姓名 | 于淼 |
教师编号 | 91124 |
性别 | 于淼 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 化工与化学学院 |
学位 | 于淼 |
学历 | 于淼 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 论文专著 Publications 科研与教学 Research & Teaching 成员 Member 招生信息 Positions 新建主栏目 个人简介 Prof. Yu 名称 于淼,教授、博士生导师。先后入选国家级青年人才(2011) 和国家级高层次人才(科技创新领军人才)(2021)。2007年于英国Warwick大学获理学博士学位,导师为英国皇家科学院院士Phil Woodruff教授。随后,先后在丹麦奥胡斯大学(合作导师为丹麦皇家科学院和工程学院院士、中科院外籍院士Flemming Besenbacher教授)、美国哈佛大学、麻省理工学院从事博士后研究工作,现任哈尔滨-奥胡斯多尺度表界面国际研究中心常务副主任。 目前的主要研究方向包括(1)原子、分子在二维表面的吸附、组装与原位反应;(2)单原子层半导体的精准构建;(3) 多功能性纳米粒子的设计、性能研究以及其在生物医药方面的应用;(4)新型电池和二氧化碳电致还原。已发表SCI文章100余篇,包括Nature Chemistry、Nature Materials、Nature Communications、JACS、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Energy Environ. Sci.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、ACS Nano、Nano Lett.、Nano Energy、Cancer Cell等,其中第一作者或通讯作者70余篇,IF>10的40余篇。获国家授权发明专利20余项,获省高校科学技术一等奖1项 (2020)、省自然科学技术二等奖1项(2021),均为第一完成人。 Prof. Miao Yu received her PhD in 2007 from Warwick University and subsequently worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 2007 to 2012. She has been establishing her group at Harbin Institute of Technology since 2012. Her group’s current research interests include: (1) Surface adsorption, assembly and in situ reaction; (2) precise fabrication of single-layer semiconductors; (3) design of multifunctional biomaterials for antitumor therapy and bio-imaging; (4) energy conversion, storage and CO2RR; and (5) intelligent and highly sensitive biological detection. Prof. Yu has more than 100 peer-reviewed articles (including more than 70 first-author or corresponding author pieces) published in journals such as Nature Chemistry, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, JACS, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Energy Environ. Sci., Phys. Rev. Lett., ACS Nano, Nano Lett., Nano Energy, Cancer Cell, etc. 代表性论文 Representative Papers 名称 [1] Long-range ordered and atomic-scale control of graphene hybridization by photocycloaddition Miao Yu*, Chong Chen, Qi Liu, Cristina Mattioli, Hongqian Sang, Guoqiang Shi, Wujun Huang, Kongchao Shen, Zhuo Li, Pengcheng Ding, Pengfei Guan, Shaoshan Wang, Ye Sun, Jinping Hu, André Gourdon*, Lev Kantorovich*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Mingshu Chen, Fei Song, Federico Rosei Nature Chemistry 2020, 12, 1035-1041. [2] Extending on-surface synthesis from 2D to 3D by cycloaddition with C60 Pengcheng Ding, Shaoshan Wang, Cristina Mattioli, Zhuo Li, Guoqiang Shi, Ye Sun, André Gourdon, Lev Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher, Federico Rosei, Miao Yu* Nature Communications 2023, 14, 6075. [3] Development of long lifespan high-energy aqueous organic||iodine rechargeable batteries Zishuai Zhang, Yilong Zhu, Miao Yu*, Yan Jiao*, Yan Huang* Nature Communications 2022,13, 6489. [4] Carbon dots-fed Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 for bioelectricity enhancement Chenhui Yang, Hüsnü Aslan, Peng Zhang, Shoujun Zhu, Yong Xiao, Lixiang Chen, Nasar Khan, Thomas Boesen, Yuanlin Wang, Yang Liu, Lei Wang, Ye Sun*, Yujie Feng*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Feng Zhao*, Miao Yu* Nature Communications 2020, 11, 1379. [5] Super-robust xanthine-sodium complexes on Au(111) Chong Chen, Pengcheng Ding, Zhuo Li, Guoqiang Shi, Ye Sun, Lev N. Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202200064. [6] Subsurface carbon-induced local charge of copper for on-surface displacement reaction Shaoshan Wang#, Pengcheng Ding#, Zhuo Li#, Cristina Mattioli, Wenlong E, Ye Sun, André Gourdon, Lev N. Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher, Xueming Yang, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 23123 –23127. [7] On-Surface Decarboxylation Coupling Facilitated by Lock-to-Unlock Variation of Molecules upon the Reaction Shaoshan Wang#, Zhuo Li#, Pengcheng Ding#, Cristina Mattioli, Wujun Huang, Yang Wang, André Gourdon, Ye Sun, Mingshu Chen, Lev Kantorovich, Xueming Yang, Federico Rosei, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 17435 –17439. [8] A solution to break the salt barrier for high-rate sustainable solar desalination Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Hong Zhang, Hüsnü Aslan, Ye Sun, Yudong Huang, Federico Rosei, Miao Yu* Energy & Environmental Science 2021, 14, 2451–2459. [9] Xanthine quartets on Au(111) Chong Chen, Hongqian Sang, Pengcheng Ding, Ye Sun, Manuela Mura, Ying Hu, Lev N. Kantorovich,* Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 54–57. [10] Graphene-like covalent organic framework with wide bandgap synthesized on surface stepwise reactions Guoqiang Shi, Junfeng Zhou, Zhuo Li, Ye Sun, Lev N. Kantorovich, Qiang Fang*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1-6. [11] Formation of hypoxanthine tetrad by reaction with sodium chloride: From planar to stereo Chong Chen, Pengcheng Ding, Manuela Mura, Yanghan Chen, Ye Sun, Lev N. Kantorovich, Henkjan Gersen, Flemming Besenbacher, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 16015–16019. [12] Phase-transition induced conversion to photothermal material: Quasi-metallic WO2.9 nanorods for solar water evaporation and anticancer photothermal therapy Lei Sun, Zhuo Li, Rui Su, Yuanlin Wang, Zhenglin Li, Baosheng Du, Ye Sun,* Pengfei Guan,* Flemming Besenbacher,*Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10666–10671. [13] Integrating vacancy engineering and energy-level adapted coupling of electrocatalyst for enhancement of carbon dioxide conversion Yi Li, Weidong Niu, Tao Chen, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu* Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.apcatb.2022.122037. [14] Simultaneous increase of conductivity, active sites and structural strain by nitrogen injection for high-yield CO2 electro-hydrogenation to liquid fuel Yi Li, Guoqiang Shi, Tao Chen, Lin Zhu, Dengfeng Yu, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher, and Miao Yu* Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2022, 305, 121080. [15] Dual-phase molybdenum nitride nanorambutans for solar steam generation under one sun illumination Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Hong Zhang, Dengfeng Yu, Hüsnü Aslan, Jinggeng Zhao, Zhenglin Li, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2019, 57, 842-850. [16] Sulphur-doped carbon nanosheets derived from biomass as high-performance anode materials for sodium-ion batteries Gongyuan Zhao, Dengfeng Yu, Hong Zhang, Feifei Sun, Jiwei Li, Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Miao Yu*, Flemming Besenbacher,* Ye Sun* Nano Energy 2020, 67, 104219. [17] Photothermal conversion-coordinated Fenton-like and photocatalytic reactions of Cu2-xSe-Au Janus nanoparticles for tri-combination antitumor therapy Yuanlin Wang, Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Jing Liu, Mengyu Guo, Hengxiang Wei, Shanliang Zheng, Tingting Jiang, Xiang Sun, Zhuo Ma, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher, Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* Biomaterials 2020, 255,120167. [18] Dual-stimuli responsive bismuth nanoraspberries for multimodal imaging and combined cancer therapy Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Zhaohua Miao, Han Xu, Chunxiao Li, Yan Zhao, Zhuo Li, Manli Chang, Zhuo Ma, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Peng Huang,* Miao Yu* Nano Letters 2018, 18, 6778–6788. [19] One-step production of O-N-S co-doped three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors Gongyuan Zhao, Chong Chen, Dengfeng Yu, Lei Sun, Chenhui Yang, Hong Zhang, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2018, 47, 547–555. [20] Biocompatible PEGylated bismuth nanocrystals: “All-in-one” theranostic agent with triple-modal imaging and efficient in vivo photothermal ablation of tumors Zhenglin Li, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, Zhuo Li, Xuelei Fan, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* Biomaterials 2017, 141, 284-295. [21] Multimodal imaging-guided antitumor photothermal therapy and drug delivery using bismuth selenide spherical-sponge Zhenglin Li, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, Kenneth A. Howard, Zhuo Li, Xuelei Fan, Manli Chang, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* ACS Nano 2016, 10, 9646-9658. [22] Multifunctional bismuth selenide nanocomposites for antitumor thermo-chemo- therapy and imaging Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Kenneth A. Howard, Tingting Jiang, Xuelei Fan, Zhaohua Miao, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Miao Yu* ACS Nano 2016, 10, 984-997. [23 Three-dimensional scaffolding framework of porous carbon nanosheets derived from plant wastes for high-performance supercapacitors Chong Chen, DengfengYu, Gongyuan Zhao, Baosheng Du, Wei Tang, Lei Sun, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2016, 27, 377-389. 