of growing interest due to the ability to enable new applications whose feasibility is impossible to be attained by using the traditional wafer-based technologies. This paper focuses on strain-limiting wrinkled kirigami materials that offer coexistent high flexibility, stretchability and compressibility, as well as its mechanics design strategies that can be suitable for both discrete and distributed flexible systems, enabling them to accommodate extreme mechanical deformations without damage, such as stretching, compressing and twisting like a rubber ribbon. Comprehensive and systematic theoretical studies of the mechanics reveal how to leverage the different dimensionless geometric parameters to regulate buckling responses of the system, such as global buckling and local wrinkling, and the way in which the parameterized designs enable highly parallel extreme mechanical properties. To some extent, flexibility, stretchability and compressibility can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude, except for some counterintuitive expectations. The predicted results, as validated and demonstrated through in-situ tensile experiments and numerical calculations, provide an underpinning to unveil the concealed relationships between nonlinear mechanics responses and microstructural geometries as well as material properties of strain-limiting wrinkled kirigami. This paper suggests a promising route to high-performance flexible devices regarding the stretchable conductors and piezoelectric harvesters. 20211116-祝贺张季获得研究生特殊奖学金第一名,荣获华为奖学金。 名称 20211028-热烈祝贺文章“Peeling and sliding of graphene nanoribbons with periodic van der Waals interactions”(薛智明)被JMPS录用 名称 Abstract: The peeling and sliding behaviors of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) atop a graphene substrate are studied by a continuum model and numerical simulations. A periodic potential energy function is used to simulate the van der Waals interactions between the GNRs and the substrate in both the normal and tangential directions, coupling adhesion and friction within the same model. Numerical simulations and associated analyses reveal remarkably rich dynamics in peeling and sliding of GNRs. It is found that the simple 90-degree peeling of a GNR depends primarily on the normal (adhesive) interactions, with negligible sliding or shear interactions. In contrast, peeling with the end fixed in the in-plane directions leads to stick-slip sliding, with a higher peeling force and a critical peeling angle depending on both adhesion and friction. Notably, the stick-slip sliding is facilitated by formation and gliding of strain solitons in GNRs, and different types of strain solitons may form in the zigzag, armchair and chiral GNRs, including tensile, shear and mixed types. Unconstrained sliding is typically accompanied by both lateral and normal displacements, while constraining the displacements in the normal or lateral directions would generally lead to a higher pulling force for sliding. The peak pulling force as a measure of the sliding friction depends on the ribbon width quasi-linearly but becomes nearly independent of the ribbon length for relatively long GNRs (L > 20 nm). Finally, two cases with coupled peeling and sliding of GNRs are considered, and a simple analysis is proposed to simultaneously determine the adhesion and friction properties of GNRs from measurable quantities in potential experiments. 20211018-热烈祝贺文章“Kirigami-Based Stretchable Low-RCS Microstrip Antenna: Design and Analysis”(张季)被AIAA J录用 名称 Abstract: Kirigami (cutting and folding) offers a promising strategy to reconfigurable antenna. Firstly, a novel kirigami unit cell and stretchable low-RCS microstrip antenna is designed and the force-displacement curve of the deployment process is studied. Then, the accuracy of MoM is verified with different methods by performing monostatic or bistatic RCS calculations of different metasurfaces. Thirdly, the monostatic and bistatic RCS of metal metasurface are studied. As the model gradually deploys, the frequency of RCS reduction gradually increases; The transmission and reflection, wave absorption and RCS reduction characteristics of the metasurface with resonance rings are studied; Due to its geometry, metasurfaces can reduce the RCS (reflection) at a certain frequency. After adding resonance rings, the RCS (absorption) at the other two frequencies is reduced; The influence of the fracture of resonance rings on RCS is evaluated. Finally, center frequency, the gain and RCS reduction characteristics of the stretchable microstrip antenna is evaluated. These laws provide theoretical support and guidance for the application of morphing aircraft and stretchable microstrip antenna. 20210828-热烈祝贺文章“An electrochemical-mechanical phase field model for lithium dendrite”(张佳伟)被JES录用 名称 Abstract: Lithium metal is considered a holy grail anode material for high theoretical energy batteries. However, lithium dendrite associated with interface instability is severely derailed the efforts to commercialize safe and high-capacity lithium ion batteries. Here, we propose an electrochemical-mechanical phase field model by incorporating the elastic energy into the Gibbs free energy to reveal the role of stress in lithium dendrites. It is found that the compressive stress associated with lithium electroplating gradually concentrates near the nucleation site, acting as a driven force for dendrite formation. The surface energy plays a critical role in determining the dendrite morphology-the higher the surface energy, the higher the curvature of the dendrite. A phase diagram of four types of morphologies is identified in terms of the interface energy density and charging rate. Our analysis suggests that a low charging rate or improving the interfacial Li%2B diffusion ability is beneficial to maintaining interface stability. 20210823-热烈祝贺专利“一种基于多稳态曲梁的空间智能伸缩输运结构”(张季)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201910661835 摘要:一种基于多稳态曲梁的新型空间智能伸缩输运结构,涉及一种智能伸缩输运结构。复合型负刚度单胞包括曲梁结构及三个支撑结构,曲梁结构两侧对称设置有两个刚性块以改变横截面尺寸,每四个复合型负刚度单胞组合固定成复合型负刚度蜂窝结构,每相对的两个复合型负刚度单胞的曲梁结构中间固定有弹簧,每八个复合型负刚度蜂窝结构组成支撑臂单体,多个支撑臂单体组成输运支撑臂,输运平台与输运支撑臂一端通过黏合剂固定连接,输运平台外侧表面安装有输运件定位罩。具有形状记忆功能,通过温度控制能够实现伸缩以及无死角弯折,质量轻、灵活性强、在狭小空间也可进行作业。 20210729-热烈祝贺王长国教授荣获哈尔滨工业大学立德树人先进个人 名称 链接:http://today.hit.edu.cn/article/2021/07/28/87928 20210712-热烈祝贺刘远鹏荣获校优秀博士学位论文。 名称 链接:http://hitgs.hit.edu.cn/2021/0712/c3333a256879/page.htm 20210524-热烈祝贺文章“Deployment of SMP Miura-Ori sheet and its application: aerodynamic drag and RCS reduction”(张季)被CJA录用 名称 CJA亮点文章:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HdwSbRVNnjBvJSC0btNNOQ Abstract: Origami, such as Miura-ori, is the art of folding two-dimensional materials into complex, elaborate, and multifunctional three-dimensional objects. In this paper, SMP MO sheet are prepared, and the accuracy of deployable process is verified by experiments. The folding and deployable process of SMP MO sheet is divided into 4 stages, and each stage is described in detail. The stiffness of smart deployable stage is characterized by an exponential decline at the beginning and a gradual decrease to 0, and this is similar to the theoretical shear equivalent modulus in the Y direction. The effects of various parameters on strain and stress are also explored. The purpose of studying these mechanical characteristics is to provide driving force reference in application; In terms of application, the flow field and electromagnetic characteristics of MO sheet in different directions are studied. The aerodynamic drag and RCS reduction of MO unit cell and graded MO sheet during the deployable process are evaluated. When the dihedral fold angle is about 45°, the RCS reduction and drag reduction characteristics of MO sheet are relatively optimal, which is most beneficial to morphing aircraft. 20210509-热烈祝贺文章“A Theoretical Study of Wrinkle Propagation in Graphene with Flower-like Grain Boundaries”(赵字会)被PCCP录用 名称 Abstract: This study investigated dynamic surface wrinkle propagation across a series of flower-like rotational grain boundaries (GBs) in graphene using theoretical solutions and atomistic simulations. It was found that there was significantly less out-of-plane displacement of dynamic wrinkles when curvature of rotational GBs was reduced, which can be explained by a defect shielding effect of flower-like GBs. Potential energy evolved via different modes for pristine graphene and graphene with various GBs. With external excitation, the distinctly different patterns of wrinkle propagation in graphene with various GBs demonstrated how dynamic wrinkling can reveal defects. These results can provide a theoretical basis for guiding the design and implementation of graphene-based nano-mechanical devices such as protectors and detectors. 20210407-热烈祝贺文章“Tensile-Tearing Analysis of Rectangular Thin Film with Central Defect”(王珂)被AIAA J录用 名称 Abstract:Thin film is used extensively in many fields, such as aerospace, electronics and robotics, because it is light in weight, can withstand large deformation, and is easy to fold and stow. In this paper, we describe our experiments to determine the relationship between wrinkling and tearing in a tensioned rectangular thin film sample. We examined structural defects on a macro scale using two typical forms of defect in the center of the rectangle: a 5mm crack and a circular hole. We analyzed the mechanical tensile properties of the film for each defect. We experimentally investigated the interaction of wrinkling and tearing in tensioned rectangular thin film specimens. Wrinkles were not formed in areas of warping around the defect, and the presence of defects changed the overall pattern of wrinkles. The film tore due to the combined effects of wrinkles and defects, but defects were the principal factor of damage to the overall structure of the film. We identified different open and closed defects according to their effects on the tensile–tearing properties of the film. We also investigated the effects of straight line crack length, crack angle and mixed crack patterns on the tensile–tearing properties of the film. These results show the interactions between wrinkles and cracks in tensioned rectangular film specimens and they can guide us in the use of thin film with straight line crack or hole defects. 20210202-热烈祝贺文章“Pressure-induced instability and its coupled aeroelasticity of inflated pillow”(张季)被CJA录用 名称 CJA亮点文章:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LFxq_OTJ4QrSyUSsuE0URQ Abstract: A floating air weapon system (such as airborne floating mines) plays an important role in modern air defense operations. This paper focuses on aerodynamic characteristics of airborne floating mine named inflated pillow. Firstly, the dynamic deployable process of the pillow and characteristics of the local instability of the edge are studied, and the evolution mechanism of wrinkles and kinks is analyzed. Secondly, in the cruising stage, the fluid-structural-thermal coupling analysis is performed on the pillow, and the aerodynamic characteristics are studied. Thirdly, the shape-preserving effect of the inflated pillow during the “negative pressure” slow landing stage is evaluated. It is found that when the wind velocity is higher, the pillow has a collapsed instability (surface extrusion and contact), and when the wind velocity is lower, snap-through instability occurs. Finally, for the collapsed instability, a carbon fiber skeleton is added to discrete the large global collapsed fold into small local folds, thus achieving shape-preserving effect of pillow. For snap-through instability, the critical internal pressure and different shape evolution under different wind velocity are evaluated. Through the analysis of the mechanical mechanism and control of the structural morphological evolution, it provides theoretical guidance for the application of the curved shell structure in floating air weapon system. 