Guene Lougou Bachirou
姓名 | Guene Lougou Bachirou |
教师编号 | 91492 |
性别 | Guene Lougou Bachirou |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | Guene Lougou Bachirou |
学历 | Guene Lougou Bachirou |
职称 | 副教授 |
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基本信息(Basic information) 论文(Publications) 会议/EI论文(Conference/EI Paper) 新建主栏目 基本信息(Basic information) title Guene Lougou Bachirou (乐古),哈尔滨工业大学副教授,博士生导师,所在学科动力工程及工程热物理,国际合作部交流办公室副主任,国家高端外国人才引进计划、国家自然科学基金委外国青年人才计划、国家外国青年人才计划、校优博、全国优秀来华留学生。主要从事太阳能光热化学转换与储能基础研究及技术开发。主持/参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国学位与研究生教育学会项目等科研项目9余项。在Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Journal of Energy Chemistry、Energy Conversion & Management、Applied Energy等能源-材料-化工领域高水平学术期刊上发表SCI论文75余篇,英文专著1章。率青年教师及优秀博士开展多种形式的国际学术交流。 个人网站(Website) 名称 研究领域(Research Field) 名称 研究方向:太阳能光热化学转换与储能 简介:低碳能源技术;太阳能高效利用;多孔介质热质传递;先进热化学储能材料;高效光热电催化剂;光热电化学反应器工程;CO2制备燃料技术。 工作经历(Work Experience) 名称 2021.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院 副教授 2019.01-2021.12 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院 讲师 2019.03-至今 哈尔滨市环境保护委员会生态环境专家组专家 2019.11-至今 哈尔滨工业大学来华留学生校友会会长 奖项成果(Awards and Honors) 名称 2020年,哈尔滨工业大学第二十二届优秀博士学位论文 2019年,哈尔滨工业大学2019届优秀毕业留学生 2018年,名校出优才 2017年,中国政府优秀来华留学生奖学金 2017年,Certificate of Excellent 讲授课程(Courses) 名称 本科生课程 (Undergraduate Courses) 光伏材料与太阳能电池 空天太阳能电池 研究生课程 (Graduate Courses) 高等热流基础 太阳能光热利用 招生信息(Recruiting New Members) 名称 本科生招生:(每年若干名),热爱学习,愿意钻研和从事科技创新实践活动。 太阳能高效转化技术; 先进热化学储能材料; 节能减排与降碳技术; 多相流反应器设计与优化。 硕士招生:(每年1~2名),能积极主动学习,具有一定的创新思维。 太阳能高效利用(光热、热电、光-电-热耦合利用)相关研究工作; 先进热化学储能材料、新型热化学储能系统相关研究工作; 高温能量转换与耦合传输相关研究工作。 博士招生:(每年1~2名),积极主动,勤奋刻苦,思维活跃,具有工程热物理或化学学科或物理学科背景。 太阳能驱动低碳燃料(H2、C1、C1%2B)制备(新型催化材料的合成,提出几种可行的材料合成路径,并通过分子水平模拟或实验手段进行验证)相关研究工作; 光热材料中的电子传输过程中的动力学和热力学性能研究与分析相关研究工作; 先进热化学储能技术相关研究工作。 博士后招聘(每年1~2名):从事太阳能光-电-热化学转换与储能等方面的研究。特别欢迎物理、化学、光学、材料等专业毕业的博士进站从事与工程热物理学科间的交叉研究。 低碳能源与先进储能技术相关研究工作。 所在团队(Team) title 链接名称:帅永 教授 链接地址: 对本课题组研究方向感兴趣的同学,请将简历发送至:; 微信:18249028561 发表论文 名称 Paper 2023 1. Oraléou Sangué Djandja, Rock Keey Liew, Chang Liu, Jianhao Liang, Haojun Yuan, Weixin He, Yifei Feng, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Pei-Gao Duan, Xuebin Lu, Shimin Kang*. Catalytic hydrothermal carbonization of wet organic solid waste: A review.Science of The Total Environment(2023): 162119. IF: 10.754 Graphical abstract 2. Lianxuan Wu, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Boshu Jiang, Hao Zhang, Yanming Guo, Boxi Geng, TianTian Yan, Piotr Lapka, Yong Shuai. Experimentally validated numerical model of multi-spectral bands radiative transport in solar receiver/reactor with photo-active porous absorber reacting media. Energy Conversion and Management 278 (2023): 116740. IF: 11.533 3. Hao Zhang, Xiaomi Zhang, Dazhi Yang, Yong Shuai, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Qinghui Pan, Fuqiang Wang. Selection of iron-based oxygen carriers for two-step solar thermochemical splitting of carbon dioxide. Energy Conversion and Management 279 (2023): 116772. IF: 11.533 Fig. 5.Gaseous product analysis of doping-modified CoFe2O4nanoparticle under 1300–800°C non-isothermal cycle: (a) O2release (b) CO yield; (c) CO/O2ratio. 4. Ruming Pan*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Gérald Debenest*. A multidimensional numeric study on smoldering-driven pyrolysis of waste polypropylene. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 172 (2023): 305-316. IF: 7.926 Fig. 7. Process of pyrolyzing PP to produce fuels in the pyrolysis chamber: (a) TPP at t=7200–14,400s with intervals of 3600s; (b) RPP at t=7200–14,400s with intervals of 3600s; (c) ρPP at t=7200–14,400s with intervals of 3600s; (d) Bed porosity at t=7200–14,400s with intervals of 3600s; (e) Real-time pyrolysis product fractions; (f) PP fraction and pyrolysis product cumulative yields. 5. Boxi Geng, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Hao Zhang, Qinghui Pan, Dongmei Han, Boshu Jiang, Lianxuan Wu, Ziyue Wang. Design of gas-liquid two-phase separation device with application in solar hydrogen production system. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 175 (2023): 113169. IF: 16.799 Graphical abstract 6. