姓名 | 董永康 |
教师编号 | 91420 |
性别 | 董永康 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 航天学院 |
学位 | 董永康 |
学历 | 董永康 |
职称 | 教授 |
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基本信息 English Version 论文专著 科学研究 课题组动态 教育教学 工程与应用 ... 教育教学 工程与应用 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 董永康,教授/博士生导师,教育部国家级高层次人才,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院副院长,集成电路科学与工程学科负责人,激光空间信息全国重点实验室常务副主任,科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目首席科学家,科技部金砖国家光子学工作组中方负责人,中国光学工程学会理事,国际著名期刊Optics Letters编委,Photonic Sensors编委,《激光与光电子学进展》编委。从事光纤与激光传感器基础研究、技术研发和工程应用,取得多项创新性研究成果,并成功应用到国家重大工程中。在Nature旗下期刊Light: Science & Applications、Optica、Laser & Photonics Reviews等国际权威期刊发表论文110余篇,爱思唯尔高被引学者,获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖、中国光学工程学会技术发明一等奖、陕西省科技进步一等奖,主持国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、大型央企委托项目20余项。 媒体报道 名称 科技部高技术中心 http://www.htrdc.com/gjszx/gsxw02/3140.shtml 工大要闻 http://news.hit.edu.cn/2019/1107/c1510a217676/page.htm 光电期刊编辑部 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vYxv8aJyYCM8VoBBU7duGQ Light中心 “高空间分辨率分布式光纤应变监测仪”获第二届光环奖 环球网 董永康:中国光纤传感技术已经引领国际 光电产品与资讯 哈工大董永康:追求极致,80后的硬核“追光”路 工大要闻 董永康教授团队项目获第七届“中国光学工程学会科技创新奖”技术发明类一等奖 航天学院我院光纤传感技术助力绿色冬奥为电力输送保驾护航 工大要闻航天学院董永康教授团队在微波光子频率测量领域取得重要突破 教育和工作经历 名称 2023.07~ 现在, 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院副院长 2012.01~ 现在, 哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院光电子信息科学与技术系,教授/博士生导师 2008.10~2011.09, 加拿大渥太华大学,博士后 2003.09~2008.07, 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院物理电子学专业,硕博连读研究生 1999.09~2003.07, 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院电子科学与技术系,本科 1993.09~1999.07, 安徽省固镇县第一中学 荣誉称号 名称 2011年入选哈尔滨工业大学引进人才“百人计划” 2013年6月获“航天学院教学基本功大赛一等奖” 2013年获“黑龙江省自然科学一等奖” 2015年5月获首届“中国光学工程学会科技创新奖” 2017年获“陕西省科技进步一等奖” 2018年度首届“立德树人先进导师”荣誉称号 2018年度黑龙江省青年人才 2018年度教育部国家级青年人才 2019年董永康实验室入选哈尔滨工业大学“青年科学家工作室” 2023年入选教育部国家级高层次人才 主要任职 名称 激光空间信息全国重点实验室常务副主任; 科技部金砖国家光子学工作组光子传感器方向负责人; Optics Letters期刊编委; Photonic Sensors期刊编委; Light: Science and Applications期刊客座编辑; 《激光与光电子学进展》期刊编委; 《光电产品与资讯》期刊编委; 中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会委员; 光学工程学会理事; 中国光学工程学会光纤传感技术应用专家工作委员会青委会主席; 中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛系列会议程序委员会委员; 美国光学学会高级会员(OSA senior member),美国电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)会员,中国光学学会会员,中国光学学会纤维光学与集成光学专业委员会委员; 课题组成员和实验室 名称 Brief Introduction 名称 Research interest · Optical fiber devices and sensors, distributed optical fiber sensors, optical fiber gas sensors, BOTDA/BOTDR/BOCDA, OFDR, φ-OTDR, weak FBG array, fs-lased based micro/ nano fabrication · Smart grid safety monitoring, oil and gas pipeline safety monitoring, aircraft safety monitoring, high temperature optical fiber sensing, structural health monitoring Appointments · Deputy director of National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2019-present. · Topical editor of Optics Letters, 2020.4-present. · Associate editor of Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2018-present. · Guest editor of Light: Science & Applications, 2019. · Editorial Board of Photonics Sensors, 2021.1-present. · Senior member of OSA, 2021 Education and Job · Professor at the School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2012-present. · Postdoc at the Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2008-2011 · Harbin Institute of Technology of China, Ph. D in Physical Electronics, 2008. · Harbin Institute of Technology of China, undergraduate, 1999-2003. Honors and Awards · Yangtze River Scholar Professor (Young) of China, 2018. · First Prize in Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, 2017. · Innovation Award of Chinese Society for Optical Engineering, 2021. · First Prize in Provincial Natural Science Award, 2013. Fundings 1. “Distributed optical fiber strain interrogator”, National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project, Grant No. 2017YFF0108700, 07/01/2017-06/30/2021, PI: Yongkang Dong, Amount: RMB41,000,000. 2. “Multi-parameter measurement of polarization-maintaining fiber coil”, National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project, Grant No. 2013YQ04081502, 10/01/2013-09/30/2017, Co-PI: Yongkang Dong, Dong’s portion: RMB2,910,000. 3.“Ultra-high resolution optical spectroscopy based on Brillouin dynamic grating”, National Science Foundation, Grant No. 61575052, 01/01/2016-12/31/2019, PI: Yongkang Dong. Amount: RMB760,000. 4. “A high-resolution and long-range distributed optical fiber sensor based on Brillouin dynamic grating”, National Science Foundation, Grant No. 61205073, 01/01/2013-12/31/2015, PI: Yongkang Dong. Amount: RMB280,000. Miscellaneous · Over 100 journal publications and over 30 invited talks or plenary talks · Publications have been cited for more than 1500 times · Over 30 USA and China patents · Technical Committee Member 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2019. 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, Matsue City, Japan, 2018. 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, Harbin, China, 2017. 2nd International Conference on Fibre-optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications, Brisbane, Australia, 2017. 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structure Health Monitoring, Qingdao, China, 2014. Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors of China, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2013. · Founder of RealPhotonics, a company aims to commercialize distributed optical fiber sensing interrogator and market their applications, 2015. High-resolution distributed Brillouin sensing interrogator gained The HALO Award in 2020. Publications 名称 2023 1. Dengwang Zhou, Pengduo Li, Dexin Ba, Wuliji Hasi, and Yongkang Dong*, “Dynamic distributed optical fiber sensing based on simultaneous measurement of Brillouin gain and loss spectra with frequency-agile technique,” Opt. Lett. 48(12), 3151-3154, (2023). 2. Henan Wang, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-performance transient SBS-based microwave measurement using high-chirp-rate modulation and advanced algorithms,” Opt. Lett. 48(12), 3291-3294, (2023). 3. Henan Wang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Real-Time and High-Accuracy Microwave Frequency Identification Based on Ultra-Wideband Optical Chirp Chain Transient SBS Effect,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2200239, (2023). 4. Hongying Zhang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Advances in Brillouin dynamic grating in optical fibers and its applications,” Progress in Quantum Electronics, 87, 100440, (2023). 5. Yongkang Dong*, Chao Pang, Wuliji Hasi, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Dengwang Zhou, “Photon-echo-like phenomenon induced by a phonon,” Physical Review A, 107, 023504, (2023). 6. Meng Xia, Xiaohui Tang, Ying Wang, Can Li, Yong Wei, Jiaju Zhang, Taofei Jiang, and Yongkang Dong*, “OPGW positioning and early warning method based on a Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensor and machine learning,” Appl. Opt. 62(6), 1557-1566, (2023). 2022 1. Dexin Ba, Liqiang Qiu, Qi Chu, Yulin Pei, Dianyang Lin, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-resolution and large-strain distributed dynamic sensor based on Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering,” Opt. Lett. 47(22), 5777-5780, (2022). 2. Yongkang Dong, Yuli Ren, Hongwei Li, Arkady Shipulin, Dengwang Zhou, Tianfu Li, Hongying Zhang, Dianyang Lin, and Dexin Ba, “Quasi-acoustic impedance matching distributed opto-mechanical sensor with aluminized coating optical fibers,” Opt. Lett. 47(21), 5696-5699, (2022). 3. Hongying Zhang, Yanyang Lei, Jinzhe Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “Distributed Airflow Sensing Based on High-Spatial-Resolution BOTDA and a Self-Heated High-Attenuation Fiber,” Sensors, 22:4017, (2022). 4. Dengwang Zhou, Pengduo Li, Dexin Ba, Wuliji Hasi, and Yongkang Dong*, “Brillouin dynamic grating erasure technique for fast all-optical signal processing,” Opt. Lett. 47(13), 3211-3214, (2022). 5. Ziyue Yuan, Xiutao Lou, Qi Chu, Tianfu Li, and Yongkang Dong*, “Ultrarapid spectroscopic gas dectection via frequency-agile and compressed sensing,” Applied Physics B, 128:66, (2022). 6. Liqiang Qiu, Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou, Qi Chu, Zongda Zhu, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-sensitivity dynamic distributed pressure sensing with frequency-scanning φ-OTDR,” Opt. Lett, 47(4), 965-968, (2022). 