姓名 | 王正佳 |
教师编号 | 90995 |
性别 | 王正佳 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 仪器科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 王正佳 |
学历 | 王正佳 |
职称 | 副教授 |
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基本信息 科研 教学 论文著作 主要任职 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 研究方向: 主要从事图像、信号的处理与识别; 微观,介观尺度的计算模拟。 目前致力于将人工智能算法应用于实际问题(主要为信息、医疗、能源、材料等方面)的处理。 本课题组特色: (1)无需打卡,时间上非常自由;(2)鼓励运动、健身;(3)同学们会在轻松、祥和的氛围下完成学业。 广告: 希望在编程方面可以得到锻炼的同学,对机器学习算法、尤其是图像、信号识别相关领域感兴趣的同学,欢迎你的加入 email:zhengjiawang@hit.edu.cn 专长: 第一性原理计算(VASP) 从头算起分子动力学(VASP) 粗粒化分子动力学(DPD) 蒙特卡洛模拟 工作经历 标题 起讫时间 2019-至今 职位/职称 副教授 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 仪器科学与工程学院 精密声光仪器研究所 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 2015-2018 职位/职称 副教授 工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学 理学院 凝聚态科学与技术研究所 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 2014 职位/职称 博士后 工作单位 美国 罗格斯大学 简单介绍 标题 起讫时间 2012-2013 职位/职称 博士后 工作单位 台湾 中央大学 简单介绍 教育经历 标题 起讫时间 2006-2011 所学专业 凝聚态物理 学习机构 南开大学 学历 博士 简单介绍 获得荣誉 称号名称 哈尔滨工业大学 青年拔尖人才 获奖时间 2015 颁奖机构 简单介绍 科研方向: 名称 目标识别(传统与人工智能算法相结合) 先进材料的第一性原理计算 微纳米马达(自驱动粒子) 团队成员 名称 合作者: 台湾大学 Dr 谌玉真 台湾中央大学 Dr 曹恒光 哈尔滨工业大学 Dr 吕伟明 哈尔滨工业大学 Dr 王志红 哈尔滨工业大学 Dr 张勇 哈尔滨工业大学 Dr 司铁岩 哈尔滨工业大学 Dr 秦峰 哈尔滨工业大学 Dr 孙晔 天津仁爱学院 郝军华 科研项目 项目名称 自驱动纳米棒稀溶液在非受限与受限条件下的运动行为研究 项目来源 国家自然科学基金委 开始时间 2016.01 结束时间 2018.12 项目经费 20万元 担任角色 项目类别 项目状态 简单介绍 奖项成果 招生信息 名称 欢迎同学们来这里做科研,你的物理素养、大数据分析、机器学习(深度学习)、数值计算等方面的能力将会得到极大的锻炼和提升。 讲授课程 名称 曾授课: 《凝聚态物理》 《大学物理实验I》 《大学物理》 现授课: 《分子模拟原理及应用》 教学成果 名称 2023 张义伟同学在期刊 Optics and Laser Technology 上发表题为《Classification and Recognition Method of Non-Cooperative Object Based on Transfer Learning》的学术论文 2024 韩义同学在期刊Sensors上发表题为《Classification and Recognition Method of Non-cooperative Object Based on Deep Learning》的学术论文 2023 张义伟同学完成硕士毕业论文《基于迁移学习的非合作目标分类识别方法研究》 2023 郑雲峰同学完成本科毕业论文《基于BP神经网络的机器视觉有效性探究》 2023 孙逸同学完成本科毕业论文《对于非合作目标非完整周期运动信号的识别》 2023 龚志宝同学在期刊 Optical Fiber Technology 上发表题为《Image transmission through a multimode fiber based on transfer learning》的学术论文 2022 龚志宝同学完成硕士毕业论文《基于迁移学习的多模光纤图像重构研究》 2022 韩义同学完成硕士毕业论文《基于深度卷积神经网络的自旋非合作目标分类识别方法研究》 2019 布梦雪同学完成硕士毕业论文《基于机器学习的球形肿瘤中光场分布预测及优化方案研究》 2019 刘鹤瑶同学完成本科毕业论文《利用机器学习对组织内光场分布进行预测》 2017 苏忠翔同学完成本科毕业论文《自驱动粒子在封闭系统对边界的压强》 论文期刊 论文标题 Classification and Recognition Method of Non-Cooperative Object Based on Transfer Learning 作者 Yiwei Zhang, Yong Zhang, Zhihong Ding, Zhengjia Wang* 发表时间 2024 期刊名称 Optics and Laser Technology 期卷 简单介绍 Classifying and identifying non-cooperative targets plays an important role in space missions in the present age. A micro-Doppler characteristic signal is an effective means to identify the target. In order to better extract the micro-Doppler features of the target in the case of very little experimental data, a pose recognition network based on the theory of transfer learning is proposed. The source domain dataset is constructed of the time–frequency spectrums obtained by short-time Fourier transform of the simulated echo signals. The time–frequency spectrums from experiment are made as target domain. Pre-training and domain adaptation is applied in this work. Finally, the test results demonstrate that the classification accuracy of our pose recognition network based on transfer learning is improved due to the good use of simulation data and the small amount of experimental data. 