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姓名 李天龙
教师编号 91010
性别 李天龙
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 机电工程学院
学位 李天龙
学历 李天龙
职称 教授
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Main About Li News Members Publications 新建主栏目 名称 Lab Overview Our lab (Lab of Actuation and Navigation on Precision Machinery) has diverse research interests, but primarily with focuses on medical robot. Much of our work has been in the fields of micro-/nanorobots, micro-nano manipulations, precision actuating, navigation control, image identification, and deep learning. Our lab members have contributed a lot to the research topics we are currently exploring. 名称 Biography 李天龙,1988年出生于吉林长春,工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院/机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师,机电控制及自动化系副主任,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者,国家重点研发计划首席科学家。主要研究方向机器人精密驱动控制与应用。在Science Robotics、Science Advances、Physical Reviews Letters、Nano Letters等国际权威期刊发表论文60余篇,授权发明专利60余项。主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等各类课题20余项。获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖1项,黑龙江省技术发明一等奖1项、黑龙江省专利金奖1项、黑龙江省科技进步二等奖1项。并在莫斯科国立谢东诺夫医科大学(Sechenov University)任外籍教授,目前担任Micromachines、Frontiers in Robotics and AI等多个国内外期刊编委职务。 —————————————————————————————————————————— Honors & Awards 2023.09 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者 2022.11 国家重点研发计划首席科学家 2022.11 黑龙江省专利金奖 2021.11 黑龙江省“向上向善好青年” 2020.12 黑龙江省自然科学一等奖 2019.10 MINE 青年科学家奖 2018.12 黑龙江省技术发明一等奖 2018.07 中国国际智能博览会十大“黑科技”创新产品 2018.07 哈尔滨工业大学第二十界优秀博士学位论文 2018.05 哈尔滨工业大学“十佳优秀班主任” 2017.01 哈尔滨工业大学“优秀毕业生” 2016.08 黑龙江省科技进步二等奖 2015.12 哈尔滨工业大学“十佳英才” 2015.08 美国机械工程学会(ASME)“最佳论文奖” —————————————————————————————————————————— Occupational History 2017.04~2018.12 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 讲师 2018.05~至今 莫斯科国立谢东诺夫医科大学 药学院 外籍教授 2018.12~2022.12 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 青年拔尖副教授 2019.05~至今 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 硕士生导师 2020.07~至今 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 博士生导师 2020.10~至今 哈尔滨工业大学 机电控制及自动化系 副主任 2022.12~至今 哈尔滨工业大学 机电工程学院 青年拔尖教授 —————————————————————————————————————————— Education Background 2006.09~2010.07 哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子工程 学士 2010.09~2012.07 哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子工程 硕士 2012.09~2017.01 哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子工程 博士 2013.09~2015.09 加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD) 纳米工程 联合培养博士 —————————————————————————————————————————— Professional Activities 2023. 04 《Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology》(SCI IF: 6.06)“客座编辑” 2021. 03 《Micromachines》(SCI IF: 3.52)“编委” 2021. 02 《Frontiers in Robotics and AI》“客座编辑” 2021. 01 《Micromachines》(SCI IF: 3.52)“客座编辑” 2021. 01 《Nanomaterials》 (SCI IF: 5.71)“编委” 2020. 