姓名 | 陈磊 |
教师编号 | 91828 |
性别 | 陈磊 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 材料科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 陈磊 |
学历 | 陈磊 |
职称 | 副研究员 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 团队 科学研究 教学研究 论文著作 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 陈磊,哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 副研究员、博士生导师。 针对航空航天、核能和特种金属冶炼等极端环境对超高温、抗辐照、耐腐蚀材料迫切需求,长期开展极端环境用新型陶瓷/金属陶瓷材料创制、数据驱动材料智能设计(机器学习)、超高温陶瓷强韧化、碳化物陶瓷抗辐照、耐腐蚀等基础和应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、国家部委科技重点实验室基金、中国博士后基金等项目10余项,作为骨干成员参与国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等国家重点科研项目。在超高温陶瓷的低温致密化与强韧化、多组元碳化物固溶体制备与性能调控、陶瓷抗辐照、耐腐蚀、抗热冲击、抗磨损等研究方向上获省部级科技奖励一、二等奖共3项,授权国家发明专利20余项,发表学术论文70余篇,参与撰写专著1部。 教育经历 名称 1. 2002.09-2006.07 哈尔滨工业大学 无机非金属材料工程专业 获学士学位; 2. 2006.09-2008.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学专业 获硕士学位; 3. 2009.03-2014.07 哈尔滨工业大学 材料学专业 获博士学位; 工作经历 名称 1. 2019.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 副研究员 2. 2022.05-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师 3. 2017.07-2022.05 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士生导师 4. 2014.09-2019.12 哈尔滨工业大学 助理研究员 5. 2015.12-2021.11 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后 6. 2017.12-2018.12 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校 访问学者 7. 2024.01-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程学院 材料科学系 副主任 主要学术任职 名称 1. 中国硅酸盐学会 会员 2. 中国材料研究学会 会员 3. 美国陶瓷学会 会员 4. 中国颗粒学会 会员 5. 《无机材料学报》青年编委 ORCID 称号名称 获奖时间 颁奖机构 简单介绍 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4557-4721 团队成员 名称 团队学生 名称 研究领域 名称 针对航天、核能和金属冶炼等极端环境对超高温、抗辐照、耐腐蚀、抗冲击、抗磨损等新材料需求,长期开展超高温陶瓷、多组元碳化物陶瓷、先进核能材料等方面的基础和应用研究。 极端环境用新型陶瓷/金属陶瓷材料; 数据驱动的陶瓷材料创制; 过渡金属碳化物陶瓷材料; 材料信息学与机器学习; 专利 名称 科研项目 名称 奖项成果 讲授课程 名称 本科课程《陶瓷材料工艺学》;《材料智能设计与制备》 研究生课程《陶瓷腐蚀学》 招生信息 名称 博士研究生1~2名; 硕士研究生1~2名; 本科生1~2名 欢迎具有材料学、材料物理、材料化学、计算材料学、物理专业背景的同学们加入课题组 招生方向 名称 极端服役环境用新型陶瓷材料 数据驱动新型陶瓷材料的设计与调控(机器学习) 超高温过渡金属碳化物陶瓷材料 出版物 名称 1.段小明,贾德昌,周玉,陈磊,田卓,蔡德龙,杨治华,王玉金。六方氮化硼及其复相陶瓷材料。科学出版社。2020年5月。 论文期刊 名称 -----------------------------------------------外文文章--------------------------------------------- 2023年 58. Wentao Su, Lei Chen, Sijia Huo, Wen Zhang, Yujin Wang, Yu Zhou. Fracture mode transition from intergranular to transgranular in (TiZrNbTaCr)C: the grain boundary purification effect of Cr carbide.Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2023 57. Wen Zhang, Kunxuan Li, Lei Chen, Zhan Shi, Sijia Huo, Boxin Wei, Suk-Joong L.Kang, Yujin Wang, Yu Zhou. The phase decomposition in non-equimolar (ZrHfVNbMoW)Cx complex concentrated carbides via carbon content regulation.Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2023 56. Wen Zhang, Lei Chen, Zhan Shi, Wenyu Lu, Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Yu Zhou. From single high-entropy phase to multi-phase transition: Microstructural evolution of multi-component carbide (ZrHfVNbMoW)C realized by adjusting Hf content and temperature.Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2023 55. Lanqing Liang, Boxin Wei, Mengmeng Zhang, Wenbin Fang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang. Novel TiC-based ceramic with enhanced mechanical properties by reaction hot-pressing at low temperature.Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. 2023,24:2129-2143 54. Yinan Wang, Bo Wen, Xingjian Jiao, Ya Li, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Fuzhi Dai. The highest melting point material: Searched by Bayesian global optimization with deep potential molecular dynamics.Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2023,12(4):803-814. 53. Wentao Su, Lei Chen, Wen Zhang, Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Yu Zhou. Insights into grain boundary segregation and solubility limit of Cr in (TiZrNbTaCr)C.Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2023,139:1-9. 52. Mengmeng Zhang, Boxin Wei, Lanqing Liang, Wenbin Fang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang. Microstructures and Enhanced Mechanical Properties of (Zr, Ti)(C, N)-Based Nanocomposites Fabricated by Reactive Hot-Pressing at Low Temperature.Materials.2023,16(6):2145. 51. Xin Li, Lei Chen, Wen Zhang, Wenyu Lu, Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Yu Zhou. Influence of TiC content on microstructure and mechanical properties of (Ta, Ti)C ceramics.International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials.2023,110:106031. 2022年 50. Lei Chen, Wen Zhang, Wenyu Lu, Boxin Wei, Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Yu Zhou. Low thermal conductivity of dense (TiZrHfVNbTa)Cx high-entropy carbides by tailoring carbon stoichiometry.Journal of Advanced Ceramics.2022,12(1):49-58. 49. Yujin Wang, Dong Wang, Taiquan Zhang, Guiming Song, Lei Chen, Boxin Wei, Yanwei Zhao, Yu Zhou. Refractory carbide reinforced tungsten matrix composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2022,925: 1-29. 48. Sijia Huo, Lei Chen, Xinrui Liu, Qingyi Kong, Yujin Wang, Hui Gu, Yu Zhou. Reactive sintering of dual-phase high-entropy ceramics with superior mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2022,129:223-227. 47. Wen Zhang, Lei Chen,Wenyu Lu, Sijia Huo, Boxin Wei, Yujin Wang,Yu Zhou.Non-stoichiometry of (TiZrHfVNbTa)C and its significance to the microstructure and mechanical properties.Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2022,42(14):6347-6355 46. Lanqing Liang, Boxin Wei, Dong Wang, Wenbin Fang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang. Densification, microstructures, and mechanical properties of (Zr, Ti)(C, N) ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2022,42(14): 6445-6456. 45. Mengmeng Zhang, Boxin Wei, Dong Wang, Wenbin Fang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang.Novel (Zr, Ti)(C, N)-SiC ceramics via reactive hot-pressing at low temperature. Ceramics International. 2022,48(20): 29641-29651. 44. Zanlin Cheng,Wenyu Lu, Lei Chen, Meng Li, Xuxu Han, Mei Li, Yujin Wang,ChengyuZhang.Compressive creep properties and mechanisms of (Ti-Zr-Nb-Ta-Mo)C high entropy ceramics at high temperatures. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2022,42(13): 5280-5289. 43. Qingyi Kong, Sijia Huo, Lei Chen,Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Novel (Zr, Ti)B-2-(Zr, Ti)C-SiC ceramics via reactive hot pressing. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2022,42(10):4045-4052. 42. Qingyi Kong, Sijia Huo, Lei Chen,Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Microstructure evolution, enhanced hardness and toughness in the solid-solution ceramic composite by reaction pressureless sintering of ZrB2 and TiC powders. Ceramics International.2022,48(12): 17981-17986. 41. Wen Zhang, Lei Chen, Chenguang Xu, Xuming Lv, Yujin Wang,Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Grain growth kinetics and densification mechanism of (TiZrHfVNbTa)C high-entropy ceramic under pressureless sintering. Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2022,110:57-64. 40. Wenyu Lu, Lei Chen, Wen Zhang, Wentao Su,Yujin Wang, Yudong Fu, Zhou Yu. Single-phase formation and mechanical properties of (TiZrNbTaMo)C high-entropy ceramics: First-principles prediction and experimental study. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2022,42(5):2021-2027. 39. Zhuo Zhang, Xiaoming Duan, Zhuo Tian, Yujin Wang, Lan Wang, Lei Chen, Baofu Qiu, Delong Cai, Peigang He, Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou. Texture and anisotropy of hot-pressed h-BN matrix composite ceramics with in situ formed YAG. Journal of Advanced Ceramics.2022,11(4):532-544. 