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姓名 于红军
教师编号 90961
性别 于红军
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 航天学院
学位 于红军
学历 于红军
职称 教授
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基本信息(Personal details) 科学研究(research) 论文专著(Publications) 教育教学(teaching) 新建主栏目 基本信息(Personal details) 名称 于红军,教授,博士生导师,哈工大航天学院航天科学与力学系 德国洪堡学者 JSPS(日本学术振兴会)特别研究员 哈工大“青年拔尖人才” 首批国家一流本科课程《理论力学》主讲教师 首批国家一流本科课程《断裂与疲劳》第二负责人 中国力学学会 会员 黑龙江省力学学会 理事 哈尔滨市力学学会 理事 全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家 国家自然科学基金项目评审专家 《海军航空大学学报》青年编委 理论力学课程虚拟教研室联络员 研究方向:复合材料断裂力学(非均匀材料、多界面材料、压电、铁电和磁电弹性材料)、计算力学(有限元、扩展有限元、断裂相场法、深度学习等) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Hongjun Yu, Professor, Supervisor of PhD students Humboldt Research Fellow, JSPS Research Fellow Department of Astronautic Science and Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin 150080, P.R.China. Research interests: Fracture of composite and smart materials (functionally graded materials, particulate composites, piezoelectric, ferroelectricand magneto-electro-elastic materials), Computational mechanics (FEM, XFEM, etc) 荣誉称号(Honors and Awards) 名称 2015.12 入选校“青年拔尖人才计划”,破格 副教授 2015.01 入选德国“洪堡学者”计划 2013.01 入选日本“JSPS学者”计划 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.2015 The Outstanding Youth Talent Plan of Harbin Institute of Technology 01.2015 Humboldt Research Fellow, Germany 01.2015 JSPS Research Fellow, Japan 工作经历(Employment history) 名称 2021.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院航天科学与力学系 教授 2015.12-2021.12 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院航天科学与力学系 副教授(青年拔尖) 2015.06-2017.07 德国弗莱贝格工业大学 洪堡学者 2013.04-2015.04 日本京都大学 JSPS学者 2011.12-2015.12 哈尔滨工业大学应用数学研究所 讲师 2010.12-2014.12 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院 博士后 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12.2021-Present Professor, Department of Astronautic Science and Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology 12.2015-12.2021 Associate Professor, Department of Astronautic Science and Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology 06.2015-07.2017 Humboldt Research Fellow, TU Freiberg, Germany 04.2013-04.2015 JSPS Research Fellow, Kyoto University, Japan 12.2011-12.2015 Lecturer, Center for Applied Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology 12.2010-12.2014 Postdoc, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology 教育经历(Education) 名称 2006.08-2010.07 博士 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料与结构研究所 工程力学专业 (导师:杜善义,吴林志) 2004.09-2006.07 硕士 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料与结构研究所 工程力学专业 (导师:杜善义,吴林志) 2000.09-2004.07 学士 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院航天科学与力学系 工程力学专业 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08.2006-07.2010 Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology 09.2004-07.2006 M.Sc., Engineering Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology 09.2000-07.2004 B.Sc., Engineering Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology 其它(others) 名称 期刊审稿人(Reviewer for journals): International Journal of Solids and Structures、 Mechanics of Materials、Engineering Fracture Mechanics、Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics、Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Applied Mathematical Modelling 等 研究领域(research interests) 名称 主要从事颗粒复合材料、压电材料、铁电智能材料、压电/压磁复合材料等含复杂界面材料断裂力学研究,及有限元、扩展有限元方法研究。 含复杂界面材料断裂破坏是一个经典的基础力学问题,多年来这一领域的研究进展十分缓慢,其主要原因是缺少有效获取断裂参量的力学方法。本人提出的区域无关积分(DII积分)方法可以不必回避复杂界面,准确求解裂纹尖端的断裂参量,为含复杂界面材料断裂研究提供了理论支撑。