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姓名 梁夏
教师编号 90990
性别 梁夏
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 空间环境与物质科学研究院
学位 梁夏
学历 梁夏
职称 研究员
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基本信息 Lab news 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 梁夏,哈工大空间环境与物质科学研究院研究员、博导,主要从事基于现代脑功能成像技术的脑与认知研究。目前共发表SCI论文三十余篇,以通讯、第一或共一作者在PNAS(2篇)、Anesthesiology、Journal of neuroscience、Human brain mapping、Cerebral Cortex等权威学术期刊发表论文多篇;主持国自然面上项目2项、黑龙江省自然优秀青年项目1项、黑龙江省自然联合引导项目1项。 研究方向 我们主要的研究兴趣集中于探索人脑自发活动的认知意义与计算机制,通过结合自然主义的认知实验范式,我们希望解析自发脑活动的时空组织模式,探索其如何支持离线学习、世界(外部世界和内在自我)模型更新等基本的认知过程;我们也希望通过深入对脑自发活动的机制理解,来推动和拓展解码和调节自发认知和思维能力的应用发展。 研究生招生 每年招收1-2名硕士生,1-2名博士生(哈工大将于近期推出博士招收快响计划,优秀的博士candidates可以随时申请,随时考核),也欢迎所有年级的本科生进入课题组学习。由于认知神经科学是一门交叉学科,我们欢迎具有不同学科背景的学生加入我们的研究队伍中,包括但不限于心理学、生物、计算机、信息学、数学、医学等专业。如果你热爱思考,喜欢探索,执着理想,对脑科学有浓厚兴趣,欢迎直接与我联系(xia.liang@hit.edu.cn)。 教育经历 2008.9 – 2013.7 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室 认知神经科学,理学博士 2004.9 – 2008.6 北京理工大学 自动化,工学学士 研究经历 2023.12 – 哈尔滨工业大学 空间环境与物质科学研究院 研究员 2016.5 – 2023.12 哈尔滨工业大学 空间环境与物质科学研究院 副教授 2013.8 – 2016.3 美国国立药物成瘾研究所神经影像研究中心 博士后研究员 2011.2 – 2013.3 美国国立药物成瘾研究所神经影像研究中心 访问研究员 论文著作 After 2020: 13. Li SY, Li ZP, Liu QY, Ren P, Sun LL, Cui ZX, Liang X*. Predictable navigation through spontaneous brain states with cognitive-map-like representations. Progress in Neurobiology, 2024, 102570. 12. Li SY, Chen YL, Ren P, Li ZP, Zhang J*, Liang X*. Alterations in rat brain modular organization during unconsciousness are dependent on communication efficiency and metabolic cost. Brain Structure and Function. 2023; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-023-02708-w 11. Ding WC, Ren P, Yi LY, Si Y, Yang F, Li ZP, Bao HB, Yan S, Zhang XY, Li SY, Liang X*, Yao LF* and for the Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Neuroimaging Initiative. Association of cortical and subcortical microstructure with disease severity: impact on cognitive decline and language impairments in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy. 2023; 15:58. 10. Li S, Chen Y, Ren P, Li Z, Zhang J, Liang X*. Highly connected and highly variable: A Core brain network during resting state supports Propofol-induced unconsciousness. Hum Brain Mapp. doi: 10.1002/hbm.26103. 2022. 9. Bao H, Ren P, Yi L, Lv Z, Ding W, Li C, Li S, Li Z, Yang X, Liang X*, Liang P*. New Insights into Glioma Frequency Maps: From Genetic and Transcriptomic Correlate to Survival Prediction. Int J Cancer. 2022 Oct 28. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34336. 8. Bao H, Ren P, Liang P*, Liang X*. Reply to: Comments on "New insights into glioma frequency maps: From genetic and transcriptomic correlate to survival prediction". Int J Cancer. 2023; doi: 10.1002/ijc.34514. 7. Ren P, Ding WC, Li SY, Liu GY, Luo M, Zhou WY, Cheng R, Li YQ, Wang PP, Li ZP, Yao LF, Jiang QH*, Liang X*. Regional transcriptional vulnerability to basal forebrain functional dysconnectivity in mild cognitive impairment patients, Neurobiology of Disease, 2023;177:105983. 6. Yue J, Wang P, Li J, Li Z, Liang X, He Y. Short-Term Habituation of Auditory N1 in Spoken Word-Forms Is Modulated by Phonological Information. Brain Sci. 2022;12(10):1279. 5. Acharya A, Ren P, Yi LY, Tian WM, Liang X*. Structural atrophy and functional dysconnectivity patterns in the cerebellum relate to cerebral networks in svMCI. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2022;16:1006231. 4. Tang CY, Ren P, Ma KQ, Li SY, Wang XF, Guan YG, Zhou J, Li TF, Liang X*, Luan GM*. The correspondence between morphometric MRI and metabolic profile in Rasmussen’s encephalitis. NeuroImage: Clinical. 2022; 33:102918. 3. Hsu LM, Yang JT, Wen XY, Liang X, Lin LC, Huang YC, Tsai YH. Human thirst behavior requires transformation of sensory inputs by intrinsic brain networks. BMC Biol. 2022; 20(1):255. 2. Y Chen, S Li, X Liang, J Zhang. Differential Alterations to the Metabolic Connectivity of the Cortical and Subcortical Regions in Rat Brain During Ketamine-Induced Unconsciousness. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2022; 10.1213. 1. Liang X, Hsu LM, Lu HB, Ash JA., Rapp PR, Yang YH. Functional Connectivity of Hippocampal CA3 Predicts Neurocognitive Aging via CA1-Frontal Circuit. Cereb Cortex. 2020; 8(30): 4297–4305. Before 2020: 1. Liang X#, Zou QH#, He Y, Yang YH. Coupling of functional connectivity and regional cerebral blood flow reveals a physiological basis for network hubs of the human brain. PNAS. 2013;110(5):1929-1934. 2. Hsu LM#, Liang X#, Gu H, Brynildsen JK, Stark JA, Ash JA, Lin QB, Lu HB, Rapp PR, Stein EA, Yang YH, The Constituents and Functional Implications of the Rat Default Mode Network. PNAS 2016; 113(31):E4541–E4547. 