38. Yizhou Qian, Yujin Wang, Lei Chen, Yu Zhou. Microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of (Ti0.5Nb0.5)C-SiC composites. Ceramics International.2022,48(5):6745-6749. 37. Shixing Chen, Guanqi Liu, Feiting Yu, Lei Chen, Zhanguo Liu, Yudong Fu, Yujin Wang, Jingchuan Zhu. The influence of Ti-induced precipitates on the microstructure and mechanical properties of (Zr,W)C solid solution. Materials Characterization.2022,183:111604 2021年 36. Lei Chen, Wen Zhang, Yongqiang Tan, Peng Jia, Chenguang Xu, Yujin Wang, Xinghong Zhang,Jiecai Han, Yu Zhou.Influence of vanadium content on the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of (TiZrHfVNbTa)C high-entropy carbides processed by pressureless sintering. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2021,41(16):60-67 35. Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao,Zhikun Zhang, Lei Chen, Hui Gu, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Novel TiC-based composites with enhanced mechanical properties. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2021,41(11):5466-5473 34. Mianyi Yao, Yujin Wang, Lei Chen, Jiahu Ouyang, Haixia Li, Hui Gu, Yu Zhou. Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of pressureless sintered ceramics obtained from high-energy ball-milled TiB2 & ndash;TiC powders. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. 2021,819:14510 33. Wen Zhang, Lei Chen, Chenguang Xu, Wenyu Lu, Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Densification, microstructure and mechanical properties of multicomponent (TiZrHfNbTaMo)C ceramic prepared by pressureless sintering. Journal of Materials Science & Technology.2021,72:23-28 32. Baofu Qiu,Xiaoming Duan, Zhuo Zhang, Chen Zhao,Bo Niu, Peigang He, Delong Cai, Lei Chen, Zhihua Yang, Yujin Wang, Dechang Jia,Yu Zhou. Microstructural evolution of h-BN matrix composite ceramics with La-Al-Si-O glass phase during hot-pressed sintering. Journal of Advanced Ceramics. 2021, 10 (3):493-501 31. Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Qianqian Chen, Mianyi Yao,Lei Chen, Hui Gu, Limeng Liu,Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Reactive hot pressing of super hard (Ti,Ta)(B,C)-(Ta,Ti)C composites. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. 2021,800:140292. 2020年 30. Kai Wang, Lei Chen, Chenguang Xu, Wen Zhang, Zhanguo Liu,Yujin Wang, Jiahu Ouyang, Xinghong Zhang, Yudong Fu, Yu Zhou. Microstructure and mechanical properties of (TiZrNbTaMo)C high-entropy ceramic. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2020,39:99-105. 29. Lei Chen , Kai Wang ,Wentao Su ,Wen Zhang ,Chenguang Xu ,Yujin Wang , Zhou Yu. Research Progress of Transition Metal Non-oxide High-entropy Ceramics. Journal of Inorganic Materials. 2020,35(7):748-758 28. Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang,Mianyi Yao, Lei Chen, Qingyi Kong ,Jiahu Ouyang,Yudong Fu, Yu Zhou. Reactive sintering behavior and enhanced densification of (Ti,Zr)B-2-(Zr, Ti)C composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2020,40(13):4373-4380. 27. Sijia Huo, Yujin Wang, Qingyi Kong,Lei Chen, Mianyi Yao, Hui Gu, Jiahu Ouyang, Yudong Fu, Yu Zhou. In situ reaction and solid solution induced hardening in (Ti,Zr)B-2-(Zr,Ti)C composites. Journal of The American Ceramic Society. 2020,103(11):6101-6105. 2019年 26. Yujun Jin,Zhanguo Liu,Gui Cao, Wei Feng,Lei Chen,Yujin Wang,Jiahu Ouyang. Order-disorder transition and electrical performance of (Nd1-xYx)(2)Zr2O7 solid solutions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019,811:UNSP 151974. 25.Yu Gong,Zhanguo Liu,Yujun Jin,Jiahu Ouyang,Lei Chen,Yujin Wang. Effect of sintering process on the microstructure and ionic conductivity of Li7-xLa3Zr2-xTaxO12 ceramics. Ceramics International.2019,45(15):18439-18444. 