
主页 > 吉林省 > 长春工业大学


姓名 胡江磊
性别 联系方式:15844006698
学校 长春工业大学
部门 化学工程学院
学位 理学博士学位
学历 办公地点:教学科研楼704
职称 副教授
联系方式 邮箱 : hujl863@163.com
邮箱 hujl863@163.com
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
急速申请 包写包过 办事快、准、稳

个人简介Personal Profile 胡江磊,男,新疆维吾尔自治区阿勒泰人,中共党员,副教授,博士后,博士研究生导师。江苏省双创人才,江苏省启东市东疆英才,中国城市科学研究会高级会员,长春工业大学优秀青年学者,吉林省检测技术学会会员,国际多种期刊审稿人。目前发表SCI论文43篇,申请国家发明专利10项,授权4项,翻译英文专著1部。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目1项,省级项目4项,现主持省级项目2项,企业产学研合作项目1项。获得省部级二三等奖共计4项。 研究兴趣:(1)功能化硅基多孔复合材料;(2)能源催化转化;(3)多酸绿色化学。 联系方式:电话: 15844006698. E-mail: hujl863@163.com. 近三年代表性学术论文 1. Phosphotungstic acid and propylsulfonic acid bifunctionalized ordered mesoporous silica: A highly efficient and reusable catalysts for esterification of oleic acid[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal,430 (2022) 133059,通讯作者,IF:16.7。 2. In-situ synthesis of metal-organic framework embedded in ordered mesoporous silica functionalized with carboxyl groups for 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[J]. Applied Surface Science, 597 (2022) 153720,通讯作者,IF:7.4。 3. Improving the catalytic and mechanical performance of alginate catalyst through functionalization by aminopolycarboxylic acids[J].Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 628 (2022) 1058,通讯作者,IF:9.96。 4. Synthesis of HKUST-1 embedded in SBA-15 functionalized with carboxyl groups as a catalyst for 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol[J]. Applied Surface Science, 573 (2022) 151558,通讯作者,IF:7.4。 5. hick pore wall and strong stability of mesoporous silica supported HPW materials: Highly efficient catalysts for cellulose hydrolysis reaction[J]. Materials Letters, 282 (2021) 128841,通讯作者,IF:3.6。 4. One-step direct synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon supported tungsten trioxide for photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B[J]. Materials Letters, 301 (2021) 130324,通讯作者,IF:3.6。 5. Alginate/r-GO/SiO2 aerogels with double catalytic activity sites and high mechanical performance[J]. Materials Letters, 288 (2021) 129394,通讯作者,IF:3.6。 6. Towards to better permeability and antifouling sulfonated poly (aryl ether ketone sulfone) with carboxyl group ultrafiltration membrane blending with amine functionalization of SBA-15[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 265 (2021) 118512,通讯作者,IF:9.1。 7. One-Pot Synthesis of Propyl-Sulfonic Phosphotungstic Dual-Acid Functionalized Mesoporous Silica in Non[1]Hydrochloric Acid Solution: Reusable Catalyst for Efficient Biodiesel Production[J]. ChemistrySelect, 5 (2020) 14666,通讯作者,IF:2.3。 8. Facilitating Proton Transport with Enhanced Water Conservation Membranes for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,8 (2020) 5880, 通讯作者,IF:9.2。 9. Alginate-based aerogels with double catalytic activity sites and highmechanical strength[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 245 (2020) 116490, 通讯作者,IF:10.7。 10. Preparation and catalytic performance of Alginate-based Schiff Base[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 208 (2019) 42,IF:10.7。 11. Sulfonic Group Functionalized Periodic Mesoporous Ethylenesilica: A Highly Efficient and Reusable Catalysts for Carbon-Carbon Coupling Reaction[J]. ASIAN JOC, 8 (2019) 111,通讯作者,IF:3.3。