教育经历 Education 名称 1996-2000 吉林大学物理系,学士 2000-2003 吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室,硕士 2003-2007 英国Warwick大学物理系,博士 1996-2000 Jilin University, Department of Physics, Bachelor 2000-2003 Jilin University, National Key Lab of Superhard Materials, Master 2003-2007 Warwick University, Department of Physics, Ph.D 工作经历 Work Experience 名称 2007-2009 丹麦奥胡斯大学交叉学科纳米中心,博士后 2009-2010 美国哈佛大学化学与化学生物学院,博士后 2010-2012 美国麻省理工学院材料科学和工程系,博士后 2012- 哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院,教授 2007-2009 Postdoc, Aarhus University, iNANO, Denmark 2009-2010 Postdoc, Harvard University, School of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, USA 2010-2012 Postdoc, MIT, Department of Materials Scienceand Engineering, USA 2012- Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Publication List 名称 [97] Extending on-surface synthesis from 2D to 3D by cycloaddition with C60 Pengcheng Ding, Shaoshan Wang, Cristina Mattioli, Zhuo Li, Guoqiang Shi, Ye Sun, André Gourdon, Lev Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher, Federico Rosei, Miao Yu* Nature Communications 2023, 14, 6075. [96] Development of long lifespan high-energy aqueous organic||iodine rechargeable batteries Zishuai Zhang, Yilong Zhu, Miao Yu*, Yan Jiao*, Yan Huang* Nature Communications 2022, 13, 6489. [95] Super-robust xanthine-sodium complexes on Au(111) Chong Chen, Pengcheng Ding, Zhuo Li, Guoqiang Shi, Ye Sun, Lev N. Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202200064. [94] Integrating Vacancy Engineering and Energy-Level Adapted Coupling of Electrocatalyst for Enhancement of Carbon Dioxide Conversion Yi Li, Weidong Niu, Tao Chen, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu* Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2023, 321, 122037. [93] Simultaneous increase of conductivity, active sites and structural strain by nitrogen injection for high-yield CO2 electro-hydrogenation to liquid fuel Yi Li, Guoqiang Shi, Tao Chen, Lin Zhu, Dengfeng Yu, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher, and Miao Yu* Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2022, 305, 121080. [92] Au@MnSe2 core-shell nanoagent enabling immediate generation of hydroxyl radicals and simultaneous glutathione deletion free of pre-reaction for chemodynamic-photothermo-photocatalytic therapy with significant immune response Yuanlin Wang, Xiang Sun, Yaqian Han, Kai Wang, Lixin Cheng, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Advanced Healthcare Materials 2022, 11, 2200041. [91] Fabrication of Co0.85Se@CN double-walled hollow cages to address the volume expansion of anode and enhance ion diffusion for sodium-ion storage Dengfeng Yu, Bo Yang, Huimin Liang, Gongyuan Zhao, Hong Zhang, Yuanlin Wang, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu* Electrochimica Acta 2022, 426, 140839. [90] Accelerating the extracellular electron transfer of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 by carbon dots: The role of carbon dots concentration Peng Zhang, Chenhui Yang, Zeng Li, Jia Liu, Xiang Xiao, Da Li, Chong Chen, Miao Yu*, Yujie Feng* Electrochimica Acta 2022, 421, 140490. [89] Aqueous nickel-ion batteries with long lifetime, high capacity, and high rate capability based on K2V6O16 center dot 1.64H(2)O cathodes Zishuai Zhang, Funian Mo, Wei Ling, Mangwei Cui, Jun Wei, Miao Yu*, Yan Huang* ENERGY & FUELS 2022, 36, 11, 5979–5988. [88] Ultrathin CuSe nanosheets as the anode for sodium ion battery with high rate performance and long cycle life Dengfeng Yu, Xinsong Wei, Di Zhao, Shuwen Gao, Gongyuan Zhao, Hong Zhang, Zhuo Li, Miao Yu*, Ye Sun* Electrochimica Acta 2022, 404, 139703. [87] Subsurface carbon-induced local charge of copper for on-surface displacement reaction Shaoshan Wang#, Pengcheng Ding#, Zhuo Li#, Cristina Mattioli, Wenlong E, Ye Sun, André Gourdon, Lev N. Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher, Xueming Yang, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 23123 –23127. [86] On-surface decarboxylation coupling facilitated by lock-to-unlock variation of molecules upon the reaction Shaoshan Wang#, Zhuo Li#, Pengcheng Ding#, Cristina Mattioli, Wujun Huang, Yang Wang, André Gourdon, Ye Sun, Mingshu Chen, Lev Kantorovich, Xueming Yang, Federico Rosei, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 17435–17439. [85] A solution to break the salt barrier for high-rate sustainable solar desalination Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Hong Zhang, Hüsnü Aslan, Ye Sun, Yudong Huang, Federico Rosei, Miao Yu* Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, 14, 2451–2459. [84] Long-range ordered and atomic-scale control of graphene hybridization by photocycloaddition Miao Yu*, Chong Chen, Qi Liu, Cristina Mattioli, Hongqian Sang, Guoqiang Shi, Wujun Huang, Kongchao Shen, Zhuo Li, Pengcheng Ding, Pengfei Guan, Shaoshan Wang, Ye Sun, Jinping Hu, André Gourdon*, Lev Kantorovich*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Mingshu Chen, Fei Song, Federico Rosei Nature Chemistry 2020, 12, 1035-1041. [83] Carbon dots-fed Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 for bioelectricity enhancement Chenhui Yang, Hüsnü Aslan, Peng Zhang, Shoujun Zhu, Yong Xiao, Lixiang Chen, Nasar Khan, Thomas Boesen, Yuanlin Wang, Yang Liu, Lei Wang, Ye Sun*, Yujie Feng*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Feng Zhao*, Miao Yu* Nature Communications 2020, 11, 1379. [82] Graphene-like covalent organic framework with wide bandgap synthesized on surface via stepwise reactions Guoqiang Shi, Junfeng Zhou, Zhuo Li, Ye Sun, Lev N. Kantorovich, Qiang Fang*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1-6. [81] Rechargeable Mg-ion full battery system with high capacity and high rate Zishuai Zhang, Yi Li, Gongyuan Zhao, Lin Zhu, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu*, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 40451?40459. [80] Identifying the convergent reaction path from predesigned assembled structures: Dissymmetrical dehalogenation of Br2Py on Ag(111) Jinping Hu, Zhaofeng Liang, Kongchao Shen, Lei Xie, Huan Zhang, Chaoqin Huang, Yaobo Huang, Han Huang, Jianxin Tang, Zheng Jiang, Miao Yu, Fei Song* Nano Research, 2021, 14, 4704-4713. [79] Photothermal conversion-coordinated Fenton-Like and photocatalytic reactions of Cu2-xSe-Au Janus nanoparticles for tri-combination antitumor therapy Yuanlin Wang, Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Jing Liu, Mengyu Guo, Hengxiang Wei, Shanliang Zheng, Tingting Jiang, Xiang Sun, Zhuo Ma, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher, Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* Biomaterials 2020, 255,120167. [78] Sulphur-doped carbon nanosheets derived from biomass as high-performance anode materials for sodium-ion batteries Gongyuan Zhao, Dengfeng Yu, Hong Zhang, Feifei Sun, Jiwei Li, Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Miao Yu*, Flemming Besenbacher,* Ye Sun* Nano Energy 2020, 67, 104219. [77] Molecular recognition and homochirality preservation of guanine tetrads in the presence of melamine Yanghan Chen, Chong Chen, Pengcheng Ding, Guoqiang Shi, Ye Sun, Lev N. Kantorovich, Flemming Besenbacher, Miao Yu* Nano Research 2020, 13, 2427–2430. [76] Low-temperature solution synthesis of black phosphorus from red phosphorus: Crystallization mechanism and lithium ion battery applications Yang Wang, Mengxue He, Shaobo Ma, Chenhui Yang, Miao Yu, Geping Yin, Pengjian Zuo*Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020, 11, 2708-2716. [75] One-step production of carbon nanocages for supercapacitors and sodium-ion batteries Gongyuan Zhao, Dengfeng Yu, Chong Chen, Lei Sun, Chenhui Yang, Hong Zhang, Baosheng Du, Feifei Sun, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu*Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2020, 