姓名 | 马艳丽 |
教师编号 | 91161 |
性别 | 马艳丽 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 交通科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 马艳丽 |
学历 | 马艳丽 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
人气 | |
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基本信息 教育教学 论文专著 科学研究 Yanli Ma Publications Research ... Publications Research 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 马艳丽,工学博士,博士后,哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师。 主要从事交通安全理论与技术、智能网联与驾驶行为、自动驾驶与人机交互、交通基础设施智能化、交通系统优化设计等领域的教学和科研工作。 主持与参加十三五国家重点研发计划项目子题、国家“973”计划项目子项、国家“863”计划项目、国家“十五”科技支撑计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、中国博士后基金等国家及省部级重点科研项目20余项。 获省部级科技奖7项、市级科技奖3项;发表学术论文80余篇;主编出版专著3部,参编教材4部;申请专利35项,已授权26项。 教育经历 名称 2008/04-2012/04 哈尔滨工业大学 经济与管理学院 管理科学与工程 博士后 2002/09-2007/07 哈尔滨工业大学 交通科学与工程学院 道路与铁道工程 博士 2000/09-2002/12 哈尔滨工业大学 交通科学与工程学院 交通运输规划与管理 硕士 1993/09-1997/07 哈尔滨建筑大学 交通学院 交通土建工程 学士 工作经历 名称 2021/12- 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,教授、博导 2007/09-2021/12 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,副教授、硕导 2009/09-2010/10 University of California, Berkeley, 访问学者 2002/07-2007/08 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,讲师 2000/06-2002/06 哈尔滨工业大学,交通科学与工程学院,助教 1997/07-2000/05 哈尔滨建筑大学,交通科学与工程学院,助教 社会兼职 名称 2017年至今 中国交协供应链信息化分会 常务理事 2003年至今 中国交通运输协会运输与物流研究会 理事 2004年至今 亚洲运输学会 会员 2008年至今 黑龙江省公路学会 理事 2008年至今 黑龙江省国家司法鉴定人 2012年至今 国家自然科学基金 函评专家 2017年至今 世界交通运输大会(WTC) 技术委员会委员 2012年至今 中国公路学报、交通运输工程学报、长安大学学报等期刊审稿专家 Transportation Research Part C&D、Accident Analysis and Prevention、Transportmetrica A 等国际权威期刊审稿专家 黑龙江省道路运输行业评审专家、黑龙江省道路运输安全生产技术专家 招生信息 名称 研究领域:交通安全理论与技术;驾驶行为与人机交互;智慧交通与自动驾驶;道路设计理论与技术;交通运营与可持续发展。 招生方向:交通运输工程、智能交通、道路与铁道工程、应用数学、图像处理、视觉检测、模式识别等 招生名额: 名额较为充足,欢迎联系申请。 招生要求:招收本博连读、硕博连读、推荐攻博、申请考核的学生,尤其欢迎具有推荐免试资格的本科生申请本博连读;招收校内外推荐免试学生和参加考研学生,尤其欢迎保研学生联系申请; 个人成长: (1)学习方面,作为导师会尽最大努力教育学生,让学生可以在研究生期间学习到专业知识,形成良好的专业素养。 (2)实践方面,提供社会实践的机会,如国外知名大学交流、参加课题项目、学术会议、单位实习等等。可在这些活动中获得锻炼,了解工作环境,学习为人处世的方法。 (3)个人发展,无论你的选择是继续学习、就业还是出国,都会给与体正确的指导和最大的帮助,无论遇到什么问题都可以来找我,也会帮你想办法。 (4)科研绩效,每月提供固定的科研补助,发表高水平学术论文额外奖励; (5)毕业出路, 研究生本校、外校、出国读博;著名企业任职、机关事业单位、科研院所工作;博士毕业高校任教职、国内外大学博士后、著名大企业任职、科研院所、机关事业单位。 优秀硕士及博士生可推荐到世界顶尖学府实习交流,开拓国际视野,个人能力得到提升与锻炼。 讲授课程 名称 专业核心课:道路交通安全 (Traffic Safety and Injury Prevention ) 授课对象:交通工程本科生 专业选修课:道路通行能力 (Road capacity) 授课对象:交通工程本科生 选修课:道路通行能力研究进展 (Research Progress in Road Capacity) 适用学科:交通运输工程学科研究生 专业核心课:驾驶行为分析理论与方法 (Driving Behavior Analysis Theory and Method) 适用学科:交通运输工程学科研究生 桃李满天 名称 1. 博士研究生 祁首铭,2021届,不同认知负荷下考虑驾驶员生理特征的行车风险辨识方法。(美国加州大学伯克利分校联合培养)毕业去向:深圳工作。 朱洁玉,2020级,在读,研究方向:自动驾驶与人机交互;(新加坡南洋理工大学联合培养) 2. 硕士研究生 汪亚桥,2010届,论文题目:山区高速公路线形综合评价研究。毕业去向:徐州工作。 韩丽飞,2011届,论文题目:区域综合交通客运结构分析与优化研究。毕业去向:武汉工作。 关云飞,2012届,论文题目:弹药补给运输路径优化研究。毕业去向:哈尔滨工作。 顾高峰,2014届,论文题目:车载信息系统分神对驾驶绩效的影响研究。毕业去向:广州工作。 冷 雪,2014届,论文题目:基于车载信息系统的驾驶员多通道分神特性研究。毕业去向:沈阳工作。 王文娟,2014届,论文题目:信号交叉口左转车道拓宽设计研究,济南工作 娄国伟,2014届,论文题目:高速公路施工作业区夜间车速控制措施研究,济南工作 郭 涛,2016届,论文题目:高速公路二次事故预防关键技术研究,天津工作 田 涛,2017届,论文题目:济南公交优先系统规划研究,济南工作 贾志宏,2017届,论文题目:济南市旅游路西段道路改造工程方案比选与评价,济南工作 胡 源,2017届,论文题目:济南市自行车交通系统规划研究,济南工作 史惠敏,2017届,论文题目:信号交叉口左转提示防碰撞系统设置研究。毕业去向,安徽工作 范璐洋,2018届,论文题目:基于贝叶斯网络的车辆运行风险评估。毕业去向:成都工作 张 鹏,2019届,论文题目:基于元胞自动机的城市主干路多车交互换道模型。毕业去向:安徽工作 朱洁玉,2020届,论文题目:快速路主线入口多车交互风险评估方法。毕业去向:读博 尹必清,2021届,论文题目:快速路交织区多车交互运行特性与风险评估。毕业去向:昆明工作 田佳佳,2021届,论文题目: 基于IHSDM的高速公路设计安全性评价模型及系统框架设计 。毕业去向:西安工作 吕志良,2021届,论文题目:基于博弈论的多车动态交互换道模型 。毕业去向:成都工作 秦 钦,2022届,论文题目:研究方向:不同认知次任务下考虑行车风险场的接管风险评估模型。毕业去向:沈阳工作 卢 俊,2022届,论文题目:研究方向:不同认知负荷下自动驾驶接管绩效预测研究。毕业去向:济南工作 董方琦,2021级,论文题目:研究方向:基于驾驶员信任度的 L3 级自动驾驶接管绩效预测研究。