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Lianxuan Wu, Danni Ma, Boxi Geng, Boshu Jiang, Donmei Han, Hao Zhang, Piotr Lapka*, Yong Shuai*. Efficient conversion of solar energy through a macroporous ceramic receiver coupling heat transfer and thermochemical reactions. Energy 271 (2023): 126989. IF: 8.857 Fig. 10. Analysis of the physical principles underpinning radiative heat flux transfer and high-temperature energy transport in the cavity: (a) 3D reactor thermal behavior; (b) reactor physical properties change under high-flux solar simulator; (c) 3D reactor configuration showing the component characteristics of the reactor without aperture; (d) effects of the reactor geometry modification on heat transfer and reactor thermal performance; (e) reactor without aperture and with hollowed porous media. 7. Oraléou Sangué Djandja, Shimin Kang*, Zizhi Huang, Junqiao Li, Jiaqi Feng, Zaiming Tan, Adekunlé Akim Salami, Bachirou Guene Lougou. Machine learning prediction of fuel properties of hydrochar from co-hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic biomass. Energy 271 (2023): 126968. IF: 8.857 Graphical abstract 8. Dongmei Han, Yicheng Hou, Boshu Jiang, Boxi Geng, Xibo He, Enkhbayar Shagdar, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*. Enhanced corrosion resistance of alloy in molten chloride salts by adding nanoparticles for thermal energy storage applications. Journal of Energy Storage 64 (2023): 107172. IF: 8.907 Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of the corrosion of the Inconel 625 alloy in nanocomposite salt. (a) The possible corrosion reactions occurred at the Inconel 625 alloy and nanocomposite salt. (b) Anticorrosion mechanism of Inconel 625 alloys in nanocomposite salt. 9. Karim Bio Gassi, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Mustafa Baysal. Performance analysis of induc-tion heated-porous thermochemical energy storage for heat applications in power systems. Applied Thermal Engineering 217 (2022): 119226. IF:9 Fig. 2. Schematic of the proposed induction reactor model. Fig. 7. Qualitative temperature distribution into the model; a) t = 0 s; b) t = 90 s; c) t = 300 s; d) t = 1,020 s; e) t = 3,000 s; f) Inside the reactor along the axial length; g) Inside the reactor along the radial axis. 10. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai, Samia Razzaq, Enkhbayar Shagdar, Zhijiang Wang, Junpeng Zhao. Analysis of Different Factors Affecting the Product Selectivity of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Modeled in a Flow Cell. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry 59.3 (2023): 229-240. IF:1.2 Fig. 2. (a) HCOO- current density, (b) formate, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide faradaic efficiency at 3.1 V cell potential, (c) formate faradaic efficiency, (d) maximum formate faradaic efficiency versus required pressure. 11. Wei Wang, Yong Shuai, Jianyu Yang, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yudong Huang. Heat transfer and heat storage characteristics of calcium hydroxide/oxide based on shell-tube thermochemical energy storage device. Renewable Energy 218 (2023): 119364. IF: 8.7 Fig. 1. Diagram of the shell-tube thermochemical energy storage indirect reactor. (a) Shell-tube reactor; (b) Cross-sectional view of the reactor; (c) Diagram of five cross-sections. Fig. 5. (a) Temperature distribution; (b) Ca(OH)2 concentration distribution; (c) Steam pressure distribution. (d) Average temperature distribution; (e) Average Ca(OH)2 concentration distribution and average reaction extent; (f) Average steam pressure distribution. 12. Hao Zhang, Xiao Ming, Dazhi Yang, Yong Shuai, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Qinghui Pan, Fuqiang Wang. Application of CoFe2O4-NiO nanoparticle-coated foam-structured material in a high-flux solar thermochemical reactor. Science China Technological Sciences (2023): 1-11. IF: 4.6 Figure 1 (Color online) Experimental setup of an 18-kW lab-scale solar thermochemical testing platform. 13. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai, Zhijiang Wang, Haseeb ur-Rehman, Samia Razzaq, Wei Wang, Ruming Pan, Fanghua Li, Lei Han. Study of CuSb bimetallic flow-through gas diffusion electrodes for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction to CO. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2023). IF:9.9 Graphical abstract 14. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai, Zhijiang Wang, Haseeb ur-Rehman, Samia Razzaq, Wei Wang, Ruming Pan, Fanghua Li, Lei Han. Analyzing the Electrochemical Reduction of CO and CO2 as Reactants to C1 and C2 Products on Copper-based Flow-through Gas Diffusion Electrodes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (2023): 111528. IF:7.7 Fig. 8. Schematic description of (a) GD and (b) non-GD configurations with closed and opened ends of Cu FTGDE, faradaic efficiency, and current density of (c-e) ethylene and (f-h) CO. HER (negative scale) is also shown to demonstrate its prevalence for flow-through and flow-by setups. 