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姓名 谢晖
教师编号 90004
性别 谢晖
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 机电工程学院
学位 谢晖
学历 谢晖
职称 教授
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Main News Members Publications About Xie 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 谢晖, 教授、博导,机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,曾获首届国家自然基金优秀青年科学基金资助,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,荣获黑龙江省青年科技奖。主要研究方向微纳机器人技术,代表性成果刊出在 Science Robotics、Nature Communications 等期刊,获省技术发明一等奖2项、自然科学二等奖1项。目前担任《机器人》、IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics 等多个国内外期刊编委职务。 名称 News and Events 第二十四届校优秀博士学位论文,祝贺孙猛猛!(07/07/2022) 2023 年课题组拟招收硕士生 4 名,博士生 3 名。研究方向:面向脑机接口、药物递送、生物操作、微纳制造/测量的微纳/仿生机器人,欢迎报考。(19/06/2022) 2022 年拟招收统招硕士生 1 名,欢迎报考。(25/03/2022) 2022 年拟招收硕士生 3 名,欢迎报考。有意者可通过E-mail联系或到实验室见面交流。(06/2021) 第五届哈尔滨工业大学 “春晖创新成果奖”,祝贺博士生孙猛猛!(18/04/2021) 第十届哈尔滨工业大学研究生 “十佳英才”,祝贺博士生范新建!(26/11/2020) 2021 年课题组计划招收博士生 2-3 名、硕士生 2 名。欢迎机械、控制、计算机等学科背景的学生加盟。 2020 年博士生名额还剩 1–2 名,硕博连读(直攻)、直接报考学生均可,欢迎报考!(14/07/2019) 2020 年硕士生名额还剩 1–2 名,欢迎报考!(14/07/2019) Science Robotics 成果刊出,继 2017 年底 Nature Comm. 的第二篇,感谢所有队友!(21/03/2019) 团队两名同级博士生获得国奖,衷心祝贺!(12/2018) 2019 年团队招收博士生 2 名,2019 硕博连读(直攻)、直接报考学生均可,欢迎报考!(13/10/2018) 第二十届校优秀博士学位论文,祝贺 Danish Hussain!(18/09/2018) 欢迎相关领域的博士到团队从事博士后研究工作。(长期有效) 新年新气象,愿您快乐、安康!(17/02/2015) Our team was awarded the Best Conference Paper in 3M-NANO 2012.(09/2012) Open Positions 青年教师: 诚邀海内外毕业的青年博士加盟,随时咨询,详见招聘细则。(长期有效) 博士后 (讲师): 诚邀机械、控制、计算机、材料等多学科的博士加盟,名额不限,待遇丰厚。(长期有效) 研究生: 每年招收博士生 3 名、硕士生 > 4 名;研究方向:面向药物递送、柔性脑机接口创成、生物操作及微纳制造的微纳机器人技术;课题主要源于国家自然基金(杰出青年基金、重大科研仪器项目等)、科技部重大研发计划、国家国际合作项目等。欢迎报考!(长期有效) Career Summary 名称 Biography Hui Xie is a professor with the State Key Laboratory of Robotics and Systems, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. He was a Research Associate at the Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)/Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France, from May 2008 to April 2010, where he was a Postdoctoral Researcher from December 2006 to April 2008. Xie received the B.E. degree in 2000 in Mechanical Engineering from Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China, the M.E. and the Ph.D. degrees in Mechatronics Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. His current research interests mainly include micro and nanorobotics, micro and nanomanipulation and characterization, bio-inspired small and soft robots, and swimming micro and nanorobots.Xie’s current work is partly supported by NSFC National Major Scientific Instruments and Equipments Development Project (2021), NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars (2019), National Key Research and Development Program of China (2018/2019). He won two Technological Invention Awards (1st Prize) and one Natural Science Award (2nd Prize) of Heilongjiang Province. He was the recipient of 6 Best Paper Awards/Finalists including IROS. He serves as editorial board members of Robot (Chinese), The Innovation and IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, etc. State Key Laboratory of Robotics & Systems Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) TIB-K306, HIT Science Park 2 Yikuang Street, Nangang District 150080 Harbin, P. R. China E-mail: xiehui (at) hit.edu.cn哈尔滨工业大学 机器人技术与系统国家重点实验室 哈工大科学园科创大厦K306室 南岗区一匡街2号, 150080 哈尔滨 Research Interest Micro and NanorobotsMicro and nanorobotic systems; Multi-scale, innovative fabrication/actuation/control; Bioinspired small/soft robots; Soft sensing and manipulation. Micro and NanoswimmersMicro and nanoscale swimmer fabrication, actuation, motion control, swarm regulation and in vivo navigation; Non-contact micro and nanomanipulation; Bio-sensing; Drug (DNA) delivery. Microrobotics for Brain ScienceMinimally invasive deep implantation of ultra-fine and flexible neuroelectrodes; Intelligent sensing the cerebrovascular and targeting depth during