毕业去向:西安工作 徐小鹏,2021级,论文题目:研究方向:基于驾驶员姿态特征的 L3 级自动驾驶接管绩效评价。毕业去向:深圳工作 吴振超,2021级,论文题目:研究方向:不同认知负荷下自动驾驶接管绩效预测研究。毕业去向:济南工作 郭蓥蓥,2022级,在读,研究方向:自动驾驶与驾驶行为 赵之祎,2023级,在读,研究方向:智慧交通与主动安全 赵泽尧,2023级,在读,研究方向:智慧交通与主动安全 3. 本科生 孙 钊,2009届,论文题目:公路交通运行安全量化分级与评价研究; 古丽给娜,2011届,论文题目:基于环境承载力的城市客运交通方式选择模型研究; 齐 林,2011届,论文题目:驾驶员电话分神特性及其对运行安全的影响研究; 江文凌,2011届,论文题目::融水苗族自治县交通产业十年发展规划; 王俊生,2012届,论文题目:信号交叉口黄灯信号对驾驶人驾驶决策行为影响研究; 李宗优,2013届,论文题目:信号交叉口拓宽车道交通运行特性研究; 朱学生,2013届,论文题目:高速公路作业区车速控制措施研究; 朱志鹏,2014届,论文题目:考虑碳排放因素的哈尔滨市交通出行方式研究; 于 欢,2014届,论文题目:高速公路施工作业区夜间车速控制预警措施研究; 李金伟,2014届,论文题目:哈尔滨地铁1号线运营对沿线住宅价格的影响研究; 吴 昊,2015届,论文题目:基于区域经济的交通货运与GDP关系研究; 宋姗姗,2015届,论文题目:深圳市龙华新区道路网布局规划方案研究; 吴继优,2015届,论文题目:基于视觉有效性的交通指路标志优化设计研究; 杜建坤,2016届,论文题目:基于驾驶人认知心理的攻击性驾驶行为成因研究; 林志明,2017届,论文题目:综合运输货运指数预测与实证研究; 吴昊天,2017届,论文题目:匝道合流区安全预警方案研究; 张龙钊,2018届,论文题目:基于风险传导耦合的车辆运行风险评估方法研究; 马 全,2018届,论文题目:基于耦合协调度模型的车内主次任务作用机理研究; 裴 涤,2018届,论文题目:考虑人车路影响的动态风险势能场研究; 张潇潇,2019届,论文题目:快速路基本路段多车交互运行风险评估; 常梦雪,2019届,论文题目:基于IHSDM的京哈高速改建工程设计一致性评价; 石子凌,2020届,认知次任务对自动驾驶接管绩效的影响研究; 王 杨,2020届,高速公路环境下L3级自动驾驶车辆被动接管时限研究。 出版物 出版物名称 多车交互理论与风险评估方法 作者 马艳丽 编著 出版时间 2022-10 出版社 人民交通出版社股份有限公司 简单介绍 出版物名称 驾驶分心研究与主动干预策略 作者 马艳丽 编著 出版时间 2021-12 出版社 人民交通出版社股份有限公司 简单介绍 出版物名称 交通安全 (高等教育“十三五”国家级规划教材) 作者 裴玉龙主编,马艳丽参编 出版时间 2018-07 出版社 人民交通出版社股份有限公司 简单介绍 出版物名称 道路通行能力理论与案例 作者 马艳丽,张亚平著 出版时间 2018-11 出版社 人民交通出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 道路勘测设计 作者 程国柱主编,马艳丽参编 出版时间 2015-06 出版社 中国建筑工业出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 道路交通安全 (普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材) 作者 裴玉龙主编、马艳丽参编(第二章) 出版时间 2007-10 出版社 人民交通出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 道路通行能力理论 作者 张亚平主编、马艳丽参编(第十章) 出版时间 2007-04 出版社 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 道路交通安全管理法规概论及案例分析 (面向21世纪高等学校统编教材) 作者 裴玉龙、马艳丽、张琨合著 出版时间 2006-04 出版社 人民交通出版社 简单介绍 出版物名称 道路交通安全 (面向21世纪高等学校统编教材) 作者 裴玉龙主编、马艳丽参编(四、五、九章) 出版时间 2004-09 出版社 人民交通出版社 简单介绍 论文期刊 名称 发表论文更新:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanli-Ma-8 [1] Ma Yanli, Zhu Jieyu. Left-turn conflict identification at signal intersections based on vehicle trajectory reconstruction under real- time communication conditions. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION:2021,150(105933). [2] Ma Yanli, Lv Zhiliang, Zhang Peng, Chan Ching-Yao. Impact of lane changing on adjacent vehicles considering multi-vehicle interaction in mixed traffic flow: A velocity estimating model. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS: 2021,166(125577). [3] Yanli Ma, Biqing Yin, Xiancai Jiang, Jankun Du , Chingyao Chan. Psychological factors Comparative Study on Driver’s Frequent Lane- changing Behaviors Characteristics a National Sample of Drivers in China. IET Intelligent Transport Systems: 2020, 14(8): 825-833. [4] Ma Yanli, Zhu Jieyu, Gu Gaofeng, Chen Ke. Freight Transportation and Economic Growth for Zone s: Sustainability and Development Strategy in China. SUSTAINABILITY:2020, 12(24):10450. [5] Ma Yanli, Qi Shouming, Zhang Yaping, Lian Guan, Lu Weixin, Chan Ching-Yao. Drivers’ Visual Attention Characteristics under Different Cognitive Workload: An On-road Driving Behavior study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH:2020, 17(15) 5366. [6] Ma Yanli, Gu Gaofeng, Yin Biqing, Qi Shouming , Chen Ke, Chan Chingyao. Support Vector Machines for the identification of real-time driver distraction using in- vehicle information systems. