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姓名 李文学
教师编号 90780
性别 李文学
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 教务处(威海)
学位 李文学
学历 李文学
职称 教授
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个人信息 获奖情况 论文著作 科研项目 学生培养 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 李文学,教授,应用数学、海洋科学双博士生导师。2009年于哈尔滨工业大学获理学博士学位。现为哈尔滨工业大学(威海)理学院数学系教师、教务处副处长、紫丁香书院副院长。担任美国数学会《Mathematical Review》评论员,2023爱斯唯尔高被引学者。 研究方向为随机微分方程理论及应用、现代控制理论等。目前主要研究随机复杂系统控制论、人工智能相关、机器学习等。在Automatica,Neural Networks ,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ,IEEE Transactions系列等期刊累计发表SCI论文140余篇,其中,TOP期刊论文30篇,中科院1区35篇,ESI高被引论文11篇,热点论文3篇,H因子32。曾获哈工大优秀博士论文指导教师、山东省优秀研究生指导教师、8个杂志杰出审稿人、教育部高等学校教学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学奖)二等奖、山东省高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖等荣誉。 教育经历 名称 时间 教育经历 2000.9 - 2004.7 哈尔滨理工大学,信息与计算科学,学士 2004.9 - 2006.7 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),计算数学,硕士 2006.9 - 2009.6 哈尔滨工业大学,基础数学,博士 2013.4 - 今 哈尔滨工业大学,电气工程,博士后 工作经历 名称 时间 工作经历 2009.7 - 2012.8 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),讲师 2012.9 - 2021.12 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),副教授 2012.4 - 今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士生导师 2015.4 - 今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),博士生导师 2021.12 - 今 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),教授 2016.8 - 2016.10 英国思克莱德大学,访问学者 研究领域 名称 · 微分方程稳定性理论 · 随机系统 · 动力系统理论 · 现代控制理论 荣誉称号 名称 · 2015年哈工大先进工作者标兵 · 2015 - 2019年哈工大(威海)优秀硕士研究生指导教师 · 2016年哈工大先进个人 · 2016年齐鲁最美教师提名奖 · 2020第七届我爱我师,我心中的好老师 · 2022年哈工大优秀博士论文指导教师 · 2023年山东省优秀研究生指导教师 获奖情况 名称 1. 参加人员:范猛,王克,李文学,刘蒙 获奖名称:非线性动力学系统动态平衡规律研究 获奖级别:教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学奖) 获奖等级:二等奖,获奖年份:2012 2. 参加人员:王克,李文学,吕敬亮,苏欢,刘蒙 获奖名称:随机生物种群模型的若干研究 获奖级别:山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学类) 获奖等级:三等奖,获奖年份:2011 3. 参加人员:王克,李文学,邹晓玲,吕敬亮,苏欢 获奖名称:复杂环境下生态系统的动力学行为 获奖级别:山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学类) 获奖等级:三等奖,获奖年份:2012 4. 参加人员:李文学,邹晓玲,吕敬亮,苏欢,王克 获奖名称:复杂生态系统动态平衡规律的研究 获奖级别:山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学类) 获奖等级:二等奖,获奖年份:2013 5. 参加人员:邹晓玲,李文学,吕敬亮,张春梅 获奖名称:几类随机生态系统的动力学性质 获奖级别:山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖(自然科学类) 获奖等级:三等奖,获奖年份:2014 6. 参加人员:王克,李文学,刘蒙 获奖级别:哈工大(威海)重大科技成果奖 获奖年份:2012 7. 参加人员:刘蒙,王克,柏传志,李文学 获奖级别:江苏省教育科学研究成果(高校科学技术研究类) 获奖等级:三等奖(自然科学奖),获奖年份:2016 8.2016“齐鲁最美教师”提名奖 9. 参加人员:邹晓玲,郭英,苏欢,宋慧慧,李文学 获奖级别:山东省高等学校科学技术奖(本科科学技术类) 获奖等级:二等奖,获奖年份:2016 10. 参加人员:李文学,苏欢,刘艳,武永宝,王鹏飞 获奖级别:山东省高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学类) 获奖等级:二等奖,获奖年份:2019 11. 指导研究生获奖 参加人员:武永宝,王鹏飞 获奖级别:山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖 获奖等级:二等奖,获奖年份:2017 12. 参加人员:李文学,王鹏飞,周辉,苏欢 获奖级别:山东省高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学类) 获奖等级:一等奖,获奖年份:2020 2021年发表论文 名称 1. Yongbao Wu, Hanzheng Li, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent control strategy for synchronization analysis of time-varying complex dynamical networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, 51 (2021) 3251-3262. 2. Yao Xu, Jintong Yu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Global asymptotic stability of fractional-order competitive neural networks with multiple time-varying-delay links, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 389 (2021) 125498.(高被引论文) 3. Sen Li, Biguang Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Stabilisation of multi-weights stochastic complex networks with time-varying delay driven by G-Brownian motion via aperiodically intermittent adaptive control, International Journal of Control, 94 (2021) 7-20. (高被引论文) 4. Yao Xu, Qi Wang, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Stability and synchronization of fractional-order delayed multilink complex networks with nonlinear hybrid couplings, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44 (2021) 3356-3375. 5. Yongbao Wu, Sai Hu, Wenxue Li*, Exponential stability of stochastic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems under intermittent dynamic event-triggered control, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2021.3063813, 2021. 6. Yongbao Wu, Bing Shen, Choon Ki Ahn*, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent dynamic event-triggered control for synchronization of stochastic complex networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, DOI:10.1109/TCSI.2021.3071034, 2021. 2020年发表论文 名称 1. Yongbao Wu, Zhengrui Guo, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Synchronisation of second-order stochastic complex dynamical networks via intermittent pinning discrete observations control and their applications, IET Control Theory and Applications, 14 (2020) 3440-3450. 2. Yongbao Wu, Haotian Pi, Wenxue Li*, Feedback control based on discrete-time state observations for stabilization of coupled regime-switching jump diffusion with Markov switching topologies, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 37 (2020) 1423-1446. 3. Hui Zhou, Yanhua Zhu, Wenxue Li*, Delay-dependent-stability of stochastic delay coupled systems on networks with regime-switching-diffusions, Neurocomputing, 414 (2020) 204-214. 4. Hui Zhou, Jin Song, Wenxue Li*, Razumikhin method to stability of delay coupled systems with hybrid switching diffusions, Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems, 38 (2020) 100934. 5. Yan Liu, Shixu Zhao, Dianhui Chu, Wenxue Li*, Synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with Markovian switching via periodically intermittent control, Neurocomputing, 410 (2020) 28-40. 6. Yao Xu, Yanzhen Li, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Synchronization of multi-links impulsive fractional -order complex networks via feedback control based on discrete -time state observations, Neurocomputing, 406 (2020) 224-233. 7. Mengxin Wang, Yunshu Xie, Wenxue Li*, Exponential bipartite synchronization of random signed networks with Markovian switching via impulsive control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30 (2020) 7496-7516. 8. Yongbao Wu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Finite-time stabilization of stochastic coupled systems on networks by feedback control and its application, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 37 (2020) 814-830. 9. Sen Li, Xiangrui Yao, Wenxue Li*, Almost sure exponential stabilization of hybrid stochastic coupled systems via intermittent noises: A higher-order nonlinear growth condition, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 489 (2020) 124150.(高被引论文) 10. Hui Zhou, Qiguang Jiang, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Stability of stochastic Levy noise coupled systems with mixed delays, International Journal of Control, (2020) DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2020.1788728. 11. Hui Zhou, Yi Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Delay-dependent synchronization of Levy noise coupled systems with application to Chua's circuits, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 357 (2020) 6979-7002. 12. Hui Zhou, Yueying Li, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization for stochastic hybrid coupled controlled systems with Levy noise, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43 (2020) 9557-9581. 13. Yao Xu, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time synchronization of fractional-order complex-valued coupled systems, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 549 (2020) 123903. 14. Yao Xu, Yanzhen Li, Wenxue Li*, Adaptive finite-time synchronization control for fractional-order complex-valued dynamical networks with multiple weights, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 85 (2020) 105239. 15. Yongbao Wu, Jilin Zhu, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of stochastic neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 50 (2020) 2414-2424. 16. Hui Zhou, Jin Song, Wenxue Li*, Stabilization of stochastic time-varying coupled systems with delays and Levy noise on networks based on aperiodically intermittent control, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 91 (2020) 103576. 17. Yan Liu, Anran Liu, Wenxue Li*, Synchronized stationary distribution of stochastic multi-group models with dispersal, Neural Computing & Applications, 32 (2020) 5001-5013. 18. Yongbao Wu, Yixuan Gao, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time synchronization of switched neural networks with state-dependent switching via intermittent control, Neurocomputing, 384 (2020) 325-334. 19. Sen Li, Huadong Sun, Wenxue Li*, Stochastic hybrid multi-links networks with mixed delays: stabilisation analysis via aperiodically adaptive intermittent control, International Journal of Systems Science, 51 (2020) 852-877. 20. Yao Xu, Hui Zhou, Wenxue Li*, Stabilisation of stochastic delayed systems with Levy noise on networks via periodically intermittent control, International Journal of Control, 93 (2020) 505-518. (高被引论文,热点论文) 21. Mengxin Wang, Rulin Zheng, Jiqiang Feng*, Sitian Qin, Wenxue Li*, Aperiodically intermittent control for exponential bipartite synchronization of delayed signed networks with multi-links, Chaos, 30 (3) (2020) 033110. 22. Yao Xu, Rong Shen, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time synchronization for coupled systems with time delay and stochastic disturbance under feedback control, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 10 (2020) 1-24.(高被引论文) 23. Mengxin Wang, Jia Guo, Wenxue Li*, Aperiodically intermittent control for stabilization of random coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching, Neurocomputing, 373 (2020) 1-14. 24. Yongbao Wu, Yuntao Li, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time stabilization of coupled systems on networks with time-varying delays via periodically intermittent control, Asian Journal of Control, 22 (2020) 228-239. 25. Yongbao Wu, Haihua Guo, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time stabilization of stochastic coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching via feedback control, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 537 (2020) 122797. 