姓名 | 李庆 |
教师编号 | 76292 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国石油大学 |
部门 | 地球科学学院/油气勘探与开发地质系 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 专任教师 |
职称 | 副教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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教育经历 2011-09至2015-07, 中国地质大学(北京), 能源地质工程, 博士研究生 2007-09至2010-07, 南京大学, 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 硕士研究生 2003-09至2007-07, 南京大学, 地质学, 大学本科 个人概况 1. 研究方向 【研究方向】:沉积学、非常规油气地质学、油气田开发地质学 【当前研究兴趣】: 1)致密油气储层(包括页岩油气储层)表征及评价; 2)细粒沉积岩沉积作用及成岩作用; 3)白云岩储层成因机理及白云岩化作用等; 2. 代表性成果 【承担的主要科研项目】: 1) 中石油-中国石油大学(北京)战略合作科技项目:“鄂尔多斯盆地致密、页岩储层质量差异机理及表征技”(编号:ZLZX2020-02-02),2019.11-2024.12,项目负责人; 2) 中石化胜利油田项目:滨县凸起及周缘馆陶组沉积规律研究,2020-2021,项目负责人; 3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:冀中坳陷束鹿凹陷湖相富碳酸盐矿物细粒沉积岩成因机制及其对储层孔隙的影响和制约,2017-2019,项目负责人; 4) 十三五国家重大专项子课题:超低渗油藏天然裂缝定量描述及单砂体构型研究,2017-2020,项目负责人; 5) 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室自主研究课题:湖相富有机质细粒岩中碳酸盐组分的特征、成因及意义,2016-2017,项目负责人; 6) 中国石油大学(北京)拔尖人才基金:湖相细粒沉积岩沉积作用与储层特征研究,2015-2019,项目负责人; … … 【主要论文著作】: 1. Hao Lu, Qing Li*, Dali Yue, Shenghe Wu, et al., Study on optimal selection of porosity logging interpretation methods for Chang 73 segment of the Yanchang Formation in the southwestern Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 198, 108153. [SCI] 2. Qing Li, Xuelian You, Zaixing Jiang, Shenghe Wu et al., Lithofacies and reservoir characterization of a source-controlled carbonate succession in a lacustrine rift basin, the Shulu Sag of Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 192, 107180. [SCI] 3. Qing Li, Xuelian You, Zaixing Jiang, et al., The origins of carbonate minerals of a source-controlled lacustrine carbonate succession in the Shulu sag, Bohai Bay Basin: Implications for porosity development and paleoenvironment. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2020, 122, 104673. [SCI] 4. Qing Li, Shenghe Wu, Dongling Xia et al., Major and trace element geochemistry of the lacustrine organic-rich shales from the Upper Triassic Chang 7 Member in the southwestern Ordos Basin, China: Implications for paleoenvironment and organic matter accumulation. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2020, 111, 852-867. [SCI] 5. Qing Li, Xuelian You, Zaixing Jiang et al., A type of continuous petroleum accumulation system in the Shulu sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China. AAPG Bulletin, 2017, 101(11):1791-1811. [SCI] 6. Qing Li, Zaixing Jiang, Wenxuan Hu, et al., Origin of dolomites in the Lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulak Formation in the Tarim basin, NW China: Implications for porosity development. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2016, 115: 557-570. [SCI] 7. Qing Li, Zaixing Jiang, Xuelian You, et al., A methodology for estimating the organic porosity of the source rocks at the mature stage: example from the marlstone in the Shulu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2016, 9(6):1-11. [SCI] 8. Qing Li, Zaixing Jiang, Wenxuan Hu, et al., Origin of dolomite in the Middle Triassic Zhouchongcun Formation, central Lower Yangtze region, Southeast China. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2015, 10(1): 89-100. [SCI] 9. Qing Li, Zaixing Jiang, Keyu Liu, et al., Factors controlling reservoir properties and hydrocarbon accumulation of lacustrine deep-water trubidites in the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014, 57:327-344. [SCI] 10. Xianzheng Zhao, Qing Li (通讯作者),Zaixing Jiang, et al., Organic geochemistry and reservoir characterization of the organic matter-rich calcilutite in the Shulu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, North China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014(51), 239-255. [SCI] 11. 李庆,姜在兴,由雪莲,等. 基于成因机理的地层有机质孔隙度的计算—以冀中束鹿凹陷泥灰岩非常规储层为例. 