3. Liang X, Hsu LM, Lu HB, Sumiyoshi A, He Y, Yang YY. The rich club organization in rat functional brain network to balance between communication cost and efficiency. Cereb Cortex. 2018; 28(3):924-935. 4. Liang X, Zou QH, He Y, Yang YH. Topologically reorganized connectivity architecture of default-Mode, executive-Control, and salience networks across working memory task Loads. Cereb Cortex.2016; 26(4):1501-1511. 5. Liang X, He Y, Salmeron BJ, Gu H, Stein EA, Yang YH. Interactions between the salience and default-Mode networks are disrupted in cocaine addiction. J Neurosci. 2015; 35(21):8081-90. 6 Chen YL#, Bao WQ#, Liang X#, Zhang J. Propofol Anesthesia Alters Spatial and Topological Organization of Cerebral Metabolism in Rats. Anesthesiology. 2019; 131(4):850-865. 7. Acharya A#, Liang X#, Tian WM, Jiang CL, Han Y and Yi LY. White Matter Hyperintensities Relate to Basal Ganglia Functional Connectivity and Memory Performance in aMCI and svMCI, Front Neurosci. 2019; 13:1204. 8. Liang X, Wang J, Yan C, Shu N, Xu K, et al. Effects of Different Correlation Metrics and Preprocessing Factors on Small-World Brain Functional Networks: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(3):e32766. 9. Cui Y, Jin Z, Chen X, He Y, Liang X and Zheng Y. Abnormal baseline brain activity in drug-naive patients with Tourette syndrome: a resting-state fMRI study. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013; 7:913. (共同通讯作者). 10. Hsu LM#, Keeley RJ#, Liang X, Brynildsen JK, Lu H, Yang YH and Stein EA, Intrinsic insular-frontal networks predict future nicotine dependence severity. J Neurosci. 2019; 39(25):5028-5037. 11. Wei T, Liang X, He Y, Zang Y, Han Z, Caramazza A, Bi Y. Predicting conceptual processing capacity from spontaneous neuronal activity of the left middle temporal gyrus. J Neurosci. 2012; 32(2):481-489. 12. Tsai YH, Liang X, Yang JT, Hsu LM. Modular organization of brain resting state networks in patients with classical trigeminal neuralgia. NeuroImage: Clin. 2019; 24:102027. 13. Cui Y, Liang X, Gu H, et al. Cerebral perfusion alterations in type 2 diabetes and its relation to insulin resistance and cognitive dysfunction. Brain Imaging Behav. 2017; 11(5):1248–1257. 14. Yi LY, Liang X, Liu DM, Sun B, Yang DB, Li QB, Jiang CL, Han Y. Disrupted topological organization of resting-state functional brain network in subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2015;21(10):846–854. 15. Caparelli EC, Ross TJ, Gu H, Liang X, Stein EA, Yang Y. Graph theory reveals amygdala modules consistent with its anatomical subdivisions. Sci Rep. 2017; 7 (1):14392. 16. Cui Y, Li SF, Gu H, Hu YZ, Liang X, et al. Disrupted Brain Connectivity Patterns in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Am J Neuroradiol. 2016; 37(11):2115-2122. 17. Wang Z, Xia M, Dai Z, Liang X, Song H, He Y, Li K. Differentially disrupted functional connectivity of the subregions of the inferior parietal lobule in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Struct Funct. 2015; 220:745–762. 18. Schweitzer JB, Riggins T, Liang X, Gallen C, Kurup PT, Ross T, Black MM, Nair P, Salmeron BJ. Prenatal drug exposure to illicit drugs alters working memory-related brain activity and underlying network properties in adolescence. Neurotoxicology and Teratology. 2015; 48:69-77. 19. Xia M, Wang Z, Dai Z, Liang X, Song H, Shu N, Li K, He Y. Differentially Disrupted Functional Connectivity in Posteromedial Cortical Subregions in Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2013; 39(3):527-543. 20. Kang, J., Wang, L., Yan, C., Wang, J., Liang, X., He, Y. Characterizing dynamic functional connectivity in the resting brain using variable parameter regression and Kalman filtering approaches. Neuroimage. 2011; 56:1222-1234. Lab news 名称 2024.2. Congrates to 任鹏 and 李斯玚 for winning oral presentation oppotunities at OHBM 2024! Congrates to 李斯玚 for winning a Merit Award at OHBM 2024! 2024.1. Our work on cognitive map-like represenattion of spontaneous brain states finally comes out in Progress in Neurobiology! Big congrats to Siyang and the whole group, and myself ~ Predictable navigation through spontaneous brain states with cognitive-map-like representations - ScienceDirect 2023.9.6 Congratulations to Siyang (李斯玚) and Peng (任鹏) for passing their PhD defense! 2023. 9.1 Congrates to Siyang on the acceptance of her work titled "Alternations in rat brain modular organization during unconsciousness are dependent on communication efficiency and metabolic cost" for publication in Brain Structure and Function! 2023.8.1 Welcome Wang ZiAang and Qu Wenbing join our lab! 2023.7.26 Congrates to Lili for her oral presentation at OHBM 2023 on our work of temporal pattern separation and completion in human hippocampus!
