姓名 | 李立毅 |
教师编号 | 89628 |
性别 | 李立毅 |
学校 | 哈尔滨工业大学 |
部门 | 空间环境与物质科学研究院 |
学位 | 李立毅 |
学历 | 李立毅 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【了解更多】 |
邮箱 | 【了解更多】 |
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个人信息 科学研究 教学研究 科研项目 论文 专利 ... 专利 新建主栏目 主要事迹 名称 重点围绕国家和行业的重大需求,长期从事特种电机及特种电磁装置方向的研究。面向芯片制造业需求,依托02重大科技专项任务,解决了光刻机工件台系统中兼具高精度和高动态特性的直线电机的"卡脖子"核心问题;面向某类飞行器高可靠姿态控制需求,研制应用高过载大功率电机系统;研制成功系列高速主轴电机系统并大量推广。2012年获国家杰出青年基金,2013年获国家级高层次人才称号,在国内7个学术委员会中任职。获国家技术发明二等奖1项,省部级奖励6项。共发表学术论文3百余篇,其中SCI收录160篇。授权专利80余项,3项获得发明博览会银奖,10项已在企业实现技术应用转化。承担重要科研项目30余项。 荣誉称号 称号名称 国家级高层次人才 获奖时间 2013年 颁奖机构 中华人民共和国教育部 简单介绍 称号名称 国家技术发明二等奖 获奖时间 2007年2月 颁奖机构 中华人民共和国国务院 简单介绍 基于定转子齿槽效应转矩机理的电动机 称号名称 教育部科技进步一等奖 获奖时间 2011年1月 颁奖机构 中华人民共和国教育部 简单介绍 高速高功率密度系列主轴电机的研制及应用 称号名称 教育部技术发明一等奖 获奖时间 2006年1月 颁奖机构 中华人民共和国教育部 简单介绍 基于定转子齿槽效应转矩机理的电动机基础理论和工程设计方法研究 称号名称 中国高校科技进步一等奖 获奖时间 2002年2月 颁奖机构 中国高校科学技术奖励委员会 简单介绍 游粱式抽油机专用高起动转矩节能电机的研制 称号名称 中国高校科技进步二等奖 获奖时间 2001年5月 颁奖机构 中国高校科学技术奖励委员会 简单介绍 步进电机及其驱动控制系统 教育经历 名称 1987.09—1991.07 哈尔滨工业大学精密仪器系 获工学学士学位 1993.03—1995.06 哈尔滨工业大学机械制造及自动化系 获工学硕士学位 1997.03—2001.06 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程系 获工学博士学位 2002.05—2004.05 大连理工大学 博士后 工作经历 名称 1996.09—2000.06 哈尔滨工业大学电机教研室 讲师 2000.05—2004.05 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院 副教授 2004.05—至今 哈尔滨工业大学电气工程及自动化学院 教授 2005.12—至今 哈尔滨工业大学电机与电器学科 博士生导师 2010.09—至今 哈尔滨工业大学工业技术研究院 院长 2012年 获得国家杰出青年科学基金 2013年 受聘为“国家级高层次人才” 主要任职 名称 中国电工技术学会电磁发射专业委员会(第三届) 副主任委员 中国电工技术学会直线电机专业委员会(第七届) 委员 国家精密微特电机工程技术研究中心学术委员会(第一届) 委员 中国宇航协会机器人专业委员会 委员 中国航空学会航空机电、人体与环境工程分会 委员 “高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项“高档数控系统关键共性技术创新平台”第一届理事会常务理事 中国电工技术学会青年工作委员会 委员 《IEEE Transaction on energy convection 》、 《IEEE Transaction onmagnetics》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Journal of MechanicalEngineering Research》、《中国电机工程学报》、《中国电工技术学报》、《航空学报》等杂志 审稿人 我的新闻 新闻标题 与丁肇中教授探讨科学问题 发布时间 2013-10-24 照片中自左向右分别为 哈工大校长韩杰才院士、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者丁肇中教授、李立毅教授 新闻标题 参观欧洲核子中心实验室 发布时间 2013-10-24 研究领域 名称 一、极限性能电机及其驱动控制系统 1. 高功率密度电机系统 1.1 高转矩密度电机 1.2 高速电机 2. 精密直线电机及其控制系统 在超精密直流直线电机领域,研制的多种超精密永磁同步直线电机,在国家重大专项光刻机双工件台α样机系统和国产车铣复合加工中心装备中应用与推广,替代了进口产品。分别针对长行程大推力直线电机和短行程超精密直线电机两种类型开展研究工作。 2.1 长行程大推力直线电机 长行程大推力直线电机主要应用在高档数控机床、光刻机等高端制造装备中,具有长行程、高推力密度、高精度等优点。主要研究内容为: (1)精密直线电机多维力波动形成机制 (2)系列分段模块化电机设计方法 (3)高品质电流调控方法 (4)长行程大推力直线电机综合性能测试技术 图2-1 各推力等级长行程直线电机 图2-2 不同型号长行程直线电机驱动控制器 图2-3 长行程直线电机综合性能测试平台 2.2 小行程超精密直线电机 短行程超精密直线电机位移分辨率可高达纳米级,行程受到限制在数毫米量级,具有超精密定位精度、高频响及“零”环境温度扰动等优点。主要研究内容为: (1)精密直线电机损耗、冷却机理以及电磁—热耦合机理 (2)强约束条件、多物理场因素的多目标优化方法 (3)高精度功率变换器谐波抑制方法 图2-4 短行程超精密直线电机 图2-5 短行程超精密直线电机驱动控制器 图2-6 短行程超精密直线电机驱综合性能测试平台 二、特种电磁装备系统 1. 弱磁/零磁环境理论技术及应用 2. 质子加速器的高精度磁场控制 3. 等离子体的高分辨率磁场控制 科研成果 名称 承担各类科研项目30 多项,发表论文3百余篇,其中SCI 收录160篇。 授权专利80余项,3项获得发明博览会银奖,10项已在企业实现技术应用化。 所获科技奖励有: 1 基于定转子齿槽效应转矩机理的电动机 2007 年 国家技术发明二等奖。 2 高速高功率密度系列主轴电机的研制及应用 2011 年 教育部科技进步一等奖。 3 基于定转子齿槽效应转矩机理的电动机基础理论和工程设计方法研究 2006 年 教育部技术发明一等奖。 4 大中型电机物理场分析与计算方法 2006 年 教育部科技进步二等奖。 5 游粱式抽油机专用高起动转矩节能电机的研制 2002 年 中国高校科技进步一等奖。 6 步进电机及其驱动控制系统 2001 年 中国高校科技进步二等奖。 科研队伍 名称 姓名 职称 主要研究方向 刘家曦 副教授 高速电机驱动控制方法和精密电机驱动方法 张成明 副教授 直线电机系统、高效率电机系统、超磁致伸缩执行器、基于超磁致伸缩材料的振动能量采集系统 潘东华 副研究员 大尺度、纳特级屏蔽装置分析与设计方法研究;磁传感器标校及磁目标探测技术;标准磁源设计 曹继伟 助理研究员 高功率密度电机 陈启明 助理研究员 大功率高稳定度电源技术研究 ;高精度高带宽电源技术研究 ;超精密定位运动控制技术研究 韩正男 助理研究员 加速器磁铁技术 ;高温超导电机技术 金银锡 助理研究员 主动补偿系统多磁传感器控制策略的研究 孙芝茵 助理研究员 微弱磁场的实现技术与精密测量 邹志龙 助理研究员 电磁场数值计算;边界元理论;电晕放电 宋凯 高级工程师 机械设计 娄少峰 高级工程师 电气项目设计、施工等;接地网的设计、施工等 徐晓龙 工程师 电机驱动系统硬件设计、调试等 桃李满天 名称 已毕业博士、硕士 序号 姓名 性别 毕业时间 毕业学位 毕业去向 1 洪俊杰 男 2011年8月 工学博士 中山大学 2 黄旭珍 女 2012年11月 工学博士 南京航空航天大学 3 潘东华 男 2013年1月 工学博士 哈尔滨工业大学 4 曹继伟 男 2013年1月 工学博士 哈尔滨工业大学 5 谭广军 男 2013年1月 工学博士 燕山大学 6 马明娜 女 2013年1月 工学博士 北京理工大学 11 陈启明 男 2016年6月 工学博士 哈尔滨工业大学 12 韩正男 男 2017年6月 工学博士 哈尔滨工业大学 13 于吉坤 男 2017年6月 工学博士 苏州汇川技术有限公司 14 孙芝茵 女 2016年10月 工学博士 哈尔滨工业大学 15 窦彦昕 男 2018年4月 工学博士 新加坡国立大学Research Fellow 16 李鹏 男 2008年7月 工学硕士 上海永大电梯设备有限公司 17 李启国 男 2008年7月 工学硕士 艾默生电气(深圳)有限公司 18 于涛 男 2008年7月 工学硕士 上海中船重工船舶推进设备有限公司 19 张亮亮 男 2009年7月 工学硕士 精进电动科技(北京)有限公司 20 杨松 男 2010年7月 工学硕士 中国核动力研究设计院 21 刘丽丽 女 2010年7月 工学硕士 上海ABB工程有限公司 22 刘莹 女 2010年7月 工学硕士 中航工业动力所 23 宋俊 男 2012年9月 工学硕士 中航工业动力所 24 李吉 男 2018年7月 工学硕士 深圳市汇川技术有限公司 25 曹沁婕 女 2018年7月 工学硕士 福建省龙岩电力公司 26 王春丽 女 2019年7月 工学硕士 华为技术有限公司 27 姜佳林 男 2019年7月 工学硕士 香港中文大学读博 28 曾古毅铭 男 2019年7月 工学硕士 国网四川省电力公司检修公司 29 郭峰 男 2019年7月 工学硕士 大疆创新科技有限公司 30 陈佳亮 男 2019年7月 工学硕士 苏州汇川技术有限公司 31 李杨 男 2019年7月 工学硕士 中航工业动力所 在读博士、硕士 序号 姓名 性别 入学时间 研究课题 攻读学位 1 杜鹏程 男 2012年9月 超高速电机驱动控制关键技术研究 工学博士 2 郭庆波 男 2012年9月 磁悬浮导轨的驱动控制系统研究 工学博士 3 裴乐 男 2015年9月 零磁装置测评技术与应用 工学博士 4 刘添豪 男 2015年9月 零磁装置测评技术与应用 工学博士 5 裴根极 男 2016年9月 大功率伺服系统鲁棒性研究 工学博士 6 杨瑞 男 2012年9月 磁悬浮导轨的驱动控制系统研究 工学博 7 刘毓希 男 2017年9月 短时高过载永磁同步电机关键技术研究 工学博士 8 张新彤 男 2018年9月 高效率高转矩密度永磁同步电机 工学博士 9 宋禹辰 男 2018年9月 磁悬浮导轨的驱动控制系统研究 工学博士 10 傅鹏睿 男 2019年9月 磁悬浮导轨的驱动控制系统研究 工学博士 11 林生鑫 男 2019年9月 磁目标探测与磁传感器标定 工学博士 12 马伊光 男 2019年9月 磁悬浮导轨的驱动控制系统研究 工学博士 13 赵一阳 女 2019年9月 零磁装置性能分析 工程博士 14 许光炜 男 2018年9月 高速高过载永磁同步电机 工学博士 15 靳崇渝 男 2018年9月 磁通门标校 工学硕士 16 李俊驰 男 2018年9月 六自由度微动台驱动控制系统研究 工学硕士 17 刘钰清 女 2018年9月 高速电机轴电流 工学硕士 科研项目 名称 近十年来承担各类科研项目30 多项 1. 