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姓名 帅永
教师编号 91497
性别 帅永
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 能源科学与工程学院
学位 帅永
学历 帅永
职称 教授
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基本信息 团队成员(Members) Profile Publication Photo News ...en News 新建主栏目 个人网站(Website) 名称 研究领域(Research Field) 名称 低碳能源与先进储热技术 超构材料光热调控与智能热管理 先进热工测试技术与装置研制 工作经历(Work Experience) 名称 2013.11-至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院 教授 2011.04-2012.04 Georgia Institute of Technology 机械系 访问教授 2004.03-2013.11 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院助教、讲师、副教授 讲授课程(Courses) 名称 本科生课程 (Undergraduate Courses) 智慧能源动力导论(Introduction of Smart Energy and Power) 传热学 (Heat Transfer) 热环境控制 (Thermal Environment Control) 研究生课程 (Graduate Courses) 热辐射测量技术 (Thermal Radiation Measurement Techniques) 航天热物理进展 (Advance on Aerospace Thermophysics) 创新研修课 (Innovation Training Courses) 《太阳能高效利用》创新实验课(Creative Experiment on High Efficiency Utilization of Solar Energy) 《飞行器热分析与热设计》创新研修课(Thermal Analysis and Thermal Design for Aircraft) 招生信息(Recruiting New Members) 名称 本科招生:(每年若干名),热爱学习,愿意钻研和从事科技创新实践活动。 太阳能高效转化技术; 节能减排与降碳技术。 硕士招生:(每年2~3名),能积极主动学习,具有一定的创新思维。 微纳结构光热调控与智能热管理; 材料先进热工测试技术; 太阳能高效利用(光热、光电、光化学)。 博士招生:(每年2~3名),积极主动,勤奋刻苦,思维活跃,具有工程热物理或化学学科或物理学科背景。 超构材料光热调控与智能热管理; 先进热工测试技术与装置研制; 太阳能热化学与先进储热技术。 博士后招聘(每年2~3名):从事微纳结构表征与器件研制、太阳能热化学转换与储能等方面的研究。特别欢迎物理、化学、光学、材料等专业毕业的博士进站从事与工程热物理学科间的交叉研究。 更新于2023年7月8日 团队合影(Group Photoes) 名称 2023.06 2022.06 2021.06 2020.06 2019.06 2018.06 团队成员(Group Member) 名称 教师(Teacher) 博士研究生(Ph.D. Student) 硕士研究生(Master Student) 本科生(Undergraduate) 已毕业学生(Former Student) English Profile 名称 Dr. Shuai Yong is a full professor in the School of Energy Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in Harbin, China. He received the B.S. degree in 2001 and Ph.D. degree in 2006, from Harbin Institute of Technology, both in Engineering Thermophysics. In Oct. 2004, he joined the faculty of Harbin Institute of Technology, China. From April 2011 to April 2012, he was a Visiting Scientist with the Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Currently he is a full professor at Harbin Institute of Technology. His current research interests are in the areas of low-carbon energy and advanced energy storage technologies, optical thermal regulation via Metamaterial and smart thermal management, and advanced thermal measurement technique and instrument development. He has authored/co-authored about 120 journal papers and has 22 patented inventions in solar energy utilization and thermal radiation measurement. He also serves as a regular reviewer of many international journals on radiation heat transfer, optics, and solar energy. In addition, he serves on the Editorial Board of the Solar Energy, Smart Science, Energy Storage and Saving, Science China: Technological Science , Carbon Neutrality and Energy and Policy Research(2014-2017). Dr. Shuai was a recipient the 2013 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Ministry of Education of China, the 2015 Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of NSFC, the 2016 Youth Yangtze River scholar, and the 2019 Yangtze River scholar. Employment 01/2019-03/2022: Dean,School of Energy Science and Engineering of HIT 01/2015-01/2019: Vice Dean,School of Energy Science and Engineering of HIT 01/2014-present: Professor,School of Energy Science and Engineering of HIT 04/2011-04/2012: Visiting Professor,Georgia Institute of Technology 06/2008-12/2013: Associate Professor,School of Energy Science and Engineering of HIT Research Interests ( not limited to ) Solar thermochemical cycles and energy storage technologies Thermal analysis of electronic equipment and optical system Optical thermal regulation via Metamaterial and device fabrication Mesurement of optical/thermal properties of materials and instrument development Energy Material Teaching Experience Heat Transfer (Spring 2006 - Present) Undergraduates majoring in mechatronics engineering and mechnical engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Advance in Aerospace Thermodynamics (Fall 2007- Present) Postgraduates, Harbin Institute of Technology Detector Technology to Thermal Radiation Measurement (Spring 2007 -Present) Postgraduates, Harbin Institute of Technology Thermal Environment Control (Fall 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012) Undergraduates majoring in air-conditioning engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Directing design project for postgraduates and undergraduates Publication title 1.Zhou S, Qiu J, Zhang C, Guo Y, Pan Q, Zhou Q, Shuai Y. Fast design and optimization method for an ultra-wideband perfect absorber based on artificial neural network acceleration. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2022; 179. 2.Zhou S, Guo Y, Zhang C, Pan Q, Zhou Q, Shuai Y. Design and optimization of mid-infrared hot electron detector based on Al/GaAs fishnet nanostructure for CO2 sensing. Applied Optics. 2022; 61(15): 4270-4277. 3.Zhang Y, Li X, Fan L, Shuai Y, Zhang N. Ultrathin and super-tough membrane for anti-dendrite separator in aqueous zinc-ion batteries. Cell Reports Physical Science. 2022; 3(4). 4.Zhang H, Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Jiang B, Yang D, Pan Q, Wang F, Huang X. Effects of foam structure on thermochemical characteristics of porous-filled solar reactor. Energy. 2022; 239. 5.Yang H, Wang G, Guo Y, Wang L, Tan B, Zhang S, Zhang X, Zhang J, Shuai Y, Lin J, Jia D, Hu P. Growth of wafer-scale graphene-hexagonal boron nitride vertical heterostructures with clear interfaces for obtaining atomically thin electrical analogs. Nanoscale. 2022; 14(11): 4204-4215. 6.Wang W, Shuai Y, Qiu J, He X, Hou Y. Effect of steady-state and unstable-state inlet boundary on the thermal performance of packed-bed latent heat storage system integrated with concentrating solar collectors. Renewable Energy. 2022; 183: 251-266. 7.Wang W, Li B, Tan Y, Li B, Shuai Y. Multi-objective optimal design of NACA airfoil fin PCHE recuperator for micro-gas turbine systems. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022; 204. 8.Wang W, He X, Shuai Y, Qiu J, Hou Y, Pan Q. Experimental study on thermal performance of a novel medium-high temperature packed-bed latent heat storage system containing binary nitrate. Applied Energy. 2022; 309. 9.Wang W, Ding L, Han F, Shuai Y, Li B, Sunden B. Parametric Study on Thermo-Hydraulic Performance of NACA Airfoil Fin PCHEs Channels. Energies. 2022; 15(14). 10.Shuai Y, Rafique M, Osama RAA, Lougou BG. Density functional theory and ab-initio molecular dynamics calculations on the opto-electronic, spintronic, and energies of pure and TiOx doped monatomic gamma-graphyne. International Journal of Energy Research. 2022. 11.Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Zhang H, Han D, Jiang B, Zhao J, Huang X. Combined heat and mass transfer analysis of solar reactor integrating porous reacting media for water and carbon dioxide splitting. Solar Energy. 2022; 242: 130-142. 12.Shuai Y. A Full-Sample Clustering Model Considering Whole Process Optimization of Data. Big Data Research. 2022; 28. 