06 《Journal of Nanomaterials》(SCI IF:3.79)“客座编辑” 《Nano Letters》、《ACS Nano》、《Advanced Functional Materials》、《Small》、《IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics》及《IEEE Transactions on Robotics》等期刊特邀审稿人 名称 Graduate Students Ph. D. Students 张展翔 (2021.08-至今) 研究方向:微纳机器人技术 赵建通 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:非互易调控技术 刘学嘉 (2023.02-至今) 研究方向:微纳机器人技术 冯勇智 (2021.08-至今) 研究方向:微纳机器人技术 杨晓鹏 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:微纳机器人技术 刘辰禄 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:微纳机器人技术 M. E. Students 王世玉 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:航空机匣密封性自动检测 马添源 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:材料非互易智能调控技术 李雷珂 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:消防机器人智能控制系统 王盛龙 (2022.08-至今) 研究方向:全身麻醉气管插管机器人 景乙展 (2023.08-至今) 研究方向:微纳机器人可控释放系统 徐铖鑫 (2023.08-至今) 研究方向:材料可控非互易调控技术 解霄鹏 (2023.08-至今) 研究方向:旋转轴扭矩实时检测系统 牛旭辉 (2023.08-至今) 研究方向:航空机匣密封性自动检测 陈一雷 (2023.08-至今) 研究方向:航空机匣密封性自动检测—————————————————————————————————————————— Alumnus Ph. D. 于世民 (2018.08-2022.12) 发展方向:中国海洋大学 助理教授 M. E. 马宁泽 (2019-2021) 发展方向:中科院沈阳自动化所 孙浩然 (2020-2022) 发展方向:上海交通大学 攻读博士 (哈工大优秀毕业生) 张 蔚 (2020-2022) 发展方向:华为公司 (哈工大优秀毕业论文) 孙浩然 (2019-2020) 发展方向:哈尔滨工业大学 攻读硕士 (哈工大优秀毕业生) 翟祥龙 (2021-2023) 发展方向:西安飞行自动控制研究所 于文豪 (2021-2023) 发展方向:中航工业航空动力控制系统研究所 B. E. 谭杰闻 (2017-2018) 发展方向:哈尔滨工业大学 (深圳) 攻读硕士 于 豪 (2018-2019) 发展方向:帝国理工大学 攻读硕士 (哈工大优秀毕业论文) 汤闻天 (2018-2019) 发展方向:多伦多大学 攻读博士 (英才学院十佳毕业生) 孙浩然 (2019-2020) 发展方向:哈尔滨工业大学 攻读硕士 (哈工大优秀毕业生) 名称 Articles 2024 71. S. Yu, C. Liu, M. Sui, H. Wei, H. Cheng, Y. Chen, Y. Zhu, H. Wang, P. Ma*, L. Wang*, T. Li*, Magnetic-acoustic actuated spinous microrobot for enhanced degradation of organic pollutants, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2024, 102, 106714 (SCI IF: 8.4) 2023 70. H. Wang, C. Liu, X. Yang, F. Ji, W. Song, G. Zhang, L. Wang, Y. Zhu, W. Zhang, T. Li, Multimode microdimer robot for crossing tissue morphological barrier, IScience, 2023, 26, 108320 (SCI IF: 5.80) 69. Z. Yu, L. Li, F. Mou*, S. Yu, D. Zhang, M. Yang, Q. Zhao, H. Ma, W. Luo, T. Li*, J. Guan*, Swarming magnetic photonic-crystal microrobots with on-the-fly visual pH detection and self-regulated drug delivery, InfoMat, 2023, e12464 (SCI IF: 24.80) 68. T. Li, S. Yu, B. Sun, Y. Li, X. Wang, Y. Pan, C. Song, Y. Ren, Z. Zhang, K. T. V. Grattan, Z. Wu*, J. Zhao*, Bioinspired claw-engaged and biolubricated swimming microrobots creating active retention in blood vessels, Science Advances, 2023, 9, adg4501 (SCI IF: 14.96,Nature research highlight报道) 67. Z. Xu, Y. Li*, G. Gao, F. Xie, R. Ju, S. Yu, K. Liu, J. Li, W. Wang, W. Li*, T. Li*, C. Qiu*, Scalable Selective absorber with quasi-periodic nanostructure for low-grade solar energy harvesting, APL Photonics, 2023, 8, 020801 (SCI IF: 6.38, Corver) 66. W. Zhang*, Y. Deng, J. Zhao, T. Zhang, X. Zhang, W. Song, L. Wang and T. Li*, Amoeba-Inspired Magnetic Venom Microrobots, Small, 2023, 19, 2207360 (SCI IF: 15.15) 65. H. Dong*, M. Sui, G. Mu, J. Zhao*, T. Li, T. Sun, K. T. V. Grattan, Velocity and Direction Adjustment of Actuated Droplets Using theStanding Wave Ratio of Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW), IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2023 (SCI IF: 5.87) 2022 64. J. Li, Z. Zhang, G.g Xu, H. Sun, L. Dai, T. Li*, C.