7. Zhaohui Zhang, Peng Guan, Yongkang Dong*, Hui Li “Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of offshore pile foundation based on DPP-BOTDA,” J. Civil Structure Health Monitoring, 12:747-756, (2022). 2021 1. Dexin Ba, Zijie Hua, Yijia Li, and Yongkang Dong*, “Polarization separation assisted optomechanical time-domain analysis with submeter resolution,” Opt. Lett, 46(23), 5886-5889, (2021). 2. Xiutao Lou, Yue Wang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Multipoint dispersion spectroscopic gas sensing by optical FMCW interferometry,” Opt. Lett, 46(23), 5950-5953, (2021). 3. Dexin Ba, Lamessa A. Ayana, Ying Wang, Long Wang, Qi Chu, and Yongkang Dong*, “Image-matching assisted dual-frequency phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry,” Appl. Opt. 60(34), 10632-10637, (2021). 4. 娄秀涛,王玥,卢辉辉,董永康*,“基于光学调频连续波的气体光谱检测技术研究进展,”量子电子学报,38(5),564-579(2021)。(邀请综述) 5. Zijie Hua, Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou Yijia Li, Yue Wang, Xiaoyi Bao and Yongkang Dong*, “Non-destructive and distributed measurement of optical fiber diameter with nanometer resolution based on coherent forward stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 2:25, (2021). 6. 夏猛,汤晓惠,王颖,张书林,姜辉,张琦,董永康*,“基于布里渊频移特征的OPGW光缆接续杆塔与断纤定位方法,”光学学报,41(19),1906003(2021)。 7. Liqiang Qiu, Dengwang Zhou, Zongda Zhu, Qi Chu, Tianfu Li, and Yongkang Dong*, “Dynamic distributed pressure measurement using frequency-agile fast BOTDA,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(22), 25743-25748 (2021). 8. Zhaohui Zhang, Peng Guan, Yongkang Dong*, Hui Li “Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of offshore pile foundation based on DPP-BOTDA,” J. Civil Structure Health Monitoring, , (2021). (in press) 9. Zongda Zhu, Dexin Ba, Lu Liu, Liqiang Qiu, and Yongkang Dong* “Temperature-compensated distributed refractive index sensor based on an etched multi-core fiber in optical frequency domain reflectometry,” Opt. Lett, 46(17), 4308-4311, (2021). 10. 张洪英,杨志远, 崔荣鹏,关鹏,董永康*,“基于BOTDR的海上风力发电机桩基水平荷载性能研究,”光学学报,41(13),1306016(2021)。 11. Dengwang Zhou, Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Liqiang Qiu, Wuliji Hasi, Yongkang Dong*, “Millimeter-level recognition capability of BOTDA based on a transient pump pulse and algorithm enhancement,” Opt. Lett, 46(14), 3440-3443, (2021). 12. Pengbai Xu, Jiahao Yuan, Zhensen Gao, Lei Shen, Ou Xu, Jianping Li, Yongkang Dong*, Xinyong Dong, Jun Yang, Yuncai Wang, and Yuwen Qin “Bending-loss-resistant distributed Brillouin curvature sensor based on an erbium-doped few-mode fiber,” Opt. Lett, 46(13), 3239-3242, (2021). 13. Zongda Zhu, Dexin Ba, Lu Liu, Liqiang Qiu, Shunhu Yang, and Yongkang Dong* “Temperature-compensated multi-point refractive index sensing based on a cascaded Fabry-Perot cavity and FMCW interferometry,” Opt. Express, 29(12), 19034-19048 (2021). 14. Ziyue Yuan, Xiutao Lou, and Yongkang Dong*, “Rapid and broadband spectroscopic gas sensing by extended optical linear chirp chain,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(14), 4847-4852 (2021). 15. Zongda Zhu, Dexin Ba, Lu Liu, Liqiang Qiu, Shunhu Yang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Multiplexing of Fabry-Pérot sensor by frequency modulated continuous wave interferometry for quasi-distributed sensing application,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(13), 4529-4534 (2021). 16. Henan Wang, Dexin Ba, Xuejie Mu, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “Ultrafast distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing based on optical chirp chain,” IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(6), 1-15 (2021). (Invited review) 17. Yongkang Dong*, Zongda Zhu, Xiaoning Tian, and Liqiang Qiu, “Frequency-modulated continuous-wave LIDAR and 3D imaging by using linear frequency modulation based on injection locking,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(8), 2275-2280 (2021). 18. Yongkang Dong*, “High-performance distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing,” Photonic Sensors, 11 (1), 69-90 (2021). (invited review) 19. Xiutao Lou, Yabo Feng, Shunhu Yang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Ultra-wide-dynamic-range gas sensing by optical pathlength multiplexed absorption spectroscopy,”Photonics Research, 9(2), 193-201 (2021). 20. Liqiang Qiu, Zongda Zhu, Tianfu Li, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-sensitivity distributed temperature sensor based on Brillouin scattering with double-coated single-mode fiber,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(5), 6209-6216 (2021). 21. Pengbai Xu, Chao Pang, Xinyong Dong, Yuwen Qin, and Yongkang Dong*, “Fast acquirable Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry based on bipolar-chirped pulse pair,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(12), 1558-2213 (2021). 2020 1. Benzhang Wang, Dexin Ba, Qi Chu, Liqiang Qiu, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-sensitivity distributed dynamic strain sensing by combing Rayleigh and Brillouin scattering,” Opto-Electro Adv, 3 (12), 200013, (2020). (cover paper) 2. Taofei Jiang, Dengwang Zhou, Meng Xia, Lei Teng, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong, “Distributed birefringence measurement of a polarization-maintaining fiber with an extended range based on an enhanced Brillouin dynamic grating,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 12 (4), 7102507, (2020). 3. Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Tianfu Li, Yijia Li, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong* “Fast Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry using the optical chirp chain reference wave,” Opt. Lett, 45(19), 5460-5463, (2020). 4. Qi Chu, Benzhang Wang, Henan Wang, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong* “Fast Brillouin optical time-domain analysis using frequency-agile and compressed sensing,” Opt. Lett, 45(15), 4365-4368, (2020). 5. 夏猛,汤晓惠,王颖,张书林,姜辉,董永康*,“基于BOTDA/R的在运光纤复合架空地线光缆应变监测对比分析,” 光学学报,40(15),1528001,(2020)。 6. 张洪英,田晓宁, 雷艳阳,朱宗达,董永康*,“同时测距和测速的注入锁定调频连续波激光雷达,”光学学报,40(15),1506001,(2020)。 7. Hongying Zhang, Lei Teng, and Yongkang Dong*, “Distributed salinity sensor with a polyimide-coated photonics crystal fiber based on Brillouin dynamic grating,” J. Lightwave Technology, 38(18), 5219-5224, (2020). 8. Xiutao Lou, Yabao Feng, Chen Chen, and Yongkang Dong* “Multi-point spectroscopic gas sensing based on coherent FMCW interferometry,” Opt. Express, 28(6), 9014-9026 (2020). 9. Yongkang Dong, Liqiang Qiu, Yuelan Lu, Lei Teng, Benzhang Wang, and Zongda Zhu, “Sensitivity-enhanced distributed hydrostatic pressure sensor based on BOTDA in single-mode fiber with double-layer polymer coatings,” J. Lightwave Technology, 38(8), 2564-2571 (2020). 10. Zhaohui Zhang, Peng Guan, Jinlong Xu, Benzhang Wang, Hui Li, and Yongkang Dong,* “Horizontal Loading Performance of Offshore Wind Turbine Pile Foundation Based on DPP-BOTDA,” Appl. Sci. 10, 492, (2020). 11. Chao Pang, Zijie Hua, Dengwang Zhou, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao and Yongkang Dong* “Optomechanical time-domain analysis based on coherent forward stimulated Brillouin scattering probing,” Optica, 7(2), 176-184, (2020). 12. Ziyue Yuan, Xiutao Lou, and Yongkang Dong* “Microwave photonic notch filter with tunable frequency and bandwidth based on gas absorption,” Opt. Lett, 45(1), 248-251, (2020). 13. Benzhang Wang, Yongkang Dong,* Dexin Ba, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High spatial resolution: an integrative review of its developments on the Brillouin optical time-and correlation-domain analysis,” Measurement Science and Technology, 31, 052001, (2020). (邀请综述) 14. Benzhang Wang, Zijie Hua, Chao Pang, Dengwang Zhou, Dexin Ba, Dianyang Lin, and Yongkang Dong,* “Fast Brillouin Optical Time-domain Reflectometry Based on the Frequency-agile Technique,” J. Lightwave Technology, 38(4), 946-952 (2020). 15. Hongying Zhang, Yifu Cheng, Kaiji Wu, Zhijun Yuan, and Yongkang Dong,* “A liquid-level sensing method based on DPP-BOTDA and a self-heated high attenuation fiber,” Appl. Opt. 59(3), 795-799 , (2020). 2019 1. Dexin Ba, Yue Li, Jialiang Yan, Xiaopei Zhang, and Yongkang Dong* “Phase-coded Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis with 2-mm resolution based on phase-shift keying,” Opt. Express, 27(25), 36197-36205 (2019). 2. Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong* “Online distributed strain measurement of fiber Michelson hydrophones based on DPP-BOTDA with a pulsed-probe wave,” Opt. Express, 27(16), 22375-22384 (2019). 