the implantation; Generation of scalable, stable, and safe electronic neural interfaces. Micro and Nanorobotics for Surface/Interface PhysicsNanomechanics & adhesion; Nanoscale surface potential & Solid-liquid interface charge density mapping; Multidimensional CD-metrology; Multiparametric imaging. Micro and NanomanipulationMicro and Nanoassembly; Micro and Nanofabrication; Dynamic Force Sensing; 3D bio-manipulation and characterization; Cell Manipulation and in situ Nanoinjection. Honors & Awards 2019 Talent Fund, China National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars NSFC, China 2019 Talent Fund, Principal Investigator of the “Young Scientist Studio” HIT, China 2013 Award, Award for Youth in Science and Technology Heilongjiang, China 2012 Talent Fund, China National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars NSFC, China 2012 Talent Program, New Century Excellent Talents by the Ministry of Education of China MEC, China 2017 2nd Prize, Award for Technological Invention of Heilongjiang Province Heilongjiang, China 3007 1st Prize, Award for Technological Invention of Heilongjiang Province Heilongjiang, China 3005 1st Prize, Award for Technological Invention of Heilongjiang Province Heilongjiang, China 2017 Finalist, Best Application Paper Award, MARSS 2017 Montréal, Canada 2016 Finalist, Best Conference Paper Award, MARSS 2016 Paris, France 2012 Best, Best Conference Paper Award, IEEE 3M-NANO 2012 Xi'an, China 2011 Best, Best Student Paper Award, IEEE 3M-NANO 2011 Changchun, China 2009 Best, Best Application Paper Award, IEEE IROS 3009 (Top conference in Robotics) St. Louis, USA Professional Activities 2021–Pres. Council Member, The 4th Council of the CSMNT 2021–Pres. Board of Directors, The 2nd Council of the MNRS-CSMNT 2020–Pres. Young Experts, Engineering 2020–Pres. Editorial Board, Control and Decision (《控制与决策》) 2020–Pres. Editorial Board, The Innovation 2019–Pres. Technical Editor, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 2019–Pres. Editor Board, Robot (《机器人》) 2018–Pres. Associate Editor, IEEE Access 2012 Guest Editor, International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 2020 Travel Support Chair, IEEE ICRA 2020 (Top conference in Robotics), Paris, France 2018 IEEE Senior Member, S’05–M’07–SM’18 2016–Pres. Steering Committee, Int. Conf. on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales 2011–Pres. Program Committee, IEEE 3M-NANO 2010–Pres. Committee member, over 10 IEEE International Conferences 2009–Pres. Invited Talks, over 10 invited talks in International Conferences Team Members 名称 Academic Staff 张号 (Hao ZHANG)Profile:- 2019.11 – Present, Lecturer, Associate Professor (2022) - 2013.09 – 2019.09, M.E. & Ph.D., Harbin Institute of Technology Research Activities: - Multiparametric characterization at micro/nanoscale surfaces and interfaces - Robotic micro- and nanomanipulation - Swimming micro and nanorobots 孟祥和 (Xianghe MENG)Profile: - 2020.07 – Present, Lecturer(2020年``国家博士后创新人才支持计划'') - 2010.09 – 2020.06, B.E., M.E. & Ph.D., Harbin Institute of Technology Research Activities: - Nanomechanics at the micro- and nano-surfaces/interfaces - Robotic micro- and nanomanipulation - Microrobotic manipulation and intelligent sensing for electronic neural interfaces Ph.D. Students 吴晓茉 (Xiaomo WU)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2016.09 – 2022.07, B.E. & M.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Intelligent sensing and microrobotic manipulation for brain–machine interfaces 李诗诗 (Shishi LI)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology - 2020.09 – 2022.07, M.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology - 2016.09 – 2020.07, B.E., Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityResearch Activities: - Programmable fabrication and locomotion of multimodal miniature soft robots 杨鹏 (Peng YANG)Profile: - 2021.09 – Present, Ph.D. student (本博), Harbin Insititute of Technology - 2017.09 – 2021.