国家杰出青年科学基金 特种电机系统 2013-2016 2. 国家(04)重大科技专项 伺服驱动及电机测试规范,标准研究与测试平台建设(2012ZX04001051)2012-2015 3. 国家自然科学基金 多级绕组高动态纳米级定位音圈电机系统的基础研究(51177024)2012-2015 4. 国家(02)重大科技专项 (光刻机)双工件台系统样机研发(2009ZX02007)2009-2013 5. 国家(04)重大科技专项 全数字驱动装置及交流伺服电机、主轴电机(2009ZX04010-011)2009-2012 6. 国家(02)重大科技专项 封装设备关键部件与核心技术(2009ZX02010-16、17)2009-2012 7. 国家(04)重大科技专项 新型高效、高速、高刚度、大功率电主轴及驱动装置(2009ZX04010-021)2009-2012 论文期刊 名称 发表论文3百余篇,其中SCI 收录160 篇 1 Zhao, Y.; Sun, Z.; Pan, D.; Lin, S.; Jin, Y.; Li, L., A New Approach to Calculate the Shielding Factor of Magnetic Shields Comprising Nonlinear Ferromagnetic Materials under Arbitrary Disturbances. Energies 2019, 12, (11). 2 Zhang, X.; Zhang, C.; Yu, J.; Du, P.; Li, L., Analytical Model of Magnetic Field of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With a Trapezoidal Halbach Permanent Magnet Array. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2019, 55, (7). 3 Zhang, G.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Xiao, D.; Li, L.; Xu, D., Pseudorandom-Frequency Sinusoidal Injection Based Sensorless IPMSM Drives With Tolerance for System Delays. Ieee Transactions on Power Electronics 2019, 34, (4), 3623-3632. 4 Yang, R.; Wang, M.; Li, L.; Zenggu, Y.; Jiang, J., Integrated Uncertainty/Disturbance Compensation With Second-Order Sliding-Mode Observer for PMLSM-Driven Motion Stage. Ieee Transactions on Power Electronics 2019, 34, (3), 2597-2607. 5 Jin, Y.; Li, L.; Kou, B.; Pan, D., Thermal Analysis of a Hybrid Excitation Linear Eddy Current Brake. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2019, 66, (4), 2987-2997. 6 Jin, Y.; Kou, B.; Li, L.; Li, C.; Pan, D.; Song, K., Analytical Model for a Permanent Magnet Eddy-Current Brake With Transverse Edge Effect. Ieee Access 2019, 7, 61170-61179. 7 Huang, X. Z.; Li, J.; Zhang, C.; Qian, Z. Y.; Li, L.; Gerada, D., Electromagnetic and Thrust Characteristics of Double-sided Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Adopting Staggering Primaries Structure. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2019, 66, (6), 4826-4836. 8 Dou, Y.; Jamieson, D. N.; Han, Z.; Liu, J.; Li, L., Investigation of intrinsic aberrations introduced by the fringing field in the proposed 300 MeV proton microprobe in Harbin. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2019, 450, 380-384. 9 Zhang, X.; Zhang, C.; Fu, P.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Ieee, A Novel Cooling Technique for the Windings of High-Torque-Density Permanent Magnet Machines. 2018; p 332-337. 10 Zhang, C.; Zhang, J.; Cao, J.; Li, L.; Wang, M.; Zhao, J.; Destech Publicat, I., The Iron Loss Analysis of Direct-driving External-rotor Motor with Cobalt-iron Alloy. In Joint International Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment Iceee 2018 and Electric and Intelligent Vehicles Iceiv 2018, 2018. 11 Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Cao, J.; Huang, X.; Wang, M.; Zhao, J.; Destech Publicat, I., Research on the Thrust Characteristics and Temperature Rise of Slot-less Tubular Linear Motor for Active Vehicle Suspension. In Joint International Conference on Energy, Ecology and Environment Iceee 2018 and Electric and Intelligent Vehicles Iceiv 2018, 2018. 12 Yang, R.; Wang, M.; Zenggu, Y.; Li, L.; Tan, Q.; Ieee, Comparison of P- and D-type Variable-Gain Adaptive Disturbance Observer for Predictive Current Control of PMLSM. 2018; p 1455-1459. 13 Yang, R.; Wang, M.; Jiang, J.; Niu, Y.; Li, L.; Ieee, Decoupled dq-axis Current Control for PMLSM based on Variable-Gain Adaptive Internal Model. In 2018 Ieee Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2018; pp 3355-3361. 14 Yang, C.; Zhao, J.; Li, L.; Agrawal, S. K., Design and implementation of a novel modal space active force control concept for spatial multi-DOF parallel robotic manipulators actuated by electrical actuators. Isa Transactions 2018, 72, 273-286. 15 Yan, B.; Zhang, C.; Li, L., Magnetostrictive energy generator for harvesting the rotation of human knee joint. Aip Advances 2018, 8, (5). 16 Wang, M.; Yang, R.; Zhang, C.; Cao, J.; Li, L., Inner Loop Design for PMLSM Drives With Thrust Ripple Compensation and High-Performance Current Control. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2018, 65, (12), 9905-9915. 17 Wang, C.; Liu, J.; Pei, L.; Li, L.; Zhong, C.; Wang, C.; Ieee, A Novel Method of Vibration Suppression in Position Servo Systems. 2018; p 2803-2807. 