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姓名 陈冬霞
教师编号 76571
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 地球科学学院/油气勘探与开发地质系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 教授
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教育经历 2000-09至2003-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 地质资源与地质工程, 博士研究生 1997-09至2000-07, 西南石油学院, 矿产普查与勘探, 硕士研究生 1993-09至1997-07, 西南石油学院, 矿产普查与勘探, 大学本科 个人概况   1.研究方向:油气成藏机理,非常规油气地质   2.代表性成果:(1)隐蔽油气藏形成动力学机制与分布预测;(2)致密砂岩气藏气水分成因机制;(3)致密油-页岩油成藏主控因素与富集规律;(4)深层碳酸盐岩油气成藏主控因素与油气富集规律(5)异常压力形成、演化与控藏作用。   代表性项目:   (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:41972124)渤海湾盆地惠民凹陷深凹区岩性油藏异常低压形成机制与成藏效应)(2020-2023)   (2)国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:41472110):致密砂岩微观孔隙结构及流体性质对复杂气水分布的控制作用(2015-2018)   (3)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(编号:41072100):?砂岩透镜体含油气性变化特征物理模拟实验(2011-2014)   (4)国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:40802029):?砂岩透镜体油气藏形成的动力学机制(2009-2011)   (5)国家油气重大专项项目下设任务(编号:2016ZX05034-001):不同类型页岩气生成机理与富集规律研究(2016-2020)   (6)中石油重大战略合作项目(编号:ZLZX2020-0-022)鄂尔多斯盆地致密油-页岩油富集与预测):(2020-2024)   (7)国家油气重大专项项目下设任务(编号:2011ZX05006-006) :?南堡凹陷深部油气藏成因机制与模式及其有利勘探区预测(2011-2015)   (8)国家973项目子课题下设任务(编号:2011CB201106):?塔里木叠合盆地深层碳酸盐岩油气成藏主控因素与油气富集规律(2011-2015)   代表性论文: (1)Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen*, Xianzhi Gao, Fuwei Wang , Sha Li , Ziye Tian, Wenzhi Lei , Siyuan Chang, Yi Zou.Evolution of abnormal pressure in the Paleogene Es3 formation of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021, 203, 108601 (2)Fuwei Wang , Dongxia Chen*, Qiaochu Wang , Xuebin Shi, Mengya Jiang, Wenlei Du, Sha Li. Quantitative evaluation of sandstone carrier transport properties and their effects on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study of the Es3 2 in the southern slope of Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021 (126), 104937 (3)GuangjieXie , Dongxia Chen*, Lu Chang, Jinheng Li , Zhijun Yin. Migration andaccumulation of crude oils in the Qionghai Uplift, Pearl River Mouth Basin, Offshore South China Sea, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2021,205, 108943 (4)Fuwei Wang, Dongxia Chen* , Wenlei Du, Jianhui Zeng , Qiaochu Wang, Ziye Tian , Siyuan Chang , Mengya Jiang. Improved method for quantitative evaluation of fault vertical sealing: A case study from the eastern Pinghu Slope Belt of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021(132), 105224 (5)Qiaochu Wang , Dongxia Chen * , Fuwei Wang , Xianzhi Gao , Yi Zou , Ziye Tian , Sha Li, Siyuan Chang, Dongsheng Yao . Origin and distribution of an under-pressured tight sandstone reservoir: The Shaximiao Formation, Central Sichuan Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2021(132),105208 (6)Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen*, Fuwei Wang ,,Xianzhi Gao,,Xuebin Shi,et al.Attenuating gradient of residual stratigraphic pressure and its controls onhydrocarbon migration and accumulation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2021,196,108062. SCI (7)Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen*,Fuwei Wang ,Jinheng Li ,Wenhao Liao,,et al.Underpressure characteristics and origins in the deep strata ofrift basins: A case study of the Huimin Depression, Bohai BayBasin, China, Geological Journal. 