878, 114551. [74] NIR-Responsive Reversible Phase Transition of Supramolecular Hydrogels for Tumor Treatment Ting Zhang, Zhiyu Liu, Husnu Aslan, Chunhua Zhang*, Miao Yu* Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020, 8, 6429-6437. [73] Network of porous ultrathin NiSe nanosheets on nickel foam for high-performance hybrid supercapacitor Dengfeng Yu, Zhuo Li, Gongyuan Zhao, Hong Zhang, Hüsnü Aslan, Jiwei Li, Feifei Sun, Lin Zhu, Baosheng Du, Bin Yang, Wenwu Cao, Ye Sun,* Flemming Besenbacher,* Miao Yu* Chemsuschem 2020, 13, 260-266. [72] Dual-phase molybdenum nitride nanorambutans for solar steam generation under one sun illumination Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Hong Zhang, Dengfeng Yu, Hüsnü Aslan, Jinggeng Zhao, Zhenglin Li, Ye Sun*, F. Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2019, 57, 842-850. [71]Diameter-optimized high-order waveguide nanorods for fluorescence enhancement applied in ultrasensitive bioassays Baosheng Du, Chengchun Tang, Dan Zhao, Hong Zhang, Dengfeng Yu, Miao Yu,* Krishna C. Balram, Henkjan Gersen, Bin Yang, Wenwu Cao, Changzhi Gu, Flemming Besenbacher,* Junjie Li*, Ye Sun* Nanoscale 2019, 11, 14322-14329. [70]SnSe@SnO2 core-shell nanocomposite for synchronous photothermal-photocatalytic production of clean water Zhuo Li, Lei Sun, Yang Liu, Lin Zhu, Dengfeng Yu, Yuanlin Wang, Ye Sun,* Miao Yu* Environmental Science Nano 2019, 6, 1507-1515. [69] Prussian blue-encapsulated Fe3O4 nanoparticles for reusable photothermal sterilization of water Tingting Jiang, Yuanlin Wang, Zhenglin Li, Hüsnü Aslan, Lei Sun, Ye Sun*, Wei Wang, Miao Yu* Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2019, 540, 354-361. [68] High-performance photoluminescence-based oxygen sensing with Pr-modified ZnO nanofibers Tingting Jiang, Baosheng Du, Hong Zhang, Dengfeng Yu, Lei Sun, Gongyuan Zhao, Chenhui Yang, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu*, Michael N.R. Ashfold* Applied Surface Science 2019, 483, 922-928. [67] Xanthine quartets on Au(111) Chong Chen, Hongqian Sang, Pengcheng Ding, Ye Sun, M Mura, Ying Hu, LN Kantorovich,* F Besenbacher*, and Miao Yu* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 54–57. [66] Formation of Hypoxanthine Tetrad by Reaction with Sodium Chloride: From Planar to Stereo Chong Chen, Pengcheng Ding, M Mura, YanghanChen, Ye Sun, LN Kantorovich, H Gersen, F Besenbacher, Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,16015–16019. [65] Phase-transition induced conversion to photothermal material: Quasi-metallic WO2.9 nanorods for solar water evaporation and anticancer photothermal therapy Lei Sun, Zhuo Li, Rui Su, Yuanlin Wang, Zhenglin Li, Baosheng Du, Ye Sun,* Pengfei Guan,* F Besenbacher,* Miao Yu* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 10666–10671. (Hot Paper) [64] Dual-Stimuli Responsive Bismuth Nanoraspberries for Multimodal Imaging and Combined Cancer Therapy Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Zhaohua Miao, Han Xu, Chunxiao Li, Yan Zhao, Zhuo Li, Manli Chang, Zhuo Ma, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* Peng Huang,* and Miao Yu* Nano Letters 2018, 18, 6778–6788.(ACS Highlight) [63] Dual-phase molybdenum nitride nanorambutans for solar steam generation under one sun illumination Lin Zhu, Lei Sun, Hong Zhang, Dengfeng Yu, H Aslan, Jinggeng Zhao, Zhenglin Li, Ye Sun*, F Besenbacher*, and Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2019. 57, 84257, 842-850. [62] One-step production of O-N-S co-doped three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbons for high-performance supercapacitors Gongyuan Zhao, Chong Chen, Dengfeng Yu, Lei Sun, Chenhui Yang, Hong Zhang, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* and Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2018, 47, 547–555. [61] One-pot green synthesis of bimetallic hollow palladium-platinum nanotubes for enhanced catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol Yinan Wang, Qingchuan Li, Ping Zhang, David O'Connor, Rajender S. Varma, Miao Yu* Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2019, 539, 161–167. [60] Three-dimensional hydrogen bonding