

主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 马杰
教师编号 76022
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 化学工程与环境学院/环境科学与工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 教授
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教育经历 2009-08至2013-12, 美国莱斯大学, 环境工程, 博士研究生 2005-08至2009-06, 北京大学, 环境科学, 大学本科 个人概况 个人基本信息 马杰,教授、博士生导师,现就职于中国石油大学(北京)化学工程与环境学院 重质油国家重点实验室。2009年本科毕业于北京大学环境科学专业,2011年硕士毕业于美国Rice University环境工程专业,2013年博士毕业于美国Rice University环境工程专业,导师Pedro Alvarez教授是国际知名环境工程专家、美国工程院院士。马杰博士长期聚焦于“污染场地风险评估与修复”方面的研究,独立出版了国内首部有关VOCs污染场地调查评估和风险管控方法的学术专著《污染场地VOCs蒸气入侵风险评估与管控》,发表论文第一/通讯作者SCI论文34篇,包括7篇ES&T和3篇Water Research,1篇论文入选ESI高引论文,1篇期刊封面论文。另外还合作编写本科生教材1部、英文学术专著1章。担任《Water Environment Research》青年编辑、《Petroleum Science》青年编辑,《Geofluids》客座编辑。除基础研究以外,还参与了国内多个污染场地的调查评估研究工作,并参与多项场地国家标准(HJ标准)的制定,是多个省市生态环境的土壤污染防治专家库成员。2014年入选校青年拔尖人才,2017年入选北京市科技新星。 邮箱:rubpmj@sina.com 教育经历 2011-2013 美国Rice University 环境工程博士 导师:Pedro Alvarez院士 2009-2011 美国Rice University 环境工程硕士 导师:Pedro Alvarez院士 2005-2009 北京大学 环境学院 环境科学学士 工作经历 2021-至今 中国石油大学 教授 2015-2021 中国石油大学 副教授 2014-2015 中国石油大学 青年拔尖人才 2013-2014 美国Rice University 博士后 研究方向 污染场地风险评估与修复 科研项目 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42177042),石油污染场地气相自然衰减机理研究与评估方法构建,2022/1-2025/12,57万(直接经费),在研,主持 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21878332),过硫酸盐化学氧化-强化生物降解耦合修复石油污染土壤研究,2019/1-2022/12,79万,在研,主持 3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(21407180),基于柱实验和数值模型模拟研究土壤气体对流对于蒸汽入侵过程的影响,2015/1-2017/12,25万,已结题,主持 4. 北京市科委 北京市科技新星人才计划(Z181100006218088),ISCO化学氧化耦合生物强化修复药剂配方开发及机理研究,2018/1-2020/12,35万,已结题,主持 5. 中石油科技创新基金(2018D-5007-0607),石油污染土壤化学氧化耦合生物修复的理论探索及技术开发,2018/7-2020/6,18万,在研,主持 6. 中国石油大学(北京)青年拔尖人才启动经费(2462014YJRC016),汽油中新型有机污染物蒸汽入侵风险的模拟研究,2015/1-2017/12,40万,已结题,主持 7. 石油石化污染物控制与处理国家重点实验室开放课题(PPC2019019),炼化场地难降解有机物的非生物自然衰减途径研究,2020/1-2021/12,15万,在研,主持 专利项目 马杰 湿底板情形下VOCs侵入室内过程的评估装置及方法 CN202011340708.3 著作成果 1. 马杰 (2020) 《污染场地VOCs蒸气入侵风险评估与管控》科学出版社北京 54万字 2. 郭春梅,赵朝成,陈进富,詹亚力,陈春茂,孔繁鑫,罗一菁,马杰 (2018)《环境工程概论》,中国石油大学出版社,ISBN9787563659920 3. Da Silva, M., Ma, J., Alvarez, P.J.* (2015) Methods to assess the fate and impacts of biofuels in aquifer systems, in: McGenity, T.J., Timmis, K.N., Nogales, B. (Eds.), Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols DOI:10.1007/8623_2015_164(英文专著) 论文成果 第一或通讯作者(*为通讯作者) 1. Ma, J., Rixey, W. G., and Alvarez, P.J.* (2013) Microbial processes influencing the transport, fate and groundwater impacts of fuel ethanol releases. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24(3): 457-466.(SCI, EI, IF 8.288) 2. Ma, J.*, McHugh, T., Beckley, L., DeVaull, G., Lahvis, M., and Jiang, L. (2020) Vapor intrusion investigations and decision-making: A critical review. Environmental Science & Technology 54(12): 7050-7069.(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 3. Ma, J., McHugh, T.*, Eklund, B. (2020) Flux chamber measurements should play a more important role in contaminated site management. Environmental Science & Technology 54(19): 11645-11647.(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 4. Zhang, R., Jiang, L.