13.Shi Y, Sun K, Shan J, Li H, Gao J, Chen Z, Sun C, Shuai Y, Wang Z. Selective CO2 Electromethanation on Surface-Modified Cu Catalyst by Local Microenvironment Modulation. Acs Catalysis. 2022. 14.Shan J, Shi Y, Li H, Chen Z, Sun C, Shuai Y, Wang Z. Effective CO2 electroreduction toward C2H4 boosted by Ce-doped Cu nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022; 433. 15.Shagdar E, Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Mustafa A, Choidorj D, Tan H. New integration mechanism of solar energy into 300 MW coal-fired power plant: Performance and techno-economic analysis. Energy. 2022; 238. 16.Pan Q, Zhou S, Guo Y, Shuai Y. Enhanced photoelectric responsivity of bilayer graphene/GaAs photodetector using plasmon resonance grating structures. Optik. 2022; 259. 17.Mustafa A, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Razzaq S, Wang Z, Shagdar E, Zhao J. A Techno-Economic Study of Commercial Electrochemical CO2 Reduction into Diesel Fuel and Formic Acid. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology. 2022; 13(1): 148-158. 18.Liu J, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Shuai Y, Li B. Multi-objective optimization of low temperature cooling water organic Rankine cycle using dual pinch point temperature difference technologies. Energy. 2022; 240. 19.Li T, Lin X, Yuan Y, Liu D, Shuai Y, Tan H. Effects of flame temperature and radiation properties on infrared light field imaging. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2022; 36. 20.Li T, Gao P, Zhang C, Yuan Y, Liu D, Shuai Y, Tan H. Meshed axisymmetric flame simulation and temperature reconstruction using light field camera. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2022; 158. 21.Jiang B, Sun Q, Lougou BG, Zhang H, Li X, Qu Z, Shuai Y, Wang C-H. Highly-selective CO2 conversion through single oxide CuO enhanced NiFe2O4 thermal catalytic activity. Sustainable Materials and Technologies. 2022; 32. 22.Hu Y, Wang X, Zhang J, Zhu Z, Ren X, Yang Y, Lin K, Pang A, Shuai Y. Encapsulated boron-based energetic spherical composites with improved reaction efficiency and combustion performance. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022; 433. 23.Hou Y, Qiu J, Wang W, He X, Ayyub M, Shuai Y. Preparation and performance improvement of chlorides/MgO ceramics shape-stabilized phase change materials with expanded graphite for thermal energy storage system. Applied Energy. 2022; 316. 24.He X, Qiu J, Wang W, Hou Y, Ayyub M, Shuai Y. A review on numerical simulation, optimization design and applications of packed-bed latent thermal energy storage system with spherical capsules. Journal of Energy Storage. 2022; 51. 25.Han D, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Wang W, Jiang B, Shagdar E. Study of thermophysical properties of chloride salts doped with CuO nanoparticles for solar thermal energy storage. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2022; 234. 26.Guene Lougou B, Geng B, Jiang B, Zhang H, Sun Q, Shuai Y, Qu Z, Zhao J, Wang C-H. Copper ferrite and cobalt oxide two-layer coated macroporous SiC substrate for efficient CO2-splitting and thermochemical energy conversion. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2022; 627: 516-531. 27.Dong Y, Zhang X, Wang F, Zhang G, Shi X, Shuai Y. Numerical study on the thermal performance analysis of packed-bed latent heat thermal storage system with biomimetic vein hierarchical structure. International Journal of Green Energy. 2022; 19(6): 592-602. 28.Dong Y, Wang F, Zhang Y, Shi X, Zhang A, Shuai Y. Experimental and numerical study on flow characteristic and thermal performance of macro-capsules phase change material with biomimetic oval structure. Energy. 2022; 238. 29.Deng A, Shuai Y, Gong H, Cao R, Wang H, Peng S. Optimal Control of Surface Crack in Microalloyed Steel with Big Stroke Liquid Core Reduction Process. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals. 2022; 75(5): 1269-1278. 30.Chen S, Ma D, Gao W, Zhou S, Guo Y, Pan Q, Shuai Y. High efficiency solar steam generator comprising sodium alginate-polydopamine hydrogel for photothermal water sanitation. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2022; 51. 31.Wang W, Shuai Y, Su W, Li B, Tan Y, Sunden B. PARAMETER STUDY OF LAMINAR FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER IN AN INTERRUPTED MICROCHANNEL HEAT SINK WITH RIBS. Heat Transfer Research. 2021; 52(2): 13-27. 32.Wang W, Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Jiang B. Thermal performance analysis of free-falling solar particle receiver and heat transfer modelling of multiple particles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021; 187. 33.Wang W, Shuai Y, Li B, Li B, Lee K-S. Enhanced heat transfer performance for multi-tube heat exchangers with various tube arrangements. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021; 168. 34.Wang W, Shuai Y, Ding L, Li B, Sunden B. Investigation of complex flow and heat transfer mechanism in multi-tube heat exchanger with different arrangement corrugated tube. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2021; 167. 35.Wang W, He X, Hou Y, Qiu J, Han D, Shuai Y. Thermal performance analysis of packed-bed thermal energy storage with radial gradient arrangement for phase change materials. Renewable Energy. 2021; 173: 768-780. 36.Shuai Y, Zhang H, Lougou BG, Jiang B, Mustafa A, Wang C-H, Wang F, Zhao J. Solar-driven thermochemical redox cycles of ZrO2 supported NiFe2O4 for CO2 reduction into chemical energy. Energy. 2021; 223. 37.Shuai Y, Shagdar E, Lougou BG, Mustafa A, Doljinsuren B, Han D, Tan H. Performance analysis of 200 MW solar coal hybrid power generation system for transitioning to a low carbon energy future. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021; 183. 38.Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Zhang H, Zhao J, Ahouannou C, Tan H. Heat transfer analysis of solar-driven high-temperature thermochemical reactor using NiFe-Aluminate RPCs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021; 46(16): 10104-10118. 39.Shi X, Zhang X, Wang F, Yang L, Dong Y, Shuai Y. Thermochemical analysis of dry methane reforming hydrogen production in biomimetic venous hierarchical porous structure solar reactor for improving energy storage. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021; 46(11): 7733-7744. 40.Mustafa A, Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Wang Z, Razzaq S, Zhao J, Shan J. Progress and perspective of electrochemical CO2 reduction on Pd-based nanomaterials. Chemical Engineering Science. 2021; 245. 41.Mustafa A, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Wang Z, Razzaq S, Shagdar E, Zhao J, Shan J. Recent progresses in the mechanism, performance, and fabrication methods of metal-derived nanomaterials for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2021; 9(8): 4558-4588. 42.Liang H, Wang F, Yang L, Cheng Z, Shuai Y, Tan H. Progress in full spectrum solar energy utilization by spectral beam splitting hybrid PV/T system. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2021; 141. 