20201229-热烈祝贺文章“Buckling of Ultrastretchable Kirigami Metastructures for Mechanical Programmability and Energy Harvesting”(王亚飞)被IJSS录用 名称 Abstract:Metastructures based on kirigami (the Japanese art of paper folding and cutting) have great potential for applications in stretchable electronics, bioprobes, and controllable optical and thermal devices. However, a theoretical framework for understanding the physics of their buckling behavior and to facilitate the search for ultrahigh stretchability has yet to be developed. Here, we present such a framework based on an energy approach. Closed-form analytical solutions and scaling laws are obtained for some key mechanical quantities, including flexibility, normalized flexibility, critical buckling strain, maximum tensile strain, elastic stretchability, normalized stretchability, and out-of-plane stiffness. Both experiments and numerical calculations are performed to validate the accuracy and scalability of the theoretical model. Systematic analyses of key mechanical quantities reveal how it is possible to bridge the gap between kirigami design by experience and by mechanically guided design, as well as how various dimensionless geometric parameters can be used to regulate buckling responses. Illustrative applications show that the ability to predict and tune the mechanical programmability of the proposed theoretical framework enables stable electromechanical conversion and programmable electromechanical kirigami with domino-like buckling. This work provides a foundation for further research and can also aid in the design of kirigami for use in programmable metastructures and metamaterials and energy harvesting. 20201225-20201227 王长国老师、张季、王珂参加第四届“可展开空间结构”学术会议。并做了“平面双稳态可变形剪纸超表面:设计、展开与RCS减缩”;“孔型缺陷对薄膜拉皱性能的影响”的报告。 名称 20201217-热烈祝贺文章“Aerodynamic Drag Characteristics of Miura-Ori Composite Structure”(张季)被JAE录用 名称 Abstract: Miura-ori is a form of origami, and is widely used in aerospace. Aerodynamic characteristics of Miura-ori composite structure are greatly influenced by its configuration. In this paper, firstly, the aerodynamic performance of Mirua-ori sheet in different deployable configurations is studied. Through the analysis of the three-dimensional model of Miura-ori sheet, it is found that the pressure on the foremost crease of Miura-ori sheet is the largest, which is prone to failure. It is meaningful to use a two-dimensional model to refine the analysis of the special orientation of this crease. Secondly, the aerodynamic characteristics of the sheet with and without grooves are studied and the former can significantly reduce drag. Thirdly, the aerodynamic characteristics of the grooves with holes are studied, and it is found that holes in the front wall increase the drag and holes in the rear wall reduce the drag. Finally, the arrangement and combination of grooves with different apex angles are studied, and it is found that the model with the shape like “a check sign” has the best drag reduction, which is due to a large separation vortex formed in the upper part. During the negative pressure landing of the airship, the internal pressure is relatively low, and when the wind speed is high, it is prone to local snap-through instability and global collapsed (contact and squeeze) instability. The adjustment of drag force through reconfiguration of origami is of great significance to the study of shape retention and stability of stratospheric airship envelopes. 20201116-热烈祝贺专利“通过刚柔智能转换实现变构型的肋网支撑可展开天线反射面及其设计方法”(陶强)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201710329397 摘要:本发明公开了一种通过刚柔智能转换实现变构型的肋网支撑可展开天线反射面及其设计方法,所述肋网支撑可展开天线反射面包括一层反射面层和一层肋网络结构层,肋网络结构层的网络节点与反射面层固定连接。肋网支撑可展开天线反射面的变构型是通过刚柔智能转换实现的,肋网支撑可展开天线反射面初始状态是成型好的3D立体状空间肋网络结构,地面状态使用时,3D立体状空间肋网络结构经智能诱导转换为二维2D反射面,折叠打包发射入轨后2D反射面智能诱导转换为3D立体状态并固化定型,以结构形状稳定、高刚度的形式在空间工作运行。本发明设计的变构型天线反射面既可以2D状态实现反复折叠展开功能,又可以3D立体状态实现高刚度功能。 20201113-热烈祝贺文章"Controlled surface wrinkling as a novel strategy for the compressibility-tunable PZT film-based energy harvesting system"(薛智明)被EML录用 名称 ABSTRACT:Using a controlled surface wrinkling strategy, we designed a flexible energy harvesting system made from a compliant substrate, stiff skin layer, a thin PZT film, and an interdigitated electrode sandwich structure. This energy harvesting system, which operates under compressing and releasing operating modes that are common in nature and engineering, accommodates orders-of-magnitude increases in maximum compressive strain without fracture. This increased range allows the system to be used for more applications. We systematically explored the effects of different parameters on system compressibility and piezopotential output performance. These analytical results guide the design for enhancing compressibility or piezopotentials of the energy harvesting system. 20201029-热烈祝贺专利“一种由多稳态曲梁径向支撑的智能展开式天线反射面”(张季)被授权。 名称 专利链接:http://www.soopat.com/Patent/201910662843?lx=FMSQ 摘要:一种由多稳态曲梁径向支撑的智能展开式天线反射面,涉及一种抛物面天线。多根支撑肋环绕固定在中心鼓侧壁上,支撑肋外端与反射面外侧表面边缘固接,复合型负刚度单胞包括曲梁结构及三个支撑结构,曲梁结构两侧对称设置有两个刚性块以改变横截面尺寸,每四个复合型负刚度单胞组合固定成复合型负刚度蜂窝结构,每相对的两个复合型负刚度单胞的曲梁结构中间固定有弹簧,每八个复合型负刚度蜂窝结构组成支撑肋单体,多个支撑肋单体组成支撑肋,支撑肋可通过温度调控实现弯折与展开,支撑肋设定有多个节点与反射面粘接固定。具有形状记忆功能,能够实现多个稳态,通过温度调控实现折叠与展开,可靠性高。 20201010-热烈祝贺文章"Quasi-static unfolding mechanics of a creased membrane based on a finite deformation crease–beam model"(夏振猛)被IJSS录用 名称 Abstract: This paper studies the unfolding mechanical behavior of a creased membrane with different crease characteristics under tensile load. The three-dimensional unfolding shape measured by a noncontact test system reflects both panel bending and crease opening. The rotational stiffness of the crease can be characterized based on the test shape. A finite deformation crease–beam model is developed to describe this unfolding mechanism. The predicted results show that the unfolding behavior of the creased membrane is affected by the ratio of the rotational stiffness of the crease to the bending stiffness of the panel. Analysis of the unfolding mechanism for the creased membrane reveals the contributions of three deformation styles—namely panel bending, panel tension, and crease opening—during different unfolding stages. The present results can be used to guide the controllable unfolding of crease-based deployable structures by adjusting the crease characteristics. 20200903-热烈祝贺文章“Origami-Based Metasurfaces: Design and Radar Cross Section Reduction”(张季)被AIAA J录用 名称 Abstract: Metasurface stealth is a new type of innovative radar stealth based on metamaterial structure that has emerged in recent years. This paper firstly studies the monostatic station and bistatic station RCS of typical structures, and the accuracy of MoM is verified. Secondly, RCS of different origami configurations are studied. Convex triangle is better for reducing RCS than convex cylinder and flat sheet. When a triangle is scattered in a monostatic station, it is difficult for the electromagnetic wave vector to be parallel to the normal vector of the structure, which can effectively reduce the scattering. When multiple triangles are combined, the configuration should be selected carefully based on the actual situation. In order to study the effect of gaps on RCS, kirigami was also introduced. The combination of kirigami and origami also has an adjustment effect on RCS. Finally, the absorbing performance of Miura-ori sheet with metal resonant rings is studied. The absorption rate of unit in deployment process and the resonant ring fracture and its RCS characteristics are analyzed, and it is found that the RCS is significantly reduced at the resonant frequency. These results are helpful to the study of the electromagnetic characteristics of origami based metasurfaces. 20200711-热烈祝贺文章“Instability and stress analysis for cavitation in soft graded elastic solids”(康敬天)被IJMS录用 名称 Website: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0020740320320555?via%3Dihub Abstract: For an infinitesimal initial cavity in homogeneous soft solids, a finite inflating pressure may cause an unbounded increase of cavity size. An asymptotic value of 2.5 times the initial shear modulus for incompressible homogeneous neo-Hookean solids is usually referred to as cavitation instability in soft solids. Recently, by detecting the drop of inflating pressure, the cavitation rheology technique has been developed to measure the local shear modulus of soft materials. In this article, we analytically extend our study on the cavitation problem to soft graded elastic solids. The mechanical property of the soft solid is assumed to vary according to power-law relations. We find that the relationship between inflating pressure and cavity size can be both a monotonic and nonmonotonic function when considering the size of initial cavity and the extent of inhomogeneity. The inflating pressure can reach a local maximum at intermediate cavity size and cause a decrease in the pressure even before fracture. The material inhomogeneity will also affect the stress distribution and the extent of stress concentration near the cavity surface. The results obtained in this article may be helpful for a better understanding of the cavitation phenomenon in complex soft solids. 20200602-热烈祝贺文章“Mixed-mode bending of a smart reconfigurable lattice structure with bi-directional corrugated core”(陶强)被IJMS录用 名称 Abstract: High load-bearing, high storage ratio, and lightweight structures hold great trends in the field of large-scale deployable space structures. In this paper, we present a smart reconfigurable lattice (SRL) structure with bi-directional corrugated core to meet the integrated and versatile designs. The three-point bending experimental results indicate that the load-bearing efficiency of the 3D SRL structure is 5 times more than that of 2D folded lattice structure. The 3D SRL structure performed mixed-mode bending behaviors, including struts buckling, debonding, and global bending. Analytical models are also established to predict the failure load of the SRL structure, agreeing well with the tested results. The feasibility of this reconfigurable design is verified by the folding/unfolding simulations and experiments. Moreover, the effects of geometrical parameters on the failure modes and the failure load are discussed. A competitive failure mode between shear-induced failure and compression-induced failure is found. The included angle plays a key role in influencing structural failure mode. These results clearly illustrate the advantage of the SRL design and provide guidelines for future designs of deployable space structures with high load-bearing, high storage ratio, and lightweight. 20200519-热烈祝贺文章"Articulated surface wrinkling of a patterned film with periodic stiffness distribution on a compliant substrate"(薛智明)被IJSS录用 名称 Abstract:Articulated surface wrinkling patterns can be induced through the mechanical instability of patterned stiff films with periodic stiffness distributions (including periodic material and/or film thickness distributions) on a compliant substrate. To explore this articulated surface wrinkling, the governing equations are established by energy minimization, and the theoretical results are consistent with those from experiment and finite-element simulations. Morphology transitions from articulated wrinkling to trapezoidal or sine–trapezoid hybrid wrinkling are observed when the geometrical or material property parameters beyond a specific interval. Phase diagrams are established for the formation of articulated wrinkling morphology with respect to the geometrical and material parameters. The results show that articulated wrinkling is observed for a patterned film on a compliant substrate, depending on the periodic segment dimensions of the patterned film compared to the sinusoidal wrinkle wavelength of the corresponding homogeneous film. Compared to the sinusoidal wrinkling of a homogeneous film, articulated wrinkling has notably larger wrinkling wavelength and normal traction at the interface ,however, has slightly smaller amplitude and film strains (membrane and bending peak strains). This study is a good reference for designing articulated surfaces with potential applications in many areas, especially energy harvesting devices, because of the controlled deformation location and strain distribution of such surfaces. Articulated surface wrinkling of a patterned film with periodic stiffness distribution on a compliant substrate 20200410-热烈祝贺文章"远鹏: Concentration dependent properties and plastic deformation facilitate instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries"(刘远鹏)被IJSS录用 名称 Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) often suffer from capacity fading and poor cyclic performance due to mechanical degradation of the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI). Here we perform numerical simulations and theoretical analysis to elucidate the role of plasticity in wrinkling and ratcheting behaviors of an SEI/electrode system. A coupled diffusion and finite deformation framework is formulated and numerically implemented as a user-element subroutine (UEL) to describe transient lithium diffusion and accompanying elastic–viscoplastic deformation of the electrode. It is found that concentration dependent properties and plastic deformation facilitate wrinkling in such a system. A wrinkled morphology may further lead to ratcheting and related failure under cycling. A phase diagram of four types of cyclic behaviors is identified in terms of the charging rate and time. Our analysis suggests several potential strategies to avoid wrinkling and ratcheting instabilities, such as charging/discharging the electrode at a sufficiently slow rate, and/or introducing a thick artificial SEI with a pre-tension. 