
首页 - 哈尔滨工业大学


姓名 刘一搏
教师编号 91201
性别 刘一搏
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 材料科学与工程学院(威海)
学位 刘一搏
学历 刘一搏
职称 软件著作权666包写包过
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基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 学生培养 学术任职 新建主栏目 个人简介 名称 刘一搏,男,教授/博导 获吉林大学工学学士(2010)、哈尔滨工业大学硕士(2012)和博士(2016)学位,2016年至今哈尔滨工业大学(威海)任教。主要从事极端环境制造的研究工作,包括:1)大尺寸/多材料离子束增材制造;2)特种环境焊接方法及装备;3)轻-异质金属连接冶金及强韧化机理。作为负责人已承担国家自然科学基金(51705103、52175299)、国家科技重大专项子课题(2017ZX06002008)、哈工大重大重点科技创新培养支持计划(HIT.MKSTISP.2016-17)、及核电专项等课题17项;参与973计划子课题(核电站在役修复,2013CB035502),863计划子课题(2008AA092901、2013AA09A108,蛟龙/勇士号深潜器),国家重点研发计划子课题(2016YFB0300602,海工平台),航空发动机及燃气轮机重大专项(J019-VⅡ-0004-0144,航空发动机)、国家科技创新2030重大项目深海空间站制造专项(深海承压装备制造)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(51435004、U1960102),山东省重点研发计划(2017CXGC0812)等基础研究。目前发表学术论文40余篇,其中SCI检索30篇,EI检索6篇。国家发明专利授权15项。 教育经历 名称 2012.9-2016.7 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程(焊接) 博士 2010.9-2012.7 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程(焊接) 硕士 2006.9-2010.7 吉林大学 材料成型及控制工程 本科 工作经历 名称 起止时间 工作经历 2023.12—至今 材料科学与工程学院 教授 2023.04—至今 材料科学与工程学院 博士生导师 2020.12—至今 材料科学与工程学院 副教授 2019.05—至今 材料科学与工程学院 硕士生导师 2016.07—2020.11 材料科学与工程学院 助理研究员 研究方向及代表性项目 名称 一、科研方向: (1)大尺寸/多材料离子束增材制造:机理、工艺与装备 (2)特种环境焊接方法及装备 (3)轻-异质金属连接冶金及强韧化机理 二、代表性项目: (1)电弧增材铝/钢构件界面结构演变行为及性能调控机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目 ,2018.01-2020.12,负责人 (2)钛/钢异种金属电弧活性焊接新方法及原位强韧化机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12,负责人 (3)CAP1400核岛核电站SC模块施工技术研究工艺与变形量数学模型研究,国家科技重大专项子课题,2017.07-2020.07,负责人 (4)三代核电焊接关键技术,核电专项,2018.03-2022.12,负责人 (5)深海工作站厚板钛合金专用焊炬研发,哈工大重大重点科技创新培养支持计划,2016.07-2018.10,负责人 (6)海洋焊接关键技术,863计划课题,2010.01-2014.12,主要参与人 (7)4500米载人深潜器厚板钛合金窄间隙焊接,863计划子课题,2014.01-2016.03,主要参与人 (8)核事故救灾任务水下作业,973计划子课题,2014.01-2017.12,主要参与人 (9)海洋工程装备及高技术船舶用激光电弧复合焊关键技术研究及示范应用,山东省重点研发计划,2018.01-2020.12,主要参与人 代表性论文 名称 [1] P. Jin, J. J. Zhou, J. X. Zhou, Y. B. Liu*, Q. J. Sun. Contribution made by double-sized TiC particles addition to the ductility–strength synergy in wire and arc additively manufactured Al–Cu alloys[J]. Composites Part B:Engineering, 2023: 111078. [2] H. S. Ren, Y. B. Liu*, Q. Sun, et al. Promoting strengthening and grain refinement of aluminum alloy during wire and arc additive manufacturing by adding TiB2 particles[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2023: 145805. [3] Y. B. Liu, Y. J. Tao, Y. Liu, et al. Wetting mechanisms in the mass transfer process of CuSi3 droplets on the TC4 and 304SS multi-metal system controlled by the hybrid shielding gas atmosphere[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2023: 158827. [4] Q. Sun, Y. B. Liu*, X. J. Qian, et al. The wetting and stirring behavior of molten pool in narrow gap AMF-GTAW by numerical and experimental analysis[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 26: 4835-4847. [5] Y. J. Tao, Y. B. Liu*, Y. Liu, et al. A novel approach to optimize weld formation and regulate interfacial microstructure in TC4/304SS dissimilar arc welding by active hybrid shielding gas[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023. [6] F. X. Li, Y. B. Liu*, H. Y. Kong, et al. Insight on microstructure and mechanical properties of 40 mm thick-walled ferromagnetic super-MSS by magnetic-field-assisted narrow gap GTAW[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 24: 5805-5822. [7] F. X. Li, Y. B. Liu*, H. Y. Kong, et