姓名 | 薛亮 |
教师编号 | 75799 |
性别 | 发明专利4999代写全部资料 |
学校 | 中国石油大学 |
部门 | 石油工程学院/油气田开发工程系 |
学位 | 博士 |
学历 | 专任教师 |
职称 | 教授 |
联系方式 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
邮箱 | 【发送到邮箱】 |
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教育经历 2007-08至2011-12, 美国亚利桑那大学, 水文与水资源, 博士研究生 2005-09至2007-12, 中国地质大学(北京), 环境工程, 硕士研究生 2001-09至2005-07, 中国地质大学(北京), 环境工程, 大学本科 个人概况 研究方向: 非常规油气藏数值模拟、自动历史拟合与优化、人工智能算法 代表性成果: 期刊论文 1. Xue, L., Gu, S., Mi, L., Zhao, L., Liu, Y., & Liao, Q*. (2022). An automated data-driven pressure transient analysis of water-drive gas reservoir through the coupled machine learning and ensemble Kalman filter method. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109492. (SCI期刊) 2. 薛亮,戴城*,韩江峡,杨明瑾,刘月田.油藏渗流物理和数据联合驱动的深度神经网络模型.油气地质与采收率,2021年10月已接收. (中文核心) 3. 薛亮*,顾少华,王嘉宝,刘月田,涂彬.基于粒子群优化的长短期记忆神经网络气井生产动态预测.石油钻采工艺,2021年10月已接收.(中文核心) 4. Li, S., Liu, Y.*, Xue, L*., Yang, L., & Yuan, Z. (2022). A molecular insight into the effect of key ions on the detachment of crude oil from calcite surface: Implication for low salinity water flooding in carbonate reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109562. (SCI) 5. Liang Xue*, Shaohua Gu, Xieer Jiang, Yuetian Liu, Chen Yang. (2021) Ensemble-based optimization of hydraulically fractured horizontal well placement in shale gas reservoir through Hough-transform parameterization. Petroleum Science. 18: 839-851. (SCI) 6. Wang, Nanzhe; Chang, Haibin; Zhang, Dongxiao; Xue, Liang; Chen, Yuntian. (2021). Efficient well placement optimization based on theory-guided convolutional neural network. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 208. 109545. (SCI) 7. Lei, G., Gu, S., Dong, L., Liao, Q., & Xue, L*. (2021). Particle plugging in porous media under stress dependence by Monte Carlo simulations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 207, 109144. (SCI) 8. Li, Songqi, Liu, Yuetian*, Xue, Liang* , Yang, Li ,Yuan, Zhiwang. (2021). Experimental Investigation on the Pore-Scale Mechanism of Improved Sweep Efficiency by Low-Salinity Water Flooding Using a Reservoir-on-a-Chip. ACS Omega. 6. 20984-20991. (SCI) 9. 糜利栋,顾少华,薛亮*,赵林.(2021)基于多模式数据驱动的智能试井解释方法研究.天然气工业.2::19-124. (EI,中文核心) 10. Liang Xue, Yuetian Liu, Yifei Xiong, Yanli Liu, Xuehui Cui, Gang Lei*. (2021), A data-driven shale gas production forecasting method based on the multi-objective random forest regression, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 196. (SCI) 11. Liang Xue, Yuetian Liu, Tongchao Nan, Qianjun Liu, XieerJiang. (2020), An efficient automatic history matching method through the probabilistic collocation based particle filter for shale gas reservoir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 190. (SCI) 12. Song, X., Liu Y.*, Xue, L., et al. (2020), Time-series well performance prediction based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network model, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 186, 106682. (SCI) 13. Yu P*, Liu Y*, Wang J, Kong C, Gu W, Xue L* et al. A new fracture permeability model: Influence of surrounding rocks and matrix pressure. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020;193:107320. (SCI) 14. Gang Lei, Qinzhuo Liao, Qiliang Lin, Liangliang Zhang, Liang Xue*, Weiqin Chen. (2020) Stress dependent gas-water relative permeability in gas hydrates: A theoretical model. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 4(3): 326-338. (EI) 15. 薛亮*,吴雨娟,刘倩君,刘月田,王军,蒋龙,程紫燕.(2019)裂缝性油气藏数值模拟与自动历史拟合研究进展,4(4): 335-346 (中文核心) 16. Xue, L., Chen, X., & Wang, L.* (2019), Pressure transient analysis for fluid flow through horizontal fractures in shallow organic compound reservoir of hydrogen and carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (SCI), 44(11), 5245-5253. (SCI) 17. Xue, L. , Dai, C. , Wang, L. , & Chen, X.. (2019). Analysis of thermal stimulation to enhance shale gas recovery through a novel conceptual model. Geofluids, 2019, 1-14. (SCI) 18. Nan, Tongchao, Xue, Liang, Wu, Jichun*. (2019). Efficient identification of preferential flow path in heterogeneous media based on stream function. Journal of Hydrology. 577. (SCI) 会议文章: 1. Xue. L, Wu Y. (2020) Sensitivity Analysis and Stochastic History Matching of Shale Gas Production Based on Embedded Discrete Fracture Model. In: Lin J. (eds) Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2018. IFEDC 2018. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Singapore. (EI会议) 2. Xue, L. , & Li, D. *. (2019). The application of ensemble Kalman filter to inversion of fracture system in shale gas reservoir. Proceedings of the 2017 International Field Exploration and Development Conference, September 21–22 2017, 1685-1700. (EI会议) 专著: 1. Xue, L. (2012), Multimodel Analysis of Data Collection Schemes, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. 2. Xue, L., Xiaozhe, G., Hao, C., (2020.12) Fluid Flow in Porous Media:Fundamentals and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 3. 隋微波,陈冬,薛亮.《石油工程专业英语基础》,石油工业出版社,2021年出版. 软件著作权: 1. 页岩气藏自动历史拟合软件 2. 基于霍夫变换的页岩气藏水平井设计参数集合优化软件 3. 基于微震事件聚类追踪的裂缝识别软件 4. 基于卷积神经网络的页岩气产能预测软件 5. 基于长短时记忆神经网络的页岩气产能递减分析软件 6. 致密油二氧化碳吞吐随机模拟自动历史拟合软件 专利: 1. 薛亮; 吴雨娟; 李想; 压裂性裂缝油藏产能模拟方法及装置 (专利) 2. 刘月田; 李松琦; 薛亮; 刘逸盛; 各向异性油藏物理模型制作方法及装置(专利) 获奖: 1. 中国石油和化工自动化协会2019年技术发明一等奖;成果名称:非均质裂缝性油藏大尺度物理模型研制 2. 构建全英文石油工程教学体系新范本,培养“讲中国故事”的国际石油人才,校级教学成果一等奖 3. 油气人工智能复合型人才培养体系建设的探索与显著成效,校级教学成果一等奖 4. 石油工程全英文授课专业课程体系建设,院级教学成果一等奖 主要学术兼职: 2019年至今,《Petroleum Science》SCI期刊副主编 2021年至今,《Advances in Geo-Energy Research》EI期刊青年编委 2007年10月-现在,美国地球物理协会AGU会员 2014年10月-现在,石油工程师协会SPE会员 SPE Journal、JPSE、Water Resources Research、Journal of Hydrology等期刊审稿人 |