3. Xiutao Lou, Ziyue Yuan, and Yongkang Dong* “Rapid spectroscopic gas sensing using optical linear chirp chain,” Opt. Express, 27(9), 13160-13171 (2019). 4. Benzhang Wang, Baohua Fan, Dengwang Zhou, Chao Pang, Yue Li, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong,* “High-performance optical chirp chain BOTDA by using pattern recognition algorithm and differential pulse-width pair technique”Photonics Research, 7(6), (2019). 2018 1. Pengbai Xu, Dexin Ba, Weiming He, Hongping Hu, and Yongkang Dong,* “Distributed Brillouin optical fiber temperature and strain sensing at a high temperature up to 1000 °C by using an annealed gold-coated fiber,” Opt. Express, 26(23), 29724-29734 (2018). 2. Hongying Zhang, Dengwang Zhou, Benzhang Wang, Chao Pang, Pengbai Xu, Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, Hui Li, and Yongkang Dong,* “Recent Progress in Fast Distributed Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensing,” Appl. Sci. 8(10), 1820, (2018). (Invited review) 3. Yongkang Dong,* Benzhang Wang, Chao Pang, Dengwang Zhou, Dexin Ba, Hongying Zhang, and Xiaoyi Bao, “150 km fast BOTDA based onoptical chirp chain probe wave and Brillouin loss scheme,” Opt. Lett, 43(19), 4679~4682, (2018). 4. 王本章,逄超,周登望,董永康*,“长距离分布式布里渊光纤传感关键技术进展分析” 光电工程,45(9),170484,(2018).(邀请综述论文) 5. Xiutao Lou, Chen Chen, Yabo Feng, Yongkang Dong,* " Simultaneous measurement of gas absorption spectra and optical pathlengths in a multipass cell by FMCW interferometry," Opt. Lett, 43(12), 2872-2875, (2018). 6. Dengwang Zhou, Yongkang Dong*, Benzhang Wang, Chao Pang, Dexin Ba, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Hui Li and Xiaoyi Bao, “Single-shot BOTDA based on an optical chirp chain probe wave for distributed ultra-fast measurement,” Light: Science and Applications, 7, 32, (2018). 7. 周登望,王本章,巴德欣,徐金龙,徐鹏柏,姜桃飞,张东昱,李惠,董永康*,“用于动态应变测量的快速分布式布里渊光纤传感” 光学学报,38(3),0328005,(2018).(邀请综述论文) 8. DexinBa, Chen Chen, Cheng Fu, Danyang Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Zhigang Fan, and Yongkang Dong,* “A High-Performance and Temperature-Insensitive Shape Sensor Based on DPP-BOTDA,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 10 (1), 7100810 (2018). 2017 1. Sanogo Diakaridia, Yue Pan, Pengbai Xu, Dengwang Zhou, Benzhang Wang, Lei Teng, Zhiwei Lu, Dexin Ba and Yongkang Dong, * “Detecting cm-scale hot spot over 24-km-long single-mode fiber by using differential pulse pair BOTDA based on double-peak spectrum,” Opt. Express, 25 (15), 17727-17736 (2017). 2. Jian Fang, Pengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong, and William Shieh, “Single-shot Distributed Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analyzer,” Opt. Express, 25 (13),15188-15198, (2017). 3. Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou, Benzhang Wang, Zhiwei Lu, Zhigang Fan, Yongkang Dong,* and Hui Li, “Dynamic Distributed Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensing Based on Dual-Modulation by Combining Single Frequency Modulation and Frequency-Agility Modulation,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (3), 7102908 (2017). 4. 董永康*,周登望,滕雷,姜桃飞,陈曦,“布里渊动态光栅原理及其在光纤传感中的应用” 物理学报,66(7),075201,(2017).(邀请综述论文) 5. Dengwang Zhou,Yongkang Dong,* Benzhang Wang, Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, Pengbai Xu, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, and Hui Li, “Slope-assisted BOTDA based on vector SBS and frequency-agile technique for wide-strain-range dynamic measurements,” Opt. Express, 25 (3), 1889-1902 (2017). 6. Hongying Zhang, Zhijun Yuan, Ziye Liu, Wei Gao, and Yongkang Dong,* “Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber with stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Applied Physics Express, 10, 012501 (2017). 2016 1. Jinlong Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Zhaohui Zhang, Shunlong Li, Shaoyang He, and Hui Li, "Full scale strain monitoring of a suspension bridge using high performance distributed fiber optic sensors," Measurement Science and Technology, 27, 124017 (2016). 2. Yongkang Dong,* Xi Chen, Erhu Liu, Cheng Fu, Hongying Zhang, and Zhiwei Lu, “Quantitative measurement of dynamic nanostrain based on a phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer,”Appl. Opt. 55(28), 7810-7815, (2016). 3. Lei Teng, Hongying Zhang, Yongkang Dong,* Dengwang Zhou, Taofei Jiang, Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, "Temperature-compensated distributed hydrostatic pressure sensor with a thin-diameter polarization-maintaining photonics crystal fiber based on Brillouin dynamic gratings," Opt. Lett, 41(18), 4413-4416, 2016. 4. Pengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Dengwang Zhou, Cheng Fu, Juwang Zhang, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, "1200 degree high-temperature distributed optical fiber sensing by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis," Appl. Opt. 55(21), 5471-5478 (2016) 5. Yongkang Dong,* Dengwang Zhou, Lei Teng, Pengbai Xu, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Phase-shifted Brillouin dynamic gratings using single pump phase-modulation: proof of concept,” Opt. Express, 24 (10), 11218-11231 (2016). 6. Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Dengwang Zhou, Mingjin Yin, Yongkang Dong,* Hui Li, Zhiwei Lu, and Zhiwei Fan, “Distributed measurement of dynamic strain based on multi-slope assisted fast BOTDA,” Opt. Express, 24 (9), 9781-9713 (2016). 7. Hongying Zhang, Shaopeng Zhang, Zhijun Yuan, Ziye Liu, Yongkang Dong,*Dengwang Zhou, Wei Gao, and Yuelan Lv, “Measurement of nonlinear parameter of an optical fiber based on Brillouin optical time-domain analysis,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 33(4), 630-636 (2016). 2015 1. Yongkang Dong, Lei Teng, Peiling Tong, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Tao Zhu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Zhiwei Lu, “High-sensitivity distributed transverse load sensor with an elliptical-core fiber based on Brillouin dynamic gratings,” Opt. Lett. 40(21), 5003-5006 (2015). 2. Pengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Juwang Zhang, Dengwang Zhou, Taofei Jiang, Jinlong Xu, Hongying Zhang, Tao Zhu, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao “Bend-insensitive distributed sensing in singlemode-multimode-singlemode optical fiber structure by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis,” Opt. Express, 23 (17), 22714-22722 (2015). 3. Haoyu Li, Yongkang Dong, * P. Xu, Y. Qi, C. Guo, and J. T. Sheridan, * “Beam self-cleanup by use of self-written waveguide created by photopolymerization,” Opt. Lett. 40(13), 2981-2984 (2015). 2014 1. Yongkang Dong, Pengbai Xu, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Characterization of evolution of mode coupling in a graded-index polymer optical fiber by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis,” Opt. Express, 22 (22), 26510-26516 (2014). 2. Yongkang Dong, Taofei Jiang, Lei Teng, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Zhiwei Lu,“Sub-MHz ultrahigh-resolution optical spectrometry based on Brillouin dynamic gratings” Opt. Lett. 39(10), 2967-2970 (2014). 2013 1. Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lv, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Long-range and high-spatial-resolution distributed birefringence measurement of a polarization-maintaining fiber based on Brillouin dynamic grating,” J. Lightwave Technology, 31(16), 2981-2986 (2013). 2. Yongkang Dong, Dexin Ba, Taofei Jiang et al, “High-spatial-resolution fast BOTDA for dynamic strain measurement based on differential double-pulse and second-order sideband of modulation” IEEE Photonics Journal, 5 (3), 2600407 (2013). 2012 1. Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “2-cm-spatial-resolution and 2-km-range Brillouin optical fiber sensor using a transient differential pulse pair,” Appl. Opt. 51(9), 1229-1235 (2012). 2. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Extending the sensing range of Brillouin optical time-domain analysis combining frequency- division multiplexing and in-line EDFAs,” J. Lightwave Technology 30(8), 1161-1167 (2012). (Invited paper) 2011 1. Dapeng Zhou, Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Four-wave mixing analysis of Brillouin dynamic grating in a polarization-maintaining fiber: theory and experiment,” Opt. Express, 19(21), 20785-20798 (2011). 2. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “On-line monitoring of the distributed lateral displacement in large AC power generators using a high-spatial-resolution Brillouin optical fiber sensor,” Smart Mater. Struct. 