43.Hu Y, Dai M, Feng W, Zhang X, Gao F, Zhang S, Tan B, Zhang J, Shuai Y, Fu Y, Hu P. Ultralow Power Optical Synapses Based on MoS2 Layers by Indium-Induced Surface Charge Doping for Biomimetic Eyes. Advanced Materials. 2021; 33(52). 44.Guo Y, Zhou S, Xiong B, Shuai Y, Zhao J. Mechanism and prediction of multi-mode magnetic polaritons by MCLC circuit model in complex micro/nanostructures. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2021; 269. 45.Dong Y, Wang F, Yang L, Shi X, Zhang G, Shuai Y. Thermal Performance Analysis of PCM Capsules Packed-Bed System with Biomimetic Leaf Hierarchical Porous Structure. Journal of Thermal Science. 2021; 30(5): 1559-1571. 46.Cheng Z, Shuai Y, Gong D, Wang F, Liang H, Li G. Optical properties and cooling performance analyses of single-layer radiative cooling coating with mixture of TiO2 particles and SiO2 particles. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2021; 64(5): 1017-1029. 47.Cheng Z, Lin B, Shi X, Wang F, Liang H, Shuai Y. Influences of atmospheric water vapor on spectral effective emissivity of a single-layer radiative cooling coating. Aims Energy. 2021; 9(1): 96-116. 48.Cheng Z, Han H, Wang F, Yan Y, Shi X, Liang H, Zhang X, Shuai Y. Efficient radiative cooling coating with biomimetic human skin wrinkle structure. Nano Energy. 2021; 89. 49.Chao P, Li W, Peng S, Liang X, Zhang L, Shuai Y. Fault Ride-Through Behaviors Correction-Based Single-Unit Equivalent Method for Large Photovoltaic Power Plants. Ieee Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 2021; 12(1): 715-726. 50.Chao P, Li W, Liang X, Xu S, Shuai Y. An Analytical Two-Machine Equivalent Method of DFIG-Based Wind Power Plants Considering Complete FRT Processes. Ieee Transactions on Power Systems. 2021; 36(4): 3657-3667. 51.Ai Q, Wang W, Gong Y, Zhang X, Shuai Y, Xie M, Tan H. Study on similarity criteria for aerodynamic/thermal coupling analysis of the aircraft. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021; 129. 52.Ahmed I, Shuai Y, Rafique M, Mahar MA, Larik AS. Tailoring spintronic and opto-electronic characteristics of bilayer AlN through MnOx clusters intercalation; an ab initio study. Rsc Advances. 2021; 11(25): 15167-15176. 53.Zhang H, Shuai Y, Yuan Y, Lougou BG, Jiang B, Wang F, Cheng Z. Thermal-chemical reaction characteristics of Ni/Al2O3 catalytic porous material filled solar reactor for dry reforming of methane process. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020; 180. 54.Zhang H, Shuai Y, Lougou BG, Jiang B, Wang F, Cheng Z, Tan H. Effects of multilayer porous ceramics on thermochemical energy conversion and storage efficiency in solar dry reforming of methane reactor. Applied Energy. 2020; 265. 55.Zhang H, Shuai Y, Guene Lougou B, Jiang B, Huang X. Thermal characteristics and thermal stress analysis of solar thermochemical reactor under high-flux concentrated solar irradiation. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2020; 63(9): 1776-1786. 56.Yuan Y, Lin X, Cheng Z, Wang F, Shuai Y, Tan H. Experimental investigation of thermal performance enhancement of cavity receiver with bottom surface interior convex. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020; 168. 57.Yang D, Alessandrini S, Antonanzas J, Antonanzas-Torres F, Badescu V, Beyer HG, Blaga R, Boland J, Bright JM, Coimbra CFM, David M, Frimane A, Gueymard CA, Hong T, Kay MJ, Killinger S, Kleissl J, Lauret P, Lorenz E, van der Meer D, Paulescu M, Perez R, Perpinan-Lamigueiro O, Peters IM, Reikard G, Renne D, Saint-Drenan Y-M, Shuai Y, Urraca R, Verbois H, Vignola F, Voyant C, Zhang J. Verification of deterministic solar forecasts. Solar Energy. 2020; 210: 20-37. 58.Shuai Y, Xie Z, Feng Y, Gan Y, Yuan C, Pang Q. Research on Hybrid Image Preprocessing Method for Medical Electronic Component. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2020; 127: 47-48. 59.Shuai Y, Rafique M, Soomro S, Abro FR, Sahito AA. Ab-initio investigations on the energetic, opto-electronic and magnetic characteristics of alkali metal (AM) atom substituted monatomic AlN layer. Chemical Physics. 2020; 536. 60.Shuai Y, Rafique M, Baloch MM, Tunio MA, Ahmed I. DFT study on tailoring the structural, electronic and optical properties of bilayer graphene through metalloids intercalation. Chemical Physics. 2020; 536. 61.Shuai Y, Jiang C, Su X, Yuan C, Huang X, Ieee. A Hybrid Clustering Model for Analyzing COVID-19 National Prevention and Control Strategy. Paper presented at: IEEE 6th International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE); 2019 Jul 17-19, 2020; Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA. 62.Shi X, Shuai Y, Wang F, Zhang C, Cheng Z, Chen X. Effects of ordered hierarchically porous structure on methane reforming performance in solar foam reactor. Journal of Co2 Utilization. 2020; 37: 147-157. 63.Shagdar E, Shuai Y, Guene Lougou B, Ganbold E, Chinonso OP, Tan H. Analysis of heat flow diagram of small-scale power generation system: Innovative approaches for improving techno-economic and ecological indices. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2020; 63(11): 2256-2274. 64.Shagdar E, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Ganbold E, Chinonso OP, Tan H. Process analysis of solar steam reforming of methane for producing low-carbon hydrogen. Rsc Advances. 2020; 10(21): 12582-12597. 65.Shagdar E, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Anees J, Damdinsuren C, Tan H. Performance analysis and techno-economic evaluation of 300 MW solar-assisted power generation system in the whole operation conditions. Applied Energy. 2020; 264. 66.Qin C, Guo Y, Seo J, Shuai Y, Lee J, Lee BJ. Absorption characteristics of a metal-insulator-metal nanodisk for solar thermal applications. Optics Express. 2020; 28(10): 15731-15743. 67.Pan Q, Zhou S, Shuai Y, Tan H. Analysis of infrared spectra with narrow band absorption by a graphene/square-ring structure. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2020; 63(4): 648-654. 68.Pan Q, Guo Y, Zhou S, Shuai Y, Tan H. Analysis of infrared spectroscopy absorption characteristics of graphene transferred to grating structures. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2020; 254. 69.Mustafa A, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Wang Z, Tan H. Current technology development for CO 2 utilization into solar fuels and chemicals: A review. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2020; 49: 96-123. 70.Mustafa A, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Wang Z, Razzaq S, Zhao J, Tan H. Theoretical insights into the factors affecting the electrochemical reduction of CO2. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2020; 4(9): 4352-4369. 71.Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Zhang H, Ahouannou C, Zhao J, Kounouhewa BB, Tan H. Thermochemical CO2 reduction over NiFe2O4@alumina filled reactor heated by high-flux solar simulator. Energy. 2020; 197. 72.Lougou BG, Han D, Zhang H, Jiang B, Anees J, Ahouannou C, Zhao J, Shuai Y. Numerical and experimental analysis of reactor optimum design and solar thermal-chemical energy conversion for multidisciplinary applications. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020; 213. 