-W. Qiu*, Tunable rectification of diffusion-wave fields by spatiotemporal metamaterials, Physical Review Letters, 2022, 129, 256601 (SCI IF: 9.19) 63. M. Sui, H. Dong*, G. Mu, J. Xia, J. Zhao*, Z. Yang, T. Li, T. Sun, K. T. V. Grattan, Droplet transportation by adjusting the temporal phase shift of surface acoustic waves in the exciter–exciter mode, Lab on a Chip, 2022, 22, 3402 (SCI IF: 7.52) 62. Z. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Yang, W. Song, L. Dai, S. Yu, X. Liu*, T. Li*, Magnetic microswarm for MRI contrast enhancer, Chemistry–An Asian Journal, 2022, 17, e202200561 (SCI IF: 4.83) 61. H. Mu#, C. Liu#, Q. Zhang#, H. Meng, S. Yu, K. Zeng, J. Han, X. Jin, S. Shi, P. Yu, T. Li*, J. Xu*, Y. Hua*, Magnetic-Driven Hydrogel Microrobots Selectively Enhance Synthetic Lethality in MTAP-Deleted Osteosarcoma, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Nanobiotechnology, 2022, 10, 911455 (SCI IF: 6.06) 60. S. Yu, T. Li*, F. Ji, S. Zhao, K. Liu, Z. Zhang, W. Zhang*, Y. Mei*, Trimer-like microrobots with multimodal locomotion and reconfigurable capabilities, Materials Today Advances, 2022, 14, 100231 (SCI IF: 9.92) 59. H. Wang#, S. Yu#, J. Liao, X. Qing, D. Sun, W. Song, L. Wang*, T. Li*, Robot Platform for Highly Efficient Pollutants Purification, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Nanobiotechnology, 2022, 10, 903219 (SCI IF: 6.06) 58. X. Liu, R. Dong, Y. Chen, Q. Zhang, S. Yu, Z. Zhang, X. Hong, T. Li*, M. Gao*, Y. Cai*, Motion Mode-Driven Adsorption by Magnetically Propelled MOF-based Nanomotor, Materials Today Nano, 2022, 18, 100182 (SCI IF: 13.36) 2021 57. S. Yu, Z. Sun, Z. Zhang, H. Sun, L. Liu, W. Wang, M. Li*, Q. Zhao*, T. Li*, Magnetic Microdimer as Mobile Meter for Measuring Plasma Glucose and Lipids, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9, 779632 (SCI IF: 6.06) 56. Z. Li, J. Ni, L. Liu, L. Gu, Z. Wu, T. Li, K.I. Ivanovich, W. Zhao, T. Sun, T. Wang, Imaging-Guided Chemo–Photothermal Polydopamine Carbon Dots for EpCAM-Targeted Delivery toward Liver Tumor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 29340 (SCI IF: 10.38) 55. J. Liu, S. Yu, B. Xu, Z. Tian, H. Zhang, K. Liu, X. Shi, Z. Zhao, C. Liu, X. Lin, G. Huang, A, A. Solovev, J. Cui*, T. Li*, Y. Mei, Magnetically propelled soft microrobot navigating through constricted microchannels, Applied Materials Today, 2021, 25, 101237 (SCI IF: 8.66) 54. 