20, 115001 (2011). 3. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Time-division multiplexing-based BOTDA over 100 km sensing length,” Opt. Lett. 36(2), 277-279 (2011). 2010 1. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Truly distributed birefringence measurement of polarization- maintaining fibers based on transient Brillouin grating,” Opt. Lett. 35(2), 193-195 (2010). 2. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Characterization of the Brillouin grating spectra in a polarization- maintaining fiber,” Opt. Express 18(18), 18960-18967 (2010). 3. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High-spatial-resolution Time Domain Simultaneous Strain and Temperature Sensor Using Brillouin Scattering and Birefringence in a Polarization-maintaining Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 22(18), 1364-1366 (2010). 4. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “System optimization of a long-range Brillouin loss-based distributed fiber sensor,” Appl. Opt. 49(27), 5020-5025 (2010). 2009 1. Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “Distributed temperature sensing based on birefringence effect on transient Brillouin grating in a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber,” Opt. Lett. 34(17), 2590-2592 (2009). 2. Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Wenhai Li, “Differential Brillouin gain for improving the temperature accuracy and spatial resolution in a long-distance distributed fiber sensor,” Appl. Opt. 48(22), 4297-9301 (2009). 2008 and before 1. Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, Qiang Li, and Yingfan Liu, “Broadband Brillouin slow light based on multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 25(12), C109-C115 (2008). 2. Zhiwei Lu, Yongkang Dong, and Qiang Li, “Slow light in multi-line Brillouin gain spectrum,” Opt. Express 15(4), 1871- 1877, (2007). 3. Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, and Qiang Li, “Long optical delay lines enhanced by ring configuration in optical fibers,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 1568-1570, (2007). 4. Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, Qiang Li, and Wei Gao, “Controllable optical delay line using a Brillouin optical fiber ring laser,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 4, 628-630, (2006). 5. Hongying Zhang, Yongkang Dong, Jesse Leeson, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High sensitivity optical fiber current sensor based on polarization diversity and a Faraday rotation mirror cavity,” Appl. Opt. 50(6), 924-929 (2011). 6. Yun Li, Xiaoyi Bao, Yongkang Dong, and Liang Chen, “A novel distributed Brillouin sensor based on optical differential parametric amplification,” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 28(18), 2621-2626 (2010). 7. Tao Zhu, Xiaoyi Bao, Liang Chen, Hao Liang, and Yongkang Dong, “Experimental study on stimulated Rayleigh scattering in optical fibers,” Opt. Express 18(22), 22958-22963 (2010). 8. Yuelan Lv, Yongwei Xing, and Yongkang Dong, “Equal-amplitude optical comb generation using multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibers,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 8(3), 316-319, (2010). 9. Yingfan Liu, Zhiwei Lv, Yongkang Dong, and Qiang Li, “Research on stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression based on multi-frequency phase modulation,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 7(1), 29-31, (2009). 10. Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lv, Weiming He, Yongkang Dong, and W. L. J. Hasi, “Characteristics of amplified spectrum of a weak frequency-detuned signal in a Brillouin amplifier,” Laser and Particle Beams 27(3), 465-470, (2009). 11. Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lu, Weiming He, Yongkang Dong, “High-gain amplification of weak Stokes signal of stimulated Brillouin scattering in water”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 57 (4), 2248-2252 (2008). 12. Yuelan Lu, Zhiwei Lu, Yongkang Dong, “Controlling the optical limiting shape in stimulated Brillouin scattering by dye absorption”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (10), 5849-5854 (2007). 13. Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lu, Weiming He, Chengyu Zhu, Yongkang Dong, “Research on selective optical amplification of Briliouin spectrum of weak scattering signals in water”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (5), 2593-2598 (2007). 14. Yuelan Lu, Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, “Study on the control of optical limiting of pulse-shape in stimulated Brillouin scattering process”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 55 (10), 5247-5251 (2006). 15. Chengyu Zhu, Zhiwei Lv, Weiming He, Dexin Ba, Yulei Wang, Wei Gao, and Yongkang Dong, “Theoretical study on temporal behavior of Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mixing” ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (1), 229-235 (2007). 16. Gao Wei, Zhiwei Lv, and Yongkang Dong, “A new approach to measure the ocean temperature using Brillouin lidar,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 4, 428-430, (2006). 17. Yuelan Lu, Zhiwei Lu, and Yongkang Dong, “Nonlinear propagation and power limiting of nanosecond laser pulse by stimulated Brillouin scattering in CCl4”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 53 (7), 2170, (2004). 18. Xinmin Fan, Yongkang dong(6th), ‘Numerical investigation of the effects of smoothing by spectral dispersion on stimulated rotational Raman scattering’ LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 31 (1), 171-175, (2013) 19. Haidong Gu, Yongkang Dong(4th), “Dependence of Brillouin frequency shift on radial and axial strain in silica optical fibers,” Appl. Opt. 51 (32), 7864-7868, (2012). 20. Zhiwei Lu, Yongkang Dong (4th), “A tunable optical delayer based on SBS slow light of ring configuration,” APPLIED PHYSICS B, 109 (1), 55-59, (2012). 课题组新闻 名称 2023年 2023年6月董永康教授入选教育部国家级高层次人才。 董永康教授入选2022爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”。 2022年 历经十场学术竞技,“2022光学与光学工程博士生学术联赛”全国十大赛区代表队的积分追逐赛尘埃落定,东北赛区摘得桂冠,董永康教授荣获优秀赛区组织奖。 祝贺博士生朱宗达荣获“2022光学与光学工程博士生学术联赛”一等奖和单场冠军,并成功晋级总决赛。 董永康教授入选2021爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”。 2022年2月8日,课题组中标了国家电网特高压工程“白鹤滩-浙江特高压直流工程OPGW光缆零中断在线监测预警及定位系统应用研究”项目。白鹤滩水电站是世界在建规模最大、单机容量最大的水电站,仅次于三峡,是世界第二大水电站。白鹤滩-浙江特高压直流输电工程线路途经四川、重庆、湖北、安徽、浙江5省,经过高海拔、重覆冰、森林山地、江河等大跨越区域,为输电安全运行带来了巨大挑战,本项目将开展电力光缆实时故障定位及诊断、隐患缺陷分析及预警、输电线路评估及覆冰监测功能。 课题组承担的国家重点研发计划-国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项“分布式光纤应变监测仪”于2022年1月19日通过了科技部组织的综合绩效评价,评价意见为:“项目研制了分布式光纤应变监测仪,经第三方检测达到任务书规定的考核要求,打破了高性能分布式光纤应变监测仪的国际垄断,研制的仪器应用于大型基础设施、大型结构装备、地质灾害等安全监测,达到了预期目标。” 2021年 2021年11月29~30,董永康教授参加了金砖国家光子学工作组第三次会议,做了Roadmap of photonic based sensors network报告,并担任金砖国家光子学工作组光子传感器方向负责人。 2021年7月,董永康教授入选美国光学学会高级会员(OSA senior member) 2021年6月,董永康教授受邀担任《光电产品与资讯》期刊编委。 董永康教授荣获“2021年全国光学与光学工程博士生学术联赛”优秀赛区组织奖。 2021年5月16日,本团队分布式光纤传感项目获中国光学工程学会技术发明一等奖。 董永康教授入选IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 2020年度优秀审稿人。 2021年1月,董永康教授受邀加入国际著名期刊Photonic Sensors编委会。 2021年1月,课题组依托光学工程学会建立了光纤传感Focus公众号投入运营,该公众号聚焦光纤传感的学术和产业进展。 2020年 2020年12月,Opto-Electronic Advances以封面论文发表课题组关于超高灵敏度分布式应变测量的论文。 2020年11月11日,在武汉光谷科技会展中心举办的光谷晚会中,董永康教授团队研制的RP1000型高空间分辨率分布式光纤应变监测仪获得了武汉光博会光电仪器类大奖“光环奖”。 恭喜课题组周登望博士入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划,该计划对入选人在两年内资助63万元用于博士后项目研究。 董永康教授受邀担任国际著名期刊Optics Letters编委。 2019年 董永康实验室入选哈尔滨工业大学青年科学家工作室。 祝贺博士生王本章获得2019年11月在新西兰举办的 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference优秀论文奖。 由我校董永康教授作为项目负责人的国家重点研发计划“重大科学仪器设备开发”重点专项“分布式光纤应变监测仪”项目,经过近两年的努力,突破了高空间分辨率技术、超长距离测量技术和高精度布里渊信号处理等关键技术,开发出分布式光纤应变监测仪样机,项目于2019年8月顺利通过了科技部高技术中心组织的中期检查。 祝贺硕士生王龙获得2019年中国光纤传感会议优秀论文奖。 2018年 祝贺博士生滕雷和硕士生王龙获得研究生国家奖学金。 2018年9月24~29日,课题组董永康教授,巴德欣老师,博士生滕雷参加在瑞士洛桑举办的第26界国际光纤传感大会,本次会议录用课题组3篇论文。 2018年7月7日,鲍晓毅教授访问光纤传感实验室。 祝贺博士生滕雷获得在日本举办的 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference优秀论文。 2018年5月28-31,董永康教授参加 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference,并做邀请报告。 董永康教授获2018年度首届“立德树人先进导师”荣誉称号 2018年5月6日,港珠澳大桥管理局高星林部长、方磊博士和王芳博士一行到光纤传感实验室考查,并讨论合作事宜。高部长对于分布式光纤传感用于大型桥梁结构健康监测给与了高度评价,并表示希望双方开展合作把分布式光纤传感技术用于港珠澳大桥的监测。 祝贺博士生周登望获得CSC基金赴加拿大渥太华大学进行联合培养。 2017年 祝贺课题组研究生团队获得工信创新创业奖学金。 祝贺博士生周登望获得国家奖学金。 博士生王本章获得2017年中国光纤传感会议优秀论文奖。 10月27日,辽宁卫视报道我校鞍山研究院研究成果——连续分布式光纤温度和应变传感仪打破国外垄断。 2017年8月,董永康教授受聘担任中国激光杂志社青年编辑委员会委员。 