73.Li T, Zhang C, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Tan H. Effects of image positions on temperature reconstruction using light field camera. Results in Physics. 2020; 17. 74.Jiang B, Lougou BG, Zhang H, Wang W, Han D, Shuai Y. Analysis of high-flux solar irradiation distribution characteristic for solar thermochemical energy storage application. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020; 181. 75.Huaxu L, Fuqiang W, Ziming C, Yong S, Bo L, Yuzhai P. Performance study on optical splitting film-based spectral splitting concentrated photovoltaic/thermal applications under concentrated solar irradiation. Solar Energy. 2020; 206: 84-91. 76.Han D, Lougou BG, Xu Y, Shuai Y, Huang X. Thermal properties characterization of chloride salts/nanoparticles composite phase change material for high-temperature thermal energy storage. Applied Energy. 2020; 264. 77.Guo Y, Xiong B, Shuai Y, Zhao J. Thermal driven wavelength-selective optical switch based on magnetic polaritons coupling. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2020; 255. 78.Guo Y, Xiong B, Shuai Y. Predicting Multi-Order Magnetic Polaritons Resonance in SiC Slit Arrays by Mutual Inductor-Inductor-Capacitor Circuit Model. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme. 2020; 142(7). 79.Guo Y, Shuai Y, Zhao J. Tailoring radiative properties with magnetic polaritons in deep gratings and slit arrays based on structural transformation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2020; 242. 80.Cheng Z, Wang F, Gong D, Liang H, Shuai Y. Low-cost radiative cooling blade coating with ultrahigh visible light transmittance and emission within an "atmospheric window". Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2020; 213. 81.Chao P, Li W, Liang X, Shuai Y, Sun F, Ge Y. A comprehensive review on dynamic equivalent modeling of large photovoltaic power plants. Solar Energy. 2020; 210: 87-100. 82.Zheng X, Zheng Y, Shuai Y, Yang J, Yang S, Tian Y. Kinematics analysis and trajectory planning of 6-DOF robot. Paper presented at: IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC); 2019 Mar 15-17, 2019; Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA. 83.Zhang Y, Xu P, Liang S, Liu B, Shuai Y, Li B. Exergy analysis of hydrogen production from steam gasification of biomass: A review. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019; 44(28): 14290-14302. 84.Zhang Y, Li L, Xu P, Liu B, Shuai Y, Li B. Hydrogen production through biomass gasification in supercritical water: A review from exergy aspect. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019; 44(30): 15727-15736. 85.Zhang H, Shuai Y, Pang S, Pan R, Lougou BG, Huang X. Numerical Investigation of Carbon Deposition Behavior in Ni/Al2O3-Based Catalyst Porous-Filled Solar Thermochemical Reactor for the Dry Reforming of Methane Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019; 58(34): 15701-15711. 86.Shuai Y, Yang C, Chen J, Yuan C, Song T. Secondary Screening Detection Optimization Method for Electronic Components Based on Artificial Intelligence. Paper presented at: 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS); 2019 Oct 18-20, 2019; Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA. 87.Shuai Y, Yang C, Chen J, Yuan C, Song T. A Hybrid Electronic Components Detection Parameter Sequence Optimization Method based on Random Forest and Mean Decrease Accuracy. Paper presented at: 10th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS); 2019 Oct 18-20, 2019; Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA. 88.Rafique M, Uqaili MA, Mirjat NH, Tunio MA, Shuai Y. Ab-initio investigations on titanium (Ti) atom-doped divacancy monolayer h-BN system for hydrogen storage systems. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2019; 109: 169-178. 89.Rafique M, Ugaili MA, Mirjat NH, Ahmad K, Shuai Y. Theoretical investigations on transition metal trioxide (TMO3) cluster incorporated monolayer aluminum nitride (AlN) using DFT technique. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2019; 110: 24-31. 90.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Ahmed I, Shaikh R, Tunio MA. Tailoring electronic and optical parameters of bilayer graphene through boron and nitrogen atom co-substitution; an ab-initio study. Applied Surface Science. 2019; 480: 463-471. 91.Pan R, Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Zhang G, Zhang H. Heat Transfer Modeling of a High-Temperature Porous-Medium Filled Solar Thermochemical Reactor for Hydrogen and Synthesis Gas Production. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme. 2019; 141(2). 92.Pan Q-H, Hong J-R, Xu S-D, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Theoretical Analysis of a Hyperbolic Metamaterial for Harvesting Visible and Infrared Light. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2019; 40(5-6): 410-417. 93.Ogugua PC, Li M, Lougou BG, Shuai Y. Core-shell structures with noble-metal nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Optics-India. 2019; 48(4): 549-556. 94.Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Chaffa G, Xing H, Tan H, Du H. Analysis of CO2 utilization into synthesis gas based on solar thermochemical CH4 -reforming. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2019; 28: 61-72. 95.Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Chaffa G, Ahouannou C, Pan R, Zhang H, Tan H. Analysis of Two-Step Solar Thermochemical Looping Reforming of Fe3O4 Redox Cycles for Synthesis Gas Production. Energy Technology. 2019; 7(3). 96.Lin C-H, Hsu P-P, He Y-L, Shuai Y, Hung T-C, Feng Y-Q, Chang Y-H. Investigations on experimental performance and system behavior of 10 kW organic Rankine cycle using scroll-type expander for low-grade heat source. Energy. 2019; 177: 94-105. 97.Li T-J, Zhang C-X, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Effect of nonuniform radiation properties on flame temperature reconstruction based on light field imaging. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019; 104: 136-146. 98.Li T, Yuan Y, Zhang B, Sun J, Xu C, Shuai Y, Tan H. Experimental verification of three-dimensional temperature field reconstruction method based on Lucy-Richardson and nearest neighbor filtering joint deconvolution algorithm for flame light field imaging. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019; 162. 99.Li T, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Tan H. Joint method for reconstructing three-dimensional temperature of flame using Lucy-Richardson and nearest neighbor filtering using light-field imaging. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2019; 62(7): 1232-1243. 100.Lee BJ, Shuai Y, Francoeur M, Menguc MP. Preface Special issue on the Third International Workshop on Nano-micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad'17). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2019; 237. 101.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Zhang J-H, Tan H-P. Noncontact Near-Field Photon Transfer Control Using Metamaterial. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. 2019; 33(1): 163-169. 