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security: 2020. [7] Hu Baoyu, Ma Yanli, Pei Yulong, Gao Wei. Statistical analysis and predictability of inter- urban highway traffic flows: A case study in Heilongjiang Province, China.Transportmetrica A: Transport Science:2020, 16(3) 1062-1078. [8] 马艳丽,张 鹏,朱洁玉,姜健锋. 势能场影响区域车辆交互速度变化模型. 哈尔滨工业大学学报: 2020, 52(9), 51-56. [9] 马艳丽, 范璐洋, 吕天玲, 郭 琳. 车辆运行风险贝叶斯网络量化分级方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报: 2020, 52(3), 33-37. [10] Yanli Ma, Zhang Peng, Baoyu Hu. Active lane-changing model of vehicle in B - type weaving region based on potential energy field theory. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications:2019, 535(12291). [11] Yanli Ma, Baoyu Hu, Ching-Yao Chan, Shouming Qi, Luyang Fan. Distractions intervention strategies for in-vehicle secondary tasks: An on-road test assessment of driving task demand based on real-time traffic environment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018, 63:747-754. [12] 马艳丽,祁首铭,吴昊天,范璐洋. 基于PET算法的匝道合流区交通冲突识别模型. 交通运输系统工程与信息. 2018, 18(2): 142-148 [13] 马艳丽,曹阳,史惠敏. 考虑驾驶任务需求的车内次任务分神干预策略. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2016, 48 (9): 20-23. [14] 马艳丽,顾高峰,高月娥,马勇. 基于驾驶绩效的车载信息系统操作分心判定模型. 中国公路学报. 2016, 29(4):123-129. [15] 马艳丽,冷雪,胡宝雨. 车载信息系统操作对驾驶员动作分神的影响. 交通运输系统工程与信息: 2015, 15(4): 204-209. [16] 马艳丽,高月娥,冷雪,李宗优. 信号交叉口展宽车道交通运行特性. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(2):42-45. [17] Ma Yanli, Lou Yanjiang, Wang Yaowu. Road Traffic Accidents Model and Its Application Based on Driver’s Self-Mistakes. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2010,10 (4):101-105. [18] 马艳丽,裴玉龙. 连续驾驶时间对驾驶特性测评指标的影响研究. 中国公路学报. 2009, 22(1):84-88. [19] 马艳丽,王要武, 裴玉龙. 疲劳与驾驶时间关系的实验心理学研究. 西南交通大学学报. 2009, 44 (4): 535-540. [20] 马艳丽,王要武. 驾驶员注意分配特性及其对行车安全的影响. 交通运输工程学报. 2009, 9 (4): 114-117. [21] 裴玉龙,马艳丽. 疲劳对驾驶员感知判断及操作特性的影响研究. 吉林大学学报. 2009, 39 (5): 1151-1156. [22] 马艳丽,裴玉龙. 基于实验心理学的驾驶员驾驶特性及其综合评价研究. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2008, 40(2): 1569-1572. 会议论文 名称 [1] Yanli Ma, Biqing Yin, Ke Chen, Peng Zhang, Ching-yao Chan. Velocity Change Model of Multi-vehicle Interactive Lane-changing Based on Potential Energy Field.TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 2021. [2] Ma, Yanli, Zhu, Jieyu,Shi,Huimin. Left-turn Conflict Identification at Signal Intersections Based on Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Via Kalman Filtering. TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 2021. [3] Ma, Yanli, Qi, Shouming, , Lian, Guan, Chan, Zhu,Jieyu, ZhangYaping. An On-road Driving Test of Cognitive Distraction: Characteristics of 1 Drivers’ Visual Behavior .TRB 99th Annual Meeting, 2020. [4] Ma, Yanli ,Fan, Luyang ,Gu, Gaofen. Risk identification of in-vehicle information system operation based on traffic environment complexity. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: 2019, 503(1), 845-855. [5] Gao, Yuee , Ma, Yanli , Fan, Luyang, Han, Lifei . A study on the generalized cost function of regional integrated passenger transport based on passenger choice. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering: 2019,503(1), 821-831. [6] Yanli Ma, Yuee Gao. Passenger Transportation Structure Optimization Model Based on User Optimum. International Conference on Green Intelligent Transportation System and Safety. 2015, 137:202-209 [7] Ma Yanli, Gu Gaofeng, Jiang Yuan, Zhu Xue sheng. Speed Control System Analysis of Freeway Work Zone Based on ITS. The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, 2014.6.15~16, Changsha, China. [8] Ma Yanli, Pei Yulong. Analysis the influences of fatigue on driver@#%s behavior characteristics. ICCTP 2009: Critical Issues In Transportation Systems Planning, Development, And Management. 