2017年8月,由董永康教授作为项目负责人的国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项“分布式光纤应变监测仪”获科技部正式立项,项目总经费4100万。本项目针对大型基础设施、大型结构装备和地质灾害等安全监测等国家重大需求,研发具有自主知识产权的布式布里渊光纤应变监测仪、相关软件和数据库,开展工程化研究,建立应用示范工程,并进行产业化推广。 2017年7月20日,日本东京工业大学Yosuke Mizuno教授和瑞士洛桑理工大学Marcelo Soto博士访问光纤传感实验室,并就分布式布里渊光纤传感技术做了相关报告。 2017年7月17至20日,第九届国际信息光学与光子学学术会议(CIOP 2017)在哈尔滨工业大学成功召开。来自中国、美国、俄罗斯、德国、英国、日本、韩国、新加坡、以色列、法国、意大利、瑞士、澳大利亚等各科研院所、高校及企业的近600位科研人员参加了本届会议,180多位国内外一线光学领域专家受邀作大会邀请报告,报告了最新的研究成果。 祝贺硕士生陈曦获得金牌优秀硕士毕业生称号。 2017年6月6~8日,董永康教授参加在北京举办的第六届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用大会,并作特邀报告。 2017年4月24~28日,博士生周登望参加在韩国济州岛举办的第25界国际光纤传感器大会,并进行报告张贴。 祝贺博士生姜桃飞获得工信部创新创业奖学金。 2016年 2016年12月29日,德国马克斯普朗克研究所庞盟博士访问课题组并作报告。 2016年12月1日,印度尼西亚泗水理工学院(Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,简称ITS) Agus Muhamad Hatta教授访问课题组并作学术报告和交流。 祝贺博士生徐鹏柏获得研究生国家奖学金。 2016年10月12~14日,董永康教授参加在青岛举办的第一届轨道交通结构健康监测国际研讨会,并作邀请报告。 2016年10月12~14日,博士生滕雷参加在上海举办的第六届亚太光纤传感国际会议,同时获优秀论文奖。 2016年9月28日,中科院上海光机所高功率激光物理联合实验室主任朱健强研究员和中国激光杂志社杨蕾总经理一行七人访问实验室,双方就明年在哈尔滨工业大学联合举办“光学前沿——全国信息光学与光子器件学术会议”达成合作意向。 2016年9月6日-9日,董永康教授参加在中国深圳会展中心举办的2016中国国际光电高峰论坛(CIOEC),并在“2016互联网%2B物联网创新技术与应用高峰论坛”上作特邀演讲“高性能分布式布里渊光纤传感技术、应用和产业化”。 2016年8月1日,美国通用光子总裁(General Photonics)姚晓天博士和苏州光环科技技术总监李志宏博士来实验室参观考察,就分布式光纤传感行业发展趋势、高性能分布式光纤传感最新技术等进行交流,通过此次交流,双方达成战略性合作协议。 2016年7月18日至20日,董永康教授参加在上海交通大学举办的第八届国际信息光学与光子学学术会议,并作特邀报告; 祝贺王本章获得哈尔滨工业大学银牌优秀硕士毕业生; 董永康教授入选《2015中国博士后科学基金资助者选介丛书》,该书根据科研业绩、经济社会效益、突出新兴前沿科学等指标,选介100名优秀博士后,展示或资助博士后优秀风采; 2016年5月9日至11日,董永康教授参加第五届中国国际光纤传感技术及应用大会,并作大会特邀报告“分布式光纤传感研究、应用及产业化进展”,课题组同时参展光电子中国博览会; 课题组滕雷博士参加“第九届中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛”,作口头报告“基于布里渊动态光栅的分布式静压力传感”,获得优秀学生论文奖(共有6人获奖); 2016年4月16日至19日,董永康教授参加“第九届中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛”,并担任session chair。 2016年4月13日,英国南安普顿大学Dr. Bill Brocklesby和Dr. Ping Hua来光纤课题组参观交流,并做报告“Scaling New Heights in Photonics with Recent Developments in Fibre Optic Technology”。 2015年 祝贺徐鹏柏博士获留学基金资助赴澳大利亚墨尔本大学进行联合培养学习。 祝贺徐鹏柏博士荣获2015年度光华奖学金。 2015年10月25日到31日,董永康教授应邀参加在杭州举办的5th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM)和2015 IEEE/8th International Conference for Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2015),并作特邀报告。 2015年9月28日到10月2日,董永康教授、徐鹏柏博士参加在巴西库里提巴举办的第24届国际光纤传感大会,课题组共有4篇文章被大会录用。 2015年8月29到31日,董永康教授应邀参加在深圳举办的IEEE Optoelectronics Global Conference (IEEE OGC),并作特邀报告。 2015年7月27日天津大学973首席专家刘铁根教授到光纤课题组参观、交流。 2015年6月王鹏飞教授和国家优青获得者南京大学徐飞教授到光纤课题组交流。 2015年6月24日美国纽约州立大学石溪分校博士后李浩宇博士来光纤课题组交流并作"Next-generation Super-resolution Optical Imaging Technologies."报告。 祝贺徐金龙博士获得国家公派留学资格,赴英国剑桥大学进行联合培养学习。 2015年5月,课题组“高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤应变/温度分析仪”获首届“中国光学工程学会科技创新奖”。 2015年5月,课题组参展“第七届中国(北京)国际光电展”正式推出厘米级超高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤温度/应变传感仪。 2015年5月,董永康参加“第四届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用研讨会”并作特邀报告。 2015年2月,加拿大皇家科学院院士、加拿大光子技术首席科学家、渥太华大学鲍晓毅教授与光纤课题组签署全面合作协议,双方将在人才培养、科学研究和光纤传感产业化等方面开展全面合作。 2015年1月28号到31号,上海交通大学樊昕昱教授到光纤课题组访问、交流并作报告。 2015年1月26号,深圳大学国家杰青获得者王义平教授访问光纤课题组并作报告。 2015年1月董永康参加在济南举办的International Conference on Fiber-Optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications(OFSIS2015),并在会上推出高空间分辨率(5cm)分布式布里渊光纤应变/温度分析仪样机。 2014年 2014年12月董永康参加在深圳举办的5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Mornitoring并作特邀报告。 2014年10月董永康参加在北京举办的Photonics Asia国际会议并做特邀报告。 2014年9月董永康,徐鹏柏博士和姜桃飞博士参加在大连举办的2014年中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛,董永康做特邀报告,徐鹏柏博士和姜桃飞博士做大会口头报告。 祝贺王培宇获得美国康奈尔大学 offer,赴美攻读研究生。 祝贺姜桃飞、周登望获得2014年度优秀硕士论文,王培宇、王本章获得2014年度优秀本科毕业设计。 2014年7月董永康参加在英国剑桥大学举办的Cambridge Conference on Fibre Optic Sensing in Civil Infrastructure,并做特邀报告High-spatial-resolution and dynamic distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensors and their applications。 2014年6月董永康参加在西班牙桑坦德举办的23d International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors,投稿论文Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Spectrometry Based on Brillouin Dynamic Grating受到国际同行的广泛关注。 2014年5月加拿大皇家科学院院士鲍晓毅教授访问光纤课题组实验室。 2013年 2013年10月课题组姜桃飞硕士参加在武汉举办的4th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS2013)。 2013年8月董永康参加在韩国大田举办的8th Workshop on SBS and Nonlinear Optics。 2013年6月董永康当选中国光学学会纤维光学与集成光学专业委员会委员。 2013年5月董永康参加在俄罗斯托木斯克举办的11-th Russian-Chinese symposium on laser physics and laser technologies,并获得最佳报告奖。 2012年 2012年11月,范滇元院士,国家基金委信息学部副主任秦玉文教授,刘京郊研究员参观光纤课题组实验室。 课题组活动 名称 2015年7月,团队组织户外拓展训练,日月峡漂流及登山,增强团队协作精神。 2016年8月,团队组织到辽宁千山、鲅鱼圈等地旅游,在放松身心的同时,更加促进了团队成员之间的和谐相处,团结合作。 2017年7月,团队组织到哈尔滨市文化公园游乐场游玩。 2018年6月,团队组织到哈尔滨市香炉山游玩。 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向:BOTDA/BOTDR/BOCDA,OFDR,φ-OTDR,光纤气体传感,弱光栅阵列,飞秒激光微纳加工,智能电网安全监测,油气管道安全监测,飞行器安全监测,高温光纤传感,结构健康监测,光纤智慧周界安防技术,光纤智慧综合管廊监控技术。 主要成果: 1、超长距离分布式布里渊光纤传感技术 布里渊光纤传感器可以实现分布式的应变和温度测量,可以应用于大型建筑物的结构健康监测和火灾监测,为了能够实现对诸如油气管线、海岸线和电力线等超大尺度目标的监测,需要发展超长距离分布式布里渊光纤传感技术。为了突破传统技术对测量长度的限制,提出了时分复用和频分复用方案,克服了光纤中各种非线性效应对测量长度的限制,实现长达150km的超长距离分布式布里渊光纤传感系统,传感长度为目前国际最高指标,综合性能为国际一流水平。 2、超高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤传感技术 传统的分布式布里渊光纤传感器的空间分辨率一般限制在1米,导致其应用仅适用于对大型结构的监测。为了把布里渊光纤传感器的应用拓展到小尺寸结构的监测,采用一种新型的差分解析探测技术以提高信噪比和空间分辨率,基于该技术实现了2厘米的超高空间分辨率,该指标为目前时域布里渊传感系统的国际最高水平。该技术极大地拓展了布里渊光纤传感器的应用领域,应用这项高空间分辨率传感技术,成功地实现了对大型发电机组内部定子线圈紧度状态和热点的实时监测,为发电机组的安全运行提供保障。 3、布里渊动态光栅理论及其应用 布里渊动态光栅是2008年提出来的一种新型光栅机制,因其在光存储、光纤传感、光纤延时线等方面的应用在近年来引起了国际上的广泛关注和研究。本人在2010年于国际上首次研究了布里渊动态光栅的光谱特性,解决了自其提出以来一直困扰本领域学者的问题,为开发布里渊动态光栅的应用奠定了理论基础。基于该技术,于国际上首次实现了分布式保偏光纤双折射的测量,该技术为高精度分布式应变、温度、压力等参数的测量提供了一种全新途径。 工作亮点 名称 提出了一种新型的光纤直径测量方案,利用FSBS谱记录及分析有效实现了纳米精度的光纤直径无损分布式测量,可以为光纤制造提供精准的测试手段,从而满足高速光纤通信和高精度光纤传感对高质量光纤的需求。(LAM,2021) 提出全新的光力时域分析结构获取前向受激布里渊散射谱,空间分辨率达到米级,光力时域分析可测量光纤环境物质的声学特性,从而进行环境物质的识别。(Optica,2020) 提出光学啁啾链技术实现了采样率高达MHz水平的分布式光纤应变和温度测量方法,该指标为目前国际最高水平。(Light:Science and Applications,2018) 提出了一种斜坡辅助矢量BOTDA技术,该方法可以提高动态应变测量范围,由于不受泵浦光功率起伏影响,测量光谱具有很高的信噪比。(Opt.Express, 25 (3), 1889-1902 (2017)) 首次实现了分布式静压力(气压或液压)光纤传感技术,该技术在油井测量中有着重要的应用前景。(Opt. Lett. 41(18), 4413-4416 (2016)) 提出了单模-多模-单模三明治结构传感光纤结构,实现了弯曲不敏感的分布式布里渊光纤传感技术,传感光纤可以在1mm弯曲半径下工作。(Optics Express, 23 (17), 22714-22722 (2015)) 提出了一种基于布里渊动态光栅的高灵敏度分布式横向压力光纤传感技术。(Opt. Lett. 40(21), 5003-5006 (2015))? 提出采用分布式布里渊光时域分析技术分析聚合物光纤中模式耦合特性,并探讨了基于聚合物光纤的大应变分布式光纤传感。(Opt. Express, 22 (22), 26510-26516 (2014)) 提出布里渊动态光栅光谱分析仪方案,该技术可以实现高达4fm(0.5MHz)的光谱分辨率,光谱测量范围可以覆盖S%2BC%2BL波段。(Opt. Lett. 39(10), 2967-2970 (2014)) 奖项成果 奖项名称 基于受激布里渊散射的激光脉冲控制方法研究 获奖时间 2013 完成人 吕志伟,哈斯乌力吉,董永康 所获奖项 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 简单介绍 奖项名称 高空间分辨率分布式布里渊光纤应变/温度分析仪 获奖时间 2015 完成人 董永康,鲍晓毅,吕志伟 所获奖项 首届中国光学工程学会科技创新奖(创新技术三等奖) 简单介绍 奖项名称 高寒地区公路工程运行状态监测体系及灾害预警关键技术 获奖时间 2017 完成人 张娟,汪双荃,董永康等 所获奖项 陕西省科技进步一等奖 简单介绍 科研项目 项目名称 新型高性能分布式布里渊光纤传感关键技术研究 项目来源 哈工大海外引进人才科研启动项目 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高分辨率和长距离布里渊光栅型分布式光纤传感关键技术研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2013-01-01 结束时间 2015-12-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 第53批中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等 项目来源 中国博士后科学基金会 开始时间 2013-06-01 结束时间 2015-06-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项(留学归国类) 项目来源 哈尔滨科技局 开始时间 2013-06-01 结束时间 2016-06-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 超长距离保偏光纤敏感环的高精度多参量测试技术研究 项目来源 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项 开始时间 2013-10-01 结束时间 2017-09-01 项目经费 291万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于布里渊动态光栅双折射效应的新型高性能分布式光纤传感关键技术研究 项目来源 区域光纤通信网与新型光通信系统国家重点实验室开放课题 开始时间 2013-06-01 结束时间 2015-06-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 黑龙江省博士后特别资助(博士后青年英才计划) 项目来源 黑龙江省博士后基金 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2017-01-01 项目经费 20万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 桥隧自适应空间分布式监测与安全诊断评价技术 项目来源 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2017-01-01 项目经费 200万 担任角色 参与 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 项目来源 中国博士后科学基金会 开始时间 2014-07-01 结束时间 2015-07-01 项目经费 15万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 高海拔高寒地区工程构筑物灾变监控体系与预警预报技术 项目来源 科技部支撑计划 开始时间 2014-01-01 结束时间 2016-12-01 项目经费 担任角色 参与 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于光纤布里渊动态光栅的超高分辨光谱分析机理研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2016-01-01 结束时间 2020-12-01 项目经费 76.8万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 分布式光纤应变监测仪 项目来源 国家重大科学仪器设备开发重大专项 开始时间 2017.07 结束时间 2020.06 项目经费 4100万 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 讲授课程 名称 物理光学(本科生必修课) 分布式光纤传感技术、应用和产业化(创新创业课) 光纤传感技术及应用(本科生选修课) Introduction to Optical Fiber Communications (硕士留学生课程) 招生信息 名称 本课题组欢迎物理、光学工程、电子科学与技术等相关专业的学生报考博生,及相关专业的博士来做博士后。 期刊论文 名称 2023 1. Dengwang Zhou, Pengduo Li, Dexin Ba, Wuliji Hasi, and Yongkang Dong*, “Dynamic distributed optical fiber sensing based on simultaneous measurement of Brillouin gain and loss spectra with frequency-agile technique,” Opt. Lett. 48(12), 3151-3154, (2023). 