26. Yan Liu*, Jun Liu, Wenxue Li, Stabilization of highly nonlinear stochastic coupled systems via periodically intermittent control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2020.3036035. (TOP期刊) 27. Yan Liu, Di Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Huihui Song, Synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization for memristor-based complex networks via intermittent control, Applicable Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2020.1789593. 28. Yao Xu, Shang Gao, Wenxue Li*, Exponential stability of fractional-order complex multi-links networks with aperiodically intermittent control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3016672. 29. Yongbao Wu, Sixian Zhuang, Choon Ki Ahn*, Wenxue Li*, Aperiodically intermittent discrete-time state observation noise for consensus of multi-agent systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3018156, 2020. 30. Yongbao Wu, Yucong Li, Wenxue, Li*, Almost surely exponential synchronization of complex dynamical networks under aperiodically intermittent discrete observations noise, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Regular Paper), DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3022296, 2020. 31. Yongbao Wu, Hanzheng Li, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent control strategy for synchronization analysis of time-varying complex dynamical networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2920451, 2020. 32. Hui Zhou, Yueying Li, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Synchronization of multi-links systems with Lévy noise and application, Applicable Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2020.1811978. 2019年发表论文 名称 1.Yongbao Wu, Sixian Zhuang, Wenxue Li*, Periodically intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of the general stochastic complex network, Automatica, 110 (2019) 108591. 2.Yan Liu, Wenxue Li*, Kaiwen Feng, Periodically intermittent control for synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization of memristor-based stochastic coupled systems, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 41 (2019) 4142-4156. 3.Yan Liu, Henglei Xu, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent control to stationary distribution and exponential stability for hybrid multi-stochastic-weight coupled networks based on aperiodicity, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 356 (2019) 7263-7289. 4.Yao Xu, Chenyin Chu, Wenxue Li*, Stabilisation of coupled delayed regime-switching diffusion with continuous-state-dependent switching via intermittent control, IET Control Theory and Applications, 13 (2019) 1823-1833. 5.Yao Xu, Qiang Li, Wenxue Li*, Periodically intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of fractional-order coupled systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 74 (2019) 219-235. 6.Mengxin Wang, Wenxue Li*, Stability of random impulsive coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 37 (2019) 1107-1132.(高被引论文) 7.Hui Zhou, Yi Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of Stochastic Levy Noise Systems on a Multi-Weights Network and Its Applications of Chua's Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, 66 (2019) 2709-2722. 8.Yongbao Wu, Yucong Li, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of random coupling delayed complex networks with random and adaptive coupling strength, Nonlinear Dynamics, 96 (2019) 2393-2412. 9.Yao Xu, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization for fractional-order multi-linked complex network with two kinds of topological structure via periodically intermittent control, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42 (2019) 2379-2397. 10.Yao Xu, Yanzhen Li, Wenxue Li*, Graph-theoretic approach to synchronization of fractional-order coupled systems with time-varying delays via periodically intermittent control, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 121 (2019) 108-118. 11.Yao Xu, Yongbao Wu, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time lag synchronization of coupled reaction-diffusion systems with time-varying delay via periodically intermittent control, Applicable Analysis, 98 (2019) 1660-1676. 12.Yongbao Wu, Changda Wang, Wenxue Li*, Generalized quantized intermittent control with adaptive strategy on finite-time synchronization of delayed coupled systems and applications, Nonlinear Dynamics, 95 (2019) 1361-1377. 13.Hui Zhou, Wenxue Li*, Synchronisation of stochastic-coupled intermittent control systems with delays and Levy noise on networks without strong connectedness, IET Control Theory and Applications, 13 (2019) 36-49.(高被引论文) 14.Yongbao Wu, Shengxiang Fu, Wenxue Li*, Exponential synchronization for coupled complex networks with time-varying delays and stochastic perturbations via impulsive control, Journal of The Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 356 (2019) 492-513. 2018年发表论文 名称 1.Yongbao Wu, Mengjie Huo, Wenxue Li*, Stabilization of stochastic coupled systems with time delay via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations, Asian Journal of Control, 20 (2018) 1-14. 2.Shuang Liu, Wenxue Li*, Outer synchronization of delayed coupled systems on networks without strong connectedness: A hierarchical method, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 23 (2018) 837-859. 3.Pengfei Wang, Zhangrui Chen, Wenxue Li*, Graph-theoretic approach to exponential synchronization of discrete-time stochastic coupled systems with time-varying delay, Neurocomputing,275 (2018) 659-666. 4.Yongbao Wu, Shihan Yan, Meng Fan, Wenxue Li*, Stabilization of stochastic coupled systems with Markovian switching via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations, International Journal of Robust Nonlinear Control, 28 (2018) 247-265. 5.Yan Liu, Changjun Zhu, Dianhui Chu, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of stochastic coupled systems with time-varying coupling structure on networks via discrete-time state feedback control, Neurocomputing,285 (2018) 104-116. 6.Yan Liu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Graph-theoretical method to the existence of stationary distribution of stochastic coupled systems, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations,30 (2018) 667-685.(高被引论文) 7.Yan Liu, Wenwen Jia, Wenxue Li*, Stabilization problem of stochastic time-varying coupled systems with time delay and feedback control, Applicable Analysis, 91 (2018) 1983-2000. 8.Yan Liu, Jingling Mei, Wenxue Li*, Stochastic stabilization problem of complex networks without strong connectedness, Applied Mathematics and Computation,332 (2018) 304-315. 9.Yan Liu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, The stability of stochastic coupled systems with time-varying coupling and general topology structure, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning systems, 29 (2018) 4189-4200.(TOP期刊,热点论文,高被引论文) 10.Xu, Yao, Chenyin Chu, Wenxue Li*, Quantized feedback control scheme on coupled systems with time delay and distributed delay: A finite-time inner synchronization analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 337(2018) 315-328. 11.Yongbao Wu, Qiang Li, Wenxue Li*, Novel aperiodically intermittent stability criteria for Markovian switching stochastic delayed coupled systems, Chaos, 28 (2018) 113117. 12.Yongbao Wu, Yixuan Gao,Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of stochastic complex networks with time delay via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations, Neurocomputing, 315 (2018) 68-81. 2017年发表论文 名称 1.Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Exponential synchronization of stochastic coupled oscillators networks with delays, Applicable Analysis, 96 (2017) 1058-1075. 2.Gang Wang, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Stability analysis of stochastic coupled systems on networks without strong connectedness via hierarchical approach, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354 (2017) 1138-1159. 3.Pengfei Wang, Zhiqiang Zhao, Wenxue Li*, Global stability analysis for discrete-time coupled systems with both time delay and multiple dispersal and its application, Neurocomputing,244 (2017) 42-52. 4.Yongbao Wu, Bingdao Chen, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of stochastic coupled systems via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid System, 26 (2017) 68-85. 5.Yongbao Wu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Stabilization of stochastic coupled systems via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations, International Journal of System Science,48 (2017) 2850-2859. 2016年发表论文 名称 1.Huan Su*, Xuerong Mao, Wenxue Li, Hopf bifurcation control for a class of delay differential systems with discrete-time delayed feedback controller, Chaos, 26 (2016) 113120. 2.Yan Liu, Ying Guo, Wenxue Li*, The stability of stochastic coupled systems with time delays and time-varying coupling structure, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 290 (2016) 507-520. 3.Huan Su*, Yuwei Zhao, Wenxue Li, Xiaohua Ding, A graph-theoretic approach to exponential stability of stochastic BAM neural networks with time-varying delays, Neural Computing & Applications, 27 (2016) 2055-2063. 4.Jichao Wang, Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*,Periodic solutions of stochastic coupled systems on networks with periodic coefficients, Neurocomputing, 205 (2016) 360-366. 5.Wenxue Li*, Shuang Liu, Dianguo Xu, The existence of periodic solutions for coupled pantograph Rayleigh system, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39 (2016) 1667-1679. 6.Huihui Song, Ningning Xu, Yanbin Qu, Wenxue Li*, Weighted input to state stability for delay coupled systems on networks, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40 (2016) 6234-6242. 7.Huihui Song, Dongdong Chen, Wenxue Li,Yanbin Qu*,Graph- theoretic approach to exponential synchronization of stochastic reaction-diffusion Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with time- varying delays, Neurocomputing, 177 (2016) 179-187. 8.Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, The existence, uniqueness and global exponential stability of periodic solution for a coupled system on networks with time delays, Neurocomputing, 173 (2016) 971-978. 