*, Zhong, M.*, Han, D., Zheng, R., Fu, Q., Zhou, Y.* and Ma, J.*(2019) Applicability of soil concentration for VOC-contaminated site assessments explored using field data from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration. Environmental Science & Technology 53(2): 789-797.(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 5. Ma, J. *, Jiang, L.*, Lahvis, M. * (2018) Vapor intrusion management in China: lessons learned from the United States. Environmental Science & Technology 52(6): 3338-3339(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 6. Yao, Y., Wu, Y., Wang, Y., Verginelli, I., Zeng, T., Suuberg, E.M., Jiang, L., Wen, Y.*, Ma, J.*, (2015) A petroleum vapor intrusion model involving upward advective soil gas flow due to methane generation. Environmental Science & Technology 49(19): 11577-11585.(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 7. Ma, J., Luo, H., DeVaull, G.E., Rixey, W.G., and Alvarez, P.J.* (2014) Numerical model investigation for methane explosion and benzene vapor intrusion potential associated with ethanol-blended fuel releases. Environmental Science & Technology 48(1): 474-481.(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 8. Ma, J., Rixey, W. G., DeVaull, G. E., Stafford, B. P., and Alvarez, P. J.* (2012) Methane bioattenuation and implications for explosion risk reduction along the groundwater to soil surface pathway above plume of dissolved ethanol. Environmental Science & Technology 46(11): 6013-6019.(SCI, EI, IF 7.864) 9. Ma, Y., Feng, Y, Feng, Y.L., Liao, G.M., Sun, Y., Ma, J.*(2020) Characteristics and mechanisms of controlled-release KMnO4 for groundwater remediation: experimental and modeling investigations. Water Research 171: 115385.(SCI, EI, IF 9.13) 10. Ma, J.*, Nossa, Carlos W., and Alvarez, P.J. (2015) Groundwater ecosystem resilience to organic contaminations: microbial and geochemical dynamics throughout the 5-year life cycle of a surrogate ethanol blend fuel plume. Water Research 80: 119-129.(SCI, EI, IF 9.13) 11. Ma, J., Rixey, W.G., and Alvarez, P.J.*, (2015) Increased fermentation activity and persistent methanogenesis in a model aquifer system following source removal of an ethanol blend release. Water Research 68: 479-486.(SCI, EI, IF 9.13) 12. Ma, J., Yang, X., Jiang, X., Wen, J., Li, J., Zhong, Y., Chi, L. and Wang, Y.* (2020) Percarbonate persistence under different water chemistry conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 389: 123422(SCI, EI, IF 10.652) 13. Ma, J.*, Xiong, D., Li, H., Ding, Y., Xia, X., Yang, Y., (2017) Vapor intrusion risk of fuel ether oxygenates methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME) and ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE): A modeling study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 332: 10-18(SCI, EI, IF 9.038) 14. Ma, J.*, Yan, G.*, Li, H., Guo, S. (2016) Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for Abreu & Johnson numerical vapor intrusion model. Journal of Hazardous Materials 304: 522-531.(SCI, EI, IF 9.038) 15. Ma, J.*#, Li, H.