20200219-热烈祝贺文章Kinking Characteristics of an Inflated Beam Under Bending被Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets录用(郭佳铭) 名称 Abstract:In this study, an inflated beam model was introduced to describe and explain kink characteristics, and the key parameters were verified. The important findings and conclusions are as follows.1)The secondary kink were discovered for the first time, and the moment is nearly three times the traditional wrinkling moment. In other words, the load-carrying capacity of inflated structures is considerably higher than if only wrinkling is considered. 2) The kink, which is used to describe when an inflated beam model from wrinkling becomes failure, is shown to be correct, and the global and local bending evolution is shown in Fig. 3)The harmonic boundary introduced was helpful to the kink and could be applied to the design of spacesuits, such as their elbow joints. 20191213-热烈祝贺文章Mixed Triangle Lattice Reinforced Membrane Antenna Reflector: Design and Analysis被AIAA Journal录用(陶强) 名称 Abstract:A novel concept of lattice reinfored membrane (LRM) deployable antenna reflector was proposed and designed in this paper. It was proved that lattice structure was helpful to improve the surface accuracy of membrane reflector. The mixed triangle LRM antenna reflector performed higher shape stability and surface accuracy because of its stepwise upward failure mode and uniform bearing in multiple direction. LRM deployable reflector provided guidance on the design of deployable structure and its application in aerospace field. It was a promising way to develop large scale, yet higher surface accuracy deployable reflectors with comprehensive performance. In the future study, the effect of thermal stress on the surface accuracy of LRM reflector need to be researched, as the structure is inevitably in a thermal environment such as the SMP deployment process and in-orbit missions. 20191211-热烈祝贺文章Light weight optimization of the stratospheric airship envelope based on the reliability analysis被Chinese Journal of Aeronautics录用(张云策) 名称 CJA亮点文章:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/afPQb2B0uPGrDgXClQUVjA Abstract: A stratospheric airship is an essential flight vehicle in the aviation field. In this paper, optimal design approach of stratospheric airships is developed to optimize envelope shape considering three failure modes and multidisciplinary analysis models, and could also reduce the mass of a stratospheric airship to be deployed at a specific location. Based on a theoretical analysis, three failure modes of airships including bending wrinkling failure, hoop tearing failure and bending kink failure, are given to describe and illustrate the failure mechanism of stratospheric airships. The results show that the location, length and size of the local uniform load and the large fineness ratio are easier to lead to bending wrinkling failure and bending kink failure. The small fineness ratio and the increasing differential pressure are more prone to cause hoop tearing failure for an airship hull. The failure probability is sensitive to the wind field. From an optimization design, the reliability analysis is essential to be carried out based on the safety of the airship. The solution in this study can provide economical design recommendations. 20191210-热烈祝贺薛智明到美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)黄锐 (Rui Huang)教授团队访学。 名称 20191206-热烈祝贺王长国教授获得第十四届黑龙江省青年科技奖(2019.11公示) 名称 Website: http://www.hljkx.org.cn/art/2019/10/28/art_582_82659.html 20191128-张季上西安参加第一届全国超材料大会 名称 张季在力学超材料会场做了《Miura-ori SMP 复合结构的展开行为及增减阻特性研究》的报告。 会议时间:2019年11月24日-10月27日 地点:西安-陕西大会堂 20191109-热烈祝贺文章Effect of temperature on the rupture behavior of highly stretchable acrylic elastomer被Polymer Testing录用(康敬天) 名称 ABSTRACT:Dielectric elastomer has been recently explored extensively to make diverse soft actuators and energy harvesting devices. The lack of study on the rupture behavior under the influence of temperature hinders further applications where heat generation and accumulation are unavoidable. In this paper, an experimental study has been carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on the rupture behavior of acrylic dielectric elastomer. By using VHB 4910 films with and without an initial crack, the fracture energy at different temperature and stretch rate is measured by pure shear test. The storage modulus and phase angle have been investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). The images of defects and rupture surface are provided by scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is found that the stretch at rupture is insensitive to the temperature for both pristine and precut samples. In addition, the maximum nominal stress and fracture energy linearly decrease with environmental temperature, especially at high stretch rate. Furthermore, we measure the stretch at rupture for rectangular strips with a single edge-notch under uniaxial tension and compare them with the theoretical prediction using nonlinear fracture mechanics based on the measured fracture energy.The results obtained in this paper will give a reference to the engineering design and applications of dielectric elastomer,especially for those working at different temperatures. 20191103-热烈祝贺文章Effect of temperature on the mechanical responses of ribbon kirigami: Toward the highly stretchable conductors被IJMS录用(王亚飞) 名称 ABSTRACT: Kirigami-patterned designs through photolithography technology present a promising set of strategy for highly stretchable conductors, which have been investigated to open up a wide range of novel technological solutions for various applications, such as stretchable bioprobe and wearable thermotherapy. The kirigami-patterned conductors usually suffer steady temperature difference and consequent thermal load, because of the Joule heating effect under input voltages. The concealed relationships between thermal effects, geometric effects and mechanical responses are of great significance for practical applications. Here, a closed-form analytical solution, considering the thermal effect and large curvature curved beam theory, is developed to study the stretchability and stiffness for a class of ribbon kirigami structures. Both of finite element method and experiments are performed to validate the accuracy and scalability of model. Comparisons of the developed closed-form stretchability and stiffness to the model with thermal effect absent present quantitative characteristic towards the thermal effect, the remarkable underestimate of stretchability (e.g., >8% relatively) and overestimate of stiffness (e.g., >5% relatively) can be induced by the thermal-effect-absent model for many representative ribbon kirigami patterns. Moreover, several demonstrations present the capability of developed model in optimization of ribbon-kirigami-patterned conductors under the thermal effect and practical geometry constraint conditions, achieving the most stretchable devices. This study provides the theoretical guide for kirigami-based conductor designs in applications. 20191022-张季上南京参加第二届先进材料和结构力学国际会议(The 2nd International Conference of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures ,ICMAMS 2019) 名称 张季在Dynamics and Vibration会场做了《Study on Increasing or decreasing resistance characteristics of intelligent Miura-ori composite structure》的报告。 会议时间:2019年10月19日-10月22日 地点:南京-南京航空航天大学 20191017-热烈祝贺王亚飞获得博士研究生国家奖学金。 名称 20190923-陶强参加第7届智能材料与纳米技术国际会议(The 7th International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, SMN2019) 名称 陶强做题为《Numerical study of smart lattice structure with corrugated core using shape memory polymers》的presentation。 会议时间:2019年09月20日-09月23日 地点:哈尔滨-香格里拉大酒店 20190919-参加上海SAMIO 2019 (International Symposium on Structures and Materials Inspired by Origami) 名称 近年来,传统的手工折纸艺术受到学术界和工程界的广泛关注,张季在20190919-20190923日参加了于上海召开的折纸大会(SAMIO 2019),会上作了关于Miura ori超材料智能折叠与展开的presentation,会后,前往上海交通大学航空发动机研究所参观访问。这是一次愉快和颇多收获的会议。 20190913-热烈祝贺文章Self-assembly of graphene sheets actuated by surface topological defects: Toward the fabrication of novel nanostructures and drug delivery devices被ASS录用(王亚飞) 名称 ABSTRACT:This paper focuses on self-assembly behaviors of graphene with surface topological defects using the atomistic simulation. The self-assembly graphene models are proposed based on three design principles. The systematic self-assembly simulations are performed and compared to achieve their dynamic nature and time dependence based on various design variables. It is found that the constructed self-assembly phase diagrams contain four distinct modes including polygon nanoscroll, polygon nanotube, breathing oscillation and damping vibration, which can be influenced by the number of unit cell along y-direction. Based on surface engineering consideration and reverse design paradigm, a target geometry such as polygon nanotube can be approximated by a graphene surface with programmable ripples and topological defects. Finally, the fundamental building block of self-assembly graphene is analyzed to reflect the self-assembly capacity. The results in this paper can be used to achieve the novel nanostructures and develop the design space of all-graphene-based drug delivery devices. 201908-热烈祝贺文章Geometry-dependent stretchability and stiffness of ribbon kirigami based on large curvature curved beam model被IJSS录用(王亚飞) 名称 journal website https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.08.007 ABSTRACT:This paper lays stress on the normalized stiffness and stretchability of planar ribbon kirigami. A dimensionless analytical model is proposed based on plane strain beam theory, in which the large curvature curved beam (LCCB) model is considered. The tensile experiments and simulations are performed and compared to validate the analytical model based on four dimensionless parameters. It is found that not all kirigami-based design is conducive to the enhancement of normalized stretchability. Remarkable long arm effect can enhance the normalized stretchability or reduce the normalized stiffness by several orders of magnitude. Finally, an optimization method is used to obtain the maximum normalized stretchability. The results in this paper can be used to guide the kirigami design in future application. 201908-热烈祝贺文章Analytical study of cavitation in elastic solids with affinely varied mechanical property被SM录用(康敬天) 名称 journal website: https://doi.org/10.1080/1539445X.2019.1655052 ABSTRACT:A tiny spherical cavity will expand unboundedly in a homogenous incompressible neo-Hookean solid when the applied hydrostatic tension reaches 5 times of the shear modulus of the solid. Such phenomenon is usually referred as cavitation in a soft solid. In the previous studies, the soft solid is often assumed to have homogeneous mechanical properties. In this paper, the effects of inhomogeneity have been investigated by assuming the shear modulus in the solid varies affinely with the radial coordinate. A bifurcation problem is considered for a graded neo-Hookean solid subjected to uniform hydrostatic tension on the external boundary. We find that the cavitation solution with a traction-free internal cavity can be analytically expressed using hypergeometric function. For large hydrostatic tension, the equilibrium configuration can bifurcate from the trivial solution (no cavity) to the cavitation solution (cavity occurs). Both the trivial solution and cavitation solution can be stable and unstable determined by minima of their potential energy. When the external hydrostatic tension is greater than a critical value, the internal cavity can expand both continuously or discontinuously inside the solid. We hope the results obtained in this article will be helpful to understand the cavitation phenomenon in complex soft materials. 201907-热烈祝贺王长国教授入选黑龙江省“头雁”团队 名称 Website: http://m.hljedu.gov.cn/tzgg/201907/t20190703_137966.html https://heilongjiang.dbw.cn/system/2019/07/03/058226152.shtml 20190705-热烈祝贺两位研究生向书毅、王珂分别获得优秀硕士学位论文金、银牌!祝她们前程似锦! 