孙浩然,王林,于世民,代礼周,张广玉,李天龙*,磁驱微纳机器人用细胞原位培养系统的设计,机械工程学报,2021 53. J. Mujtaba, J. Liu, K. K. Dey, T. Li, R. Chakraborty, K. Xu, D. Makarov, R. A. Barmin, D. A. Gorin, V. P. Tolstoy, G. Huang, A. A. Solovev,* and Y. Mei, Micro-Bio-Chemo-Mechanical-Systems: Micromotors, Microfluidics, and Nanozymes for Biomedical Applications, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2007465 (SCI IF: 32.09) 52. X. Shi, J. Liu, Y. Kong, B. Xu*, T. Li*, A. A. Solovev, Y. Mei*, A Strain-engineered Helical Structure as a Self-adaptive MagneticMicroswimmer, ChemNanoMat, 2021,7, 607 (SCI IF: 3.82, Corver) 51. Y. Feng#, X. Chang#, H. Liu, Y. Hu, T. Li*, L. Li*, Multi-response biocompatible Janus micromotor for ultrasonic imaging contrast enhancement, Applied Materials Today, 2021,23, 101026 (SCI IF: 8.66) 50. H. Zhang*, Z. Li*, C. Gao*, X. Fan, Y. Pang, T. Li, Z. Wu*, H. Xie, Q. He*, Dual-response biohybrid neutrobots for active target delivery, Science Robotics, 2021, 6, eaaz9519 (SCI IF: 27.54) 49. F. Ji, T. Li*, S. Yu, Z. Wu, L. Zhang*, Propulsion Gait Analysis and Fluidic Trapping of Swinging Flexible Nanomotors, ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 5118 (SCI IF: 18.03) 2020 48. S. Zhang, H. Gao, P. Guo, T. Li*, T. Lin*, R. Ding, Z. Wang, P. He*, Fabrication and Extrusion of the PAAm-SAlg Hydrogels with Magnetic Particles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering, 2020, 603, 125280 (SCI IF: 5.52) 47. S. Yu, T. Yu, W. Song*, X. Yu, J. Qiao, W. Wang, H. Dong, Z. Wu, L. Dai, T. Li*, Ultrasound-assisted cyanide extraction of gold from gold concentrate at low temperature, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2020, 64, 105039 (SCI IF: 9.33) 2019 46. X. Chang, C. Chen, J. Li, X. Lu, Y. Liang, D. Zhou, H. Wang, G. Zhang, T. Li*, J. Wang*, L. Li*, Motile Micropump Based on Synthetic Micromotors for Dynamic Micropatterning, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019,11, 28507 (SCI IF: 10.38) 45. J. Li, Y. Li, T. Li, W. Wang, L. Li, C. Qiu, Doublet thermal metadevice, Physical Review Applied, 2019, 11, 044021 (SCI IF: 4.93) 44. T. Xu, T. Li, C. Liu, X. Zhang, Rail‐Assisted Dynamic Assembly of Metallic Nanowires, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2019, 1, 1900100 (SCI: 7.30) 43. S. Yu, N. Ma, H. Yu, H. Sun, X. Chang, Z. Wu, J. Deng, S. Zhao, W. Wang, G. Zhang, W. Zhang*, Q. Zhao*,T. Li*, Self-Propeld Janus Microdimer Swimmers under a Rotating Magnetic Field, Nanomaterials, 2019, 9, 1672 (SCI IF:5.71) 42. X. Chang, W. Tang, Y. Feng, H. Yu, Z. Wu, T. Xu, H. Dong, T. Li*, Coexisting‐Cooperative‐Cognitive Micro‐/nanorobot, Chemistry-an Asian Journal, 2019, 14, 2357 (SCI IF: 4.83) 41. X. He, T. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Wang, STED Direct Laser Writing of 45 nm Width Nanowire, Micromachines, 2017, 10, 726 (SCI IF: 3.52) 40. T. Si, X. Zou, Z. Wu, T. Li, X. Wang, K. Ivanovich, Q. He, A Bubble‐Dragged Catalytic Polymer Microrocket, Chemistry-an Asian Journal, 2019, 14, 2460 (SCI IF: 4.83) 39. H. Dong, Z. Yu, K. T. V. Grattan, T. Sun, T. Li, Acoustic Standing Wave Field Measurement Using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer Based on the Hankel Fourier Algorithm, IEEE Access, 2019, 7, 139013 (SCI IF: 3.48) 38. T. Xu, G. Chng, C. Liu, T. Li, X. Zhang, Dynamic Assembly of Microspheres under an UltrasoundField, Chemistry-an