姓名 | 廖勤拙 |
教师编号 | 76239 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国石油大学 |
部门 | 石油工程学院/油气井工程系 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 专任教师 |
职称 | 副教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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教育经历 2009-08至2014-12, 美国南加利福尼亚大学, 石油工程, 博士研究生 2005-09至2009-07, 北京大学, 工程结构分析, 大学本科 个人概况 姓名: 廖勤拙 职称:教授/博导(国家级青年人才) 教育与工作经历: 2022-至今 中国石油大学(北京),石油工程学院,油气井工程系,副教授/教授 2017-2021 沙特法赫德国王石油与矿业大学,石油工程系,助理教授 2016-2017 北京大学,能源与资源工程系,博士后 2015-2016 美国斯坦福大学,能源与资源工程系,博士后 2009-2014 美国南加州大学,石油工程,直博 2005-2009 北京大学,力学,本科 个人主页: https://faculty.cup.edu.cn/liaoqinzhuo/ 电子邮箱: liaoqz@cup.edu.cn 研究方向: 智能油气、完井压裂、机器学习、代理模型、尺度升级 教学情况: 《人工智能概论与实战》、《高等完井工程(全英文)》等 主要学术成果: 一直从事智能油气开采的理论与方法研究,主持国际/国内科研项目10余项,以第一/通讯作者发表论文SCI收录30余篇,大部分发表在中科院TOP期刊/行业顶刊,包括4篇WRR、2篇JOH、2篇AWR、2篇SPEJ、3篇JPSE等。国际会议特邀报告2次、专题报告30余次。获批国家级青年人才,石油工程顶刊SPE Journal Outstanding Technical Reviewer Award。目前主要开展智能完井压裂理论与技术研究。 代表性论文: 1. 第一作者期刊论文 [1] Qinzhuo Liao, Gensheng Li*, Jun Li, Liang Xue, Shouceng Tian, Xianzhi Song (2023). Convergence analysis of lattice boltzmann method for stokes flow in digital rock characterization. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 230, 212161. [2] Qinzhuo Liao, Gensheng Li*, Shouceng Tian, Xianzhi Song, Gang Lei, Xu Liu, Weiqing Chen, Shirish Patil (2023). An efficient analytical approach for steady-state upscaling of relative permeability and capillary pressure. Energy, 282, 128426. [3] Qinzhuo Liao, Shaohua You*, Maolei Cui, Xiaoxi Guo, Murtada Saleh Aljawad, and Shirish Patil (2023). Digital core permeability computation by image processing techniques. Water, 15(11): 1995. [4] Qinzhuo Liao, Daolun Li*, Kai Zhang, Haibin Chang (2023). Applications of artificial intelligence in the oil and gas industry. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1163593. [5] Qinzhuo Liao* (2023), Ensemble smoother with enhanced initial samples for inverse modeling of subsurface flow problems. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 48, 9535–9548. [6] Qinzhuo Liao, Liang Xue, Bin Wang, and Gang Lei* (2022). A new upscaling method for microscopic fluid flow based on digital rocks. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 6(4): 357-358. [7] Qinzhuo Liao, Liang Xue*, Gang Lei, Xu Liu, Shuyu Sun, Shirish Patil (2022). Statistical prediction of waterflooding performance by K-means clustering and empirical modeling, Petroleum Science, 19(3), 1139-1152. [8] Qinzhuo Liao, Gang Lei, Dongxiao Zhang*, Shirish Patil (2021). Estimation of Macrodispersivity in Bounded Formations by Circulant Embedding and Analysis of Variance, Water Resources Research, 57(7), e2020WR029385. [9] Qinzhuo Liao*, Khalid Alsamadony, Gang Lei, Abeeb Awotunde, Shirish Patil (2021). Reservoir history matching by ensemble smoother with principal component and sensitivity analysis for heterogeneous formations, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 198, 108140. [10] Qinzhuo Liao, Gang Lei, Zhijie Wei, Dongxiao Zhang*, Shirish Patil (2020). Efficient analytical upscaling method for elliptic equations in three-dimensional heterogeneous anisotropic media, Journal of Hydrology, 583, 124560. [11] Qinzhuo Liao*, Lingzao Zeng, Haibin Chang, Dongxiao Zhang (2019). Efficient history matching using Markov chain Monte Carlo by means of transformed adaptive stochastic collocation method. SPE Journal, 24(4), 1468–1489, SPE-194488-PA. [12] Qinzhuo Liao*, Gang Lei, Dongxiao Zhang, Shirish Patil (2019). Analytical solution for upscaling hydraulic conductivity in anisotropic heterogeneous formations. Advances in Water Resources, 128, 97–116. [13] Qinzhuo Liao*, Dongxiao Zhang, Hamdi Tchelepi (2017). Nested sparse grid collocation method with delay and transformation for subsurface flow and transport problems. Advances in Water Resources, 104, 158–173. [14] Qinzhuo Liao*, Dongxiao Zhang, Hamdi Tchelepi (2017). A two-stage adaptive stochastic collocation method on nested sparse grids for multiphase flow in randomly heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Computational Physics, 30, 828–845. [15] Qinzhuo Liao, Dongxiao Zhang* (2016). Probabilistic collocation method for strongly nonlinear problems: 3. Transform by time. Water Resources Research, 52(3), 2366–2375. [16] Qinzhuo Liao, Dongxiao