15. Dongmei Han, Yong Shuai, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Boxi Geng, Xibo He, Tiantian Yan, Jiameng Song. Corrosion evaluation and resistance study of alloys in chloride salts for concentrating solar power plants. Rare Metals (2023): 1-12. IF:8.8 Graphical abstract 16. 马丹妮, 颜天天, 张烁, Guene Lougou Bachirou, 张昊, 潘如明, 帅永. CH4/H2O/H2辅助热催化CO2转化机制[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(06): 23-35. DOI:10.20078/j.eep.20230706. IF:0.877 图1 热催化CO2转化机制 17. 帅永, 马丹妮, 颜天天, 张烁, Guene Lougou Bachirou, 张昊, 王伟. 太阳能热催化二氧化碳转化机理研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(03): 13-24. DOI: 10.20078/j.eep.20230507. IF:0.877 图4 热化学循环 2022 1. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Samia Razzaq, Zhijiang Wang, Enkhbayar Shagdar, Jiupeng Zhao. A Techno-Economic Study of Commercial Electrochemical CO2 Reduction into Diesel Fuel and Formic Acid. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology. 2022;13(1):148-58. IF: 2.774 Fig. 1 Schematic of both processes chosen for techno-economic analysis Fig. 5 Fuel summary for both processes with respect to their base, optimistic, and optimistic plus hundred dollars per CO2 ton 2. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Batmunkh Sereeter, Yong Shuai*, Azeem Mustafa, Enkhjin Ganbold, Dongmei Han. Performance Analysis of the 50 MW Concentrating Solar Power Plant under Various Operation Conditions. Energies. 2022; 15(4):1367. IF: 3.252 Fig. 1 Simplified logic flow diagram for estimating the operating performance of the CSP plant. 3. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Boxi Geng, Boshu Jiang, Hao Zhang, Qiming Sun, Yong Shuai*, Zhibin Qu, Jiupeng Zhao, Chi-Hwa Wang*. Copper ferrite and cobalt oxide two-layer coated macroporous SiC substrate for efficient CO2-splitting and thermochemical energy conversion. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2022; 627:516-31. IF: 9.965 Graphical abstract The O-deficit SiC-Co3O4-CuFe2O4 surface area available for gas–solid reactions exhibited high oxidation potential and remarkably CO2-splitting capacities with a total CO yield of 1919.33 μmol/g at 1300 °C. The significance of exploiting the synergy between CuFe2O4 and Co3O4 layers provided fundamental insights useful for the solar thermochemical process. 4. Boshu Jiang, Qiming Sun, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Hao Zhang, Xian Li, Zhibin Qu, Yong Shuai*, Chi-Hwa Wang*. Highly-selective CO2 conversion through single oxide CuO enhanced NiFe2O4 thermal catalytic activity. Sustainable Materials and Technologies. 2022; 32:e00441. IF: 10.681 Fig. 1. Synthesis procedure of hard carbon nanosheets from cork and chemical analyses(a) the schematic of derivation of hard carbon nanosheets from cork tree with desirable characteristics for potential applications in SIBs, and the cellular microstructures (b) thermogravimetric curves showing the pyrolysis and carbonization pattern of pristine and oxidized corks, (c) FTIR spectra of as-received cork, cork oxidized at 300 °C in air and hard carbon nanosheets obtained after carbonization at 1500 °C in argon, (d) The C 1 s and (e) O 1 s XPS of the as-received (pristine) cork, cork oxidized at 300 °C in air and hard carbon obtained from cork after thermal stabilization at 300 °C and carbonization at 1500 °C in argon. 5. Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Hao Zhang, Dongmei Han, Boshu Jiang, Jiupeng Zhao, Xing Huang. Combined heat and mass transfer analysis of solar reactor integrating porous reacting media for water and carbon dioxide splitting. Solar Energy. 2022; 242:130-42. IF: 7.188 Fig. 1. Solar receiver-reactor model for the conversion of concentrated solar energy into high-density thermochemical energy flux. 6. Hao Zhang, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Boshu Jiang, Dazhi Yang, Qinghui Pan, Fuqiang Wang, Xing Huang. Effects of foam structure on thermochemical characteristics of porous-filled solar reactor. Energy. 2022; 239:122219. IF: 8.857 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the porous-filled solar thermochemical system. 7. Dongmei Han, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Wei Wang, Boshu Jiang, Enkhbayar Shagdar. Study of thermophysical properties of chloride salts doped with CuO nanoparticles for solar thermal energy storage. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2022; 234:111432. IF: 7.305 Graphical abstract To improve the heat transfer characteristics of chloride salts, nanocomposites doped with 0.2, 0.7, and 2.0 wt% CuO nanoparticles were synthesized. The nanocomposites showed excellent TES performance for high-temperature CSP systems. 8. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Azeem Mustafa, Dashpuntsag Choidorj, Heping Tan. New integration mechanism of solar energy into 300 MW coal-fired power plant: Performance and techno-economic analysis. Energy. 2022; 238:122005. IF: 8.857 Fig. 1. The hierarchical structure of modeling for the SCHPG system. 9. Gassi, Karim Bio, Bachirou Guene Lougou, and Mustafa Baysal. Performance analysis of induction heated-porous thermochemical energy storage for heat applications in power systems. Applied Thermal Engineering (2022): 119226. IF: 6.465 Fig. 1. Induction heating-based reactor into a microgrid with energy storages devices and renewable sources. 10. Xuhang Shi, Fuqiang Wang*, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Hao Zhang, Xiudong Wei, Dong Li, Jie Xu. Experimental and numerical study regarding the biomimetic bone porous structure to match energy and mass flow in a solar thermochemical reactor. Journal of Energy Storage 55 (2022): 105645. IF: 8.907 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a solar thermochemical system with biomimetic bone porous structure. 11. Boshu Jiang, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Hao Zhang, Boxi Geng, Lianxuan Wu, Yong Shuai. Preparation and solar thermochemical properties analysis of NiFe2O4@ SiC/@ Si3N4 for high-performance CO2-splitting. Applied Energy 328 (2022): 120057. IF: 11.466 Fig. 4.Experimental temperature curve of the porous material along with CO production rate curves over time: (a) thermal performance and thermochemical reactivity of NiFe2O4 coated SiC porous skeleton reacting media; (b) thermochemical reaction performance of NiFe2O4 coated Si3N4 porous skeleton media; (c) CO2-splitting reactivity of the thermally activated SiC and Si3N4 porous skeleton media; (d) comparison of CO production over 7 cycles; (e) temperature curves of the thermal insulation layer and NiFe2O4 coated SiC porous skeleton media. 2021 1. Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Qi Hong*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Juqi Zhang, Boshu Jiang, Junaid Anees, Eyale Bayable Tegegne. Thermochemical Energy Storage Performance Analysis of (Fe,Co,Mn)Ox Mixed Metal Oxides. Catalysts. 2021; 11:362. IF: 4.501 Fig. 1 The TGA on mixed and pure metallic oxides at 30 mL Ar/min and 20 mL O2/min gas flow rates and 30 °C/min heating rate with applying temperature from room to 1400 °C and cooling to 800 °C for two step redox reaction: (a) TGA for two- step cyclic redox reaction for all oxides with time; (b) TGA for pure oxides with time; (c) TGA for mixed oxides that shows redox with time; (d) TGA for all oxides in the test with temperature in the first step of redox; (e) TGA for CoO with temperature in the first step of redox; (f) TGA for MnO with temperature in the first step of redox; (g) TGA for Fe3O4 with temperature in the first step of redox; (h) TGA for 25 wt.% MnO %2B 75 wt.% CoO with temperature in the first step of redox; (i) TGA for 75 wt.% MnO %2B 25 wt.% CoO with temperature in the first step of redox; (j) TGA for 50 wt.% MnO %2B 50 wt.% CoO with temperature in the first step of redox; (k) TGA for 50 wt.% MnO %2B 50 wt.% CoO and 25 wt.% MnO %2B 75 wt.% CoO with tempertaure. 2. Junaid Anees, Hao-Chun Zhang*, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Sobia Baig, Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Yiyi Li. Harvested Energy Scavenging and Transfer capabilities in Opportunistic Ring Routing. IEEE Access. 2021; 9:75801-25. IF: 3.476 Fig. 7Agg_Req packet, Agg_Reply packet and Data packet forwarding. 3. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Tseyen-Oidov Jagvanjav, Fuqiang Wang, Heping Tan. Comparative Performance Assessment of 300MW Solar-Coal Hybrid Power Generation System Under Different Integration Mechanisms. Energy Technology. 2021; 9(1):2000628. IF: 4.149 Fig. 1 Process scheme of 300 MW SCHPG system. 