论文标题 Tailoring Selenium Vacancies in MoSe2 through Oxygen Passivation for Room-Temperature NO2 Sensing Enhancement 作者 Shengliang Zheng, Dongmin Yin, Shengpei Zhang, You Wang*, Jiayu Li, Zhengjia Wang*, Ye Yuan, Hsu-Sheng Tsai and Juanyuan Hao* 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 J. Mater. Chem. A 期卷 简单介绍 Vacancy defects are intrinsically present in the as-grown MoSe2, which may greatly affect its gas sensingperformance. However, it remains ambiguous how their concentrations influence the sensing properties.The vacancy defects as active sites may facilitate gas adsorption, while as trapping and scattering sitesthey could lower electron density and mobility. It is therefore fundamentally important to elucidate theirroles of double-edged-sword. Herein, MoSe2 nanoflowers with Se vacancies were first colloidallysynthesized and the vacancies are identified using a transmission electron microscope, electronparamagnetic resonance spectra, and Raman spectra. The defect engineering of oxygen passivation wasthen carried out to tailor the vacancy density, through which the room-temperature NO2 sensingresponse is enhanced by a factor of 6.3. The density functional theory calculations reveal that thevacancies cause the increase of adsorption energy and the decrease of charge transfer during the NO2sensing. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that when the vacancy density is tailored to an optimallevel, the role of the vacancies as active sites outweighs their role as electron trapping sites, and thesensing response can be maximized. The vacancy-mediated sensing mechanism is therefore proposed,and may offer insightful guidance for improving the performance of layered metal dichalcogenide basedgas sensors. 论文标题 Controlling the transport of the mixture involving active and passive rods in confined channel 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Junhua Hao 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Soft Matter 期卷 简单介绍 The transport of the binary mixture of self-propelled rods (SPRs) and passive rods in the asymmetricconjugate periodic channel is studied by dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations. It is found thatthe autonomous pumping of the binary mixture of active and passive rods can be achieved by either theindividual or collective behaviour of SPRs. More specifically, the transport of passive rods can be driventhrough the individual, collective jostlement of the active rods, and crowding out effect. The strength ofself-propulsion, rod length, rod concentration, and geometric feature of the channel determines themechanism of pumping. In addition, the drift of the binary mixture can be in the positive and negativedirections of the channel or the currents of SPRs and passive rods in opposite directions and relies onthe geometric feature of the channel and concentration of the two species. Overall, our simulationstudy offers an efficient approach of flow control for both species. 论文标题 Image transmission through a multimode fiber based on transfer learning 作者 Yong Zhang, Zhibao Gong, Yuan Wei, Zhengjia Wang*, Junhua Hao*, Jianlong Zhang 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Optical Fiber Technology 期卷 简单介绍 The multimode fiber is a kind of scattering medium, in which the light travels along different optical modes withdifferent phase speeds. High-quality optical communications and medical endoscopic imaging can be carried outthrough a multimode fiber. However, one has to face a speckle pattern formed at the exit due to the distortion ofthe incident wave caused by multiple mode superposition and mode coupling. The convolutional neural networkmodel U-net can be utilized to fit the input and output data to achieve the reconstruction of the input imagesfrom the speckle patterns at the output. Note that enough data is needed for training the network. However, it isoften encountered that the amount of data is insufficient in practice. In order to solve this problem, a speckleimage reconstruction method based on transfer learning and convolution learning model is proposed in thiswork. This model is able to realize the reconstruction of speckle images, and greatly reduce the demand for thequantity of training data. The experimental results confirm that our transfer learning model can reconstruct thespeckle images effectively. 