Zhang* (2015). Data assimilation for strongly nonlinear problems by transformed ensemble Kalman filter. SPE Journal, 20(1), 202–221, SPE-173893-PA. [17] Qinzhuo Liao, Dongxiao Zhang* (2015). Constrained probabilistic collocation method for uncertainty quantification of geophysical models. Computational Geosciences, 19(2), 1–16. [18] Qinzhuo Liao, Dongxiao Zhang* (2014). Probabilistic collocation method for strongly nonlinear problems: 2. Transform by displacement. Water Resources Research, 50(11), 8736–8759. [19] Qinzhuo Liao, Dongxiao Zhang* (2013). Probabilistic collocation method for strongly nonlinear problems: 1. Transform by location. Water Resources Research, 49(12), 7911–7928. [20] Qinzhuo Liao (co-first), Jianyong Huang, Tao Zhu, Chunyang Xiong*, Jing Fang (2010). A hybrid model to determine mechanical properties of soft polymers by nanoindentation. Mechanics of Materials, 42(12), 1043–1047. 2. 通讯作者期刊论文 [1] Dongshuang Li, Shaohua You, Qinzhuo Liao*, Gang Lei, Xu Liu, Weiqing Chen, Huijian Li, Bo Liu, Xiaoxi Guo (2023). Permeability prediction of nanoscale porous materials using discrete cosine transform-based artificial neural networks. Materials, 16(13), 4668. [2] Dongshuang Li, Shaohua You, Qinzhuo Liao*, Mao Sheng, Shouceng Tian (2023). Prediction of Shale Gas Production by Hydraulic Fracturing in Changning Area Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Transport in Porous Media, 149, 373–388. [3] Miao Jin, Qinzhuo Liao*, Shirish Patil, Abdulazeez Abdulraheem, Dhafer Al-Shehri, Guenther Glatz (2022). Hyperparameter Tuning of Artificial Neural Networks for Well Production Estimation Considering the Uncertainty in Initialized Parameters. ACS Omega, 7(28), 24145–24156. [4] Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao*, Shirish Patil (2021). A New Mechanistic Model for Conductivity of Hydraulic Fractures with Proppants Embedment and Compaction, Journal of Hydrology, 601, 126606. [5] Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao*, Shirish Patil, Yang Zhao (2021). A new permeability model for argillaceous porous media under stress dependence with clay swelling, International Journal of Engineering Science, 160, 103452. [6] Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao*, Shirish Patil (2020). A mechanistic model for permeability in deformable gas hydrate-bearing sediments, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 83, 103554. [7] Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao*, Shirish Patil, Yang Zhao (2019). Effect of clay content on permeability behavior of argillaceous porous media under stress dependence: A theoretical and experimental work, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 179, 787-795. [8] Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao*, Dongxiao Zhang (2019). A new analytical model for flow in acidized fractured-vuggy porous media, Scientific Reports, 9(1), 8293. [9] Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao*, Shirish Patil (2019). A fractal model for relative permeability in fractures under stress dependence, Fractals, 27(6), 1950092. [10] Yi Hong, Qinzhuo Liao*, Celine Bonhomme, Ghassan Chebbo (2019). Physically-based urban stormwater quality modelling: an efficient approach for calibration and sensitivity analysis, Journal of Environmental Management, 246, 462–471. 主要科研项目: [1] 中国国家自然科学基金,国家级青年人才项目,智能油气开采,负责人 [2] 中国国家自然科学基金,面上项目,枯竭油气藏储氢循环注采多场耦合力学机理,负责人 [3] 中国国家自然科学基金,青年项目,非均质油藏多相流模拟的升尺度方法,负责人 [4] 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目一等资助,含高渗透通道油藏水驱开发的网格粗化研究,负责人 [5] 中国石油大学(北京),优秀青年学者人才计划启动基金,非常规储层微观渗流特性与模拟方法研究,负责人 [6] 中石油长庆油田分公司,盆地西缘非常规储层压裂提产关键因素研究与优化设计,负责人 [7] 中石化石油勘探开发研究院,页岩裂缝基质系统导流能力评价方法,负责人 [8] 沙特法赫德国王石油与矿业大学,非均质储藏油气生产的不确定性分析与历史拟合,负责人 [9] 沙特法赫德国王石油与矿业大学,应力条件下分形多孔介质中的流体流动和传输,负责人 [10] 沙特法赫德国王石油与矿业大学,非均质地层油气生产的历史拟合,负责人 主要荣誉获奖: [1] 国家级青年人才 [2] SPE Journal Outstanding Technical Reviewer Award [3] 中国石油大学(北京)优秀青年学者 [4] 绿色矿山科学技术一等奖 [5] 石油工程岩石力学十佳科技进展奖 [6] 中国油气人工智能优秀案例 [7] 全国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖 [8] 全国大学生物理竞赛一等奖 主要学术兼职: [1] SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition (SPE年会)等国际会议分会场主席 [2] Petroleum Science、Advances in Geo-Energy Research、石油钻探技术等期刊青年编委 [3] Petroleum Science、Frontiers in Earth Science、Water 等期刊专刊主编 [4] SPE Journal、Water Resources Research 等20余个著名期刊审稿人 |