2015年发表论文 名称 1.Wenxue Li, Shihua Wang, Huan Su*, Ke Wang, Global exponential stability for stochastic networks of coupled oscillators with variable delay, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (2015) 877-888. 2.Chunmei Zhang*,Wenxue Li, Ke Wang, Graph theory-based approach for stability analysis of stochastic coupled systems with Lévy noise on networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26 (2015) 1689-1709. 3.Tao Jin*, Wenxue Li,Junyan Feng,Outer synchronization of stochastic complex networks with time-varying delay, Advances in Difference Equations,(2015) 359. 4.Rui Wang, Wenxue Li, Xiaoyu Li*, The almost sure stability of coupled system of stochastic delay differential equations on networks, Advances in Difference Equations, (2015) 133. 5.Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, The existence and global exponential stability of periodic solution for a neutral coupled system on networks with delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 264 (2015) 208-217. 6.Wenxue Li*, Tianrui Chen, Dianguo Xu, Ke Wang, Synchronization of delayed coupled reaction-diffusion systems on networks, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 38 (2015) 2216-2228. 7.Wenxue Li*, Xiaoqing Zhang,Chunmei Zhang,Exponential stability of delayed multi-group model with reaction-diffusion and multiple dispersal based on Razumikhin technique and graph theory, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 27 (2015) 237-253. 8.Wenxue Li*, Xiaoqing Zhang, Chunmei Zhang, A new method for exponential stability of coupled reaction-diffusion systems with mixed delays: Combining Razumikhin method with graph theory, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352 (2015) 1169-1191. 9.Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Meng Liu, Ke Wang, Dynamics of a stochastic Holling II one-predator two-prey system with jumps, Physica A, 421 (2015) 571-582. 10.Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, The existence of periodic solutions for coupled systems on networks with time delays,Neurocomputing, 152 (2015) 287-293. 11.Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Graph-theoretic method on exponential synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with Markovian switching, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 15 (2015) 37-1551. 2014年及以前发表论文 名称 1.Wenxue Li*, Hongwei Yang, Liang Wen, Ke Wang, Global exponential stability for coupled retarded systems on networks: A graph theoretic approach, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (2014) 1651-1660. 2.Wenxue Li, Xiaohui Qi*, Meng Pan, Ke Wang, Razumikhin-type theorems on exponential stability of stochastic functional differential equations on networks, Neurocomputing, 131 (2014) 278-285. 3.Wenxue Li*, Hongwei Yang, Junyan Feng, Ke Wang, Global exponential stability for coupled systems of neutral delay differential equations, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 36 (2014) 1-15. 4.Wenxue Li*, Tianrui Chen, Ke Wang, Exponential stability of coupled systems on networks with mixed delays and reaction-diffusion terms, Abstract and Applied Analysis, (2014) 780387. 5.Wenxue Li*, Ruihua Wu, Ke Wang, Existence and uniqueness of m-solutions for backward stochastic Volterra integral equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 178 (2014) 1-16. 6.Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Huan Su, Ke Wang, Asymptotic boundedness for stochastic coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching, Neurocomputing, 136 (2014) 180-189. 7.Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, A graph-theoretic approach to stability of neutral stochastic coupled oscillators network with time-varying delayed coupling, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37 (2014) 1179-1190. 8.Wenxue Li, Huihui Song, Yanbin Qu*, Ke Wang, Global exponential stability for stochastic coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching, Systems & Control Letters, 62 (2013) 468-474. 9.Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Stability and boundedness of stochastic Volterra integro-differential equations with infinite delay, Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2013) 320832. 10.Huan Su*, Wenxue Li,Xiaohua Ding, Preservation of Hopf bifurcation for neutral delay-differential equations by θ-methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 248 (2013)76-87. 11.Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Boundedness for network of stochastic coupled van der Pol oscillators with time-varying delayed coupling, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (2013) 5394-5402. 12.Meng Liu*, Wenxue Li, Ke Wang, Persistence and extinction of a stochastic delay Logistic equation under regime switching, Applied Mathematics Letters, 26 (2013) 140-144. 13.Xiaoling Zou, Wenxue Li, Ke Wang*, Ergodic method on optimal harvesting for a stochastic Gompertz-type diffusion process, Applied Mathematics Letters, 26 (2013) 170-174. 14.Huan Su*, Wenxue Li, Xiaohua Ding, Numerical dynamics of a nonstandard finite difference method for a class of delay differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 400 (2013) 25-34. 15.Wenxue Li, Huan Su*, Dagang Wei, Ke Wang, Global stabilit-y of coupled nonlinear systems with Markovian switching, Co-mmunications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulatio-n, 17 (2012) 2609-2616. 16. 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Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Huan Su, Optimal harvesting policy for stochastic Logistic population model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2011) 157-162. 20.Huan Su*, Wenxue Li, Ke Wang, and Xiaohua Ding, Stability analysis for stochastic neural network with infinite delay, Neurocomputing, 74 (2011) 1535-1540. 21.Huan Su*, Xiaohua Ding, Wenxue Li, Numerical bifurcation control of Mackey-Glass system, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35 (2011) 3460-3472. 22.Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Optimal harvesting policy for general stochastic Logistic population model, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 368 (2010) 420-428. 23.Xiaohua Ding*, Wenxue Li, Local Hopf bifurcation and global existence of periodic solutions in a kind of physiological system, Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 8 (2007) 1459-1471. 24.Xiaohua Ding*, Wenxue Li, Stability and bifurcation of numerical discretization Nicholson blowflies equation with delay,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 19413 (2006) 1-12. 科研项目 名称 · 主持项目 1. 国家自然科学基金天元基金 项目批准号:11126219 项目来源:国家自然科学基金委 项目名称:几类随机混合系统的稳定性及应用 起止年月:2012.01-2012.12 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金 项目批准号:11301112 项目来源:国家自然科学基金委 项目名称:随机时滞耦合控制系统的数学建模与动力学性质分析 起止年月:2014.01-2016.12 3. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目 项目批准号:ZR2018MA005 项目来源:山东省自然科学基金委员会 项目名称:几类随机耦合系统动态平衡规律的研究 起止年月:2018.03-2020.12 4. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金 项目批准号:ZR2013AQ003 项目来源:山东省科技厅 项目名称:基于图论的两类随机生态系统的动力学行为及其数值仿真 起止年月:2013.10-2016.10 5. 博士后基金面上项目二等 项目批准号:2013M541352 项目来源:中国博士后基金委 项目名称:基于图论的随机耦合控制数学建模与稳定性分析 起止年月:2013.07-2014.07 6. 博士后特别资助基金 项目批准号:2014T70313 项目来源:中国博士后基金委 项目名称:基于多图理论研究多扩散随机耦合系统的全局动力学性质 起止年月:2014.06-2015.05 7. 哈工大理工医结合基础研究计划 项目批准号:HIT.IBRSEM.A.2014014 项目来源:哈尔滨工业大学 项目名称:随机扰动技术性能的双馈风力发电系统能量成型控制方法研究 起止年月:2014.05-2016.05 8. 威海市大学共建项目 项目来源:威海市 项目名称:微网孤岛运行时的稳定性与同步性控制策略研究 起止年月:2015.10-2017.10 9. 哈工大创新基金 项目批准号:HIT.NSRIF.201016 项目来源:哈尔滨工业大学 项目名称:随机微分方程的稳定性及在网络上的应用 起止年月:2011.01-2012.12 · 参加项目 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(排序3) 项目批准号:11171081 项目来源:国家自然科学基金委 项目名称:随机生物种群模型若干性质的研究 起止年月:2012.01-2015.12 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(排序5) 项目批准号:11171056 项目来源:国家自然科学基金委 项目名称:混合随机系统的动力学行为 起止年月:2012.01-2015.12 3. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目(排序3) 项目批准号:ZR2010AQ021 项目来源:山东省科技厅 项目名称:数值方法对泛函微分方程的分支保持性 起止年月:2010.11-2014.8 4. 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金(排序2) 项目批准号:2014BSA10007 项目来源:山东省科技厅 项目名称:基于切换Hamilton 系统理论的双馈风电低电压穿越控制策略研究 起止年月:2014.11-2016.11 指导博士生 名称 自2015年至今,共指导博士研究生6人(不含副导师),博士生累积发表SCI论文(博士生第一作者)100余篇,获得山东省高等学校科学技术奖,春晖奖学金,工信创新奖学金,博士国家奖学金,宝钢优秀学生奖等荣誉。5位博士获得国家资助出国留学累积90个月。 姓名 刘艳 教育经历 2014.09-2016.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:李文学 2016.09-2021.04,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:李文学 2019.09-2020.09,加拿大滑铁卢大学联合培养 毕业去向 天津工业大学,特聘副研究员 获奖 [1] 2019年,带有复杂拓扑结构的耦合系统动力学行为,山东省教育厅,山东省高等学校科学技术,二等奖,排序3 [2] 2019年,获国家留学基金委资助赴加拿大滑铁卢大学(数学专业世界排名第43名)联合培养一年 [3] 2019年,春晖创新成果奖三等奖 [4] 2018年,博士研究生国家奖学金 [5] 2017年,“数学系建系三十周年”优秀学生奖 [6] 2016年,工信创新奖学金三等奖,排序4 代表作 [1] Yan Liu*, Jun Liu, Wenxue Li, Stabilization of highly nonlinear stochastic coupled systems via periodically intermittent control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2020.3036035. [2] Yan Liu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, The stability of stochastic coupled systems with time-varying coupling and general topology structure, IEEE Transactions on Neural Netwhorks and Learning Systems, 29(9) (2018) 4189-4200.(热点论文,高被引论文) [3] Yan Liu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Graph-theoretical method to the existence of stationary distribution of stochastic coupled systems, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 30(2) (2018) 667-685.(高被引论文) [4] Yan Liu, Pinrui Yu, Dianhui Chu, Huan Su*, Stationary distribution of stochastic multi-group models with dispersal and telegraph noise, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 33 (2019) 93-103.