姓名 | 路勇 |
教师编号 | 89674 |
性别 | 路勇 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 机电工程学院 |
学位 | 路勇 |
学历 | 路勇 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
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基本信息 教育教学 科学研究 论文专著 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 路勇,教授/博士生导师 男,汉族,1971年生,工学博士,哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院。 教育经历 名称 1990.09-1994.07 哈尔滨工业大学机械工程系获工学学士学位 1994.09-2000.04 哈尔滨工业大学机电学院机械制造及其自动化专业硕博连读获博士学位 工作经历 名称 2000年博士毕业留校,哈工大机电工程学院机械制造及自动化系任讲师、副教授、教授/博士生导师。 2001.11-2002.11 香港理工大学副研究员。 荣誉称号 名称 两次荣获教育部自然科学二等奖,分别为“切削刀具状态的智能监测技术的研究”和“切削过程工况监测基础研究” 两次荣获黑龙江省高等教育教学成果二等奖 ,分别为“柔性制造系统创意组合实验的开发与实践”和“制造系统自动化技术课程教学研究与实践” 主要任职 名称 黑龙江省切削刀具协会任理事 讲授课程 名称 1. 本科生课程 《制造系统自动化技术》,本科生专业课 《面向切削过程的多参数检测用微纳传感器设计》,本科创新研修课 2. 研究生课程 《机械制造实验方法及数字信号分析处理》,学位课 《计算机信息系统及其在制造业中应用》,选修课 招生信息 名称 1. 硕士招生 每年计划招收硕士研究生2-3名。2. 博士招生 每年计划招收博士研究生1-2名。 研究领域 名称 1. 大型构件机器人加工技术研究 2. 面向航空航天领域用复合材料切削加工机理、先进加工工艺及加工过程智能监测研究 3. 面向空间非合作目标主动清除的在轨捕获关键技术研究 科研项目 名称 弱刚性大型构件移动机器人加工工艺设计与优化(2018YFB1306803),国家重点研发计划“智能机器人”专项课题 基于涡流效应的空间翻滚非合作目标主动姿态稳定方法研究(51675115), 国家自然基金面上项目 基于超导钉扎效应的在轨装配新方法研究(50975065),国家自然基金面上项目 面向机床和工程机械产品的绿色工艺技术评估及相关基础数据库开发(2014AA041503),863计划 面向切削过程监控的微纳多参数传感器与系统(2013AA041107),863计划 重型数控机床动态综合误差补偿技术的研究(2009ZX04014-025),国家科技重大专项 重型数控机床误差补偿关键技术研究(GC13A408),黑龙江省应用技术研发 出版物 出版物名称 制造系统自动化技术 作者 卢泽生 路勇 王广林 周亮 出版时间 2010-11-01 出版社 哈尔滨工业大学出版社 简单介绍 成果发表 名称 期刊文章 1. Zhendong Shang, Dong Gao, Zhipeng Jiang, YongLu*. Towards less energy intensive heavy-duty machine tools: Power consumption characteristics and energy-saving strategies. Energy, Volume 178, 1 July 2019, Pages 263-276 2. Zhengdong Shang, Dong Gao, Zhipeng Jiang and Yong Lu*.Developing a new energy performance indicator for spindle system based on power flow analysis. Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol 233, Issue 6, 2019 3. Zhipeng Jiang, Dong Gao ,Yong Lu*. Electrical energy consumption of CNC machine tools based on empirical modelling. 2019, V100, Issue 9–12, pp 2255–2267 4. Xie Zhengyou, Li Jianguang and Lu Yong*. Feature selection and a method to improve the performance of tool condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019, V100, Issue 9–12, pp 3197–3206 5. Xiaoguang Liu, Yong Lu, Yu Zhou, Yuanhao Yin. Prospects of using a permanent magnetic end effector to despin and detumble an uncooperative target.Advances in Space Research, Volume 61, Issue 8, 15 April 2018, Pages 2147-2158. 6. Zhengyou Xie,Jianguang Li,Yong Lu* . An integrated wireless vibration sensing tool holder for milling tool condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2018 95(5):2885-2896. 7. 路勇,刘晓光,周宇,刘崇超. 空间翻滚非合作目标消旋技术发展综述. 航空学报,2018,Vol 39(1):1-13. 8. Xie Zhengyou, Lu Yong*, and Li Jianguang. Development and testing of an integrated smart tool holder for four-component cutting force measurement. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017, 93: 225-240. 9. Liu, Yilei, D. Gao, and Y. Lu. Volumetric calibration in multi-space in large-volume machine based on measurement uncertainty analysis. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 76.9-12(2015):1493-1503. 10. Mingliang Zhang, Liang Zhou, Yong Lu. Controllability of flux pinned docking interface. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 25.4(2015):1-7. 11. Gao, Dong, Zhirong Liao, Zekun Lv, and Yong Lu. Multi-scale statistical signal processing of cutting force in cutting tool condition monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2015(80): 1843-1853. 12. Zhirong Liao, Gao, Dong, Zekun Lv, and Yong Lu. Multi-scale Hybrid HMM for Tool Wear Condition Monitoring. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2015): 1-11. 13. Yong Lu, Mingliang Zhang, Dong Gao. Connection Stiffness and Dynamical Docking Process of Flux Pinned Spacecraft Modules. Journal of applied physics. 115.6(2014):97-112. 14. Jian-guang Li, Yong Lu. Optimization of cutting parameters for energy saving. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70.1-4(2014):117-124. 15. Yong Lu, Mingliang Zhang, Dong Gao. Lateral force and lateral connection stiffness of flux pinned docking interface,J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 2013, 26(10):3027-3036. 