姓名 | 高永生 |
教师编号 | 90114 |
性别 | 高永生 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 机电工程学院 |
学位 | 高永生 |
学历 | 高永生 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 科学研究 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 高永生,男,汉族,副教授,博士生导师。 主持承担国家科技支撑计划、国家重点研发计划课题项目、航天项目,参与承担国家863计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目工作等。 工作经历 名称 2005年03月,至今,哈工大机器人研究所 2007年12月,讲师 2014年12月,至今, 副教授 教育经历 名称 1990年09月-1994年07月,哈尔滨工业大学,机械制造工艺与设备,学士 1999年09月-2001年07月,哈尔滨工业大学,机械电子工程,硕士 2001年09月-2007年06月,哈尔滨工业大学,机械电子工程,博士 研究领域 名称 1.医疗康复机器人 2.仿蛇复合运动机器人 3.肝脏手术虚拟示教系统 科研项目 名称 “国家重点研发计划”辅助脊柱椎板切除手术机器人系统产品研发-基于多种作业模式的高效人机协同和智能规划技术(课题编号2022YFB4700701) 202211-202510,负责人,在研 “国家重点研发计划”微创全膝关节置换手术机器人技术与系统-手术定位机械臂系统(2017YFB1303002),国家重点研发计划,201712-202011,负责人:高永生,已结题 中广核,堆内构件热电偶导管拆装末端模块,202305-202412,负责人,在研 中广核,水下运动机构,202201-202205,负责人,已验收 西安一飞院,*****研制及****加工,202108-202208,负责人,已验收 工程物理研究院。功能样机集成与应用,202105-202110,负责人,已验收 工程物理研究院。光学元件库房工程设计。201803-202003,已验收 工程物理研究院。洁净转运与暂存平台工程设计。201803-202003,已验收 国家科技支撑计划,厚板弧焊国产机器人机构综合及参数优化(编号:2015BAF01B03),2015-2017,负责人,已结题 科技奖励 名称 1.中国机械工业科学技术奖。航天对接机构地面测试关键技术与系列装备。技术发明特等奖。证书编号:R2115001-06 2.黑龙江省发明一等奖。高永生(排名第6)。项目名称:多节履带式煤矿井下搜索机器人关键技术研究 3.黑龙江省技术进步二等奖。高永生(排名第2)。项目名称:多机器人遥操作关键技术及其在核电环境的应用 论文 名称 1. Ti,BY(Ti,Boyang);Razmjoo,A(Razmjoo,Amirreza);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Zhao,J(Zhao,Jie);Calinon,S(Calinon,Sylvain).ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS. Volume 164 , JUN 2023(SCI,IF 4.3) 2.Liu,BS(Liu,Benshan);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Gao,L(Gao,Liang);Zhang,JM(Zhang,Junming);Zhu,YH(Zhu,Yanhe);Zang,XZ(Zang,Xizhe);Zhao,J(Zhao, ie). Design and Experimental Study of a Turbojet VTOL Aircraft with One-Dimensional Thrust Vectoring Nozzles. Aerospace,Volume 9, Issue 11, Nov 2022(SCI,IF 2.6) 3. Zhang,H(Zhang,He);Qin,WL(Qin,Wenlei);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Li,Q(Li,Qiang);Chen,ZG(Chen,Zhigang);Zhao,J(Zhao,Jie).Disturbance Elimination for the Modular Joint Torque Sensor of a Collaborative Robot. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2020 DEC (SCI IF 1.43) 4. Ti,BY (Ti,Boyang);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Shi,M(Shi,Ming);Zhao,J(Zhao,Jie).Generalization of orientation trajectories and force-torque profiles for learning human assembly skill. ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING, AUG 2022 (SCI IF 10.4) 5. Zou,JL(Zou,Jialin);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Liu,Q(Liu,Qing);Sun, XY(Sun,Xiaoying). Feasibility of a snow-melting membrane roof with an electrical-thermal system and prediction of its performance. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, MAR 5 2023, (SCI IF 6.4) 6. Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Lang,GD(Lang,Guodong);Shen,WP(Shen,Wenpeng);Zhao, J(Zhao, Jie).Three-Dimensional Modeling and Kinematic Analysis of Human Elbow Joint Axis Based on Anatomy and Screw Theory. IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS. OCT 2022 (SCI IF 5.2) 7. Ti, BY(Ti, Boyang);Gao,YS(Gao, Yongsheng); Shi, M (Shi, Ming); Fu, L(Fu,Le); Zhao,J(Zhao,Jie).Movement generalization of variable initial task state based on Euclidean transformation dynamical movement primitives. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS. Volume18Issue6, NOV 2021 (SCI IF 2.3) 8. Shi,M(Shi,Ming);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Ti,BY(Ti,Boyang);Zhao,J Zhao,Jie).Obstacle Avoidance Methods Based on Geometric Information Under the DMPs Framework. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,Volume13014,Page58-69,2021 (SCI IF 0.3) 9. Ti,BY(Ti,Boyang);Gao,YS(Gao,Yongsheng);Zhao,J(Zhao,Jie);Calinon, S(Calinon,Sylvain). Imitation of Manipulation Skills Using Multiple Geometries. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS) 2022, Page7391-7398 10. Ti, Boyang; Gao, Yongsheng*; Li, Qiang; Zhao, Jie. Human Intention Understanding From Multiple Demonstrations and Behavior Generalization in Dynamic Movement Primitives Framework. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 36186-36194(SCIE) 11. Gao, Yongsheng; Luo, Yang*; Zhao, Jie; Li, Qiang sEMG-angle estimation using feature engineering techniques for least square support vector machine..Technology and Health Care, 2019, 27: S31-S46,(SCIE) 12. Gao, Yongsheng*; Wang, Shengxin; Xiao, Feiyun; Zhao, Jie. An Angle-Emg Biomechanical Model Of The Human Elbow Joint. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, 16(6): 0-1650078, SCIE 13. Liu, Yang; Gao, Yongsheng*; Zhu, Yanhe.A Novel Cable-Pulley Underactuated Lower Limb Exoskeleton For Human Load-Carrying Walking. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2017, 17(7): 0-1740042, SCIE 14. Feiyun Xiao*; Yongsheng Gao; Shengxin Wang; Jie Zhao.Prediction of pathological tremor using adaptive multiple oscillators linear combiner. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2016, 27: 77-86,SCIE 15. Feiyun Xiao, Yong Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Yanhe Zhu, Jie Zhao. Continuous Estimation of Elbow Joint Angle by Multiple Features of Surface Electromyographic Using Grey Features Weighted Support Vector Machine[J]. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2017, 7: 574-583. (SCI 收录). 16. Feiyun Xiao, Yongsheng Gao, Yong Wang, Yanhe Zhu, Jie Zhao. Design of a wearable cable-driven upper limb exoskeleton based on epicyclic gear trains structure[J]. Technology and Health Care, 2017, 25: S3-S11.