24. Peng Jia,Lei Chen,Yujin Wang,Zhanguo Liu,Jiahu Ouyang,Xinghong Zhang,Yu Zhou. Insights into intragranular precipitation and toughening effect of W in (Ti, W)C solid solution with TiH2 as the inducer. Ceramics International. 2019, 45(16):20626-20633. 23. Mianyi Yao,Lei Chen,Zhanguo Liu,Sijia Huo,Songjie Wang,Yujin Wang,Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Two-step sintering of TiB2-40wt%TiN composites. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials.2019 ,84:105037. 22. Yan Zhang,Yingkui Guo,Lei Chen,Yujin Wang, Guangwei Zhang ,Yuansong Zhou. Particle size and purity control study on ZrW2O8 powders using coprecipitation method. Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials. 2019,246:27-33. 21. Lei Chen,Yujin Wang,Yapeng Li, Xinghong Zhang, Qingchang Meng. Microstructural evolution, mechanical and thermal properties of TiC-ZrC-Cr3C2 composites. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. 2019 ,80:188-194. 2018年 20. Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Zhiyi Hu, Haixia Li, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Lei Chen,Sijia Huo,YuZhou.Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiB2-40 wt% TiC composites:Effects of adding a low-temperature hold prior to sintering at high temperatures. Ceramics International. 2018,44(18):23297-23300. 19. Shiyang Wang,Yudeng Fu,Lei Chen,Yujin Wang. Fabrication and Mechanical Property of W-Y2O3 Composites and Graded material. Journal of Inorganic Materials. 2018,33(6):596-602 18. Boxin Wei , Lei Chen , Yujin Wang , Haibin Zhang , Shuming Peng , Jiahu Ouyang ,Dong Wang , Yu Zhou. Densification, mechanical and thermal properties of ZrC1 ? x ceramics fabricated by two-step reactive hot pressing of ZrC and ZrH2 powders. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2018,38(2):411-419 . 2017年 17. Dong Wang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Si-Jia Huo, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. W-ZrC composites prepared by reactive melt infiltration of Zr-2. International Journal of Refractory Metals& Hard Materials.2017,67:125-128 . 16. Peng Jia, Lei Chen, Jiancun Rao, Yujin Wang, Qingchang Meng,Yu Zhou. Evolution of Phase, Microstructure and ZrC Lattice Parameter in Solidsolution-treated W-ZrC Composite. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 6531 . 15. Lei Chen, Li Zhen, Yujin Wang, Xiaoming Duan, Jiahu Ouyang, Yu Zhou. Corrosion behavior and microstructural evolution of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites in molten steel. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 2017,14( 4): 665-674 . 14. Fangwei Wang, Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Mianyi Yao, Sue Hao, Jiahu Ouyang, Zhenkun Huang. Effect of deposition time on growth of ZrC/SiC composite coating synthesized by low pressure chemical vapor deposition.Ceramics International .2017, 43( 2): 2853-2858 . 13. Lei Chen, Yujin Wang, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Xiaoming Duan, Yu Zhou. Low-temperature sintering behavior and mechanical properties of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites .Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing . 2017, 681 : 50-55 . 12. Shiyang Wang , Lei Chen ,Peijia Ma,Yujin Wang,Yu-dong Fu. Y2O3-W Continuous Graded Materials by Co-sedimentation. Cailiao Gongcheng-Journal of Materials Engineering. 2017,45(9):66-71. 2016年 11. Fangwei Wang, Yujin Wang, Lei Chen, Boxin Wei, Sue Hao. Effects of surface oxygen on carbon films synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Materials Letters. 2016, 182: 52-54. 10. Xiaoming Duan, Zhihua Yang, Lei Chen, Zhuo Tian, Delong Cai, Yujin Wang,Dechang Jia ,Yu Zhou.Review on the properties of hexagonal boron nitride matrix Composite ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.2016, 36: 3725-3737 . 