论文标题 First-principles investigation of aluminum intercalation in bilayer blue phosphorene for Al-ion battery 作者 Junhua Hao*, Zhengjia Wang*, Weixin Kong, Jianyun Lan, Weibing Li, Yufang Wang, Tiebiao Yuan 发表时间 2023 期刊名称 Surface Science 期卷 简单介绍 Here, we investigate the possibility of bilayer phosphorene as an anode material for aluminum-ion batteries using first-principles calculations. The characteristics of negative electrode materials are desirable with small volume expansion, large capacity and high mobility. We calculated the adsorption energies, optimal adsorption sites, diffusion barriers, theoretical capacities, open circuit voltages (OCVs), and structural stability of aluminum (Al) on the surface and interlayers of bilayer phosphorene. The intercalation of Al did not significantly change the volume of the bilayer phosphorene. The diffusion barrier of Al on the surface along the zigzag direction is 0.13 eV, while the diffusion barrier along the armchair direction is 0.49 eV. When Al is intercalated into the phosphorene interlayer, the diffusion barriers along the armchair and zigzag directions are 0.77 eV and 0.47 eV, respectively. It can be seen that the diffusion of Al between layers is also relatively easy. And with the increase of Al intercalation concentration, the theoretical capacity of bilayer phosphorene can reach 1047 mAhg?1. These results demonstrate that bilayer phosphorene is a potential candidate as anode material for aluminum-ion batteries. 论文标题 Pose Measurement and Motion Estimation of Space On-Orbit CubeSats Based on Micro-Doppler Effect Using Laser Coherent Radar 作者 Yong Zhang, Yi Han, Ruonan Yu, Zhen Yang, Zhengjia Wang,* and Jianlong Zhang* 发表时间 2022 期刊名称 Applied Sciences 期卷 12 简单介绍 The pose measurement and motion estimation of long-distance space CubeSats is a difficult problem for autonomous rendezvous and track maintenance. In this work, an approach is proposed for the pose estimation of CubeSat based on the micro-Doppler effect by a laser radar system. Parameters such as spin rate and attitude angle can be estimated using data extracted from the returned signal. By utilizing threshold processing, edge extraction of time-frequency (TF) images can be achieved effectively. When the target size is unknown, the double edge ratio method (DERM) is suggested to obtain the attitude angle. The simulation results show that when the noise is not too high, the spin rate and the attitude angle can be acquired precisely. Our experiment indicates that the error for the estimation of spin and pose by our approach fulfills the demand in practice. 论文标题 Enhanced Li Adsorption in Single-Walled Blue Phosphorus Nanotubes by B, C, N, and Si-Doping 作者 Junhua Hao, Zhengjia Wang, Jihua Xu, Yufang Wang 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 Phys. Status Solidi B 期卷 简单介绍 The lithium adsorption energies, electronic structures, and properties for singlewalled blue phosphorus nanotubes (SWBPNTs) doped with B, C, N, and Si uponLi intercalation on the inside and outside surfaces are investigated using densityfunctional methods. It is found that the dopants of B, C, N, and Si have negativeformation energies. The structure and properties of the SWBPNT will undergocertain changes after doping. Due to the interaction of dopant atoms and Patoms, the bandgap of the nanotubes doped with B and N will be reduced, andthe nanotubes doped with C and Si have defects (dopant) state in the forbiddenband. For the dopant atoms in SWBPNT, B and Si lose electrons, while C and Ngain electrons. Compared with pristine SWBPNT, when Li is adsorbed internal tothe tube, the lithium adsorption energies in the doped SWBPNT have a largernegative value, especially for C and Si doping. Consequently, our work suggeststhat the B-, C-, N-, and Si-doped SWBPNT have the capability to enhance the Liadsorption capacity. 