名称 201905-热烈祝贺文章Vibration frequency analysis of rippled single-layered graphene sheet: Toward the nano resonant devices design(张则依)在PE发表 名称 journal website https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2019.113580 ABSTRACT:This paper studies the vibration frequency of rippled single-layered graphene sheets (SLGSs). The energy-based analytical model is proposed based on improved continuum mechanics theory (CMT) by considering the variable vibration mass and strain energy. It is found that significant frequency shift on pristine SLGSs can be realized using functional groups, defects, carbon nanotubes and surface wrinkles. Reduction of vibration frequency in SLGSs with random ripples is mainly dominated by the variable mass. Increasing of vibration frequency in continuously rippled SLGSs is highly warranted by the strain energy. A phase diagram which shows the relationship between different factors causing ripples on SLGS and frequency shift can be obtained. Finally, a novel nano device concept can be proposed based on frequency ascension, quality factors and bandwidth. The results obtained in this paper can provide a fundamental understanding of tunable vibration frequency in atomically thin materials and an insight for the next generation nano resonant devices design. 20190506-热烈祝贺刘远鹏通过博士论文预答辩,王亚飞、郭佳铭通过博士开题答辩。 名称 20190125-热烈祝贺文章Intrinsic edge warping of graphene nanoribbon boost molecular directional motion: toward the novel nanodevices(王亚飞)被PLA录用 名称 https://authors.elsevier.com/tracking/article/details.do?aid=25536&jid=PLA&surname=Wang about Physics Letters A https://www.journals.elsevier.com/physics-letters-a 20190103-热烈祝贺刘远鹏入选第一届优秀博士研究生预留师资博士后 名称 http://hitgs.hit.edu.cn/2019/0103/c3330a220159/pagem.htm?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0 20181219-热烈祝贺文章Graphene kirigami as reinforcement and interfacial bonding effect for toughness and strength of silicon-based nanocomposites(王亚飞)被CMS录用 名称 journal website https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2018.12.034 ABSTRACT:This paper studies the toughness, strength and interfacial bonding effect of graphene kirigami silicon-based nanocomposite (GKSN) using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The GKSN model is proposed based on a hybrid potential. It is found that the toughness and maximum strength of GKSN are related to the number of interior cuts and density of kirigami patterns for graphene kirigami. Mechanical response of GKSN has four typical stages, including initial wrinkling, linear increasing, ratcheting and failure. Locking effect can significantly enhance the toughness and maximum strength of GKSN with some rare expectations. With increasing interfacial bonding strength of GKSN, toughness and maximum strength increase steadily. Finally, two novel nanocomposites based on graphene kirigami can be designed. The obtained results in this paper can provide a fundamental understanding of the maximum strength and an insight for enhancing the toughness of graphene kirigami nanocomposite. The proposed mechanisms may have general significances for the design of the next generation “super-tough” and “super-strong” nanocomposites. 20181105-热烈祝贺文章Dimensional variation of reconfigurable serpentine graphene nanoribbon under tension(王亚飞)被JAP录用 名称 journal website https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5050458 ABSTRACT: In this paper, we resort to single-layer graphene nanoribbon (GN) and atomistic simulation to explore the dimensional variation of serpentine graphene. A tensile model of serpentine GN is established, and its topology responses are investigated with some counterintuitive expectations. A laser scanning experiment on the serpentine sheet of paper is performed and compared, which can indirectly reflect the reduced-dimensionality tendency of serpentine GN in tension. As a result, serpentine GN provides a dynamic route of transforming lateral and longitudinal dimensions. Our obtained results can be used to the thermal, electric, or magnetic controlling in future applications. 20180917-热烈祝贺在2017级硕士开题答辩中,向书毅综合考评成绩排名第一,获一等奖学金;王珂获二等奖学金。 名称 20180829-热烈祝贺文章Cavitation in inhomogeneous soft solids(康敬天)在Soft Matter发表 名称 journal website http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/sm/c8sm01464g/unauth#!divAbstract http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C8SM01464G ABSTRACT: A tiny spherical cavity expands in a homogenous neo-Hookean solid when subjected to an externally applied hydrostatic tension. If the applied tension reaches 2.5 times of the shear modulus of the solid, the cavity expands unboundedly. Such phenomenon is usually referred as cavitation in soft solids. In the previous studies, the soft solid is often assumed to have homogeneous mechanical properties. In this article, we study cavity expansion in inhomogeneous soft solids through analytical formulation and finite element simulation. We find that cavitation in an inhomogeneous soft solid can be greatly different from that in homogenous one. In particular, we show that the relationship between the applied hydrostatic tension and the cavity size can be either monotonic or non-monotonic, depending on the geometry and material properties of the soft solid. We hope the results obtained in this article will be helpful to understand cavitation phenomenon in complex soft materials. 20180810-热烈祝贺文章“Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate~(刘远鹏)”在JMPS发表 名称 Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2018.08.006 Abstract Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in consumer electronics, electric cars and large-scale energy storage systems are often susceptible to capacity fading due to mechanical degradation of the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer on the electrodes. Here we present an analytical model to describe SEI wrinkling and ratcheting behaviors during cyclic lithiation and delithiation of LIBs. The SEI-electrode system is modeled as a bilayer structure consisting of a thin film resting on a plastic substrate. Surface instability is found in such a system under cyclic plastic deformation induced by lithiation and delithiation. A linear perturbation analysis is performed to determine the critical wrinkling strain and wavenumber. The interfacial shear traction induced by surface wrinkling can further lead to plastic ratcheting, and the wrinkling amplitude increases with each lithiation/delithiation cycle. A phase diagram is plotted to characterize and predict different system behaviors, e.g., elastic, elastic wrinkling, shakedown without wrinkling, shakedown with wrinkling, and ratcheting. A series of finite element simulations are performed to validate the theoretical predictions. The analysis suggests that the mechanical instabilities of the SEI, including wrinkling and ratcheting, can be prevented by several strategies, such as introducing an artificial SEI with a sufficiently large stiffness and thickness, and/or with a tensile pre-stress in the SEI. 20180702-热烈祝贺文章Buckling analysis of an inflated arch including wrinkling based on Pseudo Curved Beam model(薛智明)在TWS发表 名称 journal website https://www.elsevier.com/journals/thin-walled-structures/0263-8231#description https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2018.06.044 20180516-热烈祝贺张则依,尹悦,张佳伟,获得哈工大2018届优秀毕业生称号! 名称 ps:2018届,我的本硕全部学生都获得了优秀毕业生称号,真的很好! 20180508-热烈祝贺文章Rigid-flexible contatc analysis of an inflated membrane balloon with various contatc conditions(刘猛雄)被IJSS录用并在线发表 名称 scope of IJSS: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-solids-and-structures/ Paper is published on line. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.05.004 ABSTRACT: Considering the Mooney–Rivlin hyperelastic model, a semi-analytical approach is introduced to analyze the rigid–flexible contact behaviors of an inflated membrane balloon between two plates with various interface conditions. This approach is based on the differential formulation and the coupling property of equilibrium equations are well-solved. In order to verify the reliability of the proposed theoretical model, an experimental test is designed, by which some important contact characteristics and patterns (no-slip condition) are obtained. Two special phenomena are observed for the meridian stretch ratio with different friction coefficients. One is that the intersection points of all curves fall in a small interval and the intersection of any two curves represents the same changing rate of the horizontal ordinate, resulting in the maximum difference. The other is the dividing point, where the stretch ratio decreases on the left of it and increases on the right due to the introduction of friction. Under the same contact angle, the larger displacement load should be applied to the balloon for the small friction coefficient condition, resulting in the smaller contact area and internal pressure. In addition, the vulnerable position, direction and contact condition of the balloon are found during the contact process, which happen in the center along the circumferential direction under no-slip condition. These results provide solid guidance and support for our understanding of the rigid-flexible contact behaviors of an inflated membrane balloon. 20180310-热烈祝贺文章“Elastoplastic folding behavior of membrane ribbon based on plane strain beam theory”(夏振猛)在IJSS发表 名称 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.03.004 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020768318300969 This paper studies the folding mechanical behaviors of Z-fold membrane ribbon. An elastoplastic folding model is proposed based on the plane strain beam theory, in which a power-law hardening material relation is considered. The folding mechanical characteristics, such as folding force, folding space and shape, are obtained by using the proposed model. The folding experiments and simulations are conducted and the results from experiments and simulations are compared to verify the proposed model. The results in this paper are helpful for the deep understanding of the elastoplastic folding behavior, and the obtained critical folding force or space can be used to guide the crease-free design during the folding. 20170424-热烈祝贺文章“Growth from buckling to buckling-driven delamination in a film/substrate system with finite thickness”(刘远鹏)在Comp Struct在线发表 名称 journal scope https://www.journals.elsevier.com/composite-structures/ abstract Compressing a stiff film bonded to a compliant substrate with finite thickness can lead to various instabilities, including global buckling, local wrinkling, delamination or their concomitant buckling. This paper proposed an analytical model, which integrates global and local interactive effects due to the finite thickness, to reveal the growth from buckling to buckling-driven delamination. The resulting governing non-linear equations (non-autonomous fourth-order ordinary differential nonlinear equations with integral conditions) are then solved by introducing a continuation algorithm, which offers considerable advantages to detect multiple bifurcations and trace a complex post-buckling path. The critical conditions for global buckling, local wrinkling and buckling-driven delamination are carefully studied. Two different growth processes from destabilization to restabilization (snap-back) are captured in the post-buckling range. Moreover, it is found that the interface toughness and the pre-existing delamination crack length dominates the critical strain for the onset of buckling-driven delamination, and further decide the initial instability mode. Finally, two phase diagrams are plotted to predict both initial and advanced instability modes in such a bilayer system. The phase diagrams can be used to guide the design of film/substrate systems to achieve desired modes of instabilities. avaliable online http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263822317302179 20161126-热烈祝贺文章“Bending wrinkling and kink behaviors of inflated beam under local uniform loadings”(刘猛雄)在IJMS发表 名称 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020740316309195 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences SCOPES http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-mechanical-sciences/ Abstract In this paper, analysis of the wrinkling and kink characteristics of the inflated beam under local uniform loadings is presented. Firstly the thin-walled beam modal, which is filled with uniform internal pressure, is established. Next the local uniform loads are applied on the beam. This introduces the load geometric parameters to the equations to predict the wrinkling characteristics. Then the kink, which is similar to a plastic hinge, is assumed to describe the invalid state of the inflated beam for the first time. In order to verify the assumptions of the kink and the theoretical predictions of the wrinkling and kink characteristics, the non-contact experimental tests are performed. Moreover, the theoretical and experimental results, which include the initial wrinkling and kink positions, the critical wrinkling and kink loads, the wrinkling strain, the length of the wrinkled region and the kink angle, are compared. The differences according to these comparisons are less than 10%, which means that the predicted results are reliable. In addition, the local uniform load position and its length as well as the edge shape and the middle cylinder length of the inflated beam can make great effects on the wrinkling and kink characteristics. These obtained results provide a new insight into the wrinkling and kink behaviors of the inflated beam and give good guidance for designing the inflated structures. 