2020, 55:4079–4096. (8)Qiaochu Wang, Dongxia Chen*, Xianzhi Gao, Fuwei Wang, et al. Microscopic pore structures of tight sandstone reservoirs and theirdiagenetic controls: A case study of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation of the Western Sichuan Depression, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,113,104119. SCI (9)Fuwei Wang,Dongxia Chen*, Qiaochu Wang , et al. Evolution characteristics of transtensional faults and their impacts onhydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study from the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,2020,120,104507. SCI (10)Jinheng Li , Dongxia Chen*, Lu Chang , et al. Quality, hydrocarbongeneration, and expulsion of the Eocene Enping Formation source rocks in the Wenchang Depression, westernPearl River Mouth Basin,South China Sea ,Energy and exploration and exploritation , 2020,38(6),2169-2198. SCI (11)Wang Ziyi, Chen Lei, Dongxia Chen, et al. Characterization and evaluation of shale lithofacies within the lowermost Longmaxi-Wufeng Formation in the Southeast Sichuan Basin , Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020,193, 107353. SCI   (12)Ziyi Liu, Dongxia Chen,*Jinchuan Zhang, et al. Combining isotopic geochemical data and logging data to predict the range of the total gas content in shale: a case study from the Wufeng and Longmaxi shales in the Middle Yangtze Area, South China. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33, 10487–10498. SCI   (13)Ziyi Liu ,Dongxia Chen* ,Jinchuan Zhang Xiuxiang Lü. Pyrite Morphology as an Indicator of Paleoredox Conditions and Shale Gas Content of the Longmaxi and Wufeng Shales in the Middle Yangtze Area, South China,Minerals, 2019, 9(4):428-446. SCI      (14)Dongxia Chen*,Ying Zhang,YuchenLiu..Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Micro- and Nano-Scale Reservoirs in Continental Shale Sequence of Western Sichuan Depression.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.2017,17(9).6159-6168.SCI.   (15).Dongxia Chen,Xiongqi Pang,Qingxia Yan. Geochemical and stable carbon isotope composition variations of natural gases in tight sandstones from the West Sichuan Basin,China. Geological Journal.2017, 52: 1020-1-31   (16)Chen Dongxia, Pang Xiongqi, Kuang Jun, et al. Control of Facies and Potential on Jurassic hydrocarbon accumulation and Prediction of Favorable Targets in the Hinterland Region of the Junggar Basin. ActaGeologicaSinica, 2010, 84 (5): 1256-1272.SCI   (17)Chen Dongxia,Pang Xiongqi,Jiang Zhenxue, Zeng Jian Hui,QiuNansheng, Li Maowen. Reservoir characteristics and their effects on hydrocarbon accumulation in lacustrine turbidites in the Jiyang Super-depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009, 26,149-162.SCI   (18)Chen Dongxia,Pang Xiongqi,Liu Keyu, Zhang Jun, Zhang Rucai.Experimental investigation of secondary oil migration along subtle pathways: A mechanism for hydrocarbon accumulation in lenticular basinalturbidite reservoirs. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,2009,101(1): 24   (19)Dongxia Chen, Xiongqi Pang, Shanwen Zhang, Yongshi Wang and Jun Zhang. Control of facies/potential on hydrocarbon accumulation: a geological model for lacustrine rift basins. Petroleum Science, 2008, Volume 5, Number 3, Pages 212-222   (20)CHEN Dongxia, PANG Xiongqi, ZHANG Jun . et al. Application of Quantitative Grain Fluorescence Techniques to Study Subtle Oil Migration Pathway of Lithological reservoir. Frontiers of Earth science in China. 2007, 1(4):498-504   (21)陈冬霞,刘雨晨,庞雄奇.川西坳陷须五段陆相页岩层系储层特征及对含气性.地学前缘.2016,23(1).174-184. EI.   (22)陈冬霞,庞雄奇,邱桂强,张俊,高永进.砂岩透镜体成藏动力学过程模拟与含油气性定量预测.地球科学,2008,33(1):51-56. EI.   (23)陈冬霞,庞雄奇,张俊,等.应用定量颗粒荧光技术研究岩性油气藏的隐蔽输导通道.地质学报,2007,81(2):250-254. EI.         主要获得省部级以上科研奖励:   (1)油气门限控藏模式、定量预测关键技术及重大应用成效,2020年中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明一等奖   (2)地下构型表征技术及重大应用成效,2018年中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖   (3)陆相断陷盆地油气成藏机理及其重大应用成效,2016年产学研科技创新成果一等奖   (4)陆相断陷盆地流体活动与油气成藏,2014年教育部科技技术一等奖   (5)叠复连续型致密砂岩气藏成因机制、预测方法及其在库车坳陷的重大发现》,2014年中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖   (6)油气成藏理论、评价方法与重大勘探成效,2011年北京市科技技术一等奖    3.学术兼职:美国AAPG会员,中国地质学会地质教育分会副秘书长
