

主页 > 北京市 > 中国石油大学


姓名 郑馨竺
教师编号 75606
性别 发明专利4999代写全部资料
学校 中国石油大学
部门 经济管理学院/管理科学与工程系
学位 博士
学历 专任教师
职称 副教授
联系方式 【发送到邮箱】
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教育经历 2013-09至2018-07, 清华大学, 环境科学与工程, 博士研究生 2009-09至2013-07, 中国人民大学, 环境科学, 大学本科 个人概况 郑馨竺系别:管理科学与工程系职称:副教授邮箱:zhengxinzhu810@163.com个人简历一、教育背景2013.9-2018.7,清华大学,环境学院,博士2016.9-2017.9,耶鲁大学,产业生态中心,访问学者2009.9-2013.7,中国人民大学,环境学院,学士二、工作经历2021.7-至今,中国石油大学(北京),经济管理学院,副教授2018.9-2021.7,中国石油大学(北京),经济管理学院,助理研究员/讲师、入选校青年拔尖人才计划研究方向能源-环境-经济系统分析;可持续发展研究;碳中和综合影响评估指导学生方向管理科学与工程(学术型硕士)讲授课程本科生课程:《项目管理》,《能源数据基础与应用》科研项目国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,消费升级视角下我国扩大中等收入群体的资源影响研究,2020-2022年,在研,国家级(主持)。校基金-拔尖人才科研启动基金项目,全球金属足迹的时空演变与结构分解分析,2018-2021年,在研,校级(主持)。研究成果[1] Xinzhu Zheng, Ranran Wang, Richard Wood, Can Wang, Edgar Hertwich*. High sensitivity of metal footprint to national GDP in part explained by capital formation. Nature Geoscience, 2018, 11: 269-273. (Nature子刊)[2] Xinzhu Zheng, Ranran Wang, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Maarten S. Krol, Yaxin Zhang, Kaidi Guo, Mukul Sanwal, Zhen Sun, Junming Zhu, Junjie Zhang, Amanda Lounsbury, Xunzhang Pan, Dabo Guan, Edgar G. Hertwich, Can Wang*. Consideration of culture is vital if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. One Earth, 2021, 4:307-319. (Cell子刊)[3] Xinzhu Zheng, Yicheng Zou, Amanda W. Lounsbury, Can Wang, Ranran Wang*. Green roofs for stormwater runoff retention: A global quantitative synthesis of the performance. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 170: 105577.[4] Xinzhu Zheng, Kaidi Guo, Huilin Luo, Xunzhang Pan, Edgar Hertwich, Lei Jin, Can Wang*. Individualism and nationally determined contributions to climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 777: 146076.[5] Xinzhu Zheng, Can Wang*, Wenjia Cai, Matti Kummu, Olli Varis. The vulnerability of thermoelectric power generation to water scarcity in China: Current status and future scenarios for power planning and climate change. Applied Energy, 2016, 171: 444-455.[6] 郑馨竺, 张雅欣, 李晋, 王灿*. 后疫情时期的经济复苏与绿色发展:对立还是共赢. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2021, 31: 1-13.[7] 郑馨竺, 周嘉欣, 王灿*. 绿色屋顶的城市降温与建筑节能效果研究. 生态经济, 2021, 37:222-229.[8] Jimmy Susanto, Xinzhu Zheng*, Yuan Liu, CanWang. The impacts of climate variables and climate-related extreme events on island country’s tourism: Evidence from Indonesia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 276: 124204.[9] Yaxin Zhang, Xinzhu Zheng*, Wenjia Cai, Yuan Liu, Huilin Luo, Kaidi Guo, Chujie Bu, Jin Li, Can Wang. Key drivers of the rebound trend of China’s CO2 emissions. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15:104049.[10] Can Wang, Xinzhu Zheng, Wenjia Cai*, et al. Unexpected water impacts of energy-saving measures in the iron and steel sector: Tradeoffs or synergies? Applied Energy, 2017, 205: 1119-1127.[11] Boyu Liu, Xinzhu Zheng, Qi Zhang*, Xunzhang Pan, Benjamin Mclellan. Drivers of global metal footprint during 1995–2013. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 256:120467.[12] Mukul Sanwal*, Xinzhu Zheng. China’s changing economy and emissions trajectory: following global trends. Climate Policy, 2018, 18: 36-41.[13] Lan Yang, Yutao Wang*, Ranran Wang, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Cecília Maria Villas Bôas de Almeida, Mingzhou Jin, Xinzhu Zheng, Yuanbo Qiao. Environmental-social-economic footprints of consumption and trade in the Asia-Pacific region. Nature communications, 2020,11:4490. (Nature子刊)[14] Jin Li, Rui Wang, Haoran Li, Yaoyu Nie, Xinke Song, Mingyu Li, Mai Shi, Xinzhu Zheng, Wenjia Cai, Can Wang*. Unit-level cost-benefit analysis for coal power plants retrofitted with biomass co-firing at a national level by combined GIS and life cycle assessment. Applied Energy, 2021, 285:116494.[15] Xunzhang Pan*, Hailin Wang, Ziwei Wang, Lu Lin, Qi Zhang, Xinzhu Zheng, Wenying Chen. Carbon Palma Ratio: A new indicator for measuring the distribution inequality of carbon emissions among individuals. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,241:118418.[16] Quanliang Ye, Edgar G. Hertwich, Maarten S. Krol, David Font Vivanco, Amanda W. Lounsbury, Xinzhu Zheng, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, Yutao Wang, Ranran Wang*. Linking the Environmental Pressures of China's Capital Development to Global Final Consumption of the Past Decades and into the Future. Environmental science & technology, 2021, 55:6421-6429.[17] Xunzhang Pan, Wenying Chen, Sheng Zhou, Lining Wang*, Jiaquan Dai, Qi Zhang, Xinzhu Zheng, Hailin Wang. Implications of near-term mitigation on China's long-term energy transitions for aligning with the Paris goals. Energy economics, 2020, 90:104865.[18] T. Reed Miller*, Peter Berrill, Paul Wolfram, Ranran Wang, Yookyung Kim, Xinzhu Zheng, Edgar G. Hertwich. Method for endogenizing capital in the United States Environmentally‐Extended Input‐Output model. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2019, 23:1410-1424.[19] Mukul Sanwal, Can Wang, Xinzhu Zheng, Xinran Yang. What National Decision‐makers Need From The IPCC: Special Reports With New Insights. Global Policy, 2019, 10:728-732.[20] 罗荟霖, 郑馨竺, 刘源, 王灿*. 企业碳中和行动的驱动力与模式. 环境与可持续发展, 2021, 46:20-27.[21] 王灿, 丛建辉*, 王克, 祁悦, 蔡闻佳, 李玉龙, 傅莎, 王文涛, 魏媛媛, 郑馨竺, 蒋佳妮,陈敏鹏, 刘文玲, 张永香, 田之滨, 陈济, 李锐, 左海清. 中国应对气候变化技术清单研究. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2021, 31:1-12.[22] 孟小燕,王毅*,郑馨竺. 碳中和愿景下的循环经济建设:芬兰图尔库市的管理经验及启示[J].环境保护,2021,49(12):76-80.社会兼职及荣誉1.清华大学优秀毕业生(2018)2.中国石油大学(北京)校青年拔尖人才(2018)3.中国石油大学(北京)青年教学基本功比赛文史组一等奖(2020)4.北京市第十二届青年教师教学基本功比赛文科类一等奖(2021)
