姓名 | 马军 |
教师编号 | 89828 |
性别 | 马军 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 环境学院 |
学位 | 马军 |
学历 | 马军 |
职称 | 软件著作权666包写包过 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 English-Jun Ma 马军 科学研究 教育教学 工程建设 论文期刊 专利 ... 论文期刊 专利 新建主栏目 LINKAGES 名称 HIT http://homepage.hit.edu.cn/pages/majun GOOGLE https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=e6enh3QAAAAJ&hl=en CONTACT INFORMATION 名称 Jun Ma, Deputy Director, National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Resources State Key Laboratory of Urban Water and Environment Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering Changjiang Scholar Professor in Water and Environmental Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, No73 Huanghe Road, Nangang Dist. Harbin 150090, China Tel: %2B86-451-86283010 Fax:%2B86-451-86283010 E-mail: majun@hit.edu.cn,majunhit@126.com SHORT DESCRIPTION: 名称 Graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology (BS, MS and PhD), Postdoctoral Fellow at Imperial College of UK (recipient of first class Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship). Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and the Gust Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG) at Switzerland (Under the scheme of Federal Science Foundation of Switzerland). He is the national high-level talent at Harbin Institute of Technology and the Deputy Director of the National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Resources, China. His interest has been in the area of Water and Wastewater Treatment. He has been working in the processes of oxidation, reduction, coagulation, dissolved air flotation, carbon related adsorbents and adsorption processes, nanoparticles and membranes, disinfection and by-products control. He is also interested in iron and manganese and arsenic removal from water, he has been devoted to heavy metal removal from water. He is the recipient of "Sustainable Water Award" of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2016), He is the recipient of Honor Award for Scientific Excellence by the American Chemical Society in 2017, in the ACS conference in honor of Professor Jun Ma. He also received two National Inventory Awards from the Chinese Government. He is the recipient of China Young Scientist Award (one of the ten recipients in 2006), and the recipient of Achievement Award of the national high-level talent (Engineering Science Award, the single recipient in 2007 in China). He holds 6 US patents and 120 Chinese Invention patents and over 640 peer reviewed international journal papers. He is the recipient of Super Reviewer Award and Excellence in Review Award of the journal of Environmental Science and Technology. He is Associate Editor of ACS ES&T-Engineering, and the IWA official journal of Water Research, and the journal of Applied Water Science, and the journal of Advanced Oxidation Technology. He is also the Advisory Board Editorial Member of "Environmental Science and Technology Letter" and RSC Journal of "Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology". RESEASRCH INTERESTS 名称 (1) Oxidation processes such as permanganate, ferrate, ozone, persulphate, UV, Fenton and Fenton-Like oxidation, and other advanced oxidation processes etc. (2) Interface against pollution such as nanoparticles, adsorption, coagulation, dissolved air flotation etc. (3) Membrane processes such as ultrafiltration, forward osmosis, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, catalytic membrane etc. (4) Micropollutants removal such as EDCs, POPs , heavy metals and control of DBPs formation. (5) Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes and Engineering applications. EDUCATION 名称 1978-1982 B.E. in Water Supply and DrainageEngineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT),Harbin 1982-1985 M.S. in Municipal Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) ,Harbin 1987-1990 Ph.D. in Municipal Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) ,Harbin 1990-1992 Post-doctoral Fellow, in Environmental Engineering,Tongji University ,Shanghai,China 1993-1995 (Marie Curie Fellow) Post-doctoral Fellow,in Deptment of Civil Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 名称 1985-1987 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology 1987-1991 Lecturer, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology 1992-1995 Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology 1993-1995 “Marie Curie” Fellow, Civil Engineering Dept, Imperial College, UK 1996-present Full Professor, Department of Environmental and Municipal Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology 1999-present Cheung Kong Professorship (Changjiang Scholar), School of Water and Environmental Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology 2005-present Deputy Director of National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Resources 2003 Visiting Scholar, Massachusetts University, for three months. 2006-2007 Visiting Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG) at Switzerland, under the scheme of Swiss National Science Foundation, for three months. 2014 Visiting Scholar, Yale University, United States of America, for one month. 2017 Visiting Scholar, Duke University, United States of America, for one month. HONORS AND AWARDS 名称 Oxidation Processes, Nanoparticles and Membrane in Water and Wastewater Treatment. A Symposium in Honor of Professor Jun Ma, held in San Francisco, USA, in April 2017. Sustainable Water Award (Ma J), by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. Cheung Kong Scholar Achievement Award 2007 (Engineering Science Award) (Ma J) by Education Ministry of China (single recipient in China in 2007). China Young Scientist Award 2006 (Ma J) (one of the ten recipients in China in 2006). National Inventory Award for Science and Technology of China (Second Class), State Council of China, 2005 (Ma J. and Chen Z.). National Inventory Award for Science and Technology of China (Second Class), State Council of China, 2002(Ma J. and Li G.). Provincial Award of Science and Technology (First Class), Heilongjiang Government, 2002, 2008 and 2015(Ma J.). China National Science and Technology Youth Prize, China Science and Technology Association and China Ministry of Personnel, 1996(Ma J.). PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP 名称 Fellow, the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015. Member of Management Committee of the Nano and Water group of International Water Association, since 2012. Member of Management Committee of the of Metal and Related Substances group of Water of International Water Association, since 2014. Member of Management Committee of the Particle Separation Group of International Water Association, since 2012. Board Member of International Ozone Association, IOA-EA3G Group., 2001 Board Member of China University Degree Committee of Civil Engineering, State Council of China , 2002 Board Member of China Water Industry Association, 2001. Board Member ofChina Water Supply Association, 1999 Board Member of Polluted Water Purification Group, Water and Wastewater Committee, China Civil Engineering Society, 1999 Member of International Water Association (Former IWSA and IAWQ), 1992-present. Board Member of Science and Technology Advisor Committee, Heilongjiang Province, 1998-present. 