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Magnetically guided active miniature continuum robots for medicine 孙安迪 (Andi SUN)Profile: - 2021.09 – Present, Ph.D. student (本博), Harbin Insititute of Technology - 2017.09 – 2021.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Visual navigation and microrobotic manipulation for brain–machine interfaces 沈行健 (Xingjian SHEN)Profile: - 2020.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology - 2014.09 – 2020.07, B.E. & M.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Microrobotic system for minimally invasive implantation of ultra-fine neuroelectrodes 毛立阳 (Liyang MAO)Profile: - 2020.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, Harbin Institute of Technology - 2014.09 – 2020.07, M.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Microrobotics in vivo: Electromagnetic navigation systems and bionic miniature soft robots 田陈堯 (Chenyao TIAN)Profile: - 2019.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, Harbin Institute of Technology- 2016.09 – 2019.07, M.E., Wuhan UniversityResearch Activities: - Electromagnetic actuation systems and bionic miniature soft robots 陈曦 (Xi CHEN)Profile: - 2019.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, Harbin Institute of Technology- 2013.09 – 2019.07, B.E. & M.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Fabrication and actuation of magnetic miniature soft robots for drug delivery M.E. Students 陈允乐 (Yunle CHEN)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2018.09 – 2022.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Microrobotic manipulation and intelligent sensing for electronic neural interface 许妍 (Yan XU)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2018.09 – 2022.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Microrobotic manipulation and intelligent sensing for electronic neural interface 付子亮 (Ziliang FU)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2018.09 – 2022.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Swimming micro and nanorobots 桂一 (Yi GUI)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2018.09 – 2022.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Swimming micro and nanorobots 王飞皓 (Feihao WANG)Profile: - 2022.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2018.09 – 2022.07, B.E., Harbin Engineering UniversityResearch Activities: - Swimming micro and nanorobots 李希铖 (Xicheng LI)Profile: - 2021.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2017.09 – 2021.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Swimming micro and nanorobots 贾经之 (Jinazhi JIA)Profile: - 2021.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2017.09 – 2021.07, B.E., Harbin University of Science and TechnologyResearch Activities: - Swimming micro and nanorobots 罗克顶 (Keding LUO)Profile: - 2021.09 – Present, M.E. student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2017.09 – 2021.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of TechnologyResearch Activities: - Swimming micro and nanorobots Alumni Ph.D. 耿俊媛 (Junyuan GENG)Profile- 2022.12 – Present, Lecturer, Nankai University- 2017.09 – 2022.12, Ph.D. student(本博), Harbin Institute of Technology- 2013.09 – 2017.07, B.E., Yanshan University 陈韦男 (Weinan CHEN)Profile: - 2018.09 – 2022.07, Ph.D., Harbin Institute of Technology(校优秀博士毕业生)- 2011.09 – 2018.07, B.E. & M.E. Shanghai University 孙猛猛 (Mengmeng SUN)Profile: - 2021.08 – Present, Postdoctoral Researcher, Chinese University of Hong Kong- 2016.09 – 2021.06, M.E. & Ph.D. (硕博),Harbin Institute of Technology(哈工大第五届“春晖创新成果奖”、第二十四届校优秀博士学位论文)- 2012.09 – 2016.07, B.E., Wuhan University 范新建 (Xinjian FAN)Profile: - 2021.01 – Present, 苏州大学(2021年``国家博士后创新人才支持计划'')- 2016.09 – 2020.12, Ph.D. , HIT(哈工大第十届研究生``十佳英才'')- 2019.09 – 2020.09, Max Planck Institute for Intell. Sys., CSC visiting student- 2009.09 – 2016.07, B.E. & M.E., Ocean University of China 温勇兵 (Yongbing WEN)Profile: - 2020.10– Present, 小鹏汽车,广州- 2015.09 – 2020.10, M.E. & Ph.D.