
主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 王飞
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 石油工程学院/油气田开发工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 副教授
联系方式 89734593
邮箱 wangfei@cup.edu.cn
集群智慧云企服 / 知识产权申请大平台
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教育经历 2006-09至2010-06, 英国赫瑞·瓦特大学, 石油工程, 博士研究生 2002-09至2006-06, 中国石油大学(北京), 石油工程, 大学本科 个人概况 研究方向:非常规油气开发、油气井增产改造与评价 论文著作: [1]Wang Fei, Chen Qiaoyun. A Multi-mechanism Multi-pore Coupled Salt Flowback Model and Field Application for Hydraulically Fractured Shale Wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2021(196):108013. [2]Wang Fei, Chen Qiaoyun,Zhang Jingchen, Ruan Yingqi, Zhuang Ye, Zhu Jian, Zhang Shicheng.Numerical Investigation of Oil-Water Exchange Behaviors in Shale during Post-fracturing Soaking Periods. Front. Earth Sci., October 2021,Volume 9, 735972. [3]Chen Qiaoyun, Wang Fei*. Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Water-Rock Interaction in Shale Under Fracturing-Fluid Flowback Conditions. Water Resources Research, 10.1029/2020WR029537. [4]Chen Qiaoyun, Wang Fei*. The Flowback Behavior of Salt in Hydraulically Fractured Shale under Multi-phase Flow Conditions: Modelling, Simulation and Application. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 92:103985. [5]Wang Fei, Chen Qiaoyun, Ruan Yingqi.Hydrodynamic Equilibrium Simulation and Shut-in Time Optimization for Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Wells.Energies.2020.13(4):961. [6]Wang Fei, Chen Qiaoyun, Lyu Xinrun.Fracturing-Fluid Flowback Simulation with Consideration of Proppant Transport in Hydraulically Fractured Shale Wells. ACS OMEGA. 2020.5(16): 9491-9502. [7]Wang Fei, Li Baoman, Chen Qiaoyun, Zhang Shicheng.Simulation of Proppant Distribution in Hydraulically Fractured Shale Network During Shut-in Periods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.2019.178:467-474. [8]Wang Fei, Chen Qiaoyun. Fracture Characterization Using Flowback Water Transients From Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Wells. ACS OMEGA. 2019.4: 14688-14698. [9]Wang Fei, Lin Hun, Pan Ziqing, Lyu Xinrun, Li Baoman, Zhang Shicheng. Fracturing-fluid Migration Front Progression in Fractured Gas Shale: Experiment and Numerical Analyses. Hydraulic Fracturing Journal, 2018, 5(1):95-102. [10]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Simulation of Coupled Hydro-Mechnical-Chemical Phenomena in Hydraulically Fractured Gas Shale during Fracturing-fluid Flowback. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2018(163):16-26. [11]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Zhang Shicheng. Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Chemical Modeling of Fracturing-fluid Leakoff in Hydraulically Fractured Shale Gas Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2018(161):17-28. [12]Wang Fei, Li Baoman, Zhang Yichi, Zhang Shicheng. Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Modeling of Water Leak-off Process during Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Reservoirs. Energies, 2017, 10, 1960. [13]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Zhang Shicheng. Modeling water leak-off behavior in hydraulically fractured gas shale under multi-mechanism dominated conditions, Transport in Porous Media, 2017,118(6):177-200. [14]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Zhang Shicheng. Impact of chemical osmosis on water leakoff and flowback behavior from hydraulically fractured gas shale, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017,151(3):264-274. [15]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Zhang