基本信息(Basic Information ) 名称 马军,男,汉族,1962年出生;中国工程院院士、哈尔滨工业大学环境学院教授/博士生导师,城市水资源开发利 用(北方)国家工程研究中心主任、城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室饮用水安全学术带头人。获评国家级高层次人才,国务院学科评议组成员,国际水协会IWA水与纳米委员会理事,国际臭氧协会(欧亚澳非区组)理事,美国土木工程学会(ASCE)期刊、Advanced Oxidation Technology期刊和Applied Water Science期刊等的副主编、国际水协水厂设计与运营管理委员会主席,国际水协会刊Water Research副主编,美国化学会会刊ES&T Engineering 副主编,国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家,英国皇家化学会会士,入选国家教育部跨世纪优秀人才计划,被评为做出突出贡献的优秀留学回国人员。 长期从事饮用水安全保障工作。为饮用水安全保障理论与技术发展做出突出贡献。 1993年获国际“居里夫人”一等博士后科学基金,1998年获国家杰出青年科学基金,第二批“国家级高层次人才”特聘教授,首批入选国家“国家级高层次人才”一、二层次人才和跨世纪优秀人才计划;首批全国优秀博士后;国家级有突出贡献的中青年专家,享受国务院特殊津贴。获得国家技术发明二等奖2项(均排名第一)、国家科技进步三等奖(第二完成人)、获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖、技术发明一等奖共3项(第一完成人)、国家级高层次人才奖(2007年工程科学奖单一获奖人)、2006年中国青年科学家奖(全国十人获奖,工程界两名获奖人之一)、中国青年科技奖、2015年获黑龙江省自然科学一等奖(第一完成人)、英国皇家化学会“Sustainable Water Award”(可持续发展水奖,2016年全球单一获奖人,首位获此奖项的中国学者)、美国化学会(ACS)在2017年将“水和废水处理氧化、纳米颗粒和膜技术会议”的副标题列为 “In honor of Professor Jun Ma",表彰他取得的学术成就与贡献。2018年“过硫酸盐高级氧化水质净化理论与方法”获教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第一)、2019年“基于新生态微界面特性的强化水处理技术”获黑龙江省科学技术一等奖(排名第一)2020年获全国先进工作者、工信部抗疫先进个人荣誉称号。先后承担国家科技部863项目、973子项目、国家十一五水专项子课题 以及一批省部级重点项目和多项国际合作项目。 主持国家课题20余项,培养百余名硕士生、博士生。其中2名获全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、2名获全国百篇优秀论文提名奖。指导的学生中有1人获Morgan Early Career Award (2020年全球唯一获奖人),1人获美国国家环保署(EPA)Early Career Award(全美三位获奖者之一),3人获国家级 青年人才。授权发明专利170余项,获美国专利6项。发表SCI论文300余篇,在IF6.0以上期刊发表论文200余篇,Nature Index期刊论文153篇,论文引用频次43864次,H因子110。 教育经历 标题 起讫时间 所学专业 学习机构 学历 简单介绍 1978.8-1982.7哈尔滨建筑工程学院城市建设系给水排水工程学士1982.7-1985.7哈尔滨建筑工程学院市政环境工程系市政工程硕士1987.7-1990.7哈尔滨建筑工程学院市政环境工程系市政工程博士1991.3-1993.8同济大学环境工程学院(博士后)土木、水利学科博士后1993.12-1995.6英国帝国理工学院土木工程系(获国际“居里夫人”一等博士后科学基金)饮用水处理 博士后2006.10-2007.2瑞士联邦水研究中心(瑞士国家科学基金资助)水资源与饮用水质保障访问学者 工作经历 标题 起讫时间 职位/职称 工作单位 简单介绍 1985.7-1987.1哈尔滨建筑工程学院/助教1987.2-1991.2哈尔滨建筑工程学院/讲师1993.9-1996.5哈尔滨建筑大学/副教授1996.6-1999.11哈尔滨建筑大学/教授1996.1-1998.12英国帝国理工学院土木工程系 (英国皇家学会资助)/研究员1999.12-至今哈尔滨工业大学教授、国家级高层次人才2003.5-2003.8美国麻省大学土木工程系高级访问学者/教授2004.3-至今哈尔滨工业大学环境学院副院长/教授2007.11-至今城市水资源开发利用 (北方)国家工程研究中心常务副主任/教授2007.12-至今城市水资源与水环境国家 重点实验室饮用水安全学术带头人/教授 主要任职 任职名称 任职时间 简单介绍 2003.5-2015.6国务院学位委员会学科评议组(土木工程)成员2004.11-2010.6澳大利亚南澳大学兼职教授2008.5-2013.5Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management美国土木工程学会(ASCE)期刊副主编2008.5-2014.3国际臭氧协会IOA-EA3G(欧亚澳非区组)理事2012.10-至今国际水协会IWA水与纳米委员会委员2015.8-至今英国皇家化学会会士2015.10-至今Advanced Oxidation Technology副主编2017.2-至今Applied Water Science副主编2017.2-至今Water Research 期刊(国际水协IWA会刊)副主编2018.4-至今国际水协(IWA)水厂设计与运行委员会副主席 联系方式 名称 马军教授 电话/Phnoe Number:0451-86283010 传 真 / FAX:0451-86283010 E-mail:majunhit@126.com;majun@hit.edu.cn 邮编 /Post Code:150090 通信地址/Address:哈尔滨市南岗区海河路202号哈工大2627信箱 研究领域 名称 主要研究方向: 主要从事水处理工艺理论与技术方面的研究与教学工作。重点研究给水预处理技术、高效多功能混凝工艺理论与技术、高效气浮与强化过滤技术、给水深度处理理论与技术(氧化、吸附与生物等)、高级氧化技术(水处理催化氧化方法)、水的安全消毒方法、膜处理技术(膜的制备与处理工艺)、污水深度处理技术与回用方法等方面的工作。 科技奖项 奖项名称 高锰酸盐复合剂除污染技术 获奖时间 2002 完成人 第一完成人 所获奖项 国家技术发明奖,二等奖 简单介绍 本人提出高锰酸钾在相转化过程中形成高活性中间态锰的设想,并进行了试验验证,研制出能产生高活性中间态锰的复合剂,经济高效地提高了饮用水水质,已在三十多座水厂、水站应用。 奖项名称 化学预氧化除污染集成化技术 获奖时间 2002 完成人 第一完成人 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖(发明类),一等奖 简单介绍 本人发现氧化与吸附具有互补性,提出预氧化与粉末活性炭联用技术;发现预氧化能显著地提高后续生物处理效率,提出预氧化与生物联用技术,形成化学预氧化集成工艺。 奖项名称 高效多功能强化混凝技术 获奖时间 2005 完成人 第一完成人 所获奖项 黑龙江省省长特别奖 简单介绍 本人为第一发明人,将复合药剂预氧化、多相强化絮凝和粉末活性炭吸附有机地结合,形成多功能强化混凝技术。 奖项名称 臭氧催化氧化除污染技术 获奖时间 2005 完成人 第一完成人 所获奖项 国家技术发明奖,二等奖 简单介绍 课题主持人,本人首次发现臭氧与过渡金属微界面上的羟基作用生成强氧化性羟基自由基,发明了利用过渡金属氧化物表面特性引发羟基自由基的系列高级氧化技术,并组织了生产试验和工程应用。 奖项名称 城镇水环境关键技术 获奖时间 2008 完成人 第一完成人 所获奖项 黑龙江省科学技术奖(发明类),一等奖 简单介绍 课题负责人。国家“十五”重点攻关课题,制订研究计划和攻关内容,组织开展中试和生产应用,作为第一发明人发明了利用新生态微界面特性强化吸附除重金属技术,以及基于气-液微界面特性的微气泡除有机物技术。 奖项名称 高锰酸钾助凝与取代预氯化减少氯仿生成量 获奖时间 1995 完成人 第二完成人 所获奖项 国家科技进步奖,三等奖 简单介绍 本人在试验中发现高锰酸钾的助凝作用,突破了传统以高分子助凝的理论与技术,大幅度降低了氯仿生成量,被列入国家室外给水规范,被作为主要预氧化技术在全国水厂应用。 奖项名称 净水过程中高活性中间态成分的形成规律与除污染机制 获奖时间 2015 完成人 第一完成人 所获奖项 黑龙江省自然科学,一等奖 简单介绍 第一完成人,发现在饮用水净化过程中高活性中间态成分的形成规律,建立了相关理论与技术体系。 科研项目 项目名称 功能性纳米催化材料设计与除污染技术 项目来源 国家重点研发计划 开始时间 2017.07 结束时间 2021.06 项目经费 770万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 梯度催化饮用水安全保障技术 项目来源 国家教育部项目, "863"高科技项目 开始时间 2010-06-01 结束时间 2012-06-01 项目经费 97万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 季节性重污染河流水源水质处理关键技术研究与示范 项目来源 建设部水专项 开始时间 2009-01-01 结束时间 2013-04-01 项目经费 800万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 改性PVDF膜催化过氧化氢降解水中有机污染物的效能与机理 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2010-01-01 结束时间 2012-12-01 项目经费 40万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 寒冷地区地表水中化工有机污染物的催化氧化组合技术与工艺研究 项目来源 建设部水专项 开始时间 2009-01-01 结束时间 2012-09-01 项目经费 673万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 羟基氧化铁催化臭氧强化分解高稳定性有机污染物效能与机理 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2006-01-01 结束时间 2008-12-01 项目经费 27万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 化学预氧化除污染工艺理论与技术 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 1999-01-01 结束时间 2002-12-01 项目经费 80万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 基于物联网的城市水处理系统研究及应用 项目来源 国家教育部项目, "863"高科技项目 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2014-12-01 项目经费 335.5万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 臭氧多相催化氧化机理与除污染工艺特性 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2004-01-01 结束时间 2006-11-01 项目经费 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 尖晶石铁氧体微结构对臭氧催化分解有机物效能影响 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2012-01-01 结束时间 2015-12-01 项目经费 64万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 水的深度处理与资源化综合利用重点实验室课题研究 项目来源 黑龙江省国家重点实验室开放课题 开始时间 2014.01 结束时间 2016.12 项目经费 50万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 完成 简单介绍 项目名称 尖晶石铁氧体催化过硫酸盐分解水中有机物效能与机理 项目来源 国家自然科学基金 开始时间 2013.08 结束时间 至今 项目经费 80万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 移动式饮用水应急净化、存储、供应、运输一体化平台设计研发及应用示范 项目来源 国家科技支撑计划 开始时间 2014.01 结束时间 至今 项目经费 30万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 纵向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 人才培养及高效多功能凹土复合净水剂研制 项目来源 横向课题 开始时间 2014.05 结束时间 至今 项目经费 80万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 水处理技术指导与提升 项目来源 横向课题 开始时间 2014.05 结束时间 至今 项目经费 40万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 松花江水源水低温期微污染高氨氮生物去除技术 项目来源 横向课题 开始时间 2015.04 结束时间 至今 项目经费 37万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 项目名称 水的深度处理与资源化利用技术 项目来源 横向课题 开始时间 2016.02 结束时间 至今 项目经费 275万元 担任角色 负责 项目类别 横向项目 项目状态 进行中 简单介绍 讲授课程 名称 研究生课程: 水质物化处理论与技术 水处理界面除污染理论与技术 膜过滤理论及应用 本科生课程: 水质工程学 人才培养 名称 培养百余名硕士生、博士生。其中2名获全国百篇优秀博士论文奖、2名获全国百篇优秀论文提名奖。指导的学生中有1人获Morgan Early Career Award (2020年全球唯一获奖人),1人获美国国家环保署(EPA)Early Career Award(全美三位获奖者之一),3人获国家级 青年人才。 工程建设 名称 序号 成果简介 本人作用和主要贡献 1 饮用水中重金属铊污染控制改造工程。北江流域三十一座水厂,总供水量约300万吨/日。 本人发明了基于新生态微界面吸附特性的饮用水除铊技术,主持了中试和生产性试验,主持了水厂改造技术设计方案论证和实施,主持制订了饮用水厂除铊实施细则,指导了全部工程改造与生产运行。 2 臭氧催化氧化深度水处理工程。嘉兴市石臼漾水厂扩容工程(设计规模8万吨/日)、北京市第三水厂(设计规模15万吨/日)等十五座水厂与水站的臭氧催化氧化水处理工程。 技术发明人,主持了臭氧催化氧化系统设计。主要负责臭氧催化氧化工艺设计指导和催化剂的制备与优选,组织安装调试和生产性试验,提供系统运行管理技术服务。 3 高锰酸盐复合剂预氧化工程。北京市供水九厂预氧化工程(设计规模150万吨/日)、嘉兴石臼漾水厂预氧化工程(设计规模17万吨/日)等三十二座水厂预氧化工程。 技术发明人,发现了高活性中间价态锰的除污染特性,发明了高锰酸盐复合剂氧化除污染技术,指导了预氧化工艺的工程设计与应用实施。 4 饮用水中重金属镉污染控制应急工程。北江流域十九座水厂的除镉应急改造工程。 技术发明人,提出基于新生态微界面吸附特性的饮用水除镉技术,主持了除镉方案制订,提出了水厂除镉改造技术并主持了工程改造,制订了饮用水厂除镉实施细则,并指导了生产应用。 5 既有水厂升级改造工程。葫芦岛市饮水除钼工程(设计规模5万吨/日)、天津市汉沽龙达水厂(设计规模5万吨/日)、淮南市第一水厂(设计规模2万吨/日)、重庆永川村镇膜水厂(2000吨/日)等升级改造工程。 