#, Spiese, R., Wilson, J., Guo, S., and Yan, G. (2016) Vapor intrusion risk of lead scavengers 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) and 1,2-dichloroethane (DCA). Environmental Pollution 213: 825-832.(SCI, EI, IF 6.793) 16. Ma, J., Deng Y., Yuan T., Zhou J., and Alvarez, P.J.* (2015) Succession of microbial functional communities in response to a pilot-scale ethanol-blended fuel release throughout the plume life cycle. Environmental Pollution 198: 154-160.(SCI, EI, IF 6.793) 17. Ma, J., Nossa, Carlos W., Xiu, Z.M., Rixey, W.G., and Alvarez, P.J.* (2013) Adaptive microbial population shifts in response to continuous ethanol blend release increases biodegradation potential. Environmental Pollution 178: 419-425.(SCI, EI, IF 6.793) 18. Ma, J.*, Xie, X., Ma, Y., Luo, Y., Zhong, Y., (2018) Stability of dissolved percarbonate and its implications for groundwater remediation. Chemosphere 205:41-44.(SCI, EI, IF 5.778) 19. Ma, J.*, Yang, Y., Jiang, X., Xie, Z., Li, X., Chen, C., Chen, H., (2018) Impacts of inorganic anions and natural organic matter on thermally activated persulfate oxidation of BTEX in water. Chemosphere 190:296-306.(SCI, EI, IF 5.778) 20. Ma, J.*, Li, H., Chi, L.,(2018) Response to the comments on ‘‘Changes in activation energy and kinetics of heat-activated persulfate oxidation of phenol in response to changes in pH and temperature’’ by Ma, J., Li, H., Chi, L., Chen, H., & Chen, C. [Chemosphere 189 (2017) 86–93]. Chemosphere 194:403-404.(SCI, EI, IF 5.778) 21. Ma, J.*, Li, H., Chi, L., Chen, H., Chen, C.,(2017) Changes in activation energy and kinetics of heat-activated persulfate oxidation of phenol in response to changes in pH and temperature. Chemosphere 189:86-93.(SCI, EI, IF 5.778) 22. Ma, J., Yang, Y., Dai, X., Chen, Y., Deng, H., Zhou, H., Guo, S., Yan, G.*, (2016) Effects of adding bulking agent, inorganic nutrient and microbial inocula on biopile treatment for oil-field drilling waste. Chemosphere 150:17-23.(SCI, EI, IF 5.778) 23. Ma, J.*, Ma, Y., Rong, X., Song, Q., Wu, B., Lan, X., Feng, Y., Qiu, X. and Zhang, P. (2021) Persulfate-based controlled release beads for in situ chemical oxidation of common organic pollutants. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9(5), 105627. 24. Cai, B.#, Ma, J.#, Yan, G.*, Dai, X., Li, M. and Guo, S. (2016) Comparison of phytoremediation, bioaugmentation, and natural attenuation for remediating saline soil contaminated by heavy crude oil. Biochemical Engineering Journal 112:170-177.(SCI, EI, IF3.475) 25. Sun, Y., Ma, J.*, Yue, G.., Liu, S., Liu, H., Song, Q., and Wu, B. (2021) Comparisons of four methods for measuring total petroleum hydrocarbons and short-term weathering effect in soils contaminated by crude oil and fuel oils. Water Air and Soil Pollution 239(9): 381 (SCI, EI, IF 1.9) 26. Ma, J., Yang, Y., Dai, X., Li, C., Chen, C., Wang, Q., Yan, G.*and Guo, S. (2016) Bioremediation enhances the pollutant removal efficiency of soil vapor extraction (SVE) in treating petroleum drilling waste. Water Air and Soil Pollution 227(12): 465.