论文标题 Enhancing directed collective motion of self-propelled particles in confined channel 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Junhua Hao, Xiaojing Wang, Jihua Xu and Bin Yang 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 期卷 33 简单介绍 论文标题 Preferred penetration of active nano-rods into narrow channels and their clustering 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Kang-Ching Chu, Heng-Kwong Tsao* and Yu-Jane Sheng* 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 期卷 简单介绍 In a channel connected to a reservoir, passive particles prefer staying in thereservoir than the channel due to entropic effect, as the size of particles is comparableto that of the channel. Self-propelled rods can exhibit out of equilibrium phenomena,and the partition behavior of them may differ from that of passive rods due to thepersistent swimming ability. In this work, the distribution of active nano-rods betweennanoscale channel and reservoir is explored by dissipative particle dynamics. Theratio of the nano-rod concentration in the slit to that in the reservoir, defined as thepartition ratio ?, is a function of active force, channel width, and rod length.Although passive nano-rods prefer staying in bulk (? ? ?), active rods can overcomethe entropic barrier and show favorable partition toward narrow channels, ? ? ?. Asthe slit width decreases to about the rod’s width, active rods entering the slit behavelike a quasi-two-dimensional system dynamically. At sufficiently high concentrationsand Peclet numbers, nano-rods tend to align and move together in the same directionfor a certain time. The distribution (PM) of the cluster size (M) follows a power law,PM ∝ M-2, for small clusters. 论文标题 Computational investigation of Lithium intercalation in single-walled zigzag Blue phosphorene Nanotubes 作者 Junhua Hao, Zhengjia Wang*, Yufang Wang 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 Chemical Physics 期卷 550 简单介绍 Based on first principles calculations, the possibility of zigzagsingle-walled blue phosphorene nanotube (SWBPNT) as anode materialsfor high-performance lithium-ion batteries is studied. We calculate theadsorption, diffusion properties and cell voltages of lithium intercalationon the inside and outside of SWBPNT and compare them with those incarbon nanotube (CNT) and single-walled Si nanotube (SWSiNT). Theresults show that the inside of SWBPNT is a fast diffusion channel oflithium compared with the outside of SWBPNT. By calculating thestructure parameters, adsorption energy and charge transfer, we study theadsorption of multiple lithium atoms in SWBPNT. The results show thatlithium is easier to diffuse and adsorb inside the tubes, which will help toimprove the lithium storage capacity of the system. Therefore, SWBPNThas great potential as anode materials for Li-ion batteries. 论文标题 High capacity lithium-ion battery anode using silicon-doped blue phosphorene 作者 Junhua Hao,* Zhengjia Wang,* Yufang Wang 发表时间 2021 期刊名称 Superlattices and Microstructures 期卷 150 简单介绍 论文标题 Defect dynamics for self-propelled rods in a doublet of circular con?nement 作者 Zhengjia Wang*, Junhua Hao*, Jihua Xu, FengQin and Bin Yang 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Europhysics Letters 期卷 132 简单介绍 论文标题 Adhesion, Intake, and Release of Nanoparticles by Lipid Bilayers 作者 Sean Burgess, Zhengjia Wang, Aleksey M Vishnyakov, Alexander V. Neimark 发表时间 2020 期刊名称 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 期卷 561 简单介绍 论文标题 Defect dynamics in clusters of self-propelled rods in circular confinement 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Tieyan Si, Junhua Hao, Yu Guan, Feng Qin, BinYang, and Wenwu Cao 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 The European Physical Journal E 期卷 42 