(高被引论文) [5] Yan Liu, Ming Wang, Dianhui Chu, Huan Su*, Feedback control based on discrete-time state observations on synchronization of stochastic impulsive coupled systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 39 (2021) 100987. [6] Yan Liu, Henglei Xu, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent control to stationary distribution and exponential stability for hybrid multi-stochastic-weight coupled networks based on aperiodicity, Journal of the Franklin Institute,356 (2019) 7263-7289. [7] Yan Liu, Chu Dianhui, Yaxuan Zou, Huan Su*, Stabilization of stochastic complex networks with switching jump diffusions based on adaptive aperiodically intermittent control, Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-021-06467-3. [8] Yan Liu, Jingling Mei, Wenxue Li*, Stochastic stabilization problem of complex networks without strong connectedness, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 332 (2018) 304-315. [9] Yan Liu, Shixu Zhao, Dianhui Chu, Wenxue Li*, Synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with Markovian switching via periodically intermittent control, Neurocomputing, 410(14) (2020) 28-40. [10] Yan Liu, Anran Liu, Dianhui Chu, Huan Su*, Inner synchronization of stochastic impulsive multi-links coupled systems via discrete-time state observations control, International Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2020.1763472. 姓名 武永宝 教育经历 2015.09-2017.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:李文学 2017.09-2021.06,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:李文学 2019.12-2020.12,韩国高丽大学博士联合培养 毕业去向 东南大学,至善博士后 获奖 [1] 2020年,宝钢教育奖优秀学生奖 [2] 2017年,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,二等奖,山东省教育厅,1/2 [3] 2020年,哈尔滨工业大学十佳英才提名奖,哈尔滨工业大学 [4] 2019年,山东省高等学校科学技术奖,自然科学二等奖,山东省教育厅,4/5 [5] 2018年,山东省优秀硕士论文,山东省教育厅 [6] 2019年,博士研究生国家奖学金,教育厅 [7] 2019年,工信部创新奖学金(团队)省部级,1/5 [8] 2019年, 从炘奖学金,哈尔滨工业大学 [9] 2017年,数学系建系三十周年优秀在校生,哈尔滨工业大学 [10] 2017年,哈尔滨工业大学2017届优秀硕士研究生(金奖),哈尔滨工业大学 [11] 2017年,哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生,哈尔滨工业大学 代表作 [1] Yongbao Wu, Sixian Zhuang, Wenxue Li*, Periodically intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of the general stochastic complex network, Automatica (Regular Paper), 110 (2019) 108591. [2] Yongbao Wu, Bing Shen, Choon Ki Ahn*, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Synchronization of Stochastic Complex Networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (Regular Paper), 68(6) (2021) 2639-2650. [3] Yongbao Wu, Sixian Zhuang, Choon Ki Ahn*, Wenxue Li*, Aperiodically intermittent discrete-time state observation noise for consensus of multi-agent systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (Regular Paper), DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3018156. [4] Yongbao Wu, Yucong Li, Wenxue, Li*, Almost surely exponential synchronization of complex dynamical networks under aperiodically intermittent discrete observations noise, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Regular Paper), DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3022296. [5] Yongbao Wu, Sai Hu, Wenxue Li*, Exponential stability of stochastic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems under intermittent dynamic event-triggered control, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2021.3063813. [6] Yongbao Wu, Jilin Zhu, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of stochastic neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Regular Paper), 50(6) (2020) 2414-2424.(ESI Highly cited paper) [7] Yongbao Wu, Hanzheng Li, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent control strategy for synchronization analysis of time-varying complex dynamical networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (Regular Paper), 51(5) (2021) 3251-3262. (ESI Highly cited paper) [8] Yongbao Wu, Bingdao Chen, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of stochastic coupled systems via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations, Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems, 26 (2017) 68-85.(ESI Highly cited paper, ESI Hot paper) [9] Yongbao Wu, Changda Wang, Wenxue Li*, Generalized quantized intermittent control with adaptive strategy on finite-time synchronization of delayed coupled systems and applications, Nonlinear Dynamics, 95 (2019) 1361-1377. (ESI Highly cited paper) [10] Tianrui Chen, Wenhua Wang, Yongbao Wu*, Quasi-synchronization of fuzzy heterogeneous complex networks via intermittent discrete-time state observations control, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (Regular Paper), Accept. 姓名 王鹏飞 教育经历 2016.09-2018.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:李文学 2018.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:李文学 2021.05-2022.09,以色列特拉维夫大学联合培养 毕业去向 2022.10-2025.10,以色列特拉维夫大学,博士后 获奖 [1] 2019年,工信创新奖学金二等奖,2/5 [2] 2017年,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,二等奖,山东省教育厅,2/2 [3] 2019年,山东省高等学校科学技术奖,自然科学二等奖,山东省教育厅,5/5 [4] 2020年,博士研究生国家奖学金,教育厅 [5] 2017年,硕士研究生国家奖学金,教育厅 [6] 2016年,工信创新奖学金三等奖,排序1 代表作 [1] Pengfei Wang, Shuaiqi Wang, Huan Su*, Stochastic input-to-state stability of impulsive stochastic nonlinear systems in infinite dimensions, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59(4) (2021) 2774-2797. [2] Pengfei Wang, Wenya Guo, Huan Su*, Improved Input-to-State Stability Analysis of Impulsive Stochastic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (Accepted) DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2021.3075763. [3] Pengfei Wang, Xiaolei Wang, Huan Su*, Input-to-state stability of impulsive stochastic infinite dimensional systems with Poisson jumps, Automatica, 128 (2021) 109553. [4] Pengfei Wang, Ruifang Wang, Huan Su*, Stability of Time-Varying Hybrid Stochastic Delayed Systems With Application to Aperiodically Intermittent Stabilization, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, (Accepted) DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3052042. [5] Pengfei Wang, Qianjing He, Huan Su*, Stabilization of Discrete-Time Stochastic Delayed Neural Networks By Intermittent Control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, (Accepted) DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3108574 [6] Pengfei Wang, Biguang Zhang, Huan Su*, Stabilization of stochastic uncertain complex-valued delayed networks via aperiodically intermittent nonlinear control, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems 49(3) (2019) 649-662.(高被引论文) [7] Pengfei Wang, Yu Hong, Huan Su*, Stabilization of stochastic complex-valued coupled delayed systems with Markovian switching via periodically intermittent control, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 29 (2018) 395-413. (高被引论文) [8] Pengfei Wang, Jiqiang Feng*, Huan Su, Stabilization of stochastic delayed networks with Markovian switching and hybrid nonlinear coupling via aperiodically intermittent control, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 32 (2019) 115–130. (高被引论文) [9] Pengfei Wang, Shaoyu Li, Huan Su*, Aperiodically intermittent stabilization for complex-valued hybrid stochastic delayed systems: An average technique, Communications on Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 101 (2021) 105852. [10] Pengfei Wang, Mengyi Zhang, Huan Su*, Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional stochastic nonlinear systems, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, (Accepted) doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2021066 姓名 许瑶 教育经历 2017.09-2019.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:李文学 2019.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:李文学 2021.07-2023.07, 加拿大滑铁卢大学联合培养 毕业去向 获奖 [1] 2020年,山东省优秀硕士学位论文,山东省教育厅 [2] 2019年,哈尔滨工业大学2019届“优秀硕士研究生”荣誉称号(金奖), 哈尔滨工业大学 [3] 2019年,哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生, 哈尔滨工业大学 [4] 2019年,哈尔滨工业大学第四届“哈尔滨工业大学春晖创新成果奖励基金”(一等奖), 哈尔滨工业大学春晖创新成果奖励基金 [5] 2018年,哈尔滨工业大学2017-2018年度“优秀学生”, 哈尔滨工业大学 [6] 2018年,2018年度硕士研究生国家奖学金, 教育部 代表作 [1] Yao Xu, Shang Gao, Wenxue Li*, Exponential stability of fractional-order complex multi-links networks with aperiodically intermittent control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32(9) (2021) 4063-4074. [2] Yao Xu, Jintong Yu, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Global asymptotic stability of fractional-order competitive neural networks with multiple time-varying-delay links, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 389 (2021) 125498.(高被引论文) [3] Yao Xu, Hui Zhou, Wenxue Li*, Stabilisation of stochastic delayed systems with Levy noise on networks via periodically intermittent control, International Journal of Control, 93 (2020) 505-518. (高被引论文,热点论文) [4] Yao Xu, Rong Shen, Wenxue Li*, Finite-time synchronization for coupled systems with time delay and stochastic disturbance under feedback control, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 10 (2020) 1-24.(高被引论文) [5] Yao Xu, Yanzhen Li, Wenxue Li*, Adaptive finite-time synchronization control for fractional-order complex-valued dynamical networks with multiple weights, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 85 (2020) 105239. [6] Yao Xu, Qiang Li, Wenxue Li*, Periodically intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of fractional-order coupled systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 74 (2019) 219-235. [7] Yao Xu, Chenyin Chu, Wenxue Li*, Quantized feedback control scheme on coupled systems with time delay and distributed delay: A finite-time inner synchronization analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 337(2018) 315-328. [8] Yao Xu, Yanzhen Li, Wenxue Li*, Jiqiang Feng, Synchronization of multi-links impulsive fractional -order complex networks via feedback control based on discrete -time state observations, Neurocomputing, 406 (2020) 224-233. [9] Yao Xu, Yanzhen Li, Wenxue Li*, Graph-theoretic approach to synchronization of fractional-order coupled systems with time-varying delays via periodically intermittent control, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 121 (2019) 108-118. [10] Yao Xu, Chenyin Chu, Wenxue Li*, Stabilisation of coupled delayed regime-switching diffusion with continuous-state-dependent switching via intermittent control, IET Control Theory and Applications, 13 (2019) 1823-1833. 姓名 周辉 教育经历 2018.09-2020.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:李文学 2020.