between Landers and planar molecules facilitated by electrostatic interactions with Ni adatoms Miao Yu, Y Benjalal, Chong Chen, N Kalashnyk, Wei Xu, R Barattin, S Nagarajan, Erik Laegsgaard, I Stensgaard, M Hliwa, A Gourdon, F Besenbacher, X Bouju,* TR Linderoth* Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 8845–8848. [59] Biowaste-derived hierarchical porous carbon nanosheets for ultrahigh power density supercapacitors Dengfeng Yu, Chong Chen, Gongyuan Zhao, Lei Sun, Baosheng Du, Hong Zhang, Zhuo Li, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* and Miao Yu* ChemSusChem 2018, 11,1678–1685. [58] Highly efficient photothermal sterilization in water mediated by Prussian blue nanocages Tingting Jiang, Jiaojie He, Lei Sun, Yuanlin Wang, Zhenglin Li, Qiao Wang, Ye Sun, Wei Wang,*Miao Yu* Environmental Science Nano 2018, 5, 1161–1168. [57] Mesoporous silica coated bismuth nanohybrids as a new platform for photoacoustic/CT imaging and synergistic chemo-photothermal therapy Zhenglin Li, Xuelei Fan, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, Yingwei Yang, Zhuo Li, Ye Sun, Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* Nanomedicine 2018, 13, 2283-2300. [56] Multifunctional Bi@PPy-PEG core-shell nanohybrids for dual-modal imaging and photothermal therapy Sisi Yang, Zhenglin Li, Yuanlin Wang, Xuelei Fan, Zhaohua Miao, Ying Hu, Zhuo Li, Ye Sun*, F Besenbacher*, Miao Yu* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 1605–1615. [55] Cobalt phosphide nanoparticles applied as a theranostic agent for multimodal imaging and anticancer photothermal therapy Zhenglin Li, Shaoshan Hu, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, Lei Chen, Tingting Jiang, Zhuo Li, Ye Sun*, Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* Particle & Particle System Characterization 2018, 1800127. [54] PEG-modified cobalt sulfide nanosheets for high-performance photothermal conversion and photoacoustic/magnetic resonance imaging Zhenglin Li, Zhuo Li, Lei Chen, Ying Hu, Shaoshan Hu, Zhaohua Miao, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher* Miao Yu* Nano Research 2018, 11, 2436–2449. [53] HDAC1-induced epigenetic silencing of ASPP2 promotes cell motility, tumour growth and drug resistance in renal cell carcinoma Huayi Li, Xingwen Wang, Cheng Zhang, Yiwei Cheng, Miao Yu, Kunming Zhao, Wenjie Ge, Anyong Cai, Yao Zhang, Fengtong Han, Ying Hu Cancer Letters 2018, 432, 121-131. [52] Core-Shell Bi2Se3@mSiO2-PEG as a Multifunctional Drug-Delivery Nanoplatform for Synergistic Thermo-chemotherapy with Infrared Thermal Imaging on Cancer Cells Zhuo Li, Zhenglin Li, Lei Sun, Baosheng Du, Yuanlin Wang, Tingting Jiang, Gongyuan Zhao, Dengfeng Yu, Sisi Yang, Ye Sun, * Miao Yu* Particle & Particle System Characterization 2018, 35, 1700337. [51] Enhanced ethanol sensing properties of ultrathin ZnO nanosheets decorated with CuO nanoparticles Xiao Liu, Ye Sun,* Miao Yu,* Yongqi Yin, Baosheng Du, Wei Tang, TingTing Jiang, Bin Yang,* Wenwu Cao, MNR Ashfold* Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018, 255, 3384-3390. [50] Biocompatible PEGylated bismuth nanocrystals: “All-in-one” theranostic agent with triple-modal imaging and efficient in vivo photothermal ablation of tumors Zhenglin Li, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, Zhuo Li, Xuelei Fan, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* Biomaterials 2017, 141, 284-295. [49] Design and mechanism of core-shell TiO2 as a high-performance photothermal therapy agent Lei Sun, Zhenglin Li, Zhuo Li, Ying Hu, Chong Chen, Chenhui Yang, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* Miao Yu* Nanoscale 2017, 9, 16183-16192. [48] Epigenetic silencing of ASPP1 confers 5-FU resistance in clear cell renal cell carcinoma by preventing p53 activation Xingwen Wang,Yiwei Cheng,Yifu Zhu, Huayi Li,Wenjie Ge, Xiaoliang Wu, Kunming Zhao, Jinyang Yuan, Zhenglin Li, Shijian Jiang, Zhengbin Han, Qinghua Jiang, Qiong Wu, Tao Liu, Cheng Zhang*, Miao Yu*, Ying Hu* Int. J. Cancer 2017, 141, 1422-1433. [47] Hierarchical porous graphitic carbon for high-performance supercapacitors at high temperature Chong Chen, Dengfeng Yu, Gongyuan Zhao, Lei Sun, Yinyong Sun, Kunyue Leng, Miao Yu,* and Ye Sun* RSC Advances 2017, 7, 34488-34496. 