4. Karim Bio Gassi*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Mustafa Baysal,Clément Ahouannou. Thermal and electrical performance analysis of induction heating based‐thermochemical reactor for heat storage integration into power systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 2021; 45(12):17982-8001. IF: 4.672 Fig. 6 Qualitative temperature distribution along the reactor function of the magnetomotive force applied to the coils at 3 A and 100 turns: A, t = 1 mn; B, t = 10 mn; C, t = 30 mn; D, t = 50 mn; E, inside the reactor 5. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Zhijiang Wang, Samia Razzaq, Enkhbayar Shagdar, Jiupeng Zhao, Jingjing Shanc. Recent progresses in the mechanism, performance, and fabrication methods of metal-derived nanomaterials for efficient electrochemical CO2 reduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9.8 (2021): 4558-4588. IF: 14.511 Fig. 1 (a) Chemicals and fuels produced through electrochemical CO2 reduction using renewable energy resources, (b) flow diagram describing the methodology of the present review. 6. YongShuai*, BachirouGuene Lougou*, HaoZhang, JiupengZhao, ClémentAhouannou, HepingTan. Heat transfer analysis of solar-driven high-temperature thermochemical reactor using NiFe-Aluminate RPCs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2021; 46(16):10104-18. IF: 7.139 Fig. 1. Mechanism describing solar thermochemical energy storage process. Fig. 2. Laboratory scale experimental setup of solar thermochemical energy conversion into fuels and chemicals. 7. Yong Shuai*, Enkhbayar Shagdar, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Azeem Mustafa, Baldandorj Doljinsuren, DongMei Han, Heping Tan. Performance analysis of 200MW solar coal hybrid power generation system for transitioning to a low carbon energy future. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021; 183:116140. IF: 6.465 Fig. 2. Process scheme of the 200 MW solar-coal hybrid power generation system. 8. Yong Shuai*, Hao Zhang, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Boshu Jiang, Azeem Mustafa, Chi-Hwa Wang, Fuqiang Wang, Jiupeng Zhao. Solar-driven thermochemical redox cycles of ZrO2 supported NiFe2O4 for CO2 reduction into chemical energy. Energy. 2021; 223:120073. IF: 8.857 Fig. 2. (a) and (b) Schematic diagram describing the experimental proceeding and prototype experimental system of CO2 conversion; (c) NiFe2O4@ZrO2 oxide catalyst synthesis by combining impregnation and nanocoated technology; (d) Ni, Fe-based oxide on the reactive metal surfaces of Zr; (e) XRD pattern of NiFe2O4/ZrO2 oxide nanomaterials. 9. Wei Wang*, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Boshu Jiang. Thermal performance analysis of free-falling solar particle receiver and heat transfer modelling of multiple particles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021; 187:116567. IF: 6.465 Fig. 1. Schematic layout of a concentrating solar power hybrid power plant using the falling-particle receiver. Fig. 5. Evolution of heat transfer with same-sized particles, 85%, 920 kW/m2. 10. Azeem Mustafa, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Zhijiang Wang, Samia Razzaq, Jiupeng Zhao, Jingjing Shan. Progress and perspective of electrochemical CO2 reduction on Pd-based nanomaterials. Chemical Engineering Science. 2021; 245:116869. IF: 4.889 2020 1. Bachirou Guene Lougou, DongMei Han, Hao Zhang, Boshu Jiang, Junaid Anees, Clement Ahouannou, Jiupeng Zhao, Yong Shuai*. Numerical and experimental analysis of reactor optimum design and solar thermal-chemical energy conversion for multidisciplinary applications. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020; 213:112870. IF: 11.533 2. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Hao Zhang, Clement Ahouannou, Jiupeng Zhao, Basile Bruno Kounouhewa, Heping Tan, Thermochemical CO2 reduction over NiFe2O4@alumina filled reactor heated by high-flux solar simulator. Energy. 2020; 197:117267. IF: 8.857 3. Dongmei Han, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yantao Xu, Yong Shuai*, Xing Huang, Thermal properties characterization of chloride salts/nanoparticles composite phase change material for high-temperature thermal energy storage. Applied Energy. 2020; 264:114674. IF: 11.446 4. Hao Zhang, Yong Shuai, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Boshu Jiang, Fuqiang Wang, Ziming Cheng, Heping Tan, Effects of multilayer porous ceramics on thermochemical energy conversion and storage efficiency in solar dry reforming of methane reactor. Applied Energy. 2020; 265:114799. IF: 11.446 5. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Zhijiang Wang, HepingTan, Current technology development for CO2 utilization into solar fuels and chemicals: A review. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2020; 49: 96-123. IF: 13.599 6. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Enkhjin Ganbold, Ogugua Paul Chinonso, Heping Tan, Process analysis of solar steam reforming of methane for producing low-carbon hydrogen. RSC Advances. 2020; 10:12582. IF: 4.036 7. Yabibal Getahun Dessie,Bachirou Guene Lougou*,Hong Qi*, Heping Tan.Reactor Design and Thermal Performance Analysis for Solar Thermal Energy Storage Application, Energies 2020, 13(12), 3186. IF: 3.252 8. Yabibal Getahun Dessie, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Qi Hong*, Tan Heping, Zhang Juqi, Gao Baohai and Islam Md Arafat. Thermal Performance Analysis of a Solar Reactor Designed for Syngas Production. Energies. 2020, 13, 3405. IF: 3.252 9. Yong Shuai, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Hao Zhang, Jiupeng Zhao, Clément Ahouannou, Heping Tan. Heat transfer analysis of solar-driven high-temperature thermochemical reactor using NiFe-Aluminate RPCs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020, IF: 7.139 10. Yong Shuai, Enkhbayar Shagdar, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Azeem Mustafa, Baldandorj Doljinsuren, DongMei Han, Heping Tan. Performance analysis of 200 MW solar coal hybrid power generation system for transitioning to a low carbon energy future. Applied Thermal Engineering. 183(2021)116140. IF: 6.465 11. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Enkhjin Ganbold, Ogugua Paul Chinonso & HepingTan. Analysis of heat flow diagram of small-scale power generation system: Innovative approaches for improving techno-economic and ecological indices. Science China Technological Sciences. 63:2256–2274(2020). IF: 3.572 12. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Junaid Anees, Chimedsuren Damdinsuren, HepingTan. Performance analysis and techno-economic evaluation of 300 MW solar-assisted power generation system in the whole operation conditions. Applied Energy. 264 (2020) 114744. IF: 11.446 13. Junaid Anees, Hao-Chun Zhang*, Sobia Baig, Bachirou Guene Lougou and Thomas Gasim Robert Bona. Hesitant Fuzzy Entropy-Based Opportunistic Clustering and Data Fusion Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2020, 20, 913. IF: 3.847 14. Junaid Anees, Hao-Chun Zhang*, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Sobia Baig, Yabibal Getahun Dessie. Delay aware energy-efficient opportunistic node selection in restricted routing. Computer Networks. 181(2020)107536. IF: 5.493 16. Enkhbayar Shagdar, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Enkhjin Ganbold, Fuqiang Wang, Heping Tan. Comparative performance assessment of solar-coal hybrid power generation system under different integration mechanisms. Energy Technology. IF: 4.149 17. Azeem Mustafa, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, Zhijiang Wang, Samia Razzaq, Jiupeng Zhao HepingTan. Theoretical insights into the factors affecting the electrochemical reduction of CO2. Sustainable Energy & Fuels. DOI:10.1039/d0se00544d. IF: 6.813 18. Boshu Jiang, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Hao Zhang, Wei Wang, Dongmei Han, Yong Shuai*. Analysis of high-flux solar irradiation distribution characteristic for solar thermochemical energy storage application. Applied Thermal Engineering. 181 (2020) 115900. IF: 6.465 19. Huaxu liang, Xinping Zhang, Bo Lin, Fuqiang Wang , Ziming Cheng, Xuhang Shi, Bachirou Guene Lougou. Design of Biomimetic Leaf-type Hierarchical Nanostructure for Enhancing the Solar Energy Harvesting of Ultra-thin Perovskite Solar Cells. ES Energy & Environment. 2020; IF:xxx 20. Hao Zhang, Yong Shuai*, Ye Yuan, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Boshu Jiang, Fuqiang Wang, Ziming Cheng. Thermal-chemical reaction characteristics of Ni/Al2O3 catalytic porous material filled solar reactor for dry reforming of methane process. Applied Thermal Engineering. 180 (2020) 115901. IF: 6.465 21. ZHANG Hao, SHUAI Yong*, GUENE LOUGOU Bachirou*, JIANG BoShu & HUANG Xing. Thermal characteristics and thermal stress analysis of solar thermochemical reactor under high-flux concentrated solar irradiation. Sci China Tech Sci, 2020, 63. IF: 3.572 2019 1. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Gédéon Chaffa, Huang Xing, Heping Tan, Huibin Du, Analysis of CO2 utilization into synthesis gas based on solar thermochemical CH4-reforming. Journal of Energy Chemistry. 