姓名 | 易红亮 |
教师编号 | 90952 |
性别 | 易红亮 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 能源科学与工程学院 |
学位 | 易红亮 |
学历 | 易红亮 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
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Publications 基本信息 招生信息 Research areas 教育经历 工作经历 科研获奖 毕业生及去向 ... 工作经历 科研获奖 毕业生及去向 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 江西宜春人,曾入选新世纪优秀人才支持计划,获得国家优秀青年科学基金资助和吴仲华优秀青年学者奖。 课题组招生信息 名称 团队成员:易红亮教授(优青);郭洋裕教授(国家级青年人才);张勇教授;罗康副教授;罗小平讲师;周承隆(春雁英才);卢才磊(春雁英才) 团队主持的在研项目:国家自然科学基金-联合基金重点项目;国家重点研发项目课题;国家自然科学基金-国家级青年人才项目;国家自然科学基金-面上项目(3项);国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目;中广核项目 基本要求:对科研有兴趣,有韧劲,可以长时间坐冷板凳,混文凭的免开尊口;养成好习惯,有健康的生活方式与爱好;做人要坦荡、讲诚信。 硕士招生:课题组每年招生6~8人 博士招生:课题组每年招生3~4人 注意:对我课题组研究方向感兴趣的学生,务必要考虑清楚了,如果你90%以上可能确实想来,那么可以给我发邮件联系我,否则不要给我发邮件,这样能节省各自的时间。 欢迎能源动力、物理、力学、材料等专业的学生加入我们团队! Research areas 名称 课题组研究方向: 近场辐射换热 (Near-field radiative heat transfer)——热光伏、微纳器件非接触式热管理中的热物理问题; 微纳尺度导热 (Thermal conduction at micro- and nanoscale)——芯片散热中的热物理问题; 电磁流动与传热 (Electromagnetic flow and heat transfer)——流动控制中的流体传热及流动稳定性问题. 教育经历 名称 1995.9-1999.7 南昌大学 制冷与空调专业 本科生 1999.9-2001.7 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 硕士生 2001.9-2007.10 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理学科 博士生 工作经历 名称 2003.07-2004.09 哈尔滨工业大学 航空航天热物理所 助教 2004.09-2006.12 哈尔滨工业大学 航空航天热物理所 讲师 2006.12-2012.12 哈尔滨工业大学 航空航天热物理所 副教授 2007.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 航空航天热物理所 硕导 2009.04-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 航空航天热物理所 博导 2012.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 航空航天热物理所 教授 英文文章 名称 一、Journal Articles: 2024 [163] Zhang Y, Chen DL, Luo XP, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Coulomb-driven electroconvection turbulence in two-dimensional cavity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 980, A22. [162] Chen DL, Zhou CT, Zhang Y, Luo K, Yi HL. Electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping of viscoelastic dielectric liquids on the microscale. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2024, Accepted. [161] Li YT, Guo YY, Xiong SY, Yi HL. Enhanced heat transport in amorphous silicon via microstructure modulation. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2024, 222, 125167. [160] Luo XP, Guo YY, Yi HL. Nonlocal Phonon Thermal Transport in Graphene in Hydrodynamic Regime. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2024, 36, 115705. [159] Cui GC, Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Significant enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer by misaligned bilayer heterostructure of graphene-covered gratings. ASME Journal of Heat and Mass transfer, 2024, 146, 022801. 2023 [158] Chen DL, Luo K, Yang C, Yi HL. Assisted heat transfer enhancement in non-Newtonian dielectric fluids based on ion conduction phenomena. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 113109. [157] Hao YC, Zhang Y*, Yi HL. Near-field radiative heat transfer of nanoparticles mediated by moving metasurfaces. Physical Review B, 2023,125431. [156] Zhang W, Guo YY, Xiong SY, Yi HL. Phonon ballistic transport and Anderson localization in Si1-xGex alloyed nanowires. Physical Review B, 2023, 125436. [155] Zhou CT, Chen DL, Zhang Y, Luo K, Yi HL. Ion-Selective Surface Electroconvection Flow in Conjunction with Buoyancy and Polymer Additive Effects. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 216, 124582. [154] Chen DL, Zhang ZY, Zhang YM, Luo K, Yi HL. Numerical Investigation of Electroconvection Transport of Polymer Electrolyte Solutions on a Perfectly Selective Membrane. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 673, 131813. [153] Zhang Y*, Wang JY, Wang FQ, Cai ZM, Yi HL. Enhanced radiative heat transfer via the coupling of multi-particle interactions with combined surface models. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 215, 124528. [152] Yao JD, Zhang Y, Luo XP, Luo K*, Wu J, Yi HL. Field trap effect on pool boiling enhancement in a non-uniform electric field: A numerical study. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 073329. [151] Luo K, Jiang HK, Wu J, Zhang MQ, Yi HL. Stability and bifurcation of annular electro-thermo-convection. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 966, A13. [150] Qu L, Moncada-Villa E, Fang JL, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Tunable magnetic-field effects on the near-field radiative heat transfer in planar three-body systems. Physical Review B, 2023, 107, 205405. [149] Fang JL, Luo XP, Qu L, Yi HL. Near-field thermal modulator between nanoparticles based on the multilayered structure. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 212, 124295. [148] Chen DL, Zhang Y, Gao XL, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Electrohydrodynamic conduction phenomena of a viscoelastic dielectric fluid with electroelastic instability. Physical Review Fluids, 2023,8, 053702. [147] Lu CL, Zhang MQ, He XR, Luo K, Yi HL. Effects of phase boundary and shear on diffusive instability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 963, A38. [146] Zhang XB, Zhou CL, Gu F, Luo XP, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Medium-bridge near-field thermophotovoltaic system. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2023, 27, 195–207. [145] Gao XL, Lu CL, Chen DL, Wu J, Yi HL, Luo K*. Mechanism of charge injection-based electrohydrodynamic pump with interdigitated electrodes. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 033610. [144] Sun ZH, Luo K, Yi HL, Wu J*. Experimental study on the melting heat transfer of octadecane with passively adding graphene and actively applying an electric field. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 204, 123845. [143] Zhang YJ, Zhang Y*, Yang SH, Yi HL. Strain-induced control of radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles in a plasmonic cavity. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 202, 123677. [142] Chen DL, Luo XP, Su ZG, Luo K, Yi HL. Thermal gradient and elastic dependence of induced charge electro-osmosis in viscoelastic fluids. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 012008. [141] Zhou CT, Yao ZZ, Chen DL, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Numerical prediction of transient electrohydrodynamic instabilities under an alternating current electric field and unipolar injection. Heliyon, 2023, 9, e12812. [140] Zhang Y, Jiang HK, Luo K, Li TF, Wu J, Yi HL. Electro-thermo-convection in a high Prandtl number fluid: flow transition and heat transfer. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 201, 123630. [139] Fang JL, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Active control of near-field radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles and slab via the multilayered surface modes. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2023, 200, 123515. 2022 [138] Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Moiré-Driven Reconstitution on Electromagnetic Energy Transfer. Materials Today Physics, 2022, 28, 100891. [137] Zhang Y, Chen DL, Liu AJ, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Full bifurcation scenarios and pattern formation of electroconvection in a cavity. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 103612.(Featured article) [136] Zhang ZY, Chen DL, Jiang HK, Luo K, Yi HL. The electrohydrodynamic plumes evolution in viscoelastic fluids with energy transfer process. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 103617. [135] Zhou CL, Tang GM, Zhang Y, Antezza M, Yi HL. Radiative heat transfer in a low-symmetry Bravais crystal. Physical Review B, 2022, 106, 155404. [134] Lu CL, Zhang MQ, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Rayleigh-Bénard instability in the presence of phase boundary and shear. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 948, A46. [133] Su ZG, Zhang ZY, Ma X, Luo K, Yi HL. Numerical study of electric plume in viscoelastic fluids within a blade-plate structure. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 083107. [132] Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Torbatian Z, Novko D, Antezza M, Yi HL. Photon tunneling reconstitution in black phosphorus/hBN heterostructure. Physical Review Materials, 2022, 6, 075201. [131] Jiang HK, Zhang Y, Zhang ZY, Luo K*, Yi HL. Instability and bifurcations of electro-thermo-convection in a tilted square cavity filled with dielectric liquid. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34 (6), 064116. [130] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann modelling of two-phase electrohydrodynamic flows under unipolar charge injection. Physical Review E, 2022, 105, 065304. [129] Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Enhancement and Manipulation of Near-Field Thermal Radiation Using Hybrid Hyperbolic Polaritons. Langmuir, 2022, 38: 7689–7698. [128] Jiang HK, Luo K, Zhang ZY, Wu J, Yi HL. Global linear instability analysis of thermal convective flow using the lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 944, A31. [127] Zhang Y, Zhang YM, Luo K, Yi HL, Wu J. Electroconvective instability near an ion-selective surface: A mesoscopic lattice Boltzmann simulation. Physical Review E, 2022, 105, 055108. [126] Zhang ZY, Li TF, Su ZG, Wu J, Yi HL. Instability of electroconvection in viscoelastic fluids induced by strong unipolar injection between two coaxial cylinders. Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7, 053701. [125] Luo K, Gao XL, He XR, Yi HL, Wu J. Formation of dissipation structures in a three-dimensional electro-thermo-convective flow. Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7, 043701. [124] Zhang YM, Su ZG, Luo K, Yi HL. Transient oscillation response characteristics of an electrohydrodynamic settling drop subjected to a uniform electric field. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 043601. [123] Fang JL, Qu L, Yi HL. Thermal switching of near-field radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles via multilayered surface modes. Physical Review Applied, 2022, 17, 034040. [122] Fang JL, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. High enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles via the surface modes of the dielectric thin film. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2022, 190, 122711. [121] Qu L, Fang JL, Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Radiative Heat Transfer between planar arrays of graphene plasmonic nanodisks. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2022, 189, 122635. [120] Zhou CL, Torbatian Z, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Novko D. Tunable Near–Field Radiative Effect in a Td–WTe2 single layer, Physical Review Applied, 2022, 17, 014044. [119] Yuan MQ, Zhang Y*, Yang SH, Zhou CL, Yi HL. Near-field thermal rectification driven by nonreciprocal hyperbolic surface plasmons. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2022, 185, 122437. [118] Yao JD, Luo K*, Wu J, Yi HL. Electrohydrodynamic effects on bubble dynamics during nucleate pool boiling under the leaky dielectric assumption. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 013606. [117] Zhou CL, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Super-Planckian thermal radiation in Borophene sheets. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2022, 183, 122140. [116] Sun ZH, Zhang YM, Luo K, T.Pérez Alberto, Yi HL, Wu J*. Experimental investigation on melting heat transfer of an organic material under electric field. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2022, 131, 110530. [115] Yuan MQ, Zhang Y*, Yang SH, Yi HL. Active control of the near-field radiative heat transfer between two metal plates through the external electric field. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 171, 107208. 2021 [114] Zhou CL, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Novko D. Near-field thermal radiation of Germanium Selenide Single Layer. Physical Review Materials, 2021, 5, 124005. [113] Yang SH, Zhang Y*, Zhou CL, Yi HL. Twist-induced control of near-field thermal radiation in multilayered black phosphorus/vacuum system. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 170, 107142. [112] Yang SH, Zhang Y*, Yuan MQ, Zhou CL, Yi HL. Anisotropic radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles mediated by a twisted bilayer graphene grating. Physical Review B, 2021, 104, 125417. [111] Chen DL, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping of a viscoelastic dielectric fluid with the Onsager-Wien effect. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 113101. [110] Su ZG, Li TF, Luo K, Yi HL. Nonlinear behaviour of electrohydrodynamic flow in viscoelastic fluids. Physical Review Fluids, 2021, 6, 093701. [109] Zhou CL, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Amplification and modulation effect of elliptical surface polaritons on a thermal diode. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2021, 180, 121794. [108] Su ZG, Li TF, Su WT, Yi HL. Numerical Simulation of Electrothermal Convection in Dielectric Liquids Enclosed within Rectangular Cavities. Fluid Dynamics, 2021, 56(6): 922-935. [107] Lu CL, Luo K, Zhou PC, Yi HL. Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a dielectric fluid under an external electric field with a melting boundary. Physical Review Fluids, 2021, 6, 063504. [106] Zhang Y, Dong J, Tang GM, Yi HL. Many-particle radiative heat transfer mediated by a nonreciprocal graphene plasmonic cavity. Physical Review B, 2021, 103, 195433. [105] Zhou CL, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Xie M, Yi HL. Radiative modulator based on Moiré hybridization with elliptic plasmons. Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 118, 173103. [104] Zhou CL, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Mauro Antezza. Polariton Topological Transition Effects on Radiative Heat Transfer. Physical Review B, 2021, 103, 155404. [103] Lu CL, Luo K, Zhou PC, Yi HL. Lattice Boltzmann analysis for electro-thermo-convection with a melting boundary in horizontal concentric annuli. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 043605. (Editor's Pick) [102] Su ZG, Li TF, Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL. Electro-thermo-convection in non-Newtonian power-law fluids within rectangular enclosures, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 288, 104470. [101] Qu L, Zhang Y, Fang JL, Yi HL. Steady-state temperature distribution under near-field radiative heat transfer inside a linear chain of polaritonic nanoparticles. JQSRT, 2021, 258, 107404. 2020 [100] Zhou CL#, Qu L#, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Enhancement and active mediation of near-field radiative heat transfer through multiple nonreciprocal graphene surface plasmons. Physical Review B, 2020, 102, 245421. [99] Fang JL, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Resonant radiative heat transfer and many-body effects between nanoparticles and multilayered slab. Physical Review B, 2020, 102, 245418. [98] Zhou CL, Wu XH, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Thermal logical switch with multiple discrete levels. ES Energy & Environment, 2020, 10: 50-58. [97] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Numerical analysis of two-phase electrohydrodynamic flows in the presence of surface charge convection. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 123606. [96] Zhou CL, Yang SH, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Near-field electromagnetic heat transfer through nonreciprocal hyperbolic graphene plasmons. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2020, 24: 168-183. (Cover paper) [95] Su ZG, Zhang YM, Luo K, Yi HL. Instability of electroconvection in viscoelastic fluids subjected to unipolar injection. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 104102. [94] Zhou CL, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Fabry-Perot cavity amplification of near-field thermal rectification. JQSRT, 2020, 251, 107023. [93] Zhang Y, Zhou CL, Qu L, Yi HL. Active control of near-field radiative heat transfer through nonreciprocal graphene surface plasmons. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116, 151101. [92] Zhang Y, Zhou CL, Yi HL, Tan HP. Radiative Thermal Diode Mediated by Nonreciprocal Graphene Plasmon Waveguides. Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13, 034021. [91] Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Qu L, Yi HL. Near-field negative electroluminescent cooling via nanoparticle doping. JQSRT, 2020, 245: 1-9. [90] Li TF, Luo K, Yi HL. Effect of unipolar charge injection direction on the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convection: a lattice Boltzmann study. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 112, 104496. [89] Li TF, Su ZG, Luo K, Yi HL. Transition to chaos in electro-thermo-convection of a dielectric liquid in a square cavity. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 013106.(Featured article) 2019 [88] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP, Antezza M. Giant resonant radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles. Physical Review B, 2019, 100, 134305. [87] Luo XP, Guo YY, Wang MR, Yi HL. Direct simulation of second sound in graphene by solving phonon Boltzmann equation via a multiscale scheme. Physical Review B, 2019, 100, 155401. [86] Zhang Y, Antezza M, Yi HL, Tan HP. Metasurface-mediated anisotropic radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles. Physical Review B, 2019, 100, 085426. [85] Luo K, Wu J, Alberto T. Pérez, Yi HL, Tan HP. Stability analysis of electro-convection with a solid-liquid interface via lattice Boltzmann method. Physical Review Fluids, 2019, 4, 083702. [84] Luo K, Alberto T. Pérez, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. An efficient lattice Boltzmann method for electrohydrodynamic solid-liquid phase change heat transfer. Physical Review E, 2019, 100, 013306. [83] Li TF, Luo K, Yi HL. Suppression of Rayleigh-Benard secondary instability in dielectric fluids by unipolar charge injection. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31, 064106. [82] Su ZG, Li TF, Yi HL. Simulation of electroconvection in a dielectric liquid by DUGKS. Computers and Fluids, 2019, 188: 31-43. [81] Luo XP, Zhao YF, Yi HL. Multiscale phonon transport simulations by a discrete ordinate method with streaming and collision processes. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 2019, 65(6): 381-401. [80] Li TF, He XR, Luo K, Yi HL. Oscillatory flows of electro-thermo-convection in eccentric annulus. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 920-932. 2018 [79] Zhang Y, Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Multiple surface plasmon polaritons mediated near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene/vacuum multilayers. JQSRT, 2018, 221: 138-146. [78] Luo K, Li TF, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Mesoscopic simulation of electrohydrodynamic effects on laminar natural convection of a dielectric liquid in a cubic cavity. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30, 103601. [77] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Near-field radiative heat transfer between black phosphorus sheets via anisotropic surface plasmon polaritons. ACS Photonics, 2018, 5(9): 3739-3747. [76] Li TF, Wu J, Luo K, Yi HL. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of electro-hydro-dynamic (EHD) natural convection heat transfer in horizontal cylindrical annuli. lnternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 98: 106-115. [75] Luo K, Li TF, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Electro-thermo-convective flow of a dielectric liquid due to nonautonomous injection of charge by an elliptical electrode. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127, 373-384. [74] Su ZG, Luo XP, Yi HL. The direct collocation meshless method based on a second-order phonon Boltzmann equation for ballistic-diffusive phonon heat transport. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 2018, 73(4): 225-241. [73] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Liu LH, Tan HP. Hexagonal convection patterns and their evolutionary scenarios in electroconvection induced by a strong unipolar injection. Physical Review Fluids, 2018, 3, 053702. [72] Luo XP, Wang CH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Multiscale solutions of Radiative Heat Transfer by the Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme. Physical Review E, 2018, 97, 063302. [71] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Three-dimensional finite amplitude electroconvection in dielectric liquids. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30, 023602. (cover paper) [70] Wang CH, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Three-dimensional polarized radiative transfer simulation using discontinuous finite element method. JQSRT, 2018, 208: 108-124. 2017 [69] Zhang Y, Xie XQ, Yi HL, Zhu JQ. Analysis of radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional semitransparent medium with piece-wise constant refractive index. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 115: 482-487. [68] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Unified Lattice Boltzmann Method for Electric Field–Space Charge Coupled Problems in Complex Geometries and Its Applications to Annular Electroconvection. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2017, 53(4): 3995-4007. [67] Luo XP, Yi HL. A Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme for Phonon Boltzmann transport equation accounting for phonon dispersion and polarization. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 114: 970-980. [66] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Numerical investigation of heat transfer enhancement in electro-thermo-convection in a squre enclosure with an inner circular cylinder. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 113: 1070-1085. [65] Zhang Y, Yao FJ, Xie M, Yi HL. Analysis of polarized pulse propagation through one-dimensional scattering medium. JQSRT, 2017, 197: 141-153. [64] Yao FJ, Luo K, Yi HL, Xie M. Analysis of melting with natural convection and volumetric radiation using lattice Boltzmann method. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 112: 413-426. [63] Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient polarized radiative transfer analysis in a scattering medium by a discontinuous finite element method. Optics Express, 2017, 25(7): 7418-7442. [62] Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Discontinuous finite element method for vector radiative transfer. JQSRT, 2017, 189: 383–397. 2016 [61] Wang TY, Tang TQ, He YR*, Yi HL*, et al. Analysis of particle behaviors using a region-dependent method in a jetting fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering J., 2016, 283: 127-140. [60] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann modelling of electro-thermo-convection in a planar layer of dielectric liquid subjected to unipolar injection and thermal gradient. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 103: 832-846. [59] Yi HL, Yao FJ, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann model for steady radiative transfer equation. Physical Review E, 2016,94, 023312. [58] Zhang YX, Yi HL, Tan HP. A dissipative particle dynamics algorism for fluid-solid conjugate heat transfer. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 103: 555–563. [57] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP.Lattice Boltzmann model for Coulomb-driven flows in dielectric liquids. Physical Review E, 2016,93, 023309. [56] Zhang Y, Kim YJ, Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. Polarized radiative transfer in two-dimensional scattering medium with complex geometries by natural element method. JQSRT, 2016, 179:59–71. [55] Zhang Y,Kim YJ, Yi HL, Tan HP. Vector radiative transfer in a multilayer medium by natural element method. JOSA A, 2016, 33(4): 576-588. [54] Sun J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Local RBF Meshless Scheme for Coupled Radiative and Conductive Heat Transfer. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2016, 69(12): 1390-1404. [53] Zhang Y, Zhou PC, Ma Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a graded index slab with Fresnel surfaces. AIAA J Thermophysics Heat Transfer, 2016, 30 (3): 513-522. [52] Zhang YX, Luo XP, Yi HL, Tan HP. Energy conserving dissipative particle dynamics study of phonon heat transport in thin films. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 97: 279–288. [51] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann method for one-dimensional vector radiative transfer. Optics Express, 2016, 24(3): 2027-2046. [50] Sun J, Yi HL, Tan HP. Local radial basic function meshless scheme for vector radiative transfer in participating media with randomly oriented axisymmetric particles. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(6):1232-1240. [49] Wang CH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in two-dimensional graded index medium by Monte Carlo method combined with the time shift and superposition principle. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2016, 69(6): 574–588. [48] Sun J, Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. New implementation of local RBF meshless scheme for radiative heat transfer in participating media. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 95: 440-452. [47] Kim YJ, Luo K, Li TN, Yi HL, Tan HP. Double distribution function lattice Boltzmann modeling for energy transport in the DC argon arc plasma. Int Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 70: 59-65. 