20161113-热烈祝贺文章“Buckling induced delamination and microflow analysis of film/substrate system”(康敬天)在Composite Structures发表 名称 journal scopes http://www.journals.elsevier.com/composite-structures/ published online http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.11.045 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263822316311552 Abstract When subjected to uniformly compression, the film/substrate system will present buckling instability. With an appropriate size of pre-exiting interfacial imperfection, there will be local buckling delamination which will result in a buckling delamination induced microchannel. This microchannel has exhibited a potential application of directing and manipulating fluid flow. In this paper, we explore the on-off, evolution and failure process of the buckling delamination induced microchannel with both analytical and finite element method and investigate the flow behavior within this microchannel. We present the analytical solution to determine the critical strain for different film/substrate systems. The linear buckling analysis has been utilized to predict the buckling modes. The characteristics and configuration of the induced microchannel for different compressive strain have been investigated using nonlinear buckling analysis. The Lattice Boltzmann method has been used to study the microflow behavior within the microchannel. The theoretical and numerical buckling delamination analysis, together with the microflow analysis within the microchannel, will lay a foundation to design a flexible microvalve to regulate fluid flow where the use of traditional rigid microvalve is improper in flexible microfluidic device. 20161110-热烈祝贺 刘远鹏,康敬天,刘猛雄,三人获得研究生国家奖学金! 名称 20161014-热烈祝贺文章“Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate system”(刘远鹏)在 IJSS在线发表 名称 IJSS SCOPES http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-solids-and-structures/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020768316302979 ABSTRACT This paper elucidates the global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film resting on a compliant substrate under uniaxial compression. The resulting governing non-linear equations (non-autonomous fourth-order ordinary differential nonlinear equations with integral conditions) are then solved by introducing a continuation algorithm, which offers considerable advantages to detect multiple bifurcations and trace a complex post-buckling path. The critical conditions for local and global buckling and respective post-buckling equilibrium paths are carefully studied. Two different evolution mechanisms of buckling modes and processes from destabilization to restabilization (snap-back) are observed beyond the onset of the primary sinusoidal wrinkling mode in the post-buckling range. In addition, the shear modulus of an orthotropic substrate acts as a dominant role in the bifurcation portrait. Our results offer better understanding of the global and local buckling behaviors of such a bilayer system, and can open up new opportunities for the design and applications of novel nanoelectronics. 20160828-热烈祝贺文章“Buckling Delamination Induced Microchannel: Flow Regulation in Microfluidic Devices”在APL出版(康敬天) 名称 APL SCOPES http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/info/about Buckling Delamination Induced Microchannel: Flow Regulation in Microfluidic Devices The buckling delamination induced microchannel is employed to regulate fluid flow as a microvalve which can be utilized in microfluidic device. This microvalve consists of a soft substrate and a stiff thin film, between which there is a pre-set small imperfection. Two critical strain values, namely on-off strain and failure strain, have been proposed to determine the working strain interval using analytical predictions. Within this interval, the cross-sectional area of the microchannel can be controlled and predicted by different compressive strain of the film/substrate system. The fluid flow rate within this microchannel can be then estimated by both analytical and numerical simulations and adjusted to satisfy different value by alternating the compressive strain. In addition, a demonstrative experiment has been taken to verified the feasibility of this approach. This flexible microvalve has potential in the application where the use of traditional rigid microvalve is improper in flexible microfluidic device. The method and approach of this paper can provide a general guide for flow rate control in microfluidic devices. 20160818-热烈祝贺文章"Wrinkling and collapse of mesh reinforced membrane inflated beam under bending"在Acta Astronautica出版(陶强) 名称 Acta Astronautica http://www.journals.elsevier.com/acta-astronautica/ 文章地址如下: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576516305112?np=y abstract A novel concept of mesh reinforced membrane (MRM) is proposed in this paper. The tensile collapse mechanism of MRM is elucidated based on three obvious deformed stages. An improved Shell-Membrane model is used to predict the wrinkling and collapse of MRM inflated beam which is verified by a non-contact experiment based on the digital image correlation technique. Further the wrinkling details including the wrinkling evolution, pattern, shape, stress distribution are simulated to evaluate the functions of MRM for loading-carrying capacity of inflated beam. Pressure resistant performance of inflated beam was studied at last. The results revealed that MRM shows a great improvement on the collapse moment of inflated beam. MRM contributes to restrain wrinkling evolution by changing the transfer path of loadings which results from dispersing stress distribution and changing wrinkling pattern. The results show good references to the wrinkling control and the improvement of load-carrying capacity of inflated beam. 20160805-热烈祝贺文章"The interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams"在Proceedings A发表(刘远鹏) 名称 Proceedings A全称,Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: mathematical, physical and engineering sciences. http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/ 文章链接: http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/472/2193/20160504.abstract The interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams A model is proposed based on a Fourier series method to analyse the interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams. The whole wrinkling evolution is tracked and divided into three stages by identifying the bifurcations of the equilibrium path. The critical wrinkling and failure moments of inflated beam are then able to be predicted. The global-local interactive buckling pattern is elucidated by the proposed theoretical model and also verified by non-contact experimental tests. The effects of geometric parameters, internal pressure and boundary conditions on the buckling of inflated beams are investigated in the end. Results reveal that the interactive buckling characteristics of inflated beam under bending are more sensitive to the dimensions of the structure and boundary conditions. We find that beams which are simply supported at both ends or clamped and simply supported boundary conditions may prevent the wrinkling formation. The results provide significant support for our understanding of the bending-wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams. 20160706-热烈祝贺薛智明和吉庆祥双双获得优秀硕士学位论文荣誉称号! 名称 祝贺! 继续努力! 希望在博士阶段取得更好的成绩! 20160623-热烈祝贺文章“An improved molecular structure mechanics method and its application for graphene wrinkling(夏振猛)”在IJES发表 名称 Int. J. Eng. Sci., 3.165 scope https://www.elsevier.com/journals/international-journal-of-engineering-science/0020-7225#description 文章地址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020722516302853 20160527-热烈欢迎美国RICE大学Boris Yakobson教授来华学术交流与访问。 名称 seminar由王长国教授主持,Boris教授作了题为Predictive theoretical modeling of materials and nanostructures的系列报告, 期间,王长国教授介绍了其在membrane wrinkling方面的研究成果,特别感谢航天学院甄玉宝教授、材料学院徐成彦教授和土木学院的钟晶老师的报告和讨论。 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2016/05-26/2865238150RL0.htm Yakobson教授1982年毕业于俄罗斯科学院,获得物理和应用数学博士学位。1990-1999年到美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学做访问教授,2001年至今任美国莱斯大学Hasselmann基金特聘教授、材料科学与纳米工程教授及化学教授。Yakobson教授长期从事纳米材料理论研究和计算机模拟、低维材料的制备、合成以及性能研究。目前已发表学术论文250余篇,在纳米材料领域具有广泛影响,并获得多项重要奖励,包括Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Award, Nano 50 Innovator Award from Nanotech Briefs (Boston), Royal Society (London) Professorship Award, Department of Energy R & D Award, NASA Faculty Award等。 p.s.:特别感谢清华大学徐志平教授提供的支持。 20160220-祝贺文章“Post-wrinkling analysis of a torsionally sheared annular thin film by using a compound series method”在IJMS发表(刘远鹏) 名称 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences scope http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-mechanical-sciences/paper http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020740316000709 20160214-祝贺文章“Buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes under bending: from ripple to kink”在Carbon发表(刘远鹏) 名称 Carbon scope http://www.journals.elsevier.com/carbon/ Buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes under bending: from ripple to kink http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0008622316301348 20140619,Iowa State University, Wei Hong(洪伟)教授来访和交流 名称 交流议题和范围:薄膜的褶皱问题; 上午Wei Hong教授参观了实验室,并开展了有关薄膜褶皱问题的交流。 Wei Hong教授的个人主页 http://www.public.iastate.edu/~whong/homepage.html 期待后续的深入广泛的交流和合作。 20141008-参加IAC2014会议及访问曼尼托巴大学 名称 20140928-20141003王长国和夏振猛参加了于加拿大多伦多召开的IAC2014会议,会上作了关于展开结构相关的presentations,会议期间同加拿大约克大学的Jinjun Shan教授进行了深入交谈。会后,前往曼尼托巴大学参观访问了Quan Wang教授的研究室,Nan Wu老师介绍了研究室的研究方向。这是一次愉快和颇多收获的访问,感谢Quan Wang教授和Nan Wu老师的接待和安排。 Quan Wang教授的主页: http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/engineering/departments/mechanical/staff/profiles/qwang.html Recent news 名称 2017.03:欢迎博士生王亚飞加入; 2016.9:欢迎张则依硕士加入; 2016.7:薛智明和吉庆祥顺利通过硕士答辩,并双双获得优秀硕士学位论文。张则依顺利通过本科答辩。 2016.4:张则依通过本科中期检查; 2016.2:刘远鹏paper发表于PE; 2016.1:王长国等参加第88次中国力学会青年沙龙;王长国等参与筹备和成立哈工大航天学院与航天一院702所“航天飞行器工程与力学”联合实验室 2016.1:张则依通过本科开题答辩; 2015.10:刘远鹏paper发表于JSV;康敬天paper发表于IJMS; 2015.10:薛智明和吉庆祥顺利通过直博推荐考核; 2015.9:刘远鹏和康敬天以优异成绩顺利通过博士第一学年综合考评; 2015.8:张则依取得保研资格,正式进入课题组; 2015.7:张锦莱和赵字会顺利通过硕士答辩,取得硕士学位;刘猛雄顺利通过本科毕业答辩;夏振猛和陶强顺利通过博士开题答辩; 2015.5:康敬天paper发表于PCCP; 2015.5:王长国等前往国防科大临空所调研和交流; 2014.10:康敬天paper发表于IJMS;夏振猛顺利通过博士第一学年考评; 2014.9:夏振猛paper发表于AIAA J; 2014.7:兰澜获得博士学位;刘远鹏硕士论文获得金奖; 2014.6:兰澜paper发表于AMS; 2014.6:兰澜通过博士学位论文答辩;刘远鹏、康敬天通过硕士学位论文答辩;龚芃通过本科毕业答辩。 2014.5:兰澜和刘远鹏获得优秀毕业生称号; 2014.4:刘远鹏paper发表于Nanoscale; 2014.3:陶强顺利通过博士第一学年考评;刘远鹏和康敬天顺利通过硕士中期检查;龚芃顺利通过本课开题; 2014.2:刘远鹏paper发表于Rsc Adv.; 2013.11:龚芃获得黑龙江省第二届“知识产权杯”高校科技创新竞赛一等奖; 2013.11:刘远鹏获得国家研究生奖学金; 2013.10:兰澜paper发表于Physica E; 2013.7:兰澜、刘远鹏paper发表于RSC Adv.; 2013.7:兰澜paper发表于IJMS; 2013.6:刘远鹏获得研究生特等奖学金; 2013.5:龚芃获得大学生科技创新国家级二等奖; 2013.5:兰澜、刘远鹏paper发表于CMS; 2013.3:刘远鹏paper发表于Nanoscale; 2013.2:兰澜paper发表于IJSS; 2012.12:兰澜paper发表于PCCP; 2012.12:谢军硕士学位论文荣获第八届黑龙江省优秀硕士学位论文; Research interests(研究方向) 名称 Prof. Wang's major research interests are focused on the instability mechanics of flexible structures and its applications on the aerospace spacecraft and aircrafts, new energy resources, robots and so on. Some methods including the finite difference method, the continue bifurcation method, the phasefield method, the mechaine learning method are used in our theoretical studies. Three research directions are classified as (1) instability and shape maintenance of inflated tensegrity. The theoritical studies are focused on the wrinkling bifurcation, kinking instability and post-wrinkling vibration. The applicatons are concerned on the gossamer/inflatable aerospace aircraft, the near space light-than-air aircraft/aerostat, inflated robots etc. (2) buckling and control of Ori/Kiri structures. The theoritical interests are laied on the folding snap instability of curved surface, twin instabilty and the deployment dynamics. The applicatons are concentrated on the metamaterials, the nanoscale devices, the deployment of large-scale flexible aerospace spacecraft, etc. (3) failure and control of soft strcutures. The theoritical concerns are on the racheting instabiligy, dendrite instability, cavitation instabiligy, multiphase coupled instability, failure of delamination and fracture. The applications are interested in the safety of lithium battery and soft robots etc. 