18 Tan, Q.; Li, L.; Huang, X.; Wang, M.; Yang, R.; Ieee, Analysis of the Detent Force for the Long-Stator Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor with Modular Mover. 2018; p 1853-1856. 19 Tan, Q.; Huang, X.; Li, L.; Wang, M., Research on Inductance Unbalance and Thrust Ripple Suppression of Slot-Less Tubular Permanent Magnet Synchronous Linear Motor. Ieee Access 2018, 6, 51011-51020. 20 Shi, Z.; Li, L.; Han, Y.; Bai, J., Influence on ferric chloride aqueous solution caused by external electrostatic field: a molecular dynamics simulation study. Rsc Advances 2018, 8, (68), 38706-38714. 21 Pei, G.; Liu, J.; Li, L.; Ieee, Cascade-free H-infinity Speed and Position Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives. 2018; p 2791-2796. 22 Pei, G.; Liu, J.; Li, L.; Du, P.; Pei, L.; Hu, Y.; Ieee, MRAS Based Online Parameter Identification for PMSM Considering VSI Nonlinearity. In 2018 Ieee International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition, 2018; pp 2500-2506. 23 Pan, D.; Li, L.; Wang, M., Modeling and Optimization of Air-Core Monopole Linear Motor Based on Multiphysical Fields. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2018, 65, (12), 9814-9824. 24 Liu, T.; Voigt, J.; Sun, Z.; Schnabel, A.; Knappe, G.; Fan, I.; Li, L.; Ieee, Two-step mirror model for the optimization of the magnetic field generated by coils inside magnetic shielding. 2018. 25 Jiang, J.; Wang, M.; Yang, R.; Li, L.; Ieee, Sliding Mode Speed Control of PMLSM with Load Force Observer. 2018; p 2766-2770. 26 Huang, X. Z.; Li, J.; Tan, Q.; Zhang, C. M.; Li, L., Design Principles of a Phase-Shift Modular Slotless Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor With Three Sectional Primaries and Analysis of Its Detent Force. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2018, 65, (12), 9346-9355. 27 Huang, X. Z.; Li, J.; Tan, Q.; Qian, Z. Y.; Zhang, C.; Li, L., Sectional Combinations of the Modular Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Motor and the Optimization Design. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2018, 65, (12), 9658-9667. 28 Huang, X.; Liang, J.; Zhou, B.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Gerada, D., Suppressing the Thrust Ripple of the Consequent-Pole Permanent Magnet Ling it Synchronous Motor by Two-Step Design. Ieee Access 2018, 6, 32935-32944. 29 Han, Z.; Chen, Q.; Li, L.; Cao, J.; Xu, F.; Chan, C. C., Calculation Method Study of HTS Coils' Critical Current. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2018, 28, (8). 30 Du, P.; Liu, J.; Lv, K.; Pei, L.; Li, L., A novel control system simulation modeling method considering the real hardware platform and the software structure. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2018, 53, 693-708. 31 Du, P.; Li, L.; Liu, J.; Yang, R.; Ieee, A Novel Simplified 3-Level SVPWM Modulation Method Based On the Conventional 2-L SVPWM Modulation Method. 2018; p 1799-1803. 32 Dou, Y.; Jamieson, D. N.; Liu, J.; Li, L., A high excitation magnetic quadrupole lens quadruplet incorporating a single octupole lens for a low spherical aberration probe forming lens system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2018, 419, 49-54. 33 Cao, Q.; Pan, D.; Li, J.; Jin, Y.; Sun, Z.; Lin, S.; Yang, G.; Li, L., Optimization of a Coil System for Generating Uniform Magnetic Fields inside a Cubic Magnetic Shield. Energies 2018, 11, (3). 34 Zhao, F.; Li, L.; Liu, C.; Kwon, B.-i.; Ieee, Design Considerations and Performance Improvement of a Dual-Stator PM Vernier Motor with Axial-Flux Loop. In 2017 Ieee Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2017; pp 1220-1226. 35 Zhang, C.; Guo, Q.; Li, L.; Wang, M.; Wang, T., System Efficiency Improvement for Electric Vehicles Adopting a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Direct Drive System. Energies 2017, 10, (12). 36 Yang, R.; Zhang, C.; Wang, M.; Li, L.; Ieee, Effect of Structure Parameters on the Losses and Efficiency of Surface-Mounted PMSM. 2017. 37 Yang, R.; Wang, M.; Li, L.; Pei, L.; Ieee, Thrust Ripple Compensation of PMLSM Based on Second-Order Sliding Mode Observer with Super Twisting Algorithm. In Iecon 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, 2017; pp 3698-3703. 38 Yan, B.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Ieee, Magnetostrictive Energy Harvester with Adjustable-Air Gap for Low Frequency Human Walking. In Iecon 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the Ieee Industrial Electronics Society, 2017; pp 2576-2581. 39 Xiao, Q.; Wang, Z.; E, P.; Wang, X.; Xiao, C.; Ren, Y.; Ji, H.; Mao, A.; Li, L., Development of plasma sources for Dipole Research EXperiment (DREX). Plasma Science & Technology 2017, 19, (5). 