(硕博), Harbin Institute of Technology- 2011.09 – 2015.07, B.E. Sichuan University 宋建民 (Jianmin SONG)Profile: - 2020.08 – Present, 航天院所,北京- 2009.09 – 2020.06, B.E., M.E. & Ph.D., Harbin Institute of Technology 孟祥和 (Xianghe MENG)Profile: - 2020.08 – Present, Harbin Institute of Technology(留校任教)- 2010.09 – 2020.07, B.E., M.E., & Ph.D., Harbin Institute of Technology 张号 (Hao ZHANG)Profile:- 2019.11 – Present, Harbin Institute of Technology(留校任教)- 2013.09 – 2019.09, M.E. & Ph.D., Harbin Institute of Technology Danish HUSSAINProfile: - 2017.09 – Present, Assistant Professor, Natl. Univ. Sci. Tech., Pakistan - 2012.09 – 2017.07, M.E. & Ph.D. , HIT(第20届校优秀博士论文)- 2008.09 – 2012.07, B.E., Dawood College of Engineering & Technology M.E. 吴晓茉 (Xiaomo WU)Profile: - 2020.09 – 2022.07, M.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2016.09 – 2020.07, B.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology 李诗诗 (Shishi LI)Profile: - 2020.09 – 2022.07, M.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2016.09 – 2020.07, B.E., Northwestern Polytechnical University 杨明轩 (Mingxuan YANG)Profile: - 2021.09 – Present, Ph.D. student, City University of Hong Kong- 2015.09 – 2021.07, B.E. & M.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology (校优秀硕士论文) 沈行健 (Xingjian SHEN)Profile: - 2020.09 – Present, Ph.D. Student, Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2014.09 – 2020.07, B.E. & M.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology 刘琪 (Qi LIU)Profile: - 2020.08, Huawei Beijing R&D Centre- 2018.09 – 2020.07, M.E., Harbin Insititute of Technology- 2014.09 – 2018.07, B.E., China Agricultural University 陈昇 (Shen CHEN)Profile: - 2011.09 – 2017.07, B.E. & M.E., Harbin Institute of Technology 王浩 (Hao WANG)Profile: - 2012.09 – 2014.07, M.E., Harbin Institute of Technology- 2008.09 – 2012.07, B.E., Chongqing University 尹穆楠 (Munan YIN)Profile: - 2013.09 – 2016, Ph.D., ISIR, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris- 2011.09 – 2013.07, M.E., Harbin Institute of Technology- 2007.09 – 2011.07, B.E., Hehai University 名称 Books and Chapters Flexible robotic AFM based system for manipulation and characterization of micro- and nanoobjects Hui Xie, and Stéphane RégnierIn Book Micro‐ and Nanomanipulation Tools, Editor: Y. Sun & X. Y. Liu, Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015.DOI: 10.1002/9783527690237.ch18. 3D micro/nanomanipulation with force spectroscopy Hui Xie, and Stéphane RégnierIn Book Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Editor: Bharat Bhushan. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9751-4_203. Atomic force microscopy based nanorobotics: Modelling, simulation, setup building and experiments Hui Xie, Cagdas Onal, Stéphane Régnier, and Metin SittiAdvanced Robotics book series, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20329-9. Journal Articles (2014-Present) In situ quantification of strain-induced piezoelectric potential of dynamically bending ZnO microwires Hao Zhang, Haibo Gao, Juanyuan Geng, Xianghe Meng, and Hui XieSmall Methods, 202201342, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. ||DOI: 10.1002/smtd.202201342. Development of 3D atomic force microscopy with magnetically driven orthogonal cantilever Hao Zhang, Junyuan Geng, Haibo Gao, Weibin Rong, and Hui XieEngineering, In press, Elsevier, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.06.010. Magnetic untethered peanutlike millirobot motion mode switching control Weinan Chen, Xi Chen , Mingxuan Yang, Xinjian Fan, Chenyao Tian, Hao Zhang, and Hui Xie IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechtronics, Online, New York, NY: IEEE, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2022.3221272. Multiscale magnetic hydrogel robot with a core–shell structure for active