2009.8.5~9, Harbin, China. [9] Ma Yanli, FengYuqin. Safety Assessing Method for Signal Controlled Intersections of Urban Road. The First International Conference of Transportation Engineering, 2007.7. 22~24, Chengdu, China. [10] Ma Yanli, GAO Yuee. Research on the Operating Management Mode of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Proceeding of 2006 International Conference on Construction & Real estate Management, 2006,10.5~6, Orlando, FL. 奖项成果 名称 2022年 不同道路类型与交通环境下人-车-路交互影响机理及交通安全评价,黑龙江省高校科学技术奖励委员会,黑龙江省高校科学技术进步奖一等奖(20210052); 2021年 基于复杂网络的交通系统风险评估与管控,中国安全生产协会,科技进步二等奖; 2019年 基于驾驶行为识别与事故分析的车辆运行风险主动防控技术,黑龙江省人民政府,黑龙江省科学技术进步奖二等奖(2019-132-02),黑龙江省高校科学技术进步奖一等奖(2019-042-02); 2017年 快速路交织区高峰拥堵控制策略研究, 中国交通运输协会,优秀论文二等奖; 2017年 校企合作培养交通工程专业“卓越工程师”的探索与实践,黑龙江省高等教育学会, 重点课题优秀奖; 2017年 道路勘测设计教材, 黑龙江省高等教育学会, 黑龙江省优秀高等教育科学研究成果二等奖; 2014年 基于资源约束的区域综合交通客运结构优化模型研究, 中国交通运输协会, 优秀论文一等奖; 2009年 黑龙江省新世纪高等教育教学改革工程项目适应新世纪发展需要的交通工程专业课程与实验教学改革, 获黑龙江省高等教育学会高等教育科学研究成果二等奖; 2009年 “多媒体技术在城市交通规划课程教学中的应用研究”课题成果二等奖 十一五规划课题(115C-018)黑龙江省高等教育学会; 2006年《道路交通安全》统编教材,黑龙江省高等教育学会, 黑龙江省优秀高等教育科学研究成果一等奖; 科研项目 项目名称 基于非驾驶姿态多维特征的自动驾驶接管风险态势辨识与自适应调控策略 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2024.01 结束时间 2027.12 项目经费 49 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 面向海量数据挖掘的高速公路交互式风险预测与安全设施优化设计 项目来源 黑龙江省交通运输厅 开始时间 2021.01 结束时间 2023.12 项目经费 54.06万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 认知次任务下 L3 级自动驾驶接管绩效与风险评估研究 项目来源 黑龙江省自然科学基金 开始时间 2020.07 结束时间 2023.07 项目经费 10万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于冲突极值深度学习的信号交叉口安全水平实时预测方法研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金面上项目 开始时间 2021.01 结束时间 2024.12 项目经费 58万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于交互式安全设计模型的京哈高速公路改扩建工程运行安全性评价 项目来源 黑龙江省交通运输厅 开始时间 2018.01 结束时间 2020.12 项目经费 45万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 道路交通安全主动防控技术与系统集成:不同道路类型与交通环境下人-车-路交互影响风险分析-子题 项目来源 十三五国家重点研发计划项目 开始时间 2017-07-01 结束时间 项目经费 200万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于车载信息系统的驾驶员多通道分神特性及其对驾驶绩效的影响研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 25万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 道路交通设施驾驶容错能力分析理论与方法研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2010-01-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 50万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 基于动态交通系统特性的冰雪路面交通事故安全管理对策研究 项目来源 中国博士后科学基金 开始时间 2010-01-01 结束时间 2011-12-01 项目经费 3万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 道路交通运行安全评价与管理技术研究 项目来源 黑龙江省博士后基金 开始时间 2009-01-01 结束时间 2011-09-01 项目经费 4万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 不良汽车驾驶行为特性及其对交通安全影响的研究 (50778056) 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2008-01-01 结束时间 2010-12-01 项目经费 32万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 道路交通运行安全仿真评价与事故再现分析系统(2007AA11Z231) 项目来源 国家863项目 开始时间 2008-01-01 结束时间 2009-12-01 项目经费 80万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 中国未来道路运输能源战略研究 项目来源 国家863课题 开始时间 2005-01-01 结束时间 2007-12-01 项目经费 30万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 项目名称 黑龙江省公路交通安全改善与保障技术研究 项目来源 黑龙江省交通厅重点科技项目 开始时间 2005-01-01 结束时间 2007-12-01 项目经费 10万 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 专利 Yanli Ma 名称 Yanli Ma, PH.D. Professor Department of Traffic Engineering, School of Transportation Science & Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Addr: 73 Huanghe Road, Nangang District, Harbin, China Zip Code: 150090 Tel:%2B86 13766885296 