(SCI 收录) 17. Feiyun Xiao, Yong Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Yanhe Zhu, Jie Zhao. Continuous estimation of joint angle from electromyography using multiple time-delayed features and random forests[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2018, 39: 303-311.(SCI 收录) 18. Feiyun Xiao, Yongsheng Gao, Yong Wang, Yanhe Zhu, Jie Zhao. Design and evaluation of a 7-DOF cable-driven upper limb exoskeleton[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017(SCI 收录) 20. Shengxin Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Jie Zhao and Hegao Cai. Adaptive Sliding Bandlimited Multiple Fourier Linear Combiner for Estimation of Pathological Tremor[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2014,10: 260-274. (SCI收录,IDS号000334001300028,IF=1.419) 21. Shengxin Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Feiyun Xiao and Jie Zhao. Research on musculoskeletal model of elbow joint for evaluating the feasibility of FES [J]. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 2015, 26: S593-S600. (SCI收录,IDS号为000361671800068,IF=1.09) 22. Shengxin Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Yanhe Zhu and Jie Zhao. Estimation of pathological tremor from recorded signals based on adaptive sliding fast Fourier transform [J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. (已录用, SCI收录, IF= 0.575) 23. Shengxin Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Feiyun Xiao, Xizhe Zang and Jie Zhao. Estimation of Tremor Parameters and Extraction Tremor from Recorded Signals for Tremor Suppression [C]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA), Stockholm, Sweden, 2016 24. Shengxin Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Tao Yang, Jie Zhao and Hegao Cai. Prediction of sEMG-Based Tremor Joint Angle Using the RBF Neural Network [C]. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), Chengdu, 2012: 2103-2108. (EI检索, 收录号为 2012431597953) 25. Shengxin Wang, Yongsheng Gao, Feiyun Xiao, Wei Xin and Jie Zhao. Analysis and Simulation of Neural Oscillator for Tremor Suppression by FES[C]. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Zhuhai,2015: 680-685. 26. Ti, B., Gao, Y., Li, Q., & Zhao, J. Dynamic Movement Primitives for Movement Generation Using GMM-GMR Analytical Method. In 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT) (pp. 250-254). IEEE, 2019.(EI) 27. Li Qiang,Gao Yongsheng,Ti Boyang,Zhao Jie. Model-Error-Observer-Based Control of Robotic Manipulator with Uncertain Dynamics.2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies, p 255-260, May 9, 2019.(EI) 28. Yongsheng Gao, Yang Luo, Jie Zhao, Qiang Li. Continuous Joint Angle Estimation by Least Support Vector Machine from Time-Delayed sEMG Features[C]. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology, 2018. ICBBT 2018. The Tenth World Congress on. ACM, 2018. (EI) 29. Yang Luo, Yongsheng Gao, Jie Zhao, Qiang Li, Xingtong Fei. Elbow Joint Angle Estimation in Wavelet Neural Network using ReliefF Selected Features of sEMG and Post Filter[C]. International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2018. ICMA 2018. The Fifteenth World Congress on. IEEE, 2018.(EI) 30. Yang Luo, Yongsheng Gao, Qiang Li, Jie Zhao. Central Pattern Generator Based Band-limited Multiple Fourier Linear Combiner for Tremor Estimation in Functional Electrical Stimulation System[C]. International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 2018. ICMA 2018. The Fifteenth World Congress on. IEEE, 2018. (EI) 专利 名称 [1] 高永生;郎国栋;姚士军;樊继壮;赵杰。一种虚拟球铰关节运动学求解方法。中国, CN116561993A,2023-08-08 [2] 高永生;郎国栋;姚士军;沈文鹏;赵杰。一种上肢康复外骨骼用的肘关节主动补偿结构。中国, CN116473804A,2023-07-25 [3] 高永生; 郎国栋; 姚士军 沈文鹏; 朱延河; 赵杰。一种基于鲍登珠链传动的外骨骼关节系统。CN116394225A,2023-07-07 [4] 樊继壮;徐天;张学贺;高永生;刘刚峰;赵杰。一种基于双重加权的机械臂负载离线辨识方法及系统。2023-07-07,CN114840806B [5] 郎国栋;高永生;姚士军;朱延河;赵杰。外骨骼人机穿戴时用的充气式柔性连接单元和连接方法。CN116372898A,2023-07-04 [6] 杨赟;杜进;刘刚峰;李凯旋;李长乐;张学贺;高永生;赵杰。三足式自适应起落架及其控制方法。2023-06-30 CN113879515B [7] 刘刚峰;刘涛;李长乐;高永生;张学贺;赵杰。一种管道检修机器人及系统2023-04-28 CN116025803A [8] 刘刚峰;刘涛;李长乐;高永生;张学贺;赵杰。一种复杂管道检修机器人路径规划方法及系统。2023-04-18,CN115981311A [9] 高永生;郎国栋;姚士军;彭康;提博洋;赵杰。一种基于内凹并联结构的双轮模块化蛇形机器人。中国,2023-03-14,CN115783076A [10] 郎国栋;高永生;樊继壮;姚世军;赵杰。一种基于虚拟球铰的双轮模块化蛇形机器人,中国,2023-03-14,CN115783077A [11] 郎国栋、高永生、孙晓颖、沈文鹏。一种关节轴线计算方法。202210356744.1, 2023-01-24 [12] 高永生,郎国栋,李光杨,赵杰。基于CT图像的肘关节屈伸三维运动分析方法及装置,PCT/CN2021/094106;中国,CN113507890B, 2022-09-13 [13] 郎国栋、高永生、孙晓颖、赵杰、彭康。一种可辅助行走可穿戴的并联结构双足机器人。20211517224.6 [14] 赵杰;刘本山;高良;朱延河;张俊明;高永生.姿态可控模块单元、飞行器及姿态控制方法2022-06-03,CN114572384A [15] 刘刚峰;孙宪超;李长乐;张学贺;刘玉斌;高永生;赵杰。一种应用于三臂凿岩台车的孔序自动规划方法。2022-03-01,CN114102604A [16] 高永生,张腾,赵杰。一种具有补偿装置的柔性绳驱肘关节外骨骼机器人。CN111184620B,,授权公告日:2021-11-30 [17] 樊继壮;高永生;刘刚峰;赵杰。一种蒸汽发生器传热管检测设备定位连接机构。CN106970146B,2020-02-21 [18] 高永生; 刘洋; 朱延河。基于绳-滑轮机构的欠驱动下肢助力外骨骼机器人。中国, CN201710533387.0. 2019-05-17 [19] 高永生,罗洋,赵杰,肖飞云。一种穿戴式腕部康复训练柔性传动外骨骼:中国,CN107569363 B. 2019-10-22 [20] 刘玉斌;戴骞;李长乐;赵杰;高永生。一种平面冗余度机器人.2017-06-20,CN105479451B [21] 高永生; 赵杰; 辛未; 王胜新。具有实时反馈功能的可编程功能性电刺激器。中国, CN201610710139.4,2016-8-23 [22] 朱延河;高永生;赵杰;张国安。超声与单目视觉传感器结合的障碍物识别装置,2016-10-05,CN103744110B [23] 朱延河;高永生;赵杰;张国安。一种二自由度可控式机器人模块连接机构。2016-04-20,CN103753599B [24] 朱延河;高永生;刘刚峰;李长乐;赵杰。分段式自构建导轨支撑系统。2016-04-20,CN103934678B [25] 高永生,肖飞云,朱延河,王胜新,赵杰。一种用于穿戴的柔性传动上肢外骨骼机器人。中国, CN201510811638.8. 2016-01-20 [26] 赵杰;高永生;王胜新;臧希喆;李军强;朱延河;樊继壮。一种面向病理性震颤的抑震装置。2012-10-03。CN102697589A [27] 赵杰;刘刚峰;闫继宏;高永生;唐术锋;金弘哲。一种两自由度姿态运动模拟装置,2015-07-08,CN103323178B [28] 赵杰;樊继壮;高永生;仲军,一种具备感知能力的气动肌肉驱动仿青蛙弹跳腿。2015-06-17,CN103241301B [29] 李惠;辛大波;高永生;张海兵。全解耦三自由度桥梁节段模型强迫振动系统。2014-08-13,CN102607800B [30] 刘刚峰;朱延河;臧希喆;高永生;樊继壮;齐冀;赵杰。一种丝母丝杠式双行程电动缸。2014-07-30,CN103956855A [31] 赵杰;闫继宏;刘刚峰;樊继壮;刘玉斌;高永生。基于无线传感器网络的矿井搜索探测多机器人系统。CN101265813B.2010-04-14 |