102.Guo Y, Shuai Y, Tan H. Mechanism of polaritons coupling from perspective of equivalent MLC circuits model in slit arrays. Optics Express. 2019; 27(15): 21173-21184. 103.Guo Y, Shuai Y, Asme. PREDICTING MULTI-ORDER MAGNETIC POLARITONS RESONANCE IN SIC SLIT ARRAYS BY IMPROVED LC CIRCUIT MODEL. Paper presented at: 6th ASME International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer; 2019 Jul 08-10, 2019; Dalian, PEOPLES R CHINA. 104.Ahmed I, Rafique M, Mahar MA, Larik AS, Tunio MA, Shuai Y. Inducing opto-electronic and spintronic trends in bilayer h-BN through TMO3 clusters incorporation: Ab-initio study. Chinese Physics B. 2019; 28(11). 105.Zhang H, Lougou BG, Pan R, Shuai Y, Wang F, Cheng Z, Tan H. Analysis of thermal transport and fluid flow in high-temperature porous media solar thermochemical reactor. Solar Energy. 2018; 173: 814-824. 106.Yuan Y, Li T-J, Zhu Y-L, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Influence analysis of radiative properties and flame temperature reconstruction based on optical tomography. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018; 126: 342-352. 107.Tian S-Z, Shuai Y, Guo Y-M, Jiang B-S, Zhang G-H, Tan H-P. Simple and fast approach to exploit he spectra reflection properties of liquid media. Applied Optics. 2018; 57(30): 9046-9052. 108.Rafique M, Unar MA, Ahmed I, Chachar AR, Shuai Y. Ab-initio investigations on physisorption of alkaline earth metal atoms on monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2018; 118: 114-125. 109.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Hussain N. First-principles study on silicon atom doped monolayer graphene. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2018; 95: 94-101. 110.Rafique M, Mirjat NH, Soomro AM, Khokhar S, Shuai Y. Manipulation of inherent characteristics of graphene through N and Mg atom co-doping; a DFT study. Physics Letters A. 2018; 382(16): 1108-1119. 111.Pan Q, Zhang G, Pan R, Zhang J, Shuai Y, Tan H. Tunable absorption as multi-wavelength at infrared on graphene/hBN/Al grating structure. Optics Express. 2018; 26(14): 18230-18237. 112.Muhammad R, Uqaili MA, Shuai Y, Mahar MA, Ahmed I. Ab-initio investigations on the physical properties of 3d and 5d transition metal atom substituted divacancy monolayer h-BN. Applied Surface Science. 2018; 458: 145-156. 113.Muhammad R, Shuai Y, Irfan A, Tan H-P. First-principles investigations of manganese oxide (MnOx) complex-sandwiched bilayer graphene systems. Rsc Advances. 2018; 8(42): 23688-23697. 114.Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Zhang G, Chaffa G, Ahouannou C, Tan H. Analysis of H-2 and CO production via solar thermochemical reacting system of NiFe2O4 redox cycles combined with CH4 partial oxidation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018; 43(12): 5996-6010. 115.Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Pan R, Chaffa G, Tan H. Heat transfer and fluid flow analysis of porous medium solar thermochemical reactor with quartz glass cover. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018; 127: 61-74. 116.Li T-J, Sun J, Yuan Y, Xu C-L, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Simulation of calibration process in flame measurement by plenoptic camera. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018; 135: 179-187. 117.Li T, Zhang C, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Tan H. Flame temperature estimation from light field image processing. Applied Optics. 2018; 57(25): 7259-7265. 118.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Zhang J-H, Tan H-P. Optical Bifacial Transmission by Asymmetric Charge-Oscillation-Induced Light Transmission Through a Plasmonic Structure. Plasmonics. 2018; 13(3): 825-833. 119.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Zhang J-H, Tan H-P. 2-Dimensional Microlens Based on Uniformed Plasmonic Pyramid Arrays. Plasmonics. 2018; 13(4): 1483-1490. 120.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Li M, Guo Y, Tan H-p. Enhancement radiative cooling performance of nanoparticle crystal via oxidation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2018; 207: 23-31. 121.Guene Lougou B, Shuai Y, Pan R, Chaffa G, Ahouannou C, Zhang H, Tan H. Radiative heat transfer and thermal characteristics of Fe-based oxides coated SiC and Alumina RPC structures as integrated solar thermochemical reactor. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2018; 61(12): 1788-1801. 122.Xu S, Shuai Y, Zhang J, Huang X, Tan H-p. Performance optimization analysis of solar thermophotovoltaic energy conversion systems. Solar Energy. 2017; 149: 44-53. 123.Wang F, Cheng Z, Tan J, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Liu L. Progress in concentrated solar power technology with parabolic trough collector system: A comprehensive review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017; 79: 1314-1328. 124.Shuai Y, Song T, Wang J. Integrated parallel forecasting model based on modified fuzzy time series and SVM. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2017; 28(4): 766-775. 125.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Xu M, Zhang G, Guo Y. Ab initio calculations for structural, electronic and magnetic behaviors of nitrogenized monolayer graphene decorated with 5d transition metal atoms. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2017; 93: 26-38. 126.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Tan H-P, Muhammad H. Theoretical perspective on structural, electronic and magnetic properties of 3d metal tetraoxide clusters embedded into single and di-vacancy graphene. Applied Surface Science. 2017; 408: 21-33. 127.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Tan H-P, Hassan M. Manipulating intrinsic behaviors of graphene by substituting alkaline earth metal atoms in its structure. Rsc Advances. 2017; 7(27): 16360-16370. 128.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Tan H-P, Hassan M. Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of 3d metal trioxide clusters-doped monolayer graphene: A first-principles study. Applied Surface Science. 2017; 399: 20-31. 129.Rafique M, Shuai Y, Hassan M. Structural, electronic and optical properties of CO adsorbed on the defective anatase TiO2 (101) surface; a DFT study. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2017; 1142: 11-17. 130.Pan QH, Chen X, Xu SD, Shuai Y, Tan HP. Infrared Absorption Characteristics Analysis for Annulus Nanostructure of Aluminum Substrate. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme. 2017; 139(5). 131.Pan Q, Hong J, Zhang G, Shuai Y, Tan H. Graphene plasmonics for surface enhancement near-infrared absorptivity. Optics Express. 2017; 25(14): 16400-16408. 132.Muhammad R, Shuai Y, Tan H-P, Muhammad H. Structural, electronic, and magnetic behaviors of 5d transition metal atom substituted divacancy graphene: A first-principles study. Chinese Physics B. 2017; 26(5). 133.Muhammad R, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. First-principles study on hydrogen adsorption on nitrogen doped graphene. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2017; 88: 115-124. 