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姓名 许国仁
教师编号 89571
性别 许国仁
学校 哈尔滨工业大学
部门 环境学院
学位 许国仁
学历 许国仁
职称 教授
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基本信息 招生与合作研究 IWA Conference 新建主栏目 基本信息 名称 许国仁,工学博士,教授,博士生导师 教育&工作经历 名称 主要教育经历: 1987-1991 哈尔滨建筑工程学院 学士学位 1993-1999 哈尔滨建筑大学 博士学位 主要工作经历: 1999-2001 哈尔滨工业大学 助理研究员 2001-2003 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授/硕士研究生导师 2003-2005 University College London 博士后研究/高级客座研究员 2003-2007 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授/硕士研究生导师 2007-2008 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授/博士研究生导师 2008-2020 哈尔滨工业大学 教授/博士研究生导师 国内外学术组织及学术期刊任职 名称 国际水协(IWA)战略理事会(Strategy Council)理事; 国际水协(IWA)小规模水和废水专家委员会 副主席; 国际水协(IWA)污泥专家委员会 秘书长; 国际标准化委员会(ISO)污泥专业委员会工作组专家; Water Science & Technology Core Editor, Water Supply Core Editor; 11th IWA Conference on Small Water & Wastewater Systems and Sludge Management 主席; 12th IWA Sustainable Management of Water & Wastewater Sludges 程序委员会主席与执行主席; 18th IWA Sustainable Management of Sludges 主席; 研究领域 名称 水质安全保障理论与技术 污泥安全资源化理论与技术 生物质资源化理论与技术 污水低碳处理理论与技术 可持续水循环理论与技术 部分在研项目 名称 国家“重点研发计划”项目 污泥快速减量与资源化耦合利用技术 2020-2023 国家“创新能力建设”专项 污泥安全处置与资源化技术国家工程实验室 2017-2019 国家″863″主题项目课题 污泥处置风险控制技术系统与示范 2012-2015 国家″863″重点项目 城市污水处理厂污泥处理与安全处置关键技术与设备 2009-2011 国家自然科学基金重点项目 基于污泥资源化回用的污水强化处理工艺与原理 2011-2014 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 北方寒冷地区污水高效强化处理工艺研究 2009-2011 部分荣誉与奖励 名称 2020年, International Water Association "Fellow", 国际水协(IWA); 2014年, “国家级高层次人才计划”首批入选者,中组部; 2013年, “创新人才推进计划”首批“中青年科技创新领军人才”,科技部; 2012年, “全球创新荣誉奖”,国际水协(IWA); 2008年, “新世纪优秀人才”,教育部; 2003年, “国家技术发明二等奖”,国务院。 招生与合作研究 名称 研究团队招生信息: 博士研究生招生方向与要求: 具有市政工程,环境工程,材料科学与工程,能源科学与工程,环境微生物学,化学工程等相关专业本科和硕士研究背景,品德高尚,富于创新精神,有良好的团队精神与合作意识,具有较强英文阅读和写作能力。 研究团队合作研究: 博士后招聘 应聘要求:已经或即将获得市政工程,环境工程,材料科学与工程,能源科学与工程,环境微生物学,化学工程等相关专业博士学位,品德高尚,富于创新精神,有良好的团队精神与合作意识。能够独立开展课题研究,并协助指导研究生的科研工作。具有较强英文阅读和写作能力。 岗位待遇:按照哈尔滨工业大学相关规定提供与学历和经验相匹配的有竞争力的优厚待遇。 应聘材料:(1)个人简历:包括学习工作经历、主要研究工作内容、代表论文、获奖情况等。(2)请提供2封推荐信或推荐人的联系方式。 合作研究 研究团队诚邀国内外市政工程,环境工程,材料科学与工程,能源科学与工程,环境微生物学,化学工程等相关专业研究人员及科研机构开展合作研究工作。 联系方式: 相关申请材料请发到:xgr099@outlook.com,邮件标题请注明姓名、单位及应聘岗位或合作意愿。 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM ORGANIZER 名称 CALL FOR PAPERS 11th IWA Conference on Small Water & Wastewater Systems and Sludge Management Deadline of Abstract Submission - May 8, 2013 The developments of small cities and towns have become the future focus and trend of urbanization process in developing countries. The problems of water & wastewater systems and sludge management have to be addressed to avoid further negative environmental influences at the same time. Water environment pollution is also more serious in small cities and towns in China nowadays. Therefore, water and wastewater systems in small cities and towns should be deserved more attention with promising future in the world. The 11th IWA Conference on Small Water & Wastewater Systems and Sludge Management will focus on the range of small and decentralized water systems, from drinking water treatment, water quality control, sewage treatment, sludge disposal, etc. This joint event will bring researchers, engineers and decision makers together to outline the state-of-the-art scenario and address future perspectives for small water & wastewater systems and sludge management. We are very pleased to offer this forum and warmly welcome international professionals to meet in China and work together toward sustainable approaches to solve environmental issues of small water & wastewater systems and sludge management worldwide. SECTIONS & TOPICS 名称 SECTION I Small and decentralized water