技术发明人,升级改造工程工艺设计负责人。主要负责改造工程的工艺系统设计,工程设备的调试和安装,组织生产性试验,提供系统运行管理技术服务。 Selected Papers 名称 Xiaodan Zhao, Jun Ma*, and Urs von Gunten, @#%Reactions of Hypoiodous Acid with Model Compounds and the Formation of Iodoform in Absence/Presence of Permanganate@#%, Water research, 119 (2017), 126-35. Yi Yang, Xinglin Lu, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Guanqi Liu, Ying Cao, Weili Liu, Juan Li, Suyan Pang, Xiujuan Kong, and Congwei Luo, @#%Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole by Uv, Uv/H2o2 and Uv/Persulfate (Pds): Formation of Oxidation Products and Effect of Bicarbonate@#%, Water research, 118 (2017), 196-207. Jingxin Yang, Ji Li, Wenyi Dong, Jun Ma*, Yi Yang, Jiayin Li, Zhichao Yang, Xiaolei Zhang, Jia Gu, Wanying Xie, and Yan Cang, @#%Enhancement of Bromate Formation by Ph Depression During Ozonation of Bromide-Containing Water in the Presence of Hydroxylamine@#%, Water research, 109 (2017), 135-43. Pengchao Xie, Yizhou Guo, Yiqun Chen, Zongping Wang, Ran Shang, Songlin Wang, Jiaqi Ding, Ying Wan, Wei Jiang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Application of a Novel Advanced Oxidation Process Using Sulfite and Zero-Valent Iron in Treatment of Organic Pollutants@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 314 (2017), 240-48. Gang Wen, Hong Zhu, Youda Wei, Tinglin Huang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Formation of Assimilable Organic Carbon During the Oxidation of Water Containing Microcystis Aeruginosa by Ozone and an Advanced Oxidation Process Using Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307 (2017), 364-71. Yang Song, Florian Breider, Jun Ma*, and Urs von Gunten, @#%Nitrate Formation During Ozonation as a Surrogate Parameter for Abatement of Micropollutants and the N-Nitrosodimethylamine (Ndma) Formation Potential@#%, Water research, 122 (2017), 246-57. Haoran Song, Linxia Yan, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Guangqiang Cai, Wenjuan Zhang, Zhongxiang Zhang, Jiaming Zhang, and Tao Yang, @#%Nonradical Oxidation from Electrochemical Activation of Peroxydisulfate at Ti/Pt Anode: Efficiency, Mechanism and Influencing Factors@#%, Water research, 116 (2017), 182-93. Caihong Liu, Jongho Lee, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Antifouling Thin-Film Composite Membranes by Controlled Architecture of Zwitterionic Polymer Brush Layer@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017), 2161-69. Caihong Liu, Andreia F. Faria, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Mitigation of Biofilm Development on Thin-Film Composite Membranes Functionalized with Zwitterionic Polymers and Silver Nanoparticles@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017), 182-91. Chaoting Guan, Jin Jiang, Congwei Luo, Suyan Pang, Chengchun Jiang, Jun Ma*, Yixin Jin, and Juan Li, @#%Transformation of Iodide by Carbon Nanotube Activated Peroxydisulfate and Formation of Iodoorganic Compounds in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017), 479-87. Jia Gu, Ling Yang, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Jingxin Yang, Jianqiao Zhang, Huizhong Chi, Yang Song, Shaofang Sun, and Wei Quan Tian, @#%Hydrated Electron (E(Aq)(-)) Generation from P-Benzoquinone/Uv: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 212 (2017), 150-58. Jia Gu, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Ling Yang, Jingxin Yang, Jianqiao Zhang, Huizhong Chi, Yang Song, Shaofang Sun, and Wei Quan Tian, @#%Hydrated Electron (E(Aq)(-)) Generation from Phenol/Uv: Efficiency, Influencing Factors, and Mechanism@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 200 (2017), 585-93. Andreia F. Faria, Caihong Liu, Ming Xie, Francois Perreault, Long D. Nghiem, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes Functionalized with Graphene Oxide-Silver Nanocomposites for Biofouling Control@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 525 (2017), 146-56. Xiaodan Zhao, Elisabeth Salhi, Huiling Liu, Jun Ma*, and Urs von Gunten, @#%Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects of the Reactions of Iodide and Hypoiodous Acid with Permanganate: Oxidation and Disproportionation@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2016), 4358-65. Wenjuan Zhang, Jun Ma*, Panpan Wang, Zhenghui Wang, Fengmei Shi, and Huiling Liu, @#%Investigations on the Interfacial Capacitance and the Diffusion Boundary Layer Thickness of Ion Exchange Membrane Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 502 (2016), 37-47. Yi Yang, Joseph J. Pignatello, Jun Ma*, and William A. Mitch, @#%Effect of Matrix Components on Uv/H2o2 and Uv/S2o82- Advanced Oxidation Processes for Trace Organic Degradation in Reverse Osmosis Brines from Municipal Wastewater Reuse Facilities@#%, Water research, 89 (2016), 192-200. Jingxin Yang, Ji Li, Wenyi Dong, Jun Ma*, Tingting Li, Yi Yang, Jiayin Li, and Jia Gu, @#%Deethylatrazine as a More Appropriate Hydroxyl Radical Probe Compound During Ozonation: Comparison with the Widely Used P-Chlorobenzoic Acid@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 295 (2016), 443-50. Jingxin Yang, Ji Li, Wenyi Dong, Jun Ma*, Jie Cao, Tingting Li, Jiayin Li, Jia Gu, and Pingxin Liu, @#%Study on Enhanced Degradation of Atrazine by Ozonation in the Presence of Hydroxylamine@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 316 (2016), 110-21. Pengchao Xie, Charles-Francois de Lannoy, Jun Ma*, Zongping Wang, Songlin Wang, Jingjing Li, and Mark R. Wiesner, @#%Improved Chlorine Tolerance of a Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone-Polysulfone Membrane Enabled by Carboxylated Carbon Nanotubes@#%, Water research, 104 (2016), 497-506. Zongping Wang, Yiqun Chen, Pengchao Xie, Ran Shang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Removal of Microcystis Aeruginosa by Uv-Activated Persulfate: Performance and Characteristics@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 300 (2016), 245-53. Lu Wang, Yulei Liu, Jun Ma*, and Feng Zhao, @#%Rapid Degradation of Sulphamethoxazole and the Further Transformation of 3-Amino-5-Methylisoxazole in a Microbial Fuel Cell@#%, Water research, 88 (2016), 322-28. Bo Sun, Jun Ma*, and David L. Sedlak, @#%Chemisorption of Perfluorooctanoic Acid on Powdered Activated Carbon Initiated by Persulfate in Aqueous Solution@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2016), 7618-24. Yueming Ren, Yu Chen, Teng Zeng, Jing Feng, Jun Ma*, and William A. Mitch, @#%Influence of Bi-Doping on Mn1-Xbixfe2o4 Catalytic Ozonation of Di-N-Butyl Phthalate@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 283 (2016), 622-30. Congwei Luo, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Suyan Pang, Yongze Liu, Yang Song, Chaoting Guan, Juan Li, Yixin Jin, and Daoji Wu, @#%Oxidation of the Odorous Compound 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole by Uv Activated Persulfate: Kinetics, Products, and Pathways@#%, Water research, 96 (2016), 12-21. Dongwei Lu, Tao Zhang, Leo Gutierrez, Jun Ma*, and Jean-Philippe Croue, @#%Influence of Surface Properties of Filtration-Layer Metal Oxide on Ceramic Membrane Fouling During Ultrafiltration of Oil/Water Emulsion@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2016), 4668-74. Yulei Liu, Lu