134.Muhammad R, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. A first-principles study on alkaline earth metal atom substituted monolayer boron nitride (BN). Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2017; 5(32): 8112-8127. 135.Muhammad R, Shuai Y, He-Ping T, Aip. First-principles Study of Electronic and Optical Properties of Boron and Nitrogen Doped Graphene. Paper presented at: 2nd International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering (ICCMME); 2017 Feb 17-19, 2017; Chengdu, PEOPLES R CHINA. 136.Lougou BG, Shuai Y, Xing H, Yuan Y, Tan H. Thermal performance analysis of solar thermochemical reactor for syngas production. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017; 111: 410-418. 137.Lougou BG, Hong J, Shuai Y, Huang X, Yuan Y, Tan H. Production mechanism analysis of H-2 and CO via solar thermochemical cycles based on iron oxide (Fe3O4) at high temperature. Solar Energy. 2017; 148: 117-127. 138.Li T-J, Li S, Yuan Y, Liu Y-D, Xu C-L, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Multi-focused microlens array optimization and light field imaging study based on Monte Carlo method. Optics Express. 2017; 25(7): 8274-8287. 139.Jia Z-x, Shuai Y, Zhang J-h, Tan H-p. Mediating surface mode for intensive quasi-monochromatic evanescent wave tunneling. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2017; 202: 58-63. 140.Jia Z-x, Shuai Y, Zhang J-h, Tan H-p. Asymmetric radiation transfer based on linear light-matter interaction. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2017; 202: 21-30. 141.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Radiative flux control via graphene-based spectrum tailoring. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017; 107: 729-735. 142.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Li M, Guo Y-M, Tan H-p. Responses transition in a monolayer Al-Al2O3 nanoparticle-crystal due to oxidation. Optics Express. 2017; 25(16): A722-A741. 143.Jia Z-x, Shuai Y, Guo Y-m, Tan H-p. Nanoparticle-crystal towards an absorbing meta-coating. Optics Express. 2017; 25(8): A375-A390. 144.Huang X, Yuan Y, Zhang H, Shuai Y, Li B, Tan H. Solar thermochemical hydrogen production using metallic oxides. Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects. 2017; 39(3): 257-263. 145.Huang X, Ruan Z, Zhang H, Yuan Y, Shuai Y. Heat transfer analysis of thermal disassociation of ZnO for solar hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017; 42(29): 18223-18231. 146.Huang X, Hong J, Zhang Y, Shuai Y, Yuan Y, Li B, Tan H. Exergy distribution characteristics of solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 in a solar reactor. Energy. 2017; 123: 131-138. 147.Guene Lougou B, Shuai Y, Chen X, Yuan Y, Tan H, Xing H. Analysis of radiation heat transfer and temperature distributions of solar thermochemical reactor for syngas production. Frontiers in Energy. 2017; 11(4): 480-492. 148.Zhang C-X, Yuan Y, Zhang H-W, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Estimating stellar effective temperatures and detected angular parameters using stochastic particle swarm optimization. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2016; 16(9). 149.Zhang C, Zhou H, Chen X, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Tan H. Three-dimensional imaging simulation of active laser detection based on DLOS method. Infrared Physics & Technology. 2016; 77: 73-81. 150.Ruan Z-H, Yuan Y, Zhang X-X, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Determination of optical properties and thickness of optical thin film using stochastic particle swarm optimization. Solar Energy. 2016; 127: 147-158. 151.Ruan Z-H, Yuan Y, Chen Q-X, Zhang C-X, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. A new multi-function global particle swarm optimization. Applied Soft Computing. 2016; 49: 279-291. 152.Pan Q, Wang Q, Shuai Y, Tan H, Asme. INFRARED ABSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS ANALYSIS FOR SQUARE LOOP NANOSTRUCTURE OF AL SUBSTRATE. Paper presented at: 5th ASME International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer (MNHMT); 2016 Jan 04-06, 2016; Biopolis, SINGAPORE. 153.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Zhang J-h, Tan H-P. Direct wavefront manipulating for a transverse electric wave microlens. Optics Letters. 2016; 41(24): 5632-5635. 154.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Chen X, Tan H-P. Double Directions Nanoscale Range Finding Using Fano Resonance in Coupled Gratings. Plasmonics. 2016; 11(5): 1331-1336. 155.Chen Q-X, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Graphical aerosol classification method using aerosol relative optical depth. Atmospheric Environment. 2016; 135: 84-91. 156.Bachirou GL, Shuai Y, Zhang J, Huang X, Yuan Y, Tan H. Syngas production by simultaneous splitting of H2O and CO2 via iron oxide (Fe3O4) redox reactions under high-pressure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2016; 41(44): 19936-19946. 157.Wang F, Shuai Y, Tan H, Gong L. PROPOSAL OF THE SHAPE LAYOUT OF TRAPEZOIDAL CAVITY RECEIVER TO IMPROVE THE OPTICAL EFFICIENCY. Heat Transfer Research. 2015; 46(5): 429-446. 158.Liu B, Yuan Y, Li S, Shuai Y, Tan H-P. Simulation of light-field camera imaging based on ray splitting Monte Carlo method. Optics Communications. 2015; 355: 15-26. 159.Jia Z-X, Shuai Y, Xu S-D, Tan H-P. Optical coherent thermal emission by excitation of magnetic polariton in multilayer nanoshell trimer. Optics Express. 2015; 23(19): A1096-A1110. 160.Huang X, Chen X, Shuai Y, Yuan Y, Zhang T, Li B, Tan H. Heat transfer analysis of solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 by coupling MCRTM and FVM method. Energy Conversion and Management. 2015; 106: 676-686. 161.Chen M, He Y, Zhu J, Shuai Y, Jiang B, Huang Y. An experimental investigation on sunlight absorption characteristics of silver nanofluids. Solar Energy. 2015; 115: 85-94. 162.Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Li X-W, Liu B, Tan H-P. Using a new aerosol relative optical thickness concept to identify aerosol particle species. Atmospheric Research. 2014; 150: 1-11. 163.Yuan Y, Huang X, Shuai Y, Mao Q-J. Study on the Influence of Aerosol Radiation Balance in One-Dimensional Atmospheric Medium Using P-n-Approximation Method. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014; 2014. 164.Wang F, Tan J, Shuai Y, Tan H, Chu S. Thermal performance analyses of porous media solar receiver with different irradiative transfer models. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2014; 78: 7-16. 165.Wang F, Tan J, Shuai Y, Gong L, Tan H. Numerical analysis of hydrogen production via methane steam reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor using concentrated solar irradiation as heat source. Energy Conversion and Management. 2014; 87: 956-964. 166.Wang F, Tan J, Ma L, Shuai Y, Tan H, Leng Y. Thermal performance analysis of porous medium solar receiver with quartz window to minimize heat flux gradient. Solar Energy. 2014; 108: 348-359. 167.Wang F, Shuai Y, Wang Z, Leng Y, Tan H. Thermal and chemical reaction performance analyses of steam methane reforming in porous media solar thermochemical reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014; 39(2): 718-730. 