targeted delivery Xi Chen, Hao Zhang, Chenyao Tian, Jingzhi Jia, and Hui XieACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4, 11, 8645–8655, Washington, DC: ACS, 2022. DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c01555. Scale-reconfigurable miniature ferrofluidic robots for negotiating sharply variable spaces Xinjian Fan, Yihui Jiang, Mingtong Li, ..., Hui Xie, Lining Sun, Zhan Yang, and Metin SittiScience Advances, eabq1677, Washington DC: AAAS, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq1677. Three-dimensional Kelvin probe force microscopy Junyuan Geng, Hao Zhang, Xianghe Meng, Haibo Gao, Weibin Rong, and Hui XieACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 14, no. 28, 32719–32728, Washington, DC: ACS, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c07645. Miniature amphibious robot actuated by rigid-flexible hybrid vibration modules Dehong Wang, Yingxiang Liu, Jie Deng, ..., Gangfeng Liu, Hui Xie, and Jie ZhaoAdvanced Science, 2203054, Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1002/advs.202203054. Reconfigurable magnetic slime robot: Deformation, adaptability, and multifunction Mengmeng Sun, Chenyao Tian, Liyang Mao, Xianghe Meng, Xingjian Shen, Bo Hao, Xin Wang, Hui Xie, and Li Zhang Advanced Functional Materials, 2112508, Weinheim: Wiley, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202112508. Development and experiment evaluation of a compact inchworm piezoelectric actuator using three-jaw type clamping mechanism Jie Deng, Shijing Zhang, Yiqing Li, Xuefeng Ma, Xiang Gao, Hui Xie, Yingxiang Liu Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 31, no. 4, 045020, IOP Publishing, 2022. DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ac59da. Quantification of the microrheology of living cells using multi-frequency magnetic force modulation atomic force microscopy Xianghe Meng, Xiaomo Wu, Jianmin Song, Hao Zhang, Mingjun Chen, and Hui Xie IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71, 7501609, New York, NY: IEEE, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3153994. Influence of multidirectional oscillations on output characteristics of inertial piezoelectric platform Jie Deng, Yingxiang Liu, Jing Li, Shijing Zhang, and Hui XieIEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Online, New York, NY: IEEE, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2022.3151102. Torsional harmonic Kelvin probe force microscopy for high-sensitivity surface potential mapping Hao Zhang, Haibo Gao, Junyuan Geng, Xianghe Meng, and Hui Xie IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 1654-1662, New York, NY: IEEE, 2022. ||DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3057040. Dual-responsive biohybrid neutrobots for active target delivery Hongyue Zhang, Zesheng Li, Changyong Gao, ..., Zhiguang Wu, Hui Xie, and Qiang HeScience Robotics, vol. 6, p. eaaz9519, Washington DC: AAAS, 2021. ||DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aaz9519. Triple-configurational magnetic robot for targeted drug delivery and sustained release Weinan Chen, Xi Chen, Mingxuan Yang, Shishi Li, Xinjian Fan, Hao Zhang, and Hui XieACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 13, no. 38, pp. 45315–45324, Washington, DC: ACS, 2021. ||DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c14610. Arthropod‐metamerism‐inspired resonant piezoelectric millirobot Yingxiang Liu, Jing Li, Jie Deng, Shijing Zhang, Weishan Chen, Hui Xie, and Jie ZhaoAdvanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 3, no. 8, p. 2100015, Weinheim: Wiley, 2021. ||DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202100015. Sidewall imaging of microarray-based biosensor using an orthogonal cantilever probe Junyuan Geng, Hao Zhang, Xianghe Meng, Weibin Rong, and Hui XieIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, p. 7502208, New York, NY: IEEE, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3066549. Swarming