2015 [46] Sun J, Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Local multiquadric RBF meshless scheme for radiative heat transfer in strongly inhomogeneous media. JQSRT, 2015, 164:54-68. [45] Sun J, Yi HL, Tan HP. The improved direct collocation meshless approach for radiative heat transfer in participating media. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 2015, 68: 533-553. [44] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Analysis of transient radiative transfer in two-dimensional scattering graded index medium with diffuse energy pulse irradiation. Int J Thermal Sci., 2015, 87: 187-198. [43] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Short-pulsed laser propagation in a participating slab with Fresnel surfaces by lattice Boltzmann method. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2015, 80: 717-726. [42] Wang CH, Ai Q, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a graded index medium with specularly reflecting surfaces. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2015, 67:1232-1252. [41] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann method for short-pulsed laser transport in a multi-layer medium. JQSRT, 2015, 155: 75-89. [40] Ben X, Yi HL, Yin XB, Tan HP. Direct collocation meshless method for vector radiative transfer in scattering media. JQSRT, 2015, 163: 50-62. [39] Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Eccentricity effect on bifurcation and dual solutions in transient natural convection in a horizontal annulus. Int J Thermal Sci., 2015, 89: 283-293. [38] Luo K, Ai Q, Yi HL, Tan HP. Coupled lattice Boltzmann and meshless simulation of natural convection in the presence of volumetric radiation. ASME J Heat Transfer, 2015, 137(11):111504-111504-12. [37] Luo K, Yao FJ, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of convection melting in complex heat storage systems filled with phase change materials. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 86: 238-250. 2014 [36] Luo K, Cao ZH, Yi HL, Tan HP. A direct collocation meshless approach with upwind scheme for radiative transfer in strongly inhomogeneous media. JQSRT, 2014, 135: 66-80. [35] Luo K, Cao ZH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Convection-radiation interaction in 3D irregular enclosures using the Least squares finite element method. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2014, 66: 165-184. [34] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element analysis for coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in semitransparent medium with irregular geometries. Int J Thermal Sci., 2014, 76: 30-42. [33] Ben X, Yi HL, Tan HP. Approximate solution to vector radiative transfer in a gradient-index medium. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(3): 388-401. [32] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann method for one-dimensional transient radiative transfer in graded index medium. JQSRT, 2014, 137, 1-12. [31] Ben X, Yi HL, Tan HP. Polarized radiative transfer in an arbitrary multilayer semitransparent medium. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(7): 1427–1441. [30] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. Short-pulsed laser transport in two-dimensional scattering media by natural element method. JOSA A, 2014, 31(4):818-828. [29] Ben X, Yi HL, Tan HP. Polarized radiative transfer considering thermal emission in semitransparent media. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23, (9): 099501. [28] Yi HL, Wang CH, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a complex refracting medium by a modified Monte Carlo simulation. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2014, 79: 437-449. [27] Cao ZH, Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Energy conservative dissipative particle dynamics simulation of mixed convection in eccentric annulus. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2014, 74: 60-76. [26] Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Radiation effects on bifurcation and dual solutions in transient natural convection in a horizontal annulus. AIP Advances, 2014, 4: 057123 [25] Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Coupled radiation and mixed convection in eccentric annulus using the hybrid strategy of lattice Boltzmann and meshless method. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 2014, 66: 243–267. 2013 [24] Zhang Y, Ma Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element method for solving radiative transfer with or without conduction in three-dimensional complex geometries. JQSRT, 2013, 129: 118-130. [23] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element method for radiative heat transfer in a semitransparent medium with irregular geometries. J Computational Physics, 2013, 241: 18-34. [22] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element method for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional semitransparent medium. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 56: 411-423. [21] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Least-squares natural element method for radiative heat transfer in graded index medium with semitransparent surfaces. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 66: 349-354. [20] Yi HL, Ben X, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a scattering slab considering polarization. Optics Express, 2013, 21(22): 26693-26713. [19] Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. One-dimensional transient radiative transfer by lattice Boltzmann method. Optics Express, 2013, 21: 24532-24549. [18] Cao ZH, Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Energy conservative dissipative particle dynamics simulation of natural convection in eccentric annulus. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 65: 409-422. 2012 and Before [17] Yi HL, Wang CH, Tan HP, Zhou Y. Radiative heat transfer in semitransparent solidifying slab considering space–time dependent refractive index. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(5-6): 1724-1731. [16] Yi HL, Tan HP, Zhou Y. Coupled Radiation and Solidification Heat Transfer inside a Graded Index Medium by Finite Element Method. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2011, 54(13-14): 3090-3095. [15] Yuan Y, Yi HL, Shuai Y, Liu B, Tan HP. Inverse problem for aerosol particle size distribution using SPSO associated with multi-lognormal distribution model. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45(28): 4892-4897. [14] Yuan Y, Yi HL, Shuai Y, Wang FQ, Tan HP. Inverse problem for particle size distributions of atmospheric aerosols using stochastic particle swarm optimization. JQSRT, 2010, 111 (14): 2106-2114. [13] Yi HL, Zhang HC, Tan HP. Transient radiation and conduction heat transfer inside a plane-parallel participating gray medium with boundaries having different reflecting characteristics. JQSRT, 2009, 110 (18): 1978-1992. [12] Yi HL, Zhen B, Tan HP, et al. Radiative heat transfer in a participating medium with specular-diffuse surfaces. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2009, 52 (19-20): 4229-4235. [11] Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. Transient coupled heat transfer in an anisotropic scattering composite slab with semitransparent surfaces. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2008, 51 (25-26): 5918-5930. [10] Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. Ray-tracing method for radiative heat transfer in a two-layer anisotropic scattering medium. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2008, 54 (5): 481-506. [9] Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative heat transfer in an inhomogeneous participating medium with Fresnels surfaces. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2008, 51 (8): 1110-1124. [8] Tan HP, Yi HL, Luo JF, et al. Transient coupled heat transfer inside a scattering medium with graded refractive index. AIAA J. Thermophysics Heat Transfer, 2006, 20 (3): 583-594. [7] Yi HL, Tan HP, Zhang HC, et al. Ray-tracing/nodal-analyzing model for transient thermal behavior of a scattering medium with a variable refractive index. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2006, 49 (6): 607-634. [6] Yi HL, Tan HP, Luo HF, et al. Effects of graded refractive index on steady and transient heat transfer inside a scattering semitransparent slab. JQSRT, 2005, 96 (3-4): 363-381. [5] Yi HL, Tan HP, Lu YP. Effect of reflecting modes on combined heat transfer within an anisotropic scattering slab. JQSRT, 2005, 95 (1): 1-20. [4] Tan HP, Yi HL, Wang PY, et al. Ray tracing method for transient coupled heat transfer in an anisotropic scattering layer. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2004, 47 (19-20): 4045-4059. [3] Tan HP, Yi HL. Temperature response in participating media with anisotropic scattering caused by pulsed lasers. JQSRT, 2004, 87 (2): 175-192. [2] Yi HL, Tan HP. Scattering characteristics effect on combined heat transfer through an anisotropic nongray media. JQSRT, 2004, 85 (3-4): 285-310. [1] Tan HP, Yi HL, Zhang HC, et al. Coupled radiation-conduction heat transfer in an anisotropically scattering slab with mixed boundaries. JQSRT, 2004, 83 (3-4): 667-698. 二、Manuscripts Submitted or to Submit [1] Yao ZZ, Lu CL, Zhou CT, Zhang MQ, Luo K, Yi HL. Effects of shear intensity on the linear instability of viscoelastic Rayleigh-Bénard-Poiseuille flow. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2024, Under review. [2] Lu CL, Zhang MQ, Luo K, Yi HL. Convective and absolute instabilities of double-diffusive convection with shear. Physical Review Fluids, 2024, Major Revisions. [3] Qu L, Biehs SA , Yi HL. Extremely large thermal magnetoresistance and magnetic-field-driven transport-regime transition in macroscopic magneto-optical many-body systems. Physical Review Applied, 2024, Minor revisions. [4] Cui GC, Zhou CL, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Near-field radiative heat transfer between non-polar epsilon-near-zero dielectric filled Si gratings. Physical Review B, 2024, Major Revisions. [5] Chen DL, Luo K, Yang C, Yi HL. Active modulated electroconvection and current response in polymer electrolyte solutions. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2024, Under review. [6] Zhou CL, Torbatian Z, Yang SH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Antezza M, Novko D, Qiu CW. Unconventional thermophotonic charge density wave. Physical Review Letters, 2024, Major revisions. 