168.Shuai Y, Tan H, Liang Y. Polariton-enhanced emittance of metallic-dielectric multilayer structures for selective thermal emitters. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2014; 135: 50-57. 169.Mao Q, Yuan Y, Shuai Y. Effects of atmospheric aerosol on the direct normal irradiance on the earth's surface. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014; 39(12): 6364-6370. 170.Mao Q, Xie M, Shuai Y, Yuan Y. Study on Solar Photo-Thermal Conversion Efficiency of a Solar Parabolic Dish System. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. 2014; 33(4): 1438-1444. 171.Mao Q, Shuai Y, Yuan Y. Study on radiation flux of the receiver with a parabolic solar concentrator system. Energy Conversion and Management. 2014; 84: 1-6. 172.Huang X, Yuan Y, Shuai Y, Li B-X, Tan H-P. Development of a multi-layer and multi-dish model for the multi-dish solar energy concentrator system. Solar Energy. 2014; 107: 617-627. 173.Du H, Li N, Brown MA, Peng Y, Shuai Y. A bibliographic analysis of recent solar energy literatures: The expansion and evolution of a research field. Renewable Energy. 2014; 66: 696-706. 174.Zhao B, Wang L, Shuai Y, Zhang ZM. Thermophotovoltaic emitters based on a two-dimensional grating/thin-film nanostructure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013; 67: 637-645. 175.Wei J, Zheng X, Yu J, Shuai Y, Ieee. A novel authentication scheme based on chaos. Paper presented at: 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE); 2013 Apr 26-28, 2013; Sri Lanka Inst Informat Technol, Colombo, SRI LANKA. 176.Wei J, Shuai Y, Yu J, Ieee. Cryptography with two discretized chaotic maps. Paper presented at: 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (ICCSE); 2013 Apr 26-28, 2013; Sri Lanka Inst Informat Technol, Colombo, SRI LANKA. 177.Wang J, Li Q, Shuai Y, Gao H, Wang C. Analysis of Equipment Support System Attribute Constitution. Paper presented at: International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering; 2013 Jul 15-18, 2013; Emeishan, PEOPLES R CHINA. 178.Wang F, Shuai Y, Tan H, Zhang X, Mao Q. Heat transfer analyses of porous media receiver with multi-dish collector by coupling MCRT and FVM method. Solar Energy. 2013; 93: 158-168. 179.Wang F, Shuai Y, Tan H, Yu C. Thermal performance analysis of porous media receiver with concentrated solar irradiation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2013; 62: 247-254. 180.Wang F, Shuai Y, Tan H, Lin R, Cheng P. Researches on a new type of solar surface cladding reactor with concentration quartz window. Solar Energy. 2013; 94: 177-181. 181.Wang F, Lin R, Liu B, Tan H, Shuai Y. Optical efficiency analysis of cylindrical cavity receiver with bottom surface convex. Solar Energy. 2013; 90: 195-204. 182.Babiker SG, Shuai Y, Sid-Ahmed MO, Xie M, Ieee. Design of a one - Dimensional Si/SiO2 Photonic Crystals Filter for Thermophotovoltaic Applications. Paper presented at: 16th International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC); 2013 Dec 19-20, 2013; Lahore, PAKISTAN. 183.Xia X-L, Dai G-L, Shuai Y. Experimental and numerical investigation on solar concentrating characteristics of a sixteen-dish concentrator. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012; 37(24): 18694-18703. 184.Wei J, Zheng X, Yu J, Shuai Y, Ieee. Application of unicity distance in a cryptosystem based on chaos. Paper presented at: 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education; 2012 Jul 14-17, 2012; Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. 185.Wei J, Zheng X, Yu J, Shuai Y, Ieee. Selection of chaotic states in cryptosystem based on chaos with differential analysis. Paper presented at: 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education; 2012 Jul 14-17, 2012; Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. 186.Wang F, Shuai Y, Yuan Y, Liu B. Effects of material selection on the thermal stresses of tube receiver under concentrated solar irradiation. Materials & Design. 2012; 33: 284-291. 187.Tu S-Q, Huang K-D, Shuai Y-M, Xu N-Y, Yuan Q-W, Guo J. Treatment of linguiform calcaneus fracture by close nail-pry reduction and internal fixation with hollow screws. Zhongguo gu shang = China journal of orthopaedics and traumatology. 2012; 25(6): 499-501. 188.Yuan Y, Yi H-L, Shuai Y, Liu B, Tan H-P. Inverse problem for aerosol particle size distribution using SPSO associated with multi-lognormal distribution model. Atmospheric Environment. 2011; 45(28): 4892-4897. 189.Wang F, Tan H, Shuai Y. The numerical investigation on optical efficiency and heat flux distribution of conical cavity receiver. Paper presented at: International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2011); 2012 Oct 21-23, 2011; Shanghai Univ Elect Power, Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA. 190.Shuai Y, Wang F-Q, Xia X-L, Tan H-P, Liang Y-C. Radiative properties of a solar cavity receiver/reactor with quartz window. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2011; 36(19): 12148-12158. 191.Yuan Y, Yi H-L, Shuai Y, Wang F-Q, Tan H-P. Inverse problem for particle size distributions of atmospheric aerosols using stochastic particle swarm optimization. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2010; 111(14): 2106-2114. 192.Wang F, Shuai Y, Yuan Y, Yang G, Tan H. Thermal stress analysis of eccentric tube receiver using concentrated solar radiation. Solar Energy. 2010; 84(10): 1809-1815. 193.Tang H-B, Ren Y-P, Hu Y, Zhu Z-Y, Shuai Y-F, Wu Y-P. Different expression of liver-specific insulin-like growth factor I gene in breast cancer; expression with mice. Zhonghua yi xue za zhi. 2008; 88(22): 1553-1556. 194.Shuai Y, Zhang H-C, Tan H-P. Radiation symmetry test and uncertainty analysis of Monte Carlo method based on radiative exchange factor. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2008; 109(7): 1281-1296. 195.Shuai Y, Xia X-L, Tan H-P. Radiation performance of dish solar concentrator/cavity receiver systems. Solar Energy. 2008; 82(1): 13-21. 196.Shuai Y, Xia X-L, Tan H-P. Numerical study of radiation characteristics in a dish solar collector system. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the Asme. 2008; 130(2). 197.Shuai Y-m, Xu X, Sun H, Xu G. Change detection based on region likelihood ratio in multitemporal SAR images. Paper presented at: 8th International Conference on Signal Processing; 2006 Nov 16-20, 2006; Guilin, PEOPLES R CHINA. 198.Shuai Y, Dong SK, Lin LH. Simulation of infrared radiation characteristics of high temperature free-stream flow including particles by using backward Monte-Carlo method. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. 2005; 24(2): 100-104. Photo Gallery 名称 2015.05.20 Real Man Counter-Strike Game at Sun Island 2015.05.20 BBQ at Sun Island 2014.09.07 Dinner Party, Welcome new members. 2014.07.13 Dinner Party, Congratulations on graduation for Samah,Naich and Fang Cheng. 