

主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 李宁
教师编号 76295
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 新能源与材料学院/材料科学与工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 副教授
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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教育经历 2012-09至2017-06, 中国科学院大学, 材料物理化学, 博士研究生 2008-09至2012-06, 西南大学, 材料物理, 大学本科 个人概况 主要从事半导体纳米颗粒的可控制备,纳米材料的光催化性能的研究,相关材料的新型智能节能窗与贴膜的基础研究及应用。只能穿层状半导体材料的结构分析及光电性能研究。目前主持国家青年基金一项和校级科研基金一项。共发表SCI收录论文20余篇,   Email: lining@cup.edu.cn, 电话:010-89733973   代表文章:   1) Ning Li, Yamei Li, Shanhu Bao, Ping Jin, et al. Enhanced Photochromic Modulation Efficiency: A Novel Plasmonic Molybdenum Oxide Hybrid, Nanoscale , 2017, 9, 8298-8304   2) Ning Li, Yamei Li, Yijie Zhou, Xun Cao, Ping Jin, et al. Interfacial-charge-transfer-induced photochromism of MoO3@TiO2 crystalline-core amorphous-shell nanorods, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells , 2017, 160, 116–125   3) Ning Li, Yamei Li, Wenjing Li, Shidong Ji, Ping Jin. One-step Hydrothermal Synthesis of TiO2@MoO3 Core-Shell Nanomaterial: Microstructure, Growth mechanism, and Improved Photochromic Property, J. Phys. Chem. C , 2016, 120, 3341−3349   4) Ning Li, Yamei Li, Shanhu Bao, Ping Jin, et al., Tunable near-infrared and visible-light transmittance selectively of MoO3-x nanocomposites with different crystallinity, Chemistry- An Asian Journal , 2017, 12, 1709–1714   5)Ning Li, Xun Cao, Yamei Li, Tianci Chang, Shiwei Long, Yijie Zhou, Guangyao Sun, Lei Ge and Ping Jin, A plasmonic non-stoichiometric WO3-x homojunction with stabilizing surface plasmonic resonance for selective photochromic modulation, Chem. Commun ., 2018, 54, 5241—5244   6)Ning Li, Shanhu Bao, Qixuan Zhang, Lingling Xie, and Ping Jin,Selective photochromism in self-coated WO3/WO3-x homojunction: enhanced solar modulation efficiency, high luminous transmittance and fast self-bleaching rate, Nanotechnology, Accepted Manuscript online 15 February 2019   7)Ning Li, Shanhu Bao, Qixuan Zhang, Lingling Xie, and Ping Jin,Wide-Band Reflection-Type, All-Solid-State Switchable Mirror Composed of WO3–Mg4Ni Thin Films and Proton-Conductive Polymer Electrolytes, ChemistrySelect , 2018, 3, 7507 – 7512   8) Yijie Zhou, Ning Li, Yunchuan Xin, Xun Cao, Shidong Ji and Ping Jin, CsxWO3 nanoparticle-based organic polymer transparent foils: low haze, high near infraredshielding ability and excellent photochromic stability, J. Mater. Chem. C , 2017, 5, 6251-6258   9) Mao La, Ning Li, Ren Sha, Shanhu Bao, Ping Jin, Excellent photochromic properties of an oxygen-containing yttrium hydride coated with tungsten oxide (YHx:O/WO3), Scripta Materialia , 2018, 142, 36–40   10) Tianci Chang, Xun Cao, Ning Li, Shiwei Long, Xiang Gao, Liv R. Dedon, Guangyao Sun, Hongjie Luo, and Ping Jin, Facile and Low-Temperature Fabrication of Thermochromic Cr2O3/VO2 Smart Coatings: Enhanced Solar Modulation Ability, High Luminous Transmittance and UV-Shielding Function, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 26029−26037   11) Guangyao Sun, Xun Cao, Xiaoyan Li, Shanhu Bao, Ning Li, Mengshi Liang, Alexandre Gloter, Hui Gu, Ping Jin, Low-temperature deposition of VO2 films with high crystalline degree by embedding multilayered structure, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells , 2017, 161, 70–76.   12)Tianci Chang, Xun Cao, Liv R. Dedon, Shiwei Long, Aibin Huang, Zewei Shao, Ning Li, Hongjie Luo, Ping Jin,Optical design and stability study for ultrahigh-performance and long-lived vanadium dioxide-based thermochromic coatings, Nano Energy , 2018, 44, 256–264   13) Shiwei Long, Xun Cao, Ning Li, Yunchuan Xin, Guangyao Sun, Tianci Chang, Shanhu Bao, Ping Jin,Application-oriented VO2 thermochromic coatings with composite structures: Optimized optical performance and robust fatigue properties, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells , 2019, 189, 138–148