2. Henan Wang, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-performance transient SBS-based microwave measurement using high-chirp-rate modulation and advanced algorithms,” Opt. Lett. 48(12), 3291-3294, (2023). 3. Henan Wang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Real-Time and High-Accuracy Microwave Frequency Identification Based on Ultra-Wideband Optical Chirp Chain Transient SBS Effect,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2200239, (2023). 4. Hongying Zhang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Advances in Brillouin dynamic grating in optical fibers and its applications,” Progress in Quantum Electronics, 87, 100440, (2023). 5. Yongkang Dong*, Chao Pang, Wuliji Hasi, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Dengwang Zhou, “Photon-echo-like phenomenon induced by a phonon,” Physical Review A, 107, 023504, (2023). 6. Meng Xia, Xiaohui Tang, Ying Wang, Can Li, Yong Wei, Jiaju Zhang, Taofei Jiang, and Yongkang Dong*, “OPGW positioning and early warning method based on a Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensor and machine learning,” Appl. Opt. 62(6), 1557-1566, (2023). 2022 1. Dexin Ba, Liqiang Qiu, Qi Chu, Yulin Pei, Dianyang Lin, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-resolution and large-strain distributed dynamic sensor based on Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering,” Opt. Lett. 47(22), 5777-5780, (2022). 2. Yongkang Dong, Yuli Ren, Hongwei Li, Arkady Shipulin, Dengwang Zhou, Tianfu Li, Hongying Zhang, Dianyang Lin, and Dexin Ba, “Quasi-acoustic impedance matching distributed opto-mechanical sensor with aluminized coating optical fibers,” Opt. Lett. 47(21), 5696-5699, (2022). 3. 李天夫,巴德欣,周登望,任玉丽,陈超,张洪英,董永康*,“前向受激布里渊散射光纤传感研究进展,”光电工程,49(9),220021,(2022)。(封面文章) 4. Hongying Zhang, Yanyang Lei, Jinzhe Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “Distributed Airflow Sensing Based on High-Spatial-Resolution BOTDA and a Self-Heated High-Attenuation Fiber,” Sensors, 22:4017, (2022). 5. Dengwang Zhou, Pengduo Li, Dexin Ba, Wuliji Hasi, and Yongkang Dong*, “Brillouin dynamic grating erasure technique for fast all-optical signal processing,” Opt. Lett. 47(13), 3211-3214, (2022). 6. Ziyue Yuan, Xiutao Lou, Qi Chu, Tianfu Li, and Yongkang Dong*, “Ultrarapid spectroscopic gas dectection via frequency-agile and compressed sensing,” Applied Physics B, 128:66, (2022). 7. Liqiang Qiu, Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou, Qi Chu, Zongda Zhu, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-sensitivity dynamic distributed pressure sensing with frequency-scanning φ-OTDR,” Opt. Lett, 47(4), 965-968, (2022). 8. Zhaohui Zhang, Peng Guan, Yongkang Dong*, Hui Li “Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of offshore pile foundation based on DPP-BOTDA,” J. Civil Structure Health Monitoring, 12:747-756, (2022). 2021 1. Dexin Ba, Zijie Hua, Yijia Li, and Yongkang Dong*, “Polarization separation assisted optomechanical time-domain analysis with submeter resolution,” Opt. Lett, 46(23), 5886-5889, (2021). 2. Xiutao Lou, Yue Wang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Multipoint dispersion spectroscopic gas sensing by optical FMCW interferometry,” Opt. Lett, 46(23), 5950-5953, (2021). 3. Dexin Ba, Lamessa A. Ayana, Ying Wang, Long Wang, Qi Chu, and Yongkang Dong*, “Image-matching assisted dual-frequency phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry,” Appl. Opt. 60(34), 10632-10637, (2021). 4. 娄秀涛,王玥,卢辉辉,董永康*,“基于光学调频连续波的气体光谱检测技术研究进展,”量子电子学报,38(5),564-579(2021)。(邀请综述) 5. Zijie Hua, Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou Yijia Li, Yue Wang, Xiaoyi Bao and Yongkang Dong*, “Non-destructive and distributed measurement of optical fiber diameter with nanometer resolution based on coherent forward stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 2:25, (2021). 6. 夏猛,汤晓惠,王颖,张书林,姜辉,张琦,董永康*,“基于布里渊频移特征的OPGW光缆接续杆塔与断纤定位方法,”光学学报,41(19),1906003(2021)。 7. Liqiang Qiu, Dengwang Zhou, Zongda Zhu, Qi Chu, Tianfu Li, and Yongkang Dong*, “Dynamic distributed pressure measurement using frequency-agile fast BOTDA,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(22), 25743-25748 (2021). 8. Zhaohui Zhang, Peng Guan, Yongkang Dong*, Hui Li “Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of offshore pile foundation based on DPP-BOTDA,” J. Civil Structure Health Monitoring, , (2021). (in press) 9. Zongda Zhu, Dexin Ba, Lu Liu, Liqiang Qiu, and Yongkang Dong* “Temperature-compensated distributed refractive index sensor based on an etched multi-core fiber in optical frequency domain reflectometry,” Opt. Lett, 46(17), 4308-4311, (2021). 10. 张洪英,杨志远, 崔荣鹏,关鹏,董永康*,“基于BOTDR的海上风力发电机桩基水平荷载性能研究,”光学学报,41(13),1306016(2021)。 11. Dengwang Zhou, Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Liqiang Qiu, Wuliji Hasi, Yongkang Dong*, “Millimeter-level recognition capability of BOTDA based on a transient pump pulse and algorithm enhancement,” Opt. Lett, 46(14), 3440-3443, (2021). 12. Pengbai Xu, Jiahao Yuan, Zhensen Gao, Lei Shen, Ou Xu, Jianping Li, Yongkang Dong*, Xinyong Dong, Jun Yang, Yuncai Wang, and Yuwen Qin “Bending-loss-resistant distributed Brillouin curvature sensor based on an erbium-doped few-mode fiber,” Opt. Lett, 46(13), 3239-3242, (2021). 13. Zongda Zhu, Dexin Ba, Lu Liu, Liqiang Qiu, Shunhu Yang, and Yongkang Dong* “Temperature-compensated multi-point refractive index sensing based on a cascaded Fabry-Perot cavity and FMCW interferometry,” Opt. Express, 29(12), 19034-19048 (2021). 14. Ziyue Yuan, Xiutao Lou, and Yongkang Dong*, “Rapid and broadband spectroscopic gas sensing by extended optical linear chirp chain,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(14), 4847-4852 (2021). 15. Zongda Zhu, Dexin Ba, Lu Liu, Liqiang Qiu, Shunhu Yang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Multiplexing of Fabry-Pérot sensor by frequency modulated continuous wave interferometry for quasi-distributed sensing application,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(13), 4529-4534 (2021). 16. Henan Wang, Dexin Ba, Xuejie Mu, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “Ultrafast distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing based on optical chirp chain,” IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(6), 1-15 (2021). (Invited review) 17. Yongkang Dong*, Zongda Zhu, Xiaoning Tian, and Liqiang Qiu, “Frequency-modulated continuous-wave LIDAR and 3D imaging by using linear frequency modulation based on injection locking,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(8), 2275-2280 (2021). 18. Yongkang Dong*, “High-performance distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing,” Photonic Sensors, 11 (1), 69-90 (2021). (invited review) 19. Xiutao Lou, Yabo Feng, Shunhu Yang, and Yongkang Dong*, “Ultra-wide-dynamic-range gas sensing by optical pathlength multiplexed absorption spectroscopy,”Photonics Research, 9(2), 193-201 (2021). 20. Liqiang Qiu, Zongda Zhu, Tianfu Li, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-sensitivity distributed temperature sensor based on Brillouin scattering with double-coated single-mode fiber,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(5), 6209-6216 (2021). 21. Pengbai Xu, Chao Pang, Xinyong Dong, Yuwen Qin, and Yongkang Dong*, “Fast acquirable Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry based on bipolar-chirped pulse pair,” J. Lightwave Technology, 39(12), 1558-2213 (2021). 2020 1. Benzhang Wang, Dexin Ba, Qi Chu, Liqiang Qiu, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong*, “High-sensitivity distributed dynamic strain sensing by combing Rayleigh and Brillouin scattering,” Opto-Electro Adv, 3 (12), 200013, (2020). (cover paper) 2. Taofei Jiang, Dengwang Zhou, Meng Xia, Lei Teng, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong, “Distributed birefringence measurement of a polarization-maintaining fiber with an extended range based on an enhanced Brillouin dynamic grating,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 12 (4), 7102507, (2020). 3. Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Tianfu Li, Yijia Li, Dengwang Zhou, and Yongkang Dong* “Fast Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry using the optical chirp chain reference wave,” Opt. Lett, 45(19), 5460-5463, (2020). 