简单介绍 论文标题 Favorable partition of nanoswimmers toward a confined slit 作者 Ying-Shuo Peng, Zhengjia Wang, Kang-Ching Chu, Yu-Jane Sheng, and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 PHYSICAL REVIEW E 期卷 100 简单介绍 论文标题 DFT study of structural, elastic, electronic and dielectric properties of blue phosphorus nanotubes 作者 Junhua Hao, Zhengjia Wang, Qinghua Jin 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 Scientific Reports 期卷 9 简单介绍 论文标题 Sulfur-Doped Phosphorene as a Promising Anode for Na 2 and K-Ion Batteries 作者 Junhua Hao, Zhengjia Wang, and Yufang Wang 发表时间 2019 期刊名称 Phys. Status Solidi B 期卷 1800418 简单介绍 论文标题 Mechanical pressure, surface excess, and polar order of a dilute rod-like nanoswimmer suspension: role of swimmer–wall interactions 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Yen-Fu Chen, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Yu-Jane Sheng and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2018 期刊名称 Soft Matter 期卷 14 简单介绍 论文标题 Hydrodynamic interaction induced breakdown of the state properties of active fluids 作者 Yen-Fu Chen, Zhengjia Wang, Kang-Ching Chu, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Yu-Jane Sheng and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2018 期刊名称 Soft Matter 期卷 14 简单介绍 论文标题 Structure and elastic properties of black phosphorus nanotubes: A first-principles study: Structure and elastic properties of black phosphorus nanotubes 作者 Junhua Hao, Zhengjia Wang, Yongjin Peng, Yufang Wang 发表时间 2017 期刊名称 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 期卷 254 简单介绍 论文标题 Modeling Cassie-Baxter State on Superhydrophobic Surfaces 作者 Jun-hua Hao, Zhengjia Wang 发表时间 2016 期刊名称 Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 期卷 37 简单介绍 论文标题 Adsorption of alkali and alkaline-earth metal atoms on the reconstructed graphene-like BN single sheet 作者 Jun-Hua Hao, Zheng-Jia Wang, Yu-Fang Wang, Yu-Hua Yin, Run Jiang, Qing-Hua Jin 发表时间 2015 期刊名称 Solid State Sciences 期卷 50 简单介绍 论文标题 Diffusion, sedimentation equilibrium, and harmonic trapping of run-and-tumble nanoswimmers 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Yu-Jane Sheng and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 Soft Matter 期卷 10 简单介绍 论文标题 Nanostructure collapse by elasto-capillary instability 作者 Cheng-Chung Chang, Zhengjia Wang, Yu-Jane Sheng and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 Soft Matter 期卷 10 简单介绍 论文标题 Diffusion and surface excess of a confined nanoswimmer dispersion 作者 Xiao, Song; Wang, Zhengjia; Chen, Hsuan-Yi; Sheng, Yu-Jane; Tsao, Heng-Kwong 发表时间 2014 期刊名称 The Journal of Chemical Physics 期卷 141 简单介绍 论文标题 Trapped Liquid Drop at the End of Capillary 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Hung-Yu Yen, Cheng-Chung Chang, Yu-Jane Sheng, and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2013 期刊名称 Langmuir 期卷 29 简单介绍 论文标题 Trapped liquid drop in a microchannel: Multiple stable states 作者 Wang, Zhengjia; Chang, Cheng-Chung; Hong, Siang-Jie; Sheng, Yu-Jane; Tsao, Heng-Kwong 发表时间 2013 期刊名称 Physical Review E 期卷 87 简单介绍 论文标题 Capillary Rise in a Microchannel of Arbitrary Shape and Wettability: Hysteresis Loop 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Cheng-Chung Chang, Siang-Jie Hong, Yu-Jane Sheng, and Heng-Kwong Tsao 发表时间 2012 期刊名称 Langmuir 期卷 28 简单介绍 论文标题 Charge Inversion by Flexible Polyelectrolytes on Spherical Surfaces: Numerical Self-Consistent Field Calculations under the Ground-State Dominance Approximation 作者 Zhengjia Wang, Baohui Li, Datong Ding, Qiang Wang 发表时间 2011 期刊名称 Macromolecules 期卷 44 简单介绍 专利 出版物 主要任职 名称 Applied Surface Science 期刊审稿人 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 期刊审稿人 Physics of Fluids 期刊审稿人 Journal of Electronic Materials期刊审稿人 Computational Condensed Matter 期刊审稿人 Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 期刊审稿人 |