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:李文学 2022.07-2024.07, 韩国岭南大学联合培养 毕业去向 获奖 [1] 2020年,山东省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(排序3),山东省教育厅 [2] 2020年, 哈尔滨工业大学优秀硕士学位论文 哈尔滨工业大学 [3] 2018年,工信创新奖学金二等奖(排序4),工信部 [4] 2016年,工信创新奖学金三等奖(排序7),工信部 [5] 2020年,哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生, 哈尔滨工业大学 [6] 2019年,哈尔滨工业大学2018-2019年度“优秀学生标兵”, 哈尔滨工业大学 [7] 2019年,2019年度硕士研究生国家奖学金, 教育部 代表作 [1] Hui Zhou, Wenxue Li*, Synchronisation of stochastic-coupled intermittent control systems with delays and Lévy noise on networks without strong connectedness, IET Control Theory & Applications, 13 (1) (2019) 36-49.(高被引论文) [2] Hui Zhou, Yi Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization of stochastic Lévy noise systems on a multi-weights network and its applications of Chua’s circuits, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, 66 (7) (2019) 2709-2722. [3] Hui Zhou, Jin Song, Wenxue Li*, Razumikhin method to stability of delay coupled systems with hybrid switching diffusions, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 38 (2020) 100934. [4] Hui Zhou, Jin Song, Wenxue Li*, Stabilization of stochastic time-varying coupled systems with delays and Lévy noise on networks based on aperiodically intermittent control, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 91 (2020) 103576. [5] Hui Zhou, Yi Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Delay-dependent synchronization of Lévy noise coupled systems with application to Chua's circuits, Journal of the Franklin Institute Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 357 (11) (2020) 6979-7002. [6] Hui Zhou, Yanhua Zhu, Wenxue Li*, Delay-dependent-stability of stochastic delay coupled systems on networks with regime-witching-diffusions, Neurocomputing, 414 (2020) 204-214. [7] Hui Zhou, Yueying Li, Wenxue Li*, Synchronization for stochastic hybrid coupled controlled systems with Lévy noise, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43 (2020) 9557-9581. [8] Hui Zhou, Mengfan Luo, Wenxue Li*, Intermittent delay stabilization of complex-valued stochastic complex network, Information Sciences, 577 (2021) 379–397. [9] Hui Zhou, Siyue Ma, Wenxue Li*, Actuator saturating intermittent control for synchronization of stochastic multi-links network with sampled-data, Neurocomputing 465 (2021) 167–183. [10] Yao Xu, Hui Zhou, Wenxue Li*, Stabilisation of stochastic delayed systems with Lévy noise on networks via periodically intermittent control, International Journal of Control, 93 (3) (2020) 505-518.(高被引论文,热点论文) 姓名 张宁 教育经历 2020.09-2022.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:李文学 2022.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:李文学 毕业去向 获奖 代表作 [1] Ning Zhang, Huiyu Chen, Wenxue Li, Stability for multi-links stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-markov jump under hybrid multi-delay impulsive control, Neurocomputing, 2021, 449: 214-228. [2] Ning Zhang, Junjie Lei, Wenxue Li, Hybrid multi-delay impulsive control for synchronisation of multi-links stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-markov jump, International Journal of Control,2021, DOI10.1080/00207179.2021.1989046. [3]Ning Zhang, Yaoye Wang, Wenxue Li, Stability for multi-linked stochastic delayed complex networks with stochastic hybrid impulses by dupire it?o’s formula, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2022, 45: 101200. 协助指导博士生 名称 姓名 张春梅 教育经历 2009.09-2011.07,哈尔滨工业大学,硕士,导师:王克 2011.09-2015.06,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:王克 2012.08-2014.08,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校博士联合培养 毕业去向 西南交通大学,副教授 获奖 [1] 2014年,几类随机生态系统的动力学性质,自然科学,山东省教育厅,4/4 代表作 [1] Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Graph-theoretic method on exponential synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with Markovian switching, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems (Regular Paper), 15 (2015) 37-51. [2] Chunmei Zhang*, Wenxue Li, Ke Wang, Graph theory-based approach for stability analysis of stochastic coupled systems with Lévy noise on networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (Regular Paper), 26 (2014) 698-1709. [3] Chunmei Zhang*, Wenxue Li, Ke Wang, Graph-theoretic approach to stability of multi-group models with dispersal, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-series B (Regular Paper), 20 (2015) 259-280. [4] Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Boundedness for network of stochastic coupled van der Pol oscillators with time-varying delayed coupling, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Regular Paper), 37 (2013) 5394-5402. [5] Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Huan Su, Ke Wang, Asymptotic boundedness for stochasic coupled systems on neworks with Markovian swithching, Neurocomputing (Regular Paper), 136 (2014) 180-189. [6] Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Huan Su, Ke Wang, A graph-theoretic approach to boundedness of stochastic Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with Markovian switching, Applied Mathematics and Computation (Regular Paper), 219 (2013) 9165-9173. [7] Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, A graph-theoretic approach to stability of neutral stochastic coupled oscillators network with time-varying delayed coupling, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Regular Paper), 37 (2014) 1179-1190. [8] Chunmei Zhang*, Tianrui Chen, Exponential stability of stochastic complex networks with multi-weights based on graph theory, Physica A (Regular Paper), 496 (2018) 602-611. [9] Chunmei Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Exponential synchronization of stochastic coupled oscillators networks with delays, Applicable Analysis (Regular Paper), 96 (2017) 1058-1075. [10] Chunmei Zhang, Ying Guo, Tianrui Chen*, Graph-theoretic method on the periodicity of multipatch dispersal predator-prey system with Holling type-II functional response, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Regular Paper), 41 (2018) 3323-3334. 姓名 张新红 教育经历 2004.09-2007..07,中国石油大学(华东),硕士,导师:同登科 2012.03-2014.12,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:王克 毕业去向 中国石油大学(华东),副教授 代表作 [1] Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, Periodic solutions of coupled systems on networks with both time-delay and linear coupling, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics,12( 2015), 1871-1889. [2] Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, The existence and global exponential stability of periodic solution for a neutral coupled system on networks with delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation,264(2015),208-217. [3] Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang,The existence of periodic solutions for coupled systems on networks with time delays, Neurocomputing ,252(2015),? 287-293. [4] Xinhong Zhang, Wenxue Li*, Ke Wang, The existence, uniqueness and global exponential stability of periodic solution for a coupled system on networks with time delays, Neurocomputing,173,(2016),971-978. [5] Xinhong Zhang, Ke Wang, Dingshi Li*, Stochastic periodic solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by Levy process, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,430(2015), 231-242. [6] Xinhong Zhang*,Global dynamics of a stochastic avian-human influenza epidemic model with logistic growth for avian population, Nonlinear Dynamics, 90(2017), ? 2331-2343. [7] Xinhong Zhang*, Zhenfeng Shi, Yuanyuan Wang, Dynamics of a stochastic avian-human influenza epidemic model with mutation, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,534(2019)121940. [8] Xinhong Zhang*, Hao Peng, Stationary distribution of a stochastic cholera epidemic model with vaccination under regime switching, Applied Mathematics Letters,102(2020)106095. [9] Xinhong Zhang, Ke Wang*, Stability analysis of a stochastic Gilpin-Ayala model driven by Levy noise, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,19(2014)1391-1399. [10] Xinhong Zhang*,The Global Dynamics of Stochastic Holling Type II Predator-Prey Models with Non Constant Mortality Rate, Filomat 31(2017)5811-5825. 姓名 吴瑞华 教育经历 2003.09-2006.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士 2012.03-2015.01,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:王克 毕业去向 中国石油大学(华东) 代表作 [1] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Asymptotic Behavior of a Stochastic Non-autonomous Predator-Prey Model with Impulsive Perturbations, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2015, (20): 965-974. [2] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Asymptotic Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Gilpin-Ayala System with Jumps, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, (249): 53-66. [3] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Systems under Regime Switching with Jumps, Filomat, 2014, (28): 1907-1928. [4] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Dynamical Behavior of a Competitive System under the Influence of Random Disturbance and Toxic Substances, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, (77): 1209-1222. [5] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Population Dynamical Behaviors of Stochastic Logistic System with Jumps, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2014, (38): 935-949. [6] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Dynamics of Logistic System Driven by Levy Noise under Regime Switching, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2014, (76): 1-16. [7] Ruihua Wu, Xiaoling zou*, Ke Wang, Asymptotic Properties of a Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Cooperative System with Impulsive Perturbations, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, (77): 807-817. [8] Ruihua Wu, Ke Wang*, Stochastic Logistic Systems with Jumps, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, (2014): 1-7. [9] Wenxue Li*, Ruihua Wu, Ke Wang, Existence and uniqueness of m-solutions for backward stochastic Volterra integral equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 178( (2014): 1-16. 姓名 郭英 教育经历 2006.09-2008.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),硕士,导师:王克 2013.03-2016.10,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:丁效华 毕业去向 青岛理工大学,副教授 获奖 [1] 2016年,山东省高等学校科学技术奖,自然科学二等奖,山东省教育厅,2/5 代表作 [1] Ying Guo*, Wei Zhao, Xiaohua Ding, Input-to-state stability for stochastic multi-group models with multi-dispersal and time-varying delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation (Regular Paper), 290 (2018) 507-520.