2019; 28:61-72. IF: 13.599 2. Bachirou Guene Lougou,Yong Shuai,* Gédéon Chaffa,Clément Ahouannou, Ruming Pan, Hao Zhang, and Heping Tan. Analysis of two-step solar thermochemical looping reforming of Fe3O4 redox. Energy Technol. 2019, 7, 1800588. IF: 4.149 3. Puming Pan, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai, Guohua Zhang, Hao Zhang, Heping Tan. Heat transfer modeling of a high-temperature porous-medium filled solar thermochemical reactor for hydrogen and synthesis gas production. Journal of Heat Transfer - Transactions of THE ASME (2018) 141(2): 022601. IF: 1.855 4. Hao Zhang, Yong Shuai, Songjian Pang, Ruming Pan, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Xing Huang, Numerical Investigation of Carbon Deposition Behavior in Ni/Al2O3?Based Catalyst Porous-Filled Solar Thermochemical Reactor for the Dry Reforming of Methane Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019; 58: 15701-15711. IF: 4.326 5. Junaid Anees, Hao-Chun Zhang* , Sobia Baig and Bachirou Guene Lougou. Energy-Efficient Multi-Disjoint Path Opportunistic Node Connection Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Grids. Sensors 2019, 19, 3789. IF: 3.847 6. Paul Chinonso Ogugua, Meng Li, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai. Core–shell structures with noble-metal nanoparticles for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Optics. 48: 549-556(2019). IF: 2.077 2018 1. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Ruming Pan, Gédéon Chaffa, Heping Tan. Heat transfer and fluid flow analysis of porous medium solar thermochemical reactor with quartz glass cover. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 127 (2019) 61–74. IF: 5.431 2. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Zhang Guohua, Gedeon Chaffa, Clement Ahouannou, Heping Tan. Analysis of H2 and CO production via solar thermochemical reacting system of NiFe2O4 redox cycles combined with CH4 partial oxidation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 43 (2018) 5996-6010. IF: 7.139 3. GUENE LOUGOU Bachirou, SHUAI Yong*, PAN RuMing, CHAFFA Gédéon, AHOUANNOU Clément, ZHANG Hao & TAN HePing. Radiative heat transfer and thermal characteristics of Fe-based oxides coated SiC and Alumina RPC structures as integrated solar thermochemical reactor. Sci China Tech Sci, 2018, 61: 1788–1801. IF: 3.572 4. Hao Zhang, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Ruming Pan, Yong Shuai*, Fuqiang Wang, Ziming Cheng, Heping Tan. Analysis of thermal transport and fluid flow in high-temperature porous media solar thermochemical reactor. Solar Energy. 173 (2018) 814–824. IF: 7.188 2017 1. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Jiarong Hong, Yong Shuai*, Xing Huang*, Yuan Yuan, Heping Tan. Production mechanism analysis of H2 and CO via solar thermochemical cycles based on iron oxide (Fe3O4) at high temperature. Solar Energy 148 (2017) 117–127. IF: 7.188 2. Bachirou GUENE LOUGOU, Yong SHUAI, Xiang CHEN, Yuan YUAN, Heping TAN, Huang XING. Analysis of radiation heat transfer and temperature distributions of solar thermochemical reactor for syngas production. Frontiers in Energy. 11:480–492(2017). IF: 2.964 3. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Huang Xing*, Yuan Yuan, Heping Tan. Thermal performance analysis of solar thermochemical reactor for syngas production. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 111 (2017) 410–418. IF: 5.431 4. Xian-Long Meng, Xin-Lin Xia*, Gui-Long Dai, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Shuai-Long Wu. A vector based freeform approach for reflecting concentrator of solar energy. Solar Energy. 153 (2017) 691-699. IF: 7.188 2016 1. Guene Lougou Bachirou, Yong Shuai*, Jiahui Zhang, Xing Huang**, Yuan Yuan, Heping Tan. Syngas production by simultaneous splitting of H2O and CO2 via iron oxide (Fe3O4) redox reactions under high-pressure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 41 (2016) 19936-19946. IF: 7.139 发表会议/EI论文 名称 1. Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Y. Shuai, H. Zhang, B. Jiang, and J. Zhao. HIGH-TEMPERATURE HEAT TRANSFER MODELING OF CERAMIC POROUS CHEMICALLY REACTING MEDIA. 6th International Workshop on Heat/Mass Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, August 13-16, 2021, Harbin, China. 2. Yong Shuai, Bachirou Guene Lougou. Insight into Redox-Based Thermochemical Energy Storage (TCES). 