

主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 张永学
教师编号 75664
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 机械与储运工程学院/能源与动力工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 教授
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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教育经历 2000-09至2005-07, 清华大学, 工程热物理, 博士研究生 1995-09至2000-07, 清华大学, 流体机械与流体工程, 大学本科 个人概况 研究方向: 1. 流体机械水力设计及优化 [1] Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Hou Houcan, et al. Entropy production diagnostic analysis of energy consumption for cavitation flow in a two-stage LNG cryogenic submerged pump. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 129: 342-356. [2] Yuan Zhiyi, Zhang Yongxue, Zhang Jinya, et al. Experimental studies of unsteady cavitation at the tongue of a pump-turbine in pump mode. Renewable Energy. 2021, 177: 1265-1281. [3] Yuan Zhiyi, Zhang Yongxue, Wang Cong, et al. Study on characteristics of vortex structures and irreversible losses in the centrifugal pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2021, 235(5): 1080-1093. [4] Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Zhang Jinya, Zhu Jianjun. Flow pattern recognition inside a rotodynamic multiphase pump via developed entropy production diagnostic model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020, 194: 107467. [5] Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Yuan Zhiyi, et al. Development and application of the entropy production diagnostic model to the cavitation flow of a pump-turbine in pump mode. Renewable Energy. 2020, 154: 774-785. [6] Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Li Zhiwei, et al. Pressure fluctuation–vortex interaction in an ultra-low specific-speed centrifugal pump. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control. 2019, 38(2):527-543. [7] Hou Hucan, Zhang Yongxue, Li Zhenlin, et al. Numerical analysis of entropy production on a LNG cryogenic submerged pump. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2016, 36:87-96. [8] 张永学,宋鹏飞,许聪,等.预选调节对离心泵空化影响的试验与数值模拟.农业机械学报.2014,45(9):131-137. [9] 侯虎灿,张永学,李振林,等.离心泵前置导叶的正交优化设计.工程热物理学报.2015,36(12): 2618-2623. [10]张永学,侯虎灿,徐畅,等.熵产方法在离心泵能耗评价中的应用.排灌机械工程学报.2017,35(4):277-282,288. 2. 空化与空蚀 [1] Yin Jianyong, Zhang Yongxue, Zhu Jianjun, et al. On the thermodynamic behaviors and interactions between bubble pairs: A numerical approach. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2021, 70: 105297. [2] Yin Jianyong, Zhang Yongxue, Zhu Jianjun, et al. An experimental and numerical study on the dynamical behaviors of the rebound cavitation bubble near the solid wall. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021, 177: 121525. [3] Yin Jian-yong, Zhang Yong-xue, Zhu Jian-jun, et al. Numerical investigation of the interactions between a laser-generated bubble and a particle near a solid wall. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2021, 33(2): 311-322. [4] Wang Cong, Zhang Yongxue, Yuan Zhiyi, et al. Development and application of the entropy production diagnostic model to the cavitation flow of a pump-turbine in pump mode. Renewable Energy. 2020, 154: 774-785. [5] Lv Liang, Zhang Yongxue, Zhang Yuning, et al. Experimental investigations of the particle motions induced by a laser-generated cavitation bubble. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2019, 56:63-76. 3.储能科学与技术 [1] Lu Bohui, Zhang Yongxue, Sun Dong, et al. Experimental investigation on thermal behavior of paraffin in a vertical shell and spiral fin tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021, 187: 116575. [2] Lu Bohui, Zhang Yongxue, Sun Dong, et al. Experimental investigation on thermal properties of paraffin/expanded graphite composite material for low temperature thermal energy storage. Renewable Energy. 2021, 178: 669-678. [3] 鲁博辉,师志成,张永学,等.石蜡/Fe3O4纳米颗粒复合相变材料在管壳式储热单元中的储/放热性能研究.储能科学与技术.2021,10(5):1709-1719. [4] 袁志懿,张永学,祁紫伟.隔舌安放角对泵作透平正反模式下水力性能的影响.储能科学与技术.2021,10(5):1777-1787. 学术兼职: 1. 中国学位与研究生教育学会人才选拔与评价委员会副秘书长 2. 《排灌机械工程学报》青年编委