(高被引论文) [2] Ying Guo, Huan Su, Xiaohua Ding*, Ke Wang, Global stochastic stability analysis for stochastic neural networks with infinite delay and Markovian switching, Applied Mathematics and Computation (Regular Paper), 245 (2014) 53-65. [3] Ying Guo, Yingjian Li, Xiaohua Ding*, Stochastic stability for pantograph multi-group models with dispersal and stochastic perturbation, Journal of the Franklin Institute (Regular Paper), 353 (2016) 2980-2998. [4] Ying Guo, Shuang Liu, Xiaohua Ding*, The existence of periodic solutions for coupled Rayleigh system, Neurocomputing (Regular Paper), 191 (2016) 398-408. [5] Ying Guo, Xiaohua Ding*, Razumikhin method to global exponential stability for coupled neutral stochastic delayed systems on networks, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Regular Paper), 40(15) (2017) 5490-5501. [6] Ying Guo*, Yanwen Li, Xiaohua Ding, Razumikhin method conjoined with graph theory to input-to-state stability of coupled retarded systems on networks, Neurocomputing (Regular Paper), 267 (2017) 232-240. [7] Ying Guo*, Yida Wang, Xiaohua Ding, Global exponential stability for multi-group neutral delayed systems based on Razumikhin method and graph theory, Journal of the Franklin Institute (Regular Paper), 355 (2018) 3122-3144. [8] Ying Guo, Yan Liu*, Yang Xu, Synchronized stationary distribution ofstochastic coupled systems based on graph theory, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Regular Paper), 42(13) (2019) 4444-4455. [9] Ying Guo, Bingdao Chen, Yongbao Wu*, Finite-time synchronization of stochastic multi-links dynamical networks with Markovian switching topologies, Journal of the Franklin Institute (Regular Paper), 357(1) (2020) 359-384. [10] Ying Guo, Xiaohua Ding*, Yingjian Li, On input-to-state stability for stochastic multi-group models with multi-dispersal, Applicable Analysis (Regular Paper), 96(16) (2017) 2800-2817. 姓名 李森 教育经历 2016.09-2018.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),导师:丁效华 2018.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学,导师:丁效华,副导师:李文学 2021.05-2023.05, 加拿大维多利亚大学联合培养 毕业去向 获奖 [1] 2018年,工信创新奖学金二等奖,3/5 [2] 2020年,博士研究生国家奖学金,教育厅 代表作 [1] Sen Li, Yuhang Zheng, Huan Su, Almost sure synchronization of multilayer networks via intermittent pinning noises: a white-noise-based time-varying coupling, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers, Accepted. [2] Sen Li, Congying Lv, Xiaohua Ding, Synchronization of stochastic hybrid coupled systems with multi-weights and mixed delays via aperiodically adaptive intermittent control, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 35 (2020) 100819. (高被引论文) [3] Sen Li, Biguang Zhang, Wenxue Li, Stabilisation of multi-weights stochastic complex networks with time-varying delay driven by G-Brownian motion via aperiodically intermittent adaptive control, International Journal of Control, 94 (1) (2021) 7-20. (高被引论文) [4] Sen Li, Xiangrui Yao, Wenxue Li, Almost sure exponential stabilization of hybrid stochastic coupled systems via intermittent noises: A higher-order nonlinear growth condition, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,489 (2020) 124150.(高被引论文) [5] Sen Li, Huadong Sun, Wenxue Li, Stabilization of novel multi-layer networks with noise-based nonlinear superior couplings via aperiodically adaptive intermittent pinning control, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Accepted. [6] Sen Li, Xiangnuo Ren, Huan Su, Stabilization and destabilization of nonlinear systems via aperiodically intermittent stochastic noises: average techniques and scalar functions, Chaos, 30 (2020) 033134. [7] Sen Li, Xiangrui Yao, Xiaohua Ding, Stabilization of stochastic Markovian switching systems on networks with multi-links based on aperiodically intermittent control: A new differential inequality technique, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 30 (2020) 373-396. [8] Sen Li, Junjie Lei, Huan Su, Quasi sure exponential stabilization of impulsive stochastic complex networks under a sublinear expectation framework, International Journal of Control, DOI:10.1080/00207179.2020.1711968. [9] Sen Li, Huan Su, Xiaohua Ding, Synchronized stationary distribution of hybrid stochastic coupled systems with applications to coupled oscillators and a Chua's circuits network, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 355 (2018) 8743-8765. [10] Sen Li, Yixuan Li, Xiaohua Ding, More general results of aperiodically intermittent synchronization for stochastic Markovian switching complex networks with multi-links and time-varying coupling structure, Neurocomputing, 395 (2020) 39-55. 姓名 徐东升 教育经历 2020.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学,博士,导师:苏欢 2022.02-2024.02, 加拿大滑铁卢大学联合培养 毕业去向 获奖 代表作 [1] Dongsheng Xu, Yu Liu, Ming Liu*, Finite-time synchronization of multi-coupling stochastic fuzzy neural networks with mixed delays via feedback control, Fuzzy Sets Syst., 411 (2021) 85-104. [2] Dongsheng Xu, Jiahuan Pang, Hu Su*, Bipartite synchronization of signed networks via aperiodically intermittent control based on discrete-time state observations Neural Networks, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.08.035 姓名 杨妮 教育经历 2021.09-今,哈尔滨工业大学 ,博士,导师: 苏欢 毕业去向 获奖 代表作 [1] LiLi Chen, Ni Yang, Yanfeng Zhao*, Fixed point theorems for the Mann's iteration scheme in convex graphical rectangular b-metric spaces. Optimization, 70(5-6) (2021) 1359-1373. [2] LiLi Chen, Ni Yang, Yanfeng Zhao*, Mann iterative algorithm in convex metric spaces endowed with a directed graph. Fixed Point Theory, 22(2) (2021) 559-570. [3] LiLi Chen, Ni Yang, Jing Zhou*, Common attractive points of generalized hybrid multi-valued mappings and applications. Mathematics, 8 (2020) 1307. [4] LiLi Chen, Ni Yang*, Yanfeng Zhao & Zhenhua Ma. Fixed point theorems for set-valued G-contraction in a graphical convex metric space with applications. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 22(4) (2020) 88. 指导硕士生 名称 2012级,丰俊妍 2013级,张晓晴 2014级,刘艳,读博 2015级,武永宝,读博 2016级,王鹏飞,读博 2017级,许瑶,读博 2018级,周辉,王萌欣,读博 2019级,朱彦华,北京航空航天大学,读博 2020级,张宁,在读 2022级,郭婉莹,在读 协助指导硕士生 名称 2009级,魏大港 2010级,庞丽莎 2011级,高 尚,潘 蒙 2012级,陈天睿,陈东东 2016级,李森 指导本科生 名称 自2009年至今,共指导本科科技立项150余人,本科生参与发表SCI论文累积70余篇,本科生第一作者3篇,本科生第二作者66篇。指导本科生境外攻读硕士学位(有境外读硕经历)20人,境外攻读博士学位(有境外读博经历)10人,境内攻读硕士学位(有境内读硕经历)17人,境内攻读博士学位(有境内读博经历)9人。参加工作人数:27人,其中工作企业入选2021《财富》中国500强的有10家,工作企业入选2021《财富》世界500强的有11家。 第 1 条 作者: Xu, Yao; Liu, Jingjing; Li, Wenxue 标题: Quasi-synchronization of fractional-order multi-layer networks with mismatched parameters via delay- dependent impulsive feedback control. 来源出版物: Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society 卷: 150,页: 43-57,DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2022.02.023,出版年: 2022-Jun 入藏号: MEDLINE:35305531 本科生去向: .2020级本科生,学号2200600406,在读 第 2 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Zhuang, SX (Zhuang, Sixian); Ahn, CK (Ahn, Choon Ki); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Aperiodically Intermittent Discrete-Time State Observation Noise for Consensus of Multiagent Systems 来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS 卷: 52,期: 2,页: 1243-1253,DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2020.3018156 出版年: FEB 2022 入藏号: WOS:000742732900060 本科生去向:2018级本科生,学号171020234,出境,香港中文大学博士 第 3 条 作者: Guo, HH (Guo, Haihua); Liu, J (Liu, Jian); Ahn, CK (Ahn, Choon Ki); Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Dynamic Event-Triggered Impulsive Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems With Extension in Complex Networks 来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2022.3141583 入藏号: WOS:000745441700001 本科生去向: 2015.09-2019.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2019.09-2023.08,香港城市大学,博士,控制 第 4 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Jiang, QG (Jiang, Qiguang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Synchronization for stochastic Levy noise systems on a time-varying multi-weights network via delay intermittent control 来源出版物: ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 卷: 108,文献号: 104594,DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2021.104594 入藏号: WOS:000753879900015 本科生去向: 18级本科生,180600221,升学,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),网络安全 第 5 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Liu, ZJ (Liu, Zijiang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Sampled-data intermittent synchronization of complex-valued complex network with actuator saturations 来源出版物: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 卷: 107,期: 1,页: 1023-1047,DOI: 10.1007/s11071-021-07028-4 入藏号: WOS:000715010600002 本科生去向: 2019级本科生,学号2190600312,在读。 