4. Qi Chu, Benzhang Wang, Henan Wang, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong* “Fast Brillouin optical time-domain analysis using frequency-agile and compressed sensing,” Opt. Lett, 45(15), 4365-4368, (2020). 5. 夏猛,汤晓惠,王颖,张书林,姜辉,董永康*,“基于BOTDA/R的在运光纤复合架空地线光缆应变监测对比分析,” 光学学报,40(15),1528001,(2020)。 6. 张洪英,田晓宁, 雷艳阳,朱宗达,董永康*,“同时测距和测速的注入锁定调频连续波激光雷达,”光学学报,40(15),1506001,(2020)。 7. Hongying Zhang, Lei Teng, and Yongkang Dong*, “Distributed salinity sensor with a polyimide-coated photonics crystal fiber based on Brillouin dynamic grating,” J. Lightwave Technology, 38(18), 5219-5224, (2020). 8. Xiutao Lou, Yabao Feng, Chen Chen, and Yongkang Dong* “Multi-point spectroscopic gas sensing based on coherent FMCW interferometry,” Opt. Express, 28(6), 9014-9026 (2020). 9. Yongkang Dong, Liqiang Qiu, Yuelan Lu, Lei Teng, Benzhang Wang, and Zongda Zhu, “Sensitivity-enhanced distributed hydrostatic pressure sensor based on BOTDA in single-mode fiber with double-layer polymer coatings,” J. Lightwave Technology, 38(8), 2564-2571 (2020). 10. Zhaohui Zhang, Peng Guan, Jinlong Xu, Benzhang Wang, Hui Li, and Yongkang Dong,* “Horizontal Loading Performance of Offshore Wind Turbine Pile Foundation Based on DPP-BOTDA,” Appl. Sci. 10, 492, (2020). 11. Chao Pang, Zijie Hua, Dengwang Zhou, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao and Yongkang Dong* “Optomechanical time-domain analysis based on coherent forward stimulated Brillouin scattering probing,” Optica, 7(2), 176-184, (2020). 12. Ziyue Yuan, Xiutao Lou, and Yongkang Dong* “Microwave photonic notch filter with tunable frequency and bandwidth based on gas absorption,” Opt. Lett, 45(1), 248-251, (2020). 13. Benzhang Wang, Yongkang Dong,* Dexin Ba, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High spatial resolution: an integrative review of its developments on the Brillouin optical time-and correlation-domain analysis,” Measurement Science and Technology, 31, 052001, (2020). (邀请综述) 14. Benzhang Wang, Zijie Hua, Chao Pang, Dengwang Zhou, Dexin Ba, Dianyang Lin, and Yongkang Dong,* “Fast Brillouin Optical Time-domain Reflectometry Based on the Frequency-agile Technique,” J. Lightwave Technology, 38(4), 946-952 (2020). 15. Hongying Zhang, Yifu Cheng, Kaiji Wu, Zhijun Yuan, and Yongkang Dong,* “A liquid-level sensing method based on DPP-BOTDA and a self-heated high attenuation fiber,” Appl. Opt. 59(3), 795-799 , (2020). 2019 1. Dexin Ba, Yue Li, Jialiang Yan, Xiaopei Zhang, and Yongkang Dong* “Phase-coded Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis with 2-mm resolution based on phase-shift keying,” Opt. Express, 27(25), 36197-36205 (2019). 2. Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong* “Online distributed strain measurement of fiber Michelson hydrophones based on DPP-BOTDA with a pulsed-probe wave,” Opt. Express, 27(16), 22375-22384 (2019). 3. Xiutao Lou, Ziyue Yuan, and Yongkang Dong* “Rapid spectroscopic gas sensing using optical linear chirp chain,” Opt. Express, 27(9), 13160-13171 (2019). 4. Benzhang Wang, Baohua Fan, Dengwang Zhou, Chao Pang, Yue Li, Dexin Ba, and Yongkang Dong,* “High-performance optical chirp chain BOTDA by using pattern recognition algorithm and differential pulse-width pair technique”Photonics Research, 7(6), (2019). 2018 1. Pengbai Xu, Dexin Ba, Weiming He, Hongping Hu, and Yongkang Dong,* “Distributed Brillouin optical fiber temperature and strain sensing at a high temperature up to 1000 °C by using an annealed gold-coated fiber,” Opt. Express, 26(23), 29724-29734 (2018). 2. Hongying Zhang, Dengwang Zhou, Benzhang Wang, Chao Pang, Pengbai Xu, Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, Hui Li, and Yongkang Dong,* “Recent Progress in Fast Distributed Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensing,” Appl. Sci. 8(10), 1820, (2018). (Invited review) 3. Yongkang Dong,* Benzhang Wang, Chao Pang, Dengwang Zhou, Dexin Ba, Hongying Zhang, and Xiaoyi Bao, “150 km fast BOTDA based onoptical chirp chain probe wave and Brillouin loss scheme,” Opt. Lett, 43(19), 4679~4682, (2018). 4. 王本章,逄超,周登望,董永康*,“长距离分布式布里渊光纤传感关键技术进展分析” 光电工程,45(9),170484,(2018).(邀请综述论文) 5. Xiutao Lou, Chen Chen, Yabo Feng, Yongkang Dong,* " Simultaneous measurement of gas absorption spectra and optical pathlengths in a multipass cell by FMCW interferometry," Opt. Lett, 43(12), 2872-2875, (2018). 6. Dengwang Zhou, Yongkang Dong*, Benzhang Wang, Chao Pang, Dexin Ba, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Hui Li and Xiaoyi Bao, “Single-shot BOTDA based on an optical chirp chain probe wave for distributed ultra-fast measurement,” Light: Science and Applications, 7, 32, (2018). 7. 周登望,王本章,巴德欣,徐金龙,徐鹏柏,姜桃飞,张东昱,李惠,董永康*,“用于动态应变测量的快速分布式布里渊光纤传感” 光学学报,38(3),0328005,(2018).(邀请综述论文) 8. DexinBa, Chen Chen, Cheng Fu, Danyang Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Zhigang Fan, and Yongkang Dong,* “A High-Performance and Temperature-Insensitive Shape Sensor Based on DPP-BOTDA,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 10 (1), 7100810 (2018). 2017 1. Sanogo Diakaridia, Yue Pan, Pengbai Xu, Dengwang Zhou, Benzhang Wang, Lei Teng, Zhiwei Lu, Dexin Ba and Yongkang Dong, * “Detecting cm-scale hot spot over 24-km-long single-mode fiber by using differential pulse pair BOTDA based on double-peak spectrum,” Opt. Express, 25 (15), 17727-17736 (2017). 2. Jian Fang, Pengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong, and William Shieh, “Single-shot Distributed Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analyzer,” Opt. Express, 25 (13),15188-15198, (2017). 3. Dexin Ba, Dengwang Zhou, Benzhang Wang, Zhiwei Lu, Zhigang Fan, Yongkang Dong,* and Hui Li, “Dynamic Distributed Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensing Based on Dual-Modulation by Combining Single Frequency Modulation and Frequency-Agility Modulation,” IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (3), 7102908 (2017). 4. 董永康*,周登望,滕雷,姜桃飞,陈曦,“布里渊动态光栅原理及其在光纤传感中的应用” 物理学报,66(7),075201,(2017).(邀请综述论文) 5. Dengwang Zhou,Yongkang Dong,* Benzhang Wang, Taofei Jiang, Dexin Ba, Pengbai Xu, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, and Hui Li, “Slope-assisted BOTDA based on vector SBS and frequency-agile technique for wide-strain-range dynamic measurements,” Opt. Express, 25 (3), 1889-1902 (2017). 6. Hongying Zhang, Zhijun Yuan, Ziye Liu, Wei Gao, and Yongkang Dong,* “Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber with stimulated Brillouin scattering,” Applied Physics Express, 10, 012501 (2017). 2016 1. Jinlong Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Zhaohui Zhang, Shunlong Li, Shaoyang He, and Hui Li, "Full scale strain monitoring of a suspension bridge using high performance distributed fiber optic sensors," Measurement Science and Technology, 27, 124017 (2016). 2. Yongkang Dong,* Xi Chen, Erhu Liu, Cheng Fu, Hongying Zhang, and Zhiwei Lu, “Quantitative measurement of dynamic nanostrain based on a phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer,”Appl. Opt. 55(28), 7810-7815, (2016). 3. Lei Teng, Hongying Zhang, Yongkang Dong,* Dengwang Zhou, Taofei Jiang, Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, "Temperature-compensated distributed hydrostatic pressure sensor with a thin-diameter polarization-maintaining photonics crystal fiber based on Brillouin dynamic gratings," Opt. Lett, 41(18), 4413-4416, 2016. 4. Pengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Dengwang Zhou, Cheng Fu, Juwang Zhang, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, "1200 degree high-temperature distributed optical fiber sensing by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis," Appl. Opt. 55(21), 5471-5478 (2016) 5. Yongkang Dong,* Dengwang Zhou, Lei Teng, Pengbai Xu, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Phase-shifted Brillouin dynamic gratings using single pump phase-modulation: proof of concept,” Opt. Express, 24 (10), 11218-11231 (2016). 6. Dexin Ba, Benzhang Wang, Dengwang Zhou, Mingjin Yin, Yongkang Dong,* Hui Li, Zhiwei Lu, and Zhiwei Fan, “Distributed measurement of dynamic strain based on multi-slope assisted fast BOTDA,” Opt. Express, 24 (9), 9781-9713 (2016). 7. Hongying Zhang, Shaopeng Zhang, Zhijun Yuan, Ziye Liu, Yongkang Dong,*Dengwang Zhou, Wei Gao, and Yuelan Lv, “Measurement of nonlinear parameter of an optical fiber based on Brillouin optical time-domain analysis,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 33(4), 630-636 (2016). 2015 1. Yongkang Dong, Lei Teng, Peiling Tong, Taofei Jiang, Hongying Zhang, Tao Zhu, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Zhiwei Lu, “High-sensitivity distributed transverse load sensor with an elliptical-core fiber based on Brillouin dynamic gratings,” Opt. Lett. 40(21), 5003-5006 (2015). 