al. Improved microstructure and performance of thick-walled 316L stainless steel joint by NG-GTAW with auxiliary magnetic field[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 21: 3038-3050. [8] Q. Sun, Y. B. Liu*, Q. J. Sun, Y. Wang. The Effect of Multiple Thermal Process on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufactured Al/Steel Structure[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2022, 24(7): 2101389. [9] F. X. Li, Y. B. Liu*, P. Jin, et al. Appreciable-tuned ferrite/austenite phase balance in the fusion zone of GTAW welds via an assisted magnetic field[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 885:160851. [10]Jin Peng, Liu Yibo*; Sun Qingjie. Evolution of crystallographic orientation, columnar to equiaxed transformation and mechanical properties realized by adding TiCps in wire and arc additive manufacturing 2219 aluminum alloy[J], Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 39(101878): 1-14. [11]Peng Jin, Yibo Liu*, Fuxiang Li, Qingjie Sun. Realization of synergistic enhancement for fracture strength and ductility by adding TiC particles in wire and arc additive manufacturing 2219 aluminium alloy[J]. Composites Part B, 2021, 219:108921. [12] J. Z. Li, Y. B. Liu*, Y. J. Tao, et al. Energy reconstruction and metallurgical characteristics in 316L NG-LWFW with assisted wire wobbling by numerical and experimental analysis[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 142: 107242. [13] F. X. Li, Q. J. Sun, P. Jin, Y. B. Liu*, et al. Wetting behavior of melt and its effect on lack of fusion in arc oscillating NG-GTAW[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 296:117176. [14] J. Z. Li, Y. B. Liu*, Y. J. Tao, Q. H. Zhang, K. X. Kang, Q. Sun, Q. J. Sun. Analysis of vapor plume and keyhole dynamics in laser welding stainless steel with beam oscillation[J].Infrared physics and technology, 2021, 113(1). [15] J. Z. Li, Y. B. Liu*, K. X. Kang, Q. Sun, P. Jin, Y. Liu, C. W. Cai, Q. J. Sun. A novel approach to regulate energy allocation and melt flow in narrow gap laser welding with electromagnetic assisted wire wobbling[J].Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 289(1). [16] J. Z. Li, Y. B. Liu*, Y. F. Gao, P. Jin, Q. J. Sun, J. C. Feng. Benefits of interfacial regulation with interlayers in laser welding Ti6Al4V/316L steel[J]. Optics and Laser Technology, 2020, 125: 106007. [17] P. Jin, Q. J. Sun, Y. B. Liu*, J. Z. Li, F. X. Li, Y. Liu, S. J. Hou. Microstructural evolution and mechanical property of TC4/304 stainless steel joined by CMT using a CuSi3 filler wire[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 60: 308-317. [18] Yibo Liu, Peng Jin, Junzhao Li, Tong Lin, Fuxiang Li, Shaojun Hou, Qingjie Sun. Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Repaired Titanium Alloy Blade by Arc Additive Manufacturing Process[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020, 22:2000187. [19] P. Jin, Y. B. Liu*, Q. J. Sun, J. Z. Li, K. Chen, S. J. Hou, H. Yang, Y. H. Zhou, J. C. Feng. Wetting mechanism and microstructure evolution of TC4/304 stainless steel joined by CMT with an assisted hybrid magnetic field[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 819: 152951. [20] K. X. Kang, Y. B. Liu*, J. Z. Li, C. Liu, Z. Y. Zhen, Y. X. Wang, Q. J. Sun. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/steel butt joint by hybrid CMT welding with external axial magnetic field[J]. Materials, 2020, 13(16): 3601(1-12). [21] P. Jin, Y. B. Liu*, Q. J. Sun, Q. L. Lin, J. Z. Li, K. Chen, J. F. Wang, S. J. Hou, F. X. Li, J. C. Feng. Wetting of liquid aluminum alloys on pure titanium at 873-973 K[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 8(6): 5813-5822. [22] J. Z. Li, Y. B. Liu*, Z. Y. Zhen, P. Jin, Q. J. Sun, J. C. Feng. Weld formation mechanism and microstructural evolution of TC4/304 stainless steel joint with Cu-based filler wire and preheating[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(19): 3071. [23] Y.B. Liu, J.Z. Li, Q.J. Sun, P. Jin, Q. Sun, B.P. Li, J.C. Feng. Optimization of magnetic oscillation system and microstructural characteristics in arc welding of Al/Mg alloys[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2019, 39: 69-78 [24] Q. J. Sun, P. Jin, Y.B. Liu*, J.Z. Li, J.F. Wang, T. Wang, J.C. Feng. Wetting of liquid copper on TC4 titanium alloy and 304 stainless steel at 1273–1433 K[J]. Materials & Design, 2019, 169: 107667. [25] Q. J. Sun, J. Z. Li, Y. B. Liu*, Y. L. Jiang, K. X. Kang, J. C. Feng. Arc characteristics and droplet transfer process in CMT welding with a magnetic field[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 32: 48-56. [26]刘一搏,张鸿名,孙清洁,李军兆,冯吉才.磁场作用下铝/钢CMT焊接温度场及熔池流动行为[J]. 机械工程学报,2018,54(2):48-54 [27] Q.J. Sun, J.Z. Li, Y.B. Liu*, B.P. Li, P.W. Xu, J.C. Feng. Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of Al/Ti joint welded by CMT method—Assisted hybrid magnetic field[J]. Materials & Design. 2017, 116: 316-324. [28] Y. B. Liu, Q. J. Sun, H. Wang, H. M. Zhang, S. J. Cai, J. C. Feng. Effect of the axial external magnetic field on copper/aluminium arc weld joining[J]. Science and Technology of Welding and joining, 2016, 21(6): 460-465. [29] Y. B. Liu, Q. J. Sun, H. B. Sang, J. M. Shi, J. C. Feng, Microstructure and mechanical properties of additive manufactured steel/Al structure materials with nickel gradient layers[J]. China Welding, 2016, 25(1): 8-14. [30] Y. B. Liu, Q. J. Sun, J. P. Liu, S. J. W, J. C. Feng. Effect of axial external magnetic field on cold metal transfer welds of aluminum alloy and stainless steel[J]. Materials Letters, 2015, 152: 29-31. [31] Y. B. Liu,Q. J. Sun,H. B. Sang,J. C. Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold metal transfer welded alumnium-5A06 alloy/nickel lap joints[J]. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2015, 20: 307-312. [32] J. C. Feng, Y. B. Liu, Q. J. Sun, J. P. Liu, L. J. Wu. Microstructure and properties of aluminum-copper lap-welded joints by cold metal transfer technology[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2015, 17(10): 1480-1485. [33] 刘一搏, 孙清洁, 姜云禄, 桑海波,冯吉才. 基于冷金属过渡技术快速成形工艺[J], 焊接学报, 2014, 33(6): 19-22. 讲授课程 名称 异种金属连接 (本科专业课程) 高效焊接方法 (本科专业课程) 焊接与社会 (本科专业课程) 电弧3D打印创新设计 (焊接专业创新研修课) 焊接机器人操作与实战 (焊接专业创新研修课) 招生信息 名称 硕士研究生 2名/年 博士研究生 1名/年 通用模版 名称 2016年—至今 中国机械工程学会焊接青年委员会 委员 2018年—至今 山东省特种焊接技术重点实验室 主任助理 2018年—至今 国家自然科学基金项目 函评专家 2019年—至今 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心 论文评审专家 2023年—至今 中国机械工程学会 高级会员 Journal of Manufacturing Processe、Journal of Materials Processing Technology、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Ceramics International、Materials Characterization、Journal of Materials Research and Technology、Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Advanced Engineering Materials 等国际期刊审稿人