2014.05.23 BBQ at Sun Island Exchange Activities 名称 2014.08.22 Siberian Federal University (Dr. Vladimir A. Kulagin) and Moscow Power Engineering Institute (The first Vice-rector, Tatiana A. Stepanova) 2012.04 USA 甘肃敦煌10MW光伏并网发电示范项目(2012年12月) The 6th HIT-HYU International Workshop for Graduate Students(2013.1.31-2.3) Group News 新闻标题 20120517—哈工大—经纬讲坛 主题报告《我在美国的这一年》 发布时间 2012-12-22 2012年5月17(周四)晚6:00 新活动中心326 相关新闻链接: http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2012/05-14/3325254150RL0.htm 新闻标题 20120602—哈工大—第十二届《21世纪的热能动力》学生学术研讨会 主题报告 《美国的生活与科研》 发布时间 2012-12-22 时间:2012年6月2日 主会场:哈尔滨工业大学新学生活动中心214 相关链接: http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2012/05-30/9515819050RL0.htm http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2012/06-06/9935358060RL0.htm 新闻标题 20121116—哈工大土木楼—“在土木楼看美国”——建筑学院SAICA国际交流协会名师访谈 发布时间 2012-12-22 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2012/11-22/6590346111RL0.htm 新闻标题 20121123—东莞—城院大讲堂 发布时间 2012-12-22 http://csxy.dgut.edu.cn/newscenter/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=6519 新闻标题 祝贺2013届硕士生顺利毕业,张旭升和曹良丹获得金牌硕士 发布时间 2013-07-15 祝贺2013届硕士生顺利毕业,张旭升和曹良丹获得金牌硕士 新闻标题 北京工业大学王景甫教授一行来访 发布时间 2013-08-06 2013年8月2日,北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院王景甫教授、吴玉庭教授、郭航教授、王景甫教授、王伟讲师一行来访课题组,并针对太阳能高效利用研究进行了深入的研讨。 新闻标题 美国内华达拉斯维加斯大学Chen Yitung教授来访并作报告 发布时间 2013-08-06 2013年8月6日,美国内华达拉斯维加斯大学Chen Yitung教授来访课题组,针对太阳能热化学利用进行了深入交流,并作了《Review of Study on Solid Particle Solar Receiver》系列学术讲座。 新闻标题 欢迎2013级硕士研究生加入课题组 发布时间 2013-09-02 欢迎2013级硕士生周洪贺、王其桢、张传新、张慧媛、李义加入课题组! 新闻标题 20131025课题组参加2013年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议 发布时间 2013-10-29 会议时间:2013年10月25日-28日 会议地点:重庆大学 参会人员:帅永,袁远,黄兴,周洪贺,程方 新闻标题 Congratulations on graduation for Samah, Naich and Fang Cheng. 发布时间 2014-07-19 Congratulations on graduation for Samah, Naich and Fang Cheng. 新闻标题 欢迎2014级硕士研究生加入课题组 发布时间 2014-09-10 热烈欢迎张皓威、张筱娴、李赛加入! 新闻标题 台北科技大学洪祖全教授及拉斯维加斯内华达大学Chen Yitung教授来访 发布时间 2014-09-22 应课题组邀请,台北科技大学洪祖全教授及美国拉斯维加斯内华达大学Chen Yitung教授来访并作学术报告。 报告题目: Organic Rankine Cycle Development (洪祖全教授) 报告题目:Corrosion and Oxide Layer Modeling Using Deterministic and Stochastic Methods (Chen Yitung教授) 新闻链接如下: http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2014/09-15/3272208190RL0.htm 新闻标题 佐治亚理工学院张卓敏教授来校讲学 发布时间 2014-12-25 受学校国际合作与交流基金资助,应本人邀请,美国佐治亚理工学院张卓敏教授将于2014年12月23日-12月29日来我校进行学术交流并作学术报告。本次报告涉及微/纳尺度传热的历史与发展以及微/纳尺度传热的基本原理及最新研究进展,欢迎全校师生参加。 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2014/12-22/5223907121RL0.htm 报告题目1:Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer and Applications 报告题目2:Nanoscale Heat Conduction and Recent Trends 报告题目3:Near-Field Thermal Radiation 报告题目4:Tailoring Thermal Radiative Properties with Micro/Nanostructures 新闻标题 庆祝 “新能源科学与技术”青年学者论坛暨第二届工程热物理青年学术论坛成功召开 发布时间 2015-02-01 2015年1 月15 日~18 日,“新能源科学与技术”青年学者论坛暨第二届工程热物理青年学术论坛在哈尔滨工业大学举行。本次论坛由国家自然科学基金委员会、中国工程热物理学会、哈尔滨工业大学科学与工业技术研究院主办,哈尔滨工业大学青年科技协会、哈尔滨工业大学青年人才联合会、工程热物理论坛网协办,哈尔滨工业大学能源学院承办,主题为“激扬学识、锐意创新、碰撞思想、汇聚能量”,旨在为与能源动力领域相关的学科青年学者搭建一个学术交流、促进合作、拓展知识面的平台,推动学术创新、展示学术成果,促进青年人才的成长与发展,为我国工程热物理学科的发展与壮大贡献力量。 本次论坛共有来自40所院校、150余青年学者参会,包括本学科33位优青、新世纪人才和优博获得者,与会青年学者平均年龄34岁,作了45场报告。在开幕式上,哈尔滨工业大学能源学院院长赵广播,国家自然科学基金委工程与材料科学部工程科学三处处长刘涛、主任纪军,中国工程热物理学会理事长金红光院士,哈尔滨工业大学副校长韩杰才先后致辞。 在科学前沿和科研经验报告中,王丽伟、朱嘉琦、吕友军、曹炳阳、何玉荣等学者介绍了项目研究、团队建设、国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金申报等经验和体会,特邀本学科的金红光院士、张兴教授、谈和平教授等几位权威资深专家现场点评把脉,为青年学者指点迷津,助力成长成才。在科研经验交流论坛中,与会青年学者从学术前沿、科研心得和设想、项目申请、青年教师发展、团队建设等方面进行了充分交流。在科研沙龙中,青年学者分享了科研故事和经历,交流了如何规划科研、如何招收研究生、如何发表高水平论文。在基金申请交流报告中,纪军主任和李强教授讲解了国家自然科学基金项目申请的要点和注意事项。 在为期两天的会议中,青年学者们畅所欲言,深入研讨。学术观点与思想的碰撞、合作与交流平台的建立,使大家深受启迪、增进信心、收获经验、学会成长。与会青年专家学者认为,通过本次论坛,了解到了国内工程热物理学科青年学者的最新研究成果,增加了同行之间的相互学习和交流,增进了友谊,开阔了视野,论坛的举办取得了圆满成功。 新闻标题 祝贺团队获得哈尔滨工业大学第三届研究生“十佳团队” 发布时间 2015-05-30 祝贺团队(能源学院谈和平课题组研究生团队)获得哈尔滨工业大学第三届研究生“十佳团队”。 相关新闻详见: http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2015/05-29/4460043150RL0.htm 新闻标题 祝贺2015届本科和硕士生顺利毕业! 发布时间 2015-07-10 祝贺 许声多 获得工学学士学位 张传新、周洪贺、张慧媛、王其桢、李义获得工学硕士学位 新闻标题 祝贺刘彬获得工学博士学位 发布时间 2015-07-09 祝贺刘彬获得工学博士学位 新闻标题 祝贺本科生贾子勋的Optics Express文章录用发表! 发布时间 2015-10-24 Optical Coherent Thermal Emission by Excitation of Magnetic Polarition in Self-Assembled Multilayer Nanoshell Trimer 新闻标题 应邀在哈尔滨工业大学第八届本科生学术论坛作报告 发布时间 2015-07-30 题为《浅谈国防战略和精导技术》的特邀报告 http://enews.hit.edu.cn/news/2015/07-21/6302429070RL0.htm 新闻标题 Solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 work published on Energy Conversion and Management! 发布时间 2015-10-24 Congrats to Xing Huang on the acceptance of the very first experimental work on solar-thermal dissociation of NiFe2O4 from our Group for publication on Energy Conversion and Management. 新闻标题 Congratulations on doctoral graduation for Xing Huang(黄兴). 发布时间 2016-05-02 聚集辐射热解铁酸盐颗粒过程光热特性分析Photo-thermal characteristics analysis for concentrating radiation thermal decomposition process based on ferrite 新闻标题 The short course on nano-micro radiation is coming... 发布时间 2017-06-22 The 2017 "International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation" pre-working short course will be held at Harbin Institute of Technology June 23-24, 2017. The main objective of this pre-workshop short course on Nano-Microscale Thermal Radiation will be offered for young scholars / stud -ents in order to better understand the fundamentals, applications and trends in this field. http://nano2017.comingx.com/ The 2017 "International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation" pre-working short course will be held at Harbin Institute of Technology June 23-24, 2017. The main objective of this pre-workshop short course on Nano-Microscale Thermal Radiation will be offered for young scholars / stud -ents in order to better understand the fundamentals, applications and trends in this field.The 2017 "International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation" pre-working short course will be held at Harbin Institute of Technology June 23-24, 2017. The main objective of this pre-workshop short course on Nano-Microscale Thermal Radiation will be offered for young scholars / stud -ents in order to better understand the fundamentals, applications and trends in this field. http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-07/0971308070RL0.htm 新闻标题 2017年“Energy-Chance and Challenge”国际暑期学校在哈工大成功举办 发布时间 2017-07-22 本次国际暑期学校于2017年7月17日-21日在我校举办,共有来自中国大陆、台湾和美国、英国、德国、瑞典、日本、乌克兰等国家、地区的60余名师生参加。暑期学校采用专题课程的形式,在课程设计上实现了提升国际化能力的目标,聘请国内外一流大学师资开设学科前沿课程,在课程内容、教学方式与方法上与国际接轨。邀请到了美国明尼苏达大学、德国慕尼黑工业大学、瑞典隆德大学、日本北海道大学、乌克兰科学院、台湾新竹清华大学等海内外知名学校和机构的专家、学者作为授课教师,为学员讲授风能、核能、生物质能、等离子体物理、燃料电池、储能及热能利用等相关领域国际前沿研究议题、研究方法以及科技前沿动态。 此次暑期学校设置三大系列课程,包括核心基础课程、应用系列课程、前沿课程。这些课程的开设体现了暑期学校课程的国际性特点,对国际学生和国内学生都具有很强的吸引力。旨在为能动学科优秀大学生提供大量学习及聆听前沿技术的机会,提供青年学生与资深专家学者学术交流的平台,同时提升哈工大以及能动学科国际影响力。 开幕式 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-17/5685153270RL0.htm 国际暑期学校工作简报第1期 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-18/0685453270RL0.htm 国际暑期学校工作简报第2期 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-20/4992303270RL0.htm 国际暑期学校工作简报第3期 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-21/0620002270RL0.htm 国际暑期学校工作简报第4期 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-26/3541058070RL0.htm 结业式 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2017/07-26/2203439070RL0.htm 新闻标题 热烈祝贺课题组入选哈工大研究生“十佳团队” 发布时间 2017-12-21