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[42] Multimodal imaging-guided antitumor photothermal therapyand drug delivery using bismuth selenide spherical-sponge Zhenglin Li, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, KA Howard, Zhuo Li, Xuelei Fan, Manli Chang, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* Chunying Chen, Miao Yu* ACS Nano 2016, 10, 9646-9658. [41] Nitrogen-dopedcarbon dots with excitation-independent long-wavelength emission produced by room-temperature reaction Chenhui Yang, Shoujun Zhu, Zhenglin Li, Zhuo Li, Chong Chen, Lei Sun, Wei Tang, Rui Liu, Ye Sun,* and Miao Yu* Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 11912-11914. [40] Highly porous PEGylated Bi2S3 nano-urchins as a versatile platform for in vivo triple-modal imaging, photothermal therapy and drugdelivery Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Manli Chang, KA Howard, Xuelei Fan, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher*, and Miao Yu* Nanoscale 2016, 8, 16005-16016. [39] Three-dimensional scaffolding framework of porous carbon nanosheets derivedfrom plant wastes for high-performance supercapacitors Chong Chen, Dengfeng Yu, Gongyuan Zhao,Baosheng Du, Wei Tang, Lei Sun, Ye Sun*, F Besenbacher*, and Miao Yu* Nano Energy 2016, 27, 377-389. [38] Multifunctional bismuth selenide nanocomposites for antitumor thermochemo therapy and Imaging Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, KA Howard, Tingting Jiang, Xuelei Fan, Zhaohua Miao, Ye Sun,* F Besenbacher,* and MiaoYu* ACS Nano 2016, 10, 984-997. [37] Sensitive room temperature photo luminescence-based sensingof H2S with novel CuO-ZnO nanorods Xiao Liu, Baosheng Du, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu,* Yongqi Yin, Wei Tang, Chong Chen, Lei Sun, Bin Yang, Wenwu Cao, and MNR Ashfold* ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2016, 8, 16379-16385. [36] Ultrahigh-sensitive optical temperature sensing based on ferroelectric Pr3+-doped (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 Wei Tang, Shaochen Wang, Zhenglin Li, Ye Sun,* Limei Zheng, Rui Zhang, Bin Yang, Wenwu Cao, and Miao Yu* Applied Physics Letters 2016, 108, 061902. [35] Human-serum-albumin-coated Prussian blue nanoparticles as pH-/thermotriggered drug-delivery vehicles for cancer thermochemotherapy Zhenglin Li , Ying Hu , Tingting Jiang , K. A. Howard , Yonggang Li , Xuelei Fan , Ye Sun*, F Besenbacher*, and Miao Yu* Particle & Particle System Characterization 2016, 33,53–62. [34] Ti-modified hierarchical mordenite as highly active catalyst for oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene Kunyue Leng, Yinyong Sun*, Xing Zhang, Miao Yu, and Wei Xu Fuel 2016, 174, 9-16. 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[30] Selection of conformational states in self-assembled surface structures formed from an oligo(naphthylene-ethynylene)3-bit binary switch Yanxiao Ning, JR Cramer, A Nuermaimaiti, K Svane, Miao Yu, E Laegsgaard, F Besenbacher, QK Xue, X Ma, B Hammer, KV Gothelf, and TR Linderoth Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142, 101922. [29] UV photocatalytic activity of Au@ZnO core-shell nanostructure with enhanced UV emission Tingting Jiang, Yongqi Yin, Ye Sun*, and Miao Yu * RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 65595-65599. [28] White-light-emitting properties of SrTiO3:Pr3+ nanoparticles Wei Tang, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu*, Xiao Liu, Yongqi Yin, Bin Yang, Limei Zheng, Feng Qin, Zhiguo Zhang, and Wenwu Cao RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 27491-27495. [27] Reagent concentration dependent variations in the stability and photoluminescence of silica-coated ZnO nanorods Yongqi Yin, Ye Sun*, Miao Yu*, Xiao Liu, Bin Yang, Danqing Liu, Shaoqin Liu, Wenwu Cao, and MNR Ashfold* Inorganic Chemistry Frontier 2015, 2, 28-34. 