Email: mayanli@hit.edu.cn Education 名称 1. Bachelor. Traffic Engineering Jul. 1997 Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Thesis: Highway Construction Drawing Design for Mountain Area 2. M.S. Traffic Engineering Dec. 2002 Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Dissertation:Traffic Safety Analysis of Urban Intersections in Cold Area 3. Ph.D. Road & Railway Engineering Jul. 2007 Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China Dissertation: Driving Behavior Characteristics and Its Countermeasures for traffic Safety Professional History 名称 1. Professor Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Sep. 2022- 2. Associate Professor Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Sep. 2007-2021 3. Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Management Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Apr. 2008-Apr. 2012 4. Research Assistant Professor Department of Traffic Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A Sep. 2009- Oct. 2010 5. Assistant Professor Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Sep. 2002- Aug. 2007 6. Teaching assistant Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jul. 2000- Aug. 2002 7. Teaching assistant Department of Traffic Engineering, Harbin University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China Jul. 1997- Jun. 2000 Professional Activities 名称 1. Professional Affiliations Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Member, Easter Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Council Member,China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA) Council Member,Heilongjiang Highway and Transportation Society 2. Teaching Experencies S1202015C Road Capacity Theory and Analysis (Spring 2008-2014) at HIT (Graduate Students) S1323260 Traffic Safety and Injury Prevention(Spring 1998-2014) at HIT (Undergraduates) S4323310 Road Capacity (Autumn 2012) at HIT (Undergraduates) Professional English of Transportation Engineering (Autumn 1998-2004) at HIT (Undergraduates) 3. Professional Licenses The National Judicial Identification, China. 2009 to present Peer-reviewed Journals and Conferences 名称 发表论文更新:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yanli-Ma-8 [1] Ma Yanli, Zhu Jieyu. Left-turn conflict identification at signal intersections based on vehicle trajectory reconstruction under real- time communication conditions. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION:2021,150(105933). [2] Ma Yanli, Lv Zhiliang, etc.. Impact of lane changing on adjacent vehicles considering multi-vehicle interaction in mixed traffic flow: A velocity estimating model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications:2021,166(125577). [3] Yanli Ma, Biqing Yin,etc.. Velocity Change Model of Multi-vehicle Interactive Lane-changing Based on Potential Energy Field.TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 2021. [4] Ma, Yanli, Zhu, Jieyu,Shi,Huimin. Left-turn Conflict Identification at Signal Intersections Based on Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Via Kalman Filtering. TRB 100th Annual Meeting, 2021. [5] Ma, Yanli, Qi, Shouming, etc.. An On-road Driving Test of Cognitive Distraction: Characteristics of 1 Drivers’ Visual Behavior .TRB 99th Annual Meeting, 2020. [6] Hu Baoyu, Ma Yanli, Pei Yulong, Gao Wei. Statistical analysis and predictability of inter- urban highway traffic flows: A case study in Heilongjiang Province, China.Transportmetrica A: Transport Science:2020, 16(3) 1062-1078.