Asian Journal, 2019, 14, 2440 (SCI IF: 4.83) 2018 37. H. Yu, W. Tang, G. Mu, H. Wang, X. Chang, H. Dong, L. Qi, G. Zhang*, T. Li*, Micro-/nanorobotsPropelled by Oscillating Magnetic Fields, Micromachines, 2018, 9, 540 (SCI IF: 3.52) 36. D. Zhou, Y. Gao, J. Yang, Y. C. Li, G. Shao, G. Zhang, T. Li*, L. Li*, Light-ultrasounddriven collective "firework" behavior of nanomotors, Advanced Science, 2018, 5, 1800122 (SCI IF: 17.52) 35. T. Li, A. Zhang, G. Shao,M. Wei, B. Guo, G. Zhang, L. Li, W. Wang, Janus microdimer surface walkers propelledby oscillating magnetic fields, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1706066 (SCI IF: 19.92, Corver) 34. T. Li*, H. Yu, M. Li, W.Tang, H. Dong, D. Zhou, L. Li, G. Zhang, Micro-/nanomotors for biomedicine applications, Science & Technology Review, 2018, 36, 77 2017 33. X. Lu, F. Soto, J. Li, T. Li, Y. Liang, J. Wang, Topographical manipulation of microparticleand cells with acoustic microstreaming, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 38870 (SCI IF: 10.38) 32. T. Li, X. Chang, Z. Wu,J. Li, G. Shao, X. Deng, J. Qiu, B. Guo, G. Zhang, Q. He, L. Li and J. Wang, Autonomous collision-free navigation of microvehicles in complex and dynamically changing environments, ACS Nano, 2017,11, 9268 (SCI IF: 18.03) 31. T. Li, J. Li, K. Morozov,Z. Wu, T. Xu, I. Rozen, A. M. Leshansky, L. Li and J. Wang, Highly efficient freestyle magnetic nanoswimmer, Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 5092 (SCI IF: 12.26, ESI Hot Paper) 30. J. Li, W. Liu, J. Wang, I. Rozen,S. He, C. Chen, H. G. Kim, H. Lee,S. Kwon, T. Li, L. Li, J. Wang and Y. Mei, Nanoconfined Atomic LayerDeposition of TiO2/Pt Nanotubes:Toward Ultrasmall Highly Efficient CatalyticNanorockets, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27, 1700598 (SCI IF:18.8, Corver) 29. L. Li, T. Li, F. Ji, W. Song, G. Zhang and Y. Li, The effects of optical and material propertieson designing of a photonic crystal mechanical sensor, Microsystem Technologies, 2017, 23, 3271 (SCI IF: 2.01) 28. X. Deng, A. Zhang, T. Li*, G. Zhang, L. Li, Review on magnetic powered flexible micro-/nanomotor, Science & Technology Review, 2017, 35, 2016l 2016 27. T. Li, J. Li, H. Zhang, X.Chang, W. Song, Y. Hu, G. Shao, E. Sandraz, G. Zhang, L.Li, J. Wang. MagneticallyPropelled Fish-Like Nanoswimmers, Small, 2016, 12, 6098-6105 (SCI IF:15.15, Corver, ESI Highly Cited Paper) 26. X. Chang, T. Li, D. Zhou, G. Zhang and L. Li, Propulsion mechanismsand applications of multiphysics-drivenmicro-and nanomotors, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2016, 62, 122 25. J. Li#, W. Liu#, T. Li#, I. Rozen, J. Zhao, B.Bahari, B. Kante and J. Wang, SwimmingMicrorobot Optical Nanoscopy, Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 6604 (SCI IF: 12.26) 24. Y. Ma, Q. Huang, T. Li, J. Villanueva, N. H. Nguyen, J Friend, D. J. Sirbuly, A localnanofiber-Optic Ear, ACS Photonics, 2016, 3, 1762 (SCI IF: 7.07) 23. X. Chang, L. Li, T. Li, D. Zhou and