相关研究共发表SCI收录论文64篇。相关研究工作发表在Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids(JMPS)、Acta Materialia、International Journal of Solids and Structures(IJSS)、Composite Science and Technology、Composite Structures、Applied Mathematical Modelling、Mechanics of Materials、European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids、International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、Engineering Fracture Mechanics、International Journal of Fracture、Journal of Applied Mechanics - Transactions of the ASME等力学领域的国际权威刊物上。 科研项目 名称 主持“耦合腐蚀环境下管道疲劳性能研究”项目. 2021-2023。 主持国际自然科学基金面上项目“辐照-热-力环境下弥散型核燃料的宏-细观断裂相场法研究”. 2022-2025. 主持国际自然科学基金面上项目“考虑极化涡旋结构大范围畴变的低维铁电材料断裂力学研究”. 2018-2021. 主持国家自然科学基金重点国际合作项目“多层级手性材料的手性调控和力学性能研究”子课题. 2021-2025. 主持国际自然科学基金青年基金“考虑复杂界面特征的颗粒复合材料线弹性断裂力学行为研究”. 2013-2015. 主持哈尔滨工业大学人才计划科研启动项目“考虑大范围畴变的铁电材料断裂力学研究”. 2016-2018. 主持及参与其它国家纵向、横向项目10余项。 团队成员 名称 赵明蕙,博士生,2018秋,铁电材料断裂力学 郝留磊,博士生,2019秋,断裂相场法 朱 帅,博士生,2020秋,压电材料断裂力学 黄灿杰,博士生,2021春,手性材料断裂相场法 满诗涵,博士生,2021秋,多尺度断裂力学 杨宇宁,博士生,2022秋,手性材料破坏理论研究 刘士状,博士生,2022秋,金属腐蚀疲劳寿命研究 张迎宾,博士生,2023春,手性材料断裂力学研究 尹耀得,博士生,2024春,动态断裂相场法研究 已毕业的博士生: ********************************************************************************************************* 姓名:郝留磊 ID状态:2023年6月博士毕业(硕博连读) 博士论文:《脆性材料混合型断裂相场模型研究》 E-mail:haoliulei@hit.edu.cn 毕业去向:航天院所 曾获荣誉: (1)“2022年博士研究生国家奖学金” (2) 哈尔滨工业大学2021-2022年度“优秀学生(实学实干奖)” SCI论文 名称 l 代表性论文(representative papers): 1. Yu Hongjun*, Kuna M.*, 2021. Interaction integral method for computation of crack parameters K-T – a review. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 249, 107722. Open access (IF: 4.898) 2. Yu Hongjun*, Wang Jie, Kozinov S., Kuna M., 2018. Phase field analysis of crack tip parameters in ferroelectric polycrystals under large-scale switching. Acta Materialia 154(1): 334-342. (Top journal, IF: 9.209) 3. Yu Hongjun*, Wang Jie*, Shimada T., Wu Huaping, Wu Linzhi, Kuna M., Kitamura T., 2016. An I-integral method for crack-tip intensity factor variation due to domain switching in ferroelectric single-crystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 94, 207-229. (Top journal, IF: 5.471) 4. Yu Hongjun*, Kitamura T., 2015. A new domain-independent interaction integral for solving the stress intensity factors of the materials with complex thermo-mechanical interfaces. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 49, 500-509. (IF: 4.873) 5. Yu Hongjun*, Wu Linzhi*, Guo Licheng, Du Shanyi, He Qilin, 2009. Investigation of mixed-mode stress intensity factors for nonhomogeneous materials using an interaction integral method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46, 3710-3724. (IF: 3.667) l 论文列表(list of papers): 2024年 1. Shuai Zhu, Hongjun Yu*, Licheng Guo, 2024. Analysis of an interfacial crack between two nonhomogeneous piezoelectric materials using a new domain-independent interaction integral. Composite Structures 331, 117873. (IF: 7.3) 2. Hongjun Yu*, Shuai Zhu, Haoyu Ma, Jianshan Wang, 2024. Interface crack analysis of piezoelectric laminates considering initial strain. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 109104. (IF: 7.3) 3. Hongru Yan, Hongjun Yu*, Shuai Zhu, Zelong Wang, Yingbin Zhang, Licheng Guo, 2024. Nonlinear properties prediction and inverse design of a porous auxetic metamaterial based on neural networks. Thin-Walled Structures 197, 111717. (IF: 6.4) 4. Hongjun Yu*, Yingbin Zhang, Jianshan Wang, 2024. Crack-tip fields of an anti-plane crack in micropolar elastic solids. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 105, 105267. (IF: 4.1) 5. Jiajun Dong, Hongjun Yu, Takayuki Kitamura, Qinghua Qin, Jianshan Wang*, 2024. Crack twisting in hierarchical chiral structures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 295, 109916. (IF: 5.4) 6. Siyang Wu, Zhixing Li*, Tao Zheng*, Kai Huang, Hongjun Yu, Junfeng Ding, Licheng Guo, 2024. A progressive damage model for 3D woven composites integrating kinking-buckling competition. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 295, 109805. (IF: 5.4) 7. Tao Zheng, Jinzhao Huang*, Kai Huang*, Hongjun Yu, Changqing Hong, Licheng Guo, 2024. Different effects of interfacial properties on the tensile and compressive damage mechanisms of 3D woven composites: Multiscale damage model and numerical comparative study. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 295, 109741. (IF: 5.4) 2023年 1. Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun*, Zhang Yingbin, Yan Hongru, Man Shihan, Guo Licheng, 2023. Generalized dynamic domain-independent interaction integral in the transient fracture investigation of magneto-electro-elastic composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 292, 109653. (IF: 5.4) 2. Liu Gang, Huang Kai, Zhong Yucheng*, Li Zhixing, Yu Hongjun, Guo Licheng*, Li Shuxin, 2023. Investigation on the off-axis tensile failure behaviors of 3D woven composites through a coupled numerical-experimental approach. Thin-Walled Structures 192, 111176. (IF: 6.4) 3. Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun*, Hao Liulei, Huang Canjie, Shen Zhenhen, Wang Jianshan, Guo Licheng, 2023. Influences of magneto-electro-elastic layer properties of piezoelectric/piezomagnetic composites on dynamic intensity factors. Applied Mathematical Modelling 120, 535-557 (IF: 5.336) 4. Zhang Yingbin, Yu Hongjun, Qin Qinghua, Qu Chuanyong*, Wang Jianshan*, 2023. Theoretical modeling of the mechanical properties of biological fibers and bundles with hierarchical chiral structures. Acta Mechanica Sinica 39, 622403. (IF: 3.5) 5. Hao Liulei, Yu Hongjun*, Shen Zhen, Zhu Shuai, Wang Biao, Huang Canjie, Guo Licheng, 2023. Determination of mode-II critical energy release rate using mixed-mode phase-field model. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 125, 103840 (IF: 4.374) 6. Shi Qianyu, Yu Hongjun*, Wang Xiangyuhan, Huang Kai, Han Jian, 2023. Phase Field Modeling of Crack Growth with Viscoplasticity. Crystals 13(5), 854. (IF: 2.7) 7. Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun*, Wang Biao, Hao Liulei, Liu Shizhuang, Wang Jianshan, Guo Licheng, 2023. A domain-independent interaction integral for dynamic fracture in nonhomogeneous magneto-electro-elastic materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 282, 109168 (IF: 4.898). 8. Shen Zhen, Yu Hongjun*, Guo Licheng*, Hao Liulei, Zhu Shuai, Huang Kai, 2023. A modified 3D G-criterion for the prediction of crack propagation under mixed mode I-III loadings. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 281, 109082. (IF: 4.898) 9. Guo Fengnan*, Yu Hongjun, Zhang Yanyan, Guo Licheng*, 2023. An interaction energy integral method for an interface crack in nonhomogeneous materials containing complex interfaces under thermal loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures 264, 112089. (IF: 3.667) 10. Zhang Yingbin, Yu Hongjun, Qin Qinghua, Qu Chuanyong*, Wang Jianshan*, 2023. Theoretical modeling of the mechanical properties of biological fibers and bundles with hierarchical chiral structures. Acta Mechanica Sinica 39, 622403. (IF: 2.910) 11. Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun*, Hao Liulei, Shen Zhen, Wang Jianshan, Guo Licheng, 2023. Interaction integral method for thermal fracture of nonhomogeneous magneto-electro-elastic materials. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids 98, 104871. (IF: 4.873) 12. Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun*, Hao Liulei, Wang Biao, Yang Yuning, Huang Kai, Li Zhixing, Guo Licheng, 2023. Exploring the dynamic fracture performance of epoxy/cement based piezoelectric composites with complex interfaces. Composite Structures 116497. (IF: 6.3) 2022年 1. Hao Liulei, Yu Hongjun*, Zhu Shuai, Shen Zhen, Shen Rilin, Huang Kai, Guo Licheng, 2022. A mode-adjustable phase-field model for brittle fracture by regulating distortional crack driving energy. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 276, 108920. (IF: 4.898) 2. Zhu Shuai, Yu Hongjun*, Wu Xiaorong, Hao Liulei, Shen Zhen, Wang Jianshan, 2022. Dynamic fracture analysis in nonhomogeneous piezoelectric materials with a new domain-independent interaction integral. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 122, 103614. (IF: 4.374) 3. Jia PF, Huang Kai*, Yu Hongjun, Shimada T, Guo Licheng, Kitamura T, 2022. A novel atomic J-integral concept beyond conventional fracture mechanics. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 121, 103531. (IF: 4.374) 4. Dong Jiajun, Xu L, Yu Hongjun, Wang Jianshan*, Qin Qinghua, 2022. Fracture analysis of chiral fiber-reinforced biocomposite. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 271, 108625. (IF: 4.898) 5. Zhang YB, Zhao Huichuan, Yu Hongjun, Qin Qinghua, Wang Jianshan*, 2022. Tensile behaviors of filaments with misfit of chirality. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 38, 621604. (IF: 2.187) 6. Shi Qianyu, Yu Hongjun*, Guo Licheng*, Hao Liulei, Huang Kai, 2022. A phase field model with plastic history field for fracture of elasto-plastic materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 268, 108447 (IF: 4.898) 7. Sun Ruijian, Li Zhixing*, Guo Licheng*, Yu Hongjun, Zhang L, Zong QS, 2022. A mesoscale in situ method for assessing fracture toughness of intra-yarn and interface in 3D woven composites. Composite Science and Technology 224, 109447. (IF: 9.879) 8. Huang Kai, Yan Jia, Shen Rilin*, Wan Yulin, Li Yukun, Yu Hongjun, Guo Licheng*, 2022. Investigation on fracture behavior of polymer-bonded explosives under compression using a viscoelastic phase-field fracture method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 266,108411 (IF: 4.898) 9. Yu Hongjun, Hao Liulei, Shen Rilin*, Guo Licheng*, Shen Zhen, Li Yukun, 2022. A phase field model with the mixed-mode driving force of power-law relation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 224, 108265 (IF: 4.898) 10. Shen Zhen, Yu Hongjun*, Guo Licheng*, Hao Liulei, Huang Kai, 2022. A modified G criterion considering T-stress and differentiating the separation and shear failure in crack propagation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 236-237, 111357 (IF: 3.667) 11. Li Yukun, Huang Kai*, Yu Hongjun*, Hao Liulei, Guo Licheng*, 2022. Experimentally validated phase-field fracture modeling of epoxy resins. Composite Structures 279, 114806 (IF: 6.603) 12. Yu Hongjun*, Zhao Minghui, Wu Xiaorong, Guo Licheng, 2022. Influences of crack-face electric boundary conditions on stress intensity factors of ferroelectric single crystals. Applied Mathematical Modelling 101, 380-405. (IF: 5.336) 2021年之前: 1. Zhu S, Yu HJ*, Wu XR*, Huang CJ, Zhao MH, 2021. Interaction integral method for crack-tip intensity factor evaluations of magneto-electro-elastic materials with residual strain. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 258, 108084. (IF: 4.898) 2. Yu HJ*, Kuna M*, 2021. Interaction integral method for computation of crack parameters K-T – a review. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 249, 107722. (IF: 4.898) 3. Zheng T, Guo LC*, Sun RJ, Li ZX, Yu HJ*, 2021. Investigation on the compressive damage mechanisms of 3D woven composites considering stochastic fiber initial misalignment. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 143, 106295. (IF: 9.463) 4. Ge H, Guo LC*, Yu HJ*, 2020. Modeling method for periodic cracks in functionally graded strips with arbitrary properties. Mechanics of Materials 148, 103512. (IF: 3.266) 5. Li YK, Yu HJ*, Guo LC, Huang K, Bai XM, 2020. A new domain-independent interaction integral for three-dimensional non-homogeneous thermoelastic materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 233, 107084. (IF: 4.898) 6. Guo LC*, Jia PF, Yu HJ, Kitamura T, Huang K, 2020. A new domain-independent interaction integral for an interface crack subjected to thermal loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures 182, 254-266. (IF: 3.667) 7. Yu HJ*, Kozinov S, Kuna M, 2019. Effect of large-scale domain switching on intensity factors for a crack in 3D ferroelectric single crystals using the I-integral method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 161, 203-218. (IF: 3.667) 8. Wu XR, Yu HJ*, Guo LC*, Zhang L, Chai ZL, 2019. Experimental and numerical investigation of static and fatigue behaviors of composites honeycomb sandwich structure. Composite Structures 213, 165-172. (IF: 6.603) 9. Yu HJ, Wang B*, 2019. Stress intensity factor evaluations for a curved crack in orthotropic particulate composites using an interaction integral method. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 26(7), 631-638. (IF: 2.000) 10. Wang Y, Liu C, Yu HJ, Wang J*, 2019. Phase field simulations on domain switching-induced toughening or weakening in multiferroic composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures 178, 48-58. (IF: 3.667) 11. Shi YN, Yu HJ, Wang J*, 2019. An I-integral method for the crack-tip intensity factor in ferromagnetic materials with domain switching. Acta Mechanica, 230(4), 1427-1439. (IF: 2.645) 12. Yu HJ*, Wang J, Kozinov S, Kuna M, 2018. Phase field analysis of crack tip parameters in ferroelectric polycrystals under large-scale switching. Acta Materialia 154(1): 334-342. (IF: 9.209) 13. Huang K, Guo LC*, Yu HJ, 2018. Investigation on mixed-mode dynamic stress intensity factors of an interface crack in bi-materials with an inclusion. Composite Structures 202: 491-499. (IF: 6.603) 14. Shi YN, Yu HJ, Shimada T, Wang J*, Kitamura T, 2017. Phase field simulations on domain switching-induced toughening in ferromagnetic materials. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 65, 205-211. (IF: 4.873) 15. Hou C, Wang ZY*, Liang W, Yu HJ, Wang ZH*, 2017. Investigation of the effects of confining pressure on SIFs and T-stress for CCBD specimens using the XFEM and the interaction integral method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 178, 279-300. (IF: 4.898) 16. Zou Y*, Okle P, Yu HJ, Sumigawa T, Kitamura T, Maiti S, Steurer W, Spolenak R*, 2017. Fracture properties of a refractory high-entropy alloy: In situ micro-cantilever and atom probe tomography studies. Scripta Materialia, 128, 95-99. (IF: 6.302) 17. Yu HJ*, Wang J*, Shimada T, Wu HP, Wu LZ, Kuna M, Kitamura T, 2016. An I-integral method for crack-tip intensity factor variation due to domain switching in ferroelectric single-crystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 94, 207-229. (IF: 5.582) 18. Yu HJ*, Sumigawa T, Kitamura T, Kuna M, 2016. Domain-independent I-integrals for force and couple stress intensity factors evaluations of a crack in micropolar thermoelastic medium. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100, 470-484. (IF: 3.667) 19. Huang K, Guo LC*, Yu HJ, Jia PF, Kitamura T, 2016. A domain-independent interaction integral method for evaluating the dynamic stress intensity factors of an interface crack in nonhomogeneous materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100, 547-557. (IF: 3.667) 20. Yu HJ*, Sumigawa T, Wu L, Kitamura T, 2015. Generalized domain-independent interaction integral for solving the stress intensity factors of nonhomogeneous materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 67-68: 151-168. (IF: 3.667) 21. Yu HJ*, Kitamura T, 2015. A new domain-independent interaction integral for solving the stress intensity factors of the materials with complex thermo-mechanical interfaces. European Journal of Mechanics – A/Solids, 49, 500-509. (IF: 4.873) 22. Lich LV*, Shimada T*, Nagano K, Yu HJ, Wang J, Huang K, Kitamura T, 2015. Anomalous toughening in nanoscale ferroelectrics with polarization vortices. Acta Materialia, 88, 147-155. (IF: 9.209) 23. Guo FN*, Huang K, Guo LC*, Bai XM, Zhong SY, Yu HJ, 2015. An interaction energy integral method for T-stress evaluation in nonhomogeneous materials under thermal loading. Mechanics of Materials, 83: 30-39. (IF:4.137) 24. Wang ZY*, Yu HJ, Wang ZH, 2015. A local mesh replacement method for modeling near-interface crack growth in 2D composite structures. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 75, 70-77. (IF: 4.374) 25. Yu HJ*, Sumigawa T, Kitamura T, 2014. A domain-independent interaction integral for linear elastic fracture analysis of micropolar materials. Mechanics of Materials, 74, 1-13. (IF: 4.137) 26. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ, Li H, 2014. A domain-independent interaction integral for magneto-electro-elastic materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51, 336-351. (IF: 3.667) 27. Guo FN*, Guo LC*, Yu HJ, Zhang L, 2014. Thermal fracture analysis of nonhomogeneous piezoelectric materials using an interaction energy integral method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51, 910-921. (IF: 3.667) 28. Wang ZY*, Ma L, Wu LZ, Yu HJ, 2014. Dynamic stress intensity factors for homogeneous and non-homogeneous materials using the interaction integral method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 128, 8-21. (IF: 4.898) 29. Guo FN, Guo LC*, K. Huang, Y. Zhang, Yu HJ, 2014. Thermal fracture analysis of nonhomogeneous plate with interface under uniform heat flow. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 37, 771-793. (IF: 2.943) 30. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ, Guo LC, Ma JW, Li H, 2012. A domain-independent interaction integral for fracture analysis of nonhomogeneous piezoelectric materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, 3301-3315. (IF: 3.667) 31. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ, Guo LC, Li H, Du SY, 2012. T-stress evaluations for nonhomogeneous materials using an interaction integral method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 90, 1393-1413. (IF: 3.021) 32. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ, Li H, 2012. T-stress evaluations of an interface crack in the materials with complex interfaces. International Journal of Fracture, 177, 25-37. (IF: 2.635) 33. Guo LC*, Guo FN, Yu HJ, Zhang L, 2012. An interaction energy integral method for nonhomogeneous materials with interfaces under thermal loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, 355-365. (IF:3.667) 34. Wang ZY, Ma L*, Wu LZ, Yu HJ, 2012. Numerical simulation of crack growth in brittle matrix of particle reinforced composites using the XFEM technique. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 25: 9-21. (IF:2.187) 35. Wu LZ*, Yu HJ*, Guo LC, He QL, Du SY, 2011. Investigation of Stress Intensity Factors for an Interface Crack in Multi-Interface Materials Using an Interaction Integral Method. Journal of Applied Mechanics – Transactions of the ASME, 78, 061007. (IF: 2.168) 36. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ*, Guo LC, Wu HP, Du SY, 2010. An interaction integral method for 3D curved cracks in nonhomogeneous materials with complex interfaces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47: 2178-2189. (IF: 3.667) 37. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ*, Guo LC, He QL, Du SY, 2010. Interaction integral method for the interfacial fracture problems of two nonhomogeneous materials. Mechanics of Materials, 42, 435-450. (IF: 4.137) 38. He QL*, Wu LZ, Yu HJ, Li M, 2010. Configurational forces and the application to dynamic fracture in electroelastic medium. International Journal of Fracture 164, 117-131. (IF:2.807) 39. He QL*, Wu LZ, Li M, Yu HJ, 2010. Prediction of mode I crack growth resistance based on a comparative investigation of J-integral and energy dissipation rate concept. Acta Mechanica, 215, 175-191. (IF:2.102) 40. Yu HJ*, Wu LZ*, Guo LC, Du SY, He QL, 2009. Investigation of mixed-mode stress intensity factors for nonhomogeneous materials using an interaction integral method. International Journal of Solids and Structures 46: 3710-3724. (IF: 3.667) 41. Jin X, Wu LZ*, Guo LC, Yu HJ, Sun YG, 2009. Experimental investigation of the mixed-mode crack propagation in ZrO2/NiCr functionally graded materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 76, 1800-1810. (IF: 4.898) 42. He QL*, Wu LZ*, Yu HJ, 2009. Investigation on thermomechanical fracture in the framework of configurational force. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 28, 1064-1071. (IF: 4.873) 43. Liang WZ*, Mao X, Wu LZ, Yu HJ, Zhang L, 2009. Nanoscale ripples on the compressive fracture surface of a bulk metallic glass with microscale crystals. Journal of Material Science, 44(8), 2016-2020. (IF: 4.682) 44. Liang W*, Zhao G, Wu LZ, Yu HJ, Li M, Zhang L, 2009. Sample-size effects on the compression behavior of a Ni-based amorphous alloy. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23(6-7), 1324-1330. (IF: 0.833) 45. Wu HP*, Wu LZ*, Wang B, Yu HJ, Du SY, 2008. Effective biaxial modulus and strain energy density of ideall(hkl)-fiber-textured hexagonal tetragonal and orthorhombic films. Applied Surface Science 255(5), 2000-2005. (IF: 7.392) 专著 出版物名称 《Fracture Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Materials》(非均匀材料断裂力学) 作者 果立成,于红军,吴林志 出版时间 2022年10月 出版社 科学出版社与Springer联合出版 简单介绍 This book perfects the theoretical system of fracture mechanics of nonhomogeneous materials through the establishment of the piecewise