Wang, Jun Ma*, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhuangsong Huang, Gurumurthy Dummi Mahadevan, and Jingyao Qi, @#%Improvement of Settleability and Dewaterability of Sludge by Newly Prepared Alkaline Ferrate Solution@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 287 (2016), 11-18. Qianliang Liu, Caihong Liu, Lei Zhao, Weichao Ma, Huiling Liu, and Jun Ma*, @#%Integrated Forward Osmosis-Membrane Distillation Process for Human Urine Treatment@#%, Water research, 91 (2016), 45-54. Xiujuan Kong, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Yi Yang, Weili Liu, and Yulei Liu, @#%Degradation of Atrazine by Uv/Chlorine: Efficiency, Influencing Factors, and Products@#%, Water research, 90 (2016), 15-23. Zailin Gong, Shujin Li, Jun Ma*, and Xiangdong Zhang, @#%Self-Flocculated Powdered Activated Carbon with Different Oxidation Methods and Their Influence on Adsorption Behavior@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304 (2016), 222-32. Yang Zhou, Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Jun Ma*, Su-Yan Pang, Juan Li, Xue-Ting Lu, and Li-Peng Yuan, @#%Activation of Peroxymonosulfate by Benzoquinone: A Novel Nonradical Oxidation Process@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 12941-50. Xiang Zhang, Jun Ma*, Xixin Lu, Xiaoliu Huangfu, and Jing Zou, @#%High Efficient Removal of Molybdenum from Water by Fe-2(So4)(3): Effects of Ph and Affecting Factors in the Presence of Co-Existing Background Constituents@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 300 (2015), 823-29. Yi Yang, Jin Jiang, Xinglin Lu, Jun Ma*, and Yongze Liu, @#%Production of Sulfate Radical and Hydroxyl Radical by Reaction of Ozone with Peroxymonosulfate: A Novel Advanced Oxidation Process@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 7330-39. Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Wei Liu, Jing Zou, Siyang Yue, Xuchun Li, Mark R. Wiesner, and Jingyun Fang, @#%Removal of 2-Mib and Geosmin Using Uv/Persulfate: Contributions of Hydroxyl and Sulfate Radicals@#%, Water research, 69 (2015), 223-33. Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Wei Liu, Jing Zou, and Siyang Yue, @#%Impact of Uv/Persulfate Pretreatment on the Formation of Disinfection Byproducts During Subsequent Chlorination of Natural Organic Matter@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 269 (2015), 203-11. Pengchao Xie, Charles-Francois de Lannoy, Jun Ma*, and Mark R. Wiesner, @#%Chlorination of Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone-Polysulfone Membranes: Organic Compound Release, Byproduct Formation, and Changes in Membrane Properties@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 489 (2015), 28-35. Gang Wen, Stefan Koetzsch, Marius Vital, Thomas Egli, and Jun Ma*, @#%Biomig-a Method to Evaluate the Potential Release of Compounds from and the Formation of Biofilms on Polymeric Materials in Contact with Drinking Water@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 11659-69. Zhenghui Wang, Wei Cheng, and Jun Ma*, @#%Seeding Nuclei for the Phase-Separation of Cellulose Acetate Solution@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 489 (2015), 129-34. Yang Song, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Su-Yan Pang, Yong-ze Liu, Yi Yang, Cong-wei Luo, Jian-qiao Zhang, Jia Gu, and Wen Qin, @#%Abts as an Electron Shuttle to Enhance the Oxidation Kinetics of Substituted Phenols by Aqueous Permanganate@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 11764-71. Yueming Ren, Lingqiang Lin, Jun Ma*, Jing Yang, Jing Feng, and Zhuangjun Fan, @#%Sulfate Radicals Induced from Peroxymonosulfate by Magnetic Ferrospinel Mfe2o4 (M = Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn) as Heterogeneous Catalysts in the Water@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 165 (2015), 572-78. Congwei Luo, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Yongze Liu, Yang Song, Yi Yang, Yinghong Guan, and Daoji Wu, @#%Simulation and Comparative Study on the Oxidation Kinetics of Atrazine by Uv/H2o2, Uv/Hso5- and Uv/S2o(8)(2-)@#%, Water research, 80 (2015), 99-108. Xinglin Lu, Laura H. Arias Chavez, Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillon, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Influence of Active Layer and Support Layer Surface Structures on Organic Fouling Propensity of Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 1436-44. Dongwei Lu, Tao Zhang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Ceramic Membrane Fouling During Ultrafiltration of Oil/Water Emulsions: Roles Played by Stabilization Surfactants of Oil Droplets@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 4235-44. Yongze Liu, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Yi Yang, Congwei Luo, Xiaoliu Huangfu, and Zhongkai Guo, @#%Role of the Propagation Reactions on the Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Ozonation and Peroxone (Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide) Processes@#%, Water research, 68 (2015), 750-58. Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Su-Yan Pang, Xue-Ting Lu, Yang Zhou, Jun Ma*, and Qiang Wang, @#%Understanding the Role of Manganese Dioxide in the Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds by Aqueous Permanganate@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 520-28. Jing Cong, Gang Wen, Tinglin Huang, Linyu Deng, and Jun Ma*, @#%Study on Enhanced Ozonation Degradation of Para-Chlorobenzoic Acid by Peroxymonosulfate in Aqueous Solution@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 264 (2015), 399-403. Xinglin Lu, Siamak Nejati, Youngwoo Choo, Chinedum O. Osuji, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Elements Provide a Clue: Nanoscale Characterization of Thin-Film Composite Polyamide Membranes@#%, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (2015), 16917-22 Liwei Chen, Xuchun Li, Jing Zhang, Jingyun Fang, Yanmin Huang, Ping Wang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Production of Hydroxyl Radical Via the Activation of Hydrogen Peroxide by Hydroxylamine@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2015), 10373-79. Jing Zou, Jun Ma*, Xiang Zhang, and Pengchao Xie, @#%Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of Peroxymonosulfate in Water with Cobalt-Mediated Oxidation Decolorization of Methyl Orange@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 253 (2014), 34-39. Jing Zou, Jun Ma*, and Jianqiao Zhang, @#%Comment on Electrolytic Manipulation of Persulfate Reactivity by Iron Electrodes for Tce Degradation in Groundwater@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2014), 4630-31. Yi Yang, Joseph J. Pignatello, Jun Ma*, and William A. Mitch, @#%Comparison of Halide Impacts on the Efficiency of Contaminant Degradation by Sulfate and Hydroxyl Radical-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes (Aops)@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2014), 2344-51. Gang Wen, Sheng-Jun Wang, Jun Ma*, Ting-Lin Huang, Zheng-Qian Liu, Lei Zhao, and Jin-Lan Xu, @#%Oxidative Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Aqueous Solution Using Zero Valent Copper under Aerobic Atmosphere Condition@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 275 (2014), 193-99. Gang