现代地质. 2016, 30(2): 394-405. 12. 李庆,姜在兴,由雪莲. 惠民凹陷商847区块湖相深水浊积岩储层非均质性特征及主控因素. 油气地质与采收率. 2016, 23(5):44-49. 13. 李庆,姜在兴,由雪莲,等. 有机相在非常规油气储层评价中的应用——以束鹿凹陷富有机质泥灰岩储层为例. 东北石油大学学报, 2016, 40(3): 1-9. 14. 李庆,胡文瑄,钱一雄,等,塔里木盆地肖尔布拉克组溶蚀型白云岩储层发育特征,石油与天然气地质,2011, 32(4): 522-530. 15. 李庆,胡文瑄,张军涛,王小林,朱井泉,塔里木盆地西北缘中寒武统硅质岩特征及形成环境,矿物学报,2010 (3): 293-303. 16. 李庆,姜在兴,泥页岩岩相学特征及其沉积过程,第12届全国古地理学及沉积学学术会议论文摘要集,p43-44, 2012.10. 17. 李庆,气候和构造控制下湖盆环境的演变以及沉积物的响应-以冀中坳陷束鹿凹陷沙三下亚段为例,第六届全国沉积学大会摘要集,2017 18. Qing Li, Zaixing Jiang, Reservoir Characteristics and Control Factors of Tight Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs in Shulu Sag of Bohai Bay, China, International Meeting of Sedimentology, 2017, Toulouse. 19. Zaixing Jiang, Qing Li, Reservoir characteristics and evaluation methods of tight lacustrine carbonates: example from Shulu Sag in Bohai Bay, China, SPE 168907/URTeC 1619327. 20. Wang J , Wu S , Li Q , et al. An investigation into pore structure fractal characteristics in tight oil reservoirs: a case study of the Triassic tight sandstone with ultra-low permeability in the Ordos Basin, China[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13(18):1-16. 21. Wang J , Wu S , Li Q , et al. Characterization of the pore-throat size of tight oil reservoirs and its control on reservoir physical properties: A case study of the Triassic tight sandstone of the sediment gravity flow in the Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 186, 106701. 22. Fan Xu, Xuelian You, Qing Li, Yi Liu, Can Primary Ferroan Dolomite and Ankerite Be Precipitated? Its Implications for Formation of Submarine Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonate (MDAC) Chimney. Minerals 2019, 9(7):413. 23. Xiangxin Kong, Zaixing Jiang, Chao Han, Haiping Li, Qing Li, Lijing Zheng, Yepeng Yang, Jianguo Zhang, Fei Xiao, Sedimentary, characteristics and depositional models of two types of homogenites in an Eocenecontinental lake basin, Shulu Sag, eastern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 179, 165-188. 24. 姜在兴,王雯雯,王俊辉,李庆,张元福,风动力场对沉积体系的作用,沉积学报,2017,35(5):863-876 25. Jianguo Zhang, Zaixing Jiang, Chao Liang, Jing Wu, Benzhong Xian, Qing Li, Lacustrine massive mudrock in the Eocene Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Nature, origin and significance. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2016, 77, 1042-1055. 26. Wei Du, Zaixing Jiang, Qing Li, et al., Sedimentary characterization of the Upper Paleozoic coal-bearing tight sand strata, Daniudi Gas Field, Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Earth Science, 2016, 27(5):823-834. 27. 陈琪,胡文瑄,李庆,等,川东北盘龙洞长兴组-飞仙关组白云岩化特征及成因,石油与天然气地质,2012, 33(1): 84-93. 28. 王小林,胡文瑄,李庆,等,塔里木盆地蓬莱坝剖面寒武系第二统-第三统界限处碳同位素负异常及其地质意义,地质论评,2011, 57(001): 16-23. 29. Xuelian You, Shu Sun, Jingquan Zhu, Qing Li, Wenxuan Hu, and Hailiang Dong, Microbially mediated dolomite in Cambrian stromatolites from the Tarim basin, northwest China: implications for the role of organic substrate on dolomite precipitation, Terra Nova,2013 25(5): 387-395. 30. 陈琪, 胡文瑄, 王小林, 李庆,等. 川东北盘龙洞长兴组—飞仙关组白云岩稀土元素配分特征及成因. 石油实验地质, 2012, 33(6): 624-633. 31. 王小林, 胡文瑄, 陈琪, 李庆,等. 塔里木盆地柯坪地区上震旦统藻白云岩特征及其成因机理. 地质学报, 2010, 84(010): 1479-1494. 【主要获得奖项】: 2020年 中国石油大学(北京)青年教师基本功比赛一等奖; 2020年 地球科学学院青年教师基本功比赛一等奖; 2020年 地球科学学院青年教学基本功比赛最佳教案奖; 2020年 地球科学学院优秀教学奖二等奖; 2020年 研究生就业质量金牌导师; 2019年 地球科学学院优秀管理奖二等奖; 2018年 产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖; 2017年 地球科学学院优秀科研二等奖; 2017年 地球科学学院青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖; 2016年 地球科学学院2016年度院长提名优秀新人奖; 2016年 油气勘探与开发地质系学术交流会特等奖; 2015年 中国地质大学(北京)优秀博士论文奖; 2014年 中国地质大学(北京)科技创新二等奖。 3. 学术兼职 美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)会员、国际沉积学家协会(IAS)会员,担任《AAPG Bulletin》、《Energy&Fuels》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》、《Journal of Earth Science》等杂志审稿人。 |