3rd Sustainable Waste Management Conference & 3rd Solar Energy Systems Conference. August 4th-6th, 2021, Virtual, USA. 3. Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai, Hao Zhang, Boshu Jiang, Jiupeng Zhao. Solar thermal and photocatalytic CO2 conversion principles and key challenges. 2021 International Energy Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Chengdu, China 4. Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai*, H. Zhang, B. Jiang, Y. Getahun Dessie, J. Zhao. (Mn, Co) oxide redox cycles-based high-temperature thermochemical energy storage. Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’21), Volume 3, (pp. 83-84) 2021, ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS, Energy Materials Science. 5. Azeem Mustafa, Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Samia Razzaq. Modeling the electrochemical conversion of CO2 to CO in a microfluidic cell. Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’21), Volume 3, (pp. 81-82) 2021, ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS, Energy Materials Science. 6. Y. Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou*, H. Zhang, B. Jiang, A. Mustafa, J. Zhao, H. Tan. High-temperature solar thermochemistry CO2 reduction over NiFe2O4/ZrO2@ZrO2 oxygen exchange material. November 20th-26th, 2020, Virtual, USA. 7. Boshu Jiang, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai. A CuO-BASED THERMAL CATALYST FOR EFFICIENT CO2-SPLITTING. 2nd Webinar on Catalysis & Chemical Engineering, March 11-12, 2021. 8. Bachirou Guene Lougou*, H. Zhang, B. Jiang, A. Mustafa, Y. Shuai*, J. Zhao, H. Tan. Modeling of a high-temperature solar-driven thermochemical fuel production system. Alternative Energy Sources, Materials & Technologies (AESMT’20), Volume 1, (pp. xx-xx) 2020. 9. Raman Kulinich, Uladzimir A. Sednin, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai. Artificial intelligence technology for evaluating solar energy resources and its application in Harbin. Repository of the Belarusian National Technical University. 2020; 50-53. 10. Yong Shuai*, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Hao Zhang, zhaojun luo, Ruming Pan, Heping Tan. High-temperature heat transfer enhancement of the system of solar hydrogen production as renewable energy carrier. 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, October 1-6, 2019, Dubrovnik, Sweden. 11. Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Hao Zhang, Jiang Boshu, Yong Shuai*, and Heping Tan. High-temperature Solar Thermochemical Energy Conversion Technology. 3rd Advanced Lectures on Fundamentals for Solar Energy Conversion, Dalian, China, 2019. 12. Bachirou Guene Lougou*, Yong Shuai, Hao Zhang, Jiang Boshu, and Heping Tan. Novel technology based solar thermochemical for CO2 reutilization into high-value products. The 25th China Conference on Atmospheric Environment Science and Technology, November 18-19, Chengdu, China. 13. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai*, Dongmei Han, Xing Huang, Heping Tan, (2018), High surface temperature gas-solid (Fe3O4 and H2O/CO2) interfacial reaction characteristics, Begel House Inc., 7567-7574. 14. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Yong Shuai, Clément Ahouannou, Ruming Pan, Gédéon Chaffa, He-Ping Tan, Fe-Ni bimetallic supported Alumina catalysts promote CO2 utilization to synthesis gas via solar thermochemical reacting system. 6th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization, ICCU2018-083, June 15th-17th, 2018, Hangzhou (Zhejiang), China. 15. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Modeling and Experimental Study of Solar Thermochemical Reacting System for CO2 Utilization, Hydrogen and Synthesis Gas Production, 2018 International Summer School on Energy & International Workshop on Thermal Chemistry and Solar Energy, China, Harbin Institute of Technology, 5-10 August 2018. 16. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Mechanisms and kinetics analysis of H2 and CO production via solar thermochemical reacting system of iron oxide (Fe3O4) redox cycles with CH4-driven reduction, The 18th "21st Century Thermal Energy and Power", Harbin Institute of Technology, China, June 5, 2018 17. Bachirou Guene Lougou, Production mechanism analysis of H2 and CO via thermochemical cycles based on iron oxide (Fe3O4) redox pairs, Summer School 2016 of SINO-EU Doctoral School for Sustainability Engineering, China, Harbin Institute of Technology, 25-30 August 2016. |