[7] Yanli Ma, Biqing Yin, etc.. Psychological factors Comparative Study on Driver’s Frequent Lane- changing Behaviors Characteristics a National Sample of Drivers in China. 2020, IET Intelligent Transport Systems: 14(8) 825-833. [8] Ma Yanli, Zhu Jieyu, Gu Gaofeng, etc.. Freight Transportation and Economic Growth for Zone s: Sustainability and Development Strategy in China. SUSTAINABILITY:2020, 12(24) 10450. [9] Ma Yanli, Qi Shouming, etc.. Drivers’ Visual Attention Characteristics under Different Cognitive Workload: An On-road Driving Behavior study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH:2020, 17(15) 5366. [10] Ma Yanli, Gu Gaofeng, Yin Biqing, Qi Shouming , Chen Ke, Chan Chingyao. Support Vector Machines for the identification of real-time driver distraction using in- vehicle information systems.Journal of Transportation Safety & Security: 2020. [11] Yanli Ma, Zhang Peng, Baoyu Hu. Active lane-changing model of vehicle in B - type weaving region based on potential energy field theory. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications:2019, 535(12291). [12] Ma Y.L., Qi S.M., Wu H.T., Fan L.Y.. Traffic collision identification model based on the on-off intersection of the PET algorithm. Transportation system engineering and information. 2018. [13] Ma Y.L., Cao Y., Shi H.M.. Considering the task of driving tasks in the car, the task of distraction. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2016, 48 (9): 20-23. [14] Ma Y.L., Leng X., Hu B.Y.. The influence of vehicle-mounted information system operation on the driver distraction. Transportation system engineering and information, 2015, 15(4): 204-209. [15] Ma Y.L., Gao Y.E., Leng X., Li Z.Y.. The traffic operation characteristics of the traffic lane at the intersection of signals. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2015, 47(2):42-45. [16] Ma Yanli, Gu Gaofeng, Jiang Yuan, Zhu Xuesheng. Speed Control System Analysis of Freeway Work Zone Based on ITS. The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, 2014: 918-924. [17]Ma Yanli, X. Leng, L. Qi. Study of characteristics of phone distraction on drivers and its influence on traffic safety operation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 505-506: 1093-1096 [18] Lou Y.J., Ma Y.L., Han L.F.. Forecast of regional integrated transport passenger structure based on markov chain. Transportation system and information. 2012, 12(3): 1-5. [19] Ma Y.L, Y. Lou, Y. Gao. Forecast on Energy Demand of Road Transportation in China. Energy Procedia. 2012, 16(A): 403-408 [20] Ma Yanli, Lou Yanjiang, Wang Yaowu. Road Traffic Accidents Model and Its Application Based on Driver’s Self-Mistakes. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2010,10 (4):101-105 [21]Ma Yanli, PEI Yulong. Influences of Continuous Driving Time on Test Indicators of Driving Behavior Characteristics. China Journal of Highway and Transport. 2009, 22(1) :84-88 [22] Ma Yanli, WANG Yaowu, PEI Yulong. Expermiental Psychology Study on Relationship between Fatigue and Driving . JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY. 2009, 44 (4): 535-540 [23] Ma Yanli, WANG Yao-wu. Attention assignment characteristic of driver and its influences on driving safety. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. 2009, 19(14):114-117 [24] PEI Yu-long, Ma Yanli. Effects of driver fatigue on his sense, judgement and operation behavior. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition). 