1st Sino-German Symposium on Preparation and Application of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites.Darmstadt, GERMANY .JUL 26-31, 2015 . Tech Univ Darmstadt; Sino German Ctr Res Promot . 2015年 9. Yanwei Zhao, Yujin Wang, Xiuyu Jin, Peng Jia, Lei Chen, Yu Zhou, Guiming Song, Junping Li, Feng, Zhihai Feng. Microstructure and properties of ZrC-W composite fabricated by reactive infiltration of Zr2Cu into WC/W preform. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2015, 153: 17-22. 8. Yujin Wang,Boxin Wei,Lei Chen,Jiahu Ouyang,Yu Zhou.Research Progress on Preparation and Properties of Zirconium Carbide Matrix Composit. China’s Refractories.2015,24,3. 7. Lei Chen,Yuijn Wang, Jiancun Rao, Yu Zhou. Influence of ZrO2 Content on the Performances of BN-ZrO2-SiC Composites for Application in the Steel Industry. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 2015, 12( 1): 184-191. 2014年 6. Lei Chen, Yuijn Wang, Mianyi Yao, Jia-Hu Ouyang, Yu Zhou, Yingkui Guo. Corrosion kinetics and corrosion mechanisms of BN-ZrO2-SiC composites in molten steel. Corrosion Science. 2014. 89: 93-100. 5. Lei Chen,Yujin Wang, Haifeng Shen, Jiancun Rao, Yu Zhou. Effect of SiC content on mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of BN–ZrO2–SiC composites. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2014,590: 346-351 . 2013年 4. Lei Chen, Yihe Huang, Yujin Wang, Haifeng Shen, Jiancun Rao, Yu Zhou. Effect of ZrO2 content on microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of (ZrB2/3Y-ZrO2)/BN composites. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2013, 573: 106-110 . 3. Yanwei Zhao, Yujin Wang, Lei Chen, Yu Zhou, Guiming Song, Junping Li. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ZrC-W Matrix Composite Prepared by Reactive Infiltration at 1300 °C. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 2013, 37: 40-44. 2012年 2. Lei Chen,Yujin Wang, Lei Cui, Yu Zhou, Guiming Song. Inhibiting Effect of Additives on Formation of ZrC Phase in ZrB2–BN Composites by Reactive Hot Pressing. Journal of The American Ceramic Society .2012, 95 ( 11): 3374-3376. 1. Yujin Wang, Lei Chen, Taiquan Zhang,Yu Zhou.Effect of iron additive on the sintering behavior of hot-pressed ZrC-W composites. High-Performance Ceramics V, Pts 1 And 2. Key Engineering Materials. 2008, 368-372: 1764-1766: 1-2. 5th China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-5) .Changsha, PEOPLES R CHINA . MAY 10-13, 2007 . Chinese Ceram Soc . -----------------------------------------------中文文章----------------------------------------------- 2021年 13. 邢宇轩; 郭英奎; 陈磊; 赵壮志; 王玉金.气压浸渗法制备ZrC-W-Cu复合材料的显微组织与力学性能. 材料工程. 2021,49(07):124-132. 2020年 12. 陈磊;王恺;苏文韬;张文;徐晨光;王玉金;周玉. 过渡金属非氧化物高熵陶瓷的研究进展. 无机材料学报. 2020,35(07):748-758. 2019年 11. 吕绪明;马贤;王丁丁;罗立平;陈磊;王玉金.热压烧结TaC陶瓷材料的力学性能和抗腐蚀性能. 稀有金属与硬质合金. 2019,47(04):30-34. 2018年 10. 王诗阳; 傅宇东; 陈磊; 王玉金.W-Y2O3复合材料和梯度材料的制备及力学性能. 无机材料学报. 2018,33(06):596-602. 2017年 9. 王诗阳; 陈磊; 马佩嘉; 王玉金; 傅宇东.共沉降法制备Y2O3-W连续梯度材料. 材料工程. 2017,45(09):66-71. 2016年 8. 王诗阳; 陈磊; 沈海丰; 王玉金; 傅宇东.组元含量分布对Y2O3-W梯度材料循环热震性能的影响.材料热处理学报. 2016,37(12):18-23. 7. 霍思嘉;王东;王玉金;陈磊;邓伟志;周玉.凝胶注模制备碳化钨多孔陶瓷. 硅酸盐学报. 2016,44(12):1681-1685. 6. 张岩;王玉金;陈磊;李传会;郭英奎;赵彦伟.热压烧结ZrC-TaC陶瓷的组织结构与力学性能. 第十九届全国高技术陶瓷学术年会摘要集. 2016,中国硅酸盐学会特种陶瓷分会会议论文集:105-106. 2015年 5. 段小明;杨治华;王玉金;陈磊;田卓;蔡德龙;贾德昌;周玉.六方氮化硼(h-BN)基复合陶瓷研究与应用的最新进展. 中国材料进展. 2015,34(10):770-782. 2014年 4. 陈磊; 王玉金; 姚绵懿; 周玉.BN-ZrO2-SiC复合材料的抗钢水侵蚀性能. 第十八届全国高技术陶瓷学术年会摘要集. 2014,中国硅酸盐学会会议论文集:178 3. 陈磊, 王玉金, 周玉, 于艳. 薄带连铸用侧封板材料的研究进展, 耐火材料, 2014,48(02)155-160. 2012年 2. 陈磊; 王玉金; 周玉.反应热压制备(ZrB2%2BZrO2)/BN复合材料的抗钢水侵蚀性能. 第十七届全国高技术陶瓷学术年会摘要集. 2012,中国硅酸盐学会会议论文集:143. 2008年 1. 陈磊, 王玉金, 周玉, 张太全, 何慧. Ti对ZrC-W复合材料烧结行为及力学性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2008, 37(增刊1): 556-559 |