exponential model and expands the fracture research scope to nonhomogeneous materials containing complex interfaces through proposing the domain-independent interaction integral concept. The piecewise exponential model has overcome the problem of fracture mechanics of nonhomogeneous materials and clarified the doubt of traditional exponential models in recent 30 years. The domain-independent interaction integral methods is not affected by material nonhomogeneity and discontinuity, which greatly facilitates its numerical implementation in the investigation of fracture behaviors of nonhomogeneous materials with complex interfaces. 学术会议 名称 1. 发生大范围畴变的铁电材料断裂力学分析. 第十九届全国疲劳与断裂学术会议. 2018.8.15-17,沈阳. (邀请报告) 2. 材料断裂行为及舰船核动力系统可靠性研究. 第八届全国交通运输领域复合材料科技会议. 2021.5.9-10,乌镇. (邀请报告) 3. Phase field simulations of fracture performances of PbTiO3 ferroelectric ceramics due to large-scale switching. The 11th International Conference on High-performance Ceramics (CICC-11). 2019.5.25-29, 昆明. (邀请报告) 4. Effects of grain orientations on the stress intensity factor of a crack in ferroelectric polycrystals using an I-integral method. The 5th International Conference on Materials and Reliability (ICMR-2019), 2019, 11.27-29, Jeju, Korea. (邀请报告) 5. 弥散型核燃料断裂力学研究. 损伤与断裂力学及其工程应用研讨会. 2021.5.22-23,武汉. (邀请报告) 6. 力学与实践-基于“金属丝-小环”案例的点的合成运动分析方法. 第七届西北华东西南东北地区力学教学暨学术交流会. 2022.8.15-17, 西安. (邀请报告) 7. 基于守恒积分的多界面非均匀材料断裂力学研究. 第九届材料与结构强度青年工作论坛. 2022.8.19-20, 成都. (邀请报告) 8. Domain-independent interaction integral method for fracture of nonhomogeneous and multi-interface materials. The 6th International Conference on Materials and Reliability (ICMR-2022), 2022, 12.7-9, Yamaguchi, Japan (大会报告,Plenary lecture). 9. An Experiment-Simulation Method for the Determination of the Mode-II Critical Energy Release Rate. The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2023), 2023, 5.26-29, Shenzhen, China (特邀报告) 10. I-integral for magneto-electro-elastic materials with residual strain. The 15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15), 2023, 6.11-16, Atlanta, Georigia USA. (特邀报告,keynote lecture) 11. 区分能量贡献的断裂相场法研究. 第二十一届华东固体力学学术会议 2023, 7.7-9, 上海. (邀请报告) 12. 基于非中心对称的微极断裂相场法研究. 中国计算力学大会2023, 2023, 8.20-23, 大连. (邀请报告) 13. 压电材料断裂的守恒积分方法研究. 第三届损伤与断裂力学 2023, 11.4-5, 合肥. (邀请报告) 14. Dynamic fracture analysis of piezoelectric/piezomagnetic composites using the interaction integral method. The 13th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity (AMF-AMEC2023) 2023, 11.12-16, 澳门. (邀请报告, invited talk) 15. 非均匀材料断裂的区域守恒积分方法. 第十四届全国爆炸力学学术会议 2023, 11.17-19, 南宁. (邀请报告) 16. 异种金属焊缝区动态断裂响应研究. 第十四届全国爆炸力学学术会议 2023, 11.17-19, 南宁. (邀请报告) 17. Exploring the dynamic fracture performance of piezoelectric composites with complex interfaces. The 7th Joint-Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures, 2023, 12.1-4, Chengdu, China. (特邀报告,keynote report) 18. A phase field method for brittle fracture of micropolar materials. The 5th International Conference on Modeling in Mechanics and Materials (CMMM2023), 2023, 12.8-10, Nanning, China.(特邀报告,keynote report) 讲授课程 名称 主讲“理论力学B”(64学时) 课程编号: AS31202 教材:《理论力学》Ⅰ、Ⅱ(第八版),哈工大编,高等教育社出版,2016 授课:秋季学期 获国家级教学成果二等奖1项(12/15) 首批国家级一流本科课程《理论力学》主讲团队教师。 首批国家级一流本科课程《断裂与疲劳》第二负责人。 教育部首批虚拟教研室联络员兼秘书(负责教研室日常维护) 获校研究生教学成果奖2项(2017年、2022年) 负责黑龙江省教改项目1项(2023年) 参加省部级教改项目5项 教学论文 名称 于红军, 孙毅, 陈立群, 2023. 基于“金属丝-小环”案例的点的合成运动分析方法. 力学与实践, 第45卷, 第5期,1150-1153页。 于红军, 果立成, 吴晓蓉, 张莉, 黄凯, 2023. 《断裂与疲劳》课程改革的一点思考——J积分. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版), 第24卷, 增刊第1期, 65-69页。 招生信息 名称 暂无填写