40 Mao, A.; Ren, Y.; Ji, H.; E, P.; Han, K.; Wang, Z.; Xiao, Q.; Li, L., Conceptual design of the three-dimensional magnetic field configuration relevant to the magnetopause reconnection in the SPERF. Plasma Science & Technology 2017, 19, (3). 41 Liu, G.; Li, C.; Song, C.; Li, L.; Zhao, J., Adaptive Impedance Control for Docking of Space Robotic Arm Based on Its End Force/Torque Sensor. In Intelligent Autonomous Systems 14, Chen, W.; Hosoda, K.; Menegatti, E.; Shimizu, M.; Wang, H., Eds. 2017; Vol. 531, pp 713-724. 42 Huang, X.; Tan, Q.; Li, L.; Li, J.; Qian, Z., Winding Temperature Field Model Considering Void Ratio and Temperature Rise of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor With High Current Density. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2017, 64, (3), 2168-2177. 43 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Wang, M., Maximum Efficiency Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines for Electric Vehicles. In 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, Yan, J.; Sun, F.; Chou, S. K.; Desideri, U.; Li, H.; Campana, P.; Xiong, R., Eds. 2017; Vol. 105, pp 2267-2272. 44 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Wang, M., Design and Implementation of a Loss Optimization Control for Electric Vehicle In-Wheel Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Direct Drive System. In 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, Yan, J.; Sun, F.; Chou, S. K.; Desideri, U.; Li, H.; Campana, P.; Xiong, R., Eds. 2017; Vol. 105, pp 2253-2259. 45 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Wang, M.; Zhang, J.; Wang, T.; Ieee, Loss Optimization Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines Drive system for Electric Vehicles. 2017; p 860-865. 46 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Wang, M.; Wang, T.; Ieee, Efficiency Optimization Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor System with SiC MOSFETs for Electric Vehicles. 2017. 47 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Gerada, D.; Zhang, J.; Wang, M., Design and implementation of a loss optimization control for electric vehicle in-wheel permanent-magnet synchronous motor direct drive system. Applied Energy 2017, 204, 1317-1332. 48 Feng, H.; Dong, D.; Ma, T.; Zhuang, J.; Fu, Y.; Lv, Y.; Li, L., Development of an in vivo visual robot system with a magnetic anchoring mechanism and a lens cleaning mechanism for laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS). International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 2017, 13, (4). 49 Dou, Y.; Jamieson, D. N.; Liu, J.; Lv, K.; Li, L., The design of the 300 MeV proton microprobe system in Harbin. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2017, 404, 9-14. 50 Dou, Y.; Jamieson, D. N.; Liu, J.; Li, L., A study of GeV proton microprobe lens system designs with normal magnetic quadrupole. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2017, 412, 214-220. 51 Zhang, J.; Liu, G.; Zang, X.; Li, L.; Ieee, A Hybrid Passive/Active Force Control Scheme for Robotic Belt Grinding System. 2016; p 737-742. 52 Yu, J.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Pei, L.; Zhang, L.; Ieee, Co-analysis of Electromagnetic Loss of the High Speed PMSM Driven By the PWM Inverter. 2016. 53 Yu, J.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Pei, L.; Zhang, L.; Ieee, Novel Stator Design Concept of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor For Flux Weakening Operation. 2016. 54 Yu, J.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Du, P.; Ieee, Analytical Prediction of Armature Reaction Field Distribution in PMAC Machines With Different Winding Configuration. In 2016 Ieee Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2016. 55 Yan, B.-P.; Zhang, C.-M.; Li, L.-Y.; Lu, F.-Z.; Deng, S., Study on hysteresis characteristics of magnetic domain rotation in Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 alloy. Acta Physica Sinica 2016, 65, (6). 56 Xie, Z.; Liu, G.; Li, C.; Li, G.; Zhao, J.; Li, L.; Ieee, Research of the Low Impact Space Docking Mechanism Based on Impedance Control Strategy. 2016. 57 Wang, M.; Li, L.; Pan, D.; Tang, Y.; Guo, Q., High-Bandwidth and Strong Robust Current Regulation for PMLSM Drives Considering Thrust Ripple. Ieee Transactions on Power Electronics 2016, 31, (9), 6646-6657. 58 Pei, L.; Liu, J.; Chen, Q.; Li, L.; Ieee, A Novel Full-digital Voice Coil Motor Drive for Wafer Stage. 2016. 59 Liu, J.; Pei, L.; Li, L.; Chen, Q.; Pan, D.; Ieee, The Full digital drive on the Voice Coil Motor Based on the Wafer Stage. In 2016 Ieee Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2016. 