G. Zhang, Acceleratedmicrorockets with a biomimetichydrophobic surface, RSC Advances, 2016, 6,87213 (SCI IF: 4.03) 2015 22. T. Li, L. Li, W. Song, L.Wang, G. Shao, G. Zhang, Self-Propelled MultilayeredMicrorockets for PollutantsPurification, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2015, 4, S3016 (SCI IF: 2.48) 21. J. Li#, T. Li#, T. Xu#, M. Kiristi, W. Liu, Z. Wu, J. Wang, Magneto-Acoustic Hybrid Nanomotor, Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 4814 (SCI IF: 12.26) 20. Z. Wu#, T. Li#, W. Gao#, T. Xu, B. Jurado-Sanchez, J. Li, W. Gao, Q.He, L. Zhang, J. Wang, Cell-Membrane-CoatedSynthetic Nanomotors for Effective Biodetoxification, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25, 3881 (SCI IF:19.92) 19. L.Wang, T. Li, L. Li, J. Wang, W. Song, G. Zhang. Microrocket BasedViscometer, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2015, 4, S3020 (SCI IF: 2.48) 18. L. Wang, L. Li, T. Li, G. Zhang, Q. Sun, Locomotionof chemically powered autonomousnanowire motors, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107, 063102 (SCI IF: 3.97) 17. L. Li, J. Wang, T. Li, W. Song, G. Zhang, Aunified model of drag force for bubble-propelled catalytic micro/nano-motors with different geometries in low Reynolds number flows, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117, 104308 (SCI IF: 2.88) 16. J. Li#, O. E. Shklyaev#, T. Li#, W. Liu, H. Shum, I. Rozen,A. C. Balazs, J. Wang, Self-Propelled Nanomotors Autonomously Seek and Repair Cracks, Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 7077 (SCI IF: 12.26) 15. Z. Wu, J. Li, B. E. Avila, T. Li, W. Gao, Q. He, L. Zhang, J. Wang, Water-Powered Cell-MimickingJanus Micromotor, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25, 7497 (SCI IF: 19.92) 14. T. Li, L. Li, L. Wang, G.Zhang. Self-propelled Nanorockets for Water Monitoring and Pollutants Purification. 227th ECS Meeting. 2015 l3. T. Li, L. Li, L. Wang, G.Zhang, A Novel Viscometer Based on Self-propelled Nanomotor, 227th ECS Meeting, 2015 12. J. Wang, T. Li, X. Chang, L. Li. W. Song and G. Zhang. The Effect of Geometryon the Velocity and Drag Force of Catalytic Micro/nano-rockets, ASME IDETC/CIE 2015 2014 11. X. Chang, L. Li, D. Zhou, T. Li, G. Zhang, Drag Force Reduction at the Interface of Tubular Microrockets, ASME IDETC/CIE, 2014 10. T. Li, L. Li, G. Zhang. A Nano-Scaled Force Sensor Based on a Photonic Crystal NanocavityResonator and a Microcantilever, ECS Journal of Solid State ScienceandTechnology, 2014, 3, Q146 (SCI IF: 2.48) 9. Z. Wu#, T. Li#, J. Li#, W. Gao, T. Xu, C. Christianson, W. Gao, M.Galarnyk, Q. He, L. Zhang, J. Wang, Turning Erythrocytes into Functional Micromotors, ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 12041 (SCI IF: 18.03) 8. L. Li, J. Wang, T. Li, W. Song, G. Zhang, Hydrodynamicsand propulsion mechanism ofselfpropelled catalytic micromotors: model and experiment. Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 7511 (SCI IF: 3.7) 7. T. Li, L. Li, W. Song, G.Zhang, Y. Li, Design and modeling of a novel two dimensional nano-scaled force sensorbased on silicon photonic crystal, ECS Transactions, 2014, 58, 65 6. T. Li, L. Li, L. Wang, G.Zhang, Y Li, Numerical and Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of Photonic Crystal Film, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 531 2013 5. T. Li, L. Li, L. Wang, G.Zhang. Experimental and Numerical Study of Motion Mechanism of Chemical Driven Micromotor.248th ACS Meeting, 2013 4. T. Li, L. Li, W. Song, G.Zhang and Y. Li, “Design and Modeling of a Novel Two Dimensional Nano-scaled ForceSensor Based on Silicon Photonic Crystal”, ECS Annual Meeting, 2013 3. T. Li, L. Li, W. Song, G.Zhang and Y. Li, A Novel Nano-scaled Force Sensor Based on Silicon Photonic Crystal, Proceedings of SPIE Smart Mterials and Structures/NDE 2013. 86911G-86911G-8, 2013 2012 2. L. Li, T. Li, W. Song, G.Zhang and Y. Li, Contact Analysis of A Photonic Crystal with Periodic NanostructuresIndented by A Rigid Sphere, SES 50th Annual Technical Meeting & ASME-AMD SummerMeeting, 2012 1. T. Li, L. Li, L. Wang, G.Zhang and Y. Li, Numerical and Experimental Study of the Mechanical Propertiesof Photonic Crystal Film, 2nd International Conference on Material Engineering,Chemistry, Bioinformatics, MECB 2012, Xi'an. China, 2012 —————————————————————————————————————————— Patents 3. 李天龙,王林,于世民,赵舒淇,代礼周,张展翔,王浩成,张广玉,一种微纳机器人介入式治疗系统,ZL202110510625.2 2. 李天龙,马宁泽,于世民,于豪,孙浩然,代礼周,李牧,张广玉,一种具有风冷功能显微镜用微纳机器人的磁场驱动装置,ZL202010241185.0 1. 李天龙,柴慧,于世民,宋文平,李隆球,张广玉,一种微纳机器人控制系统,ZL201910630372. 5 通用模版 名称 News and Events 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金“微纳机器人设计与控制”获批,感谢所有团队成员!(2023.09) 黑龙江广播电台新闻《新闻联播》对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) 光明日报对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) 黑龙江日报对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) 科技日报对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) 极光新闻对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) 大公报对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) 中国新闻网对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.06) Xinhua News对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.05) 黑龙江网对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道 参考消息对仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果进行亮点报道。(2023.05) 仿水熊虫微纳机器人研究成果被Nature期刊Research Highlight报道。(2023.05) Science Advances成果刊出,感谢所有合作者。(2023.05) 国家重点研发计划“医用微纳机器人系统”在北京启动,感谢所有团队成员!(2023.04) 博士研究生于世民顺利毕业,并在中国海洋大学任助理教授,祝贺世民。(2023.01) Physical Review Letters成果正式刊出,感谢所有合作者。(2022.12) 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目“医用微纳机器人系统”获批,感谢所有团队成员!(2022.12) 2023年拟招收硕士生3人,博士生2人,欢迎报考。(2022.06) 团队博士生于世民获得研究生国家奖学金,衷心祝贺。(2021.12) 2022年拟招收硕士生3人,博士生2人,欢迎报考。(2021.06) —————————————————————————————————————————— Open Positions 博士后:诚邀机械、控制、计算机、生物、化学、材料等学科的博士加盟,名额不限,待遇优厚。(长期有效) 研究生:每年招收博士研究生2-3人,硕士研究生3-5人;研究方向:面向精密驱动与控制的机器人技术;课题主要源于国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、航空航天等纵横项目。欢迎报考!(长期有效)