Wen, Sheng-Jun Wang, Jun Ma*, Ting-Lin Huang, Zheng-Qian Liu, Lei Zhao, and Jun-Feng Su, @#%Enhanced Ozonation Degradation of Di-N-Butyl Phthalate by Zero-Valent Zinc in Aqueous Solution: Performance and Mechanism@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 265 (2014), 69-78. Gang Wen, Jun Ma*, Ting-Lin Huang, and Thomas Egli, @#%Using Coagulation to Restrict Microbial Re-Growth in Tap Water by Phosphate Limitation in Water Treatment@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 280 (2014), 348-55. Yue-Ming Ren, Jing Yang, Wei-Qing Ma, Jun Ma*, Jing Feng, and Xiao-Li Liu, @#%The Selective Binding Character of a Molecular Imprinted Particle for Bisphenol a from Water@#%, Water research, 50 (2014), 90-100. Su-Yan Pang, Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Yang Zhou, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Yongze Liu, and Jun Ma*, @#%Oxidation of Flame Retardant Tetrabromobisphenol a by Aqueous Permanganate: Reaction Kinetics, Brominated Products, and Pathways@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2014), 615-23. Xixin Lu, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Xiang Zhang, Yaan Wang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Strong Enhancement of Trace Mercury Removal from Aqueous Solution with Sodium Thiosulfate by in Situ Formed Mn-(Hydr)Oxides@#%, Water research, 65 (2014), 22-31. Xixin Lu, Xiaoliu Huangfu, and Jun Ma*, @#%Removal of Trace Mercury(Ii) from Aqueous Solution by in Situ Formed Mn-Fe (Hydr)Oxides@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 280 (2014), 71-78. Xinglin Lu, Chanhee Boo, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Bidirectional Diffusion of Ammonium and Sodium Cations in Forward Osmosis: Role of Membrane Active Layer Surface Chemistry and Charge@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2014), 14369-76. Xuchun Li, Jingyun Fang, Guifang Liu, Shujuan Zhang, Bingcai Pan, and Jun Ma*, @#%Kinetics and Efficiency of the Hydrated Electron-Induced Dehalogenation by the Sulfite/Uv Process@#%, Water research, 62 (2014), 220-28. Jin Jiang, Yuan Gao, Su-Yan Pang, Qiang Wang, Xiaoliu Huangfu, Yongze Liu, and Jun Ma*, @#%Oxidation of Bromophenols and Formation of Brominated Polymeric Products of Concern During Water Treatment with Potassium Permanganate@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2014), 10850-58. Jing Zou, Jun Ma*, Liwei Chen, Xuchun Li, Yinghong Guan, Pengchao Xie, and Chao Pan, @#%Rapid Acceleration of Ferrous Iron/Peroxymonosulfate Oxidation of Organic Pollutants by Promoting Fe(Iii)/Fe(Ii) Cycle with Hydroxylamine@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013), 11685-91. Pengchao Xie, Jun Ma*, Jingyun Fang, Yinghong Guan, Siyang Yue, Xuchun Li, and Liwei Chen, @#%Comparison of Permanganate Preoxidation and Preozonation on Algae Containing Water: Cell Integrity, Characteristics, and Chlorinated Disinfection Byproduct Formation@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013), 14051-61. Fengmei Shi, Yuxin Ma, Jun Ma*, Panpan Wang, and Weixiao Sun, @#%Preparation and Characterization of Pvdf/Tio2 Hybrid Membranes with Ionic Liquid Modified Nano-Tio2 Particles@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 427 (2013), 259-69. Lu Shao, Xi Quan Cheng, Yang Liu, Shuai Quan, Jun Ma*, Shu Zhen Zhao, and Kai Yu Wang, @#%Newly Developed Nanofiltration (Nf) Composite Membranes by Interfacial Polymerization for Safranin O and Aniline Blue Removal@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 430 (2013), 96-105. Yueming Ren, Pingxin Liu, Jing Feng, Jun Ma*, Qing Wen, and Milin Zhang, @#%Selective Recognition of Molybdenum(Vi) from Water by Mo(Vi) Oxy Ion-Imprinted Particle as an Adsorbent@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 219 (2013), 286-94. Xinglin Lu, Santiago Romero-Vargas Castrillon, Devin L. Shaffer, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%In Situ Surface Chemical Modification of Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes for Enhanced Organic Fouling Resistance@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013), 12219-28. Xiaoliu Huangfu, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Yongze Liu, and Jing Yang, @#%Aggregation Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide Colloids in Aqueous Solution: Influence of Humic Substances and Biomacromolecules@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2013), 10285-92. Ying-Hong Guan, Jun Ma*, Yue-Ming Ren, Yu-Lei Liu, Jia-Yue Xiao, Ling-qiang Lin, and Chen Zhang, @#%Efficient Degradation of Atrazine by Magnetic Porous Copper Ferrite Catalyzed Peroxymonosulfate Oxidation Via the Formation of Hydroxyl and Sulfate Radicals@#%, Water research, 47 (2013), 5431-38. Gang Wen, Zhi-Hui Pan, Jun Ma*, Zheng-Qian Liu, Lei Zhao, and Jun-Jing Li, @#%Reuse of Sewage Sludge as a Catalyst in Ozonation - Efficiency for the Removal of Oxalic Acid and the Control of Bromate Formation@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 239 (2012), 381-88. Fengmei Shi, Yuxin Ma, Jun Ma*, Panpan Wang, and Weixiao Sun, @#%Preparation and Characterization of Pvdf/Tio2 Hybrid Membranes with Different Dosage of Nano-Tio2@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 389 (2012), 522-31. Xuchun Li, Jun Ma*, Guifang Liu, Jingyun Fang, Siyang Yue, Yinghong Guan, Liwei Chen, and Xiaowei Liu, @#%Efficient Reductive Dechlorination of Monochloroacetic Acid by Sulfite/Uv Process@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (2012), 7342-49. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, Jun Ma*, and Huiling Liu, @#%Oxidation of Phenolic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Potassium Permanganate in Synthetic and Real Waters@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (2012), 1774-81. Gang Wen, Jun Ma*, Zheng-Qian Liu, and Lei Zhao, @#%Ozonation Kinetics for the Degradation of Phthalate Esters in Water and the Reduction of Toxicity in the Process of O-3/H2o2@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 195 (2011), 371-77. Yueming Ren, Ni Yan, Qing Wen, Zhuangjun Fan, Tong Wei, Milin Zhang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Graphene/Delta-Mno2 Composite as Adsorbent for the Removal of Nickel Ions from Wastewater@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 175 (2011), 1-7. Qingdong Qin, Qianqian Wang, Dafang Fu, and Jun Ma*, @#%An Efficient Approach for Pb(Ii) and Cd(Ii) Removal Using Manganese Dioxide Formed in Situ@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 172 (2011), 68-74. Su-Yan Pang, Jin Jiang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic(Iii) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen: Evidence against Ferryl Ions (Fe(Iv)) as Active Intermediates in Fenton Reaction@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (2011), 307-12. Su-Yan Pang, Jin Jiang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Response to Comment on "Oxidation of Sulfoxides and Arsenic(Iii) in Corrosion of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron by Oxygen: Evidence against Ferryl Ions (Fe(Iv)) as Active Intermediates in Fenton Reaction"@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (2011), 3179-80. Yuxin Ma, Fengmei Shi, Xilai Zheng, Jun Ma*, and Congjie Gao, @#%Removal of Fluoride from Aqueous Solution Using Granular Acid-Treated Bentonite (Ghb): Batch and Column Studies@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 185 (2011), 1073-80. Ying-Hong Guan, Jun Ma*, Xu-Chun Li, Jing-Yun Fang, and Li-Wei Chen, @#%Influence of Ph on the Formation of Sulfate and Hydroxyl Radicals in the Uv/Peroxymonosulfate System@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (2011), 9308-14 Liwei Chen, Jun Ma*, Xuchun Li, Jing Zhang, Jingyun Fang, Yinghong Guan, and Pengchao Xie, @#%Strong Enhancement on Fenton Oxidation by Addition of Hydroxylamine to Accelerate the Ferric and Ferrous Iron Cycles@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (2011), 3925-30 Zheng-Qian Liu, Jun Ma*, Yu-Hong Cui, Lei Zhao, and Bei-Ping Zhang, @#%Influence of Different Heat Treatments on the Surface Properties and Catalytic Performance of Carbon Nanotube in Ozonation@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 101 (2010), 74-80. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Role of Ligands in Permanganate Oxidation of Organics@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 44 (2010), 4270-75. Chengchun Jiang, Suyan Pang, Feng Ouyang, Jun Ma*, and Jin Jiang, @#%A New Insight into Fenton and Fenton-Like Processes for Water Treatment@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 174 (2010), 813-17. Di He, Xiaohong Guan, Jun Ma*, Xue Yang, and Chongwei Cui, @#%Influence of Humic Acids of Different Origins on Oxidation of Phenol and Chlorophenols by Permanganate@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182 (2010), 681-88. Jingyun Fang, Xin Yang, Jun Ma*, Chii Shang, and Quan Zhao, @#%Characterization of Algal Organic Matter and Formation of Dbps from Chlor(Am)Ination@#%, Water research, 44 (2010), 5897-906. Jingyun Fang, Jun Ma*, Xin Yang, and Chii Shang, @#%Formation of Carbonaceous and Nitrogenous Disinfection by-Products from the Chlorination of Microcystis Aeruginosa@#%, Water research, 44 (2010), 1934-40. Lei Zhao, Zhizhong Sun, Jun Ma*, and Huiling Liu, @#%Enhancement Mechanism of Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation by Cordierite-Supported Copper for the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (2009), 2047-53. Lei Zhao, Zhizhong Sun, and Jun Ma*, @#%Novel Relationship between Hydroxyl Radical Initiation and Surface Group of Ceramic Honeycomb Supported Metals for the Catalytic Ozonation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (2009), 4157-63. Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, and Xuedong Zhai, @#%Synergetic Effect of Ultrasound with Dual Fields for the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (2009), 5094-99. Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Zhi-Zhong Sun, and Xue-Dong Zhai, @#%Preliminary Kinetic Study on the Degradation of Nitrobenzene by Modified Ceramic Honeycomb-Catalytic Ozonation in Aqueous Solution@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 161 (2009), 988-94. Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Zhizhong Sun, and Huiling Liu, @#%Mechanism of Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution with Modified Ceramic Honeycomb@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 89 (2009), 326-34. Lei Zhaoa, Jun Ma*, Zhizhong Sun, Huiling Liu, @#%Influencing Mechanism of Temperature on the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution by Ceramic Honeycomb Catalytic Ozonation@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167 (2009), 1119-25. Qingdong Qin, Jun Ma*, and Ke Liu, @#%Adsorption of Anionic Dyes on Ammonium-Functionalized Mcm-41@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162 (2009), 133-39. Jun Ma*, Zhenghui Wang, Mingbin Pan, and Yufeng Guo, @#%A Study on the Multifunction of Ferrous Chloride in the Formation of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Ultrafiltration Membranes@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 341 (2009), 214-24. Jinfeng Lu, Tao Zhang, Jun Ma*, and Zhonglin Chen, @#%Evaluation of Disinfection by-Products Formation During Chlorination and Chloramination of Dissolved Natural Organic Matter Fractions Isolated from a Filtered River Water@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 162 (2009), 140-45. Zheng-Qian Liu, Jun Ma*, Yu-Hong Cui, and Bei-Ping Zhang, @#%Effect of Ozonation Pretreatment on the Surface Properties and Catalytic Activity of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 92 (2009), 301-06. Yuan Liu, Huiling Liu, Jun Ma*, and Xi Wang, @#%Comparison of Degradation Mechanism of Electrochemical Oxidation of Di- and Tri-Nitrophenols on Bi-Doped Lead Dioxide Electrode: Effect of the Molecular Structure@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 91 (2009), 284-99. Guifang Liu, Jun Ma*, Xuchun Li, and Qingdong Qin, @#%Adsorption of Bisphenol a from Aqueous Solution onto Activated Carbons with Different Modification Treatments@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164 (2009), 1275-80. Chunjuan Li, Jun Ma*, Jimin Shen, and Peng Wang, @#%Removal of Phosphate from Secondary Effluent with Fe2%2B Enhanced by H2o2 at Nature Ph/Neutral Ph@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 166 (2009), 891-96. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Comment on "Adsorption of Hydroxyl- and Amino-Substituted Aromatics to Carbon Nanotubes"@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (2009), 3398-99. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Dechlorination of Chlorophenols Mediated by Carbon Nanotubes in the Presence of Oxygen@#%, Carbon, 47 (2009), 2115-17. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Oxidation of Triclosan by Permanganate (Mn(Vii)): Importance of Ligands and in Situ Formed Manganese Oxides@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (2009), 8326-31. Di He, Xiaohong Guan, Jun Ma*, and Min Yu, @#%Influence of Different Nominal Molecular Weight Fractions of Humic Acids on Phenol Oxidation by Permanganate@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (2009), 8332-37. Xiaohong Guan, Jun Ma*, Haoran Dong, and Li Jiang, @#%Removal of Arsenic from Water: Effect of Calcium Ions on as(Iii) Removal in the Kmno4-Fe(Ii) Process@#%, Water research, 43 (2009), 5119-28. Xiaohong Guan, Haoran Dong, Jun Ma*, and Li Jiang, @#%Removal of Arsenic from Water: Effects of Competing Anions on as(Iii) Removal in Kmno4-Fe(Ii) Process@#%, Water research, 43 (2009), 3891-99. Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Zhi-zhong Sun, and Xue-dong Zhai, @#%Catalytic Ozonation for the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution by Ceramic Honeycomb-Supported Manganese@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 83 (2008), 256-64. Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, and Zhi-zhong Sun, @#%Oxidation Products and Pathway of Ceramic Honeycomb-Catalyzed Ozonation for the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 79 (2008), 244-53. Lei Zhao, Jun Ma*, Zhizhong Sun, and Xuedong Zhai, @#%Mechanism of Influence of Initial Ph on the Degradation of Nitrobenzene in Aqueous Solution by Ceramic Honeycomb Catalytic Ozonation@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (2008), 4002-07. Tao Zhang, Jinfeng Lu, Jun Ma*, and Zhimin Qiang, @#%Comparative Study of Ozonation and Synthetic Goethite-Catalyzed Ozonation of Individual Nom Fractions Isolated and Fractionated from a Filtered River Water@#%, Water research, 42 (2008), 1563-70. Tao Zhang, Chunjuan Li, Jun Ma*, Hai Tian, and Zhimin Qiang, @#%Surface Hydroxyl Groups of Synthetic Alpha-Feooh in Promoting (Oh)-O-Center Dot Generation from Aqueous Ozone: Property and Activity Relationship@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 82 (2008), 131-37. Tao Zhang, Weipeng Chen, Jun Ma*, and Zhimin Qiang, @#%Minimizing Bromate Formation with Cerium Dioxide During Ozonation of Bromide-Containing Water@#%, Water research, 42 (2008), 3651-58. Feng Xiao, Jun Ma*, Peng Yi, and Ju-Chang Howard Huang, @#%Effects of Low Temperature on Coagulation of Kaolinite Suspensions@#%, Water research, 42 (2008), 2983-92. Xiangyu Wang, Chao Chen, Huiling Liu, and Jun Ma*, @#%Preparation and Characterization of Paa/Pvdf Membrane-Immobilized Pd/Fe Nanoparticles for Dechlorination of Trichloroacetic Acid@#%, Water research, 42 (2008), 4656-64. Shutao Wang, Jun Ma*, Baicang Liu, Yifeng Jiang, and Haiyang Zhang, @#%Degradation Characteristics of Secondary Effluent of Domestic Wastewater by Combined Process of Ozonation and Biofiltration@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 150 (2008), 109-14. Haijian Sun, Huiling Liu, Jun Ma*, Xiangyu Wang, Bin Wang, and Lei Han, @#%Preparation and Characterization of Sulfur-Doped Tio2/Ti Photoelectrodes and Their Photoelectrocatalytic Performance@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 156 (2008), 552-59. Lu Shao, Li Liu, Si-Xue Cheng, Yu-Dong Huang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Comparison of Diamino Cross-Linking in Different Polyimide Solutions and Membranes by Precipitation Observation and Gas Transport@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 312 (2008), 174-85. Zheng-Qian Liu, Jun Ma*, and Yu-Hong Cui, @#%Carbon Nanotube Supported Platinum Catalysts for the Ozonation of Oxalic Acid in Aqueous Solutions@#%, Carbon, 46 (2008), 890-97. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Comment on "Factors Affecting the Yield of Oxidants from the Reaction of Nanoparticulate Zero-Valent Iron and Oxygen"@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (2008), 5377-77. Jin Jiang, Su-Yan Pang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Comment on "Polyoxometalate-Enhanced Oxidation of Organic Compounds by Nanoparticulate Zero-Valent Iron and Ferrous Ion in the Presence of Oxygen"@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (2008), 8167-68. Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Suyan Pang, and Jin Guo, @#%Adsorptive Fractionation of Humic Acid at Air-Water Interfaces@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 41 (2007), 4959-64. Jin Guo, and Jun Ma*, @#%Afm Study on the Sorbed Nom and Its Fractions Isolated from River Songhua@#%, Water research, 40 (2006), 1975-84. Jun Ma*, Minghao Sui, Tao Zhang, and Chunyu Guan, @#%Effect of Ph on Mnox/Gac Catalyzed Ozonation for Degradation of Nitrobenzene@#%, Water research, 39 (2005), 779-86. Jun Ma*, and Wei Liu, @#%Effectiveness of Ferrate (Vi) Preoxidation in Enhancing the Coagulation of Surface Waters@#%, Water research, 36 (2002), 4959-62. Jun Ma*, and Wei Liu, @#%Effectiveness and Mechanism of Potassium Ferrate(Vi) Preoxidation for Algae Removal by Coagulation@#%, Water research, 36 (2002), 871-78. Jun Ma, and Nigel J. D. Graham, @#%Degradation of Atrazine by Manganese-Catalysed Ozonation - Influence of Radical Scavengers@#%, Water research, 34 (2000), 3822-28. Jun Ma, and Nigel. J. D. Graham, @#%Degradation of Atrazine by Manganese-Catalysed Ozonation: Influence of Humic Substances@#%, Water research, 33 (1999), 785-93. HONORS AND AWARDS 名称 Oxidation Processes, Nanoparticles and Membrane in Water and Wastewater Treatment. A Symposium in Honor of Professor Jun Ma, held in San Francisco, USA, in April 2017. Sustainable Water Award (Ma J), by the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016. Cheung Kong Scholar Achievement Award 2007 (Engineering Science Award) (Ma J) by Education Ministry of China (single recipient in China in 2007). China Young Scientist Award 2006 (Ma J) (one of the ten recipients in China in 2006). National Inventory Award for Science and Technology of China (Second Class), State Council of China, 2005 (Ma J. and Chen Z.). National Inventory Award for Science and Technology of China (Second Class), State Council of China, 2002(Ma J. and Li G.). Provincial Award of Science and Technology (First Class), Heilongjiang Government, 2002, 2008 and 2015(Ma J.). China National Science and Technology Youth Prize, China Science and Technology Association and China Ministry of Personnel, 1996(Ma J.). 国际专利 名称 1.Ma Jun, Liu Yulei, Zhao Xiaodan, , Xiao Jiayue. Method of synthesizing ferrate. United States Patent (美国发明专利), Patent No. (授权号): US 9682870 B2,2017.6.20. 2. Ma Jun, Wang Shengjun, Li An. Advanced treatment method of feed water by combination of metal zinc and ozone. United States Patent (美国发明专利), Patent No. (授权号): US 9115015 B2,2015.08 3. Ma Jun, Jiang Jin, Pang Suyan, Liu Zenghe. Water treatment agent for removing pollutant by reinforcing potassiun permanganate with intermediate manganese. United States Patent (美国发明专利), Patent No. (授权号): US 8858827 B2, 2014.10. 4. Ma Jun, Jiang Jin, Pang Suyan, Yang Yi, Zhu Juntao. Water treatment method by catalyzing ozone with a persulfate. United States Patent (美国发明专利), Patent No. (授权号): US 9169141 B2,2015.10.27. 5. Jiang Jin, Pang Suyan, Ma Jun. Water treatment agent for removing contaminant through oxidation with highly-active manganese(V) intermediate. United States Patent (美国发明专利), Patent No. (授权号): US 9463990 B2,2016.10.11. 中国发明专利(第一发明人) 名称 ZL03143143.7,强化膜生物反应器水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、张立秋,2005.08 ZL200310107742.6, 蜂窝陶瓷催化臭氧化分解水中有机物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、孙志忠、高金胜、赵 雷、侯艳君、于颖慧,2005.11 ZL03108924.0,一种高铁酸盐的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘伟 2005.11 ZL200410043895.3,气浮与沉淀固液分离装置,中国发明专利,马军、孙志民、赵洪宾、王静超,2006.04 ZL03107814.1,受污染饮用水源水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军 2006.05 ZL200410070610.5,臭氧催化氧化水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军 、翟学东、隋铭皓、刘增贺 2006.05 ZL200410013720.8,一种利用多相条件强化混凝的水处理方法,中国发明专利, 马军、肖峰 2006.05 ZL200410043814.X,利用硅藻土和活性污泥处理煤气废水及焦化废水的方法,中国发明专利,马军、张文启 2006.05 ZL200410013656.3,饮用水沿程多点投加H2O2提高O3/H2O2工艺效果的方法,中国发明专利,马军、石枫华 2006.06 ZL200410013515.1,对饮用水源进行臭氧与高锰酸钾联用处理的氧化助凝方法,中国发明专利,马军、张金松、刘晓飞、范 洁 2006.06 ZL200410043693.9,沉淀气浮串联组合固液分离装置,中国发明专利,马军、刘 芳、王静超 2006.07 ZL200410013597.X,以羟基氧化铁为催化剂的催化臭氧氧化给水深度处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、张涛、陈忠林 2006.09 ZL200410044160.2,一种用于水处理的微孔多点投加反应装置,中国发明专利,马军、王群 2006.10 ZL200410043641.1,气浮固液分离装置,中国发明专利,马军、王静超、刘芳 2006.10 ZL200510009687.6,利用直流高压脉冲放电去除水处理过程中产生浮渣的方法,中国发明专利,马军、杨世东 2006.12 ZL200310107695.5,活性炭的微波强化溶剂洗脱再生去除有机物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、侯艳君、高金胜、孙志忠、于颖慧 2006.12 ZL200410044159.X,臭氧/过氧化氢高级氧化膜反应器,中国发明专利,马军、王群 2007.01 ZL200410043663.8,滤料改性与动态投加药剂强化过滤方法,中国发明专利,马 军、范潇梦、肖辉玉、何文杰、韩宏大 2007.02 ZL200510009647.1,一种新型的臭氧高级氧化水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、于颖慧、孙志忠、侯艳君 