2009, 39 (5): 1151-1156 [25]Ma Yanli, PEI Yulong. Driving Behavior Characteristics and Its Synthesis Appraisal Based on Experimental Psychology. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2008, 40(12): 1569-1572. [26] Ma Yanli, GAO Yuee. Forecast of Automobile Population in China. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2007, 24(1): 121-125. [27] Ma Yanli, PEI Yulong. Dynamic Route Guidance Algorithm for Driver Based on Transiently Chaotic Neural Network. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information technology. 2007, 7(1): 57-60. Book Chapters 名称 Theory and case of road capacity, people@#%s transportation press, 2018. Traffic safety (ordinary advanced education "13th five-year" national planning textbook), people@#%s transportation press, 2018. Road survey and design, China construction industry press, 2015. “Traffic Participants and Safety,” Chapter in Road Traffic Safety, China Communication Press, 2008. “Roundabout Capacity,” Chapter in Road Capacity Theory, Harbin Institute of Technology Press, 2007. “Road Traffic Regulations,” “ Administrative and Punishment Regulations of Traffic Safety ,” Chapter in Road Safety Regulations and Case Analysis, China Communication Press, 2006. “Traffic Psychology and Safety,” “Automotive Performance, Structures and Security,” “Traffic Safety Measures,” Chapter in Road Traffic Safety, China Communication Press, 2004. Research Interests 名称 Traffic Safety Theory and Technology Driving Behavior and Human-machine Interaction Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Driving Vehicular and Infrastructure Safety Sustainable Transportation Development Strategy Awards 名称 1. The article titled Research on Congestion Control Strategy of Expressway Weaving Area was award “Second prize of excellent thesis” by China Communications and Transportation Association(Article type).2017 2. The project titled Research and Practice of the cooperation between School and Enterprise in training Excellent Engineering of Traffic Engineering was award “Excellence award of the key project” by Higher Education Institute of Heilongjiang province(Works type).2017 3. The book titled Road Survey and Design was awarded “Second grade prize of excellent results of scientific research in higher education” award by Higher Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province (Works type). 2017 4. The article titled Research on the optimization model of regional comprehensive traffic passenger transport structure based on resource constraint was award “First prize of excellent thesis” by China Communications and Transportation Association(Article type).2014 5. Entitled " Excellent part-time student worker " by Harbin Institute of Technology. 2014 6. The research titled The Course and Experiment Teaching Reform of Higher Education Reform Project for Traffic Engineering which meets the need of the Development of New Century in Heilongjiang was award “Second prize of scientific research achievements of higher education” by Higher Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province (Works type).2009 7. The project titled The Multimedia Technology Application in Course Teaching of Urban Transportation Planning, China. was awarded “the second grade prize of excellent results of scientific research in higher education” by Higher Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province (Works type). 20098. The book titled Road Safety was awarded “the first grade prize of excellent results of scientific research in higher education” award by Higher Education Institute of Heilongjiang Province (Works type). 