(SCI, EI, IF 1.9) 27. Ma, J., Yan, G.*, Ma, W., Cheng, C., Wang, Q., Guo, S. (2015) Isolation and characterization of oil-degrading microorganisms for bench-scale evaluations of autochthonous bioaugmentation for soil remediation. Water Air and Soil Pollution 226(8): 1-10.(SCI, EI, IF 1.9) 28. Ma, J.*, and Matt, L.(2020) Rationale for Soil Gas Sampling to Improve Vapor Intrusion Risk Assessment in China. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 40(1): 12-13.(SCI, EI, IF 1.283) 29. Ma, J., Xiu, Z.M., Monier, A.L., Mamonkina, I., Zhang, Y., He, Y.Z., Stafford, B.P., Rixey, W.G., and Alvarez, P.J.* (2011) Aesthetic groundwater quality impacts from a continuous pilot-scale release of an ethanol blend. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 31(3): 47-54.(SCI, EI, IF 1.283) 30. Ma, J.*, Ding, Y., Gu, C., Zhai, G., Liu, Y., Wen, J., Rong, X., Luo, C., Qiu, Y., and Zhang, P.* (2021) Degradation of benzothiazole pollutant by sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation process. Environmental Technology DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2021.1906326(SCI, EI, IF 2.213) 31. Ma, J.*, Ding, Y., Chi, L., Yang, X., Zhong, Y., Wang, Z. and Shi, Q. (2021) Degradation of benzotriazole by sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation process. Environmental Technology, 42(2): 238-247(SCI, EI, IF 2.213) 32. Ma, J.*, Feng, Y., Yang, X., Wu, Y., Wang, S., Zhang, C. and Shi, Q. (2020) Sulfate radical oxidation of benzophenone: Kinetics, mechanisms and influence of water matrix anions. Environmental Technology, DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2020.1756422(SCI, EI, IF 2.213) 33. Yan, G., Ma, W., Chen, C., Wang, Q., Guo, S., Ma, J.*(2016) Combinations of surfactant flushing and bioremediation for removing fuel hydrocarbons from contaminated soil. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water 44(8): 984-991.(SCI, EI, IF 1.603) 34. Ma, J.*, Li H., Yang Y. and Li X. (2018) Influence of water matrix species on persulfate oxidation of phenol: reaction kinetics and formation of undesired degradation byproducts. Water Science and Technology, 2017(2):340-350, DOI:10.2166/wst.2018.147(SCI, EI, IF 1.638) 35. 马杰* (2020) 污染场地土壤气被动采样技术研究进展 环境科学研究, 33(2), 494-502 36. 廖高明, 马杰*, 谷春云, 杜显元, 宋权威 (2021) 污染场地土壤气被动采样技术研究进展 环境科学研究, 34(3), 231-243 37. 马杰* (2021) 我国挥发性有机污染地块调查评估中存在的问题及对策建议 环境工程学报, 15(1), 3-7 38. 马杰* (2021) 土壤气监测在污染地块调查评估中的优势、局限及解决思路 环境工程学报, 15(8), 2531-2534 科研奖励 人才称号 1. 2021《Water Environment Research》New Engineer to Watch 2. 2017年获北京市科技新星 3. 2014年获中国石油大学青年拔尖人才 会议/论文奖励 1. 2020年获《Petroleum Science》优秀青年编辑 2. 2018年获国家自然基金委第八届化工青年学者交流会最佳报告奖 3. 2017年获国家自然基金委第三届地下水青年科学论坛最佳口头报告奖 4. 2017年获化工学院教师讲课大赛优秀奖 5. 2012年获第八届Battelle Chlorinated Conference最佳论文奖 6. 2012年获Texas Water年会最佳论文奖 7. 2011年发表在《Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation》上的论文被选为期刊封面论文 学术兼职 1. 《Water Environment Research》青年编辑 2. 《Petroleum Science》青年编辑 3. 《Geofluids》客座编辑 社会兼职 北京、重庆、广东、山东、山西、河北、辽宁、吉林、深圳、青岛土壤污染防治专家库成员 授课信息 1. 环境微生学物(本科生) 2. 环境生物工程(研究生) 3. 认知实习(本科生) 4. 高等仪器分析(研究生全英文课) 5. 前沿讲座(研究生)