60 Liu, G.; Yu, X.; Li, C.; Li, G.; Zhang, X.; Li, L., Space calibration of the cranial and maxillofacial robotic system in surgery. Computer Assisted Surgery 2016, 21, 55-61. 61 Liu, G.; Yan, J.; Li, C.; Han, Z.; Zhu, L.; Zhao, J.; Li, L., MECHANISM AND ANTI-EXPLOSION DESIGN OF AN OMNITREAD SERPENTINE ROBOT FOR SEARCHING IN COAL MINES. 2016; p 657-665. 62 Liu, G.; Xie, Z.; Li, G.; Li, C.; Zhao, J.; Li, L.; Ieee, Optimization of the Impedance Controller for the Low Impact Docking. 2016; p 403-408. 63 Liu, G.; Li, C.; Li, G.; Yu, X.; Li, L.; Ieee, Automatic Space Calibration of A Medical Robot System. 2016; p 465-470. 64 Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, C.; Yu, J., Research on Electromagnetic and Thermal Issue of High-Efficiency and High-Power-Density Outer-Rotor Motor. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2016, 26, (4). 65 Li, L.; Han, Z.; Cao, J.; Yu, J.; Xu, F.; Chen, A.; Chen, Q., Study of Method of Measuring and Determining HTS Coil's Critical Current With V-I Properties Between Different Parts of the Coil. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2016, 26, (4). 66 Li, C.; Liu, G.; Yu, X.; Song, C.; Zhao, J.; Li, L.; Asme, DATA INTERACTION WITHOUT PHYSICAL LINKED NETWORK USING AUTOMATICALLY CD BURNING ROBOTS. 2016. 67 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Wang, M., Maximum Efficiency per Torque Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines. Applied Sciences-Basel 2016, 6, (12). 68 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Liu, J.; Wang, T.; Ieee, Efficiency Optimization Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines for Electric Vehicle Traction Systems. In 2016 Ieee Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2016. 69 Guo, Q.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Wang, M.; Pei, L.; Wang, T.; Ieee, Maximum Efficiency Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor System with SiC MOSFETs for Flywheel Energy Storage. 2016. 70 Du, P.; Lv, K.; Li, L.; Liu, J.; Yu, J.; Ieee, An Accurate HS-PMSM Rotor Loss and Performance Analysis Method combine the Control System Simulation and Finite Element Simulation. 2016. 71 Du, P.; Lv, K.; Li, L.; Liu, J.; Pei, L.; Ieee, Accurate Current Sampling Method suit for HS-PMSM Driver System considering reduce the current harmonic and torque ripple. 2016. 72 Dou, Y.; Jamieson, D. N.; Liu, J.; Li, A.; Li, L., GEANT4 models for the secondary radiation flux in the collimation system of a 300 MeV proton microbeam. Physica Medica-European Journal of Medical Physics 2016, 32, (12), 1841-1845. 73 Cao, J.; Zhang, C.; Han, Z.; Yu, J.; Li, L., Novel Test Method for AC Current-Carrying Capability in the Consideration of Alternating Magnetic Field. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2016, 26, (4). 74 Yan, B.-P.; Zhang, C.-M.; Li, L.-Y.; Tang, Z.-F.; Lu, F.-Z.; Yang, K.-J., Method of identifying constitutive parameter in Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 Alloy. Acta Physica Sinica 2015, 64, (2). 75 Yan, B.; Zhang, C.; Li, L.; Lv, F., Research on Dynamic Characteristic of High-Power Magnetostrictive Transducer in high frequency application. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Jiang, Z., Ed. 2015; Vol. 39, pp 1486-1492. 76 Wang, M.; Li, L.; Pan, D.; Zhang, C.; Guo, Q.; Ieee, An Improved Predictive Current Control for PMLSM Considering Parameter Variation. 2015; p 801-804. 77 Wang, M.; Li, L.; Pan, D.; Guo, Q., An improved deadbeat predictive current control for permanent magnet linear synchronous motor. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences 2015, 22, (3), 273-282. 78 Wang, M.; Li, L.; Pan, D., Detent Force Compensation for PMLSM Systems Based on Structural Design and Control Method Combination. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62, (11), 6845-6854. 79 Ma, M.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Yu, J.; Zhang, H.; Jin, Y., Analytical Methods for Minimizing Detent Force in Long-Stator PM Linear Motor Including Longitudinal End Effects. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2015, 51, (11). 80 Ma, M.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Yu, J.; Zhang, H., Investigation of Cross-Coupling Inductances for Long-Stator PM Linear Motor Arranged in Multiple Segments. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2015, 51, (11). 81 Chen, Q.; Li, L.; Wang, M.; Pei, L., The precise modeling and active disturbance rejection control of voice coil motor in high precision motion control system. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2015, 39, (19), 5936-5948. 82 Zhang, H.; Kou, B.; Jin, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, H.; Li, L., Modeling and analysis of a novel planar eddy current damper. Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115, (17). 83 Yan, B.-P.; Zhang, C.-M.; Li, L.-Y.; Tang, Z.-F.; Lu, F.-Z.; Yang, K.-J., Modelling self-sensing of a magnetostrictive actuator based on a terfenol-D rod. Chinese Physics B 2014, 23, (12). 84 Wang, M.; Li, L.; Zhu, H.; Liu, J., High-Bandwidth Current Control for High-Speed Linear Motor. 2014. 85 Ma, M.; Li, L.; Zhu, H.; Chan, C. C., Electromagnetic Force Characteristics in Long-stator PM Linear Launcher with Non-ideal Mechanical Air gap Condition. 2014. 86 Li, L.; Zhu, H.; Chan, C. C., Investigation of the Inter-stator Current Control for Long Primary Winding Segmented PMLSM Used in Electromagnetic Launch System. 2014. 87 Li, L.; Yan, B.; Zhang, C., Research on Dynamic Characteristic of Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator. In Applied Science, Materials Science and Information Technologies in Industry, Liu, D. L.; Zhu, X. B.; Xu, K. L.; Fang, D. M., Eds. 2014; Vol. 513-517, pp 2880-2883. 88 Li, L.; Wang, M.; Cao, J.; Liu, J.; Ieee, Current Control for the Single Degree of Freedom Linear Maglev System. 2014; p 1326-1329. 89 Li, L.; Tang, Y.; Pan, D., Design Optimization of Air-Cored PMLSM With Overlapping Windings by Multiple Population Genetic Algorithm. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2014, 50, (11). 90 Li, L.; Sun, Z.; Pan, D.; Liu, J.; Yang, F., An Approach to Analyzing Magnetically Shielded Room Comprising Discontinuous Layers Considering Permeability in Low Magnetic Field. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2014, 50, (11). 91 Li, L.; Cao, J.; Han, Z.; Chen, Q., Research on Magnetic Shield Effect of AC Superconducting Armature. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2014, 24, (3). 92 Huang, X.; Tan, Q.; Li, L.; Zhou, B., Thermal Optimization of a Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor. 2014. 93 Huang, X.; Li, L.; Zhou, B.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, Z., Temperature Calculation for Tubular Linear Motor by the Combination of Thermal Circuit and Temperature Field Method Considering the Linear Motion of Air Gap. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014, 61, (8), 3923-3931. 94 Feng, H.; Fu, Y.; Li, L.; Ieee, Parallel Layout Design of Pipeline System for Complex Products Based on Ant Colony Algorithm. 2014; p 823-827. 95 Feng, H.; Fu, Y.; Li, L.; Ieee, Optimization Design for Complex Pipelines inside Electromechanical Products Based on Flow Resistance Loss. 2014; p 1090-1095. 96 Chen, Q.; Li, L.; Pei, L.; Du, P.; Ieee, Modeling and Composite Nonlinear Feedback Control of Voice Coil Motor in High Precision Positioning System. 2014; p 2242-2247. 97 Zhao, G.; Fan, Y.; Yang, F.; Li, L., The Design and Kinematic Simulation of the Return System in Ball Screw Pairs Used in Special Circumstance. In Industrial Design and Mechanics Power Ii, Lee, U., Ed. 2013; Vol. 437, pp 382-+. 98 Zhang, L.; Kou, B.; Li, L.; Zhao, B., Modeling and Design of an Integrated Winding Synchronous Permanent Magnet Planar Motor. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2013, 41, (5), 1214-1219. 99 Pan, D.; Li, L.; Chen, Q.; Wang, T.; Peng, E., Eddy Current Damping Suppression of Air-Core Monopole Linear Motor for Nanopositioning System. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2013, 49, (7), 3957-3960. 100 Ma, M.; Li, L.; He, Z.; Chan, C. C., Influence of Longitudinal End-Effects on Electromagnetic Performance of a Permanent Magnet Slotless Linear Launcher. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2013, 41, (5), 1161-1166. 101 Li, W.; Qiu, H.; Yi, R.; Zhang, X.; Li, L., Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Field Calculation and Analysis of Axial-Radial Flux-Type High-Temperature Superconducting Synchronous Motor. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2013, 23, (1). 102 Li, L.; Tan, G.; Liu, J.; Kou, B.; Ieee, An Optimal Pulse Width Modulation Method for High-speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. In 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Technology, 2013; pp 237-244. 103 Li, L.; Tan, G.; Liu, J.; Kou, B.; Ieee, Sensorless Control of PMSM Based on State Observer in the Steady and Transient State Operations without Phase Lag. In 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Technology, 2013; pp 63-72. 104 Li, L.; Pan, D.; Liu, J.; Wang, M.; Guo, Q.; E, P., Analysis and Modeling of Air-Core Monopole Linear Motor for Nanopositioning System. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2013, 49, (7), 3977-3980. 105 Li, L.; Pan, D.; Huang, X., Analysis and Optimization of Ironless Permanent-Magnet Linear Motor for Improving Thrust. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2013, 41, (5), 1188-1192. 106 Li, L.; Chen, Q.; Tan, G.; Zhu, H., High Precision Position Control of Voice Coil Motor Based on Single Neuron PID. In Eighth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation, Tan, J.; Wen, X., Eds. 2013; Vol. 8759. 107 Kou, B.; Bai, Y.; Li, L., A Novel Wind Power Generator System with Automatic Maximum Power Tracking Capability. Ieee Transactions on Energy Conversion 2013, 28, (3), 632-642. 108 Huang, X.; Liu, J.; Zhang, C.; Li, L., Calculation and Experimental Study on Temperature Rise of a High OverLoad Tubular Permanent Magnet Linear Motor. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2013, 41, (5), 1182-1187. 109 Zhang, L.; Kou, B.; Li, L.; Zhao, B., Modeling and Design of an Integrated Winding Synchronous Permanent Magnet Planar Motor. 2012. 110 Ma, M.; Li, L.; He, Z.; Chan, C. C., Influence of Longitudinal End Effects on Electromagnetic Performance of an Permanent Magnet Slotless Linear Launcher. 2012. 111 Liu, J.; Ma, M.; Li, L., A Position Error Compensation way for Sensorless Linear Motor drive Using High Frequency Injection. 2012. 112 Li, L.-Y.; Yan, B.-P.; Zhang, C.-M.; Cao, J.-W., Study on magnetic domain deflection in Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 alloy. Acta Physica Sinica 2012, 61, (16). 113 Li, L.; Zhu, H.; Ma, M.; Chen, Q., Proposal of the Sensorless Control Method of Long Primary Segmented PMLSM Applied in Electromagnetic Catapult. 2012. 114 Li, L.; Tang, Y.; Ma, M.; Pan, D.; Soc, I. I. A., Analysis and Optimization of Air-Core Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors with Overlapping Concentrated Windings for Ultra-precision Applications. 2012. 115 Li, L.; Tang, Y.; Kou, B.; Ma, M., Design and Analysis of Ironless linear electromagnetic launcher with High Thrust Density for Space Platform. 2012. 116 Li, L.; Tan, G.; Liu, J.; Kou, B.; Ieee, Sensorless Control of PMSM Based on State Observer and the Parameter Error Analysis. 2012. 117 Li, L.; Pan, D.; Huang, X., Analysis and Optimization of Ironless Permanent Magnet Linear Motor for Improving Thrust. 2012. 118 Li, L.; Ma, M.; Tang, Y.; He, Z.; Chen, Q., Iron Loss and Inductance Analysis Considering Magnetic Nonlinearity in Multi-Segmented Plate Permanent Magnet Linear Motor. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2012, 48, (11), 3009-3012. 119 Li, L.; Ma, M.; He, Z.; Chan, C. C., Design, Simulation and Testing of Multi-segmented Plate Permanent Magnet Linear Launcher. 2012. 120 Li, L.; Huang, X.; Kou, B., Air Flow of the Linear Motor for Electromagnetic Launch System. 2012. 121 Li, L.; Huang, X.; Kou, B., Research of Temperature Estimate of the High Over-load Tubular Linear Motor. 2012. 122 Li, L.; Han, Z.; Xu, F.; Cao, J.; Chen, A.; Chen, Q., AC Current Carrying Property of High-T-c Superconducting Tapes and Its Magnetic Field Dependence. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2012, 22, (3). 123 Li, L.; Cao, J.; Kou, B.; Han, Z.; Chen, Q.; Chen, A., Design of the HTS Permanent Magnet Motor With Superconducting Armature Winding. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2012, 22, (3). 124 Kou, B.; Zhang, L.; Li, L.; Zhang, H., Modeling and analysis of a magnetically levitated synchronous permanent magnet planar motor. Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 111, (7). 125 Chen, A.; Xu, F.; Liu, X.; He, Y.; Wu, Z.; Zhu, Y.; Han, Z.; Li, L., Sub-Cooled Liquid Nitrogen Test System for Cooling HTS Synchronous Motor. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2012, 22, (3). 126 Tan, G.; Kou, B.; Wu, H.; Li, L., Dynamic Sensorless Detection of Linear Electromagnetic UAV Launch. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2011, 39, (1), 399-404. 127 Li, L.; Zhang, C.; Yan, B.; Zhang, L.; Li, X., Research of Fast-Response Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator for Space Propulsion System. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2011, 39, (2), 744-748. 128 Li, L.; Zhang, C.; Yan, B.; Li, X., Research of a Giant Magnetostrictive Valve With Internal Cooling Structure. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2011, 47, (10), 2897-2900. 129 Li, L.; Ma, M.; Kou, B.; Chen, Q., Analysis and Optimization of Slotless Electromagnetic Linear Launcher for Space Use. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2011, 39, (1), 127-132. 130 Li, L.; Ma, M.; Kou, B.; Chen, Q., Analysis and Design of Moving-Magnet-Type Linear Synchronous Motor for Electromagnetic Launch System. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2011, 39, (1), 121-126. 131 Li, L.; Huang, X.; Pan, D.; Cao, J., Magnetic Field of a Tubular Linear Motor With Special Permanent Magnet. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2011, 39, (1), 83-86. 132 Li, L.; Hong, J.; Wu, H.; Kou, B.; Liu, R., Direct and quadrature inductances measurement of the permanent magnetic linear synchronous machines. Energy Conversion and Management 2011, 52, (5), 2282-2287. 133 Li, L.; Hong, J.; Lu, Z.; Ying, L.; Song, Y.; Liu, R.; Li, X., Fields and Inductances of the Sectioned Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Linear Machine Used in the EMALS. Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science 2011, 39, (1), 87-93. 134 Li, L.; Cao, J.; Sun, Z.; Chen, Q., Magnetic Field Distribution Around Superconducting Coils in Ferromagnetic Environment. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2011, 21, (3), 1131-1135. 135 Kou, B.; Zhang, H.; Li, L., Analysis and Design of a Novel 3-DOF Lorentz-Force-Driven DC Planar Motor. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2011, 47, (8), 2118-2126. 136 Hong, J.; Li, L.; Zong, Z.; Liu, Z., Current error vector based prediction control of the section winding permanent magnet linear synchronous motor. Energy Conversion and Management 2011, 52, (11), 3347-3355. 137 Xu, F.; Liu, X.; Chen, A.; Pan, H.; Li, L., Quench Current Measurement for Multi-Sectioned Superconducting Solenoid Coil. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2010, 20, (3), 2095-2097. 138 Xu, F.; Chen, A.; Yang, S.; Cao, J.; Liu, X.; Li, L., AC Loss Prediction in BSCCO-Tape Armature Winding Design of a Synchronous Motor. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2010, 20, (3), 1005-1008. 139 Li, L.; Cao, J.; Kou, B.; Yang, S.; Pan, D.; Zhu, H., Design of Axial and Radial Flux HTS Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor's Rotor. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2010, 20, (3), 1060-1062. 140 Chen, A.; Liu, X.; Xu, F.; Cao, J.; Li, L., Design of the Cryogenic System for a 400 kW Experimental HTS Synchronous Motor. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 2010, 20, (3), 2062-2065. 141 Li, X.; Tian, K.; Li, H.; Zhou, Y.; Li, L.; Zhang, C., Influence on Launching Velocity by the Figure and Material Characteristic of Projectiles. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2009, 45, (1), 610-613. 142 Li, X.; Tian, K.; Li, C.; Zhou, Y.; Li, L.; Hong, J., Linear Electromagnetic Oil Pumping Unit Based on the Principle of Coil Gun. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2009, 45, (1), 347-350. 143 Li, L.-Y.; Li, X.-P.; Li, Q.-G.; Yan, B.-P.; Yu, T.; Li, P., Research On Inter-Stage Coupling of Three-Stage Reconnection Electromagnetic Launching System. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2009, 45, (1), 354-357. 144 Li, L.-Y.; Hong, J.-J.; Wu, H.-X.; Li, P.; Zhao, Z.; Li, X.-P., Section Crossing Drive With Fuzzy-PI Controller for the Long Stroke Electromagnetic Launcher. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2009, 45, (1), 363-367. 145 Li, L.; Yan, B.; Zhang, C.; Electromagnetics, A., A New Electromagnetic Parameter Model of Giant Magnetostriction Material. 2009; p 516-519. 146 Li, L.; Pan, D.; Kou, B.; Electromagnetics, A., Analysis and Improvement for Thrust Fluctuation of Flat Type Voice Coil Motor. 2009; p 1298-1301. 147 Li, L.; Huang, X.; Kou, B.; Deng, K.; Ieee, Analysis of 3D Transient Temperature Field for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor with High Thrust Density. In 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2009; pp 1509-1512. 148 Kou, B.; Li, L.; Zhang, C., Analysis and Optimization of Thrust Characteristics of Tubular Linear Electromagnetic Launcher for Space-Use. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2009, 45, (1), 250-255. 149 Li, L.; Zhang, C.; Yang, B.; Li, X., Finite Element Analysis of the Uniformity of Magnetic Field for On-off Giant Magnetostrictive Actuators. 2008; p 3758-+. 150 Li, L.; Yu, T.; Kou, B., Effects of Inductor shape on the Performance of Axial Flux Inductor type Superconducting Motor. 2008; p 4230-4233. 151 Li, L.; Kou, B.; Cao, J.; Zhang, L., Optimization Design of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for the Electrical Spindle. 2008; p 205-207. 152 Li, L.; Huang, X.; Kao, B.; Yan, B., Research of Core loss of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) in AC Servo System. 2008; p 602-607. 153 Kou, B.-q.; Tan, H.-j.; Li, L., Research on DC Magnetic Flux Controllable Reactor. 2008; p 4444-4447. 154 Li, X.; Meng, T.; Zhao, C.; Li, L., Multiprojectile active electromagnetic armor. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 2007, 43, (1), 460-462. 155 Li, L. Y.; Hu, Y. S.; Li, X. 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