第 6 条 作者: Zhang, N (Zhang, Ning); Lei, JJ (Lei, Junjie); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Hybrid multi-delay impulsive control for synchronisation of multi-links stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-Markov jump 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2021.1989046 入藏号: WOS:000708739000001 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600209,已获得offer香港大学博士 第 7 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Ma, SY (Ma, Siyue); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Actuator saturating intermittent control for synchronization of stochastic multi-links network with sampled-data 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 465,页: 167-183,DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.08.123 出版年: NOV 20 2021 入藏号: WOS:000702843400009 本科生去向: 2019级本科生,学号2190120828,在读 第 8 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Gao, S (Gao, Shang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Exponential Stability of Fractional-Order Complex Multi-Links Networks With Aperiodically Intermittent Control 来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS 卷: 32,期: 9,页: 4063-4074,DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3016672 出版年: SEP 2021 入藏号: WOS:000692208800026 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600204,金现代(济南) 第 9 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Jia, QL (Jia, Qilong); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Non-periodically intermittent exponential synchronization of fractional-order multi-links complex dynamical networks 来源出版物: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2021.1971200 入藏号: WOS:000691151300001 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600308,升学,同济大学硕士 第 10 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Sun, F (Sun, Fu); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Exponential synchronization of fractional-order multilayer coupled neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms via intermittent control 来源出版物: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 卷: 33,期: 23,页: 16019-16032,DOI: 10.1007/s00521-021-06214-0 入藏号: WOS:000687925600002 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,180600312,升学,南开大学硕士 第 11 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Luo, MF (Luo, Mengfan); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Intermittent delay stabilization of complex-valued stochastic complex network 来源出版物: INFORMATION SCIENCES 卷: 577,页: 379-397,DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2021.07.004 入藏号: WOS:000709264000001 本科生去向: 2019级本科生,学号2190600213,在读 第 12 条 作者: Li, S (Li, Sen); Sun, HD (Sun, Huadong); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stabilization of novel multi-layer networks with noise-based nonlinear superior couplings via aperiodically adaptive intermittent pinning control 来源出版物: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-HYBRID SYSTEMS 卷: 42,文献号: 101061,DOI: 10.1016/j.nahs.2021.101061 入藏号: WOS:000701711900012 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.06 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.07 至今 香港理工大学 硕士 第 13 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Shen, B (Shen, Bing); Ahn, CK (Ahn, Choon Ki); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Intermittent Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for Synchronization of Stochastic Complex Networks 来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS 卷: 68,期: 6,页: 2639-2650,DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2021.3071034 出版年: JUN 2021 入藏号: WOS:000655248200030 本科生去向: 2019级本科生,学号2190830226,在读 第 14 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Li, HZ (Li, Hanzheng); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Intermittent Control Strategy for Synchronization Analysis of Time-Varying Complex Dynamical Networks 来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS 卷: 51,期: 5,页: 3251-3262,DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2920451 出版年: MAY 2021 入藏号: WOS:000640749000052 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.2-2023.1,澳大利亚国立大学,硕士,统计 第 15 条 作者: Zhang, N (Zhang, Ning); Chen, HY (Chen, Huiyu); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stability for multi-links stochastic delayed complex networks with semi-Markov jump under hybrid multi- delay impulsive control 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 449,页: 214-228,DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.03.116 入藏号: WOS:000652818300005 本科生去向: 2019级本科生, 学号2191710225,在读 第 16 条 作者: Wang, MX (Wang, Mengxin); Guo, J (Guo, Jia); Qin, ST (Qin, Sitian); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Exponential bipartite synchronization of delayed coupled systems over signed graphs with Markovian switching via intermittent control 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 卷: 358,期: 3,页: 2060-2085,DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2020.12.031 出版年: FEB 2021 入藏号: WOS:000669967100017 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.06 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.07 至今 毫末智行科技有限公司 第 17 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Yu, JT (Yu, Jintong); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Global asymptotic stability of fractional-order competitive neural networks with multiple time-varying- delay links 来源出版物: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 卷: 389,文献号: 125498,DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2020.125498 出版年: JAN 15 2021 入藏号: WOS:000579354200016 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600129,升学,上海交通大学博士 第 18 条 作者: Li, S (Li, Sen); Zhang, BG (Zhang, Biguang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stabilisation of multi-weights stochastic complex networks with time-varying delay driven by G-Brownian motion via aperiodically intermittent adaptive control 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 卷: 94,期: 1,页: 7-20,DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2019.1577562 出版年: JAN 2 2021 入藏号: WOS:000604401900002 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2020.09-2021.07,新加坡国立大学,硕士,数学 2021.11-今,华为,软件开发工程师 第 19 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Guo, ZR (Guo, Zhengrui); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Synchronisation of second-order stochastic complex dynamical networks via intermittent pinning discrete observations control and their applications 来源出版物: IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 卷: 14,期: 20,页: 3440-3450,DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2019.1132 出版年: DEC 27 2020 入藏号: WOS:000631632600008 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600205,出国,香港科技大学直博 第 20 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Pi, HT (Pi, Haotian); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Feedback control based on discrete-time state observations for stabilization of coupled regime-switching jump diffusion with Markov switching topologies 来源出版物: IMA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CONTROL AND INFORMATION 卷: 37,期: 4,页: 1423-1446,DOI: 10.1093/imamci/dnaa019 出版年: DEC 2020 入藏号: WOS:000606699500016 本科生去向: 2017级本科生,学号170600318,就业,南京华为 第 21 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Song, J (Song, Jin); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Razumikhin method to stability of delay coupled systems with hybrid switching diffusions 来源出版物: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-HYBRID SYSTEMS 卷: 38,文献号: 100934,DOI: 10.1016/j.nahs.2020.100934 出版年: NOV 2020 入藏号: WOS:000581765500015 本科生去向: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 硕士 第 22 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Zhao, SX (Zhao, Shixu); Chu, DH (Chu, Dianhui); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization of stochastic coupled networks with Markovian switching via periodically intermittent control 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 410,页: 28-40,DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.05.051 出版年: OCT 14 2020 入藏号: WOS:000579799300003 本科生去向: 华为深圳 第 23 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Wang, Q (Wang, Qi); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Stability and synchronization of fractional-order delayed multilink complex networks with nonlinear hybrid couplings 来源出版物: MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 卷: 44,期: 5,页: 3356-3375,DOI: 10.1002/mma.6946 入藏号: WOS:000578705900001 本科生去向: 2019级本科生,学号180810317,在读 第 24 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Li, YZ (Li, Yanzhen); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Synchronization of multi -links impulsive fractional -order complex networks via feedback control based on discrete -time state observations 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 406,页: 224-233,DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.04.024 出版年: SEP 17 2020 入藏号: WOS:000541716500009 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号171210306,升学,北京师范大学硕士 第 25 条 作者: Wang, MX (Wang, Mengxin); Xie, YS (Xie, Yunshu); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Exponential bipartite synchronization of random signed networks with Markovian switching via impulsive control 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 卷: 30,期: 17,页: 7496-7516,DOI: 10.1002/rnc.5195 出版年: NOV 25 2020 入藏号: WOS:000567807000001 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600121,出国,新加坡国立大学(硕士) 第 26 条 作者: Li, S (Li, Sen); Yao, XR (Yao, Xiangrui); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Almost sure exponential stabilization of hybrid stochastic coupled systems via intermittent noises: A higher-order nonlinear growth condition 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 卷: 489,期: 1,文献号: 124150,DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2020.124150 出版年: SEP 1 2020 入藏号: WOS:000534403700031 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.08-2022.12,新加坡国立大学,硕士,统计 第 27 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Li, YY (Li, Yueying); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Synchronization of multi-links systems with Levy noise and application 来源出版物: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2020.1811978 提前访问日期: AUG 2020 入藏号: WOS:000562238500001 本科生去向: 17级本科生,学号170600312,就业,农银金科。 第 28 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Zhang, D (Zhang, Di); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Song, HH (Song, Huihui) 标题: Synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization for memristor-based complex networks via intermittent control 来源出版物: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2020.1789593 提前访问日期: JUL 2020 入藏号: WOS:000547052300001 本科生去向: 哈尔滨工业大学读博 第 29 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Jiang, QG (Jiang, Qiguang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang) 标题: Stability of stochastic Levy noise coupled systems with mixed delays 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 卷: 95,期: 1,页: 234-248,DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2020.1788728 出版年: JAN 2 2022 入藏号: WOS:000547445900001 本科生去向: 18级本科生,180600221,升学,哈尔滨工业大学(威海),网络安全 第 30 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Li, YY (Li, Yueying); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Synchronization for stochastic hybrid coupled controlled systems with Levy noise 来源出版物: MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 卷: 43,期: 17,页: 9557-9581,DOI: 10.1002/mma.6624 出版年: NOV 30 2020 入藏号: WOS:000544493000001 本科生去向: 17级本科生,学号170600312,就业,农银金科。 