

主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 代金友
教师编号 76521
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 石油工程学院/油气田开发工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 副教授
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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教育经历 2000-09至2003-07, 中国石油大学(北京), 地质工程, 博士研究生 1997-09至2000-06, 中国石油大学(北京), 矿产普查与勘探, 硕士研究生 1993-09至1997-07, 中国石油大学(华东), 石油与天然气地质勘查, 大学本科 个人概况 "  代金友,石油工程学院油气田开发工程系教师,主要从事油气藏开发理论教学和科学研究。近年来,承担了各类基金及横向课题30余项。获得国家发明专利4项,软件著作权 3 项,获省部级奖励 2 项,出版专著 1 部,发表学术论文六十余篇,其中被SCI、EI、ISTP等收录 20余篇,在 Petroleum Exploration and Development, Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, Advances in Engineering Research 和石油学报、石油勘探开发等刊物上发表多篇论文。"   主要研究方向:复杂油气田定量表征、复杂油气田差异动用机理、复杂油气田高效开发理论及开发技术政策、复杂油气田分散剩余油精细刻画及提高采收率、储层地质建模及数值模拟一体化研究、致密油气页岩油气地质与开发理论等。   近年来代表性成果:   论文: "  [1]Dai, Jinyou & Lin, Lixin. (2021). Study on the Minimum Flow Pore Throat Radius and the Lower Limit of Petrophysical Properties of a Reservoir Under Three Seepage States. Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils2021. PP 1-12"   [2]Jinyou Dai ,Lixin Lin and Rui Wang,A New Method to Determine the Lower Limit of Reservoir Physical Properties—Corrected Minimum Flow Pore-throat Radius Method,ICGEC 2021,https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202129003004 "  [3]Jinyou Dai, Lixin Lin , Rui Wang, Yang Wang, Zhanxuan Yu, Study on “Utilization Efficiency of Oil and Gas” in Oilfield Production Affected Zone,IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 770 (2021) 012048, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/770/1/012048" "  [4] Dai Jinyou, Wang, Rui, Study of a quantitative characterization parameter ""oil and gas producing efficiency"" of the producing degree of reserves in the developed area,《Journal of Physics: Conference Series》,2020(7)。" "  [5]Dai Jinyou, Lin, Lixin, New understanding of the retention mechanism of ""residual oil in the form of oil droplets (or oil column)"",《Journal of Physics: Conference Series》,2020(7)。"   [6]Jinyou Dai ,Yang Wang , Rui Wang and Lixin Lin,Recognition of the Lower Limit of Reservoir Physical Properties,IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 558 (2020) 022011,doi:10.1088/1755-1315/558/2/022011 EI "  [7]Dai Jinyou, Ren Qianying, Kong Meng, Li Zilong, Wang Jing and Mu Zhongqi. Effect of drawdown pressure on water production in gas reservoir, Earth and Environmental Science ,2018,153,469-479;" "  [8]Dai JY,Yao J, Kong M,Wang J. New Method to Quantitatively Describe Remaining Oil by Dynamic Data, Electrical Engineering and Automation ,2016.12.18-12.19. " "  [9]Dai JY,Wang J,Kong M, Zhang HX,Li ZL.Dynamic Irreducible Water Saturation and Its Determination Method, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Material Engineering and Application ,2016,103,415-419." "  [10]Dai Jinyou,Li Jianting, Wang Baogang, Pan Rui.Distribution regularity and formation mechanism of gas and water in the western area of Sulige gas field,NW China. Petroleum exploration and development,2012.10,39(5):560-566." "  [11]代金友等.四种储层物性下限的理论探讨与实例分析[J]. 油气地质与采收率,2021,28(5):1-7." "  [12]代金友等.储层孔隙的“渗流”分类方案及其意义[J]. 大庆石油地质与开发,2021,30(5):1-8. DOI" "  [13]代金友等.气藏采收率影响因素研究与启示[J].天然气地球科学,2018,29(9):1376-1382. " "  [14]代金友等.多层合采气藏层间动用差异及其主控因素研究[J]. 河北工程大学学报 (自然科学版),2018,35(3):86-89. )" "  [15]代金友等.井网控制程度对气藏采收率影响[J]. 科学技术与工程,2018,18(30):70-74. " "  [16]代金友等.柳杨堡气田太2气藏气水分布规律及其主控因素研究[J].科学技术与工,2016,16(32):208-213. "   著作: "  [10]代金友等编著,鄂尔多斯古岩溶气藏地质特征及成藏富集规律[M],石油工业出版社, 2016.1."   专利: "  [1]代金友, 一种压裂气井返排液与地层水构成的判别方法, 2017.11.10, 中国, ZL201510677082.8" "  [2]代金友等, 一种古地貌剖面恢复方法, 2019.2.1, 中国, ZL20161 0121264.1 ." "  [3]代金友等,一种基于压汞曲线的岩心薄膜束缚水饱和度的测定方法,2021.5.11,中国,ZL20191 0192711.6 ." "  [4]任茜莹、代金友, 一种切磨钻一体机及可三维调节的岩心夹持器, 2019-02-15, 中国, CN208505653U "   软件著作权: "  [1]代金友,计算凝析气藏(井)产水构成软件V1.0,2016.5.10, 中国, 2016SR203690" "  [2]代金友, 求一些非线性问题数学模型的软件V1.0,2016.4.25, 中国, 2016SR205407" "  [3]代金友, 致密砂岩油藏压裂效果评价软件V1.0,2016.3.15, 中国, 2016SR098226"