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[17] From zero to two dimensions: supra-molecular nanostructures formed from PTCDI and Nion the Au(111) surface through interplay between H-bonding and metal-organic interaction Miao Yu, W Xu, N Kalashnyk, Y Benjalal, S Nagrajan, F Masini, E Laegsgaard, M Hliwa, X Bouju, A Gourdon, C Joachim, F Besenbacher, and TR Linderoth Nano Research 2012, 5, 903-916. [16] Ultrasensitive, highly selective detection of toxic cations using "striped”nanoparticles ES Cho, JW Kim, B Tejerina, TM Hermans, H Jiang, H Nakanishi, Miao Yu, AZ Patashinski, S Glotzer, F Stellacci, and BA Grzybowski Nature Materials 2012, 11, 978-985. [15] Homochiral xanthine quintet networks self-assembledon Au(111) surfaces Miao Yu, JG Wang, M Mura,QQ Meng, W Xu, H Gersen, E Laegsgaard, I Stensgaard, REA Kelly, J Kjems, TR Linderoth, LN Kantorovich, and F Besenbacher ACS Nano 2011, 5, 6651-6660. [14] Supramolecular architectureson surfaces formed through hydrogen bonding optimized in three dimensions Miao Yu, N Kalashnyk, W Xu, R Barattin, Y Benjalal, E Laegsgaard, I Stensgaard, M Hliwa, X Bouju, A Gourdon, C Joachim, F Besenbacher, and TR Linderoth ACS Nano 2010, 4, 4097-4109. [13] Supramolecular porous network formed bymolecular recognition between chemically modified nucleobases G and C W Xu, JG Wang, MF Jacobsen, M Mura, Miao Yu, REA Kelly, E Laegsgaard, J Kjems, TR Linderoth, LN Kantorovich, KV Gothelf, and F Besenbacher Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 9373-9377. [12] Self-assembly of hydrogen-bonded chains of molecular landers Miao Yu, N Kalashnyk, RBarattin, Y Benjalal, M Hliwa, X Bouju, A Gourdon, C Joachim, E Laegsgaard, F Besenbacher, and TR Linderoth Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 5545-5547. 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[7] Structural investigation of the interaction of molecular sulphur with Ag(111) Miao Yu, DP Woodruff, CJSatterley, RG Jones, and V Dhanak Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111 (7), 3152-3162. [6] True nature of an archetypal self-assembly system: mobile Au-thiolate species on Au(111) Miao Yu, N Bovet, CJ Satterley, S Bengio, KRJ Lovelock, PK Milligan, RG Jones, DP Woodruff, and V Dhanak Physical Review Letters 2006, 97 (16), 166102. [5] Structure investigation of Ag(111)(root 7 by root 7)R19°-SCH3 by X-ray standing waves: a case of thiol-induced substrate reconstruction Miao Yu, DP Woodruff, NBovet, CJ Satterley, K Lovelock, RG Jones, and V Dhanak Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110 (5), 2164-2170. [4] Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of the structure of methanethiolate on Ag(111) MiaoYu, SM Driver, and DP Woodruff Langmuir 2005, 21(16), 7285-7291. [3] Effect of silver films with different nano-particle sizes on SERS of single-walled carbon nanotubes BB Liu, Miao Yu, DM Li,T Cui, L Wang, MG Yao, SD Yu, GT Zou, X Wang, B Zhao, and B Sundqvist Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2005, 26(10), 1930-1933. [2] SERS study of single-walled carbon nanotubes on silver filmsdeposited on different substrates Miao Yu,BB Liu, DM Li, MH Li, MG Yao, L Wang, H Wang, GT Zou, X Wang, B Zhao, and B Sundqvist Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2003, 24, 1285-1288. [1] Raman study of bromine-dopedsingle-walled carbon nanotubes under high pressure BB Liu, QL Cui, Miao Yu, GT Zou, J Carlsten, T Wagberg, and B Sundqvist Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 2002, 14, 11255-11259. 研究领域 Research Areas 名称 (1) 原子、分子在二维表面的吸附、组装与原位反应 通过液相合成、化学沉积等不同方法,在二维晶体表面,利用超高真空条件下的扫描隧道显微镜、程序升温脱附、低能电子衍射、X射线光电子谱等多种技术结合理论计算,研究单一分子、多分子或分子与金属原子在表面吸附和组装形成的低维结构,包括团簇,一维链和二维网络,探索所得结构的稳定性、生长动力学和原位化学反应,从而获得新型的功能性纳米材料,同时在原子与分子尺度上揭示其相互作用、形成机制和隐含规律,并为深入理解物理、化学、生物等多领域课题提供基础。 (2)多功能性纳米粒子的设计、性能研究以及其在生物医药方面的应用 设计并合成集治疗和诊断为一体的新型多功能高效抗肿瘤纳米粒子,通过原子力显微镜、透射电镜、扫描电镜、动态光散射、X射线衍射、紫外-可见吸收光谱、拉曼光谱、X射线光电子谱、红外光谱、荧光光谱等多种方法联用,研究所得粒子的结构、组分和稳定性,并研究其在细胞和活体内的光热治疗、热化疗、CT成像、光声成像、MRI成像以及红外热成像性能,以及生物相容性、细胞毒性和生物安全性等,证实其应用潜力。 (3)杂化纳米材料的光致发光和光催化性能及其构效关系。 研究半导体性纳米材料、碳量子点等的光致发光特性以及其自身或与其他半导体或金属杂化、修饰后在光催化、光热治疗、生物成像、化学传感等方面的应用,尤其是其结构、组分与其性能之间的关联。 科研项目 Funding 名称 国家自然科学基金面上基金2项 国家自然科学基金青年基金1项 讲授课程 Courses 名称 《现代表面科学与技术》 研究生 专业课 秋季 《原子尺度下分子自组装研究》 本科生 创新研修课 春季 Modern Techniques of Characterization 本科留学生 专业课 夏季 Vacancy 名称 招收博士后5名,科研助理2名,博士生2-3人/年,硕士生2人/年,可提供良好的研究平台和广泛的国内/国际交流机会。欢迎对科研工作有热情的同学和青年学者加盟! |