

主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 陈志明
教师编号 76532
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 石油工程学院/油气田开发工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 岗位教授
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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教育经历 2013-09至2018-06, 中国石油大学(北京), 油气田开发工程, 博士研究生 2009-09至2013-06, 长江大学, 油气田开发工程, 大学本科 个人概况 研究方向: 油气藏渗流理论与应用、非常规油气藏开发 社会与学术兼职: 《SPE Journal》副主编; 《石油科学》副主编; 《断块油气田》特约编委; 《天然气工业》青年编委; 部分SPE国际会议学术委员; Elsevier(爱思唯尔)书籍出版评审专家;《石油勘探与开发》、《石油科学》、SPE REE、JPSE 等审稿人。 代表性成果 论文著作 [1] Rate-Transient Analysis of a Constant-Bottomhole-Pressure Multihorizontal Well Pad with a Semianalytical Single-Phase Method[J]. SPE Journal, 2020, SCI/EI [2] Well testing interpretation for horizontal well with hydraulic fractures and interconnected micro-fractures[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, SCI/EI [3] Pressure-transient behaviors of wells in fractured reservoirs with natural-and hydraulic-fracture networks[J]. SPE Journal, 2019, SCI/EI [4] A boundary element model for falloff testing in unconventional reservoirs by considering natural fractures[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, SCI/EI [5] A Finite-Conductivity Horizontal-Well Model for Pressure-Transient Analysis in Multiple-Fractured Horizontal Wells[J]. SPE Journal, 2017, SCI/EI [6] A semianalytical approach for obtaining type curves of multiple-fractured horizontal wells with secondary-fracture networks[J]. SPE Journal, 2016, SCI/EI [7] Development of a Trilinear-Flow Model for Carbon Sequestration in Depleted Shale[J]. SPE Journal, 2016, SCI/EI [8] Transient flow analysis in flowback period for shale reservoirs with complex fracture networks[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, SCI/EI [9] A comprehensive productivity equation for multiple fractured vertical wells with non-linear effects under steady-state flow[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, SCI/EI [10] Influence of magnitude and permeability of fracture networks on behaviors of vertical shale gas wells by a free-simulator approach[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, SCI/EI [11] 体积压裂直井油气产能预测模型[J]. 油气地质与采收率, 2015, 中文核心 [12] 低渗透致密气藏水平井探测半径研究[J]. 特种油气藏, 2015, 中文核心 会议报告 [1] A Numerical Model for Pressure Transient Analysis in Fractured Reservoirs with Poorly Connected Fractures. SPE, 2018 [2] A Methodology to Quantify the Volume-of-investigation in DFIT Design for Shale Gas Wells. SPE/URTeC, 2019 [3] A Semi-Analytical Model for Complex Fracture Geometries with Fracture Hits. In International Petroleum Technology Conference. SPE/IPTC, 2019 [4] A Semi-Analytical Model for Pressure Transient Analysis of Fractured Wells in Unconventional Plays with Arbitrarily Distributed Fracture Networks. SPE ATCE(年会), 2017 [5] A Comprehensive Model for After-Closure Analysis of DFIT by Considering Natural Fractures. SPE/OTCA, 2018