近年来,主要围绕柔性体失稳力学及其在航空航天、新能源和机器人等领域的应用开展研究。 采用有限差分、连续分岔、相场法和机器学习等方法,开展如下方向的理论研究。 主要研究方向包括: (1)充气张力体的失稳与保形(航空航天轻量化) 理论:分岔及kink失稳及屈后振动;应用:薄膜航天器、临近空间浮空器及充气机器人等; (相关论文:IJSS,2018,2013,2009,2007; IJMS,2017:120,2017:126,2016,2015,2013; PRSA-MP,2016; JSV,2016; AIAA J,2020,2019,2015; CJA,2020) (2)折剪纸结构的屈曲与调控(多功能材料与结构) 理论:曲面弯折snap失稳及孪生失稳、折叠展开动力学;应用:力学及功能超材料,纳米器件、大型空间结构的折叠展开与控制等; (相关论文:IJSS,2020,2018; IJES,2016; IJMS,2020; CARBON,2016; CPB-E,2018) (3)软质结构的失效与控制(新能源材料与器件) 理论:棘轮失稳、枝晶失稳、空穴失稳、多场耦合失稳、分层与断裂;应用:锂电池安全性与仿生软体机器人等; (相关论文:JMPS,2019; IJSS,2016; SM,2017,2018; CS,2017:161,2017:174; APL,2016) Projects(科研项目) 名称 作为项目负责人承担过国家重大科技专项和国家自然科学基金等项目。其中,承担的国家自然科学基金项目如下: 2022-2025,薄膜/多相塑性基底的挤胀断裂行为研究,12172102,国家自然科学基金面上,主持; 2019-2022,弹塑性层合膜结构的屈诱多态失稳力学行为研究,11872160,国家自然科学基金面上,主持; 2016-2019,柔性网增强充气梁的弯皱耦联行为研究,11572099,国家自然科学基金面上,主持; 2012-2015,充气膜承力结构整体屈曲与局部皱曲行为研究,11172079,国家自然科学基金面上,主持; 2010-2012,薄膜褶皱及二次皱曲行为数值分析和模拟研究,10902027,国家自然科学基金青年,主持; Courses(讲授课程) 名称 Undergraduate courses Mechanics of Deformable Solid (Elastic and Plastic Mechanics) (Autumn course). Mechanics of Composite Materials (Spring course). Flexible Materials and Structures (Autumn course). Graduate courses Mechanics of Composite Materials and structures (Master) Advanced Composite Structures (Doctor) High Temperature Solid Mechnics (Doctor) 正在讲授的课程: 《变形体力学I》,本科生课程(黑龙江省“线下一流”课程202001/省精品课程,航天学院重点建设的优秀课程),变形体力学I在一流本科教学中的改革探讨,SJGY20190173,省教改项目2019-2021; 《复合材料力学》,本科生课程(航天学院重点建设的优秀课程),教材选用:孟松鹤,王长国等,《复合材料及其结构力学》,202210,ISBN 978-7-03-072305-5. 科学出版社. 《先进复合材料与结构》,博士研究生课程 曾讲授过的课程: 《柔性复合材料与结构》,本科生课程 《复合材料结构及其力学》,硕士研究生课程 《高温固体力学》,博士研究生课程 Projects(教改项目) 名称 《复合材料专业校内外实习基地建设的研究与实践》. 省科技厅“黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目”. (JG2012010177). 李金平, 韩杰才, 孟松鹤,张宇民, 王长国. 2012-2014. 《研究生实践教学的研究》. 校“研究生教学改革项目”. 王荣国, 李金平, 孙跃, 王长国, 梁媛媛. 2010-2012. 《变形体力学I在一流本科教学中的改革探讨》,SJGY20190173,省教改项目,2019-2021; 《新能源技术融合创新创业促进大学生就业创业和科技成果转化模式研究》(刘远鹏、王长国、何伟东、解维华、李金平)SJGY20220013;2023-2024 发表的主要研究论文 名称 主编/参编专著与教材: 王长国(主编)等,《飞行器薄膜结构屈曲稳定性》,202204, ISBN 978-7-5603-7600-4. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 王长国(主编)等,《空间薄膜结构的皱曲、弯折与振动》,202006, ISBN 978-7-5603-7648-6. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社. 侯中喜(组长),王长国(编写组成员)等,《平流层飞艇技术》,2020,ISBN 978-7-03-062622-6. 科学出版社. 孟松鹤,王长国等,《复合材料及其结构力学》,202210,ISBN 978-7-03-072305-5. 科学出版社. The selected papers. Z.M.Xue, G.B.Chen, C.G.Wang*, R.Huang*. Peeling and sliding of graphene nanoribbons with periodic van der Waals interactions. Journal of the Mechanics of Physics and Solids. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2021.104698 Y.P.Liu, K.Guo, C.G.Wang*, H.J.Gao*. Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries. Journal of the Mechanics of Physics and Solids. 2019,123:103-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2018.08.006 Y.P.Liu,K.Guo, C.G.Wang*, J.C.Han, H.J.Gao*. Concentration dependent properties and plastic deformation facilitate instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,198:99-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.04.013 Y.F.Wang and C.G.Wang*. Mechanics of Strain-limiting Wrinkled Kirigami for Flexible Devices: High Flexibility, Stretchability and Compressibility. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021, Accepted Z.M.Xue. C.G.Wang*, H.F.Tan. Articulated surface wrinkling of a patterned film with periodic stiffness distribution on a compliant substrate. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 200-201, 132-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.05.021 M. X. Liu, C. G. Wang*, X. D. Li, Rigid-flexible contact analysis of an inflated balloon with various contact conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 144-145: 218-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.05.004 Z. M. Xia, C. G. Wang*, H. F. Tan, Elastoplastic folding behavior of membrane ribbon based on plane strain beam theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018,143:167-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.03.004 Z. M. Xia, C. G. Wang*, H. F. Tan, Quasi-static unfolding mechanics of a creased membrane based on a finite deformation crease-beam model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,207:104-112. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan,Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate system. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 102-103: 176-185. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.10.006 Y.F.Wang, C.G.Wang. Buckling of Ultrastretchable Kirigami Metastructures for Mechanical Programmability and Energy Harvesting. International Journal of Solids and Structures,2021,213:93-102,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.12.018 C. G. Wang, L. Lan, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan.Vibration characteristics of wrinkled single-layered graphene sheets.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(10):1812-1823. C. G. Wang, X. W. Du, H. F. Tan, X. D. He,A New Computational Method for Wrinkling Analysis of Gossamer Space Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(6):1516-1526. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du and Z. M. Wan. Wrinkling Prediction of Rectangular Shell-Membrane under Transverse In-Plane Displacement. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44(20): 6507-6516. Y. F. Wang, C. G. Wang*, H. F. Tan. Geometry-dependent stretchability and stiffness of ribbon kirigami based on large curvature curved beam model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,182-183:236-253, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.08.007. T.Ma, Y.P.Liu, G.C.Lin, C.G.Wang, H.F.Tan, A finite element based coarse-grained model for cell-nanomaterial interactions by combining absolute nodal coordinate formula and Brownian dynamics. Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME. 2021,88(4):041002. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4049143. J.W.Zhang, X.H.Qiu, C.G.Wang, Y.P.Liu. A general theory and analytical solutions for post-buckling behaviors of thin sheet. Journal of Applied Mechanics ASME. 20220301 Accepted on line DOI: 10.1115/1.4053990 Z.M.Xue, C.G.Wang, et al., Controlled surface wrinkling as a novel strategy for the compressibility-tunable PZT film-based energy harvesting system. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021,42:101102. Y.P. Liu, C.G. Wang*, H. F. Tan. The interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams.P. Roy. Soc. A-Math. Phy. 2016, 472: 20160504. Ji Q, Xue Z, Zhang Z, Cui Z, Kadic M*, Wang C*. Interlayer torsional sliding and strain localization in bilayer graphene. P. Roy. Soc. A-Math. Phy. 2023, 479: 20220833. M.X.Liu, X.D.Li, C.G.Wang*, Lateral constrained wrinkling of the film/substrate system under interfacial sliding. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2022,217:107022 Q.Tao, C.G.Wang*, et al., Mixed-mode bending of a smart reconfigurable lattice structure with bi-directional corrugated core. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020,185:105848. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105848 J.T.Kang*, Y.Q.Xu, C.G.Wang*. Instability and stress analysis for cavitation in soft graded elastic solids. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020, 188: 105934. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105934. C.G.Wang,L.Lan, H.F.Tan. Mode jumping analysis of thin film secondary wrinkling. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015,104:138-146. C. G. Wang, L. Lan, H. F. Tan. Secondary Wrinkling Analysis of Rectangular Membrane under Shearing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2013,75:299-304. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, L. Lan, L. Li. H. F. Tan, Post-wrinkling analysis of a torsionally sheared annular thin film by using a compound series method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016,110:22-33. C.G.Wang, M. X. Liu, H. F. Tan. Bending wrinkling and kink behaviors of inflated beam under local uniform loadings. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017,120:136-148. Q.X.Ji, C.G.Wang*, H.F. Tan. Multi-scale wrinkling analysis of the inflated beam. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017(126):1-11. J.Zhang, L.M.Zhang, C.G.Wang. Reconfigurable helical antenna based on SMP Kresling origami pattern with spherical cap, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 227: 107470 H.F.Tan,J.T.Kang,and C.G.Wang*.Study on grooved wall flow under rarefied condition using Lattice Boltzmann Method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015,90:1-5. Y. F. Wang,C. G. Wang*, Effect of temperature difference on the mechanical responses of ribbon kirigami: Toward the highly stretchable conductors. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020,168:105301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.105301 C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, H. F. Tan. An improved molecular structure mechanics method and its application for graphene wrinkling. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2016, 106:168-178. C.G.Wang,Y.P.Liu,L.Lan and H.F.Tan.Free transverse vibration of a wrinkled annular thin film by using finite difference method.Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2016,363:272-284. J.T.Kang, C.G.Wang*, et al., Drying-induced pressure rise and fracture mechanics modeling of the sphagnum capsule. Accepted on line by International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2020 L. Lan, C. G. Wang* and H. F. Tan. Experiment and evaluation of wrinkling strain in a corner tensioned square membrane. Acta Mech.Sinica. 2014,30(3):430-436. C.G. Wang, M.X. Liu, H.F. Tan. Interactive buckling of inflated envelope under mechanical and thermal loads. Acta Mech. Sinica.. 2016. doi:10.1007/s10409-016-0615-x C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. D. He. Wrinkle-Crease Interaction Behavior Simulation of A Rectangular Membrane under Shearing. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2011,27(4): 550-558. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. W. Du. Pseudo-Beam Method for Compressive Buckling Characteristics Analysis of Space Inflatable Load-Carrying Structures. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2009, 25(5):659-668. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du and X. D. He. A New Model for Wrinkling and Collapse Analysis of Membrane Inflated Beam. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2010,26(4):617-623. C.G. Wang, M.X. Liu, H.F. Tan. Interactive buckling of an inflated envelope under mechanical and thermal loads.Acta Mech. Sinica., 2017, 33(1): 159-172. C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, and H. F. Tan. InitialShape Design and Stability Analysis of Rib for Inflatable Deployable Reflector. AIAA Journal. 2015,53(2):486-492. Q.Tao, C.G.Wang, H.F.Tan. Mixed Triangle Lattice Reinforced Membrane Antenna Reflector: Design and Analysis. AIAA Journal. 2020,58:1987-1900. Ji Zhang, Shuo Liu, Lamei Zhang, and Changguo Wang. Origami-Based Metasurfaces: Design and Radar Cross Section Reduction. AIAA Journal, 2020,58:5478-5482. doi: doi/abs/10.2514/1.J059547 K.Wang, C.G.Wang et al., Tensile-tearing analysis of rectangular thin film with central defect. AIAA Journal, 2021, 59:3781-3786. doi: doi/abs/10.2514/1.J060446 J.Zhang, W.X.Miao,L.M.Zhang,C.G.Wang. Kirigami-Based Stretchable Low-RCS Microstrip Antenna: Design and Analysis. AIAA Journal, 2022,60:1958-1964 Y. Z. Shen, G. C. Lin, C. G. Wang and H. F. Tan. Shape Adjustment of Flexible Rib for Large Deployable Reflector. AIAA Journal. 2019,58(3):1-4. doi: 10.2514/1.J058113. Guo, Jiaming; Qiu, Xinghan; Zhang, Zaoxu; Zhang, Lamei; Wang, Changguo, Inflated Pillow with Flexible Bistable Kink: Snap Design and Application. AIAA Journal, 20220620 Y.C.Zhang, X.H.Qiu, C.G.Wang. Design and Analysis of Large-Area Membrane Antenna Reflector for CubeSats, AIAA Journal, 20220606 https://doi.org/10.2514/1.J061954 Z.Y.Zhang, X.H. Qiu, L.M. Zhang, C.G. Wang. Bioinspired Smart Helical Antenna: Variable Configuration Design and Application. AIAA Journal, 20230506 J.M.Guo, X.H.Qiu, L.M.Zhang, C.G.Wang. Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Actuated by Inflated Triangular Beam: Design and Analysis. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, accepted 20220927 Y. C. Zhang, C. G. Wang*. Light weight optimization of the stratospheric airship envelope based on the reliability analysis. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2020,33(10):2670-2678. (highlight paper)https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/afPQb2B0uPGrDgXClQUVjA Ji Zhang, Changguo Wang, et al., Pressure-induced instability and its coupled aeroelasticity of inflated pillow. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2022,35(2):1-7 (highlight paper) (cover paper)https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LFxq_OTJ4QrSyUSsuE0URQ J.Zhang, C.G.Wang, L.M.Zhang. Deployment of SMP Miura-Ori sheet and its application: aerodynamic drag and RCS reduction. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. (highlight paper) 2022,35:121-131https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/HdwSbRVNnjBvJSC0btNNOQ W.Gao, J.Zhang, T.Ma, G.Lin, Y.Liu, C.Wang, H.Tan. A novel inflatable rings supported design and buoyancy-weight balance deformation analysis of stratosphere airships. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2022,35(1): 340-347 Q.X.Ji, C.G.Wang, et al., Selective Thermal Emission and Infrared Camouflage Based on Layered Media. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 202204 C. G. Wang, J. Xie, H. F. Tan.The Modal Analysis and Modal Behavior Investigations on the Wrinkled Membrane Inflated Beam. Acta Astronautica, 2012,81:660-666. Q. Tao, C. G. Wang*, Z. M. Xue, Z. M. Xie, H. F. Tan. Wrinkling and collapse of mesh reinforced membrane inflated beam under bending. Acta Astronautica. 2016,128: 551-559. J.M.Guo, C.G.Wang,Vibrational frequencies and modes of kinked inflatable beam. Thin-Walled Structures. 2022, 179: 109628 C. G. Wang, Z. Y. Du and H. F. Tan.Initial wrinkling and its evolution of membrane inflated cone in bending. Thin-walled structures, 2012,59:97-102. Z.M.Xue, C.G.Wang*, J.T.Kang, H.F.Tan. Buckling and wrinkling analysis of inflated arch based on Pseudo Curved Beam model. Thin-walled structures. 2018,131: 336-346. J.T.Kang, C.G. Wang*, Z.M.Xue, M.X.Liu, H.F.Tan, Buckling Delamination Induced Microchannel: Flow Regulation in Microfluidic Devices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2016,109:103503. Y.C.Zhang, Y.P.Liu, Q.Tao, C.G.Wang. Mesh/membrane composite with superior mechanical performance: A deep learning-based design. Composites Sciences Technology,20220910 accepted C.G.Wang, J.T.Kang, Z.M.Xue, H.F.Tan, Buckling induced delamination and microflow analysis of film/substrate system. Composite Structures. 2017,161:8-14. Y. P. Liu, C.G.Wang*, H .F. Tan. Growth from buckling to buckling-driven delamination in a film/substrate system with finite thickness. Composite Structures. 2017,174:292-300. J.Zhang, Y.S.Wang, L.M.Zhang, C.G.Wang. Flexible kirigami with local cylindrical shell design for stretchable microstrip antenna. Composite Structures, 2022,296:115879 C.G.Wang, Y.F.Wang, The mechanical design of a hybrid intellegent hinge with shape memory polymer and spring sheet. Compos. Part.B: Engineering. 2018,134:1-8. C. G. Wang and H. F .Tan. Experiment and numerical studies on wrinkling control of inflated beam using SMA wires. Smart Mater. Struct., 2010, 19(10):105019(9pages). J.T.Kang, S.X.Liu, C.G.Wang. Controllable Bistable Smart Composite Structures Driven by Liquid Crystal Elastomer.Smart Mater. Struct. 2022,31:015003 C.G.Wang,Y. P. Liu, J. Al-Ghalith, T. Dumitric?, M. K. Wadee, H .F. Tan. Buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes under bending: from ripple to kink, Carbon, 2016,102:224-235. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu. L. Lan, H. F. Tan. Graphene wrinkling: formation, evolution and collapse. Nanoscale, 2013, 5:4454-4461. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu. L. Li, H. F. Tan. Anisotropic thermal conductivity of graphene wrinkles. Nanoscale, 2014, 6:5703-5707. Z.Y.Zhang, Y.F.Wang, J.T.Kang, X.H.Qiu, C.G.Wang. Helical Micro-Swimmer: Hierarchical Tail Design and Propulsive Motility, Soft Matter. 2022, 18 (33) , pp.6148-6156. J.T. Kang, C.G. Wang*, H.F. Tan, Cavitation in inhomogeneous soft solids. Soft Matter, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C8SM01464G. J.T.Kang, C.G.Wang*, S.Q.Cai. Cavitation to Fracture Transition in a Soft Solid. Soft Matter. 2017,13:6372-6376. J.W.Zhang,Y.P.Liu,C.G.Wang,H.F.Tan. An electrochemical-mechanical phase field model for lithium dendrite. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2021 Accepted 王长国, 杜星文, 赫晓东. 空间充气薄膜结构的褶皱分析. 力学学报. 2008.(40)3:331-338. 王长国, 杜星文, 万志敏. 空间薄膜结构褶皱的数值模拟最新研究进展. 力学进展. 2007,37(3): 389-397. 杜星文, 王长国, 万志敏. 空间薄膜结构的褶皱研究进展. 力学进展. 2006,36(2):187-199. 王长国, 杜星文, 万志敏. 薄膜褶皱的非线性屈曲有限元分析. 计算力学学报. 2007,24(3):269-274. 王长国,卫剑征,刘宇艳,苗常青,林国昌,谢志民,王友善,杜星文,谭惠丰. 航天柔性展开结构技术及其应用研究进展. 宇航学报. 2020, 录用. Authorized invention patents 名称 授权发明专利列表 1. ZL201010235077.9, 通过修正奇异位移分量消除褶皱计算时刚度矩阵奇异性的方法, 排名第1. 王长国,谭惠丰,杜星文。申请日2010.07.23. 已公开,公开号CN101887492A,公开日2010.11.17. 授权日2012.05.30. 2. ZL201310572194.8, 薄膜拉剪耦合实验测试装置. 排名第1. 王长国, 兰澜, 张锦莱, 夏振猛, 陶强, 刘远鹏, 谭惠丰, 李云良. 申请日2013.11.15. 授权日2016.01.27. 3. ZL201210257425.1, 高精度充气膜结构设计方法. 排名第1. 王长国,崔宇佳,张磊,刘远鹏,谭惠丰。申请日2012.7.24.授权日2014.06.11. 4. ZL201210220314.3, 一种用于控制充气结构构型混编预张力索网的方法. 排名第1.王长国,张磊,刘远鹏,兰澜,谭惠丰。申请日2012.6.29. 授权日2014.01.22. 5. ZL201210187102.X. 一种用于超薄柔性膜材拉伸性能测试用的夹具. 排名第1. 王长国, 张磊, 刘远鹏, 兰澜, 谭惠丰. 申请日2012.06.08. 授权日2013.10.14. 6. ZL200810064518.6. 一种可刚化充气展开径向肋支撑式偏馈抛物面天线. 排名第1. 王长国,杜星文,谭惠丰,谢志民,苗常青,王友善。 申请日2008.05.16, 公开号CN101276961A.公开日2008.10.1. 授权日2012.08.15. 7. ZL201310667740.6. 一种可展开天线的带膜径向肋. 排名第1. 王长国, 谭惠丰, 兰澜, 夏振猛, 杜星文. 申请日2013.12.07. 授权日2016.02.17. 8. ZL201210479077.2, 充放气式气囊展卷装置. 排名第1. 王长国,周涛,刘远鹏,夏振猛,龚芃,谭惠丰;申请日2012.11.22. 授权日2014.02.07. 9. ZL201310707375.7. 一种可微调节间距的径向肋板及调节方法. 排名第1. 王长国, 谭惠丰, 兰澜, 夏振猛, 刘远鹏, 陶强. 申请日2013.12.20. 授权日2015.08.19. 10. ZL201310182550.5, 排阵式悬索控型刚柔混合式类翼伞柔性充气机翼无人机. 排名第1. 王长国,刘远鹏,龚芃,芦强强,油孝飞,谢超,谭惠丰;申请日2013.5.17. 授权日2015.12.02. 11. ZL201210478594.8, 一种落丝阵式可充气展开机翼. 排名第1. 王长国, 刘远鹏, 夏振猛, 龚芃, 谭惠丰;申请日2012.11.22. 授权日 2016.01.20. 12. ZL201510311216.4. 纵向支撑管与倾斜椭圆环贯通式连接组成的飞艇支撑结构. 王长国,薛智明,谭惠丰,刘远鹏,陶强,吉庆祥. 申请日2015.06.09. 授权日 2017.01.04. 13. ZL201510250708.7. 基于S型索网络约束的排环支撑式软式飞艇支撑结构. 王长国, 谭惠丰, 薛志明, 林国昌,卫剑征,刘远鹏. 申请日2015.5.18. 授权日2017.3.8 14. ZL201710257442.8.基于柱状充气囊的可重复柔性航天服关节加劲装置及其使用方法. 王长国,谭惠丰,王亚飞,康敬天。申请日2017.04.19. 授权日2019.07.26. 15. ZL201910662843.0. 一种由多稳态曲梁径向支撑的智能展开式天线反射面. 王长国,谭惠丰,张季,夏振猛,陶强。申请日2019.07.22. 授权日2020.10.02. 16. ZL201710329397.2. 一种肋网支撑可展开天线反射面及其设计方法. 王长国,谭惠丰,陶强,王亚飞,赵字会。申请日2017.05.11.授权日2020.11.24 17. ZL201910661835.4. 一种基于多稳态曲梁的空间智能伸缩输运结构. 王长国;张季;谭惠丰;陶强;王珂;向书毅。申请日:2019-07-22, 授权日2021-09-10 18. ZL201811593936.4一种分体式弱关联模块化浮空平台 -王长国;谭惠丰;王亚飞;邱星翰, 申请日:2018-12-25,授权日20220125 19. ZL201811593938.3一种恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元 -王长国;谭惠丰;王亚飞;邱星翰, 申请日:2018-12-25,授权日20220125 20. ZL201910662844.5,一种基于形状记忆聚合物的零泊松比多稳态伸展臂. 王长国;谭惠丰;张季;陶强;夏振猛,申请日2019.07.22. 授权日20220218 21. ZL201910661773.7,一种由多稳态曲梁智能驱动展开的太阳帆. 王长国;谭惠丰;张季;陶强;夏振猛,申请日2019.07.22. 授权日20220301 22. ZL201910913821.7,一种基于调和边界下的充气管弯折的计算方法。王长国,郭佳铭,谭惠丰。申请日2019.09.25. 授权日20220916. 23. ZL201310047872.9, 编织充气薄膜曲面限位网的模具及方法. 谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,卫剑征,谢志民,苗常青;申请日2013.2.7. 授权日2014.07.09 24 .ZL201310565499.6, 径向肋充气展开天线的径向肋定位装置.谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,兰澜,卫剑征,苗常青,谢志民,王友善,刘宇艳,赵树林;申请日2013.11.14. 授权日2015.05.06 25. ZL201310038554.6, 一种航天器用充气式径向肋天线尾杆连接件.谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,卫剑征,谢志民,苗常青;申请日2013.1.31. 授权日2014.12.03 26. ZL201310106230.1, 一种径向可展开肋板机构的展开装置.谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,卫剑征,谢志民,苗常青,赵树林;申请日2013.3.29. 授权日2014.12.10 27. ZL201310213705.7,一种用于径向肋板展开和收起的装置和方法,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;谢志民;苗常青;刘宇艳;赵树林, 申请日2013.5.31. 授权日2015. 2.18 28. ZL201310213702.3, 一种用于制造径向展开肋板机构的方法,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;谢志民;苗常青;刘宇艳;赵树林,2013.05.31. 授权日2015.9.9 29. ZL201310474616.8,非硬式平流层飞艇自由伸缩装置,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;苗常青;谢志民;刘宇艳;赵树林,2013.10.14.授权日2015.07.08 30. ZL201310303691.8,大口径充气经向肋天线检测装置,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;苗常青;谢志民;刘宇艳;赵树林, 2013.07.19.授权日2016.3.16. 31. ZL201210334165.3, 充气环结构多点向心加载试验装置.林国昌,谭惠丰,王长国,卫剑征,马腾. 申请日 2012.09.12. 授权日2014.10.15 32. ZL201310583342.6, 一种基于渐变厚度弹性板的星载抛物面反射天线的抛物面及其成形方法,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国,卫剑征,康敬天,杨留义. 申请日2013.11.20. 授权日2015.3.11 33. ZL201310696325.3. 基于压弯成型的抛物柱面天线反射面及其实现抛物柱面的方法.谭惠丰,杨留义,王长国,康敬天,马瑞强.. 申请日:2013-12-18. 授权日2015-06-17. 34. ZL201310584659.1, 一种柔性抛物形天线的增强骨架,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国,卫剑征,康敬天,杨留义. 申请日2013.11.20. 授权日2015.07.15 35. ZL201310583225.X, 一种带增强骨架的柔性抛物面星载天线,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国,卫剑征,康敬天,杨留义. 申请日2013.11.20. 授权日2015.07.15 36. ZL201510424078.0用于空间充气展开天线地面测试的三轴加速传感器固定装置, 谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;赵树林. 申请日:2015-07-20, 授权日2017.11.07 37. ZL201310568378.7 一种用于高温热合机工作台的表面覆膜吸附固定装置.谭惠丰;兰澜;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;苗常青;谢志民;刘宇艳;赵树林. 申请日20131115.授权日2016.3.16. 38. ZL201310087915.6, 一种由形状记忆合金和压电纤维复合材料组合驱动的可变后缘机翼.李承泽,尹维龙,王长国,李建军. 申请日2013.3.19. 授权日2015.1.7 39. ZL201310196729.6, 基于MFC的自适应后缘结构的控制装置.李承泽,尹维龙,王长国,董中杰,姚永涛. 申请日2013.5.24.授权日2015-05-06 40. ZL201710275483.X. 模块化平流层浮空岛. 谭惠丰,连尹,王长国,应鹏华。申请日2017.04.25. 授权日2019.06.04. 41. ZL200810137379.5, 一种折叠充气展开式太阳能电池帆板同步展开机构.谭惠丰,杜振勇,苗常青,王长国,林国昌,王超。申请日2008.10.24, 公开号CN 101383568.授权公告号 CN 101383568 B, 授权日2011.01.26. 42. ZL201110095479.8, 碳纤维基准尺固定装置,林国昌,谭惠丰,赵树林,王长国,卫剑征. 2011.4.15. 申请日20110415. 公开号CN102230565A. 公开日20111102. 授权日20120919. 43. ZL201310194582.7,一种用于DIC测量的双相机系统的标定板及其标定方法.林国昌;岳鹏阳;谭惠丰;王长国;卫剑征;申请日2013.05.23. 授权日20150909 44. ZL201110120793.7, 一种用于充气卫星的体装式抛物面天线, 苗常青,董昊,卫剑征,王长国,王友善,杜星文. 申请日2011.5.11. 公开号CN102280716A. 公开日20111214. 授权日20131016. 45. ZL201410071233.0,一种充气展开抛物柱面天线反射面,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140301. 授权日2016.02.24. 46. ZL201410082330.X,径向肋天线肋板及肋板与中心鼓的连接方法, 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140307. 授权日2016.01.20. 47. ZL201410173379.6,充气支撑管与铰链混合支撑展开星载抛物柱面天线,林国昌;谭惠丰;卫剑征;王长国. 20140428. 授权日2016.02.24. 48. ZL201310133265.4,一种可重复使用的变直径充气管密封端头盖.林国昌;岳鹏阳;谭惠丰;王长国;卫剑征. 申请日2013.04.17. 授权日2014年10月8日 49. ZL201210466973.5,直管逼近圆环(拱)的掐褶方法.林国昌;兰澜;谭惠丰;王长国;卫剑征申请日2012.11.19. 授权日2015-01-21 50. ZL201410003816.X, 一种连接充气环用复式搭扣. 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140103.授权日2015.07.15 51. ZL201310619011.3, 一种径向肋天线的肋板尾端与桅杆连接方法. 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;赵树林;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民. 20131129. 授权日2015.08.19 52. ZL201410054473.X, 用于径向肋天线卷曲折叠定位桅杆的装置. 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140218.授权日20151118 53. ZL201410054488.6, 空间充气控制展开支撑臂卷曲折叠模具.谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140218. 授权日2015.08.5 54. ZL201410147513.5,充气展开径向肋天线的充气环与肋板连接时固定充气环的装置,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140414.授权日2015.12.30 55. ZL201410101681.0,大口径径向肋天线肋板的安装检测装置, 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140319. 授权日2016.04.27 56. ZL201510228403.6,用于星载充气展开支撑环外皮接缝的压平装置,谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;于林;王东梅;赵树林. 20150507,授权日20170125 57. ZL201210168800.5, 飞艇蒙皮用TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的热压印制备方法,刘宇艳, 刘少柱, 刘羽熙, 王长国, 谭惠丰, 马涛. 申请日2012.09.19. 2014-04-09授权 58. ZL201210168736.0, 飞艇蒙皮用具有减阻微沟槽结构的PU或TPU薄膜,谭惠丰, 刘宇艳, 刘少柱, 王长国, 邢麒麟, 刘羽熙. 申请日2012.09.19. 授权日2014.10.15 59. ZL201210168749.8, 飞艇蒙皮用镀AL型TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的热压印制备方法,刘宇艳, 谭惠丰, 刘少柱, 王长国, 刘羽熙, 马涛. 申请日2012.09.19. 授权日2014.09.03 60. ZL201510012769.X. 大型空间充气球万向检测底座.谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;赵树林. 20150112, 授权日2016.01.06. 61. ZL201310713547.1. 一种径向肋充气展开天线用桅杆.谭惠丰; 林国昌; 卫剑征; 王长国; 兰澜;苗常青; 刘宇艳; 谢志民; 赵树林. 授权日2016.03.02. 62. ZL201410130083.6, 空间充气展开支撑臂内支撑条打磨装置,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140402.授权日2016.2.24. 63. ZL201410173364.X, 冰窟救生装置,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140428. 授权日2016.03.02. 64. ZL201510228403.6,用于星载充气展开支撑环外皮接缝的压平装置. 谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;于林;王东梅;赵树林. 20150507. 授权日2017.01.25. 65. ZL201510746423.2用于星载径向肋充气展开天线的充气支撑环. 谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;赵树林.申请日2015-11-06。授权日2017.09.22. 66. ZL201510424078.0,用于空间充气展开天线地面测试的三轴加速传感器固定装置,谭惠丰,卫剑征,林国昌,王长国,赵树林。申请日2015.07.20授权日2017.11.07. 67. ZL201510123588.4. 一种径向肋天线的肋板尾端与桅杆的连接模具. 谭惠丰,林国昌,卫剑征,王长国,赵树林,苗常青,刘宇艳,谢志民。申请日2013.11.29. 授权日2017.05.24. 68. ZL201710275483.X,模块化平流层浮空岛,谭惠丰;连尹;王长国;应鹏华; 申请日2017/4/25,授权日2019/6/4。 69. ZL201710100267.1,天基雷达可折叠展开天线反射面折展结构,谭惠丰;沈永正;卫剑征;王长国;董善亮。