第 31 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yi); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Delay-dependent synchronization of Levy noise coupled systems with application to Chua's circuits 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 卷: 357,期: 11,页: 6979-7002,DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2020.04.051 出版年: JUL 2020 入藏号: WOS:000548504000002 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.09-至今,上海交通大学 计算机系直博 第 32 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Zhu, JL (Zhu, Jilin); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Intermittent Discrete Observation Control for Synchronization of Stochastic Neural Networks 来源出版物: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 卷: 50,期: 6,页: 2414-2424,DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2930579 出版年: JUN 2020 入藏号: WOS:000536299200008 本科生去向: 2017.9-2021.6 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.9-2023.6 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士 第 33 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Li, YZ (Li, Yanzhen); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Adaptive finite-time synchronization control for fractional-order complex-valued dynamical networks with multiple weights 来源出版物: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 卷: 85,文献号: 105239,DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.105239 出版年: JUN 2020 入藏号: WOS:000540311100005 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号171210306,升学,北京师范大学硕士 第 34 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); Song, J (Song, Jin); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stabilization of stochastic time-varying coupled systems with delays and Levy noise on networks based on aperiodically intermittent control 来源出版物: ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 卷: 91,文献号: 103576,DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2020.1035769 出版年: MAY 2020 入藏号: WOS:000528195100013 本科生去向: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 硕士 第 35 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Liu, AR (Liu, Anran); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Synchronized stationary distribution of stochastic multi-group models with dispersal 来源出版物: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS 卷: 32,期: 9,特刊: SI, 5001-5013,DOI: 10.1007/s00521-018-3918-y 出版年: MAY 2020 入藏号: WOS:000527419900056 本科生去向: 2015.09-2019.06 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2019.09 至今 西安交通大学,数学 第 36 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Gao, YX (Gao, Yixuan); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Finite-time synchronization of switched neural networks with state-dependent switching via intermittent control 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 384,页: 325-334,DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.12.031 出版年: APR 7 2020 入藏号: WOS:000513853600027 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.06 上海交通大学(博士) 第 37 条 作者: Li, S (Li, Sen); Sun, HD (Sun, Huadong); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stochastic hybrid multi-links networks with mixed delays: stabilisation analysis via aperiodically adaptive intermittent control 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE 卷: 51,期: 5,页: 852-877,DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2020.1746431 出版年: APR 3 2020 入藏号: WOS:000526470700006 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.06 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.07 至今 香港理工大学 硕士 第 38 条 作者: Wang, MX (Wang, Mengxin); Zheng, RL (Zheng, Rulin); Feng, JQ (Feng, Jiqiang); Qin, ST (Qin, Sitian); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Aperiodically intermittent control for exponential bipartite synchronization of delayed signed networks with multi-links 来源出版物: CHAOS 卷: 30,期: 3,DOI: 10.1063/1.5126464 出版年: MAR 2020 入藏号: WOS:000519254800003 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号180600317, 升学, 杜伦大学硕士 第 39 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Shen, R (Shen, Rong); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: FINITE-TIME SYNCHRONIZATION FOR COUPLED SYSTEMS WITH TIME DELAY AND STOCHASTIC DISTURBANCE UNDER FEEDBACK CONTROL 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANALYSIS AND COMPUTATION 卷: 10,期: 1,页: 1-24,DOI: 10.11948/20180051 出版年: FEB 2020 入藏号: WOS:000503991100001 本科生去向: 2015.09-2019.06 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2019.09-2021.02 硕士 布里斯托大学 2021.03至今 小米(北京) 软件研发工程师 第 40 条 作者: Wang, MX (Wang, Mengxin); Guo, J (Guo, Jia); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Aperiodically intermittent control for stabilization of random coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 373,页: 1-14,DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.09.036 出版年: JAN 15 2020 入藏号: WOS:000496973200001 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.06 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2021.07 至今 毫末智行科技有限公司 第 41 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Liu, YT (Liu, Yuntao); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 作者识别号: 作者 Web of Science ResearcherID ORCID 号 yuntao, liu AAO-6411-2020 0000-0002-8320-8725 标题: Finite-Time Stabilization of Coupled Systems on Networks with Time-Varying Delays via Periodically Intermittent Control 来源出版物: ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL 卷: 22,期: 1,页: 228-239,DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1876 出版年: JAN 2020 入藏号: WOS:000509509900019 本科生去向: 2015.09-2019.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2019.07-2020.06,新加坡国立大学,硕士,数学 第 42 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Guo, HH (Guo, Haihua); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Finite-time stabilization of stochastic coupled systems on networks with Markovian switching via feedback control 来源出版物: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 卷: 537,文献号: 122797,DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2019.122797 出版年: JAN 1 2020 入藏号: WOS:000501641200083 本科生去向: 2015.09-2019.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2019.09-2023.08,香港城市大学,博士,控制 第 43 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Zhuang, SX (Zhuang, Sixian); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Periodically intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of the general stochastic complex network 来源出版物: AUTOMATICA 卷: 110,文献号: 108591,DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2019.108591 出版年: DEC 2019 入藏号: WOS:000495491900004 本科生去向: 2018级本科生,学号171020234,出境,香港中文大学博士 第 44 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue); Feng, KW (Feng, Kaiwen); Song, HH (Song, Huihui) 标题: Periodically intermittent control for synchronized stationary distribution and synchronization of memristor-based stochastic coupled systems 来源出版物: TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 卷: 41,期: 14,页: 4142-4156,DOI: 10.1177/0142331219851922 出版年: OCT 2019 入藏号: WOS:000485966600023 本科生去向: 2017.09-2021.07 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 新能源学院 电气工程及其自动化 2021.09-至今 西安交通大学 电气工程学院 直攻博 研究方向 电力电子系统建模与控制及稳定性分析、 微电网协调控制与同步策略 第 45 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Xu, HL (Xu, Henglei); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Intermittent control to stationary distribution and exponential stability for hybrid multi-stochastic-weight coupled networks based on aperiodicity 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 卷: 356,期: 13,页: 7263-7289,DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2019.07.001 出版年: SEP 2019 入藏号: WOS:000480435900021 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2020.10-2024.10,思克莱德大学,博士,数学 第 46 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Chu, CY (Chu, Chenyin); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stabilisation of coupled delayed regime-switching diffusion with continuous-state-dependent switching via intermittent control 来源出版物: IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 卷: 13,期: 12,页: 1823-1833,DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2018.6335 出版年: AUG 13 2019 入藏号: WOS:000477682700006 本科生去向: 出国,澳大利亚墨尔本大学硕士 第 47 条 作者: Xu, Y (Xu, Yao); Li, Q (Li, Qiang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Periodically intermittent discrete observation control for synchronization of fractional-order coupled systems 来源出版物: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION 卷: 74,页: 219-235,DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.03.014 出版年: JUL 30 2019 入藏号: WOS:000464529500014 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2020.09-2024.07,香港中文大学,博士,运筹优化 第 48 条 作者: Zhou, H (Zhou, Hui); 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Gao, YX (Gao, Yixuan); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Synchronization of stochastic complex networks with time delay via feedback control based on discrete- time state observations 来源出版物: NEUROCOMPUTING 卷: 315,页: 68-81,DOI: 10.6/j.neucom.2018.06.023 出版年: NOV 13 2018 入藏号: WOS:000445934400007 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.06 上海交通大学(博士) 第 55 条 作者: Wu, YB (Wu, Yongbao); Li, Q (Li, Qiang); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Novel aperiodically intermittent stability criteria for Markovian switching stochastic delayed coupled systems 来源出版物: CHAOS 卷: 28,期: 11,文献号: 113117,DOI: 10.1063/1.5024707 出版年: NOV 2018 入藏号: WOS:000451741200019 本科生去向: 2016.09-2020.07,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2020.09-2024.07,香港中文大学,博士,运筹优化 第 56 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); Mei, JL (Mei, Jingling); Li, WX (Li, Wenxue) 标题: Stochastic stabilization problem of complex networks without strong connectedness 来源出版物: APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 卷: 332,页: 304-315,DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2018.03.082 出版年: SEP 1 2018 入藏号: WOS:000432739500025 本科生去向: 2015.09-2019.06,哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 2019.09-2021.06,重庆大学,硕士,应用统计 2021.08至今,长安汽车(重庆),大数据开发工程师 第 57 条 作者: Liu, Y (Liu, Yan); 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