2006 9. The article titled Traffic Safety Evaluation Method on Intersections of Urban Road was awarded “the Natural Science Award for excellent academic article award” by Harbin Science and Technology Association (Article type).2005 10. The article titled Causes and Countermeasures of Road Traffic Accident in Harbin was awarded “the Natural Science Award for excellent academic article award” by Harbin Science and Technology Association (Article type).2004 11. Entitled "the Advanced Individual in Harbin Smooth Traffic Project" by the Government of Harbin. 2002 Research Reports 名称 1. Technology and system Integration of active Prevention and Control of Road Traffic Safety: Risk Analysis of Human-Vehicle-Road interaction in different Road types and Traffic environments. National Key Technologies R & D Program of China during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period.Grant,2017.7-2020.12 2. Driver Multi-channel Distraction Characteristics Based on In-vehicle Information System and its Impact on Driving Performance.National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant, No. 51108136, 2012.1-2014.12, PI 3. Research Theory and Method on Fault Tolerance of Traffic Facilities. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant, No. 51078113, 2010.1-2012.12 4. Traffic Accidents Characteristics of Ice and Snow Road Based on Dynamic Traffic System. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Grant, No. 20090450972, 2010.1-2011.12, PI 5. Road Traffic Safety Evaluation and Management Technology. Postdoctoral fund in Heilongjiang Province. Grant, No. LRB08-077, 2009. 1 -2010.12, PI 6. Research on the method of choosing Speed limit of Expressway based on Multi-objective dynamic Optimization. Special Scientific Research Fund for doctorates in Colleges and Universities (New Teacher Foundation Project). Grant,No.200802131013,2009.01-2010.12 7. Bad Driving Behavior Characteristic and the Effects on Road Traffic Safety. National Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant, No. 50778056,2008.1-2010.12 8. Traffic Closure and Contingency Plans for Emergencies from Harbin to Daqing Section of G015 Expressway during Major Repaired Period. 2008 9. Urban Road Traffic Flow Characteristics. National Key Technologies R & D Program of China during the 11th Five-Year Plan Period, Grant, No. 2006BAJ18B03-05, 2007.1-2010.12 10. Road Traffic Safety Evaluation and Accident Reconstruction Analysis System. National High-tech R&D Program of China. 863 Program, Grant, No. 2007AA11Z231, 2008.1-2009.12 11. The Application Demonstration Project of Harbin Intelligent Transportation System. National Scientific and Technological Project for the 10th Five-year Plan of P. R. China. Grant, No. 2005BA414B18, 2005.7-2007.12 12. Bottleneck of Road Traffic Safety of Heilongjing Province. Key Technologies R&D Program of Heilongjiang Province, Grant, No.GB05D301-2, 2005-2007 13. Improvement and Security Technology of Road Traffic Safety in Heilongjiang Province. Heilongjiang Provincial Communication Department. 2005-2007 14. Energy Strategy of China’s Transportation in the Future. China-German Technical Cooperation Project. National High-tech R&D Program of China. 863 Program, Grant, No. 2005AA516051, 2005.1-2007.12 15. Urban Expressway System Capacity Calculation and Level of Service Evaluation Method. Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (20030213030) 2004.1-2006.12 |