treatment and management Water quality standards for rural area, small town and city Water resources exploitation and protection Small and decentralized water treatment processes across different scales (rural area, small town and city) Water distribution systems and water quality security Water systems policies and management across different scales (rural area, small town and city) SECTION II Small sewage treatment and management Sewage collection systems across different scales (rural area, small town and city) Novel sewage treatment processes across different scales (rural area, small town and city) Rainstorm network and reuse in rural area, small town and city Reclaimed water reuse in rural area, small town and city Feasibility of sewage treatment process across different scales (rural area, small town and city) Sewage system policies and management across different scales (rural area, small town and city) SECTION III Safe treatment, disposal and utilization of sludge Sludge characteristics and emerging pollution analysis Novel low-carbon sludge treatment and disposal processes Heavy metals, harmful organisms innocuous treatment and odor control Sludge policies and management across different scales (rural area, small town and city) SECTION IV Water environment security and improvement Water environment security assessment Restoration of polluted water resources Point-source and area-source pollution control and management Water environment management SUBMISSION DEADLINE & IMPORTANT DATES 名称 Deadline of abstract submission: May 8, 2013 Notification of abstract acceptance: May 28, 2013 Deadline of full paper submission: August 18, 2013 Notification of conference programme: August 28, 2013 Conference onsite registration date: October 27-28, 2013 SUBMISSION OF PAPERS AND POSTERS 名称 Papers and posters contributed to the topics of the conference are welcome. Abstracts of 1000 words (2 pages) should be submitted to the submission system on the conference website before March 28, 2013. All abstracts should be in English. The abstracts will be reviewed by international scientific committee. Only papers and posters presented in person by the author(s) on the conference will be finally accepted. PUBLICATION OF PAPERS 名称 All papers accepted by the conference will be published in the Congress Proceedings (available on USB disk). A selection of these papers will be considered for publication (subject to further peer review) in one of the IWA’s journals: Water Science and Technology /Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. Template of papers are available on website : www.iwasmallwater2013.org.cn. ORGANIZERS & SUPPORTED BY 名称 ORGANIZERS International Water Association (IWA) Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) CO-ORGANIZERS State Key Lab of Urban Water Resource and Environment National Engineering Research Center of Water Resources SUPPORTED BY National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) China Urban Water Association CONTACT INFORMATION 名称 Conference Website: www.iwasmallwater2013.org.cn Skype: iwasmallwater2013 Prof. Guoren Xu Harbin Institute of Technology, China Email: iwasmallwater2013@hotmail.com Dr. Tao Li International Water Association China Regional Office Email: tao.li@iwahq.org VENUE & HARBIN 名称 The conference will be held in Harbin International Conference and Exhibition Center. Harbin is renowned for convenient summer and snow & ice sculptures winter; one of the largest cities in China with a population of 10 million and the capital of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China.