2007.04 ZL20041003516.6,强化城市污水管道净化功能的分散式污水处理与回用方法,中国发明专利,马军、张立秋 2007.04 ZL200510009860.2,聚偏氟乙烯改性膜及其制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、曹晓春 2007.05 ZL200510127322.3,提高臭氧接触氧化池的臭氧利用率、强化处理效果的方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘百仓 2007.07 ZL200510010556.X,一种采用电渗析去除水中氨氮的方法,中国发明专利,马军、秦文跃、张佳发 2007.09 ZL200510127321.9,双层滤料的水过滤装置﹑改性滤料及改性滤料的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、王群、王娜 2007.10 ZL200610009678.1,高压脉冲电场中填料床去除水中难降解有机物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、朱丽楠、杨世东 2007.11 ZL200410029353.0,空间站尿液的低温固相层析萃取处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、于涛、张立秋、张吉礼 2008.01 ZL200610010126.2,一种碳纳米管催化臭氧化水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘正乾、赵雷 2008.04 ZL200510009923.4,一种聚合物/蒙脱土纳米复合亲水膜的制备方法,中国发明专利, 马军, 马玉新 2008.07 ZL200610150801.1,一种含油及聚合物污水的降解降粘方法,中国发明专利,马军、张翼、范洪富 2008.08 ZL200610010124.3,一种催化臭氧化水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘正乾 2008.12 ZL200610151046.9,一种水处理剂与微波协同作用去除水中污染物的方法,中国专利,马军、张瑛洁、王禄鹏、赵 伟 2009.07 ZL200710072657.9,预氧化-复合电解去除地下水中砷的方法,中国发明专利,马军、关小红、姜 利、刘德钊 2009.12 ZL200920100820.2,一种紫外线消毒与超声联用的水处理装置,中国实用新型,马军、韩雅红、王群、韩帮军、秦文跃、刘增贺 2010.05 ZL200710144975.1,羟基氧化铁改性滤料的制备方法及应用,中国发明专利,马军、王群 2010.03 ZL200810064576.9,垃圾焚烧烟气除臭用微波催化剂及催化去除垃圾焚烧恶臭的方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘惠玲、李旭宏、石杏茹 2010.06 ZL200810064577.3,一种生活垃圾焚烧处理的方法,中国发明专利,马军、李旭红、石杏茹 2010.06 ZL200810144515.3,络合铁催化剂的制备及其多相光催化过氧化氢的应用,中国发明专利,马军、张瑛洁、陈雷、张 亮、姚 军 2010.07 ZL200810064772.6,利用城市污水管网实施污泥减量的方法,中国发明专利,马军、王群、韩雅红、韩帮军 2010.09 ZL200910071653.8,一种利用多相催化剂强化液氯氧化消毒的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、江进、庞素艳、刘永泽、皇甫小留 2010.11 ZL200910072141.3,侧旋流排泥的斜板沉淀池,中国发明专利,马军、刘增贺 2011.01 ZL200910071529.1,利用中间态锰强化高锰酸钾除污染的水处理药剂,中国发明专利,马军、江进、庞素艳 2011.04 ZL200910072268.5,一种城市污水强化脱氮除磷的方法,中国发明专利,马 军、于德淼 2011.04 ZL200910072326.4,纳米级锰离子掺杂二氧化钛催化剂的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、张静、汤黎、刘百仓、杨忆新 2011.05 ZL200910072636.6,一种容器密封搅拌装置,中国发明专利,马军、王争辉 2011.06 ZL200910304076.2,一种沸石-微波-过氧化氢联用处理有机废水的方法,中国发明专利,马军、陈丽玮、张静、李旭春 2011.07 ZL200910073449.X,一种光促卤复合药剂/光联用去除水中卤代有机物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、李旭春、刘桂芳、关英红、陈丽玮、方晶云、张静 2011.08 ZL201010187064.9,具有排渣功能的V型气浮滤池,中国发明专利,马军、邹景 2011.12 ZL200910073450.2,一种除氧复合药剂/UV连用的除氧方法,中国发明专利,马军、李旭春、刘桂芳、关英红、陈丽玮、方晶云、张静 2011.12 ZL200910310659.6,锌与臭氧联用的给水深度处理方法,中国发明专利,马 军、王胜军、李安 2012.01 ZL201010566493.7,微絮凝、膜过滤与气浮一体化反应装置及以其处理低浊微污染水的方法,中国发明专利,马军、邹景、朱君涛 2012.03 ZL201010531767.9,高分子多相类芬顿催化剂-PVDF催化膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、张瑛洁、吴培英、刘增贺 2012.05 ZL201010155103.7,去除水中有机污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、王胜军、李安 2012.05 ZL200910071651.9,利用多相催化剂强化芬顿工艺氧化降解水中有机污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、庞素艳、江进、欧阳锋、皇甫小留、刘永泽 2012.06 ZL201110070877.4,一种利用超声强化高锰酸盐氧化污染物的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、杨晶晶、赵吉、江进 2012.07 ZL201010222365.0,微污染水源三级联用净水方法及所用的沉淀装置,中国发明专利,马军、邹景、谢鹏超 2012.07 ZL201010531768.3,类芬顿催化膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、张瑛洁、张丽、李莉、刘增贺、杨蓉、曹天静 2012.07 ZL201110130926.9,一种利用过硫酸盐催化臭氧的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、江进、庞素艳、杨一、朱军涛 2012.07 ZL201110044797.1,一种原位产生纳米二氧化锰吸附除TI%2B和/或Cd2%2B的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、江进、庞素艳、皇甫小留 2012.07 ZL200910072898.2,利用高级氧化预处理培养微藻进行污水处理的方法,中国发明专利,马军、韩雅红、王群、韩帮军 2012.07 ZL201010267670.1,一种超声强化混合装置 ,中国发明专利,马军、邹景、孙伟晓 2012.08 ZL201110046323.0,臭氧氧化分解水中有机污染物的催化剂催化臭氧处理污水的方法,中国发明专利,马军、任月明、冯静、董清、温青、张亚菲、杨静 2012.08 ZL201110088339.8,一种同步去除水中氨氮、硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮的方法,中国发明专利,马军、岳思阳、李旭春、关英红、陈丽玮、刘桂芳 2012.10 ZL201010511334.7,促使单过硫酸盐、过硫酸盐产生硫酸根自由基的方法,中国发明专利,马军、陈丽玮、李旭春、关英红、张静、方晶云 2012.12 ZL201110044791.4 一种原位产生纳米铁锰氧化物除TI%2B和/或Cd2%2B的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、江进、庞素艳、皇甫小留、李圭白、陈忠林、梁恒 2012.12 ZL201110282005.4 梯级催化氧化控制为污染水源水处理过程中副产物生成量的方法,中国发明专利, 马军、刘正乾 2013.01 ZL201110197065.6 梯度臭氧催化氧化降解水中有机污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、李旭春、岳思阳、关英红、陈丽玮、谢鹏超、邹景、杨文花、杨一 2013.04 ZL201110282041.0,梯级催化氧化-生物活性碳-UV联用去除水中污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘正乾、李旭春 2013.04 ZL201110088346.8 一种卤代消毒副产物的降解方法,中国发明专利,马军、岳思阳、李旭春、关英红、陈丽玮、刘桂芳 2013.06 ZL201210284542.7 多级膜蒸馏处理氨氮废水的方法, 中国发明专利,马军、刘乾亮、赵雷、刘惠玲 2013.07 ZL201110281906.1,一种利用高锰酸钾和钙离子控制藻类氯化消毒副产物生成的方法,中国发明专利,马军、谢鹏超、方晶云、关英红、李旭春、陈丽玮、岳思阳、邹景 2013.08 ZL201110316324.2,一种利用格网强化混凝的可调式机械絮凝反应方法,中国发明专利,马军、丁浩、王子林、危友达、邹景、史乐、杨友强 2013.08 ZL201210044045.X ,纳米材料掺杂聚合物膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、王盼盼 2014.01 ZL201310236600.3,移动式气浮平台去除富营养化水体中藻类的装置及其使用方法,中国发明专利,马军、时玉龙、杨家轩、邹景 2014.04 ZL201210060865.8,含银废液的银回收装置,中国发明专利,马军、宋阳、秦雯 2014.06 Zl201310311041.8,一种电化学阴极活化过硫酸盐降解水中有机污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘永泽、罗从伟、郭忠凯 2014.08 ZL201210453553.3,高性能正渗透膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、吕兴霖、侯耀华、杨一 2014.10 ZL201310279516.X,电化学阴极催化臭氧氧化去除水中有机污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘永泽、郭忠凯、罗从伟 2014.10 ZL201310213770.X,一种与负压膜耦合的上向流流态化生物滤池,中国 发明专利,马军、杨家轩、翟学东、时玉龙 2014.10 ZL201410018596.8,一种高铁酸盐复合药剂的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘玉蕾、赵晓丹、肖佳月 2014.12 ZL201010108952.7,芬顿、类芬顿体系强化剂及其使用方法,中国发明专利,马军、陈丽玮、李旭春、张静、关英红、方晶云 2014.12 ZL201410169367.6,一种循环式正渗透汽化一体化的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、王盼盼 2015.04 ZL201310716565.5,含钼水源水的处理方法,中国发明专利,马军 、 张翔、刘增贺、邹景 2015.04 ZL201410029552.5,基于新生态界面活性制备高铁酸盐的方法,中国发明专利,马军、刘玉蕾、肖佳月、赵晓丹 2015.06 ZL201310520318.8,一种高锰酸盐异相催化氧化的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、赵晓丹、肖佳月、刘玉蕾、吕东伟 2015.06 ZL201310738354.1,一种复合沉淀池,中国 发明专利,马军、张翔、刘增贺、邹景 2015.06 ZL201310493423.7,一种用羟基磷灰石制备介孔材料的方法,中国发明专利,马军、柳旭升、杨晶、刘增贺 2015.08 ZL201410138372.0,一种利用微粒石墨复合材料除藻的方法 ,中国发明专利,马军、谢鹏超、刘伟、李旭春 2015.08 ZL201410186368.1,一种水中微量硒的去除方法,中国发明专利,马军、皇甫小留、王雅安、路希鑫、江进、庞素艳 2015.08 ZL201310552081.1 ,一种水中过一硫酸盐含量的测定方法,中国发明专利,马军、邹景、谢鹏超、张剑桥 2015.09 ZL201310495112.4 ,一种用于水处理无机催化膜的改性方法,中国发明专利,马军、吕东伟 2015.09 ZL201410211347.0 ,一种一体化深度水处理装置,中国发明专利,马军、孙志强、杨家轩、宋丹、钟翔燕 2015.10 ZL201410128711.7,一种强化锰氧化物去除水中Hg(Ⅱ)的络合剂的方法,中国发明专利,马军、路希鑫、皇甫小留 2016.01 ZL201410276347.9 ,一种超声波强化混凝处理低温低浊水的方法,中国发明专利,马军、钟翔燕、杨家轩、王艳杰、孙志强 2016.01 ZL201310533897.X,一种利用三价铁催化羟胺与PMS反应去除水中污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、邹景、张剑桥、张翔、谢鹏超 2016.01 ZL201310693066.9 ,一种聚合物/石墨烯纳米复合膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、王海东 2016.03 ZL201410384466.6,一种纳米BN改性超滤膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、钟翔燕、王盼盼、孙志强 2016.03 ZL201310737762.5 ,粉末活性炭表面接枝聚(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺)的方法 ,中国发明专利,马军、宫再霖、王海东 2016.03 ZL201410384463.2 一种纳米MoS2改性PVDF超滤膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、钟翔燕、王盼盼、孙志强 2016.03 ZL201410384455.8 一种原位合成纳米银改性PVDF超滤膜的制备方法, 中国发明专利,马军 、钟翔燕;?王盼盼;?孙志强 2016.03 ZL201410718839.9 一种辐流式沉淀池,中国发明专利,马军 、 张翔、刘增贺 2016.04 ZL201310652398.2,给水处理厂深度处理系统及采用深度处理系统的水处理方法,中国发明专利,马军、杨家轩、翟学东、孔秀娟、时玉龙、刘娟昉、罗从伟 2016.06 ZL201410418404.2 ,一种饮用水高风险污染物监测预警系统及使用方法,中国发明专利,马军、孙志强、王盼盼、钟翔燕、刘梦迪 2016.08 ZL201410739333.6,一种盐酸羟胺协同过一硫酸盐降解饮用水中双酚A的方法,中国发明专利,马军、罗从伟、刘永泽、宋阳、杨一、江进 2016.08 ZL201410815728.X 一种后处理改性制备高选择性正渗透聚酰胺复合膜的方法,中国发明专利,马军、吕兴霖、杨一、刘晴靓 2016.08 ZL201410815730.7,一种高选择性正渗透聚酰胺复合膜的制备方法,中国发明专利,马军、吕兴霖,2017.01 ZL201510245665.3, 一种双级深床上向流复合滤料生物滤池,中国发明专利,马军、杨家轩、宋丹、翟学东、时玉龙、刘增贺 2017.03 ZL201510534616.1,一种利用高铁酸盐强化臭氧氧化去除水中有机污染物的方法,中国发明专利,马军、黄壮松,2018.01 |