microdroplets to a dexterous micromanipulator Mengmeng Sun, Xinjian Fan, Lining Sun, and Hui Xie Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, no. 19, p. 202011193, Weinheim: Wiley, 2021. ||DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202011193. The cube-shaped hematite microrobot for biomedical application Weinan Chen, Mengmeng Sun, and Hui Xie Mechatronics, vol. 74, p. 102498, Elsevier B.V., 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2021.102498. Magnetically actuated intelligent hydrogel-based child-parent microrobots for targeted drug delivery Weinan Chen, Yongbing Wen, Xinjian Fan, Mengmeng Sun, Chenyao Tian, Mingxuan Yang, and Hui XieJournal of Materials Chemistry B, vol. 9, pp. 1030–1039, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021. DOI: 10.1039/D0TB02384A. Interplay of long non-coding RNAs and HIF-1α: A new dimension to understanding hypoxia-regulated tumor growth and metastasis Xingwen Wang, Dong Zhao, Hui Xie, and Ying Hu Cancer Letters, vol. 499, pp. 49–59, Elsevier B.V., 2021. ||DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2020.11.007. Melt electrospinning writing of magnetic microrobots Yingchun Su, Tian Qiu, Wen Song, ..., Hui Xie, Mingdong Dong, Menglin ChenAdvanced Science, vol. 8, p. 2003177, Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2021. ||DOI: 10.1002/advs.202003177. Reconfigurable multifunctional ferrofluid droplet robots Xinjian Fan, Xiaoguang Dong, Alp C. Karacakol, Hui Xie, and Metin Sitti PNAS, vol. 117, no. 45, pp. 27916-27926, National Academy of Sciences, 2020. ||DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2016388117. On-chip rotation of caenorhabditis elegans using microfluidic vortices Peng Pan, John D. Laver, Zhen Qin, Yuxiao Zhou, Ran Peng, Lijun Zhao, Hui Xie, John A. Calarco, and Xinyu Liu Advanced Materials Technologies, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 2000575, Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2020. DOI: 10.1002/admt.202000575. Autonomous biohybrid urchin-like microperforator for intracellular payload delivery Mengmeng Sun, Qi Liu, Xinjian Fan, Yuefei Wang, Weinan Chen, Chenyao Tian, Lining Sun, and Hui XieSmall, vol. 16, no. 23, p. 1906701, Weinheim: Wiley, 2020.||DOI: 10.1002/smll.201906701. Cooperative recyclable magnetic microsubmarines for oil and microplastics removal from water Mengmeng Sun, Weinan Chen, Xinjian Fan, Chenyao Tian, Lining Sun, and Hui XieApplied Materials Today, vol. 20, p. 100682, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020.||DOI: 10.1016/j.apmt.2020.100682. Ferrofluid droplets as liquid microrobots with multiple deformabilities Xinjian Fan, Mengmeng Sun, Lining Sun, and Hui XieAdvanced Functional Materials, vol. 30, no. 24, p. 2000138, Weinheim: Wiley, 2020. ||DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202000138. Living cell manipulation and in situ nanoinjection based on frequency shift feedback using cantilevered micropipette probes Hui Xie, Hao Zhang, Jianmin Song, Xianghe Meng, Junyuan Geng, and Lining Sun IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1545–5955, New York, NY: IEEE, 2020.DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2019.2904281. Nanorobotic manipulation system for 360° characterization atomic force microscopy Yongbin Wen, Haojian Lu, Yajin Shen, and Hui XieIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2916–2924, New York, NY: IEEE, 2020.||DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2019.2910042. Probing multidimensional mechanical phenotyping of intracellular structures by viscoelastic spectroscopy Jianmin Song, Xianghe Meng, Hao Zhang, Kunming Zhao, Ying Hu, and Hui XieACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1913–1923, Washington, DC: ACS, 2020.||DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b19597. 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