16. Yilei Liu, Yong Lu, Dong Gao. Thermally induced volumetric error modeling based on thermal drift and its compensation in Z-axis. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69.9-12(2013):2735-2745. 17. Yong Lu, Mingliang Zhang, Dong Gao. Axial Force and Passive Stability of a Flux Pinned Space System, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn., 2012, 25(7):2323–2329. 18. Gangwei Cui , Yong Lu, Jianguang Li, Dong Gao. Geometric error compensation software system for CNC machine tools based on NC program reconstructing, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 2012, 63:169–180. 19. Zhao-Peng Hao, Yong Lu, Dong Gao. Cutting Parameter Optimization Based on Optimal Cutting Temperature in Machining Inconel718, Mater. Manuf. Process., 2012,27: 1084–1089. 20. Gangwei Cui, Yong Lu, Dong Gao, Yingxue Yao. A novel error compensation implementing strategy and realizing on Siemens 840D CNC systems, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., 2012, 61:595–608. 会议论文 21. Zhengyou Xie, Jianguang Li, Yong Lu. A Simple and Practical TCM System Based On a Force-measuring Tool Holder.6th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing 4 - 6 July 2018, London. 22. Liu Xiaoguang,,Lu Yong,Yuanhao Yin. Conceptual Design of an Electromagnetic Detumbling System Made by Permanent Magnet Array. AeroConf 2018 IEEE Aerospace Conference. 23. Xie Zhengyou, Lu Yong, and Dang Wenchao. A Wireless Data Acquisition and Transmission System for Smart Tool Holder Based on Socket. IMCCC/ AEIIT 2017. 24. Yue Hao, Yong Lu, Zhengyou Xie. A New Dynamic Calibration Method for Integrated Force-Measuring Tool Holder. International Conference on Instrumentation & Measurement 2016:918-921. 25. Xu Yiliu, Lu Yong, et al. Testing levelness error of long cylindrical guide rail by laser tracker. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy 2016. 26. Zhang, zhaoyang,Yong,Lu, Xie,Zhengyou. Transfer Efficiency Maximum Coil Turns of Symmetric Wireless Power System via Magnetic Resonance Coupling. International Conference on Logistics Engineering, Management and Computer Science 2015. 27. Xie, Zhengyou, Y. Lu, and J. Li. Design and Analysis of a New Tool Holder with Force Sensing Element. International Conference on Logistics Engineering, Management and Computer Science 2015. 28. Liao, Zhi Rong, Dong Gao, and Yong Lu. Cutting force analysis in tool condition monitoring of difficult to cut materials. Materials Science Forum. 2014:54-58. 29. Liao Z R, Li S M, Lu Y, et al. Tool Wear Identification in Turning Titanium Alloy Based on SVM. Materials Science Forum. 2014:446-450. 30. Mingliang Zhang, Yong Lu, Dong Gao. Study on Flux pinned vertical force between High-temperature Superconductor and Permanent Magnet. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 531-532 (2013) pp 755-758. 31. Yong Lu, Fengkuang Gao, Dong Gao. Design and Simulation Experiment Study on Reconfigurable Spacecraft Base on Flux Pinned Interface. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,Vols. 303-306. 32. Mingliang Zhang, Yong Lu. Experimental Study on Flux Pinned Lateral Force between High Temperature Superconductor and Permanent Magnet. Proceedings of the 2012 Third International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, Pages 194-197. 33. Lu Yong, Cui Gangwei, Gao Dong. Thermal Deformation Finite Element Analysis for the Ram of Heavy-duty CNC Machine Tools. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 433-440 (2012) pp 7159-7164. 34. Yong Lu, Chongqiang Huang, Tianyang Wang. FEM Analysis on the Performances of HSK-E50 Toolholder-Spindle Interface. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 154-155 (2011) pp 158-161. 35. 路勇,周亮,王广林. 面向卓越工程师培养的制造系统自动化技术精品课程教改实践. 2013第八届机械类课程报告论文集. 36. 路勇,包刚,刘亚忠. 提高机械学科研究生《实验设计方法及数字信号处理》课程教学质量途径的探讨. 第二十五届国研究生院工科研究生教育工作研讨会论文集,中国石油大学出版社,2010.10,411-415. 发明专利 一种获取机床主轴系统功率的方法 ZL2016102106673 一种机床能效快速定量测试方法 ZL201610343940X 一种基于永磁涡流效应的空间翻滚目标消旋控制方法 ZL201611039166X 智能刀柄用非接触供电装置 ZL 2015100674776 一种用于四维切削力检测的电容式智能刀柄系统 ZL 2014103444911 一种非接触式模块化航天器在轨对接方法及实施此方法的模拟装置 ZL 2012101894394 一种用于数控机床滑枕热变形补偿的控制方法以及实施此方法的装置 ZL201010595650 |