三、Conference Articles: [1] Luo K, Cao ZH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Convection-radiation interaction in eccentric annulus using the coupled lattice Boltzmann and meshless method. The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan. [2] Cao ZH, Luo K, Yi HL, Tan HP. Energy conservative dissipative particle dynamics simulation of mixed convection in complex geometries with moving surface. The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2014, Kyoto, Japan. [3] Zhang Y, Yao FJ, Zhang HC, Yi HL.Transient vector radiative transfer in one-dimensional scattering media by the natural element method. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, RAD-16, June 6-10, 2016, Cappadocia, Turkey. [4] Luo K, Wu J, Yi HL, Tan HP. A lattice Boltzmann method for electric field-space charge coupled problems. Proc. Electrostatics Joint Conference, June 13-16, 2016, West Lafayette, United State. [5] Luo K, Wu J, Luo XP, Scholtès L, Yi HL. Lattice Boltzmann modelling of electrohydrodynamic flows in dielectric liquids. The 25th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics (DSFD 2016), July 4-8, 2016, Shenzhen, China. [6] Luo XP, Zhao YF, Yi HL, Tan HP. A discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for transient radiative transfer simulations. Eurotherm Seminar 110-Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media-VI, April 11-13, 2018, Cascais, Portugal. [7] Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Polarized radiative transfer in participating media with irregular geometries using the discontinuous finite element method. Eurotherm Seminar 110-Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media-VI, April 11-13, 2018, Cascais, Portugal. [8] Li TF, Wu J, Luo K, Yi HL. Numerical Analysis of Thermoelectric Convection in Horizontal Cylindrical Annuli with Weak Unipolar Injection. 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 10-15, 2018, Beijing, China. [9] Su ZG, Li TF, Yi HL. A Immersed Boundary–Lattice Boltzmann Method for Electro-Thermo Convection with an Inner Circular Cylinder Rotation. The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, September 3-7, 2019, Tokyo, Japan. [10] Li TF, Su ZG, Wu J, Yi HL. Oscillatory Flows Of Electro-Thermo-Convection In A Lid Driven Cavity. The 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, September 3-7, 2019, Tokyo, Japan. 专著 名称 谈和平,易红亮.多层介质红外热辐射传输.中国北京:科学出版社,2012 专利 专利名称 一种黑磷/溴化钠堆栈近场辐射热光伏发电装置 专利号 ZL202011029520.7 发明人 易红亮;周承隆;张勇;谈和平 申请时间 2020-09-27(申请日);2021-07-20(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种基于直流电压偏置石墨烯的近场辐射热调谐器 专利号 ZL 2020 1 1029528.3 发明人 易红亮,周承隆,张勇,谈和平 申请时间 2020-09-27(申请日);2022-03-01(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种分段式电驱动流耦合电加热的储-释能装置 专利号 ZL 2021 1 1613095.0 发明人 易红亮;高雪林;罗康;吴健 申请时间 2021-12-27(申请日);2022-09-27(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 集成交叉式双针板热沉的电热耦合温控装置及其控温方法 专利号 ZL 2021 1 1613074.9 发明人 罗康;高雪林;易红亮;吴健;卢才磊 申请时间 2021-12-27(申请日);2022-09-27(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种电导泵驱动的电喷液滴辐射散热装置 专利号 ZL 2020 1 1465567.8 发明人 易红亮;罗康;吴健;谈和平 申请时间 2020-12-14(申请日);2022-09-13(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种基于电场调控固液相变的电子元件散热装置 专利号 ZL 2020 1 1385555.4 发明人 罗康;高雪林;吴健;易红亮;谈和平 申请时间 2020-12-01(申请日);2022-09-06(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利名称 一种基于近场热辐射的多级热控逻辑开关 专利号 ZL 2020 1 1029738.2 发明人 易红亮;周承隆;张勇;谈和平 申请时间 2020-09-27(申请日);2023-04-18(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 专利 专利名称 圆柱与圆锥复合腔体式太阳能吸热器 专利号 ZL201210056836.4 发明人 王富强;谈和平;张旭升;易红亮;帅永;袁远 申请时间 2012-03-06(申请日);2013-04-24(授权日) 专利类别 发明 简单介绍 科研获奖 名称 1、谈和平,刘林华,夏新林,阮立明,易红亮.红外辐射光谱特性与传输机理研究.黑龙江省科学技术奖 (自然科学类) 一等奖,2007.10 2、帅永,艾青,潘庆辉,易红亮,宋奎龙,郭延铭,贺志宏,刘梦,谢鸣,董士奎,谈和平.半透明液体及强衰减固体高温光谱辐射特性测量技术.黑龙江省科学技术奖(技术发明类)一等奖,2021 毕业生及去向 名称 何凯: 2009届硕士 上海联储证券 乔心全:2011届硕士 中国空间技术研究院总体部 热控副主任设计师 甄仌: 2011届博士 哈尔滨商业大学 教授 肖自锋:2012届硕士 联想(上海)信息电子有限公司 噪音工程师 解向前:2012届硕士 北京临近空间飞行器系统工程研究所 高工;副主任设计师 贲勋: 2012届硕士、2015届博士 中国运载火箭技术研究院研究发展中心 高工 张勇: 2012届硕士、2016届博士 哈工大 副教授(2017年)、教授(2021年) 王存海:2013届硕士 哈工大博士生 张文玲:2013届硕士 中冶南方都市环保工程技术有限公司 高工;热机设计人员 刘华源:2014届硕士 中国商用飞机有限责任公司上海飞机设计研究院 科室主任 连彩云:2014届硕士 珠海格力 高工;家技部R&D中心系统所所长助理 曹知红:2014届硕士 中国运载火箭技术研究院第十四研究所 组长 罗康: 2014届硕士 哈工大博士生 郭江: 2015届硕士 东京大学 博士生 罗小平:2015届硕士 哈工大 博士生 朱盈盈:2016届硕士 中航工业第一飞机设计研究院(西安)系统设计工程师 李天富:2016届硕士 哈工大 博士生 孙杰: 2016届博士 华中科技大学 博士后 姚凤菊:2017届硕士 香港中文大学 博士生;华为(2022-) 李钰航:2017届硕士 西安航天动力研究所 博士生 张一心:2017届硕士 英国华威大学 博士生(2017-2021);荷兰特温特大学博士后(2022-) 李成龙:2017届硕士 澳洲悉尼大学 罗康: 2017届博士 哈工大 副教授(2019年) 汪祥: 2018届硕士 荣耀终端有限公司内蒙古业务部销售部经理 方杰龙:2018届硕士 哈工大博士生 王存海:2018届博士 北京科技大学 副教授 赵亚芬:2019届硕士 四川中锐信息技术有限公司 软件工程师;北京大学长沙计算与数字经济研究院 贺雪娆:2019届硕士 新加坡国立大学博士生 曲磊: 2019届硕士 哈工大博士生 张伊墨:2019级博士 卢才磊:2020级博士 李天富:2020届博士 中国中车株洲电力机车研究所 罗小平:2020届博士 哈工大 师资博士后 陈佳辰:2020届硕士 中国辐射防护研究院 周承隆:2020届硕士 哈工大 博士生 陈迪林:2021级博士(春) 苏正刚:2021届博士 中国航发湖南动力机械研究所 刘锐: 2021届硕士 中国电子科技集团第十八研究所 张煜: 2021届硕士 哈工大博士生 张薇: 2022级博士(春) 崔贵成:2022级博士 张昕博:2022届硕士 北京小米移动软件有限公司上海分公司 江昊葵:2022届硕士 清华大学(深圳研究生院)博士生 方杰龙:2023届博士 比亚迪 张梓瑶:2023届硕士 牛津大学博士生 李有田:2023届硕士 哈工大博士生 姚振泽:2023届硕士 哈工大博士生 周楚桐:2023届硕士 新加坡国立大学博士生 |