Shicheng. Modeling fracturing-fluid flowback behavior in hydraulically fractured shale gas under chemical potential dominated conditions,Applied Geochemistry, 2016, 74(11):194-202. [16]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Pressure-buildup analysis method for a post-treatment evaluation of hydraulically fractured tight gas wells, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 35(9):753-760. [17]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing. Numerical simulation of chemical potential dominated fracturing-fluid flowback in hydraulically fractured shale gas reservoirs, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2016,43(6):1060-1066. [18]Wang Fei, Pan Ziqing, Lin Hun, Zhang Shicheng. A chemical potential dominated model for fracturing-fluid flowback simulation in hydraulically fractured gas shale, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE181418, 2016. [19]Wang Fei, Zhang, Shicheng. Production analysis of multi-stage hydraulically fractured horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs, Journal of Geography and Geology, 2014, 6(4):58-67. [20]Wang Fei, Zhang Shicheng, Liu Bailong. Pressure transient analysis of multi-stage hydraulically fractured horizontal wells, Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 2013, 2(4):162-166. [21]Wang Fei, Li Xiaogang. Processing and interpretation of permanent downhole monitoring data, Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 2013, 2(3):138-144. [22]Wang Fei. Processing and analysis of transient pressure measurements from permanent down-hole gauges, Petroleum Science, 2012, 9(3):330-335. [23]王飞, 阮颖琪, 陈巧韵, 张士诚.考虑压裂液渗吸换油效应的压裂焖井压降模型. 石油勘探与开发, 2021,48(6):1-8. [24]王飞, 潘子晴.化学势差驱动下的页岩储集层压裂液返排数值模拟. 石油勘探与开发, 2016,43(6):971-977. [25]王飞, 潘子晴.致密气藏压裂水平井反卷积试井模型.石油学报, 2016,37(7):898-902. [26]王飞, 安宇.反卷积压力恢复试井分析方法在海上低渗透气藏的应用.科技导报, 2016,34(24):106-109. [27]王飞, 宁正福.浅析石油工程全英语硕士学位项目质量保障体系.时代教育, 2016(1):61-62. [28]王飞, 宁正福.石油工程领域国外SCI收录期刊研究.大学教育, 2016(1):29-30. [29]王飞, 张士诚.致密气储层清水压裂液侵入带动态分布及其对产能的影响规律.中国海上油气, 2015, 27(5): 97-101. [30]王飞, 张士诚.一种多段压裂水平井改造体积的计算方法.油气井测试, 2015, 24(2): 1-4. [31]王飞, 张士诚, 蔡久杰.一种简便的测试压裂压力递减分析方法.西南石油大学学报:自然科学版, 2014, 36(3):115–120. [32]王飞, 张士诚, 侯腾飞.多段压裂水平井压后评价方法对比研究.煤炭工程, 2014, 46(8):102-105. [33]王飞, 张士诚, 刘百龙.多段压裂致密气井生产动态分析与评价.石油天然气学报, 2014, 36(1):140-146. [34]王飞, 张士诚.试井及生产资料在储气库早期评价中的应用.特种油气藏, 2014, 21(2):136-142. 科研项目: [1]国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 页岩油储层水力压裂压后关井作用机理研究(51974332), 2020-2023, 负责人 [2]国家自然科学基金(青年项目), 页岩气储层压裂液滞留机理与模拟研究(51504266), 2016-2018, 负责人 [3]北京市自然科学基金项目, 页岩气压裂水平井瞬态压力反演与分析(3154038), 2015-2016, 负责人 [4]中国石油大学(北京)优秀教师科研基金项目, 致密气储层压裂液运移与滞留机理及影响规律研究(2462015YQ0212), 2015-2017, 负责人 [5]中国石油大学(北京)引进人才科研启动基金项目, 致密气藏压力不稳定特征研究(YJRC-2011-02), 2011-2014, 负责人 [6]新疆油田工程技术研究院横向科研项目, 页岩油压后焖井返排模型与数值模拟研究, 2019-2021, 负责人 [7]新疆油田工程技术研究院横向科研项目, 页岩油压裂液渗吸实验与评价, 2019-2021, 负责人 [8]中石化石油勘探开发研究院横向项目, 页岩油 CO2增效作用实验评价和压后分析测试, 2019-2020, 负责人 [9]中石化石油勘探开发研究院开放基金项目, 陆相页岩凝析油气藏压后焖井返排数值模拟与返排时机优化, 2021-2022, 负责人 发明专利: [1]二氧化碳与页岩中甲烷的竞争吸附检测方法及装置,CN201810974232.5,发明专利,排名第一 [2]基于压降数据的单段裂缝产液贡献率评价方法及设备,CN201910953111.7,发明专利,排名第一 [3]基于净压力拟合的单段裂缝产液贡献率评价方法及设备,CN201910953115.5,发明专利,排名第一 [4]焖井时间确定方法及设备,CN201910823882.4,发明专利,排名第一 [5]页岩气压裂井不同尺度裂缝返排液贡献率确定方法及设备,CN201910418869.0,发明专利,排名第一 [6]多段压裂水平井的非均匀复杂裂缝参数反演方法及设备,CN201910419403.2,发明专利,排名第一 [7]二氧化碳与页岩中甲烷的竞争吸附检测方法及装置, CN201810974232.5, 发明专利,排名第一 [8]一种页岩油气裂缝闭合系数的模拟实验方法, ZL202010273839.8, 发明专利,排名第一 注册软件: [1]页岩油储层压裂焖井返排模拟系统V1.0 [2]致密气储层压后返排模拟与优化系统V1.0 学术兼职: [1]《SPE Journal》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》等杂志审稿人 [2]《石油学报》青年编委