申请日2017/2/23。授权日2019/3/1。 70. ZL201210168746.4, 飞艇蒙皮用Al层涂覆型TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的热压印制备方法,刘宇艳, 谭惠丰, 刘少柱, 邢麒麟, 王长国, 刘羽熙. 申请日2012.09.19. 授权日2014.10.15 71. ZL201010288539.3, 快速可控充气释放机构,谭惠丰, 李云良, 周涛, 卫剑征, 王长国, 杜振勇. 申请日2010.09.21. 公开号CN102243038A. 公开日20111116. 授权日2013.11.06. 72. ZL201410120328.7,一种充气展开抛物柱面天线的卷曲折叠及充气展开结构,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;杨留义;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140328.授权日2016.01.06. 73. ZL201210570451.X,空间站用充气桌,谭惠丰, 李云良, 赵树林, 林国昌, 王长国, 王东海. 申请日2013.03.20. 授权日20141210. 74. ZL201710458310.1. 可展开的分叉式肋板高精度反射面. 卫剑征,丁海鑫,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国。申请日2017.06.16. 授权日2020.03.13. 75. ZL201210168779.9, 飞艇蒙皮用镀TiO2型PU或TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的制备方法,刘宇艳, 马涛, 刘少柱, 刘羽熙, 刘振国, 王长国, 谭惠丰.中国,. 申请日2012.09.12. 2014-06-11授权 76. ZL201210417576.9,太空飞行器快速充气展开薄膜支撑管, 谭惠丰,李云良,卫剑征,赵树林,林国昌,王长国. 申请日2012.10.26. 授权日2014.08.13 77. ZL201110171685.2, 一种双Ω形碳纤维复合材料充气伸展臂,卫剑征,谭惠丰,谢志民,刘宇艳,林国昌,王长国,余建新. 申请日2011.6.23. 授权日20141210. 78. ZL201310128537.1,一种测试K型复合材料接头强度的试验夹具,谭惠丰;罗锡林;林国昌;田振辉;卫剑征;王长国; 申请日2013.04.15.授权日20150422. 79. ZL201410848727.5。星载柱面天线反射面角度与位移解耦加载试验用基座。谭惠丰;杨留义;林国昌;沈永正;卫剑征;王长国。申请日20141231,授权日20160914. 80. ZL201210168760.4, 飞艇蒙皮用TiO2涂覆型PU或TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的制备方法,刘宇艳, 谭惠丰, 马涛, 刘振国, 刘羽熙, 刘少柱, 王长国. 申请日2012.09.19.授权日2014.3.21. 81. ZL201410849899.4。星载柱面天线反射面角度与位移独立加载实验装置。谭惠丰;沈永正;林国昌;杨留义;陈雪岩;卫剑征;王长国。申请日20141231,授权日20161005. Positions 名称 欢迎喜欢本课题组研究方向的力学、数学、复合材料和物理等相关专业学生报考研究生。 要求: 具有扎实的数学和相关专业基础,具备良好的英语基础,能够较熟练运用Matlab、ABAQUS/ANSYS/LsDyna/Isight/MS/LAMMPS等结构分析软件; 若具备一定的薄膜力学、表界面力学、复合材料、屈曲与断裂、振动、优化、跨尺度模拟与多尺度方法、软物质力学、机器学习、相场理论等研究经历的学生更佳。 攻读博士的同学,研究生阶段需要有发表SCI/EI文章的经历。 想要进入课题组攻读研究生的同学,请面谈或提供详尽的个人情况介绍。 本课题组每年招收博士生1-2名,硕士生1-2名。 Young Scientist Lab of HIT 名称 青年科学家工作室 http://www.hit.edu.cn/11569/list.htm 学术带头人: 王长国/教授 (国家级高层次领军人才) 核心成员: 刘远鹏/副教授,吉庆祥/助理教授,郭佳铭/博士后,张腊梅/副教授(兼) 骨干成员: 赵字会,张则依,张佳伟,王珂,邱星翰,张藻旭,张云策,张博文,王金良,李浩聪,肖祎科,李勃含 教师group: 姓名:刘远鹏 (副教授,硕士研究生导师) Email:liuyp@hit.edu.cn 研究方向:新能源材料与力学(薄膜、锂电、纳米等失稳与断裂) 代表性文章: 1. Y.P.Liu, K.Guo, C.G.Wang*, H.J.Gao*. Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries. J. Mech. Phys. Solids.,2018. 2. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan, Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate system. Int. J. Solids Struct., 2016,102-103:176-185. 3. Y.P. Liu, C.G. Wang, H. F. Tan. The interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams. Proc. R. Soc. A 2016,472: 20160504. 4. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, J. Al-Ghalith, T. Dumitric?, M. K. Wadee, H .F. Tan. Buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes under bending: from ripple to kink, Carbon. 2016,102:224-235. 发明专利: 1. ZL201310182550.5, 排阵式悬索控型刚柔混合式类翼伞柔性充气机翼无人机. 王长国, 刘远鹏,龚芃,芦强强,油孝飞,谢超,谭惠丰;申请日2013.5.17. 授权日20151202. 2. ZL20121018102.X. 一种用于超薄柔性膜材拉伸性能测试用的夹具. 王长国, 张磊, 刘远鹏, 兰澜, 谭惠丰. 申请日2012.06.08. 授权日2013.10.14. 3. ZL201210220314.3, 一种用于控制充气结构构型混编预张力索网的方法. 王长国,张磊,刘远鹏,兰澜,谭惠丰。申请日2012.6.29.授权日2013.12.03. CSC公派:美国布朗大学(Prof. H.J.Gao) 吉庆祥 助理教授 jiqx@hit.edu.cn 研究方向:功能薄膜与器件力学(超材料、柔性电子、软物质、器件); 郭佳铭 博士后 jmguo@hit.edu.cn 研究方向:空天薄膜材料与结构(薄膜飞行器,充气材料与结构,机器人等); 张腊梅 副教授 (博士生导师)(兼) lmzhang@hit.edu.cn 研究方向:多场耦合与智能算法(力电磁耦合行为、机器学习等) http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/zhanglm 研究生group: 姓名:赵字会 (博士研究生) Email:zhaozihui89@126.com 研究方向:微纳米力学 发表论文: Zhao Z H, Wang Y F, Wang C G. A theoretical study of wrinkle propagation in graphene with flower-like grain boundaries[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23: 11917. CSC公派:英国Exeter大学(Prof. Wadee) 姓名:张则依 (博士研究生) Email:599985546@qq.com 研究方向:软质结构失稳与控制 发表文章: 1. Z. Y. Zhang ,L. Lan, Y. F. Wang,C. G. Wang. Vibration frequency analysis of rippled single-layered graphene sheet: Toward the nano resonant devices design[J]. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2019: 113580. 2. J. T. Kang, Z. Y. Zhang,C. G. Wang. Analytical study of cavitation in elastic solids with affinely varied mechanical property. Soft Materials, 2019. 3. Jingtian Kang, Zeyi Zhang, Jian Li, Changguo Wang,Effect of temperature on the rupture behavior of highly stretchable acrylic elastomer,polymer testing,2019. 授权与受理发明专利: 1. CN201710779136.0. 一种利用μ#LED来稳定控温的柔性电子器件. 王长国,张则依,谭惠丰,刘远鹏,向书毅. 申请日2017.09.01 CSC公派:洛桑联邦理工学院 (Prof.Sakar) 姓名:张佳伟 (博士研究生) Email:756524686@qq.com 研究方向:失稳力学与断裂,相场理论 发表文章: 1. J.W.Zhang, Y.P.Liu, C.G.Wang, H.F.Tan. An electrochemical-mechanical phase field model for lithium dendrite. JES. 2021 2. Hou Y.X., Zhang J.W. , Wang C.G. , et al. A spectrum-based inversion method for the evaluation of nanoscale wrinkling amplitude[J]. Physica E Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2021, 127(6615):114512. 3. 张佳伟,王长国,锂金属电极枝晶生长的应力分布和演化,2020年中国力学学会首届全国力学博士生学术论坛 4. 张佳伟,王长国,锂金属电极枝晶生长的应力分布和演化,2020全国锂电池失效分析与测试技术研讨会 5. 张佳伟,王长国,锂金属电极枝晶的演化和失效,2021中国力学大会 姓名:张季 (博士研究生) 已毕业 燕山大学 Email:276316383@qq.com 研究方向:折剪纸力学与耦合场理论 发表文章: [1] Ji Zhang, Shuo Liu, Lamei Zhang, Changguo Wang, Origami-Based Metasurfaces: Design and Radar Cross Section Reduction, AIAA Journal,2020,58(12):5478-5482 [2] Ji Zhang, Changguo Wang, Jiaming Guo, Jiawei Zhang, Pressure-Induced Instability and Its Coupled Aeroelasticity of Inflatable Pillow, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2020.12. [3] Ji Zhang, Changguo Wang, Lamei Zhang, Deployment of SMP Miura-Ori Sheet and its Application: Aerodynamic Drag and RCS Reduction, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2021.05. [4] Ji Zhang, Tiane Li, Changguo Wang, Xiangqiao Yan, Aerodynamic Drag Characteristics of Miura-Ori Composite Structure, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021,34(4): 06021004. 专利: 1. 王长国,张季,谭惠丰,陶强,王珂,向书毅,一种基于多稳态曲梁的空间智能伸缩输运结构,发明专利,中国,2019.07.22,ZL201910661835.4。 2.王长国,谭惠丰,张季,夏振猛,陶强,一种由多稳态曲梁径向支撑的智能展开式天线反射面,发明专利,中国,2019.07.22,ZL201910662843.0 CSC公派:特伦托大学(Prof. Bigoni) 姓名:王珂(博士研究生) Email:17s118147@stu.hit.edu.cn 研究方向:声学超材料 发表文章: 1. K.Wang,Q.Tao,C.G.Wang,Tensile-Tearing analysis of rectangular thin film with central defect. AIAA Journal. 2021 2. 王珂,王长国,双轴载荷下薄膜拉伸力学性能分析,2021中国力学大会 CSC公派:卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Prof. Wegener) 姓名:邱星翰 (博士研究生) Email:18S118151@stu.hit.edu.cn 研究方向:失稳与断裂,多场耦合 专利: 1. 王长国;谭惠丰;邱星翰;张则依,一种基于气球-风筝混合结构的系留浮空器,CN201811593939.8 2. 王长国;谭惠丰;王亚飞;邱星翰,一种恒升力充气闭孔微结构浮空材料单元, CN201811593938.3 3. 王长国;谭惠丰;王亚飞;邱星翰,一种分体式弱关联模块化浮空平台, CN201811593936.4 姓名:张藻旭 (博士研究生) Email:1078782584@qq.com 研究方向:多物理场耦合,细薄结构力学 姓名:张云策 (博士研究生) Email:549091101@qq.com 研究方向:mesh材料与机器学习 发表文章: Y.C. Zhang, Y.F. Wang, C.G. Wang*. Light weight optimization of stratospheric airship envelope based on reliability analysis. Chin. J. Aeronaut. 2020; 33(10): 2670-2678. 姓名:张博文(博士研究生) Email:1193996167@qq.com 研究方向:失稳与断裂 姓名:王金良(博士研究生) Email: 研究方向: 姓名:吴桐(硕士研究生)已毕业 航天科工四院 Email:452635788@qq.com 研究方向:薄膜结构气热弹耦合力学行为 姓名:李浩聪(硕士研究生) Email:21S018022@stu.hit.edu.cn 研究方向:非均质材料失稳与断裂 姓名:肖祎科(硕士研究生) Email:1291636825@qq.com 研究方向:锂电池断裂问题的力学分析 姓名:李勃含(硕士研究生) Eamil: 研究方向: 姓名:张琪(本科生) Eamil: 研究方向: 已毕业的学生: *************************************************************************** 姓名:毛丽娜 ID状态:2009年博士毕业 博士论文:《充气膜结构反射面的形态分析与优化方法研究》 工作单位:航天一院 姓名:杜振勇 ID状态:2012年博士毕业 博士论文:《充气梁弯皱特性研究》Email:duzy59@163.com现工作单位:明阳智慧能源集团股份公司 姓名:兰澜 ID状态:2014年博士毕业 博士论文:《薄膜褶皱的宏观和微观机理与特性的研究》 Email:lanlan5611@126.com 毕业去向:航天5院 姓名:夏振猛 ID状态:2018年博士毕业 Email:xiazhenmeng@126.com 博士论文:《薄膜结构的弯折与拉展变形行为研究》 毕业去向:哈尔滨工程大学 http://homepage.hrbeu.edu.cn/web/manage/resume/search/resume-view?psn_code=Mjc5OTY4 姓名:陶强 ID状态:博士(2020毕业) Email:jiujiang_taoqiang@126.com 博士论文:《复合材料网格及其增强结构的承载与失效行为研究》 毕业去向:青岛大学 姓名:康敬天 ID状态:2018年博士毕业 Email:kangjingtian@hotmail.com 研究方向:层合结构失稳与分层 博士论文:《柔性固体的失稳与断裂行为研究》 曾csc公派:University of California,San Diego加州大学圣地亚哥分校(Prof. Shengqiang Cai教授) 毕业去向:东北大学 http://faculty.neu.edu.cn/kangjt/ 姓名:王亚飞 ID状态:2021年博士毕业 Email:woofigo@foxmail.com 研究方向:折剪纸及力学 博士论文:《剪纸结构的拉伸与屈曲失稳力学行为研究》 毕业去向:复旦大学 姓名: 薛智明 ID状态:2016年硕士毕业 2021年博士毕业 硕士论文:《索网络增强充气拱结构的屈曲行为分析》 (优秀硕士学位论文) Email:379829149@qq.com 研究方向:失稳力学与界面力学 曾CSC公派:University of Texas at Austin 访学(Prof. Rui Huang黄锐教授) 博士论文:《薄膜/基底结构的表界面力学行为研究》 毕业去向:XXX 姓名: 郭佳铭 ID状态:2022年博士毕业 Email:guojim@hit.edu.cn 研究方向:柔性结构力学 博士论文:《XXX》 毕业去向:哈工大博后 姓名:谢军 ID状态:2012年7月硕士毕业 硕士论文:《充气膜结构的褶皱及振动特性研究》(第八届黑龙江省优秀硕士学位论文) 原工作单位:中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 邮箱:xiejun.2010@163.com 现工作单位:华为 姓名:崔宇佳 ID状态:2012年7月硕士毕业 硕士论文:《充气翼三维初始形态分析》 工作单位:空中客车(北京)工程技术中心 email:176601803@qq.com 姓名:张磊 ID状态:2013年硕士毕业 硕士论文:《柔性膜条增强蒙皮的承力性能研究》 毕业去向:留法Arts et Métiers ParisTech(常驻法国) Email:zh396216128@hotmail.com 姓名:刘远鹏 ID状态:2014年硕士毕业 2019博士毕业 硕士论文:《石墨烯褶皱行为及具皱石墨烯的力学性能研究》 (优秀硕士学位论文金牌) 博士学位论文:《薄膜结构的褶皱失稳力学行为研究》(优秀博士学位论文) 毕业去向:博士毕业后留校HIT 姓名:张锦莱 ID状态:2015年硕士毕业 硕士论文:《薄膜结构的屈曲与振动特性研究》 毕业去向:天津航天机电设备研究所 Email:1059727368@qq.com 姓名:吉庆祥 ID状态:2016年硕士毕业 硕士论文:《软式飞艇囊体结构弯皱特性分析》 (优秀硕士学位论文) 毕业去向:哈工大博士后 Email:royrommel1@126.com 姓名:刘猛雄 ID状态:硕士毕业(2015)(黑龙江省优秀硕士学位论文) Email:782189210@qq.com 方向:多场耦合条件下柔性结构的屈曲行为 毕业去向:北大博后 姓名:向书毅 ID状态:硕士毕业2016(优秀硕士学位论文) Email:1376260336@qq.com 研究方向:膜基结构稳定性与动力特性 毕业去向:清华大学固体力学读博 姓名:王珂 ID状态:硕士毕业2016(优秀硕士学位论文) 研究方向:薄膜撕裂行为 硕士论文:《含切口薄膜结构的皱曲与撕裂行为分析》 毕业去向:读博 姓名:尹悦 ID状态:硕士毕业2018 Email:1404172583@qq.com 研究方向:失稳与断裂,机器学习 毕业去向:中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司 姓名:邱星翰 ID状态:硕士毕业2018 Email:1404172583@qq.com 研究方向:力电磁耦合 毕业去向:读博士 姓名:吴桐 ID状态:硕士毕业2019届 Email:XXX 研究方向:气固耦合 毕业去向:航天科工集团某部 姓名:刘远鹏 ID状态:2012年本科毕业 毕业论文:《充气机翼点阵式设计及其承力性能优化分析》 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:张锦莱 ID状态:2013年本科毕业 毕业论文:《石墨烯太赫兹高频振动特性的分子动力学模拟》 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:龚芃 ID状态:2014年本科毕业 毕业论文:《一种可刚化机翼的结构设计及其承力性能分析》 Email:gongpengcq@163.com 毕业去向:加拿大留学,University of Calgary 研究方向:纳米力学 姓名:刘猛雄 ID状态:2015年本科毕业 毕业论文:《平流层热环境下软式飞艇囊体结构的屈曲分析》 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:张则依 ID状态:2016年本科毕业 毕业论文:《薄膜基底层合结构压缩屈曲与u000B分层特性分析》 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:向书毅 ID状态:2017年本科毕业 毕业论文:《石墨烯/聚苯胺柔性超级电容器的变形对电容性能的影响分析》 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:张佳伟 ID状态:2018年本科毕业 毕业论文:《薄膜结构的褶皱行为分析与幅度反演》 毕业去向:直博HIT 姓名:张则依 ID状态:2018年硕士毕业 毕业论文:《柔性薄膜基底层合结构的屈曲失稳行为研究》 毕业去向:读博HIT 姓名:张藻旭 ID状态:2020年本科毕业 研究方向:二维三轴编织材料力学 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:李浩聪 ID状态:2021年本科毕业 研究方向:柔性电子材料折叠损伤与冲击性能 毕业去向:读研HIT 姓名:肖祎科 ID状态:2021年本科在读 研究方向:锂电池断裂力学 毕业去向:读研HIT 指导和协助指导的学生 名称 博士研究生(含副导师) 2022级 王金良 2020级 张藻旭,研究方向,细薄结构力学 张云策,研究方向,剪纸材料与力学 邱星翰,研究方向,薄膜力学 张博文,研究方向,功能材料断裂力学 2019级 王珂,研究方向,声学超材料 2018级: 张则依,研究方向,薄膜结构稳定性; 张佳伟,研究方向,薄膜结构稳定性; 张季, 研究方向,薄膜结构稳定性; 2017级: 王亚飞,研究方向,柔性材料与结构力学; 郭佳铭,研究方向,柔性材料与结构力学; 2016级(直博): 薛智明,研究方向,结构的屈曲与分岔; 2015级: 赵字会,研究方向,软物质失稳力学; 2014级: 刘远鹏(直攻博),研究方向:褶皱力学; 康敬天(直攻博,副导师):多尺度模拟; 2013级: 夏振猛,研究方向:结构的折痕力学行为研究; 陶强,可刚化mesh材料与结构;副导师 2010级: 兰澜(2014毕业),博士论文:薄膜褶皱的宏观和微观机理与特性的研究. 毕业去向:航天5院,副导师 2008级: 杜振勇(2012毕业)博士论文:充气梁弯皱行为研究. 毕业去向:南京某所,副导师2006级: 毛丽娜(2010毕业)博士论文:充气膜结构反射面的形态分析与优化方法研究,毕业去向:航天一院,副导师 博士研究生(协助指导) 2007级: 王超(2009毕业) 研究方向:飞艇结构设计与分析. 毕业去向:中国空间技术研究院 硕士研究生 2021级 李浩聪 肖祎科 2020级 吴桐 2019级 张藻旭 2018级 尹悦, 研究方向,薄膜折痕力学; 邱星翰,研究方向,待定; 2017级 王珂, 研究方向,考虑蠕变膜面失稳行为; 向书毅,研究方向,核壳结构稳定性; 2016级: 张则依,研究方向,层合薄膜压缩屈曲与分层; 2015级: 刘猛雄,研究方向,多场耦合作用下柔性结构的屈曲行为; 2014级: 薛智明,研究方向,薄膜结构的相关屈曲(优秀硕士学位论文,直攻博); 吉庆祥,研究方向,飞艇结构的热稳定性(优秀硕士学位论文,直攻博); 2013级: 张锦莱,研究方向:圆环薄膜结构的屈曲与振动研究;(天津航天机电设备研究所) 赵字会,研究方向:泡沫填充可刚化机翼结构的承力性能分析(协助指导)(读博) 2012级: 刘远鹏,研究方向:石墨烯褶皱行为及具皱石墨烯的力学性能研究(研究生特等奖学金,优秀硕士学位论文,金牌)(读博) 康敬天,研究方向:微尺度流动的格子Boltzmann方法及其模拟研究(读博) 2011级: 张磊,研究方向:柔性索网增强蒙皮的承力性能研究 (研究生特等奖学金)(工作去向:留学法国国立高等工程技术学院,Arts et métiers ParisTech, ENSAM) 夏振猛(协助指导),研究方向:天线面支撑结构张力特性分析与优化(工作去向:读博) 罗锡林(协助指导),研究方向:CFRP整体式桁架制备与力学性能分析(工作去向:读博)2010级: 谢军,研究方向:充气膜承力结构屈曲与振动特性 (工作去向:中科院长光所)(研究生特等奖学金,省优秀硕士论文) 杨留义(协助指导),研究方向:飞艇结构设计及其气弹特性分析 (船舶某所) 熊波(协助指导),研究方向:狭长三角桁架结构承载性能分析 (攻读博士) 崔宇佳(协助指导),研究方向:充气翼三维初始形态分析 (工作去向:空客北京工程技术中心) 2009级: 胡晓蒙(协助指导),硕士论文:Y型和K型复合材料桁架接头承载性能分析,毕业去向:中航科工集团某所 2007级:(2009年毕业) 郭正(协助指导),硕士论文:基于形状记忆合金丝充气薄膜管弯皱变形控制研究,毕业去向:中航通用飞机责任公司 于宁(协助指导),硕士论文:充气环结构的承载能力分析,毕业去向:哈尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公司2006级:(2008年毕业) 杜振勇(协助指导),硕士论文:充气管结构的承载能力分析,毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学读博 鲁明宇(协助指导),硕士论文:基于形状记忆材料的薄膜皱曲形变控制研究,毕业去向:香港理工大学读博 本科生2011级: 刘远鹏 毕业论文(2012毕业):充气机翼点阵式设计及其承载性能优化分析(保研) 2012级: 张锦莱 毕业论文(2013毕业):石墨烯太赫兹高频振动特性的分子动力学模拟(读研) 2013级: 龚芃,研究方向:一种可刚化机翼的结构设计及其承力性能分析(加拿大,University of Calgary) 2014级: 刘猛雄,研究方向:软式飞艇结构的热屈曲问题(读研) 2015级: 张则依,研究方向:层和柔性结构表面失稳问题(保研) 2016级: 向书毅,研究方向:结构稳定性 2017级: 张佳伟,研究方向:薄膜褶皱力学 2018级: 张藻旭,研究方向:二维三轴编织复合材料力学 2019级: 姜明希,研究方向:充气结构力学 2020级: 李浩聪 肖祎科 本科班级2008级:(已毕业) 0818401班(复合材料与工程专业) (校三好班级标兵,校优秀团支部标兵,21人中18人录取研究生,1人出国,2人参加工作,13名党员) Contact 名称 Prof., Dr., Changguo Wang (王长国) Tel. No.:%2B86-451-86402368 Fax No.:%2B86-451-86402368 Postcode:150080 Address: Room no. A416, CCMS, HIT Science Park, No.2, Yikuang Str., Nangang Dist. Harbin. (哈市南岗区一匡街2号, 哈工大科学园A栋416室) Blog:http://blog.hit.edu.cn/www/ |