
主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 刘书海
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 机械与储运工程学院/机电工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 教授
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邮箱 软件测试报告2199包写包过
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教育经历 个人概况 刘书海简历    个人简介:  刘书海,博士,教授,博士生导师,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。现任中国石油大学(北京)机械与储运工程学院副院长,中国石油大学(北京)高端油气装备智能设计与制造研究中心主任。目前主要从事高端油气装备设计与控制技术、高端装备界面润滑行为与机理等方面的教学与科研工作,其中高端油气装备设计与控制技术包括油气特种机器人技术、油气管道清管技术、深水油气工程作业智能监控技术等。   代表性论文:   (1)高端油气装备设计与控制技术 [1] Experimental evaluation on multi-jointed soft detection arm of geometry inspection gauges for detecting internal convex defects in natural gas pipelines. Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34: 015907. [2] 管道新型通径检测器设计及柔性检测臂研究. 石油机械, 2023, 51(9): 132-140. [3] Impacts of structural parameters of baffle plate on jetting pigging robot in the underwater oil and gas pipeline. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2022, 236(1): 3-18. [4] Experiment and simulation of a controllable multi-airbag sealing disc of pipeline inspection gauges (PIGs). International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2021, 192: 104422. [5] 海洋导管架四轮磁吸附式水下清洗机器人设计. 石油矿场机械, 2021, 50(1): 15-22. [6] Multi-robot searching method of natural gas leakage sources on offshore platform using ant colony optimization. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2020, 17(5): 1-18. [7] Location of natural gas leakage sources on offshore platform by a multi-robot system using particle swarm optimization algorithm. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 84: 103636. [8] Optimization of structural parameters of jet end in the underwater intelligent pigging robot. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 216: 108092. [9] Stress and strain analysis of spherical sealing cups of fluid-driven pipeline robot in dented oil and gas pipeline. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2020, 108: 104294. [10] 涡轮钻具叶片电解加工阴极工具设计.石油机械, 2020, 48(4): 16-22. [11] 深水功能舱悬垂安装过程仿真研究. 石油矿场机械, 2020, 49(3): 1-9. [12] 3D printed bio-inspired sealing disc of pipeline inspection gauges (PIGs) in small diameter pipeline. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2019, 61: 344-356. [13]涡轮钻具叶片电解加工流场设计及其优化.石油机械,2019, 47(7): 16-23. [14]涡轮钻具叶片电解加工过程的多场耦合仿真分析. 石油矿场机械,2019, 48(3): 1-6. [15]基于ADAMS的新一代水下生产系统功能舱深水悬垂下放仿真研究.石油科学通报,2019, 4(2): 174-183. [16] Friction behavior of waxy oil deposit removal using polymeric bristled brushes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018, 232: 1230–1239. [17] Experimental research on the precision of wheeled caliper arm for measuring pipeline deformation. Measurement, 2018, 127:15-20. [18] Collisional vibration of PIGs (pipeline inspection gauges) passing through girth weld in pipeline. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017, 37: 15-28. [19] Experimental research on the frictional resistance of fluid-driven pipeline robot with small size in gas pipeline. Tribology Letters, 2017, 65:49. [20] Friction and wear of a polyurethane elastomer used in dewatering for bi-directional pipeline inspection gages. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231: 1068–1077. [21] Removal and tribological behaviors of waxy deposition layer in cleaning process. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2017, 69: 566–573. [22] Dynamic simulation and experimental research on the motion of odometer passing over the weld. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 30: 205-212. [23] Frictional behavior of wax-oil gels. Tribology International, 2016, 96: 122–131. [24] Measurement and analysis of wax-oil gel scraping process at contact area under pure sliding conditions. Measurement, 2016, 80: 29-43. [25] Measurement and analysis of friction and dynamic characteristics of PIG's sealing disc passing through girth weld in oil and gas pipeline. Measurement, 2015, 64: 112–122. [26] Chatter vibration phenomenon of pipeline inspection gauges (PIGs) in natural gas pipeline. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 27: 1129–1140. [27] Tribological behaviors of wax-in-oil gel deposition in orthogonal cleaning process. Tribology Letters, 2015, 57:16. [28] Spatio-temporal structure in wax-oil gel scraping at a soft tribological contact. Tribology International, 2015, 88: 236–251. [29] Experimental study on the probe dynamic behaviour of feeler pigs in detecting internal corrosion in oil and gas pipelines. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 26: 229-239. [30] An experimental evaluation of the probe dynamics as a probe pig inspects internal convex defects in oil and gas pipelines. Measurement, 2015, 63: 49-60. [31] Probing tribological properties of waxy oil in pipeline pigging with fluorescence technique. Tribology International, 2014, 71: 26–37. [32] In situ observation of wax-in-oil flow in rough soft contact. Tribology Letters, 2013, 52:93–103.  (2)高端装备界面润滑行为与机理 [1] Investigation on tribological performance of ionic liquid filled microcapsules as additives under water-based drilling mud conditions. Tribology International, 2023, 184: 108439. [2] Sliding behavior of silica ball-shale rock contact under polyacrylamide aqueous solutions. Journal of Tribology, 2022, 144: 021204. [3] Investigation on tribological behavior of glyceride filled microcapsules as additives in water-based drilling mud. Tribology Transactions, 2021, 64(3): 454-467. [4] Effect of ionic liquids as additives in water-based drilling mud for steel-steel friction pair. Tribology Transactions, 2020, 63(3): 453-467. [5] Tribological behaviors of water-based drilling mud with oleic acid-filled microcapsules as lubricant additives for steel-steel contact. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2020, 72(7):  835-843. [6] Tribological properties of sliding quartz sand particle and shale rock contact under water and guar gum aqueous solution in hydraulic fracturing. Tribology International, 2019, 129: 416-426. [7] Sliding friction of shale rock on dry quartz sand particles. Friction, 2019, 7(4): 307-315. [8] Effects of physically deposited multilayer graphene platelet and graphite on tribological performance of alumina on alumina contact. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019, 233(1): 41-50. [9] Carbon quantum dots: an innovative additive for water lubrication. Science China Technological Sciences, 2019, 62(4): 587-596. [10] An investigation of the friction and wear behavior of soybean biodiesel. Tribology International, 2019, 131: 377-385. [11] Impacts of glyceride additive on tribological properties of water-based drilling mud for steel-steel contact. Tribology Letters, 2018, 66:147. [12] Frictional behavior of sliding shale rock-silica contacts under guar gum aqueous solution lubrication in hydraulic fracturing. Tribology International, 2018, 120: 159-165. [13] 4种轴承钢在水基泥浆中摩擦学性能研究. 机械工程学报,2018, 54(13): 153-158. [14] Impacts of polypropylene glycol (PPG) additive and pH on tribological properties of water based drilling mud for steel-steel contact. Tribology International, 2017, 110: 318-325. [15] Effects of microscale particles as anti-wear additives in water-based slurries with abrasives. Tribology Transactions, 2016, 59: 323-329. [16] Tribological properties of sliding shale rock-alumina contact in hydraulic fracturing. Tribology Letters, 2016, 62:20. [17] Tribological behaviors of quartz sand particles for hydraulic fracturing. Tribology International, 2016, 102: 485–496. [18] Interface characteristics of thin liquid films in a charged lubricated contact. Surface and interface analysis, 2015, 47: 315–324. [19] Interfacial dynamics and adhesion behaviors of water and oil droplets in confined geometry. Langmuir 2014, 30, 7695-7702. [20] Microbubble phenomenon in the grease lubricating film induced by microoscillation. Tribology Letters, 2013, 51:143–151. [21] Lubricating properties of oil-in-water emulsion with low oil concentration: Competitive wetting effect. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(2): 369-375. [22] Linear polymer aqueous solutions in soft lubrication: from boundary to mixed lubrication. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(7): 1709-1714. [23] Damages on the lubricated surfaces in bearings under the influence of weak electrical currents. Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(12): 2979-2987. [24] Nanoscale lubricating film formation by linear polymer in aqueous solution. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 112: 104301. [25] Contact ratio of rough surfaces with multiple asperities in mixed lubrication at high pressure. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258: 3888–3896. [26] Experimental investigation of lubricant flow properties under micro oil supply condition. Journal of Tribology. 2012, 134: 041501. [27] Progress in experimental study of aqueous lubrication. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(17): 2062-2069. [28] Thin liquid film lubrication under external electrical fields: Roles of liquid intermolecular interactions. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109: 114302. [29] Electrical potential modulation of dynamic film properties of aqueous surfactant solutions through a nanogap. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109: 024309. [30] Experimental investigation of lubrication failure of polyalphaolefin oil film at high slide/roll ratios. Tribology Letters, 2011, 44:107–115. [31] Direct observation of oil displacement by water flowing toward an oil nanogap. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110: 044906. [32] Film thickness of ionic liquids under high contact pressures as a function of alkyl chain length. Tribology Letters, 2011, 41:471-477. [33] 高接触压力下齿轮油润滑特性. 机械工程学报, 2011, 47(1):89-95. [34] Electrospreading of dielectric liquid menisci on the small scale. Soft Matter, 2011, 7: 6076-6081. [35]Nanoconfined liquid aliphatic compounds under external electric fields: Roles of headgroup and alkyl chain length. Soft Matter, 2011, 7: 4453-4460. [36] Electric-fields-enhanced destabilization of oil-in-water emulsions flowing through a confined wedge-like gap. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 108: 064314. [37] Bubble generation in a nanoconfined liquid film between dielectric-coated electrodes under alternating current electric fields. Applied Physics Letters, 2010, 96: 223104. [38] Experimental investigation of lubrication properties at high contact pressure. Tribology Letters, 2010, 40:85-97. [39] Water film confined in a nanoscale gap: surface polarity and hydration effects. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 108: 084315. [40] From boundary to thin film lubrication under water: influence of surface hydrophilicity on adsorbed water layer. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107: 104323. [41] “Freezing” of nanoconfined fluids under electric fields. Langmuir, 2010, 26(3):1445-1448. [42] Effect of surface charge on water film nanoconfined between hydrophilic solid surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, 105:124301. [43] Effect of liquid properties on the growth and motion characteristics of micro-bubbles induced by electric fields in confined liquid films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2009, 42, 115502. [44] Micro-bubble phenomenon in nanoscale water-based lubricating film induced by external electric field. Tribology Letters, 2008, 29:169-176. [45] Effect of external electric field on liquid film confined within nanogap. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 103:094306. [46] Effect of surface physicochemical properties on the lubricating properties of water film. Applied Surface Science, 2008, 254:7137-7142. [47] Effect of surface hydrophilicity on the confined water film. Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91:253110. [48] Friction and adhesion in boundary lubrication measured by microtribometers. Tribology International, 2006, 39:1674-1681.  代表性科研课题: [1]国家自然基金面上项目:油气管道清管过程中软摩擦的行为与作用机制研究 [2]国家自然基金面上项目:页岩水力压裂过程水基润滑摩擦行为及作用机制研究 [3]教育部科研项目:智能天然气管道机器人运动过程摩擦学行为及其控制技术研究 [4]教育部科研项目:颗粒/水两相润滑液的软摩擦特性及其机理研究 [5]中国海油科研项目:水下自动发球过程非稳态摩擦行为、机理及控制研究 [6]中国海油科研项目:海上特殊螺纹油套管性能分析 [7]中国石油科研项目:压裂车疲劳分析和振动测试 [8]中国石油大学项目:复杂环境中钻井工具磨损机理及防护技术研究 [9]中国石油大学项目:石油特种机器人技术研究  科研奖励:   [1]海南省科技进步二等奖:深水油气工程作业智能监控技术(2023) [2]教育部自然科学二等奖:多场耦合作用机械界面纳米润滑机理和损伤理论(2023) [3]教育部自然科学二等奖:旋转机械非常态条件薄膜润滑机理及耦合动力学理论(2015) [4]教育部自然科学一等奖:摩擦过程中微粒的行为、作用机制与控制(2011)   授课信息:  研究生:摩擦学原理  本科生:自主移动机器人基础    招生信息:  面向机械工程、机器人工程相关专业招收博士和硕士研究。