2. Pengbai Xu, Yongkang Dong,* Juwang Zhang, Dengwang Zhou, Taofei Jiang, Jinlong Xu, Hongying Zhang, Tao Zhu, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao “Bend-insensitive distributed sensing in singlemode-multimode-singlemode optical fiber structure by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis,” Opt. Express, 23 (17), 22714-22722 (2015). 3. Haoyu Li, Yongkang Dong, * P. Xu, Y. Qi, C. Guo, and J. T. Sheridan, * “Beam self-cleanup by use of self-written waveguide created by photopolymerization,” Opt. Lett. 40(13), 2981-2984 (2015). 2014 1. Yongkang Dong, Pengbai Xu, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lu, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Characterization of evolution of mode coupling in a graded-index polymer optical fiber by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis,” Opt. Express, 22 (22), 26510-26516 (2014). 2. Yongkang Dong, Taofei Jiang, Lei Teng, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, Xiaoyi Bao, and Zhiwei Lu,“Sub-MHz ultrahigh-resolution optical spectrometry based on Brillouin dynamic gratings” Opt. Lett. 39(10), 2967-2970 (2014). 2013 1. Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Zhiwei Lv, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Long-range and high-spatial-resolution distributed birefringence measurement of a polarization-maintaining fiber based on Brillouin dynamic grating,” J. Lightwave Technology, 31(16), 2981-2986 (2013). 2. Yongkang Dong, Dexin Ba, Taofei Jiang et al, “High-spatial-resolution fast BOTDA for dynamic strain measurement based on differential double-pulse and second-order sideband of modulation” IEEE Photonics Journal, 5 (3), 2600407 (2013). 2012 1. Yongkang Dong, Hongying Zhang, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “2-cm-spatial-resolution and 2-km-range Brillouin optical fiber sensor using a transient differential pulse pair,” Appl. Opt. 51(9), 1229-1235 (2012). 2. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Extending the sensing range of Brillouin optical time-domain analysis combining frequency- division multiplexing and in-line EDFAs,” J. Lightwave Technology 30(8), 1161-1167 (2012). (Invited paper) 2011 1. Dapeng Zhou, Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Four-wave mixing analysis of Brillouin dynamic grating in a polarization-maintaining fiber: theory and experiment,” Opt. Express, 19(21), 20785-20798 (2011). 2. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “On-line monitoring of the distributed lateral displacement in large AC power generators using a high-spatial-resolution Brillouin optical fiber sensor,” Smart Mater. Struct. 20, 115001 (2011). 3. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Time-division multiplexing-based BOTDA over 100 km sensing length,” Opt. Lett. 36(2), 277-279 (2011). 2010 1. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Truly distributed birefringence measurement of polarization- maintaining fibers based on transient Brillouin grating,” Opt. Lett. 35(2), 193-195 (2010). 2. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “Characterization of the Brillouin grating spectra in a polarization- maintaining fiber,” Opt. Express 18(18), 18960-18967 (2010). 3. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High-spatial-resolution Time Domain Simultaneous Strain and Temperature Sensor Using Brillouin Scattering and Birefringence in a Polarization-maintaining Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 22(18), 1364-1366 (2010). 4. Yongkang Dong, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “System optimization of a long-range Brillouin loss-based distributed fiber sensor,” Appl. Opt. 49(27), 5020-5025 (2010). 2009 1. Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Liang Chen, “Distributed temperature sensing based on birefringence effect on transient Brillouin grating in a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber,” Opt. Lett. 34(17), 2590-2592 (2009). 2. Yongkang Dong, Xiaoyi Bao, and Wenhai Li, “Differential Brillouin gain for improving the temperature accuracy and spatial resolution in a long-distance distributed fiber sensor,” Appl. Opt. 48(22), 4297-9301 (2009). 2008 and before 1. Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, Qiang Li, and Yingfan Liu, “Broadband Brillouin slow light based on multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 25(12), C109-C115 (2008). 2. Zhiwei Lu, Yongkang Dong, and Qiang Li, “Slow light in multi-line Brillouin gain spectrum,” Opt. Express 15(4), 1871- 1877, (2007). 3. Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, and Qiang Li, “Long optical delay lines enhanced by ring configuration in optical fibers,” Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 1568-1570, (2007). 4. Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, Qiang Li, and Wei Gao, “Controllable optical delay line using a Brillouin optical fiber ring laser,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 4, 628-630, (2006). 5. Hongying Zhang, Yongkang Dong, Jesse Leeson, Liang Chen, and Xiaoyi Bao, “High sensitivity optical fiber current sensor based on polarization diversity and a Faraday rotation mirror cavity,” Appl. Opt. 50(6), 924-929 (2011). 6. Yun Li, Xiaoyi Bao, Yongkang Dong, and Liang Chen, “A novel distributed Brillouin sensor based on optical differential parametric amplification,” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 28(18), 2621-2626 (2010). 7. Tao Zhu, Xiaoyi Bao, Liang Chen, Hao Liang, and Yongkang Dong, “Experimental study on stimulated Rayleigh scattering in optical fibers,” Opt. Express 18(22), 22958-22963 (2010). 8. Yuelan Lv, Yongwei Xing, and Yongkang Dong, “Equal-amplitude optical comb generation using multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibers,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 8(3), 316-319, (2010). 9. Yingfan Liu, Zhiwei Lv, Yongkang Dong, and Qiang Li, “Research on stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression based on multi-frequency phase modulation,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 7(1), 29-31, (2009). 10. Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lv, Weiming He, Yongkang Dong, and W. L. J. Hasi, “Characteristics of amplified spectrum of a weak frequency-detuned signal in a Brillouin amplifier,” Laser and Particle Beams 27(3), 465-470, (2009). 11. Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lu, Weiming He, Yongkang Dong, “High-gain amplification of weak Stokes signal of stimulated Brillouin scattering in water”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 57 (4), 2248-2252 (2008). 12. Yuelan Lu, Zhiwei Lu, Yongkang Dong, “Controlling the optical limiting shape in stimulated Brillouin scattering by dye absorption”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (10), 5849-5854 (2007). 13. Wei Gao, Zhiwei Lu, Weiming He, Chengyu Zhu, Yongkang Dong, “Research on selective optical amplification of Briliouin spectrum of weak scattering signals in water”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (5), 2593-2598 (2007). 14. Yuelan Lu, Yongkang Dong, Zhiwei Lu, “Study on the control of optical limiting of pulse-shape in stimulated Brillouin scattering process”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 55 (10), 5247-5251 (2006). 15. Chengyu Zhu, Zhiwei Lv, Weiming He, Dexin Ba, Yulei Wang, Wei Gao, and Yongkang Dong, “Theoretical study on temporal behavior of Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mixing” ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 56 (1), 229-235 (2007). 16. Gao Wei, Zhiwei Lv, and Yongkang Dong, “A new approach to measure the ocean temperature using Brillouin lidar,” Chin. Opt. Lett. 4, 428-430, (2006). 17. Yuelan Lu, Zhiwei Lu, and Yongkang Dong, “Nonlinear propagation and power limiting of nanosecond laser pulse by stimulated Brillouin scattering in CCl4”, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 53 (7), 2170, (2004). 18. Xinmin Fan, Yongkang dong(6th), ‘Numerical investigation of the effects of smoothing by spectral dispersion on stimulated rotational Raman scattering’ LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS, 31 (1), 171-175, (2013) 19. Haidong Gu, Yongkang Dong(4th), “Dependence of Brillouin frequency shift on radial and axial strain in silica optical fibers,” Appl. Opt. 51 (32), 7864-7868, (2012). 20. 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